Predlog zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona o vodama

1. Naziv propisa EU COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 98/83/ECof 3 November 1998on the quality of water intended for human consumption (“drinking water”), Direktiva Saveta 98/83/E C od 3. novmembra 1998. o kvalitetu vode namenjene za ljudsku potrošnju 2. „CELEX” oznaka EU propisa 31998L0083 3. Ovlašćeni predlagač propisa- Vlada 4. Datum izrade tabele Obrađivač – Ministarstvo zdravlja 22.11.2016. 5. Naziv (važećeg, nacrta, predloga) propisa čije odredbe su predmet analize usklađenosti sa propisom EU 6. Brojčane oznake (šifre) planiranih propisa iz baze NPAA Predlog zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona o vodama Draft Law on amendments on Water Law0.2. Zakon o vodama („Službeni .glasnik RS”, br. 30/10 i 93/12)Law on Water („Official Gazette of RS”, no. 30/10 and 93/12)0.3. Zakon o bezbednosti hrane („Službeni glasnik RS”, broj 41/09)0.4. Zakon o zdravstvenoj zaštiti („Sužbeni glasnik RS”, br. 107/05. 72/09, 88/10, 99/10, 57/11, 119/12 i 45/13)0.5. Zakon o zdravstvenoj ispravnosti predmeta opšte upotrebe („Službeni glasnik RS”, broj 92/11)0.6. Zakon o komunalnim delatnostima („Službeni glasnik RS”, broj 88/11)0.7. Pravilnik o higijenskoj ispravnosti vode za piće („Službeni list SRJ”, br. 42/98 i 44/99)0.8. Pravilnik o kvalitetu i drugim zahtevima za prirodnu mineralnu vodu, prirodnu izvorsku i stonu vodu („Službeni list SCG”, broj 53/05 i „Službeni glasnik RSˮ, broj 43/13)0.9. Pravilnik o dezinfekciji i pregledu vode za piće („Sl.glasnik SRS”, br. 60/81)0.10. Pravilnik o načinu uzimanja uzoraka i metodama za laboratorijsku analizu vode za piće („Službeni list SFRJ”, broj 33/87) 7. Usklađenost odredaba propisa sa odredbama propisa EU a) a1) b) b1) v) g) d) Odredba propisa EU Sadržina odredbe Odredbe propisa Republike Srbije Sadržina odredbe Usklađenost(potpuno usklađeno – PU, delimično usklađeno – DU, neusklađeno – NU, neprenosivo – NP) Razlozi za delimičnu usklađenost, neusklađenost ili neprenosivost Napomena o usklađenosti Art. 1 [Objectives] Art. 2 Definitions1. water intended for human consumption 0.2.3. 1, 5)03.4. 3, 3, 4), 5), 6) Definicija:4) voda za kupanje jeste voda koja se koristi u sportske i rekreativne svrhe, a deo je vodnog tela površinske vode 5) VODA ZA PIĆE JESTE VODA NAMENJENA ZA LJUDSKU UPOTREBU I OBUHVATA: a) VODU BILO U NJENOM ORIGINALNOM STANJU ILI POSLE TRETMANA, KOJA JE NAMENJENA ZA PIĆE, KUVANJE, PRIPREMU HRANE ILI ZA DRUGE POTREBE DOMAĆINSTVA, BEZ OBZIRA NA NJENO POREKLO I NA TO DA LI SE DOSTAVLJA IZ DISTRIBUTIVNE MREŽE, JAVNOG IZVORA, JAVNOG BUNARA, CISTERNE, KONTEJNERA, BOCA ILI TANKOVA.B) VODU KOJA SE KORISTI U PREDUZEĆIMA ZA PROIZVODNJU HRANE RADI PROIZVODNJE, OBRADE, ČUVANJA ILI STAVLJANJA NA TRŽIŠTE PROIZVODA ILI SUPSTANCI NAMENJENIH ZA LJUDSKU UPOTREBU, AKO SU NADLEŽNI ORGANI SAGLASNI DA KVALITET VODE NE MOŽE DA UTIČE NA ZDRAVSTVENU ISPRAVNOST HRANE U NJENOM KONAČNOM OBLIKU.“6) voda za sanitarno-higijenske potrebe jeste voda namenjena za ljudsku potrošnju koja se koristi za održavanje lične i opšte higijene; DU Predmetnii zakoni nisu rađeni u skladu sa direktivom. Član će biti usklađen novim pravilnikom o zdravstvenoj ispravnosti vode za piće 2. domestic distribution system 0.63. 1., 1) Član se odnosi na razdvajanje odgovornosti javnog komunalnog preduzeća i odgovornosti pojedinačnog potrošača DU Predmetnii zakon nije rađen u skladu sa direktivom. Član će biti usklađen novim pravilnikom o zdravstvenoj ispravnosti vode za piće Art. 3.1 1. This Dir. shall not apply to:(a) natural mineral waters recognised as such by the CA, in accordance with Dir. 80/777/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the MSs relating to the exploitation and marketing of natural mineral waters;(b) waters which are medicinal products within the meaning of Dir. 65/65/EEC on the approximation of provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action relating to medicinal products. Art. 4.1 (b) meets the minimum requirements set out in Annex I, Parts A and B;and, if in accordance with Arts. 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10, MS take all other measures necessary to ensure that DW complies with this Dir. 0.73. 1, 1) – 15) Član se odnosi na parametarske vrednosti u vodi za piće PU Art. 4.2 Measures to implement this Dir. must not have the effect of allowing, directly or indirectly, either any deterioration of the present quality of DW (so far as that is relevant for the protection of human health) or any increase in pollution of waters used for producing DW. 0.297. Član se odnosi na zabranu unošenja zagađujućih supstanci u površinske i podzemne vode DU Predmetnii zakon nije rađen u skladu sa direktivom Art. 5.1 MS must set values applicable to DW for Annex I parameters. 0.73. 1, 1) 2) 5) i 7)0.1.35. Član se odnosi na određivanje vrednosti parametara vode za piće prema Aneksu 1Naziv člana i član 75. menjaju se i glase:„Zdravstvena ispravnost i kvalitet vodeČlan 75.Voda za piće mora ispunjavati uslove u pogledu zdravstvene ispravnosti.Voda za kupanje mora ispunjavati uslove u pogledu kvaliteta.Ministar nadležan za poslove zdravlja bliže propisuje uslove u pogledu zdravstvene ispravnosti vode za piće i uslove u pogledu kvaliteta vode za kupanje.” PU Art. 5.2 The values may not be less stringent than those in Annex I. For parameters set out in Annex I, Part C, values may be fixed only for monitoring purposes and for the fulfillment of obligations set out in Art. 8. 0.73. 1, 5) Član se odnosi na određivanje vrednosti parametara vode za piće prema Aneksu 1 deo C PU Art. 6.1 Parametric values set in accordance with Art. 5 must be complied with at the following points:(a) water supplied from distribution network to premises or an establishment, at the point at which it emerges from the taps normally used for DW;(b) water supplied from tanker, at the point at which it emerges from the tanker;(c) bottle or container water intended for sale, at the point at which the water is put into the bottles or containers; (d) water used in food-production undertaking, at the point where the water is used in the undertaking. 0.75. 2, 3)0.8.8. Član se odnosi na vrednosti parametara vode kojom se pune flaše ili kontejner. DU Predmetnii pravilnici nisu rađeni u skladu sa direktivom Član će biti usklađen novim pravilnikom o zdravstvenoj ispravnosti vode za piće Art. 6.3 Where Art. 6.2 applies & there is a risk that water covered by Art. 6.1 (a) would not comply with the Art. 5 parametric values, MS must ensure that:(a) appropriate measures are taken to reduce/ eliminate the non-compliance risk, such as advising property owners of possible remedial action they can take, and/or other measures, i.e., treatment technologies, are taken to change the water before it is supplied so as to reduce/ eliminate risk of non-compliance after supply; and;(b) consumers concerned are duly informed and advised of any additional remedial action they should take. 0.6.3. 1, 1)0.7.2. 1, 1) Član se odnosi na preduzimanje mera za redukciju i eliminaciju rizika neslaganja i informisanja potrošača o svakoj mogućoj akciji remedijacije koju bi trebalo preduzeti DU Predmetnii zakon i pravilnik nisu rađeni u skladu sa direktivom. Art. 7.1 MS must ensure regular monitoring of the quality of DW in order to check that water available to consumers meets the Dir.’s requirements, in particular the Art. 5 values. Samples representative of the quality of the water consumed throughout the year must be taken. MS must ensure verification of the efficiency of any disinfection treatment applied & that any contamination from disinfection by-products is kept as low as possible without compromising the disinfection. 0.7.3. 1, 4) Član se odnosi na monitoring kvaliteta vode za piće, posebno vrednosti u skladu sa članom 5. i o dezinfekciji. PU Art. 7.2 The competent authorities must establish appropriate monitoring programmes for all DW to meet the Art. 7 obligations. The programmes must meet the requirements of Annex II. 0.7.5. 6.7.8. Član se odnosi na obaveze nadležnih organa za uspostavljanje odgovarajućeg monitoringa DU Predmetnii pravilnik nije rađen u skladu sa direktivom. Art. 7.3 Competent authorities must determine sampling points. Sampling points must meet the requirements of Annex II. 0.7.5. 6.7.8. Član se odnosi na određivanje mesta za uzimanje uzoraka DU Predmetnii pravilnik nije rađen u skladu sa direktivom. Art. 7.5 (a) MS must comply with the Annex III specifications for the analyses of parameters.(b) [Methods other than those specified in Annex III, Pt 1, may be used, providing that the results are reliable as those specified. The Com-mission must be informed of these alternative methods and their equivalence.] (c) For parameters listed in Annex III, Pts 2 and 3, any analysis method may be used provided that the requirements are met. 0.10.8. Član se odnosi na metode za vršenje analize kvaliteta vode za piće u skladu sa Aneksom III DU Predmetnii pravilnik nije rađen u skladu sa direktivom. Art. 8.3 Whether or not failure to meet the parametric values has occurred, MS must prohibit or restrict the supply of DW which constitutes a potential danger to human health. Consumers must be informed and given necessary advice. 0.331.33.77. 1, 7)0.2.203. 1, 1) 2) 3) Član se odnosi na mere koje preduzima nadležni organ u slučaju neispravnosti vode za piće PU Art. 8.4 Competent authorities must decide on appropriate action to take under Art. 8.3 bearing in mind risks to human health which can be caused by an interruption of supply or restriction in use of DW. 0.331.33.77. 1, 7)0.2.203. 1, 1) 2) 3)0.4.120. Član se odnosi na sprovođenje odgovarajuće akcije nadležnog organa u slučaju neispravnosti vode za piće PU Art 8.5 [MS may establish guidelines to assist the competent authorities to meet their Art. 4 obligations.] Obaveze članice Art. 8.6 MS must consider if any non-compliance with the parametric values or specification set in Annex I Part C poses a risk to human health. MS must take remedial action to restore the water quality if necessary to protect human health. 0.3.31. Član se odnosi na preduzimanje odgovarajuće akcije u slučaju neispravnosti vode za piće u skladu sa Aneksom 1 deo C ako ta neispravnost predsatvlja rizik za ljudsko zdravlje. PU Art. 8.7 MS must notify consumers case of remedial action, except where the competent authorities consider the non-compliance as trivial. Član se odnosi na obaveštavanje potrošača o aktivnostima na popravci kvaliteta u slučaju neispravnosti vode za piće DU Predmetnii zakoni nisu rađeni u skladu sa direktivom. Art. 9.1, 9.3 and 9..6 [MS may provide for derogations from Annex I, Pt B or Art. 5.3 parametric values up to a maximum value determined by the MS, provided no derogation constitutes a potential danger to human health arises & provided the DW supply cannot otherwise be maintained by reasonable means. Derogation must be limited to shortest time possible (max. 3 years). MS must conduct review to determine progress made.If MS intends to grant a second derogation it must forward the review to the Comm’n, along with the grounds for granting the second derogation. The second derogation may not exceed 3 years.]3. Any derogation must specify the following:(a) grounds for derogation; (b) parameter concerned, previous relevant monitoring results, and maximum permissible value under the derogation;(c) geographical area, quantity of water supplied each day, population concerned and relevant food-production undertaking affected;(d) appropriate monitoring scheme;(e) summary of the plan for necessary remedial action, incl. timetables, cost estimates & provisions for reviewing;(f) required duration of the derogation.6. MS must inform affected population about the derogation and the conditions governing it. When necessary, advice must be given to any population groups at special risk because of the derogation. Art. 9 obligations do apply not to Art. 9.4 situations, unless CAs decide otherwise. Obaveze članice Art. 9.2 [MS may ask the Commission for a third derogation for exceptional cases.] Obaveze članice Art. 9.4 and 9.5 Art. 9.3 need not apply if competent authority considers the non-compliance as trivial and action taken in accordance with Art. 8.2 is sufficient to remedy the problem within 30 days. In that case the competent authority must set only the maximum permissible value and time allowed to remedy the problem. MS may not use Art. 9.4 if a given water supply has yest complied with the parametric values on more than 30 days on aggregate during the previous 12 months. Obaveze članice Art. 9.7 [MS must inform Comm’n within two months of any derogation concerning individual supply of water > 1000 m3 a day as an average or serving > 5000 persons. Except for Art. 9.4 derogations, information specified in Art. 9.3 must be included.] Obaveze članice Art. 9.8 [Art. 9 does yest apply to DW offered for sale in bottles or containers.] Obaveze članice Art. 10 MS must take necessary measures to ensure that substances or materials for new installations used in the preparation or distribution of DW do not remain in the DW in concentrations higher than is necessary and do not directly or indirectly reduce the protection of human health as provided in this Dir.; the interpretative document & technical specifications pursuant to Art. 3 & 4(1) of Dir. 89/106/EEC shall respect this Dir.’s requirements. 0.5. Član se odnosi na zdravstvenu ispravnost opreme, uređaja itd. koji dolaze u kontakt sa vodom za piće PU Art. 13.1 MS must ensure that an adequate and up-to-date information on the quality of DW is available to consumers. 0.4.120. Član se odnosi na redovno izveštavanje potrošača o kvalitetu vode za piće PU Art. 13.2 MS must publish a report on the quality of DW every three years with the objective to inform consumers. First report shall cover the years 2002, 2003, & 2004. As a minimum the report must include all individual supplies of water > 1000 m3 a day or serving > 5000 persons; must cover 3 calendar years; be published within 1 calendar year of the end of the reporting period. 0.4.120. Član se odnosi na objvljivanje trogodišnjih izveštaja o kvalitetu vode za piće za snabdevanje kroz siteme koji proizvode više od 1000 m3 na dan ili za više od 5000 potrošača DU Predmetnii zakon nije rađen u skladu sa direktivom. Art. 13.3 & 13.4 [The reports must be sent to the Commission within 2 months of publication and in formats determined with regards to Art. 3.2, 5.2 & 3, 7.2, 8, 9.6 & 7 and 15.1. and shall if necessary be amended in accordance with the management procedure referred to in Article 12(2] Obaveze članice Art. 13.6 Together with the first report on this Directive as mentioned in paragraph 2, Member States shall also produce a report to be forwarded to the Commission on the measures they have taken or plan to take to fulfil their obligations pursuant to Article 6(3) and Annex I, Part B, note 10. As appropriate, a proposal on the format of this report shall be submitted in accordance with the management procedure referred to in Article 12(2). Obaveze članice Art. 14 MS must take necessary measures to ensure that DW complies with the provisions of this Dir. by 25.12.2003 (without prejudice to Notes 3, 4, & 5 in Annex I Pt B). neprimenljivo Art. 15.1 [In exceptional circumstances & for geographically defined areas, MS may submit a special request to the Comm’n for a prolongation of the compliance period mentioned in Art. 14, not longer than 3 years. A review must be made at the end of 3 years and forwarded to the Comm’n. On the basis of the review Comm’n may permit an additional period of up to 3 years. This provision does not apply not to DW offered for sale in bottles or containers.] Obaveze članice Art. 15.2 [The request must give grounds, set out difficulties experienced and include information specified in Art. 9.3.] Obaveze članice Art. 16.1 [Dir. 80/778/EEC is hereby repealed as from 25.12.2003.] Obaveze članice Art. 17.1 MS must bring into force this Directive by 25.12.2000. Obaveze članice Art. 17.1 National measures must refer to the Directive. Obaveze članice Art. 17.2 National provisions must be communicated to the Commission. Obaveze članice Annex I Parameters & parametric valuesPart A – Microbiological parameters 0.73. 1, 1) (lista 1) Aneks I – deo A se odnosi na maksimalne vrednosti mikrobioloških parametara PU Annex I Part. B – Chemical parameters 0.7 3. 1, 2) (liste 3a, 3b i 3c) Aneks I – deo B se odnosi na hemijske parametre PU Annex I Part C – Indicator parameters 0.7 3. 1, 4) 5) (liste 5, 6 i 8) Aneks I – deo C se odnosi na parametre indikatore PU Annex II MonitoringTable A Parameters to be analyzedTable B1 Minimum frequency of sampling & analyses for water intended for human consumption supplied from a distribution network or from a tanker or used in a food-production undertakingTable B2 Minimum frequency of sampling & analysis for water put into bottles or containers intended for sale. 0.7.3. (parametri)5. (monitoring) 8. (flaširana voda) Aneks II se odnosi na parametre koji se analiziraju, minimalni broj uzoraka vode za piće i minimalni broj uzoraka flaširane vode DU Predmetnii pravilnik nije rađen u skladu sa direktivom. Annex III Specifications for the analysis of parameters1. Parameters for which methods of analysis are specified2. Parameters for which performance characteristics are specified3. Parameters for which no method of analysis is specified 0.10.8. Aneks III se odnosi na specifikaciju metoda za vršenje analiza vode za piće DU Predmetnii pravilnik nije rađen u skladu sa direktivom. Annex IV NotificationDeadlines for transposition into national law & for application Annex V Correlation Table

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