Predlog zakona o sprečavanju pranja novca i finansiranja terorizma (tabela usklađenosti)

1. Naziv propisa Evropske unije : Directive (EU) 2015/849 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2015 on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purposes of money laundering or terrorist financing, amending Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council, and repealing Directive 2005/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and Commission Directive 2006/70/ECDirektiva (EU) 2015/849 Evropskog parlamenta i Saveta od 20. maja 2015. godine o sprečavanju korišćenja finansijskog sistema u svrhe pranja novca ili finansiranja terorizma, o izmenama Uredbe (EU) broj 648/2012 Evropskog parlamenta i Saveta, i prestanku važenja Direktive 2005/60/EZ Evropskog parlamenta i Saveta i Direktive Komisije 2006/70/EZ 2. „CELEX” oznaka EU propisa32015L0849 3. Organ državne uprave, odnosno drugi ovlašćeni predlagač propisa: VLADA Obrađivač: MINISTARSTVO FINANSIJA 4. Datum izrade tabele: 3.7.2017. 5. Naziv (nacrta, predloga) propisa čije odredbe su predmet analize usklađenosti sa propisom Evropske unije:01 Predlog zakona o sprečavanju pranja novca i finansiranja terorizmaThe Law on the Prevention of Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism02 Krivični zakonik03 Zakon o bankama04 Zakon o igrama na sreću05 Zakon o platnim uslugama06 Zakon o poreskom postupku i poreskoj administraciji07 Pravilnik o metodologiji za izvršavanje poslova u skladu sa Zakonom o sprečavanju pranja novca i finansiranja terorizma08 Zakon o deviznom poslovanju 6. Brojčane oznake (šifre) planiranih propisa iz baze NPAA: 7. Usklađenost odredbi propisa sa odredbama propisa EU:

a) a1) 3. Organ državne uprave, odnosno drugi ovlašćeni predlagač propisa: VLADA Obrađivač: MINISTARSTVO FINANSIJA 4. Datum izrade tabele: 24.7.2017. 5. Naziv (nacrta, predloga) propisa čije odredbe su predmet analize usklađenosti sa propisom Evropske unije:01 Predlog zakona o sprečavanju pranja novca i finansiranja terorizmaThe Law on the Prevention of Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism 6. Brojčane oznake (šifre) planiranih propisa iz baze NPAA: 7. Usklađenost odredbi propisa sa odredbama propisa EU:

a) |a1) |b) |b1) |v) |g) |d) | |Odredba propisa EU


Item) |Sadržina odredbe |Odredbe propisa R. Srbije



tačka) |Sadržina odredbe |Usklađenost |Razlozi za delimičnu usklađenost, neusklađenost ili neprenosivost |Napomena o usklađenosti | |1 |This Regulation lays down rules on the information on payers and payees, accompanying transfers of funds, in any currency, for the purposes of preventing, detecting and investigating money laundering and terrorist financing, where at least one of the payment service providers involved in the transfer of funds is established in the Union. |1.1.1.

8.1.4. |Ovim zakonom propisuju se radnje i mere koje se preduzimaju radi sprečavanja i otkrivanja pranja novca i finansiranja terorizma.

2.2.2. Posebne odredbe u vezi sa prenosom novčanih sredstava

Obaveze platiočevog pružaoca platnih usluga

Član 11.

Obaveze pružaoca platnih usluga primaoca plaćanja

Član 12.

Informacije koje nedostaju

Član 13.

Obaveze posrednika u prenosu novčanih sredstava

Član 14.

Radnje i mere iz člana 7. ovog zakona (Radnje i mere poznavanja i praćenja stranke) obveznik vrši:….

4) pri prenosu novčanih sredstava u skladu sa čl. 11 -15. ovog zakona, u slučaju kada poslovni odnos nije uspostavljen;

|PU | | | |2 |1.This Regulation shall apply to transfers of funds, in any currency, which are sent or received by a payment service provider or an intermediary payment service provider established in the Union.

2.   This Regulation shall not apply to the services listed in points (a) to (m) and (o) of Article 3 of Directive 2007/64/EC.

3.   This Regulation shall not apply to transfers of funds carried out using a payment card, an electronic money instrument or a mobile phone, or any other digital or IT prepaid or postpaid device with similar characteristics, where the following conditions are met:

(a) that card, instrument or device is used exclusively to pay for goods or services; and

(b) the number of that card, instrument or device accompanies all transfers flowing from the transaction.

However, this Regulation shall apply when a payment card, an electronic money instrument or a mobile phone, or any other digital or IT prepaid or postpaid device with similar characteristics, is used in order to effect a person-to-person transfer of funds.

4.   This Regulation shall not apply to persons that have no activity other than to convert paper documents into electronic data and that do so pursuant to a contract with a payment service provider, or to persons that have no activity other than to provide payment service providers with messaging or other support systems for transmitting funds or with clearing and settlement systems.

This Regulation shall not apply to transfers of funds:

(a) that involve the payer withdrawing cash from the payer’s own payment account;

(b) that transfer funds to a public authority as payment for taxes, fines or other levies within a Member State;

(c) where both the payer and the payee are payment service providers acting on their own behalf;

(d) that are carried out through cheque images exchanges, including truncated cheques.

5.   A Member State may decide not to apply this Regulation to transfers of funds within its territory to a payee’s payment account permitting payment exclusively for the provision of goods or services where all of the following conditions are met:

(a) the payment service provider of the payee is subject to Directive (EU) 2015/849;

(b) the payment service provider of the payee is able to trace back, through the payee, by means of a unique transaction identifier, the transfer of funds from the person who has an agreement with the payee for the provision of goods or services;

(c) the amount of the transfer of funds does not exceed EUR 1 000. |15


|Pružalac platnih usluga nije dužan da prikupi podatke iz člana 11. st. 3-5. ovog zakona u sledećim slučajevima:

1) kada se prenosom novčanih sredstava vrši plaćanje poreza, novčanih kazni i drugih javnih davanja;

2) kada su platilac i primalac plaćanja pružaoci platnih usluga koji deluju u svoje ime i za svoj račun;

3) kada platilac podiže novac sa svog računa;

4) kada su ispunjeni uslovi iz člana 16. stav 1. ovog zakona.

Izdavaoci elektronskog novca ne moraju vršiti radnje i mere poznavanja i praćenja stranke ako je u skladu sa analizom rizika procenjeno da postoji nizak rizik od pranja novca ili finansiranja terorizma i ako su ispunjeni svi sledeći uslovi:

iznos elektronskog novca pohranjen na platnom instrumentu se ne može dopunjavati ili maksimalni mesečni limit za plaćanje je ograničen na 250 evra u dinarskoj protivvrednosti i koji se može koristiti samo u Republici Srbiji;

maksimalni iznos pohranjenog elektronskog novca ne prelazi 250 evra u dinarskoj protivvrednosti;

novac pohranjen na platnom instrumentu se koristi usključivo za kupovinu robe ili usluga;

platni instrument se ne može finansirati anonimnim elektronskim novcem;

izdavalac elektronskog novca u dovoljnoj meri prati transakcije ili poslovni odnos tako da može da otkrije neuobičajene ili sumnjive transakcije.

Odredbe stava 1. ovog člana ne primenjuju se ako postoje osnovi sumnje da se radi o pranju novca ili finansiranju terorizma, kao i u slučaju otkupa elektronskog novca za gotov novac ili u slučaju podizanja gotovog novca u vrednosti elektronskog novca, gde otkupljeni iznos prelazi 100 evra u dinarskoj protivvrednosti.

|PU | | | |3 |For the purposes of this Regulation, the following definitions apply:

(1) ‘terrorist financing’ means terrorist financing as defined in Article 1(5) of Directive (EU) 2015/849;

(2) ‘money laundering’ means the money laundering activities referred to in Article 1(3) and (4) of Directive (EU) 2015/849;

(3) ‘payer’ means a person that holds a payment account and allows a transfer of funds from that payment account, or, where there is no payment account, that gives a transfer of funds order;

(4) ‘payee’ means a person that is the intended recipient of the transfer of funds;

(5) ‘payment service provider’ means the categories of payment service provider referred to in Article 1(1) of Directive 2007/64/EC, natural or legal persons benefiting from a waiver pursuant to Article 26 thereof and legal persons benefiting from a waiver pursuant to Article 9 of Directive 2009/110/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (19), providing transfer of funds services;

(6) ‘intermediary payment service provider’ means a payment service provider that is not the payment service provider of the payer or of the payee and that receives and transmits a transfer of funds on behalf of the payment service provider of the payer or of the payee or of another intermediary payment service provider;

(7) ‘payment account’ means a payment account as defined in point (14) of Article 4 of Directive 2007/64/EC;

(8) ‘funds’ means funds as defined in point (15) of Article 4 of Directive 2007/64/EC;

(9) ‘transfer of funds’ means any transaction at least partially carried out by electronic means on behalf of a payer through a payment service provider, with a view to making funds available to a payee through a payment service provider, irrespective of whether the payer and the payee are the same person and irrespective of whether the payment service provider of the payer and that of the payee are one and the same, including:

(a) a credit transfer as defined in point (1) of Article 2 of Regulation (EU) No 260/2012;

(b) a direct debit as defined in point (2) of Article 2 of Regulation (EU) No 260/2012;

(c) a money remittance as defined in point (13) of Article 4 of Directive 2007/64/EC, whether national or cross border;

(d) a transfer carried out using a payment card, an electronic money instrument, or a mobile phone, or any other digital or IT prepaid or postpaid device with similar characteristics;

(10) ‘batch file transfer’ means a bundle of several individual transfers of funds put together for transmission;

(11) ‘unique transaction identifier’ means a combination of letters, numbers or symbols determined by the payment service provider, in accordance with the protocols of the payment and settlement systems or messaging systems used for the transfer of funds, which permits the traceability of the transaction back to the payer and the payee;

(12) ‘person-to-person transfer of funds’ means a transaction between natural persons acting, as consumers, for purposes other than trade, business or profession. |2.1.1.




29-35 |Pranjem novca, u smislu ovog zakona, smatra se:

konverzija ili prenos imovine stečene izvršenjem krivičnog dela;

prikrivanje ili netačno prikazivanje prave prirode, porekla, mesta nalaženja, kretanja, raspolaganja, vlasništva ili prava u vezi sa imovinom koja je stečena izvršenjem krivičnog dela;

sticanje, držanje ili korišćenje imovine stečene izvršenjem krivičnog dela.

Finansiranjem terorizma, u smislu ovog zakona, smatra se obezbeđivanje ili prikupljanje imovine ili pokušaj njenog obezbeđivanja ili prikupljanja, u nameri da se koristi ili sa znanjem da može biti korišćena, u celosti ili delimično:

za izvršenje terorističkog akta;

od strane terorista;

od strane terorističkih organizacija.

Pod finansiranjem terorizma smatra se i podstrekavanje i pomaganje u obezbeđivanju i prikupljanju imovine, bez obzira da li je teroristički akt izvršen i da li je imovina korišćena za izvršenje terorističkog akta.

2) Novac jeste gotov novac (domaći i strani), sredstva na računima (dinarska i devizna) i elektronski novac.

Prenos novčanih sredstava označava bilo koju transakciju koja se najmanje jednim delom izvršava elektronskim putem od strane pružaoca platnih usluga u ime platioca, sa ciljem da ta novčana sredstva budu dostupna primaocu plaćanja kod pružaoca platnih usluga, bez obzira na to da li su platilac ili primalac plaćanja isto lice i da li su platiočev pružalac platnih usluga i pružalac platnih usluga primaoca plaćanja isto lice.

Pružalac platnih usluga je banka, institucija elektronskog novca, platna institucija, Narodna banka Srbije, Uprava za trezor ili drugi organi javne vlasti u Republici Srbiji, u skladu sa svojim nadležnostima utvrđenim zakonom, kao i javni poštanski operator sa sedištem u Republici Srbiji, osnovan u skladu sa zakonom kojim se uređuju poštanske usluge.

Platilac označava fizičko ili pravno lice koje na teret svog platnog računa izdaje platni nalog ili daje saglasnost za izvršenje platne transakcije na osnovu platnog naloga koji izdaje primalac plaćanja, a ako nema platnog računa – fizičko ili pravno lice koje izdaje platni nalog.

Primalac plaćanja označava fizičko ili pravno lice koje je određeno kao primalac novčanih sredstava koja su predmet platne transakcije.

Posrednik u prenosu novčanih sredstava označava pružaoca platnih usluga koji nije u ugovornom odnosu sa platiocem, niti sa primaocem plaćanja, a učestvuje u izvršenju prenosa novčanih sredstava.

Platni račun označava račun koji se koristi za izvrašavanje platnih transakcija, a koji vodi pružalac platnih usluga za jednog ili više korisnika platnih usluga.

Jedinstvena identifikaciona oznaka označava kombinaciju slova, brojeva i/ili simbola koju pružalac platnih usluga utvrđuje korisniku platnih usluga i koja se u platnoj transakciji upotrebljava za nedvosmislenu identifikaciju tog korisnika i/ili njegovog platnog računa.

|PU | | | |4 | The payment service provider of the payer shall ensure that transfers of funds are accompanied by the following information on the payer:

(a) the name of the payer;

(b) the payer’s payment account number; and

(c) the payer’s address, official personal document number, customer identification number or date and place of birth.

2.   The payment service provider of the payer shall ensure that transfers of funds are accompanied by the following information on the payee:


the name of the payee; and


the payee’s payment account number.

3.   By way of derogation from point (b) of paragraph 1 and point (b) of paragraph 2, in the case of a transfer not made from or to a payment account, the payment service provider of the payer shall ensure that the transfer of funds is accompanied by a unique transaction identifier rather than the payment account number(s).

4.   Before transferring funds, the payment service provider of the payer shall verify the accuracy of the information referred to in paragraph 1 on the basis of documents, data or information obtained from a reliable and independent source.

5.   Verification as referred to in paragraph 4 shall be deemed to have taken place where:

(a) a payer’s identity has been verified in accordance with Article 13 of Directive (EU) 2015/849 and the information obtained pursuant to that verification has been stored in accordance with Article 40 of that Directive; or

(b)Article 14(5) of Directive (EU) 2015/849 applies to the payer.

6.   Without prejudice to the derogations provided for in Articles 5 and 6, the payment service provider of the payer shall not execute any transfer of funds before ensuring full compliance with this Article.

|11 |Platiočev pružalac platnih usluga dužan je da prikupi podatke o platiocu i primaocu plaćanja i da ih uključi u obrazac platnog naloga ili elektronsku poruku koji prate prenos novčanih sredstava od platioca do primaoca plaćanja.

Podaci o platiocu se prikupljaju ako je reč o prenosu novčanih sredstava u iznosu od 1.000 evra ili više, kao i bez obzira na iznos ako postoji osnov sumnje u pranje novca ili finansiranje terorizma.

Podaci o platiocu su:

– ime i prezime, odnosno naziv i sedište platioca;

– broj platnog računa, odnosno druga jedinstvena identifikaciona oznaka, ako se prenos novčanih sredstava vrši bez otvaranja platnog računa;

– adresa, odnosno sedište platioca.

Ukoliko je nemoguće pribaviti podatke o adresi, odnosno sedištu platioca, prikuplja se jedan od sledećih podataka:

– nacionalni identifikacioni broj, odnosno druga identifikaciona oznaka koju daje pružalac platnih usluga;

– datum i mesto rođenja.

Podaci o primaocu plaćanja su:

– ime i prezime, odnosno naziv i sedište primaoca plaćanja;

– broj platnog računa primaoca plaćanja, odnosno druga jedinstvena identifikaciona oznaka, ako se prenos novčanih sredstava vrši bez otvaranja računa.

Pružalac platnih usluga dužan je da proveri tačnost prikupljenih podataka na način propisan u čl. 17-23. ovog zakona, pre prenosa novčanih sredstava, osim u slučaju kada se:

– prenos novčanih sredstava obavlja sa platnog računa otvorenog kod pružaoca platne usluge;

– prenos novčanih sredstava u iznosu manjem od 1.000 evra obavlja sa platnog računa otvorenog kod drugog pružaoca platne usluge.

Pružalac platnih usluga je dužan da sačini procedure za proveru potpunosti podataka iz ovog člana.

U skladu sa procenom rizika, pružalac platne usluge može proveravati tačnost prikupljenih podataka bez obzira na iznos novčanih sredstava koja se prenose.

|PU | | | |5 |By way of derogation from Article 4(1) and (2), where all payment service providers involved in the payment chain are established in the Union, transfers of funds shall be accompanied by at least the payment account number of both the payer and the payee or, where Article 4(3) applies, the unique transaction identifier, without prejudice to the information requirements laid down in Regulation (EU) No 260/2012, where applicable.

2.   Notwithstanding paragraph 1, the payment service provider of the payer shall, within three working days of receiving a request for information from the payment service provider of the payee or from the intermediary payment service provider, make available the following:

(a) for transfers of funds exceeding EUR 1 000, whether those transfers are carried out in a single transaction or in several transactions which appear to be linked, the information on the payer or the payee in accordance with Article 4;

(b) for transfers of funds not exceeding EUR 1 000 that do not appear to be linked to other transfers of funds which, together with the transfer in question, exceed EUR 1 000, at least:

(i) the names of the payer and of the payee; and

(ii) the payment account numbers of the payer and of the payee or, where Article 4(3) applies, the unique transaction identifier.

3.   By way of derogation from Article 4(4), in the case of transfers of funds referred to in paragraph 2(b) of this Article, the payment service provider of the payer need not verify the information on the payer unless the payment service provider of the payer:

(a) has received the funds to be transferred in cash or in anonymous electronic money; or

(b) has reasonable grounds for suspecting money laundering or terrorist financing.

| | |NP |Ima efekat samo u državama članicama | | |6 | In the case of a batch file transfer from a single payer where the payment service providers of the payees are established outside the Union, Article 4(1) shall not apply to the individual transfers bundled together therein, provided that the batch file contains the information referred to in Article 4(1), (2) and (3), that that information has been verified in accordance with Article 4(4) and (5), and that the individual transfers carry the payment account number of the payer or, where Article 4(3) applies, the unique transaction identifier.

2.   By way of derogation from Article 4(1), and, where applicable, without prejudice to the information required in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 260/2012, where the payment service provider of the payee is established outside the Union, transfers of funds not exceeding EUR 1 000 that do not appear to be linked to other transfers of funds which, together with the transfer in question, exceed EUR 1 000, shall be accompanied by at least:

(a) the names of the payer and of the payee; and

(b) the payment account numbers of the payer and of the payee or, where Article 4(3) applies, the unique transaction identifier.

By way of derogation from Article 4(4), the payment service provider of the payer need not verify the information on the payer referred to in this paragraph unless the payment service provider of the payer:

(a) has received the funds to be transferred in cash or in anonymous electronic money; or

(b) has reasonable grounds for suspecting money laundering or terrorist financing. | | |NP |Ima efekat samo u državama članicama | | |7 |The payment service provider of the payee shall implement effective procedures to detect whether the fields relating to the information on the payer and the payee in the messaging or payment and settlement system used to effect the transfer of funds have been filled in using characters or inputs admissible in accordance with the conventions of that system.

2.   The payment service provider of the payee shall implement effective procedures, including, where appropriate, ex-post monitoring or real-time monitoring, in order to detect whether the following information on the payer or the payee is missing:

(a) for transfers of funds where the payment service provider of the payer is established in the Union, the information referred to in Article 5;

(b) for transfers of funds where the payment service provider of the payer is established outside the Union, the information referred to in Article 4(1) and (2);

(c) for batch file transfers where the payment service provider of the payer is established outside the Union, the information referred to in Article 4(1) and (2) in respect of that batch file transfer.

3.   In the case of transfers of funds exceeding EUR 1 000, whether those transfers are carried out in a single transaction or in several transactions which appear to be linked, before crediting the payee’s payment account or making the funds available to the payee, the payment service provider of the payee shall verify the accuracy of the information on the payee referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article on the basis of documents, data or information obtained from a reliable and independent source, without prejudice to the requirements laid down in Articles 69 and 70 of Directive 2007/64/EC.

4.   In the case of transfers of funds not exceeding EUR 1 000 that do not appear to be linked to other transfers of funds which, together with the transfer in question, exceed EUR 1 000, the payment service provider of the payee need not verify the accuracy of the information on the payee, unless the payment service provider of the payee:

(a) effects the pay-out of the funds in cash or in anonymous electronic money; or

(b) has reasonable grounds for suspecting money laundering or terrorist financing

5.   Verification as referred to in paragraphs 3 and 4 shall be deemed to have taken place where:

(a) a payee’s identity has been verified in accordance with Article 13 of Directive (EU) 2015/849 and the information obtained pursuant to that verification has been stored in accordance with Article 40 of that Directive; or

(b) Article 14(5) of Directive (EU) 2015/849 applies to the payee |12 |Pružalac platnih usluga primaoca plaćanja dužan je da proveri da li su podaci o platiocu i primaocu plaćanja uključeni u obrazac platnog naloga ili elektronsku poruku koje prate prenos novčanih sredstava.

Pružalac platnih usluga je dužan da sačini procedure za proveru potpunosti podataka iz stava 1. ovog člana i čl. 11, 13, 14. i 15. ovog zakona.

Ukoliko je prenos novčanih sredstava u iznosu od 1.000 evra ili više, pružalac platnih usluga je dužan da proveri identitet primaoca plaćanja, osim ako identitet nije već proveren u skladu sa čl. 17-23. ovog zakona, ili ako postoji osnov sumnje u pranje novca ili finansiranje terorizma.

U skladu sa procenom rizika, pružalac platne usluge može proveravati identitet primaoca plaćanja bez obzira na iznos novčanih sredstava koja se prenose.

| | | | |8 | The payment service provider of the payee shall implement effective risk-based procedures, including procedures based on the risk-sensitive basis referred to in Article 13 of Directive (EU) 2015/849, for determining whether to execute, reject or suspend a transfer of funds lacking the required complete payer and payee information and for taking the appropriate follow-up action.

Where the payment service provider of the payee becomes aware, when receiving transfers of funds, that the information referred to in Article 4(1) or (2), Article 5(1) or Article 6 is missing or incomplete or has not been filled in using characters or inputs admissible in accordance with the conventions of the messaging or payment and settlement system as referred to in Article 7(1), the payment service provider of the payee shall reject the transfer or ask for the required information on the payer and the payee before or after crediting the payee’s payment account or making the funds available to the payee, on a risk-sensitive basis.

2.   Where a payment service provider repeatedly fails to provide the required information on the payer or the payee, the payment service provider of the payee shall take steps, which may initially include the issuing of warnings and setting of deadlines, before either rejecting any future transfers of funds from that payment service provider, or restricting or terminating its business relationship with that payment service provider.

The payment service provider of the payee shall report that failure, and the steps taken, to the competent authority responsible for monitoring compliance with anti-money laundering and counter terrorist financing provisions.

|13 |Pružalac platnih usluga primaoca plaćanja dužan je da, koristeći pristup zasnovan na proceni rizika, sačini procedure o postupanju u slučaju da prenos novčanih sredstava ne sadrži potpune informacije iz člana 11. st. 3-5. ovog zakona.

Ukoliko dolazeća elektronska poruka kojom se prenose novčana sredstva ne sadrži podatke propisane članom 11. st. 3. i 4. ovog zakona, ili su ti podaci nepotpuni, pružalac platnih usluga može da:

– odbije prenos novčanih sredstava ili

– privremeno obustavi izvršenje prenosa novčanih sredstava i zatraži od pružaoca platnih usluga platioca podatke koji nedostaju.

Ukoliko pružalac platne usluge platioca učestalo ne dostavlja tačne i potpune podatke iz člana 11. st. 3-5. ovog zakona, pružalac platne usluge primaoca plaćanja će razmotriti prekid poslovne saradnje sa pružaocem platne usluge platioca, ali je dužan da ga o prekidu saradnje prethodno obavesti. Pružalac platnih usluga o prekidu poslovne saradnje obaveštava Upravu.

Pružalac platnih usluga dužan je da razmotri da li nedostatak tačnih i potpunih podataka iz člana 11. st. 3-5. ovog zakona predstavlja osnov sumnje u pranje novca ili finansiranje terorizma. Ukoliko pružalac platnih usluga utvrdi da ne postoji osnov sumnje u pranje novca ili finansiranje terorizma, sačinjava belešku, koju čuva u skladu sa zakonom.

| | | | |9 |The payment service provider of the payee shall take into account missing or incomplete information on the payer or the payee as a factor when assessing whether a transfer of funds, or any related transaction, is suspicious and whether it is to be reported to the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) in accordance with Directive (EU) 2015/849. |13.4

47.2 |Pružalac platnih usluga dužan je da razmotri da li nedostatak tačnih i potpunih podataka iz člana 11. st. 3-5. ovog zakona predstavlja osnov sumnje u pranje novca ili finansiranje terorizma. Ukoliko pružalac platnih usluga utvrdi da ne postoji osnov sumnje u pranje novca ili finansiranje terorizma, sačinjava belešku, koju čuva u skladu sa zakonom.

Obveznik je dužan da Upravi dostavi podatke iz člana 99. stav 1. ovog zakona uvek kada u vezi sa transakcijom ili strankom postoje osnovi sumnje da se radi o pranju novca ili finansiranju terorizma, i to pre izvršenja transakcije, i da u izveštaju navede rok u kome ta transakcija treba da se izvrši.

| | | | |10 |Intermediary payment service providers shall ensure that all the information received on the payer and the payee that accompanies a transfer of funds is retained with the transfer. |14.1

|Posrednik u prenosu novčanih sredstava dužan je da obezbedi da svi podaci o platiocu i primaocu plaćanja budu sačuvani u obrascu ili poruci koja prati prenos novčanih sredstava.

| | | | |11 |The intermediary payment service provider shall implement effective procedures to detect whether the fields relating to the information on the payer and the payee in the messaging or payment and settlement system used to effect the transfer of funds have been filled in using characters or inputs admissible in accordance with the conventions of that system.

2.   The intermediary payment service provider shall implement effective procedures, including, where appropriate, ex-post monitoring or real-time monitoring, in order to detect whether the following information on the payer or the payee is missing:

(a) for transfers of funds where the payment service providers of the payer and the payee are established in the Union, the information referred to in Article 5;

(b) for transfers of funds where the payment service provider of the payer or of the payee is established outside the Union, the information referred to in Article 4(1) and (2);

(c) for batch file transfers where the payment service provider of the payer or of the payee is established outside the Union, the information referred to in Article 4(1) and (2) in respect of that batch file transfer. |14.2-3

|Posrednik u prenosu novčanih sredstava dužan je da, koristeći pristup zasnovan na proceni rizika, sačini procedure o postupanju u slučaju da elektronska poruka kojom se prenose novčana sredstva ne sadrži podatke iz člana 11. st. 3-5. ovog zakona.

Posrednik u prenosu novčanih sredstava dužan je da, ukoliko utvrdi da elektronska poruka kojom se prenose novčana sredstva ne sadrži podatke iz člana 11. st. 3-5 ovog zakona, a u skladu sa procedurama iz stava 2. ovog člana:

– odbije prenos novčanih sredstava;

– privremeno obustavi prenos novčanih sredstava i zatraži od platiočevog pružaoca platnih usluga podatke koji nedostaju, u roku određenom procedurama iz stava 2. ovog člana.

| | | | |12 |The intermediary payment service provider shall establish effective risk-based procedures for determining whether to execute, reject or suspend a transfer of funds lacking the required payer and payee information and for taking the appropriate follow up action.

Where the intermediary payment service provider becomes aware, when receiving transfers of funds, that the information referred to in Article 4(1) or (2), Article 5(1) or Article 6 is missing or has not been filled in using characters or inputs admissible in accordance with the conventions of the messaging or payment and settlement system as referred to in Article 7(1) it shall reject the transfer or ask for the required information on the payer and the payee before or after the transmission of the transfer of funds, on a risk-sensitive basis.

2.   Where a payment service provider repeatedly fails to provide the required information on the payer or the payee, the intermediary payment service provider shall take steps, which may initially include the issuing of warnings and setting of deadlines, before either rejecting any future transfers of funds from that payment service provider, or restricting or terminating its business relationship with that payment service provider.

The intermediary payment service provider shall report that failure, and the steps taken, to the competent authority responsible for monitoring compliance with anti-money laundering and counter terrorist financing provisions.


|Ukoliko platiočev pružalac platnih usluga učestalo ne dostavlja tačne i potpune podatke iz člana 11. stav 3-5. ovog zakona, posrednik u prenosu novčanih sredstava će razmotriti prekid poslovne saradnje sa platiočevim pružaocem platnih usluga, ali je dužan da ga o prekidu saradnje prethodno obavesti.

Posrednik u prenosu novčanih sredstava dužan je da razmotri da li nedostatak tačnih i potpunih podataka iz člana 11. st. 3-5. ovog zakona predstavlja osnov sumnje u pranje novca ili finansiranje terorizma. Ukoliko posrednik u prenosu novčanih sredstava utvrdi da ne postoji osnov sumnje u pranje novca ili finansiranje terorizma, sačinjava belešku, koju čuva u skladu sa zakonom.

| | | | |13 |The intermediary payment service provider shall take into account missing information on the payer or the payee as a factor when assessing whether a transfer of funds, or any related transaction, is suspicious, and whether it is to be reported to the FIU in accordance with Directive (EU) 2015/849. |14.5

47.2 |Posrednik u prenosu novčanih sredstava dužan je da razmotri da li nedostatak tačnih i potpunih podataka iz člana 11. st. 3-5. ovog zakona predstavlja osnov sumnje u pranje novca ili finansiranje terorizma.

Obveznik je dužan da Upravi dostavi podatke iz člana 99. stav 1. ovog zakona uvek kada u vezi sa transakcijom ili strankom postoje osnovi sumnje da se radi o pranju novca ili finansiranju terorizma, i to pre izvršenja transakcije, i da u izveštaju navede rok u kome ta transakcija treba da se izvrši.

| | | | |14 |Payment service providers shall respond fully and without delay, including by means of a central contact point in accordance with Article 45(9) of Directive (EU) 2015/849, where such a contact point has been appointed, and in accordance with the procedural requirements laid down in the national law of the Member State in which they are established, to enquiries exclusively from the authorities responsible for preventing and combating money laundering or terrorist financing of that Member State concerning the information required under this Regulation. | | |NU |Član 14. pravi vezu sa članom 45.9 Direktive, koja predviđa određivanje centralne tačke kod obveznika u situaciji da je sedište obveznika u drugoj državi, što u Srbiji nije slučaj – sve platne institucije su registrovane kao domaća pravna lica, i nemaju centrale u drugim državama. | | |15 |The processing of personal data under this Regulation is subject to Directive 95/46/EC, as transposed into national law. Personal data that is processed pursuant to this Regulation by the Commission or by the ESAs is subject to Regulation (EC) No 45/2001.

2.   Personal data shall be processed by payment service providers on the basis of this Regulation only for the purposes of the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing and shall not be further processed in a way that is incompatible with those purposes. The processing of personal data on the basis of this Regulation for commercial purposes shall be prohibited.

3.   Payment service providers shall provide new clients with the information required pursuant to Article 10 of Directive 95/46/EC before establishing a business relationship or carrying out an occasional transaction. That information shall, in particular, include a general notice concerning the legal obligations of payment service providers under this Regulation when processing personal data for the purposes of the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing.

4.   Payment service providers shall ensure that the confidentiality of the data processed is respected.

| | |NU |Ova oblast je predmet tegulisanja Zakona o zaštiti podataka o ličnosti | | |16 |Information on the payer and the payee shall not be retained for longer than strictly necessary. Payment service providers of the payer and of the payee shall retain records of the information referred to in Articles 4 to 7 for a period of five years.

2.   Upon expiry of the retention period referred to in paragraph 1, payment service providers shall ensure that the personal data is deleted, unless otherwise provided for by national law, which shall determine under which circumstances payment service providers may or shall further retain the data. Member States may allow or require further retention only after they have carried out a thorough assessment of the necessity and proportionality of such further retention, and where they consider it to be justified as necessary for the prevention, detection or investigation of money laundering or terrorist financing. That further retention period shall not exceed five years.

3.   Where, on 25 June 2015, legal proceedings concerned with the prevention, detection, investigation or prosecution of suspected money laundering or terrorist financing are pending in a Member State, and a payment service provider holds information or documents relating to those pending proceedings, the payment service provider may retain that information or those documents in accordance with national law for a period of five years from 25 June 2015. Member States may, without prejudice to national criminal law on evidence applicable to ongoing criminal investigations and legal proceedings, allow or require the retention of such information or documents for a further period of five years where the necessity and proportionality of such further retention has been established for the prevention, detection, investigation or prosecution of suspected money laundering or terrorist financing.


|Obveznik je dužan da podatke i dokumentaciju u vezi sa strankom, uspostavljenim poslovnim odnosom sa strankom, izvršenom analizom rizika i izvršenom transakcijom, pribavljene u skladu sa ovim zakonom, čuva najmanje 10 godina od dana okončanja poslovnog odnosa, izvršene transakcije, odnosno od poslednjeg pristupa sefu ili ulaska u igračnicu.

Obveznik je dužan da podatke i dokumentaciju o ovlašćenom licu, zameniku ovlašćenog lica, stručnom osposobljavanju zaposlenih i izvršenim unutrašnjim kontrolama čuva najmanje pet godina od dana prestanka dužnosti ovlašćenog lica, izvršenog stručnog osposobljavanja ili izvršene unutrašnje kontrole.

|PU | | | |17 | Without prejudice to the right to provide for and impose criminal sanctions, Member States shall lay down the rules on administrative sanctions and measures applicable to breaches of the provisions of this Regulation and shall take all measures necessary to ensure that they are implemented. The sanctions and measures provided for shall be effective, proportionate and dissuasive and shall be consistent with those laid down in accordance with Chapter VI, Section 4, of Directive (EU) 2015/849.

Member States may decide not to lay down rules on administrative sanctions or measures for breach of the provisions of this Regulation which are subject to criminal sanctions in their national law. In that case, Member States shall communicate to the Commission the relevant criminal law provisions.

2.   Member States shall ensure that where obligations apply to payment services providers, in the event of a breach of provisions of this Regulation, sanctions or measures can, subject to national law, be applied to the members of the management body and to any other natural person who, under national law, is responsible for the breach.

3.   By 26 June 2017, Member States shall notify the rules referred to in paragraph 1 to the Commission and to the Joint Committee of the ESAs. They shall notify the Commission and the Joint Committee of the ESAs without delay of any subsequent amendments thereto.

4.   In accordance with Article 58(4) of Directive (EU) 2015/849, competent authorities shall have all the supervisory and investigatory powers that are necessary for the exercise of their functions. In the exercise of their powers to impose administrative sanctions and measures, competent authorities shall cooperate closely to ensure that those administrative sanctions or measures produce the desired results and coordinate their action when dealing with cross-border cases.

5.   Member States shall ensure that legal persons can be held liable for the breaches referred to in Article 18 committed for their benefit by any person acting individually or as part of an organ of that legal person, and having a leading position within the legal person based on any of the following:

(a) power to represent the legal person;

(b) authority to take decisions on behalf of the legal person; or

(c) authority to exercise control within the legal person.

6.   Member States shall also ensure that legal persons can be held liable where the lack of supervision or control by a person referred to in paragraph 5 of this Article has made it possible to commit one of the breaches referred to in Article 18 for the benefit of that legal person by a person under its authority.

7.   Competent authorities shall exercise their powers to impose administrative sanctions and measures in accordance with this Regulation in any of the following ways:




in collaboration with other authorities;


under their responsibility by delegation to such other authorities;


by application to the competent judicial authorities.

In the exercise of their powers to impose administrative sanctions and measures, competent authorities shall cooperate closely in order to ensure that those administrative sanctions or measures produce the desired results and coordinate their action when dealing with cross-border cases.


52.3 |Novčanom kaznom u iznosu od 2.000.000 do 3.000.000 dinara kazniće se za privredni prestup pravno lice ako:…

Novčanom kaznom u iznosu od 100.000 do 500.000 dinara kazniće se za privredni prestup i odgovorno lice u pravnom licu.

Novčanom kaznom u iznosu od 1.000.000 do 2.000.000 dinara kazniće se za privredni prestup pravno lice ako:…

Novčanom kaznom u iznosu od 50.000 do 300.000 kazniće se i odgovorno lice u pravnom licu.

Novčanom kaznom u iznosu od 500.000 do 1.000.000 kazniće se za privredni prestup pravno lice ako:…

Novčanom kaznom u iznosu od 20.000 do 200.000 dinara kazniće se i odgovorno lice u pravnom licu ako izvrši neku od radnji iz stava 1. ovog člana.

(1) Novčanom kaznom u iznosu od 50.000,00 do 500.000,00 dinara kazniće se za prekršaj preduzetnik ako izvrši neku od radnji iz čl. 101. ovog zakona.

(2) Novčanom kaznom u iznosu od 30.000,00 do 300.000,00 dinara kazniće se za prekršaj preduzetnik ako izvrši neku od radnji iz čl. 102. ovog zakona.

(3) Novčanom kaznom u iznosu od 20.000,00 do 200.000,00 dinara kazniće se za prekršaj preduzetnik ako izvrši neku od radnji iz čl. 103. ovog zakona.

(4) Novčanom kaznom u iznosu od 5.000 do 150.000 dinara kazniće se za prekršaj fizičko lice ako izvrši neku od radnji iz čl. 101. i 102. ovog zakona.

(5) Novčanom kaznom u iznosu od 5.000 do 50.000 dinara kazniće se za prekršaj fizičko lice ako nadležnom carinskom organu ne prijavi fizički prenosiva sredstva plaćanja u iznosu od 10.000 evra ili više u dinarima ili stranoj valuti koje prenosi preko državne granice (član 75. stav 1).

(6) Novčanom kaznom u iznosu od 5.000 do 50.000 dinara kazniće se za prekršaj fizičko lice ako prijava iz člana 75. ovog zakona ne sadrži sve propisane podatke (član 75. stav 2).

(3) Obveznik Upravi dostavlja podatke o ličnom imenu i nazivu radnog mesta ovlašćenog lica i njegovog zamenika, kao i podatke o ličnom imenu i nazivu radnog mesta člana najvišeg rukovodstva odgovornog za primenu ovog zakona, kao i svaku promenu tih podataka najkasnije u roku od 15 dana od dana imenovanja.

| | | | |18 |Member States shall ensure that their administrative sanctions and measures include at least those laid down by Article 59(2) and (3) of Directive (EU) 2015/849 in the event of the following breaches of this Regulation:

(a) repeated or systematic failure by a payment service provider to include the required information on the payer or the payee, in breach of Article 4, 5 or 6;

(b) repeated, systematic or serious failure by a payment service provider to retain records, in breach of Article 16;

(c) failure by a payment service provider to implement effective risk-based procedures, in breach of Articles 8 or 12;

(d) serious failure by an intermediary payment service provider to comply with Article 11 or 12. |113 |Novčanom kaznom u iznosu od 2.000.000 do 3.000.000 dinara kazniće se za privredni prestup pravno lice ako:

ne utvrdi identitet stvarnog vlasnika stranke (član 25. stav 1.);

ne obavesti Upravu o slučajevima kada u vezi sa transakcijom ili strankom postoje osnovi sumnje da se radi o pranju novca ili finansiranju terorizma, ili kada stranka traži savet u vezi sa pranjem novca ili finansiranjem terorizma, odnosno ne obavesti je u propisanim rokovima i na propisani način (član 47. st. 2-6);

ne obezbedi ovlašćenom licu uslove za vršenje poslova u skladu sa ovim zakonom (član 52. st. 1- 3);

ne dostavi Upravi, na njen zahtev, tražene podatke, informacije i dokumentaciju, odnosno ne dostavi ih u propisanim rokovima i na propisan način (član 62.);

privremeno ne obustavi izvršenje transakcije na osnovu naloga Uprave ili se za vreme za koje je izvršenje transakcije privremeno obustavljeno ne pridržava naloga Uprave koji se odnose na tu transakciju ili na lice koje vrši tu transakciju (član 64.);

ne postupi po nalogu Uprave da prati finansijsko poslovanje stranke, ne obaveštava Upravu o svim transakcijama i poslovima koje ta stranka vrši, odnosno ne obaveštava je u propisanim rokovima (član 65.);

obveznik, odnosno njegovi zaposleni, uključujući i članove upravnog, nadzornog i drugog organa upravljanja prekrše zabranu dojavljivanja iz člana 79. ovog zakona (član 79.);

podatke i dokumentaciju pribavljenu u skladu sa ovim zakonom ne čuva najmanje 10 godina od dana okončanja poslovnog odnosa, izvršene transakcije, odnosno od poslednjeg pristupa sefu ili ulaska u igračnicu (član 84.);

(2) Novčanom kaznom u iznosu od 100.000 do 500.000 dinara kazniće se za privredni prestup i odgovorno lice u pravnom licu.

(3) Organ iz stava 1. ovog člana, ukoliko na osnovu zakona daje dozvole za rad obveznika, može privremeno ili trajno da zabrani obavljanje delatnosti obveznika u naročito opravdanim slučajevima.

|DU |Zakon predviđa da nadzorni organi primenjuju mere i novčane kazne na osnovu zakon a koji regulišu oblast koje oni nadziru – npr Narodna banka Srbije primenjuje Zakon o bankama, gde mogu biti propisane veće kazne od kazni propisanih zakonima o privrednim prestupima i prekršajima, koje propisuju minimum i maksimum novčane kazne za privredne prestupe i prekršaje. | | |19 |In accordance with Article 60(1), (2) and (3) of Directive (EU) 2015/849, the competent authorities shall publish administrative sanctions and measures imposed in the cases referred to in Articles 17 and 18 of this Regulation without undue delay, including information on the type and nature of the breach and the identity of the persons responsible for it, if necessary and proportionate after a case-by-case evaluation. |119 |Organ iz člana 100. ovog zakona je dužan da na svojoj zvaničnoj internet stranici objavi obaveštenje o pravnosnažnoj odluci kojom se izriče kazna ili druga mera obvezniku za kršenje odredaba ovog zakona, i to odmah nakon što je lice kome je izrečena kazna ili druga mera obavešteno o odluci.

Obaveštenje iz stava 1. ovog člana sadrži podatke o o vrsti i prirodi kršenja odredaba ovog zakona, kao i o identitetu lica prema kome je kazna ili druga mera izrečena.

Ako organ iz stava 1. ovog člana proceni da je mera objavljivanja identiteta lica prema kome je kazna ili druga mera izrečena, odnosno njegovih ličnih podataka nesrazmerna težini kršenja odredaba ovog zakona, ili ako bi objava ugrozila stabilnost finansijskog tržišta Republike Srbije ili istrage koja je u toku, nadzorni organ:

1) odlaže objavljivanje obaveštenja iz stava 1. ovog člana do trenutka kada razlozi iz ovog stava prestanu da postoje;

2) objavljuje obaveštenja iz stava 1. ovog člana ne navodeći lične podatke o licu kome je izrečena kazna ili druga mera, u kom slučaju se objavljivanje ličnih podataka može odložiti za razuman vremenski period, pod uslovom da se predviđa da će u tom periodu razlozi za nenavođenje ličnih podataka prestati da postoje;

3) neće objaviti obaveštenje iz stava 1. ovog člana ako proceni da postupanje iz tač. 1 i 2. ovog stava nije dovoljno da osigura stabilnost finansijskog tržišta, kao i kada proceni da je objavljivanje tog obaveštenja nesrazmerno težini izrečene kazne ili druge mere.

Obaveštenje iz stava 1. ovog člana mora da bude dostupno na zvaničnoj internet stranici pet godina nakon objavljivanja. Period u kome su lični podaci dostupni na zvaničnoj internet stranici je jedna godina od dana objavljivanja.

|PU | | | |20 | When determining the type of administrative sanctions or measures and the level of administrative pecuniary sanctions, the competent authorities shall take into account all relevant circumstances, including those listed in Article 60(4) of Directive (EU) 2015/849.

2.   As regards administrative sanctions and measures imposed in accordance with this Regulation, Article 62 of Directive (EU) 2015/849 shall apply.

|104.4 |Organ iz stava 1. ovog člana prilikom vršenja nadzora sprovodi pristup zasnovan na proceni rizika. U vršenju nadzora organ iz stava 1. ovog člana je dužan da:

1) ima jasnu sliku o rizicima od pranja novca i finansiranja terorizma u Republici Srbiji;

2) ima direktan i indirektan pristup svim relevantnim informacijama o specifičnim domaćim i međunarodnim rizicima vezanim za stranke i usluge obveznika;

3) prilagođava dinamiku nadzora i mere preduzete u nadzoru sa rizikom od pranja novca i finansiranja terorizma kod obveznika kao i sa procenjenim rizikom u Republici Srbiji.

|PU | | | |21 | Member States shall establish effective mechanisms to encourage the reporting to competent authorities of breaches of this Regulation.

Those mechanisms shall include at least those referred to in Article 61(2) of Directive (EU) 2015/849.

2.   Payment service providers, in cooperation with the competent authorities, shall establish appropriate internal procedures for their employees, or persons in a comparable position, to report breaches internally through a secure, independent, specific and anonymous channel, proportionate to the nature and size of the payment service provider concerned.

|109 |Organ iz člana 100. ovog zakona je dužan da propiše mehanizam kojim se podstiče prijavljivanje tom organu kršenja odredaba ovog zakona od strane obveznika, odnosno zaposlenih u obvezniku.

Mehanizam iz stava 1. ovog člana uključuje najmanje sledeće:

postupak za primanje prijava o kršenju odredaba ovog zakona i preduzimanje aktivnosti u vezi s tim prijavama;

odgovarajuću zaštitu zaposlenog kod obveznika koji prijavi kršenje odredaba ovog zakona;

odgovarajuću zaštitu zaposlenog koje je prijavljeno za kršenje odredaba ovog zakona;

zaštitu ličnih podataka zaposlenog koji prijavi kršenje odredaba ovog zakona i zaposlenog koje je prijavljeno za kršenje odredaba ovog zakona;

pravila koja obezbeđuju poverljivost u odnosu na zaposlenog koji prijavi kršenje odredaba ovog zakona, osim ako se je to neophodno u cilju istrage ili sudskog postupka.

Obveznik je dužan da internim aktom propiše procedure za interno prijavljivanje za kršenje odredaba ovog zakona kroz poseban i anoniman kanal komunikacije, a u skladu sa veličinom obveznika i prirodom njegovog poslovanja.

|PU | | | |22 |Member States shall require competent authorities to monitor effectively and to take the measures necessary to ensure compliance with this Regulation and encourage, through effective mechanisms, the reporting of breaches of the provisions of this Regulation to competent authorities.

2.   After Member States have notified the rules referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article to the Commission and to the Joint Committee of the ESAs in accordance with Article 17(3), the Commission shall submit a report to the European Parliament and to the Council on the application of Chapter IV, with particular regard to cross-border cases.



|Organi iz člana 100. ovog zakona (nadzorni organi) dužni su da o preduzetim merama u izvršenom nadzoru, o utvrđenim nepravilnostima i nezakonitostima, kao i o drugim značajnim činjenicama u vezi sa nadzorom odmah, u pismenoj formi, obaveste Upravu, kao i da dostave primerak donetog akta.

Nadzor nad primenom ovog zakona od strane obveznika, advokata i javnih beležnika dužni su da vrše:

Narodna banka Srbije;

Komisija za hartije od vrednosti;

državni organ nadležan za inspekcijski nadzor u oblasti deviznih i menjačkih poslova i igara na sreću;

ministarstvo nadležno za inspekcijski nadzor u oblasti trgovine;

Advokatska komora Srbije;

ministarstvo nadležno za poslove poštanskog saobraćaja,

Javnobeležnička komora.

Ako organ iz stava 1. ovog člana u vršenju nadzora, utvrdi postojanje nepravilnosti ili nezakonitosti u primeni ovog zakona, dužan je da:

zahteva otklanjanje nepravilnosti i nedostataka u roku koji sam odredi, ili

podnese zahtev nadležnom organu za pokretanje odgovarajućeg postupka, ili

preduzme druge mere i radnje za koje je zakonom ovlašćen.

Organ iz stava 1. ovog člana, ukoliko na osnovu zakona daje dozvole za rad obveznika, može privremeno ili trajno da zabrani obavljanje delatnosti obveznika u naročito opravdanim slučajevima.

Organ iz stava 1. ovog člana prilikom vršenja nadzora sprovodi pristup zasnovan na proceni rizika. U vršenju nadzora organ iz stava 1. ovog člana je dužan da:

1) ima jasnu sliku o rizicima od pranja novca i finansiranja terorizma u Republici Srbiji;

2) ima direktan i indirektan pristup svim relevantnim informacijama o specifičnim domaćim i međunarodnim rizicima vezanim za stranke i usluge obveznika;

3) prilagođava dinamiku nadzora i mere preduzete u nadzoru sa rizikom od pranja novca i finansiranja terorizma kod obveznika kao i sa procenjenim rizikom u Republici Srbiji.

Procenjeni rizik od pranja novca i finansiranja terorizma kod obveznika iz stava 3. ovog člana, uključujući i rizik od neprimenjivanja radnji i mera na osnovu ovog zakona, obveznik preispituje periodično kao i kada dođe do značajne promene upravljačke ili organizacione strukture kod obveznika, kao i načina rada kod obveznika.

Nadzor nad primenom ovog zakona od strane obveznika iz člana 4. stav 1. tač. 10, 11) (platne institucije i institucije elektronskog novca) i 16) ovog zakona vrši Narodna banka Srbije u skladu sa zakonom kojim se uređuje pružanje platnih usluga.

|PU | | | |23 |The Commission shall be assisted by the Committee on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (the ‘Committee’). The Committee shall be a committee within the meaning of Regulation (EU) No 182/2011.

2.   Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5 of Regulation (EU) No 182/2011 shall apply.

| | |NP |Odnosi se na Komisiju | | |24 |The Commission may authorise any Member State to conclude an agreement with a third country or with a territory outside the territorial scope of the TEU and the TFEU as referred to in Article 355 TFEU (the ‘country or territory concerned’), which contains derogations from this Regulation, in order to allow transfers of funds between that country or territory and the Member State concerned to be treated as transfers of funds within that Member State.

Such agreements may be authorised only where all of the following conditions are met:

(a) the country or territory concerned shares a monetary union with the Member State concerned, forms part of the currency area of that Member State or has signed a monetary convention with the Union represented by a Member State;

(b) payment service providers in the country or territory concerned participate directly or indirectly in payment and settlement systems in that Member State; and

(c) the country or territory concerned requires payment service providers under its jurisdiction to apply the same rules as those established under this Regulation.

2.   A Member State wishing to conclude an agreement as referred to in paragraph 1 shall submit a request to the Commission and provide it with all the information necessary for the appraisal of the request.

3.   Upon receipt by the Commission of such a request, transfers of funds between that Member State and the country or territory concerned shall be provisionally treated as transfers of funds within that Member State until a decision is reached in accordance with this Article.

4.   If, within two months of receipt of the request, the Commission considers that it does not have all the information necessary for the appraisal of the request, it shall contact the Member State concerned and specify the additional information required.

5.   Within one month of receipt of all the information that it considers to be necessary for the appraisal of the request, the Commission shall notify the requesting Member State accordingly and shall transmit copies of the request to the other Member States.

6.   Within three months of the notification referred to in paragraph 5 of this Article, the Commission shall decide, in accordance with Article 23(2), whether to authorise the Member State concerned to conclude the agreement that is the subject of the request.

The Commission shall, in any event, adopt a decision as referred to in the first subparagraph within 18 months of receipt of the request.

7.   By 26 March 2017, Member States that have been authorised to conclude agreements with a country or territory concerned pursuant to Commission Implementing Decision 2012/43/EU (20), Commission Decision 2010/259/EU (21), Commission Decision 2009/853/EC (22) or Commission Decision 2008/982/EC (23) shall provide the Commission with updated information necessary for an appraisal under point (c) of the second subparagraph of paragraph 1.

Within three months of receipt of such information, the Commission shall examine the information provided to ensure that the country or territory concerned requires payment service providers under its jurisdiction to apply the same rules as those established under this Regulation. If, after such examination, the Commission considers that the condition laid down in point (c) of the second subparagraph of paragraph 1 is no longer met, it shall repeal the relevant Commission Decision or Commission Implementing Decision.

| | |NP |Odnosi se na Komisiju | | |25 |By 26 June 2017, the ESAs shall issue guidelines addressed to the competent authorities and the payment service providers in accordance with Article 16 of Regulation (EU) No 1093/2010, of Regulation (EU) No 1094/2010 and of Regulation (EU) No 1095/2010, on measures to be taken in accordance with this Regulation, in particular as regards the implementation of Articles 7, 8, 11 and 12. | | |NP | | | |26 |Regulation (EC) No 1781/2006 is repealed.

References to the repealed Regulation shall be construed as references to this Regulation and shall be read in accordance with the correlation table in the Annex.

| | | |Završne odredbe | | | |27 |This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

It shall apply from 26 June 2017.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

| | | |Završne odredbe | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

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