Predlog zakona o oduzimanju imovine proistekle iz krivičnog dela

1. Naziv propisa EU

Okvirna odluka Saveta 2003/577/JHA o izvršanju naloga za zamrzavanje imovine ili dokaznog materijala u EU od 22. jula 2003. godine |2. „CELEX” oznaka EU propisa | | 32003F0577 3. Ovlašćeni predlagač propisa: Vlada Obrađivač: Ministarstvo pravde i državne upraveMinistry of Justice and Public Administration 4. datum izrade tabele 19.02.2013. 5. Naziv (važećeg, nacrta, predloga) propisa čije odredbe su predmet analize usklađenosti sa propisom EUPredlog zakona o oduzimanju imovine poristekle iz krivičnog delaDraft Law on Confiscation of the Proceeds from Crime 6. Brojčane oznake (šifre) planiranih propisa iz baze NPI 7. Usklađenost odredaba propisa sa odredbama propisa EU a) a1) b) b1) v) g) d) đ) Odredba propisa EU (član, stav, podstav, tačka, aneks) Sadržina odredbe Odredbe propisa(član, stav, tačka) Sadržina odredbe Usklađenost odredbe propisa sa odredbom propisa EU (potpuno usklađeno, delimično usklađeno, neusklađeno, neprenosivo) Razlozi za delimičnu usklađenost, neusklađenost ili neprenosivost Predviđeni datum za postizanje potpune usklađenosti Napomena o usklađenosti propisa sa propisima EU 1. The purpose of the Framework Decision is to establish the rulesunder which a Member State shall recognise and execute in itsterritory a freezing order issued by a judicial authority of another Member State in the framework of criminal proceedings.It shall not have the effect of amending the obligation torespect the fundamental rights and fundamental legal principlesas enshrined in Article 6 of the Treaty. neprenosiv Odredba ne zahteva implementaciju 2.1.1. For the purposes of this Framework Decision:(a) ‘issuing State’ shall mean the Member State in which a judicialauthority, as defined in the national law of the issuingState, has made, validated or in any way confirmed afreezing order in the framework of criminal proceedings;2.8.2003 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 196/45(1) OJ C 75, 7.3.2001, p. 3.(2) Opinion delivered on 11 June 2002 (not yet published in the OfficialJournal). neusklađeno Nije predmet regulisanja ovog propisa 2.1.2. (b) ‘executing State’ shall mean the Member State in whoseterritory the property or evidence is located; neusklađeno Nije predmet regulisanja ovog propisa 2.1.3. ‘freezing order’ property that could be subject to confiscationor evidence; neusklađeno Nije predmet regulisanja ovog propisa 2.1.4. (property’ includes property of any description, whethercorporeal or incorporeal, movable or immovable, and legaldocuments and instruments evidencing title to or interest insuch property, which the competent judicial authority inthe issuing State considers: — is the proceeds of an offence referred to in Article 3, orequivalent to either the full value or part of the value ofsuch proceeds, or— constitutes the instrumentalities or the objects of suchan offence; Član 3. stav 1. tač. 1) i 2) 1) imovinom se smatra dobro svake vrste u Republici Srbiji ili inostranstvu, materijalno ili nematerijalno, pokretno ili nepokretno, procenjivo ili neprocenjivo velike vrednosti i isprave u bilo kojoj formi kojima se dokazuje pravo ili interes u odnosu na takvo dobro. Imovinom se smatra i prihod ili druga korist ostvarena, neposredno ili posredno, iz krivičnog dela, kao i dobro u koje je ona pretvorena ili sa kojim je pomešana;2) imovinom proisteklom iz krivičnog dela smatra se imovina vlasnika koja je u očiglednoj nesrazmeri sa njegovim zakonitim prihodima; Potpuno usklađen Član 3. stav 1. tač. 1) i 2) Predloga zakona o oduzimanju imovine proistekle iz krivičnog dela je u potpunosti usklađen sa ovom odredbom EU propisa 2.1.5. (e) ‘evidence’ shall mean objects, documents or data whichcould be produced as evidence in criminal proceedingsconcerning an offence referred to in Article 3. neusklađeno Nije predmet regulisanja ovog propisa 3.1. 1. This Framework Decision applies to freezing orders issuedfor purposes of:(a) securing evidence, or(b) subsequent confiscation of property. neusklađeno Nije predmet regulisanja ovog propisa 3.2. 2. The following offences, as they are defined by the law ofthe issuing State, and if they are punishable in the issuing Stateby a custodial sentence of a maximum period of at least threeyears shall not be subject to verification of the double criminalityof the act:— participation in a criminal organisation,— terrorism,— trafficking in human beings,— sexual exploitation of children and child pornography,— illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropicsubstances,— illicit trafficking in weapons, munitions and explosives,— corruption,— fraud, including that affecting the financial interests of the European Communities within the meaning of the Conventionof 26 July 1995 on the Protection of the EuropeanCommunities’ Financial Interests,— laundering of the proceeds of crime,— counterfeiting currency, including of the euro,— computer-related crime,— environmental crime, including illicit trafficking in endangeredanimal species and in endangered plant species andvarieties,— facilitation of unauthorised entry and residence,— murder, grievous bodily injury,— illicit trade in human organs and tissue,— kidnapping, illegal restraint and hostage-taking,— racism and xenophobia,— organised or armed robbery,— illicit trafficking in cultural goods, including antiques andworks of art,— swindling,— racketeering and extortion,— counterfeiting and piracy of products,— forgery of administrative documents and trafficking therein,— forgery of means of payment,— illicit trafficking in hormonal substances and other growthpromoters,— illicit trafficking in nuclear or radioactive materials,— trafficking in stolen vehicles,— rape,— arson,— crimes within the jurisdiction of the International CriminalTribunal,— unlawful seizure of aircraft/ships,— sabotage. Član 2. st. 1. i 2. Odredbe ovog zakona primenjuju se za krivična dela: 1) organizovanog kriminala; 2) otmica (član 134. Krivičnog zakonika); 3) prikazivanje, pribavljanje i posedovanje i iskorišćavanje maloletnog lica za pornografiju (član 185. stav 2. i 3. Krivičnog zakonika); 4) protiv imovine (član 208. stav 4, član 208b stav 3. i član 214. stav 3. Krivičnog zakonika); 5) protiv privrede (član 223. stav 3, član 224. stav 2, član 225. stav 3, član 226. stav 2, član 227, član 229. st. 2. i 3, član 230. stav 2, član 231. stav 2, član 234. stav 3, član 234a stav 3, čl. 236. i 237. Krivičnog zakonika); 6) neovlašćena proizvodnja, držanje i stavljanje u promet opojnih droga (član 246. st. 1. do 3. Krivičnog zakonika); 7) protiv javnog reda i mira (član 348. stav 3. i član 350. st. 2. i 3. Krivičnog zakonika); 8) protiv službene dužnosti (član 359. stav 3, član 363. stav 3, član 364. stav 3, član 366. stav 5, član 367. st. 1. do 3, 5. i 6. i član 368. st. 1. do 3. i 5. Krivičnog zakonika); 9) protiv čovečnosti i drugih dobara zaštićenih međunarodnim pravom (član 372. stav 1, član 377, član 378. stav 3, član 379. stav 3, čl. 388. do 390. i član 393. Krivičnog zakonika).Za krivična dela iz člana 134, člana 185. st. 2. i 3, člana 227, člana 230. stav 2, čl. 236. i 237, člana 348. stav 3, člana 350. st. 2. i 3, člana 366. stav 5, člana 367. st. 1. do 3, 5. i 6, člana 368. st. 1. do 3. i 5, člana 372. stav 1, člana 377, člana 378. stav 3, čl. 388. do 390. i člana 393. Krivičnog zakonika odredbe ovog zakona primenjuju se ako imovinska korist pribavljena krivičnim delom, odnosno vrednost predmeta krivičnog dela prelazi iznos od milion i petsto hiljada dinara. usklađeno Član 2. st. 1. i 2. Predloga zakona o oduzimanju imovine proistekle iz krivičnog dela je potpuno usklađen sa ovom odredbom EU propisa. 3.3. The Council may decide, at any time, acting unanimouslyafter consultation of the European Parliament under the conditionslaid down in Article 39(1) of the Treaty, to add other categories of offence to the list contained in paragraph 2. TheCouncil shall examine, in the light of the report submitted bythe Commission pursuant to Article 14 of this FrameworkDecision, whether the list should be extended or amended. neprenosivo Odredba ne zahteva implementaciju 3.4. . For cases not covered by paragraph 2, the executing Statemay subject the recognition and enforcement of a freezingorder made for purposes referred to in paragraph 1(a) to thecondition that the acts for which the order was issued constitutean offence under the laws of that State, whatever the constituent elements or however described under the law of theissuing State.L 196/46 EN Official Journal of the European Union 2.8.2003For cases not covered by paragraph 2, the executing State may subject the recognition and enforcement of a freezing ordermade for purposes referred to in paragraph 1(b) to the conditionthat the acts for which the order was issued constitute anoffence which, under the laws of that State, allows for such freezing, whatever the constituent elements or however described under the law of the issuing State. neprenosivo Odredba ne zahteva implementaciju 4.1. 1. A freezing order within the meaning of this FrameworkDecision, together with the certificate provided for in Article 9, shall be transmitted by the judicial authority which issued itdirectly to the competent judicial authority for execution byany means capable of producing a written record under conditionsallowing the executing State to establish authenticity. neusklađeno Nije predmet regulisanja ovog Predloga zakona 4.2. The United Kingdom and Ireland, respectively, may,before the date referred to in Article 14(1), state in a declarationthat the freezing order together with the certificate must be sent via a central authority or authorities specified by it inthe declaration. Any such declaration may be modified by afurther declaration or withdrawn any time. Any declaration orwithdrawal shall be deposited with the General Secretariat of the Council and notified to the Commission. These MemberStates may at any time by a further declaration limit the scope of such a declaration for the purpose of giving greater effect to paragraph 1. They shall do so when the provisions on mutual assistance of the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement are put into effect for them. neprenosivo Odredba ne zahteva implementaciju 4.3. If the competent judicial authority for execution isunknown, the judicial authority in the issuing State shall makeall necessary inquiries, including via the contact points of the European Judicial Network (1), in order to obtain the informationfrom the executing State neusklađeno Nije predmet regulisanja ovog Predloga zakona 4.4. When the judicial authority in the executing State which receives a freezing order has no jurisdiction to recognise it andtake the necessary measures for its execution, it shall, ex officio, transmit the freezing order to the competent judicial authorityfor execution and shall so inform the judicial authority in theissuing State which issued it neusklađeno Nije predmet regulisanja ovog Predloga zakona 5.1. . The competent judicial authorities of the executing State shall recognise a freezing order, transmitted in accordance withArticle 4, without any further formality being required andshall forthwith take the necessary measures for its immediate execution in the same way as for a freezing order made by anauthority of the executing State, unless that authority decidesto invoke one of the grounds for non-recognition or nonexecutionprovided for in Article 7 or one of the grounds forpostponement provided for in Article 8. Whenever it is necessary to ensure that the evidence taken isvalid and provided that such formalities and procedures are not contrary to the fundamental principles of law in the executingState, the judicial authority of the executing State shall alsoobserve the formalities and procedures expressly indicated by the competent judicial authority of the issuing State in the execution of the freezing order.A report on the execution of the freezing order shall be madeforthwith to the competent authority in the issuing State by any means capable of producing a written record neusklađeno Nije predmet regulisanja ovog Predloga zakona 5.2. Any additional coercive measures rendered necessary by the freezing order shall be taken in accordance with the applicableprocedural rules of the executing State neusklađeno Nije predmet regulisanja ovog Predloga zakona 5.3. The competent judicial authorities of the executing Stateshall decide and communicate the decision on a freezing order as soon as possible and, whenever practicable, within 24 hours of receipt of the freezing order neusklađeno Nije predmet regulisanja ovog Predloga zakona 6.1 The property shall remain frozen in the executing State until that State has responded definitively to any request madeunder Article 10(1)(a) or (b) neusklađeno Nije predmet regulisanja ovog Predloga zakona 6.2. However, after consulting the issuing State, the executingState may in accordance with its national law and practices laydown appropriate conditions in the light of the circumstancesof the case in order to limit the period for which the propertywill be frozen. If, in accordance with those conditions, it envisageslifting the measure, it shall inform the issuing State,which shall be given the opportunity to submit its comments.2.8.2003 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 196/47(1) Council Joint Action 98/428/JHA of 29 June 1998 on the Creationof the European Judicial Network (OJ L 191, 7.7.1998, p. 4). neusklađeno Nije predmet regulisanja ovog Predloga zakona 6.3. The judicial authorities of the issuing State shall forthwith notify the judicial authorities of the executing State that the freezing order has been lifted. In these circumstances it shall be the responsibility of the executing State to lift the measure as soon as possible neusklađeno Nije predmet regulisanja ovog Predloga zakona 7.1.1. The competent judicial authorities of the executing State may refuse to recognise or execute the freezing order only if:(a) the certificate provided for in Article 9 is not produced, isincomplete or manifestly does not correspond to the freezing order; neusklađeno Nije predmet regulisanja ovog Predloga zakona 7.1.2. there is an immunity or privilege under the law of theexecuting State which makes it impossible to execute thefreezing order; neusklađeno Nije predmet regulisanja ovog Predloga zakona 7.1.3. © it is instantly clear from the information provided in thecertificate that rendering judicial assistance pursuant toArticle 10 for the offence in respect of which the freezingorder has been made, would infringe the eb is in idemprinciple; neusklađeno Nije predmet regulisanja ovog Predloga zakona 7.1.4. (d) if, in one of the cases referred to in Article 3(4), the act onwhich the freezing order is based does not constitute anoffence under the law of the executing State; however, inrelation to taxes or duties, customs and exchange, execution of the freezing order may not be refused on the ground that the law of the executing State does not imposethe same kind of tax or duty or does not contain a tax, duty, customs and exchange regulation of the same kind asthe law of the issuing State neusklađeno Nije predmet regulisanja ovog Predloga zakona 7.2. In case of paragraph 1(a), the competent judicial authoritymay:(a) specify a deadline for its presentation, completion orcorrection; or(b) accept an equivalent document; or(c) exempt the issuing judicial authority from the requirementif it considers that the information provided is sufficient neusklađeno Nije predmet regulisanja ovog Predloga zakona 7.3. Any decision to refuse recognition or execution shall be taken and notified forthwith to the competent judicial authoritiesof the issuing State by any means capable of producing awritten record neusklađeno Nije predmet regulisanja ovog Predloga zakona 7.4. In case it is in practice impossible to execute the freezingorder for the reason that the property or evidence have disappeared,have been destroyed, cannot be found in the locationindicated in the certificate or the location of the property orevidence has not been indicated in a sufficiently precisemanner, even after consultation with the issuing State, thecompetent judicial authorities of the issuing State shall likewisebe notified forthwith. neusklađeno Nije predmet regulisanja ovog Predloga zakona 8.1.1. The competent judicial authority of the executing State may postpone the execution of a freezing order transmitted inaccordance with Article 4:(a) where its execution might damage an ongoing criminalinvestigation, until such time as it deems reasonable; neusklađeno Nije predmet regulisanja ovog Predloga zakona 8.1.2. (b) where the property or evidence concerned have alreadybeen subjected to a freezing order in criminal proceedings,and until that freezing order is lifted; neusklađeno Nije predmet regulisanja ovog Predloga zakona 8.1.3. © where, in the case of an order freezing property in criminalproceedings with a view to its subsequent confiscation, thatproperty is already subject to an order made in the course of other proceedings in the executing State and until that order is lifted. However, this point shall only apply where such an order would have priority over subsequent nationalfreezing orders in criminal proceedings under national law neusklađeno Nije predmet regulisanja ovog Predloga zakona 8.2. A report on the postponement of the execution of thefreezing order, including the grounds for the postponementand, if possible, the expected duration of the postponement,shall be made forthwith to the competent authority in theissuing State by any means capable of producing a writtenrecord neusklađeno Nije predmet regulisanja ovog Predloga zakona 8.3. . As soon as the ground for postponement has ceased to exist, the competent judicial authority of the executing Stateshall forthwith take the necessary measures for the execution ofthe freezing order and inform the competent authority in the issuing State thereof by any means capable of producing awritten record neusklađeno Nije predmet regulisanja ovog Predloga zakona 8.4. The competent judicial authority of the executing Stateshall inform the competent authority of the issuing State aboutany other restraint measure to which the property concernedmay be subjected neusklađeno Nije predmet regulisanja ovog Predloga zakona 9.1. The certificate, the standard form for which is given in the Annex, shall be signed, and its contents certified as accurate,by the competent judicial authority in the issuing State that ordered the measure neusklađeno Nije predmet regulisanja ovog Predloga zakona 9.2. The certificate must be translated into the officiallanguage or one of the official languages of the executing State neusklađeno Nije predmet regulisanja ovog Predloga zakona 9.3. Any Member State may, either when this Framework Decision is adopted or at a later date, state in a declarationdeposited with the General Secretariat of the Council that it willaccept a translation in one or more other official languages ofthe institutions of the European Communities Neprenosivo Odredba ne zahteva implementaciju 10.1.1. The transmission referred to in Article 4:(a) shall be accompanied by a request for the evidence to betransferred to the issuing State; neusklađeno Nije predmet regulisanja ovog Predloga zakona 10.1.2. or shall be accompanied by a request for confiscationrequiring either enforcement of a confiscation order thathas been issued in the issuing State or confiscation in theexecuting State and subsequent enforcement of any such order; neusklađeno Nije predmet regulisanja ovog Predloga zakona 10.1.3. (c) shall contain an instruction in the certificate that the propertyshall remain in the executing State pending a requestreferred to in (a) or (b). The issuing State shall indicate inthe certificate the (estimated) date for submission of thisrequest. Article 6(2) shall apply neusklađeno Nije predmet regulisanja ovog Predloga zakona 10.2. Requests referred to in paragraph 1(a) and (b) shall besubmitted by the issuing State and processed by the executingState in accordance with the rules applicable to mutual assistancein criminal matters and the rules applicable to internationalcooperation relating to confiscation neusklađeno Nije predmet regulisanja ovog Predloga zakona 10.3. However, by way of derogation from the rules on mutual assistance referred to in paragraph 2, the executing State may not refuse requests referred to under paragraph 1(a) on grounds of absence of double criminality, where the requests concernthe offences referred to in Article 3(2) and those offences arepunishable in the issuing State by a prison sentence of at leastthree years. neusklađeno Nije predmet regulisanja ovog Predloga zakona 11.1 Member States shall put in place the necessary arrangements to ensure that any interested party, including bona fide third parties, have legal remedies without suspensive effectagainst a freezing order executed pursuant to Article 5, in order to preserve their legitimate interests; the action shall be broughtbefore a court in the issuing State or in the executing State inaccordance with the national law of each. neusklađeno Nije predmet regulisanja ovog Predloga zakona 11.2. The substantive reasons for issuing the freezing order canbe challenged only in an action brought before a court in theissuing State. neusklađeno Nije predmet regulisanja ovog Predloga zakona 11.3. If the action is brought in the executing State, the judicialauthority of the issuing State shall be informed thereof and ofthe grounds of the action, so that it can submit the arguments that it deems necessary. It shall be informed of the outcome of the action. neusklađeno Nije predmet regulisanja ovog Predloga zakona 11.4. The issuing and executing States shall take the necessary measures to facilitate the exercise of the right to bring anaction mentioned in paragraph 1, in particular by providing adequate information to interested parties. neusklađeno Nije predmet regulisanja ovog Predloga zakona 11.5. The issuing State shall ensure that any time limits forbringing an action mentioned in paragraph 1 are applied in a way that guarantees the possibility of an effective legal remedy for the interested parties. neusklađeno Nije predmet regulisanja ovog Predloga zakona 12.1. Without prejudice to Article 11(2), where the executingState under its law is responsible for injury caused to one ofthe parties mentioned in Article 11 by the execution of afreezing order transmitted to it pursuant to Article 4, theissuing State shall reimburse to the executing State any sumspaid in damages by virtue of that responsibility to the saidparty except if, and to the extent that, the injury or any part ofit is exclusively due to the conduct of the executing State. neusklađeno Nije predmet regulisanja ovog Predloga zakona 12.2. Paragraph 1 is without prejudice to the national law of the Member States on claims by natural or legal persons forcompensation of damage. neusklađeno Nije predmet regulisanja ovog Predloga zakona 13. This Framework Decision shall apply to Gibraltar. Neprenosivo Odredba ne zahteva inplementaciju 14.1. Member States shall take the necessary measures to comply with the provisions of this Framework Decision before2 August 2005. 2.8.2003 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 196/49 Neprenosivo Odredba ne zahteva implementaciju 14.2. By the same date Member States shall transmit to theGeneral Secretariat of the Council and to the Commission thetext of the provisions transposing into their national law the obligations imposed on them under this Framework Decision.On the basis of a report established using this information anda written report by the Commission, the Council shall, before 2August 2006, assess the extent to which Member States havecomplied with the provisions of this Framework Decision. Neprenosivo Odredba ne zahteva implementaciju 14.3. The General Secretariat of the Council shall notifyMember States and the Commission of the declarations madepursuant to Article 9(3). Neprenosivo Odredba ne zahteva implementaciju 15. This Framework Decision shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.Done at Brussels, 22 July 2003. Neprenosivo Odredba ne zahteva implementaciju

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