Predlog zakona o uslugama

Tabela usklađenosti


Naziv propisa Evropske unije:

Directive 2006/123/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2006 on services in the internal market (OJ L 376, 27.12.2006, p. 36–68)

Direktiva 2006/123/EZ Evropskog parlamenta i Saveta od 12. decembra 2006. godine o uslugama na unutrašnjem tržištu

2. „CELEX”

oznaka EU propisa:


Ovlašćeni predlagač propisa: Vlada

Obrađivač: Ministarstvo trgovine, turizma i telekomunikacija

4. Datum izrade tabele


5.Naziv (nacrta, predloga) propisa čije odredbe su predmet analize usklađenosti sa propisom Evropske unije:

Predlog zakona o uslugama

Draft Low on services

6. Brojčane oznake (šifre)

planiranih propisa:


iz baze :

7. Usklađenost odredbi propisa sa odredbama propisa EU:

propisa EU:




b 1)




Odredba propisa EU

Sadržina odredbe

Odredbe propisa Republike Srbije

Sadržina odredbe


(Potpuno usklađeno – PU,

Delimično usklađeno – DU. Neusklađeno – NU, neprenosivo – NP)

Razlozi za delimičnu usklađenost

Napomena o usklađenosti

Chapter I

1 (1)

This Directive establishes general provisions facilitating the exercise of the freedom of establishment for service providers and the free movement of services, while maintaining a high quality of services.


Ovim zakonom uređuju se pravo na poslovno nastanjivanje i sloboda prekograničnog pružanja usluga, uspostavljanje Jedinstvene elektronske kontaktne tačke, prava korisnika usluga, administrativna saradnja sa državama Evropskog ekonomskog prostora, nadzor nad sprovođenjem ovog zakona i druga pitanja od značaja za pravo na poslovno nastanjivanje i slobodu prekograničnog pružanja usluga.


1 (2)

This Directive does not deal with the liberalisation of services of general economic interest, reserved to public or private entities, nor with the privatisation of public entities providing services.

3 (2) (1)

3 (2) (2)

Odredbe ovog zakona ne primenjuju se na:

uređivanje usluga od opšteg ekonomskog interesa i na liberalizaciju pružanja tih usluga;

privatizaciju pravnih lica koja pružaju usluge;


1 (3)

This Directive does not deal with the abolition of monopolies providing services nor with aids granted by Member States which are covered by Community rules on competition.

This Directive does not affect the freedom of Member States to define, in conformity with Community law, what they consider to be services of general economic interest, how those services should be organised and financed, in compliance with the State aid rules, and what specific obligations they should be subject to.

3 (2) (9)

3 (2) (1)

Odredbe ovog zakona ne primenjuju se na:

ukidanje monopola u pružanju usluga i na državnu pomoć.

Odredbe ovog zakona ne primenjuju se na:

uređivanje usluga od opšteg ekonomskog interesa i na liberalizaciju pružanja tih usluga;


1 (4)

This Directive does not affect measures taken at Community level or at national level, in conformity with Community law, to protect or promote cultural or linguistic diversity or media pluralism.

3 (2) (8)

Odredbe ovog zakona ne primenjuju se na:

mere kojima se štiti ili unapređuje kulturna ili jezička raznovrsnost ili medijski pluralizam;



This Directive does not affect Member States’ rules of criminal law. However, Member States may not restrict the freedom to provide services by applying criminal law provisions which specifically regulate or affect access to or exercise of a service activity in circumvention of the rules laid down in this Directive.

3 (2) (6)

Odredbe ovog zakona ne primenjuju se na:

oblast krivičnog prava;


1 (6)

This Directive does not affect labour law, that is any legal or contractual provision concerning employment conditions, working conditions, including health and safety at work and the relationship between employers and workers, which Member States apply in accordance with national law which respects Community law. Equally, this Directive does not affect the social security legislation of the Member States.

3 (2) (5)

Odredbe ovog zakona ne primenjuju se na:

radne odnose, bezbednost i zdravlje na radu, socijalnu zaštitu, oporezivanje;


1 (7)

This Directive does not affect the exercise of fundamental rights as recognised in the Member States and by Community law. Nor does it affect the right to negotiate, conclude and enforce collective agreements and to take industrial action in accordance with national law and practices which respect Community law.

3 (2) (3)

3 (2) (4)

Odredbe ovog zakona ne primenjuju se na:

dredbe ovog zakona ne odnose se na na:

ostvarivanje ljudskih i manjinskih prava;

pravo na pregovaranje o zaključenju i zaključenje kolektivnog ugovora i prava iz kolektivnih ugovora;


2 (1)

This Directive shall apply to services supplied by providers established in a Member State.

3 (1)

Ovaj zakon primenjuje se na usluge koje državljani Republike Srbije ili države EEP odnosno pravna lica sa sedištem u Republici Srbiji ili državi EEP pružaju na teritoriji Republike Srbije, kao i na usluge koje državljani Republike Srbije odnosno pravna lica sa sedištem u Republici Srbiji pružaju na teritoriji država EEP.


2 (2)

This Directive shall not apply to the following activities:

(a) non-economic services of general interest;

(b) financial services, such as banking, credit, insurance and re-insurance, occupational or personal pensions, securities, investment funds, payment and investment advice, including the services listed in Annex I to Directive 2006/48/EC;

(c) electronic communications services and networks, and associated facilities and services, with respect to matters covered by Directives 2002/19/EC, 2002/20/EC, 2002/21/EC, 2002/22/EC and 2002/58/EC;

(d) services in the field of transport, including port services, falling within the scope of Title V of the Treaty;

(e) services of temporary work agencies;

(f) healthcare services whether or not they are provided via healthcare facilities, and regardless of the ways in which they are organised and financed at national level or whether they are public or private;

(g) audiovisual services, including cinematographic services, whatever their mode of production, distribution and transmission, and radio broadcasting;

(h) gambling activities which involve wagering a stake with pecuniary value in games of chance, including lotteries, gambling in casinos and betting transactions;

(i) activities which are connected with the exercise of official authority as set out in Article 45 of the Treaty;

(j) social services relating to social housing, childcare and support of families and persons permanently or temporarily in need which are provided by the State, by providers mandated by the State or by charities recognised as such by the State;

(k) private security services;

(l) services provided by notaries and bailiffs, who are appointed by an official act of government.

3 (3) (1–11)

Uporedni pregled:

(a) – 1)

(b) – 2)

(c) – 3)

(d) – 4)

(e) – 5)

(f) – 6)

(g) – 7)

(h) – 8)

(i) – 11)

(j) – 10)

(k) – 9)

(l) – 11)

Odredbe ovog zakona ne primenjuju se i na:

usluge od opšteg interesa;

finansijske usluge;

usluge elektronskih komunikacija, elektronske komunikacione mreže i pripadajuća sredstva;

usluge u oblasti saobraćaja, uključujući vazdušni, železnički i drumski saobraćaj, javni gradski prevoz i taksi prevoz, prevoz sanitetskim vozilom i vozilom hitne medicinske pomoći, aerodromske i lučke službe;

usluge privremenog zapošljavanja;

poslove zdravstvene zaštite koji obuhvataju sprovođenje mera za očuvanje i unapređenje zdravlja građana, sprečavanje, suzbijanje i rano otkrivanje bolesti, povreda i drugih poremećaja zdravlja i blagovremeno i efikasno lečenje i rehabilitaciju, a koje obavlja zdravstveni radnik u zdravstvenoj ustanovi ili privatnoj praksi;

audiovizuelne usluge, uključujući televizijsko i radijsko emitovanje i bioskopske projekcije;

priređivanje igara na sreću;

usluge privatnog obezbeđenja;

usluge socijalne zaštite, koje pružaju ustanove socijalne zaštite i drugi subjekti u socijalnoj zaštiti u skladu sa zakonom, kao i delatnost udruženja osnovanih radi ostvarivanja humanitarnih ciljeva;

vršenje prenetih ili poverenih javnih ovlašćenja, uključujući javnobeležničku delatnost i poslove izvršitelja.


2 (3)

This Directive shall not apply to the field of taxation.

3 (2) (5)

Odredbe ovog zakona ne primenjuju se na:

radne odnose, bezbednost i zdravlje na radu, socijalnu zaštitu, oporezivanje;


3 (1)

If the provisions of this Directive conflict with a provision of another Community act governing specific aspects of access to or exercise of a service activity in specific sectors or for specific professions, the provision of the other Community act shall prevail and shall apply to those specific sectors or professions. These include:

(a) Directive 96/71/EC;

(b) Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71;

(c) Council Directive 89/552/EEC of 3 October 1989 on the coordination of certain provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action in Member States concerning the pursuit of television broadcasting activities;

(d) Directive 2005/36/EC.

4 (1)

Propisi kojima se uređuju pravo na poslovno nastanjivanje i sloboda prekograničnog pružanja usluga usklađuju se sa odredbama ovog zakona osim propisa koji se usaglašavaju sa propisima Evropske unije o upućenim zaposlenim u uslužnim delatnostima, audiovizuelnim uslugama, priznavanju profesionalnih kvalifikacija, ili primeni propisa o socijalnom osiguranju na radnike, samozaposlena lica i njihove porodice.



Vid. Čl.

41. st. 4.


3 (2)

This Directive does not concern rules of private international law, in particular rules governing the law applicable to contractual and non contractual obligations, including those which guarantee that consumers benefit from the protection granted to them by the consumer protection rules laid down in the consumer legislation in force in their Member State.

3 (2) (7)

Odredbe ovog zakona ne primenjuju se na:

određivanje merodavnog prava;


3 (3)

Member States shall apply the provisions of this Directive in compliance with the rules of the Treaty on the right of establishment and the free movement of services.




4 (1)

For the purposes of this Directive, the following definitions shall apply:

1) ‘service’ means any self-employed economic activity, normally provided for remuneration, as referred to in Article 50 of the Treaty;

2) ‘provider’ means any natural person who is a national of a Member State, or any legal person as referred to in Article 48 of the Treaty and established in a Member State, who offers or provides a service;

3) ‘recipient’ means any natural person who is a national of a Member State or who benefits from rights conferred upon him by Community acts, or any legal person as referred to in Article 48 of the Treaty and established in a Member State, who, for professional or non-professional purposes, uses, or wishes to use, a service;

4) ‘Member State of establishment’ means the Member State in whose territory the provider of the service concerned is established;

5) ‘establishment’ means the actual pursuit of an economic activity, as referred to in Article 43 of the Treaty, by the provider for an indefinite period and through a stable infrastructure from where the business of providing services is actually carried out;

6) ‘authorisation scheme’ means any procedure under which a provider or recipient is in effect required to take steps in order to obtain from a competent authority a formal decision, or an implied decision, concerning access to a service activity or the exercise thereof;

7) ‘requirement’ means any obligation, prohibition, condition or limit provided for in the laws, regulations or administrative provisions of the Member States or in consequence of case-law, administrative practice, the rules of professional bodies, or the collective rules of professional associations or other professional organisations, adopted in the exercise of their legal autonomy; rules laid down in collective agreements negotiated by the social partners shall not as such be seen as requirements within the meaning of this Directive;

8) ‘overriding reasons relating to the public interest’ means reasons recognised as such in the case law of the Court of Justice, including the following grounds: public policy; public security; public safety; public health; preserving the financial equilibrium of the social security system; the protection of consumers, recipients of services and workers; fairness of trade transactions; combating fraud; the protection of the environment and the urban environment; the health of animals; intellectual property; the conservation of the national historic and artistic heritage; social policy objectives and cultural policy objectives;

9) ‘competent authority’ means any body or authority which has a supervisory or regulatory role in a Member State in relation to service activities, including, in particular, administrative authorities, including courts acting as such, professional bodies, and those professional associations or other professional organisations which, in the exercise of their legal autonomy, regulate in a collective manner access to service activities or the exercise thereof;

10) ‘Member State where the service is provided’ means the Member State where the service is supplied by a provider established in another Member State;

11) ‘regulated profession’ means a professional activity or a group of professional activities as referred to in Article 3(1)(a) of Directive 2005/36/EC;

12) ‘commercial communication’ means any form of communication designed to promote, directly or indirectly, the goods, services or image of an undertaking, organisation or person engaged in commercial, industrial or craft activity or practising a regulated profession. The following do not in themselves constitute commercial communications:

(a) information enabling direct access to the activity of the undertaking, organisation or person, including in particular a domain name or an electronic-mailing address;

(b) communications relating to the goods, services or image of the undertaking, organisation or person, compiled in an independent manner, particularly when provided for no financial consideration.

2 (1) (1–18)

Uporedni pregled:

1) – 5)

2) – 7)

3) – 8)

4) – 3)

5) – 1)

6) – 12)

7) – 13)

8) – 14)

9) – 11)

10) – 9)

10) – 10)

11) – 15)

12) – 16)

Pojedini izrazi koji se koriste u ovom zakonu imaju sledeće značenje:

poslovno nastanjivanje je stvarno obavljanje uslužne privredne delatnosti, bez vremenskog ograničenja i putem stalne infrastrukture;

sedište je mesto iz koga se stvarno upravlja obavljanjem privredne delatnosti pružaoca usluge;

država sedišta je Republika Srbija ili države Evropskog ekonomskog prostora, u zavisnosti od toga gde se nalazi sedište pružaoca usluga;

država EEP je država članica Evropskog ekonomskog prostora;

pružanje usluga je samostalna uslužna privredna delatnost koja se po pravilu obavlja uz naknadu;

pružanje mešovite usluge sastoji se od najmanje dve različite samostalne uslužne privredne delatnosti, koje pružalac usluga obavlja samostalno, odnosno koje zajedno obavljaju dva ili više pružalaca usluga;

pružalac usluge je državljanin Republike Srbije ili države EEP, odnosno pravno lice sa sedištem u Republici Srbiji ili državi EEP, koje pruža ili nudi pružanje usluge;

korisnik usluge je državljanin Republike Srbije ili države EEP, odnosno pravno lice sa sedištem u Republici Srbiji ili državi EEP, koje koristi ili ima nameru da koristi uslugu, u bilo koje svrhe;

prekogranično pružanje usluge je pružanje usluge u Republici Srbiji ili u državi EEP, kada pružalac usluge nije poslovno nastanjen na teritoriji države u kojoj se usluga pruža;

prekogranično korišćenje usluge je korišćenje usluge u Republici Srbiji ili u državi EEP, kada pružalac usluge nije poslovno nastanjen na teritoriji države u kojoj se usluga pruža;

organ javne vlasti je državni organ, organ autonomne pokrajine, organ jedinice lokalne samouprave, lice kojem je povereno javno ovlašćenje, profesionalno ili strukovno udruženje ili organizacija, koji uređuje ili nadzire pružanje ili korišćenje usluga odnosno sprovodi postupak za dobijanje saglasnosti;

postupak za dobijanje saglasnosti je postupak pred organom javne vlasti u kojem se pružaocu odnosno korisniku usluge izdaje dozvola, odobrenje ili drugi pravni akt neophodan za pružanje usluge odnosno za njeno korišćenje, uključujući druge pravne akte kojima je uslovljena registracija ili dobijanje saglasnosti za obavljanje određene uslužne delatnosti;

uslov za dobijanje saglasnosti je svaki uslov za pružanje ili korišćenje usluge, koji proizlazi iz zakona, podzakonskog opšteg akta Republike Srbije, opšteg akta autonomne pokrajine ili jedinice lokalne samouprave, opšteg akta organizacije kojoj su poverena javna ovlašćenja, opšteg akta profesionalnog ili strukovnog udruženja ili organizacije, osim uslova koji proizlazi iz kolektivnog ugovora;

javni interes je opšti društveni interes, uključujući: javni poredak, javnu bezbednost, javnu zaštitu, javno zdravlje, očuvanje finansijske ravnoteže sistema socijalne zaštite, zaštitu potrošača, korisnika usluga i radnika, poštovanje načela savesnosti i poštenja u poslovnim odnosima, sprečavanje prevarnog postupanja, zaštitu životne sredine i zdravlja životinja, zaštitu intelektualne svojine, očuvanje istorijske i kulturne baštine, ciljeve socijalne i kulturne politike;

regulisana profesija je profesionalna delatnost ili skup profesionalnih delatnosti kod kojih je pristup i obavljanje, odnosno način obavljanja delatnosti na osnovu zakonskih, podzakonskih ili drugih akata, neposredno ili posredno uslovljen posedovanjem određenih profesionalnih kvalifikacija, kao i profesionalna delatnost ili skup profesionalnih delatnosti kojima se bave članovi stručnih organizacija sa profesionalnim nazivom;

poslovna komunikacija je svaki oblik komunikacije u cilju promovisanja robe, usluga ili poslovnog ugleda pravnog ili fizičkog lica koje se bavi privrednom delatnošću ili regulisanom profesijom, sa izuzetkom:

(1) davanja informacija koje omogućavaju neposredan pristup delatnosti ovog lica, kao što su informacije o njegovoj elektronskoj adresi ili adresi elektronske pošte, i

(2) davanja, bez naknade, informacija koje su prikupljene istraživanjima ili na drugi sličan način, o robi, uslugama ili poslovnom ugledu ovog lica;

17) usluga od opšteg ekonomskog interesa je usluga čiji kvalitet, uslove pružanja ili cenu uređuje, nadzire ili kontroliše organ javne vlasti, u cilju zaštite javnog interesa, naročito zbog velike vrednosti početnih ulaganja, ograničenosti resursa za njeno pružanje, održivog razvoja, društvene solidarnosti i ujednačenog regionalnog razvoja;

IMI sistem je informacioni

sistem za administrativnu saradnju i elektronsku razmenu podataka između nadležnih organa država EEP naročito u oblastima kao što su usluge, elektronska trgovina, profesionalne kvalifikacije i prava pacijenata u prekograničnoj zdravstvenoj zaštiti.


Umesto da se definiše „država u kojoj se pruža usluga” u slučaju prekograničnog pružanja usluge, definisno je prekogranično pružanje i prekogranično korišćenje usluge.

Definicije koje ssu dodate u NZOU:

Sedište, država EEP, mešovita usluga, prekogranično pružanje usluge, prekogranično korišćenje usluge, usluga od opšteg ekonomskog interesa, IMI sistem.

Chapter II

5 (1)

Member States shall examine the procedures and formalities applicable to access to a service activity and to the exercise thereof. Where procedures and formalities examined under this paragraph are not sufficiently simple, Member States shall simplify them.




5 (2)

The Commission may introduce harmonised forms at Community level, in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 40(2). These forms shall be equivalent to certificates, attestations and any other documents required of a provider.




5 (3)

Where Member States require a provider or recipient to supply a certificate, attestation or any other document proving that a requirement has been satisfied, they shall accept any document from another Member State which serves an equivalent purpose or from which it is clear that the requirement in question has been satisfied. They may not require a document from another Member State to be produced in its original form, or as a certified copy or as a certified translation, save in the cases provided for in other Community instruments or where such a requirement is justified by an overriding reason relating to the public interest, including public order and security.

The first subparagraph shall not affect the right of Member States to require non-certified translations of documents in one of their official languages.

5 (1)

5 (2)

5 (3)

Ako se u postupku za dobijanje saglasnosti od pružaoca usluga zahteva da određenom ispravom odnosno dokumentom dokaže ispunjenost uslova za dobijanje saglasnosti, organ javne vlasti dužan je da prihvati svaku ispravu odnosno dokument iz države EEP koji su namenjeni istoj svrsi odnosno iz kojih jasno proizlazi da je taj uslov ispunjen.

Organ javne vlasti ne može da zahteva od pružaoca usluge da dostavi original, overenu kopiju ili overeni prevod isprave odnosno dokumenta iz stava 1. ovog člana, osim kada za to postoji javni interes.

Organ javne vlasti može da zahteva od pružaoca usluge da dostavi neovereni prevod isprave odnosno dokumenta iz stava 1. ovog člana na jezik koji je u službenoj upotrebi u Republici Srbiji.


5 (4)

Paragraph 3 shall not apply to the documents referred to in Article 7(2) and 50 of Directive 2005/36/EC, in Articles 45(3), 46, 49 and 50 of Directive 2004/18/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004 on the coordination of procedures for the award of public works contracts, public supply contracts and public service contracts, in Article 3(2) of Directive 98/5/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 February 1998 to facilitate practice of the profession of lawyer on a permanent basis in a Member State other than that in which the qualification was obtained, in the First Council Directive 68/151/EEC of 9 March 1968 on coordination of safeguards which, for the protection of the interests of members and others, are required by Member States of companies within the meaning of the second paragraph of Article 58 of the Treaty, with a view to making such safeguards equivalent throughout the Community and in the Eleventh Council Directive 89/666/EECof 21 December 1989 concerning disclosure requirements in respect of branches opened in a Member State by certain types of company governed by the law of another State.

5 (4)

Odredbe ovog člana se ne primenjuju na dokazivanje ispunjenosti uslova za priznavanje stranih stručnih kvalifikacija, dokazivanje ispunjenosti uslova za učešće u postupku javne nabavke, dokazivanje ispunjenosti uslova za upis u privredni registar, dokazivanje upisa advokata u odgovarajući imenik odnosno registar u matičnoj državi.


6 (1)

1. Member States shall ensure that it is possible for providers to complete the following procedures and formalities through points of single contact:

(a) all procedures and formalities needed for access to his service activities, in particular, all declarations, notifications or applications necessary for authorisation from the competent authorities, including applications for inclusion in a register, a roll or a database, or for registration with a professional body or association;

(b) any applications for authorisation needed to exercise his service activities.

6 (4)

6 (6)

Nadležno ministarstvo i organi javne vlasti staraju se da sva zainteresovana lica mogu elektronskim putem preko JEKT-a pouzdano i lako da pribave sve obrasce i dokumenta i da preduzmu sve radnje u cilju ispunjavanja uslova odnosno sprovođenja postupka za ostvarivanje prava na poslovno nastanjivanje odnosno dobijanje saglasnosti za pružanje usluga u Republici Srbiji.

Vlada uređuje postupak prikupljanja i razmene podataka između organa javne vlasti i nadležnog ministarstva preko JEKT-a.


6 (2)

The establishment of points of single contact shall be without prejudice to the allocation of functions and powers among the authorities within national systems.




7 (1)

Member States shall ensure that the following information is easily accessible to providers and recipients through the points of single contact:

(a) requirements applicable to providers established in their territory, in particular those requirements concerning the procedures and formalities to be completed in order to access and to exercise service activities;

(b) the contact details of the competent authorities enabling the latter to be contacted directly, including the details of those authorities responsible for matters concerning the exercise of service activities;

(c) the means of, and conditions for, accessing public registers and databases on providers and services;

(d) the means of redress which are generally available in the event of dispute between the competent authorities and the provider or the recipient, or between a provider and a recipient or between providers;

(e) the contact details of the associations or organisations, other than the competent authorities, from which providers or recipients may obtain practical assistance.

7 (1) (1–5)

Uporedni pregled:

(a) – 1)

(b) – 2)

(c) – 3)

(d) – 4)

(e) – 5)

Nadležno ministarstvo je dužno da pružaocima i korisnicima usluga omogući da preko JEKT-a lako pristupe tačnim i potpunim informacijama o:

uslovima koje pružaoci usluga moraju da ispune u Republici Srbiji, a naročito o uslovima i postupcima za ostvarivanje prava na poslovno nastanjivanje i prekogranično pružanje usluga;

organima javne vlasti koji obavljaju poslove od značaja za funkcionisanje tržišta i promet usluga, njihovim nadležnostima te načinu na koji pružalac odnosno korisnik usluge stupa u neposredan kontakt s njima;

načinu i uslovima za upis odnosno ostvarivanje uvida u javne registre i baze podataka o uslugama i pružaocima usluga;

pravnim sredstvima i postupcima za ostvarivanje i zaštitu prava pružalaca odnosno korisnika usluga;

organizacijama i udruženjima koja pružaju praktičnu pomoć pružaocima odnosno korisnicima usluga i načinu na koji pružalac odnosno korisnik usluge stupa u neposredan kontakt s njima.


7 (2)

Member States shall ensure that it is possible for providers and recipients to receive, at their request, assistance from the competent authorities, consisting in information on the way in which the requirements referred to in point (a) of paragraph 1 are generally interpreted and applied. Where appropriate, such advice shall include a simple step-by-step guide. The information shall be provided in plain and intelligible language.

7 (2)

Nadležno ministarstvo i organi javne vlasti staraju se da pružaoci i korisnici usluga preko JEKT-a mogu, na zahtev, da dobiju obaveštenje od nadležnog organa javne vlasti o primeni propisa od značaja za poslovno nastanjivanje odnosno pružanje usluga i da dobiju jednostavna opšta uputstva za postupanje u skladu s tim propisima.


7 (3)

Member States shall ensure that the information and assistance referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 are provided in a clear and unambiguous manner, that they are easily accessible at a distance and by electronic means and that they are kept up to date.

6 (1)

6 (2)

6 (3)

Jedinstvena elektronska kontaktna tačka (u daljem tekstu: JEKT) je državni elektronski servis putem kojeg organi javne vlasti Republike Srbije razmenjuju informacije i putem kojeg zainteresovana lica mogu besplatno da se obaveste o uslovima i postupcima za ostvarivanje prava na poslovno nastanjivanje odnosno za dobijanje saglasnosti za pružanje usluga u Republici Srbiji.

Ministarstvo nadležno za poslove funkcionisanja tržišta i prometa usluga (u daljem teksty: nadležno ministarstvo) obrazuje organizacionu jedinicu za uspostavljanje i upravljanje JEKT-om.

Nadležno ministarstvo se stara da JEKT bude ažuran, pregledan, jasan i jednostavan za korišćenje. Organi javne vlasti su dužni da nadležnom ministarstvu blagovremeno dostave potpune podatke iz svog delokruga koji su od značaja za ažurnost JEKT-a.


7 (4)

Member States shall ensure that the points of single contact and the competent authorities respond as quickly as possible to any request for information or assistance as referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 and, in cases where the request is faulty or unfounded, inform the applicant accordingly without delay.

7 (4)

Organ javne vlasti je dužan da najkasnije u roku od petnaest dana od dana prijema zahteva pružaocu odnosno korisniku usluga preko JEKT-a dostavi obaveštenje odnosno uputstvo iz st. 1. i 2. ovog člana, uključujući obaveštenje o tome da je zahtev nejasan i nepotpun.


7 (5)

Member States and the Commission shall take accompanying measures in order to encourage points of single contact to make the information provided for in this Article available in other Community languages. This does not interfere with Member States’ legislation on the use of languages.




7 (6)

The obligation for competent authorities to assist providers and recipients does not require those authorities to provide legal advice in individual cases but concerns only general information on the way in which requirements are usually interpreted or applied.

7 (3)

Organ javne vlasti je dužan da pruži opšte informacije o primeni odgovarajućih propisa. Organ javne vlasti nije dužan da daje pravne savete u pojedinačnim slučajevima.


8 (1)

Member States shall ensure that all procedures and formalities relating to access to a service activity and to the exercise thereof may be easily completed, at a distance and by electronic means, through the relevant point of single contact and with the relevant competent authorities.

6 (4)

Nadležno ministarstvo i organi javne vlasti staraju se da sva zainteresovana lica mogu elektronskim putem preko JEKT-a pouzdano i lako da pribave sve obrasce i dokumenta i da preduzmu sve radnje u cilju ispunjavanja uslova odnosno sprovođenja postupka za ostvarivanje prava na poslovno nastanjivanje odnosno dobijanje saglasnosti za pružanje usluga u Republici Srbiji.


8 (2)

Paragraph 1 shall not apply to the inspection of premises on which the service is provided or of equipment used by the provider or to physical examination of the capability or of the personal integrity of the provider or of his responsible staff.

6 (5)

Odredba stava 4. ovog člana ne odnosi se na uslove čija se ispunjenost mora neposredno proveriti pregledom prostorija ili opreme za pružanje usluga ili procenom sposobnosti ili ličnog integriteta pružaoca usluga ili odgovornih lica ako je pružalac usluge pravno lice.


8 (3)

The Commission shall, in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 40(2), adopt detailed rules for the implementation of paragraph 1 of this Article with a view to facilitating the interoperability of information systems and use of procedures by electronic means between Member States, taking into account common standards developed at Community level.




Chapter III

Section 1

9 (1)

Member States shall not make access to a service activity or the exercise thereof subject to an authorisation scheme unless the following conditions are satisfied:

(a) the authorisation scheme does not discriminate against the provider in question;

(b) the need for an authorisation scheme is justified by an overriding reason relating to the public interest;

(c) the objective pursued cannot be attained by means of a less restrictive measure, in particular because an a posteriori inspection would take place too late to be genuinely effective.

8 (1)

8 (2)

8 (3)


5–8 ZOUP

12–15 ZOUP

Pružaoci usluga imaju pravo na poslovno nastanjivanje u Republici Srbiji.

Obavljanje uslužne privredne delatnosti može se usloviti dobijanjem saglasnosti u postupku pred organom javne vlasti.

Postupak za dobijanje saglasnosti iz stava 2. ovog člana uređuje se i vodi u skladu s principima zakonitosti, zaštite prava građana i zaštite javnog interesa, srazmernosti i nediskriminacije, efikasnosti i ekonomičnosti, pravilnog i potpunog utvrđivanja odlučnih činjenica, dvostepenosti u rešavanju, pravnosnažnosti i pružanja pomoći stranci.


9 (2)

In the report referred to in Article 39(1), Member States shall identify their authorisation schemes and give reasons showing their compatibility with paragraph 1 of this Article.




9 (3)

This section shall not apply to those aspects of authorisation schemes which are governed directly or indirectly by other Community instruments.




10 (1)

Authorisation schemes shall be based on criteria which preclude the competent authorities from exercising their power of assessment in an arbitrary manner.

9 (1)

Uslovi za dobijanje saglasnosti za pružanje usluga propisuju se u cilju sprečavanja samovoljnog postupanja organa javne vlasti pred kojim se vodi postupak i zaštite javnog interesa u skladu sa principima srazmernosti, nediskriminacije, javnosti i transparentnosti i moraju da budu opšti, objektivni, unapred objavljeni, lako dostupni i jasni..


10 (2)

The criteria referred to in paragraph 1 shall be:

(a) non-discriminatory;

(b) justified by an overriding reason relating to the public interest;

(c) proportionate to that public interest objective;

(d) clear and unambiguous;

(e) objective;

(f) made public in advance;

(g) transparent and accessible.

9 (1)

Uslovi za dobijanje saglasnosti za pružanje usluga propisuju se u cilju sprečavanja samovoljnog postupanja organa javne vlasti pred kojim se vodi postupak i zaštite javnog interesa i u skladu sa principima srazmernosti, nediskriminacije, javnosti i transparentnosti i moraju da budu opšti, objektivni, unapred objavljeni, lako dostupni i jasni.


10 (3)

The conditions for granting authorisation for a new establishment shall not duplicate requirements and controls which are equivalent or essentially comparable as regards their purpose to which the provider is already subject in another Member State or in the same Member State. The liaison points referred to in Article 28(2) and the provider shall assist the competent authority by providing any necessary information regarding those requirements.

9 (3)

U postupku za dobijanje saglasnosti ne može se zahtevati da pružalac usluge ponovo ispuni uslove iz stava 1. ovog člana, ako je već jednom ispunio iste uslove, ili po svrsi bitno slične uslove, u Republici Srbiji ili u državi EEP. Prethodna ispunjenost uslova dokazuje se u skladu s odredbama člana 5. ovog zakona.


10 (4)

The authorisation shall enable the provider to have access to the service activity, or to exercise that activity, throughout the national territory, including by means of setting up agencies, subsidiaries, branches or offices, except where an authorisation for each individual establishment or a limitation of the authorisation to a certain part of the territory is justified by an overriding reason relating to the public interest.

10 (1)

10 (2)

10 (4)

Saglasnost za pružanje usluga izdaje se bez prostornih i vremenskih ograničenja.

Saglasnost iz stava 1 ovog člana uključuje i mogućnost osnivanja zavisnih društava i obrazovanja ogranaka.

Prostorno važenje saglasnosti za pružanje usluga može se zakonom ograničiti ako to nalaže javni interes.


10 (5)

The authorisation shall be granted as soon as it is established, in the light of an appropriate examination, that the conditions for authorisation have been met.


Organi koji vode postupak, odnosno rešavaju u upravnim stvarima, dužni su da obezbede uspešno i kvalitetno ostvarivanje i zaštitu prava i pravnih interesa fizičkih lica, pravnih lica ili drugih stranaka.


10 (6)

Except in the case of the granting of an authorisation, any decision from the competent authorities, including refusal or withdrawal of an authorisation, shall be fully reasoned and shall be open to challenge before the courts or other instances of appeal.

196–204 ZOUP

12–13 ZOUP

Pravilima ZOUP-a o obliku i sastavnim delovima rešenja već je propisano da rešenje mora da sadrži dispozitiv, obrazloženje i uputstvo o pravnom sredstvu.

Načelo dvostepenosti u rešavanju to jest pravo na žalbu (čl. 12 ZOUP).

Načelo pravnosnažnosti rešenja (čl. 13 ZOUP).


Nije potre

10 (7)

This Article shall not call into question the allocation of the competences, at local or regional level, of the Member States’ authorities granting authorisations.




11 (1)

An authorisation granted to a provider shall not be for a limited period, except where:

(a) the authorisation is being automatically renewed or is subject only to the continued fulfilment of requirements;

(b) the number of available authorisations is limited by an overriding reason relating to the public interest; or

(c) a limited authorisation period can be justified by an overriding reason relating to the public interest.

10 (1)

10 (5) (1–3)

10 (6)

Saglasnost za pružanje usluga izdaje se bez prostornih i vremenskih ograničenja.

Vremensko važenje saglasnosti za pružanje usluga može se zakonom ograničiti u sledećim slučajevima:

ako je neophodna redovna provera ispunjenosti uslova za dobijanje saglasnosti za pružanje usluga, a kontinuirana ispunjenost tih uslova garantuje pružaocu usluga da će saglasnost biti obnovljena;

ako javni interes nalaže da se ograniči broj ovlašćenih pružalaca određene usluge, u skladu se odredbama člana 11. ovog zakona;

ako javni interes nalaže da važenje saglasnosti bude vremenski ograničeno.

Ne smatra se da je saglasnost za pružanje usluga vremenski ograničena ako se može obnoviti besplatno i bez ponovne provere ispunjenosti uslova.


11 (2)

Paragraph 1 shall not concern the maximum period before the end of which the provider must actually commence his activity after receiving authorisation.

10 (7)

Ne smatra se da je saglasnost za pružanje usluga vremenski ograničena ako je propisan rok u kojem je pružalac usluga dužan da počne da obavlja uslužnu delatnost pošto je dobio saglasnost.


11 (3)

Member States shall require a provider to inform the relevant point of single contact provided for in Article 6 of the following changes:

(a) the creation of subsidiaries whose activities fall within the scope of the authorisation scheme;

(b) changes in his situation which result in the conditions for authorisation no longer being met.

10 (3)

Pružalac usluge je dužan da u roku od sedam dana obavesti JEKT o osnivanju zavisnog društva u ciljy obavljanja uslužne delatnosti za koju je dobio saglasnost, kao i o tome da više ne ispunjava neki od uslova za dobijanje saglasnosti.


11 (4)

This Article shall be without prejudice to the Member States’ ability to revoke authorisations, when the conditions for authorisation are no longer met.




12 (1)

Where the number of authorisations available for a given activity is limited because of the scarcity of available natural resources or technical capacity, Member States shall apply a selection procedure to potential candidates which provides full guarantees of impartiality and transparency, including, in particular, adequate publicity about the launch, conduct and completion of the procedure.

11 (1)

Ako ograničenost prirodnih resursa ili tehničkih kapaciteta za obavljanje određene uslužne delatnosti nalaže da broj ovlašćenih pružalaca bude ograničen, saglasnost za pružanje usluge dobija se u transparentnom i nepristrasno sprovedenom postupku po javnom pozivu.


12 (2)

In the cases referred to in paragraph 1, authorisation shall be granted for an appropriate limited period and may not be open to automatic renewal nor confer any other advantage on the provider whose authorisation has just expired or on any person having any particular links with that provider.

11 (2)

Saglasnost za pružanje usluge koja je dobijena u postupku po javnom pozivu ograničena je vremenski i ne može se obnoviti bez sprovođenja postupka iz stava 1 ovog člana. Učesnici u postupku po javnom pozivu su ravnopravni, a saglasnost koju su ranije imali ne može im se računati kao prednost.


12 (3)

Subject to paragraph 1 and to Articles 9 and 10, Member States may take into account, in establishing the rules for the selection procedure, considerations of public health, social policy objectives, the health and safety of employees or self-employed persons, the protection of the environment, the preservation of cultural heritage and other overriding reasons relating to the public interest, in conformity with Community law.

11 (3)

Prilikom utvrđivanja opštih kriterijuma za davanje saglasnosti na osnovu javnog poziva organ javne vlasti vodi računa o javnom interesu.


13 (1)

Authorisation procedures and formalities shall be clear, made public in advance and be such as to provide the applicants with a guarantee that their application will be dealt with objectively and impartially.

9 (1)

Uslovi za dobijanje saglasnosti za pružanje usluga propisuju se u cilju sprečavanja samovoljnog postupanja organa javne vlasti pred kojim se vodi postupak i zaštite javnog interesa u skladu s principima srazmernosti, nediskriminacije, javnosti i transparentnosti i moraju da budu opšti, objektivni, unapred objavljeni, lako dostupni i jasni.


13 (2)

Authorisation procedures and formalities shall not be dissuasive and shall not unduly complicate or delay the provision of the service. They shall be easily accessible and any charges which the applicants may incur from their application shall be reasonable and proportionate to the cost of the authorisation procedures in question and shall not exceed the cost of the procedures.

9 (2)

Pružaocu usluga mogu da se stave na teret samo razumni i stvarni troškovi sprovođenja postupka za dobijanje saglasnosti. Postupak za dobijanje saglasnosti ne sme da odvraća pružaoce usluga od obavljanja uslužnih delatnosti, niti da odlaže ili komplikuje pružanje usluga bez osnovanog razloga.


13 (3)

Authorisation procedures and formalities shall provide applicants with a guarantee that their application will be processed as quickly as possible and, in any event, within a reasonable period which is fixed and made public in advance. The period shall run only from the time when all documentation has been submitted. When justified by the complexity of the issue, the time period may be extended once, by the competent authority, for a limited time. The extension and its duration shall be duly motivated and shall be notified to the applicant before the original period has expired.

12 (7)

Organ javne vlasti je dužan da u roku od 30 dana od dana prijema odluči o urednom zahtevu za dobijanje saglasnosti. U složenim slučajevima organ javne vlasti može da produži ovaj rok i to samo jednom i najviše za 30 dana. Odluka o produženju roka za odlučivanje proizvodi pravno dejstvo ako je dostavljena podnosiocu zahteva pre nego što je istekao rok koji se produžava.



13 (4)

Failing a response within the time period set or extended in accordance with paragraph 3, authorisation shall be deemed to have been granted. Different arrangements may nevertheless be put in place, where justified by overriding reasons relating to the public interest, including a legitimate interest of third parties.

12 (8)

Ako organ javne vlasti propusti rok za odlučivanje, smatra se da je zahtev za dobijanje saglasnosti usvojen u celini, osim ako je radi zaštite javnog interesa posebnim zakonom uređeno drugačije.


13 (5)

All applications for authorisation shall be acknowledged as quickly as possible. The acknowledgement must specify the following:

(a) the period referred to in paragraph 3;

(b) the available means of redress;

(c) where applicable, a statement that in the absence of a response within the period specified, the authorisation shall be deemed to have been granted.

12 (1)

12 (2)


12 (4) (1–3)

Za prijem podnesaka u postupku za dobijanje saglasnosti nadležni su organ javne vlasti pred kojim se vodi postupak i nadležno ministarstvo preko JEKT-a. Nadležno ministarstvo je dužno da zahtev za dobijanje saglasnosti i ostale podneske koje je primilo preko JEKT-a prosledi organu javne vlasti bez odlaganja, a najkasnije sledećeg radnog dana.

Primalac je dužan da podnosiocu bez odlaganja potvrdi prijem podneska.

Nadležno ministarstvo je dužno da potvrdi i da je podnesak koji je primljen preko JEKT-a prosleđen nadležnom organu javne vlasti.

Zajedno s potvrdom da je primio zahtev za dobijanje saglasnosti, organ javne vlasti odnosno nadležno ministarstvo preko JEKT-a dužno je da podnosioca zahteva obavesti o:

roku za odlučivanje po tom zahtevu;

pravnim lekovima na koje podnosilac zahteva ima pravo;

pravnim posledicama propuštanja organa javne vlasti da o zahtevu odluči u roku.


13 (6)

In the case of an incomplete application, the applicant shall be informed as quickly as possible of the need to supply any additional documentation, as well as of any possible effects on the period referred to in paragraph 3.

12 (5)

Ako podnesak ima formalni nedostatak koji sprečava da se po njemu postupi ili je nerazumljiv ili nepotpun, organ javne vlasti odnosno nadležno ministarstvo preko JEKT-a dužno je da bez odlaganja obavesti podnosioca zahteva o potrebi da uredi podnesak, i o tome da rok za odlučivanje teče tek od dostavljanja urednog zahteva.


13 (7)

When a request is rejected because it fails to comply with the required procedures or formalities, the applicant shall be informed of the rejection as quickly as possible.

12 (6)

Odluka o zahtevu za dobijanje saglasnosti bez odlaganja se dostavlja podnosiocu zahteva, bez obzira na to da li je zahtev podnet neposredno organu javne vlasti ili nadležnom ministarstvu preko JEKT-a.


Chapter III

Section 2

14 (1)

Member States shall not make access to, or the exercise of, a service activity in their territory subject to compliance with any of the following:

1) discriminatory requirements based directly or indirectly on nationality or, in the case of companies, the location of the registered office, including in particular:

(a) nationality requirements for the provider, his staff, persons holding the share capital or members of the provider’s management or supervisory bodies;

(b) a requirement that the provider, his staff, persons holding the share capital or members of the provider’s management or supervisory bodies be resident within the territory;

2) a prohibition on having an establishment in more than one Member State or on being entered in the registers or enrolled with professional bodies or associations of more than one Member State;

3) restrictions on the freedom of a provider to choose between a principal or a secondary establishment, in particular an obligation on the provider to have its principal establishment in their territory, or restrictions on the freedom to choose between establishment in the form of an agency, branch or subsidiary;

4) conditions of reciprocity with the Member State in which the provider already has an establishment, save in the case of conditions of reciprocity provided for in Community instruments concerning energy;

5) the case-by-case application of an economic test making the granting of authorisation subject to proof of the existence of an economic need or market demand, an assessment of the potential or current economic effects of the activity or an assessment of the appropriateness of the activity in relation to the economic planning objectives set by the competent authority; this prohibition shall not concern planning requirements which do not pursue economic aims but serve overriding reasons relating to the public interest;

6) the direct or indirect involvement of competing operators, including within consultative bodies, in the granting of authorisations or in the adoption of other decisions of the competent authorities, with the exception of professional bodies and associations or other organisations acting as the competent authority; this prohibition shall not concern the consultation of organisations, such as chambers of commerce or social partners, on matters other than individual applications for authorisation, or a consultation of the public at large;

7) an obligation to provide or participate in a financial guarantee or to take out insurance from a provider or body established in their territory. This shall not affect the possibility for Member States to require insurance or financial guarantees as such, nor shall it affect requirements relating to the participation in a collective compensation fund, for instance for members of professional bodies or organisations;

8) an obligation to have been pre-registered, for a given period, in the registers held in their territory or to have previously exercised the activity for a given period in their territory.

9 (4)

9 (5)

9 (6) (1–4)

9 (7)

10 (2)

Uporedni pregled:

1) – 9 (4)

2) – 9 (5)

3) – 9 (5)

3) – 10 (2)

4) – 9 (6) (1)

5) – 9 (6) (2)

6) – 9 (7)

7) – 9 (6) (3–4)

8) – 9 (5)

Uslov za dobijanje saglasnosti za pružanje usluga ne sme da bude diskriminatoran u pogledu stvarnog ili registrovanog sedišta odnosno državljanstva ili prebivališta pružaoca usluge, njegovih osnivača, članova ili zaposlenih.

Od pružaoca usluge ne može da se zahteva da ima registrovano ili stvarno sedište odnosno da bude član profesionalnog ili strukovnog udruženja ili organizacije samo u jednoj državi EEP, da mu primarno sedište bude u Republici Srbiji, kao i da je ranije obavljao odnosno bio registrovan za obavljanje predmetne uslužne delatnosti u Republici Srbiji.

Davanje saglasnosti ne može da se uslovi ni:

postojanjem reciprociteta s državom EEP u kojoj pružalac usluge ima sedište odnosno čiji je državljanin;

ekonomskom opravdanošću davanja saglasnosti u konkretnom slučaju;

zaključivanjem ugovora o osiguranju od profesionalne odgovornosti s domaćim osiguravačem;

pribavljanjem garancije kod domaće banke.

U postupku za dobijanje saglasnosti za pružanje usluga ne može se tražiti mišljenje profesionalnog ili strukovnog udruženja čiji su članovi stvarni ili potencijalni konkurenti pružaoca usluge.

10 (2) Saglasnost iz stava 1 ovog člana uključuje i mogućnost osnivanja zavisnih društava i obrazovanja ogranaka.


15 (1)

Member States shall examine whether, under their legal system, any of the requirements listed in paragraph 2 are imposed and shall ensure that any such requirements are compatible with the conditions laid down in paragraph 3. Member States shall adapt their laws, regulations or administrative provisions so as to make them compatible with those conditions.




U čl. 15 Direktive pobrojani su uslovi koji nisu zabranjeni,

ali je neophodno da ih država preispita (ako su već propisani) u svetlu odredaba čl. 8, st. 2 i čl. 9, st. 1 NZOU,

odnosno da ima na umu ove članove ako nakon usvajanja ZOU bude propisivala nove uslove za prekogranično obavljanje pojedinih uslužnih delatnosti.

NZOU propisuje listu uslova kojima se ne može usloviti dobijanje saglasnosti za prekogranično obavljanje uslužne delatnosti (čl. 9, st. 2–6);

mimo toga, NZOU predviđa obavezna obeležja onih uslova koji su dozvoljeni (čl. 8, st. 2 i čl. 9, st. 1).

Nema potrebe da se posebno propisuje da će zakonodavac morati da preispita da li dozvoljeni uslovi ispunjavaju uslove nediskriminatornosti, srazmernosti, itd, jer to već proizlazi iz odredaba čl. 8 i čl. 9.

Potpuno usklašivanje

biće obezbeđeno drugim asktivnostima, kao što je

donošenje Strategije kojom će, između ostalog, biti definisane i odredbe

koje treba preispitati i rok za završetak.

15 (2)

Member States shall examine whether their legal system makes access to a service activity or the exercise of it subject to compliance with any of the following non-discriminatory requirements:

(a) quantitative or territorial restrictions, in particular in the form of limits fixed according to population or of a minimum geographical distance between providers;

(b) an obligation on a provider to take a specific legal form;

(c) requirements which relate to the shareholding of a company;

(d) requirements, other than those concerning matters covered by Directive 2005/36/EC or provided for in other Community instruments, which reserve access to the service activity in question to particular providers by virtue of the specific nature of the activity;

(e) a ban on having more than one establishment in the territory of the same State;

(f) requirements fixing a minimum number of employees;

(g) fixed minimum and/or maximum tariffs with which the provider must comply;

(h) an obligation on the provider to supply other specific services jointly with his service.




15 (3)

Member States shall verify that the requirements referred to in paragraph 2 satisfy the following conditions:

(a) non-discrimination: requirements must be neither directly nor indirectly discriminatory according to nationality nor, with regard to companies, according to the location of the registered office;

(b) necessity: requirements must be justified by an overriding reason relating to the public interest;

(c) proportionality: requirements must be suitable for securing the attainment of the objective pursued; they must not go beyond what is necessary to attain that objective and it must not be possible to replace those requirements with other, less restrictive measures which attain the same result.




15 (4)

Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 shall apply to legislation in the field of services of general economic interest only insofar as the application of these paragraphs does not obstruct the performance, in law or in fact, of the particular task assigned to them.




15 (5)

In the mutual evaluation report provided for in Article 39(1), Member States shall specify the following:

(a) the requirements that they intend to maintain and the reasons why they consider that those requirements comply with the conditions set out in paragraph 3;

(b) the requirements which have been abolished or made less stringent.




15 (6)

From 28 December 2006 Member States shall not introduce any new requirement of a kind listed in paragraph 2, unless that requirement satisfies the conditions laid down in paragraph 3.




15 (7)

Member States shall notify the Commission of any new laws, regulations or administrative provisions which set requirements as referred to in paragraph 6, together with the reasons for those requirements. The Commission shall communicate the provisions concerned to the other Member States. Such notification shall not prevent Member States from adopting the provisions in question.

Within a period of 3 months from the date of receipt of the notification, the Commission shall examine the compatibility of any new requirements with Community law and, where appropriate, shall adopt a decision requesting the Member State in question to refrain from adopting them or to abolish them.

The notification of a draft national law in accordance with Directive 98/34/EC shall fulfil the obligation of notification provided for in this Directive.




Chapter IV

Section 1

16 (1)

Member States shall respect the right of providers to provide services in a Member State other than that in which they are established.

The Member State in which the service is provided shall ensure free access to and free exercise of a service activity within its territory.

Member States shall not make access to or exercise of a service activity in their territory subject to compliance with any requirements which do not respect the following principles:

(a) non-discrimination: the requirement may be neither directly nor indirectly discriminatory with regard to nationality or, in the case of legal persons, with regard to the Member State in which they are established;

(b) necessity: the requirement must be justified for reasons of public policy, public security, public health or the protection of the environment;

(c) proportionality: the requirement must be suitable for attaining the objective pursued, and must not go beyond what is necessary to attain that objective.

13 (1)

13 (2)

13 (3) (1–2)

Prekogranično pružanje usluga je slobodno.

Prekogranično pružanje usluge može se zakonom ograničiti samo ako je to neophodno za zaštitu javnog poretka, javne bezbednosti, javnog zdravlja ili životne sredine od stvarne i ozbiljne opasnosti.

Ograničenje iz stava 2. ovog člana propisuje se i tumači u skladu s principima:

nediskriminacije po osnovu države sedišta odnosno državljanstva pružaoca ili korisnika usluge;

srazmernosti ciljevima radi kojih je propisano.


16 (2)

Member States may not restrict the freedom to provide services in the case of a provider established in another Member State by imposing any of the following requirements:

(a) an obligation on the provider to have an establishment in their territory;

(b) an obligation on the provider to obtain an authorisation from their competent authorities including entry in a register or registration with a professional body or association in their territory, except where provided for in this Directive or other instruments of Community law;

(c) a ban on the provider setting up a certain form or type of infrastructure in their territory, including an office or chambers, which the provider needs in order to supply the services in question;

(d) the application of specific contractual arrangements between the provider and the recipient which prevent or restrict service provision by the self-employed;

(e) an obligation on the provider to possess an identity document issued by its competent authorities specific to the exercise of a service activity;

(f) requirements, except for those necessary for health and safety at work, which affect the use of equipment and material which are an integral part of the service provided;

(g) restrictions on the freedom to provide the services referred to in Article 19.

14 (1) (1–3)

14 (2)

14 (3)

14 (4)

14 (5)

19 (1–4)

Uporedni pregled:

(a) – 14 (1) (1)

(b) – 14 (1) (2)

(c) – 14 (2)

(d) – 14 (5)

(e) – 14 (1) (3)

(f) – 14 (3)

(g) – 14 (4)

i 19 (1–4)

Prekogranično pružanje usluga ne može se usloviti:

poslovnim nastanjivanjem na teritoriji Republike Srbije;

dobijanjem saglasnosti od organa javne vlasti, upisom u privredni registar ili članstvom u profesionalnom ili strukovnom udruženju ili organizaciji u Republici Srbiji, osim kada je to predviđeno propisom kojim se propisi Republike Srbije usaglašavaju sa pravom Evropske unije;

posedovanjem isprave na osnovu koje se utvrđuje identitet, koju izdaje organ javne vlasti u Republici Srbiji.

Pružaocu usluge koji nema sedište u Republici Srbiji ne može se zabraniti da uspostavi odnosno koristi infrastrukturu potrebnu za obavljanje predmetne uslužne delatnosti.

Posebni uslovi u pogledu opreme i potrošnog materijala za obavljanje uslužne delatnosti propisuju se samo ako su neophodni za zaštitu javnog zdravlja odnosno za sprovođenje ili unapređenje bezbednosti i zdravlja na radu.

Prekogranično pružanje usluga na teritoriji Republike Srbije ne može se otežavati odnosno onemogućavati merama ili propisima koji podstiču korisnike usluga da usluge pribavljaju od pružalaca usluga sa sedištem na teritoriji Republike Srbije.

Prekogranično obavljanje uslužnih delatnosti samozaposlenih fizičkih lica ne može se usloviti zasnivanjem radnog odnosa. Samozaposleni se ne mogu staviti u neravnopravan položaj u odnosu na pravna lica ograničavanjem njihove ugovorne sposobnosti.


16 (3)

The Member State to which the provider moves shall not be prevented from imposing requirements with regard to the provision of a service activity, where they are justified for reasons of public policy, public security, public health or the protection of the environment and in accordance with paragraph 1. Nor shall that Member State be prevented from applying, in accordance with Community law, its rules on employment conditions, including those laid down in collective agreements.

13 (1)

13 (2)

13 (3) (1–2)

Navedeno gore, kod čl. 16 (1) Direktive.


16 (4)

By 28 December 2011 the Commission shall, after consultation of the Member States and the social partners at Community level, submit to the European Parliament and the Council a report on the application of this Article, in which it shall consider the need to propose harmonisation measures regarding service activities covered by this Directive.





17 (1)

Article 16 shall not apply to:

1) services of general economic interest which are provided in another Member State, inter alia:

(a) in the postal sector, services covered by Directive 97/67/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 December 1997 on common rules for the development of the internal market of Community postal services and the improvement of quality of service;

(b) in the electricity sector, services covered by Directive 2003/54/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2003 concerning common rules for the internal market in electricity;

(c) in the gas sector, services covered by Directive 2003/55/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2003 concerning common rules for the internal market in natural gas;

(d) water distribution and supply services and waste water services;

(e) treatment of waste;

2) matters covered by Directive 96/71/EC;

3) matters covered by Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data;

4) matters covered by Council Directive 77/249/EEC of 22 March 1977to facilitate the effective exercise by lawyers of freedom to provide services;

5) the activity of judicial recovery of debts;

6) matters covered by Title II of Directive 2005/36/EC, as well as requirements in the Member State where the service is provided which reserve an activity to a particular profession;

7) matters covered by Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71;

8) as regards administrative formalities concerning the free movement of persons and their residence, matters covered by the provisions of Directive 2004/38/EC that lay down administrative formalities of the competent authorities of the Member Statewhere the service is provided with which beneficiaries must comply;

9) as regards third country nationals who move to another Member State in the context of the provision of a service, the possibility for Member States to require visa or residence permits for third country nationals who are not covered by the mutual recognition regime provided for in Article 21 of the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement of 14 June 1985 on the gradual abolition of checks at the common borders or the possibility to oblige third country nationals to report to the competent authorities of the Member State in which the service is provided on or after their entry;

10) as regards the shipment of waste, matters covered by Council Regulation (EEC) No 259/93 of 1 February 1993 on the supervision and control of shipments of waste within, into and out of the European Community;

11) copyright, neighbouring rights and rights covered by Council Directive 87/54/EEC of 16 December 1986 on the legal protection of topographies of semiconductor products and by Directive 96/9/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 1996 on the legal protection of databases, as well as industrial property rights;

12) acts requiring by law the involvement of a notary;

13) matters covered by Directive 2006/43/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 May 2006 on statutory audit of annual accounts and consolidated accounts;

14) the registration of vehicles leased in another Member State;

15) provisions regarding contractual and non-contractual obligations, including the form of contracts, determined pursuant to the rules of private international law.

15 (1) (1–8)

Uporedni pregled:

1) – 1)

2) – 8) (1)

3) – 8) (2)

4) – 8) (4)

5) – 2)

6) – 8) (6)

7) – 8) (3)

8) – 8) (5)

9) – 3)

10) – 8) (7)

11) – 4)

12) – 5)

13) – 8) (8)

14) – 6)

15) – 7)

Odredbe čl. 13. i 14. ovog zakona ne primenjuju se na:

uslugu koja je posebnim zakonom određena kao usluga od opšteg ekonomskog interesa, pod uslovom da je tim zakonom jasno i precizno određen predmet date usluge (predmet obaveze pružaoca usluge prema njenom korisniku), kao i javni interes za njeno obavljanje, naročito u delatnostima poštanskih usluga, snabdevanja električnom energijom, gasom i vodom, odvodnjavanja i tretmana otpada;

obavljanje poslova izvršitelja;

ulazak i boravak državljana trećih država (lica koja nisu državljani RS ili državljani zemalja EEP) na teritoriji Republike Srbije;

autorska i srodna prava;

zakonsku javnobeležničku formu određenih pravnih poslova i izjava;

registraciju vozila koja su predmet lizinga odnosno dugoročnog zakupa po osnovu ugovora zaključenog izvan Republike Srbije;

merodavno pravo za ugovorne i vanugovorne obaveze;

pitanja uređena zakonima koji se usaglašavaju sa posebnim propisima Evropske unije o:

upućivanju zaposlenih u uslužnim delatnostima;

zaštiti podataka o ličnosti;

socijalnom osiguranju zaposlenih, samozaposlenih lica i njihovih porodica;

slobodi obavljanja advokatske delatnosti;

posebnim administrativnim uslovima za slobodno kretanje lica;

regulisanim profesijama, kao i o uslužnoj delatnosti koju zbog njene prirode mogu da obavljaju samo lica koja ispunjavaju uslove za bavljenje odgovarajućom regulisanom profesijom;

nadzoru i kontroli transporta otpada;

reviziji finansijskih izveštaja.


18 (1)

By way of derogation from Article 16, and in exceptional circumstances only, a Member State may, in respect of a provider established in another Member State, take measures relating to the safety of services.

16 (1)

U izuzetnim slučajevima, kada preti stvarna i ozbiljna opasnost po javno zdravlje ili životnu sredinu, državljaninu države EEP odnosno pravnom licu sa sedištem u državi EEP može se ograničiti sloboda pružanja usluga na teritoriji Republike Srbije, pokretanjem postupka i izricanjem mere u skladu sa zakonom radi sprečavanja ili otklanjanja date opasnosti.


18 (2)

The measures provided for in paragraph 1 may be taken only if the mutual assistance procedure laid down in Article 35 is complied with and the following conditions are fulfilled:

(a) the national provisions in accordance with which the measure is taken have not been subject to Community harmonisation in the field of the safety of services;

(b) the measures provide for a higher level of protection of the recipient than would be the case in a measure taken by the Member State of establishment in accordance with its national provisions;

(c) the Member State of establishment has not taken any measures or has taken measures which are insufficient as compared with those referred to in Article 35(2);

(d) the measures are proportionate.

16 (2)

16 (3)

16 (4)

Mera iz stava 1. ovog člana mora da bude srazmerna opasnosti koja preti i izriče se pod uslovom da:

u Evropskoj uniji nije izvršeno usklađivanje propisa o bezbednosti predmetne usluge;

izrečena mera obezbeđuje efikasniju zaštitu od mere koja se može preduzeti po pravu države sedišta pružaoca usluge;

država sedišta pružaoca usluge nije preduzela nikakve mere ili su mere koje je preduzela nedovoljne za otklanjanje opasnosti koja preti.

Organ javne vlasti može da izrekne meru iz stava 1. ovog člana samo ako je prethodno okončan postupak uzajamne pomoći iz člana 17. ovog zakona.

Odredba stava 3. ovog člana ne primenjuje se na postupak pred sudom.


Član 35 Direktive transponovan je u:

članu 16 (4) i članu 17 NZOU.

Pogledati čl. 35 Direktive u ovoj tabeli.

18 (3)

Paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be without prejudice to provisions, laid down in Community instruments, which guarantee the freedom to provide services or which allow derogations therefrom.




Chapter IV

Section 2

19 (1)

Member States may not impose on a recipient requirements which restrict the use of a service supplied by a provider established in another Member State, in particular the following requirements:

(a) an obligation to obtain authorisation from or to make a declaration to their competent authorities;

(b) discriminatory limits on the grant of financial assistance by reason of the fact that the provider is established in another Member State or by reason of the location of the place at which the service is provided.

18 (1)

19 (2)

19 (3)

Korisnici usluga slobodno i pod jednakim uslovima koriste usluge na teritoriji Republike Srbije.

Prekogranično korišćenje usluge ne može da se uslovi dobijanjem saglasnosti od organa javne vlasti, odnosno davanjem izjave pred tim organom, osim ako se isto zahteva za korišćenje te usluge kada je pružalac usluge poslovno nastanjen u Republici Srbiji.

Zabranjeno je da se korisniku usluge onemogući ili oteža dobijanje finansijske pomoći za pribavljanje određene usluge, zbog toga što pružalac usluge nema sedište u Republici Srbiji, odnosno zbog mesta pružanja usluge.


20 (1)

Member States shall ensure that the recipient is not made subject to discriminatory requirements based on his nationality or place of residence.

19 (1)

Zabranjena je diskriminacija korisnika usluga po osnovu:

države sedišta odnosno državljanstva, prebivališta ili boravišta korisnika;

države sedišta odnosno državljanstva pružaoca, čiju uslugu koristi ili namerava da koristi


20 (2)

Member States shall ensure that the general conditions of access to a service, which are made available to the public at large by the provider, do not contain discriminatory provisions relating to the nationality or place of residence of the recipient, but without precluding the possibility of providing for differences in the conditions of access where those differences are directly justified by objective criteria.

19 (4)

Opšti uslovi poslovanja pružaoca usluge mogu da sadrže posebne uslove za korišćenje usluga s obzirom na državljanstvo, prebivalište ili boravište korisnika usluge samo ako za to postoje opravdani razlozi


21 (1)

Member States shall ensure that recipients can obtain, in their Member State of residence, the following information:

(a) general information on the requirements applicable in other Member States relating to access to, and exercise of, service activities, in particular those relating to consumer protection;

(b) general information on the means of redress available in the case of a dispute between a provider and a recipient;

(c) the contact details of associations or organisations, including the centres of the European Consumer Centres Network, from which providers or recipients may obtain practical assistance.

Where appropriate, advice from the competent authorities shall include a simple step-by-step guide. Information and assistance shall be provided in a clear and unambiguous manner, shall be easily accessible at a distance, including by electronic means, and shall be kept up to date.

18 (2)

20 (1)

20 (2)

20 (3)

Korisnici usluga imaju pravo na obaveštenost o opštim uslovima pod kojima se u državama EEP pružaju i koriste usluge, radi donošenja razumnih ekonomskih odluka o prekograničnom korišćenju usluga.

Nadležno ministarstvo dužno je da korisnicima usluga omogući da, na zahtev, preko JEKT-a lako pristupe tačnim i potpunim informacijama od značaja za prekogranično korišćenje usluga.

Informacije iz stava 1. ovog člana odnose se na:

uslove koje pružaoci usluga moraju da ispune u državi EEP, a naročito uslove koji se odnose na zaštitu potrošača;

pravna sredstva i postupke za ostvarivanje i zaštitu prava korisnika usluga kada pružalac usluge nema sedište u Republici Srbiji;

organizacije i udruženja koja pružaju praktičnu pomoć korisnicima usluga u državama EEP, kao i način na koji korisnik usluge stupa u neposredan kontakt s njima.

Nadležno ministarstvo pribavlja informacije od značaja za prekogranično korišćenje usluga u postupku administrativne saradnje s nadležnim organima država EEP iz člana 29. ovog zakona.


21 (2)

Member States may confer responsibility for the task referred to in paragraph 1 on points of single contact or on any other body, such as the centres of the European Consumer Centres Network, consumer associations or Euro Info Centres.

Member States shall communicate to the Commission the names and contact details of the designated bodies. The Commission shall transmit them to all Member States.

20 (1)

20 (3)

Nadležno ministarstvo dužno je da korisnicima usluga omogući da, na zahtev, preko JEKT-a lako pristupe tačnim i potpunim informacijama od značaja za prekogranično korišćenje usluga.

Nadležno ministarstvo pribavlja informacije od značaja za prekogranično korišćenje usluga u postupku administrativne saradnje s nadležnim organima država EEP iz člana 29. ovog zakona.


21 (3)

In fulfilment of the requirements set out in paragraphs 1 and 2, the body approached by the recipient shall, if necessary, contact the relevant body for the Member State concerned. The latter shall send the information requested as soon as possible to the requesting body which shall forward the information to the recipient. Member States shall ensure that those bodies give each other mutual assistance and shall put in place all possible measures for effective cooperation. Together with the Commission, Member States shall put in place practical arrangements necessary for the implementation of paragraph 1.

20 (3)

Nadležno ministarstvo pribavlja informacije od značaja za prekogranično korišćenje usluga u postupku administrativne saradnje s nadležnim organima država EEP iz člana 29. ovog zakona.


21 (4)

The Commission shall, in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 40(2), adopt measures for the implementation of paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of this Article, specifying the technical mechanisms for the exchange of information between the bodies of the various Member States and, in particular, the interoperability of information systems, taking into account common standards.




Chapter V

22 (1)

Member States shall ensure that providers make the following information available to the recipient:

(a) the name of the provider, his legal status and form, the geographic address at which he is established and details enabling him to be contacted rapidly and communicated with directly and, as the case may be, by electronic means;

(b) where the provider is registered in a trade or other similar public register, the name of that register and the provider’s registration number, or equivalent means of identification in that register;

(c) where the activity is subject to an authorisation scheme, the particulars of the relevant competent authority or the single point of contact;

(d) where the provider exercises an activity which is subject to VAT, the identification number referred to in Article 22(1) of Sixth Council Directive 77/388/EEC of 17 May 1977 on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to turnover taxes – Common system of value added tax: uniform basis of assessment (38);

(e) in the case of the regulated professions, any professional body or similar institution with which the provider is registered, the professional title and the Member State in which that title has been granted;

(f) the general conditions and clauses, if any, used by the provider;

(g) the existence of contractual clauses, if any, used by the provider concerning the law applicable to the contract and/or the competent courts;

(h) the existence of an after-sales guarantee, if any, not imposed by law;

(i) the price of the service, where a price is pre-determined by the provider for a given type of service;

(j) the main features of the service, if not already apparent from the context;

(k) the insurance or guarantees referred to in Article 23(1), and in particular the contact details of the insurer or guarantor and the territorial coverage.

22 (1) (1–11)

Uporedni pregled:

(a) – 1)

(b) – 2)

(c) – 3)

(d) – 4)

(e) – 5)

(f) – 6)

(g) – 7)

(h) – 8)

(i) – 9)

(j) – 10)

(k) – 12)

Pružalac usluge dužan je da korisniku usluge stavi na raspolaganje sledeće podatke:

ime pružaoca usluge, status, pravnu formu, adresu sedišta, adresu za prijem pošte, broj telefona i, po mogućnosti, broj faksa i adresu za prijem elektronske pošte;

ako je pružalac usluge upisan u javni registar, naziv registra i matični broj, odnosno drugi podatak za pouzdanu identifikaciju pružaoca usluge u tom registru;

ako se za pružanje date usluge zahteva saglasnost organa javne vlasti, osnovne podatke o tom organu ili JEKT-u, njihovim nadležnostima, kao i načinu na koji se stupa u neposredan kontakt s njima;

ako je pružalac usluge poreski obveznik poreza na dodatu vrednost, njegov poreski identifikacioni broj;

za regulisane profesije, profesionalnu ili stručnu kvalifikaciju pružaoca usluge i državu u kojoj je stečena odnosno priznata, te profesionalno ili strukovno udruženje ili organizaciju kod kojih je pružalac usluge upisan u imenik odnosno registar;

opšte uslove poslovanja pružaoca usluge, ako postoje;

ugovaranje merodavnog prava ili nadležnosti suda odnosno arbitraže, ako je predviđeno;

garanciju, ako postoji;

cenu usluge, ako je unapred određena;

osnovna obeležja usluge, ako nisu očigledna;

opasna svojstva usluge iz člana 24. stav 1. ovog zakona;

ako pružalac usluge ima zakonsku obavezu da se osigura od profesionalne odgovornosti, odnosno da korisniku usluge pruži odgovarajuće sredstvo obezbeđenja, osnovne podatke o osiguravaču odnosno davaocu obezbeđenja, kao i načinu na koji se stupa u neposredan kontakt s njima;

o načinu na koji korisnik usluge može da izjavi reklamaciju u slučaju da usluga koja mu je pružena nije saobrazna onome što je ugovoreno, kao i postupku rešavanja reklamacije.


22 (2)

Member States shall ensure that the information referred to in paragraph 1, according to the provider’s preference:

(a) is supplied by the provider on his own initiative;

(b) is easily accessible to the recipient at the place where the service is provided or the contract concluded;

(c) can be easily accessed by the recipient electronically by means of an address supplied by the provider;

(d) appears in any information documents supplied to the recipient by the provider which set out a detailed description of the service he provides.

21 (3)

Pružalac usluge izvršava obavezu iz stava 1. ovog člana na jedan od sledećih načina:

stavljanjem na raspolaganje korisniku usluge podataka iz člana 22. ovog zakona na mestu zaključenja ugovora, odnosno na mestu pružanja usluge ako se ugovor ne zaključuje u pisanoj formi, tako da mu budu lako dostupni;

predajom korisniku usluge informacionog materijala koji sadrži detaljan opis usluge, sve podatke iz člana 22. ovog zakona, kao i podatke iz člana 23. ovog zakona koje je korisnik zahtevao;

dostavljanjem korisniku usluge elektronske adrese na kojoj su lako dostupni svi podaci iz člana 22. ovog zakona.


22 (3)

Member States shall ensure that, at the recipient’s request, providers supply the following additional information:

(a) where the price is not pre-determined by the provider for a given type of service, the price of the service or, if an exact price cannot be given, the method for calculating the price so that it can be checked by the recipient, or a sufficiently detailed estimate;

(b) as regards the regulated professions, a reference to the professional rules applicable in the Member State of establishment and how to access them;

(c) information on their multidisciplinary activities and partnerships which are directly linked to the service in question and on the measures taken to avoid conflicts of interest. That information shall be included in any information document in which providers give a detailed description of their services;

(d) any codes of conduct to which the provider is subject and the address at which these codes may be consulted by electronic means, specifying the language version available;

(e) where a provider is subject to a code of conduct, or member of a trade association or professional body which provides for recourse to a non-judicial means of dispute settlement, information in this respect. The provider shall specify how to access detailed information on the characteristics of, and conditions for, the use of non-judicial means of dispute settlement.

23 (1) (1–7)

Uporedni pregled:

(a) – 1)

(a) – 2)

(b) – 3)

(c) – 5)

(d) – 4)

(e) – 6)

Pružalac usluge dužan je da korisniku usluge na njegov zahtev stavi na raspolaganje i sledeće podatke:

cenu usluge koju pružalac nema u redovnoj ponudi, ali u okviru svoje delatnosti može da je pruži na zahtev korisnika usluge;

ako cena ne može da se utvrdi unapred, način na koji korisnik usluge može pouzdano da je izračuna;

za regulisane profesije, opšte akte kojima je data regulisana profesija uređena u zemlji sedišta pružaoca usluge, kao i način na koji se pristupa tim aktima;

kodifikovana pravila struke i kodeks profesionalne etike koji obavezuju pružaoca usluge i elektronska adresa na kojoj su dostupni, uz navođenje jezika na kojem su raspoloživi;

mešovite usluge koje pružalac usluga takođe obavlja a koje su neposredno povezane s predmetnom uslugom, druge pružaoce s kojima ih obavlja, kao i preduzete mere za sprečavanje sukoba interesa;

osnovne podatke o vansudskom rešavanju sporova pri profesionalnom, strukovnom ili trgovačkom udruženju ili organizaciji u koju je učlanjen pružalac usluga, odnosno prema kodifikovanim pravilima struke ili kodeksu poslovne etike koji ga obavezuju, kao i način na koji se pristupa detaljnim podacima o vansudskom rešavanju sporova;

druge informacije o svojstvima usluge koju pružalac nudi.


22 (4)

Member States shall ensure that the information which a provider must supply in accordance with this Chapter is made available or communicated in a clear and unambiguous manner, and in good time before conclusion of the contract or, where there is no written contract, before the service is provided.

21 (1)

21 (2)

21 (4)

U cilju održavanja i unapređenja bezbednosti i kvaliteta usluga, pružalac usluge dužan je da korisniku usluge blagovremeno, jasno i pregledno stavi na raspolaganje potpune podatke iz člana 22. ovog zakona.

Pružalac usluge dužan je da obavezu iz stava 1. ovog člana izvrši pre zaključenja ugovora, odnosno pre početka pružanja usluge ako se ugovor ne zaključuje u pisanoj formi.

Ako pružalac usluge ne ispuni obavezu iz stava 1. ovog člana, korisnik usluge može da zahteva poništenje ugovora. Pravo da se zahteva poništenje ugovora prestaje istekom jedne godine od dana njegovog zaključenja.


22 (5)

The information requirements laid down in this Chapter are in addition to requirements already provided for in Community law and do not prevent Member States from imposing additional information requirements applicable to providers established in their territory.




22 (6)

The Commission may, in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 40(2), specify the content of the information provided for in paragraphs 1 and 3 of this Article according to the specific nature of certain activities and may specify the practical means of implementing paragraph 2 of this Article.




23 (1)

Member States may ensure that providers whose services present a direct and particular risk to the health or safety of the recipient or a third person, or to the financial security of the recipient, subscribe to professional liability insurance appropriate to the nature and extent of the risk, or provide a guarantee or similar arrangement which is equivalent or essentially comparable as regards its purpose.

24 (1)

24 (2)

22 (1) (11)

Pružalac usluge dužan je da zaključi ugovor o obaveznom osiguranju od odgovornosti ili da pruži drugo obezbeđenje za obavezu naknade štete, ako određena uslužna delatnost pri normalnom obavljanju neposredno izaziva povećanu opasnost od smrti, telesne povrede ili oštećenja zdravlja korisnika usluge ili trećeg lica ili preti da ozbiljno naruši imovinsko stanje korisnika usluge.

Vlada utvrđuje listu usluga koje se smatraju opasnim u smislu stava 1. ovog člana.

Pružalac usluge dužan je da korisniku usluge stavi na raspolaganje sledeće podatke:

11) opasna svojstva usluge iz člana 24, stav 1 ovog zakona.


23 (2)

When a provider establishes himself in their territory, Member States may not require professional liability insurance or a guarantee from the provider where he is already covered by a guarantee which is equivalent, or essentially comparable as regards its purpose and the cover it provides in terms of the insured risk, the insured sum or a ceiling for the guarantee and possible exclusions from the cover, in another Member State in which the provider is already established. Where equivalence is only partial, Member States may require a supplementary guarantee to cover those aspects not already covered.

When a Member State requires a provider established in its territory to subscribe to professional liability insurance or to provide another guarantee, that Member State shall accept as sufficient evidence attestations of such insurance cover issued by credit institutions and insurers established in other Member States.

24 (3)

24 (4)

Pri ostvarivanju prava na poslovno nastanjivanje u Republici Srbiji, smatra se da je pružalac usluge sa sedištem u državi EEP ispunio obavezu iz stava 1. ovog člana, ako se već osigurao od odgovornosti odnosno dao dovoljno sredstvo obezbeđenja u državi EEP. Postojanje osiguranja od odgovornosti odnosno dovoljnog obezbeđenja pružalac usluge može da dokazuje ispravom koja mu je izdata u državi EEP, u skladu s odredbama člana 5. ovog zakona.

Ako osiguranje odnosno sredstvo obezbeđenja koje pružalac usluge sa sedištem u državi EEP ima, samo delimično pokriva rizik odgovornosti za štetu od opasne usluge, dužan je da pruži dovoljno obezbeđenje za rizik koji nije pokriven.


23 (3)

Paragraphs 1 and 2 shall not affect professional insurance or guarantee arrangements provided for in other Community instruments.




23 (4)

For the implementation of paragraph 1, the Commission may, in accordance with the regulatory procedure referred to in Article 40(2), establish a list of services which exhibit the characteristics referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article. The Commission may also, in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 40(3), adopt measures designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive by supplementing it by establishing common criteria for defining, for the purposes of the insurance or guarantees referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, what is appropriate to the nature and extent of the risk.




23 (5)

For the purpose of this Article

‘direct and particular risk’ means a risk arising directly from the provision of the service,

‘health and safety’ means, in relation to a recipient or a third person, the prevention of death or serious personal injury,

‘financial security’ means, in relation to a recipient, the prevention of substantial losses of money or of value of property,

‘professional liability insurance’ means insurance taken out by a provider in respect of potential liabilities to recipients and, where applicable, third parties arising out of the provision of the service.

24 (1)

Već navedeno kod čl. 23 (1) Direktive


24 (1)

Member States shall remove all total prohibitions on commercial communications by the regulated professions.

26 (1)

Lice koje se bavi regulisanom profesijom ima pravo da promoviše svoje usluge i dobar poslovni ugled, u skladu s pravilima struke i profesionalne etike, na način koji odgovara prirodi date regulisane profesije, čuvajući poslovnu tajnu i dostojanstvo, samostalnost i nezavisnost svoje profesije.


24 (2)

Member States shall ensure that commercial communications by the regulated professions comply with professional rules, in conformity with Community law, which relate, in particular, to the independence, dignity and integrity of the profession, as well as to professional secrecy, in a manner consistent with the specific nature of each profession. Professional rules on commercial communications shall be non-discriminatory, justified by an overriding reason relating to the public interest and proportionate.

26 (2)

26 (3)

Ako to nalaže javni interes, poslovna komunikacija lica koja se bave određenom regulisanom profesijom može da se ograniči pravilima struke odnosno kodeksom poslovne etike, na srazmeran i nediskriminatoran način.

Propisi kojima se uređuje poslovna komunikacija regulisane profesije usklađuju se sa odredbama ovog zakona.


25 (1)

Member States shall ensure that providers are not made subject to requirements which oblige them to exercise a given specific activity exclusively or which restrict the exercise jointly or in partnership of different activities.

However, the following providers may be made subject to such requirements:

(a) the regulated professions, in so far as is justified in order to guarantee compliance with the rules governing professional ethics and conduct, which vary according to the specific nature of each profession, and is necessary in order to ensure their independence and impartiality;

(b) providers of certification, accreditation, technical monitoring, test or trial services, in so far as is justified in order to ensure their independence and impartiality.

27 (1)

27 (3)

Pružanje mešovitih usluga je slobodno.

Slobodno pružanje mešovitih usluga može da se ograniči zakonom, na srazmeran i nediskriminatoran način, radi poštovanja uslova iz stava 2 ovog člana.


25 (2)

Where multidisciplinary activities between providers referred to in points (a) and (b) of paragraph 1 are authorised, Member States shall ensure the following:

(a) that conflicts of interest and incompatibilities between certain activities are prevented;

(b) that the independence and impartiality required for certain activities is secured;

(c) that the rules governing professional ethics and conduct for different activities are compatible with one another, especially as regards matters of professional secrecy.

27 (2)

Lica koja se bave regulisanim profesijama, kao i lica koja obavljaju poslove akreditacije, izdavanja sertifikata, tehničkog nadzora, ispitivanja ili testiranja, mogu da učestvuju u pružanju mešovitih usluga pod sledećim uslovima:

da ne postoji sukob interesa odnosno nespojivost određenih delatnosti;

da je osigurana samostalnost i nezavisnost uslužne delatnosti za koju je zakonom propisano da je samostalna i nezavisna;

da su pravila struke i profesionalne etike, a naročito pravila o profesionalnoj tajni, koja obavezuju pružaoce mešovite usluge međusobno usklađena.


25 (3)

In the report referred to in Article 39(1), Member States shall indicate which providers are subject to the requirements laid down in paragraph 1 of this Article, the content of those requirements and the reasons for which they consider them to be justified.




26 (1)

Member States shall, in cooperation with the Commission, take accompanying measures to encourage providers to take action on a voluntary basis in order to ensure the quality of service provision, in particular through use of one of the following methods:

(a) certification or assessment of their activities by independent or accredited bodies;

(b) drawing up their own quality charter or participation in quality charters or labels drawn up by professional bodies at Community level.

28 (1) (1)

Republika Srbija preduzima mere i aktivnosti radi ostvarivanja dugoročnog cilja obezbeđenja sistemskih uslova za unapređenje bezbednosti i kvaliteta usluga koje se pružaju na njenoj teritoriji, kao što su:

mere i aktivnosti kojima podstiče pružaoce usluga da samostalno održavaju i unapređuju kvalitet svojih usluga, tako što pristupaju sistemima nezavisne sertifikacije, odnosno donose povelje kvaliteta ili pristupaju takvim poveljama;


26 (2)

Member States shall ensure that information on the significance of certain labels and the criteria for applying labels and other quality marks relating to services can be easily accessed by providers and recipients.

28 (1) (2)

Republika Srbija preduzima mere i aktivnosti radi ostvarivanja dugoročnog cilja obezbeđenja sistemskih uslova za unapređenje bezbednosti i kvaliteta usluga koje se pružaju na njenoj teritoriji, kao što su:

2) obaveštavanje pružalaca i korisnika usluga o značenju i uslovima za dobijanje različitih oznaka kvaliteta u uslužnim delatnostima;


26 (3)

Member States shall, in cooperation with the Commission, take accompanying measures to encourage professional bodies, as well as chambers of commerce and craft associations and consumer associations, in their territory to cooperate at Community level in order to promote the quality of service provision, especially by making it easier to assess the competence of a provider.

28 (1) (3)

Republika Srbija preduzima mere i aktivnosti radi ostvarivanja dugoročnog cilja obezbeđenja sistemskih uslova za unapređenje bezbednosti i kvaliteta usluga koje se pružaju na njenoj teritoriji, kao što su:

3) mere i aktivnosti kojima podstiče profesionalna i strukovna udruženja i organizacije, kao i udruženja i saveze udruženja za zaštitu potrošača, na saradnju s profesionalnim, strukovnim i potrošačkim organizacijama iz država EEP, radi kontrole, očuvanja i unapređenja bezbednosti i kvaliteta usluga;


26 (4)

Member States shall, in cooperation with the Commission, take accompanying measures to encourage the development of independent assessments, notably by consumer associations, in relation to the quality and defects of service provision, and, in particular, the development at Community level of comparative trials or testing and the communication of the results.

28 (1) (4)

Republika Srbija preduzima mere i aktivnosti radi ostvarivanja dugoročnog cilja obezbeđenja sistemskih uslova za unapređenje bezbednosti i kvaliteta usluga koje se pružaju na njenoj teritoriji, kao što su:

4) mere i aktivnosti kojima podstiče razvoj sistema nezavisnog ocenjivanja kvaliteta usluga i sertifikacije pružalaca usluga.


26 (5)

Member States, in cooperation with the Commission, shall encourage the development of voluntary European standards with the aim of facilitating compatibility between services supplied by providers in different Member States, information to the recipient and the quality of service provision.




27 (1)

Member States shall take the general measures necessary to ensure that providers supply contact details, in particular a postal address, fax number or e-mail address and telephone number to which all recipients, including those resident in another Member State, can send a complaint or a request for information about the service provided. Providers shall supply their legal address if this is not their usual address for correspondence.

Member States shall take the general measures necessary to ensure that providers respond to the complaints referred to in the first subparagraph in the shortest possible time and make their best efforts to find a satisfactory solution.

22 (1) (13)

22 (2)

Pružalac usluge dužan je da korisniku usluge stavi na raspolaganje sledeće podatke:

13) o načinu na koji korisnik usluge može da izjavi reklamaciju u slučaju da usluga koja mu je pružena nije saobrazna onome što je ugovoreno, te postupku rešavanja reklamacije.

Na postupak rešavanja reklamacije iz stava 1, tačka 13) ovog zakona shodno se primenjuju odredbe zakona kojim se uređuje zaštita potrošača.


27 (2)

Member States shall take the general measures necessary to ensure that providers are obliged to demonstrate compliance with the obligations laid down in this Directive as to the provision of information and to demonstrate that the information is accurate.




21 (4)



27 (3)

Where a financial guarantee is required for compliance with a judicial decision, Member States shall recognise equivalent guarantees lodged with a credit institution or insurer established in another Member State. Such credit institutions must be authorised in a Member State in accordance with Directive 2006/48/EC and such insurers in accordance, as appropriate, with First Council Directive 73/239/EEC of 24 July 1973 on the coordination of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to the taking-up and pursuit of the business of direct insurance other than life assurance and Directive 2002/83/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 November 2002 concerning life assurance.


Kada sud u postupku obezbeđenja obaveže pružaoca usluge sa sedištem u državi EEP da obezbedi ispunjenje svoje obaveze, dužan je da prihvati dovoljno sredstvo obezbeđenja iz države EEP.


27 (4)

Member States shall take the general measures necessary to ensure that providers who are subject to a code of conduct, or are members of a trade association or professional body, which provides for recourse to a non-judicial means of dispute settlement inform the recipient thereof and mention that fact in any document which presents their services in detail, specifying how to access detailed information on the characteristics of, and conditions for, the use of such a mechanism.

21 (3) (2)

Pružalac usluge izvršava obavezu iz stava 1. ovog člana na jedan od sledećih načina:

predajom korisniku usluge informacionog materijala koji sadrži detaljan opis usluge, sve podatke iz člana 22. ovog zakona, kao i podatke iz člana 23. ovog zakona koje je korisnik zahtevao;


Chapter VI

28 (1)

Member States shall give each other mutual assistance, and shall put in place measures for effective cooperation with one another, in order to ensure the supervision of providers and the services they provide.

29 (1)

29 (2) (1–7)

U cilju kontrole, očuvanja i unapređenja kvaliteta i bezbednosti usluga, kao i nadzora nad radom pružalaca usluga u pravnom prometu, Republika Srbija pristupa IMI sistemu za administrativnu saradnju i elektronsku razmenu podataka s državama EEP.

Organi javne vlasti Republike Srbije dužni su da putem IMI sistema sarađuju s nadležnim organima država EEP, a naročito da:

razmenjuju podatke od značaja za kontrolu, očuvanje i unapređenje kvaliteta i bezbednosti usluga s nadležnim organima država EEP;

učestvuju u postupku uzajamne pomoći iz člana 17. ovog zakona;

na obrazloženi zahtev nadležnog organa države EEP u razumnom roku dostave podatke o pružaocu usluge ili o usluzi;

na obrazloženi zahtev nadležnog organa države EEP u razumnom roku sprovedu inspekcijski ili drugi oblik nadzora ili kontrole u skladu sa zakonom;

obaveste bez odlaganja nadležni organ države EEP o preprekama za postupanje po primljenom zahtevu, radi dalje saradnje na otklanjanju tih prepreka;

omoguće nadležnim organima države EEP uvid u registre pružalaca usluga pod uslovima koji važe za domaće organe javne vlasti;

obaveste Evropsku komisiju o tome da nadležni organ države EEP ne ispunjava obavezu saradnje u okviru IMI sistema.


28 (2)

For the purposes of this Chapter, Member States shall designate one or more liaison points, the contact details of which shall be communicated to the other Member States and the Commission. The Commission shall publish and regularly update the list of liaison points.

29 (4)

29 (5)

Nadležno ministarstvo nacionalni koordinator koji obavlja poslove koordinacije rada organa javne vlasti Republike Srbije u IMI sistemu.

Vlada uređuje sprovođenje administrativne saradnje i elektronske razmene podataka s državama EEP putem IMI sistema, a posebno saradnju u vezi s nadzorom nad pružanjem usluga i preduzimanjem mera upozorenja, kao i rad nacionalnog koordinatora iz stava 4. ovog člana.


28 (3)

Information requests and requests to carry out any checks, inspections and investigations under this Chapter shall be duly motivated, in particular by specifying the reason for the request. Information exchanged shall be used only in respect of the matter for which it was requested.

29 (3)

Organ javne vlasti dužan je da informacije koje je dobio putem IMI sistema koristi samo za one svrhe za koje je zahtevao


28 (4)

In the event of receiving a request for assistance from competent authorities in another Member State, Member States shall ensure that providers established in their territory supply their competent authorities with all the information necessary for supervising their activities in compliance with their national laws.





28 (5)

In the event of difficulty in meeting a request for information or in carrying out checks, inspections or investigations, the Member State in question shall rapidly inform the requesting Member State with a view to finding a solution.

29 (2) (5)

Organi javne vlasti Republike Srbije dužni su da putem IMI sistema sarađuju s nadležnim organima država EEP, a naročito da:

5) obaveste bez odlaganja nadležni organ države EEP o preprekama za postupanje po primljenom zahtevu, radi dalje saradnje na otklanjanju tih prepreka;


28 (6)

Member States shall supply the information requested by other Member States or the Commission by electronic means and within the shortest possible period of time.




28 (7)

Member States shall ensure that registers in which providers have been entered, and which may be consulted by the competent authorities in their territory, may also be consulted, in accordance with the same conditions, by the equivalent competent authorities of the other Member States.

29 (2) (6)

Organi javne vlasti Republike Srbije dužni su da putem IMI sistema sarađuju s nadležnim organima država EEP, a naročito da:

6) omoguće nadležnim organima države EEP uvid u registre pružalaca usluga pod uslovima koji važe za domaće organe javne vlasti;


28 (8)

Member States shall communicate to the Commission information on cases where other Member States do not fulfil their obligation of mutual assistance. Where necessary, the Commission shall take appropriate steps, including proceedings provided for in Article 226 of the Treaty, in order to ensure that the Member States concerned comply with their obligation of mutual assistance. The Commission shall periodically inform Member States about the functioning of the mutual assistance provisions.

29 (2) (7)

Organi javne vlasti Republike Srbije dužni su da putem IMI sistema sarađuju s nadležnim organima država EEP, a naročito da:

7) obaveste Evropsku komisiju o tome da nadležni organ države EEP ne ispunjava obavezu saradnje u okviru IMI sistema.


29 (1)

With respect to providers providing services in another Member State, the Member State of establishment shall supply information on providers established in its territory when requested to do so by another Member State and, in particular, confirmation that a provider is established in its territory and, to its knowledge, is not exercising his activities in an unlawful manner.

31 (1)

31 (2) (1–2)

Pored nadzora i kontrole iz člana 30. ovog zakona, nadzor i kontrola poslovanja pružalaca usluga sa sedištem u Republici Srbiji sprovodi se na obrazloženi zahtev nadležnog organa države EEP.

Organ javne vlasti dužan je da putem IMI sistema, na obrazloženi zahtev nadležnog organa države EEP, u najkraćem roku dostavi podatke o pružaocu usluge sa sedištem u Republici Srbiji, uključujući:

potvrdu da predmetni pružalac usluge ima sedište u Republici Srbiji;

potvrdu da predmetni pružalac usluge, prema saznanjima organa javne vlasti, obavlja svoju delatnost u skladu sa zakonom.


29 (2)

The Member State of establishment shall undertake the checks, inspections and investigations requested by another Member State and shall inform the latter of the results and, as the case may be, of the measures taken. In so doing, the competent authorities shall act to the extent permitted by the powers vested in them in their Member State. The competent authorities can decide on the most appropriate measures to be taken in each individual case in order to meet the request by another Member State.

31 (3)

31 (4)

Organ javne vlasti dužan je da u razumnom roku na obrazloženi zahtev nadležnog organa države EEP sprovede nadzor, uključujući inspekcijski nadzor, odnosno da preduzme druge mere u skladu sa zakonom prema pružaocu usluge sa sedištem u Republici Srbiji, kao i da putem IMI sistema obavesti nadležni organ države EEP o sprovedenom nadzoru odnosno o preduzetim merama.

Pri izvršavanju obaveze iz stava 3. ovog člana, organ javne vlasti preduzima mere u skladu sa zakonom, koje po njegovoj proceni najbolje odgovaraju razlozima zbog kojih mu se obratio nadležni organ države EEP.


29 (3)

Upon gaining actual knowledge of any conduct or specific acts by a provider established in its territory which provides services in other Member States, that, to its knowledge, could cause serious damage to the health or safety of persons or to the environment, the Member State of establishment shall inform all other Member States and the Commission within the shortest possible period of time.

34 (1)

Ako organ javne vlasti utvrdi da način obavljanja uslužne delatnosti ili određene radnje pružaoca usluge koji ima sedište u Republici Srbiji ili državi EEP, a pruža usluge u državi EEP ili na teritoriji Republike Srbije, ugrožavaju ili prete da ugroze javno zdravlje ili životnu sredinu, dužan je da putem IMI sistema bez odlaganja o tome obavesti sve države EEP i Evropsku komisiju.


30 (1)

With respect to cases not covered by Article 31(1), the Member State of establishment shall ensure that compliance with its requirements is supervised in conformity with the powers of supervision provided for in its national law, in particular through supervisory measures at the place of establishment of the provider.

30 (1)

Organi javne vlasti Republike Srbije u skladu sa zakonom vrše nadzor i kontrolu poslovanja pružalaca usluga sa sedištem u Republici Srbiji, uključujući njihovo prekogranično pružanje usluga, kao i slučajeve kada poslovanje ovih lica u Republici Srbiji preti da izazove ili je izazvalo štetu u državi EEP.


30 (2)

The Member State of establishment shall not refrain from taking supervisory or enforcement measures in its territory on the grounds that the service has been provided or caused damage in another Member State.

30 (1)

Vid. iznad.


30 (3)

The obligation laid down in paragraph 1 shall not entail a duty on the part of the Member State of establishment to carry out factual checks and controls in the territory of the Member State where the service is provided. Such checks and controls shall be carried out by the authorities of the Member State where the provider is temporarily operating at the request of the authorities of the Member State of establishment, in accordance with Article 31.

30 (2)

Kada nadzor i kontrola iz stava 1. ovog člana podrazumeva preduzimanje materijalnih radnji na teritoriji države EEP, organ javne vlasti putem IMI sistema zahteva od nadležnog organa države EEP da preduzme te radnje.


31 (1)

With respect to national requirements which may be imposed pursuant to Articles 16 or 17, the Member State where the service is provided is responsible for the supervision of the activity of the provider in its territory. In conformity with Community law, the Member State where the service is provided:

(a) shall take all measures necessary to ensure the provider complies with those requirements as regards the access to and the exercise of the activity;

(b) shall carry out the checks, inspections and investigations necessary to supervise the service provided.

32 (3)

Organi javne vlasti Republike Srbije vrše i nadzor i kontrolu prekograničnog pružanja usluga na teritoriji Republike Srbije u skladu s odredbama čl. 13, 14. i 15. ovog zakona.


31 (2)

With respect to requirements other than those referred to in paragraph 1, where a provider moves temporarily to another Member State in order to provide a service without being established there, the competent authorities of that Member State shall participate in the supervision of the provider in accordance with paragraphs 3 and 4.

32 (1)

33 (1)

Organi javne vlasti Republike Srbije vrše nadzor i kontrolu poslovanja pružalaca usluga sa sedištem u državi EEP, koji pružaju usluge na teritoriji Republike Srbije, u skladu sa zakonom.

Pored nadzora i kontrole iz člana 32 ovog zakona, nadzor i kontrola poslovanja pružalaca usluga sa sedištem u državi EEP, koji pružaju usluge na teritoriji Republike Srbije, sprovodi se na obrazloženi zahtev nadležnog organa države sedišta.


31 (3)

At the request of the Member State of establishment, the competent authorities of the Member State where the service is provided shall carry out any checks, inspections and investigations necessary for ensuring the effective supervision by the Member State of establishment. In so doing, the competent authorities shall act to the extent permitted by the powers vested in them in their Member State. The competent authorities may decide on the most appropriate measures to be taken in each individual case in order to meet the request by the Member State of establishment.

33 (2)

33 (3)

Organ javne vlasti dužan je da u razumnom roku na obrazloženi zahtev nadležnog organa države EEP sprovede nadzor uključujući i inspekcijski nadzor, odnosno da preduzme druge mere u skladu sa zakonom prema pružaocu usluge sa sedištem u toj državi, kao i da putem IMI sistema obavesti nadležni organ države EEP o sprovedenom nadzoru odnosno o preduzetim merama.

Pri izvršavanju obaveze iz stava 2. ovog člana, organ javne vlasti preduzima mere u skladu sa zakonom, koje po njegovoj proceni najbolje odgovaraju razlozima zbog kojih mu se obratio nadležni organ države EEP.


31 (4)

On their own initiative, the competent authorities of the Member State where the service is provided may conduct checks, inspections and investigations on the spot, provided that those checks, inspections or investigations are not discriminatory, are not motivated by the fact that the provider is established in another Member State and are proportionate.

32 (2)

Postupanje organa javne vlasti iz stava 1. ovog člana:

ne sme da bude diskriminatorno po osnovu države sedišta pružaoca usluge;

mora da bude srazmerno razlozima zbog kojih se sprovode nadzor i kontrola.


32 (1)

Where a Member State becomes aware of serious specific acts or circumstances relating to a service activity that could cause serious damage to the health or safety of persons or to the environment in its territory or in the territory of other Member States, that Member State shall inform the Member State of establishment, the other Member States concerned and the Commission within the shortest possible period of time.


Ako organ javne vlasti utvrdi da način obavljanja uslužne delatnosti ili određene radnje pružaoca usluge koji ima sedište u Republici Srbiji ili državi EEP, a pruža usluge u državi EEP ili na teritoriji Republike Srbije, ugrožavaju ili prete da ugroze javno zdravlje ili životnu sredinu, dužan je da putem IMI sistema bez odlaganja o tome obavesti sve države EEP i Evropsku komisiju.


32 (2)

The Commission shall promote and take part in the operation of a European network of Member States’ authorities in order to implement paragraph 1.




32 (3)

The Commission shall adopt and regularly update, in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 40(2), detailed rules concerning the management of the network referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article.




33 (1)

Member States shall, at the request of a competent authority in another Member State, supply information, in conformity with their national law, on disciplinary or administrative actions or criminal sanctions and decisions concerning insolvency or bankruptcy involving fraud taken by their competent authorities in respect of the provider which are directly relevant to the provider’s competence or professional reliability. The Member State which supplies the information shall inform the provider thereof.

A request made pursuant to the first subparagraph must be duly substantiated, in particular as regards the reasons for the request for information.

35 (1)

35 (2)

Na obrazloženi zahtev nadležnog organa države EEP, organ javne vlasti dužan je da putem IMI sistema u razumnom roku dostavi podatke od neposrednog značaja za ocenu stručnosti i dobre poslovne prakse pružaoca usluge, te da obavesti pružaoca usluge o izvršenom dostavljanju.

Organ javne vlasti putem IMI sistema podnosi obrazloženi zahtev nadležnom organu države EEP za dostavljanje podataka od neposrednog značaja za ocenu stručnosti i dobre poslovne prakse pružaoca usluge.


33 (2)

Sanctions and actions referred to in paragraph 1 shall only be communicated if a final decision has been taken. With regard to other enforceable decisions referred to in paragraph 1, the Member State which supplies the information shall specify whether a particular decision is final or whether an appeal has been lodged in respect of it, in which case the Member State in question should provide an indication of the date when the decision on appeal is expected.

Moreover, that Member State shall specify the provisions of national law pursuant to which the provider was found guilty or penalised.

35 (3)

Na obrazloženi zahtev nadležnog organa države EEP, organ javne vlasti putem IMI sistema dostavlja podatke o odluci koja je doneta odnosno sankciji koja je izrečena u disciplinskom, prekršajnom ili krivičnom postupku, uz navođenje propisa koji su primenjeni, samo ako je predmetna odluka od neposrednog značaja za ocenu stručnosti i dobre poslovne prakse pružaoca usluge i ako je postala pravnosnažna i izvršna. U ostalim slučajevima, na obrazloženi zahtev nadležnog organa države EEP organ javne vlasti dostavlja podatke, da li su izjavljeni pravni lekovi i vremenu koje je redovno potrebno za donošenje pravnosnažne i izvršne odluke.


33 (3)

Implementation of paragraphs 1 and 2 must comply with rules on the provision of personal data and with rights guaranteed to persons found guilty or penalised in the Member States concerned, including by professional bodies. Any information in question which is public shall be accessible to consumers.

Razmena podataka od neposrednog značaja za ocenu stručnosti i profesionalne pouzdanosti pružalaca usluga obavlja se u skladu s propisima o zaštiti podataka o ličnosti i zaštiti prava okrivljenog odnosno osuđenog lica. Organ javne vlasti dužan je da dobijene podatke koristi samo u one svrhe za koje ih je zahtevao.


34 (1)

The Commission, in cooperation with Member States, shall establish an electronic system for the exchange of information between Member States, taking into account existing information systems.




34 (2)

Member States shall, with the assistance of the Commission, take accompanying measures to facilitate the exchange of officials in charge of the implementation of mutual assistance and training of such officials, including language and computer training.




34 (3)

The Commission shall assess the need to establish a multi-annual programme in order to organise relevant exchanges of officials and training.




35 (1)

Where a Member State intends to take a measure pursuant to Article 18, the procedure laid down in paragraphs 2 to 6 of this Article shall apply without prejudice to court proceedings, including preliminary proceedings and acts carried out in the framework of a criminal investigation.

16 (4)

Odredba stava 3 ovog člana ne primenjuje se na postupak pred sudom.


35 (2)

The Member State referred to in paragraph 1 shall ask the Member State of establishment to take measures with regard to the provider, supplying all relevant information on the service in question and the circumstances of the case.

The Member State of establishment shall check, within the shortest possible period of time, whether the provider is operating lawfully and verify the facts underlying the request. It shall inform the requesting Member State within the shortest possible period of time of the measures taken or envisaged or, as the case may be, the reasons why it has not taken any measures.

17 (1)

17 (2)

Pre nego što izrekne meru iz člana 16. stav 1. ovog zakona, organ javne vlasti dužan je da zahteva od nadležnog organa države sedišta pružaoca usluge da preduzme mere radi sprečavanja ili otklanjanja opasnosti koja preti, i da mu bez odlaganja dostavi sve potrebne podatke o pružaocu usluge, predmetnoj usluzi i okolnostima slučaja.

Kada organ javne vlasti Republike Srbije primi zahtev iz stava 1. ovog člana u vezi s pružaocem usluge sa sedištem u Republici Srbiji, dužan je da nadležnom organu države EEP bez odlaganja dostavi sve tražene podatke, kao i da ga obavesti o izrečenim merama odnosno o merama koje mogu da se izreknu po pravu Republike Srbije.


35 (3)

Following communication by the Member State of establishment as provided for in the second subparagraph of paragraph 2, the requesting Member State shall notify the Commission and the Member State of establishment of its intention to take measures, stating the following:

(a) the reasons why it believes the measures taken or envisaged by the Member State of establishment are inadequate;

(b) the reasons why it believes the measures it intends to take fulfil the conditions laid down in Article 18.

17 (3)

Pre nego što izrekne meru iz člana 16. stav 1. ovog zakona, a pošto primi podatke iz stava 1. ovog člana, organ javne vlasti dužan je da obavesti nadležni organ države sedišta pružaoca usluge i Evropsku komisiju o razlozima zbog kojih smatra da:

mera koju je preduzela država sedišta pružaoca usluge, odnosno mera koja može da se preduzme po njenom pravu, nije adekvatna;

mera koja može da se izrekne po pravu Republike Srbije ispunjava uslove iz člana 16. stav 2. ovog zakona.


35 (4)

The measures may not be taken until fifteen working days after the date of notification provided for in paragraph 3.

17 (4)

Organ javne vlasti može da izrekne meru iz člana 16. stav 1. ovog zakona po isteku roka od 15 dana od kada su država sedišta pružaoca usluge i Evropska komisija primile obaveštenje iz stava 3. ovog člana. Organ javne vlasti dužan je da postupi po odluci Evropske komisije kojom se utvrđuje da mera koja može da se izrekne po pravu Republike Srbije nije u skladu s propisima Evropske unije, kao i kojom se zahteva od Republike Srbije da se uzdrži od izricanja odnosno da obustavi sprovođenje pomenute mere.


35 (5)

Without prejudice to the possibility for the requesting Member State to take the measures in question upon expiry of the period specified in paragraph 4, the Commission shall, within the shortest possible period of time, examine the compatibility with Community law of the measures notified.

Where the Commission concludes that the measure is incompatible with Community law, it shall adopt a decision asking the Member State concerned to refrain from taking the proposed measures or to put an end to the measures in question as a matter of urgency.




35 (6)

In the case of urgency, a Member State which intends to take a measure may derogate from paragraphs 2, 3 and 4. In such cases, the measures shall be notified within the shortest possible period of time to the Commission and the Member State of establishment, stating the reasons for which the Member State considers that there is urgency.

17 (5)

17 (6)

U hitnim slučajevima, kada preti neposredna opasnost po javno zdravlje ili životnu sredinu, organ javne vlasti može da izrekne meru iz člana 16. stav 1. ovog zakona pre okončanja postupka uzajamne pomoći.

U slučaju iz stava 5. ovog člana organ javne vlasti je dužan da bez odlaganja obavesti Evropsku komisiju i nadležni organ države sedišta pružaoca usluge o izrečenoj meri i razlozima zbog kojih smatra da se radi o hitnom slučaju.


36 (1)

In accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 40(3), the Commission shall adopt the implementing measures designed to amend non-essential elements of this Chapter by supplementing it by specifying the time-limits provided for in Articles 28 and 35. The Commission shall also adopt, in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 40(2), the practical arrangements for the exchange of information by electronic means between Member States, and in particular the interoperability provisions for information systems.




Chapter VII


Convergence Programme



43 (1)

The implementation and application of this Directive and, in particular, the provisions on supervision shall respect the rules on the protection of personal data as provided for in Directives 95/46/EC and 2002/58/EC.

29 (3)

29 (6)

Organ javne vlasti dužan je da informacije koje je dobio putem IMI sistema koristi samo u one svrhe za koje ih je zahtevao.

Saradnja i razmena podataka iz stava 1 ovog člana uređuje se i obavlja u skladu sa zakonom kojim se uređuje zaštita podataka o ličnosti.


Chapter VIII


Final Provisions








Nadležnost za nadzor.

Ovlašćenja inspektora.

Prekršajna odgovornost.

Novčane kazne u fiksnom iznosu.

Donošenje propisa na osnovu ovog zakona.

Razvojne etape JEKT-a.

Stupanje na snagu.


Neprenosivo kako je definisano u Direktivi, već je pripremljeno u skladu sa našim pravnim okvirom.

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