Predlog zakona o radnom vremenu posade vozila u drumskom prevozu i tahografima (sa tabelama usklađenosti)

1. Naziv propisa Evropske unije :

Direktiva 2002/15/EZ Evropskog parlamenta i Saveta od 11. marta 2002. godine o organizaciji radnog vremena lica koja obavljaju

drumski transport

Directive 2002/15/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2002 on the organisation of the working time of persons

performing mobile road transport activities

2. „CELEX” oznaka EU propisa


3. Organ državne uprave, odnosno drugi ovlašćeni predlagač propisa – Vlada

Obrađivač – Ministarstvo građevinarstva, saobraćaja i infrastrukture

4. Datum izrade tabele:

29.10.2015. godine

5. Naziv (nacrta, predloga) propisa čije odredbe su predmet analize usklađenosti sa propisom Evropske unije:

01. Predlog zakona o radnom vremenu posade vozila u drumskom prevozu i tahografima

Draft law on working time of mobile worker vehicles in road transport and tachographs

02. Zakon o bezbednosti i zdravlju na radu („Sl. glasnik RS“, br. 101/2005)

Law on safety and health at work („Official Gazette of RS“, no. 101/05)

03. Zakon o radu („Sl. glasnik RS“, br. 24/05, 61/05, 54/09, 32/13, 75/14)

Law on the labor („Official Gazette of RS“, no. 24/05, 61/05, 54/09, 32/13, 75/14)

6. Brojčane oznake (šifre) planiranih

propisa iz baze NPAA:


7. Usklađenost odredbi propisa sa odredbama propisa EU:








Odredba propisa EU

Sadržina odredbe

Odredbe propisa R. Srbije

Sadržina odredbe


Razlozi za delimičnu usklađenost, neusklađenost ili neprenosivost

Napomena o usklađenosti



The purpose of this Directive shall be to establish minimum requirements in relation to the organisation of working time in order to improve the health and safety protection of persons performing mobile road transport activities and to improve road safety and align conditions of competition.

01. 1.1.

Ovim zakonom uređuju se: radno vreme, pauze i odmori posade vozila u drumskom prevozu; bezbednosti i zdravlja na radu članova posade vozila.




This Directive shall apply to mobile workers employed by undertakings established in a Member State, participating in road transport activities covered by Regulation (EEC) No 3820/ 85 or, failing that, by the AETR Agreement.

Without prejudice to the provisions of following subparagraph, this Directive shall apply to self-employed drivers from 23 March 2009. At the latest two years before this date, the Commission shall

present a report to the European Parliament and the Council.

This report shall analyse the consequences of the exclusion of self-employed drivers from the scope of the Directive in respect

of road safety, conditions of competition, the structure of the profession as well as social aspects. The circumstances in each

Member State relating to the structure of the transport industry and to the working environment of the road transport profession shall be taken into account. On the basis of this report, the Commission shall submit a proposal, the aim of which may be either, as appropriate

— to set out the modalities for the inclusion of the selfemployed

drivers within the scope of the Directive in respect of certain self-employed drivers who are not participating in road transport activities in other Member States

and who are subject to local constraints for objective reasons, such as peripheral location, long internal distances

and a particular competitive environment, or

— not to include self-employed drivers within the scope of the


01. 1.2.

Pri obavljanju međunarodnog prevoza primenjuju

se odredbe potvrđenog Evropskog sporazuma o

radu posade na vozilima koja obavljaju

međunarodne drumske prevoze (AETR) (u daljem

tekstu: AETR sporazum), odredbe ovog zakona i

podzakonskih akata donetih na osnovu ovog




The provisions of Directive 93/104/EC shall apply to

mobile workers excluded from the scope of this Directive.


Pravila važenja u odnosu na Direktivu 93/104/EZ


In so far as this Directive contains more specific provisions as regards mobile workers performing road transport activities it shall, pursuant to Article 14 of Directive 93/104/EC, take precedence over the relevant provisions of that Directive.


Pravila važenja u odnosu na Direktivu 93/104/EZ


This Directive shall supplement the provisions of Regulation (EEC) No 3820/85 and, where necessary, of the AETR Agreement, which take precedence over the provisions of this Directive.

01. 1.2.

Pri obavljanju međunarodnog prevoza primenjuju se odredbe potvrđenog Evropskog sporazuma o radu posade na vozilima koja obavljaju međunarodne drumske prevoze (AETR) (u daljem tekstu: AETR sporazum), odredbe ovog zakona i podzakonskih akata donetih na osnovu ovog zakona.




For the purposes of this Directive:

(a) ‘working time’ shall mean:

1. in the case of mobile workers: the time from the beginning to the end of work, during which the mobile worker is at his workstation, at the disposal of the employer and exercising his functions or activities, that is to say:

— the time devoted to all road transport activities.

These activities are, in particular, the following:

(i) driving;

(ii) loading and unloading;

(iii) assisting passengers boarding and disembarking from the vehicle;

(iv) cleaning and technical maintenance;

(v) all other work intended to ensure the safety of the vehicle, its cargo and passengers or to fulfil the legal or regulatory obligations directly linked to the specific transport operation under way, including monitoring of loading and unloading, administrative formalities with police, customs, immigration officers etc.,

— the times during which he cannot dispose freely of

his time and is required to be at his workstation,

ready to take up normal work, with certain tasks

associated with being on duty, in particular during periods awaiting loading or unloading where their foreseeable duration is not known in advance, that is to say either before departure or just before the actual start of the period in question, or under the general conditions negotiated between the social partners and/or under the terms of the legislation of the Member States; 2. in the case of self-employed drivers, the same definition shall apply to the time from the beginning to the end of work, during which the self employed driver is at his workstation, at the disposal of the client and exercising his functions or activities other than general administrative work that is not directly linked to the specific transport operation under way. The break times referred to in Article 5, the rest times referred to in Article 6 and, without prejudice to the legislation of Member States or agreements between the social partners providing that such periods should be compensated or limited, the periods of availability referred to in (b) of this Article, shall be excluded from working time;

01. 3.1.33)

Radno vreme je vremenski period od početka do završetka rada, tokom koga se član posade vozila nalazi na svom mestu rada, na raspolaganju poslodavcu i obavlja svoje poslove, uključujući i svaki rad za prevoznika ili drugog poslodavca, a posebno obuhvata:

(1) vreme upravljanja vozilom;

(2) ostalo radno vreme je vreme za realizaciju

ostalih poslova u okviru drumskog prevoza, u

koje spada:

– utovar i istovar,

– pružanje pomoći putnicima pri ulasku i

izlasku iz vozila,

– nega vozila i ostale intervencije

tehničkog održavanja,

– sve ostale poslove koje imaju za cilj da se

osigura bezbednost vozila, tereta i putnika

ili da se zadovolje zakonske ili druge

obaveze direktno vezane za prevozni proces

koji je u toku, uključujući kontrolu utovara

i istovara, administrativne formalnosti

sa policijom, carinom, imigracionim

organima itd.

– vremena tokom kojih ne može slobodno da

raspolaže svojim vremenom i tokom kojih se

od njega zahteva da bude na svom mestu rada,

spreman da započne sa radom, odnosno

izvršavanjem svojih predviđenih zadataka

(vreme čekanja), a posebno tokom čekanja na

utovar ili istovar, kada pre odlaska ili

neposredno pre početka samog perioda

vreme čekanja nije unapred poznato.



(b) ‘periods of availability’ shall mean:

— periods other than those relating to break times and

rest times during which the mobile worker is not

required to remain at his workstation, but must be

available to answer any calls to start or resume driving

or to carry out other work. In particular such periods of availability shall include periods during which the mobile worker is accompanying a vehicle being transported by ferryboat or by train as well as periods of waiting at frontiers and those due to traffic prohibitions.

These periods and their foreseeable duration shall be known in advance by the mobile worker, that is to say

either before departure or just before the actual start of the period in question, or under the general conditions negotiated between the social partners and/or under the terms of the legislation of the Member States,

— for mobile workers driving in a team, the time spent sitting next to the driver or on the couchette while the vehicle is in motion;

01. 3.1.39)

Vreme raspoloživosti je vremenski period koji se ne smatra radnim vremenom i koji obuhvata:

(1) vremenske periode tokom kojih poslodavac

zahteva od člana posade da bude u

pripravnosti, odnosno spreman da započne ili

nastavi sa upravljanjem vozilom ili

obavljanjem ostalih poslova ali ne zahteva da

bude na svom mestu rada, a posebno vreme kada

član posade prati vozilo koje se prevozi

trajektom ili vozom, vreme čekanja na

graničnim prelazima, i vreme tokom zabrana

kretanja vozila; pomenuti periodi i njihovo

predviđeno trajanje treba pre odlaska ili

neposredno pre početka samog perioda da budu

unapred poznati članu posade vozila.

(2) u slučaju višečlanih posada, vreme koje

vozač provede, ne upravljajući vozilom, na

sedištu ili ležaju u kabini vozila u pokretu.



(c) ‘workstation’ shall mean:

— the location of the main place of business of the undertaking for which the person performing mobile road transport activities carries out duties, together with its various subsidiary places of business, regardless of whether they are located in the same place as its head office or main place of business,

— the vehicle which the person performing mobile roadtransport activities uses when he carries out duties, and

— any other place in which activities connected with transportation are carried out;

01. 3.1.32)

Mesto rada člana posade vozila je:

(1) lokacija gde se obavlja osnovna delatnost prevoznika koji je angažovao člana posade vozila, odnosno druge lokacije prevoznika, bez obzira da li su one u istom mestu gde i sedište prevoznika ili lokacija gde se obavlja osnovna delatnost;

(2) vozilo u kome se nalazi član posade vozila kada je na dužnosti;

(3) ostala mesta gde se obavljaju poslovi vezani za prevoz koji je u toku.


(d) ‘mobile worker’ shall mean any worker forming part of the travelling staff, including trainees and apprentices, who is in the service of an undertaking which operates transport services for passengers or goods by road for hire or reward or on its own account;

01. 3.1.2)

Član posade vozila, je svako fizičko lice, koje se nalazi u vozilu i koje za prevoznika obavlja usluge drumskog prevoza, nezavisno od činjenice da li je plaćeno ili ne.



(e) ‘self-employed driver’ shall mean anyone whose main occupation is to transport passengers or goods by road for hire or reward within the meaning of Community legislation under cover of a Community licence or any other professional authorisation to carry out the aforementioned transport, who is entitled to work for himself and who is not tied to an employer by an employment contract or by any other type of working hierarchical relationship, who is free to organise the relevant working activities, whose income depends directly on the profits made and who has the freedom to, individually or through a cooperation between self-employed drivers, have commercial relations with several customers.

For the purposes of this Directive, those drivers who do not satisfy these criteria shall be subject to the same obligations and benefit from the same rights as those provided for mobile workers by this Directive;

01. 3.1.4)

Prevoznik je pravno lice ili preduzetnik, udruženje ili grupa lica koje nema status pravnog lica, bilo profitno ili neprofitno, ili državni organ, organ teritorijalne autonomije i organ lokalne samouprave, koje obavlja drumski prevoz, bilo javni ili za sopstvene potrebe.



(f) ‘person performing mobile road transport activities’ shall mean any mobile worker or self-employed driver who performs such activities;

01. 3.1.2)

Član posade vozila, je svako fizičko lice, koje se nalazi u vozilu i koje za prevoznika obavlja usluge drumskog prevoza, nezavisno od činjenice da li je plaćeno ili ne.



(g) ‘week’ shall mean the period between 00.00 hours on Monday and 24.00 hours on Sunday;

01. 3.1.27)

Nedelja je vremenski period koji započinje u ponedeljak u 00:00 a završava se u nedelju u 24:00.



(h) ‘night time’ shall mean a period of at least four hours, as defined by national law, between 00.00 hours and 07.00 hours;

01. 3.1.40)

Noćno vreme je vreme između 00:00 i 04:00 časa.



(i) ‘night work’ shall mean any work

01. 3.1.41)

Noćni rad je rad koji se obavlja tokom noćnog vremena.



Maximum weekly working time

Member States shall take the measures necessary to ensure that:

(a) the average weekly working time may not exceed 48 hours.

The maximum weekly working time may be extended to 60 hours only if, over four months, an average of 48 hours a week is not exceeded. The fourth and fifth subparagraphs

of Article 6(1) of Regulation (EEC) No 3820/85 or, where necessary, the fourth subparagraph of Article 6(1) of the AETR Agreement shall take precedence over this Directive, in so far as the drivers concerned do not exceed an average working time of 48 hours a week over four months;




Prosečno nedeljno radno vreme člana posade vozila u periodu od uzastopna četiri meseca ne sme da bude duže od 48 časova, uključujući i prekovremeni rad.

Najduže nedeljno radno vreme člana posade vozila može da iznosi 60 časova, uključujući i prekovremeni rad.



(b) working time for different employers is the sum of the working hours. The employer shall ask the mobile worker concerned in writing for an account of time worked for another employer. The mobile worker shall provide such information in writing.



Ukoliko je član posade vozila angažovan kod više prevoznika, odnosno poslodavaca ili je i sam prevoznik, radno vreme člana posade vozila predstavlja zbir svih časova rada kod svih prevoznika, odnosno poslodavaca kod kojih je angažovan.

Prevoznik, odnosno poslodavac koji je angažovao člana posade vozila, nalaže članu posade vozila u pisanom ili elektronskom obliku da mu dostavi podatke o radnom vremenu kod drugog ili drugih prevoznika, odnosno poslodavaca.

Član posade vozila dužan je da podatke iz stava 7. ovog člana dostavlja u pisanom ili elektronskom obliku.




1. Member States shall take the measures necessary to

ensure that, without prejudice to the level of protection provided by Regulation (EEC) No 3820/85 or, failing that, by the AETR Agreement, persons performing mobile road transport activities, without prejudice to Article 2(1), in no circumstances work for more than six consecutive hours without a break. Working time shall be interrupted by a break of at least 30 minutes, if working hours total between six and nine hours, and of at least 45 minutes, if working hours total more than nine hours.

2. Breaks may be subdivided into periods of at least 15 minutes each.

01. 7.

Član posade vozila, najkasnije nakon šest časova

neprekidnog rada, mora da prekine radno vreme

odmorom u toku dnevnog rada.

Odmor u toku dnevnog rada traje najmanje 30 minuta ako radno vreme člana posade vozila

traje više od šest, a manje od devet časova.

Odmor u toku dnevnog rada traje najmanje 45

minuta ako radno vreme člana posade vozila traje

više od devet časova.

Odmor u toku dnevnog rada može se koristiti u

više delova u trajanju od po najmanje 15 minuta

raspoređenih tokom radnog vremena.

Odmor u toku dnevnog rada ne uračunava se u

radno vreme.



Rest periods

For the purposes of this Directive, apprentices and trainees shall be covered by the same provisions on rest time as other mobile workers in pursuance of Regulation (EEC) No 3820/85 or, failing that, of the AETR Agreement.

01. 3.1. 2)(4)

Član posade vozila može biti pripravnik, odnosno lice koje treba da se obuči za samostalan rad u struci.



Night work

Member States shall take the measures necessary to ensure that:

— if night work is performed, the daily working time does not exceed ten hours in each 24 period,

01. 4.5.

Ako član posade vozila obavlja noćni rad, radno vreme ne sme da bude duže od deset časova tokom perioda od 24 časa.



— compensation for night work is given in accordance with national legislative measures, collective agreements, agreements between the two sides of industry and/or national practice, on condition that such compensation is not liable to endanger road safety.

03. 108. 1.2)

Zaposleni ima pravo na uvećanu zaradu u visini utvrđenoj opštim aktom i ugovorom o radu, i to za rad noću, ako takav rad nije vrednovan pri utvrđivanju osnovne zarade – najmanje 26% od osnovice;



2. By 23 March 2007, the Commission shall, within the framework of the report which it draws up in accordance with Article 13(2), assess the consequences of the provisions laid down in paragraph 1 above. The Commission shall, if necessary, submit appropriate proposals along with that report.


Obaveza EU Komisije


3. The Commission shall present a proposal for a Directive containing provisions relating to the training of professional drivers, including those who perform night work, and laying

down the general principles of such training.


Obaveza EU Komisije



1. Derogations from Articles 4 and 7 may, for objective or technical reasons or reasons concerning the organisation of work, be adopted by means of collective agreements, agreements between the social partners, or if this is not possible, by laws, regulations or administrative provisions provided there is consultation of the representatives of the employers and workers concerned and efforts are made to encourage all relevant forms of social dialogue.

2. The option to derogate from Article 4 may not result in the establishment of a reference period exceeding six months, for calculation of the average maximum weekly working time of forty-eight hours.

01. 4.17.

Zbog objektivnih ili tehničkih razloga ili razloga u vezi organizacije rada, može se usvojiti odstupanje od perioda iz stava 1. ovog člana, a na osnovu kolektivnih ugovora, dogovora između predstavnika poslodavaca i zaposlenih, pri čemu period ne sme biti duži od šest meseci.



Information and records

Member States shall ensure that:

(a) mobile workers are informed of the relevant national requirements, the internal rules of the undertaking and agreements between the two sides of industry, in particular collective agreements and any company agreements, reached on the basis of this Directive, without prejudice to Council Directive 91/533/EEC of 14 October 1991 on an employer’s obligation to inform employees of the conditions

applicable to the contract or employment relationship (1);

01. 4.12.

Prevoznik je dužan da vodi evidenciju o radnom vremenu člana posade vozila. koja isključivo sadrži ime, prezime, jedinstveni matični broj građana (u daljem tekstu: JMBG), datum i mesto rođenja člana posade kao podatke o ličnosti



(b) without prejudice to Article 2(1), the working time of persons performing mobile road transport activities is recorded. Records shall be kept for at least two years after the end of the period covered. Employers shall be responsible for recording the working time of mobile workers.

Employers shall upon request provide mobile workers with copies of the records of hours worked.

01. 4.13.

Prevoznik mora da čuva evidencije iz stava 12. ovog člana dve godine po isteku perioda na koji se odnose.



More favourable provisions

This Directive shall not affect Member States’ right to apply or introduce laws, regulations or administrative provisions more favourable to the protection of the health and safety of persons performing mobile road transport activities, or their right to facilitate or permit the application of collective agreements or other agreements concluded between the two sides of industry which are more favourable to the protection of the health and safety of mobile workers. Implementation of this Directive shall not constitute valid grounds for reducing the general level of

protection afforded to workers referred to in Article 2(1).


Ovim zakonom uređuje se sprovođenje i unapređivanje bezbednosti i zdravlja na radu lica koja učestvuju u radnim procesima, kao i lica koja se zateknu u radnoj okolini, radi sprečavanja povreda na radu, profesionalnih oboljenja i oboljenja u vezi sa radom. Za obavljanje određenih poslova državne uprave u oblasti bezbednosti i zdravlja na radu, ovim zakonom obrazuje se Uprava za bezbednost i zdravlje na radu kao organ uprave u sastavu Ministarstva rada, zapošljavanja i socijalne politike, i utvrđuje njena nadležnost.




Member States shall lay down a system of penalties for breaches of the national provisions adopted pursuant to this Directive and shall take all the measures necessary to ensure that these penalties are applied. The penalties thus provided for shall be effective, proportional and dissuasive.

01. 54.1.1)-53.1.6)

Novčanom kaznom u iznosu od 80.000 do 200.000 dinara kazniće se za prekršaj pravno lice ili preduzetnik: ako je prosečno nedeljno radno vreme člana posade vozila u bilo kom četvoromesečnom periodu duže od 48 časova, uključujući i prekovremeni rad, suprotno članu 4. stav 1. ovog zakona;

ako je dnevno radno vreme člana posade uključujući i prekovremeni rad duže od 14 časova u periodu od 24 časa, suprotno članu 4. stav 2. ovog zakona;

ako je nedeljno radno vreme člana posade vozila duže od 60 časova, uključujući i prekovremeni rad, suprotno članu 4. stav 3. ovog zakona;

ako je radno vreme člana posade vozila koji obavlja noćni rad, uključujući i prekovremeni rad, duže od deset časova tokom perioda od 24 časa, suprotno članu 4. stav 5. ovog zakona;

ako ne vodi evidenciju o radnom vremenu članova posade vozila, suprotno članu 4. stav 12. ovog zakona;

ako ne čuva evidencije o radnom vremenu članova posade vozila dve godine po isteku perioda na koji se odnose, suprotno članu 4. stav 13. ovog zakona;



Negotiations with third countries

Once this Directive has entered into force, the Community shall begin negotiations with the relevant third countries with a view to the application of rules equivalent to those laid down in this Directive to mobile workers employed by undertakings established in a third country.


Obaveza EU Komisije



1. Member States shall report to the Commission every two years on the implementation of this Directive, indicating the views of the two sides of industry. The report must reach the Commission no later than 30 September following the date on which the two-year period covered by the report expires. The two-year period shall be the same as that referred to in Article 16(2) of Regulation (EEC) No 3820/85.

2. The Commission shall produce a report every two years on the implementation of this Directive by Member States and developments in the field in question. The Commission shall forward this report to the European Parliament, the Council, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions.


Obaveza EU Komisije


Final provisions

1. Member States shall adopt the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Directive by 23 March 2005 or shall ensure by that date that the two sides of industry have established the necessary measures by agreement, the Member States being obliged to take any steps to allow them to be able at any time to guarantee the

results required by this Directive.

When Member States adopt the measures referred to in the first subparagraph, they shall contain a reference to this Directive or shall be accompanied by such reference on the occasion of their official publication. The methods of making such reference shall be laid down by Member States.

2. Member States shall communicate to the Commission the provisions of national law which they have already adopted or which they adopt in the field covered by this Directive.

3. Member States shall take care that consignors, freight forwarders, prime contractors, subcontractors and enterprises which employ mobile workers comply with the relevant provisions of this Directive.


Prelazne i završne odredbe, transpozicija


Entry into force

This Directive shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities.


Prelazne i završne odredbe, stupanje na snagu



This Directive is addressed to the Member States.


Prelazne i završne odredbe, adresirati

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