Predlog zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona o oduzimanju imovine proistekle iz krivičnog dela

1. Naziv propisa EUCouncil Framework Decision 2006/783/JHA of 6 October 2006 on the application of the principle of mutual recognition to confiscation ordersOkvirna odluka Saveta 2006/783/JHA o primeni načela međusobnog priznavanja naloga za oduzimanje imovine od 6. oktobra 2006. godine 2. „CELEX” oznaka EU propisa 32006F0783 3. Ovlašćeni predlagač propisa: VladaObrađivač: Ministarstvo pravde 4. datum izrade tabele 17.10.2016. 5. Naziv (važećeg, nacrta, predloga) propisa čije odredbe su predmet analize usklađenosti sa propisom EUPredlog zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona o oduzimanju imovine proistekle iz krivičnog delaDraft Law on Amendments and Supplements of the Law on Confiscation of the Proceeds from Crime 6. Brojčane oznake (šifre) planiranih propisa iz baze NPAA 7. Usklađenost odredaba propisa sa odredbama propisa EU a) a1) b) b1) v) g) d) Odredba propisa EU (član, stav, podstav, tačka, aneks) Sadržina odredbe Odredbe propisa Republike Srbije Sadržina odredbe Usklađenost (Potpuno usklađeno-PU, delimično usklađeno-DU, neusklađeno-NU, neprenosivo-NP) Razlozi za delimičnu usklađenost, neusklađenost ili neprenosivost Napomena o usklađenosti propisa sa propisima EU 1.1. The purpose of this Framework Decision is to establish therules under which a Member State shall recognise and execute inits territory a confiscation order issued by a court competent incriminal matters of another Member State. Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog Predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 1.2. This Framework Decision shall not have the effect of modifyingthe obligation to respect fundamental rights and fundamentallegal principles as enshrined in Article 6 of the Treaty onEuropean Union, and any obligations incumbent on judicialauthorities in this respect shall remain unaffected., Neprenosiv-NP Odredba ne zahteva implementaciju 2.1. For the purpose of this Framework Decision, Neprenosiv-NP Odredba ne zahteva implementaciju 2.1.1. ‘issuing State’ shall mean the Member State in which a court has issued a confiscation order within the framework ofcriminal proceedings; Neusklađeno-NP Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 2.1.2. ‘executing State’ shall mean the Member State to which aconfiscation order has been transmitted for the purpose ofexecution; Neusklađeno-NP Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 2.1.3 ‘confiscation order’ shall mean a final penalty or measureimposed by a court following proceedings in relation to acriminal offence or offences, resulting in the definitive deprivationof property; Neusklađeno-NP Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 2.1.4. ‘property’ shall mean property of any description, whethercorporeal or incorporeal, movable or immovable, and legaldocuments and instruments evidencing title to or interest insuch property, which the court in the issuing State hasdecided: Neusklađeno-NP Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona is the proceeds of an offence, or equivalent to either thefull value or part of the value of such proceeds, Neusklađeno-NP Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona constitutes the instrumentalities of such an offence, Neusklađeno-NP Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona is liable to confiscation resulting from the applicationin the issuing State of any of the extended powers ofconfiscation specified in Article 3(1) and (2) of FrameworkDecision 2005/212/JHA, Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona is liable to confiscation under any other provisions relatingto extended powers of confiscation under the lawof the issuing State; Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 2.1.5. ‘proceeds’ shall mean any economic advantage derived fromcriminal offences. It may consist of any form of property; Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 2.1.6. ‘instrumentalities’ shall mean any property used or intendedto be used, in any manner, wholly or in part, to commit a criminal offence or criminal offences; Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 2.1.7. ‘cultural objects forming part of the national cultural heritage’shall be defined in accordance with Article 1(1) ofCouncil Directive 93/7/EEC of 15 March 1993 on the returnof cultural objects unlawfully removed from the territory ofa Member State; Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 2.1.8. where the criminal proceedings leading to a confiscationorder involve a predicate offence as well as money laundering,a ‘criminal offence’ mentioned in Article 8(2)(f) shallmean a predicate offence. Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 3.1. Each Member State shall inform the General Secretariat ofthe Council which authority or authorities, under its law, arecompetent according to this Framework Decision when thatMember State is:— the issuing State,or— the executing State. Neprenosivo-NP Odredba ne zahteva implementaciju 3.2. Notwithstanding Articles 4(1) and (2), each Member Statemay designate, if it is necessary as a result of the organisation ofits internal system, one or more central authorities responsiblefor the administrative transmission and reception of the confiscationorders and to assist the competent authorities. Član 6. Član 6.Organizaciona jedinica nadležna za finansijsku istragu (u daljem tekstu: Jedinica) je specijalizovana organizaciona jedinica Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova koja otkriva imovinu proisteklu iz krivičnog dela i vrši druge poslove, u skladu sa ovim zakonom.U OKVIRU JEDINICE OBRAZUJE SE KANCELARIJA ZA POVRAĆAJ IMOVINE KOJA OBRAĐUJE PRIMLJENE I POSLATE ZAHTEVE U OKVIRU MEĐUNARODNE SARADNJE, ZA OTKRIVANJE I IDENTIFIKOVANJE IMOVINE PROISTEKLE IZ KRIVIČNOG DELA, SA CILJEM NJENOG PRIVREMENOG ILI TRAJNOG ODUZIMANJA.Poslove iz stava 1. ovog člana Jedinica vrši po službenoj dužnosti ili po odluci javnog tužioca ili suda. Potpuno usklađeno-PU 3.3. The General Secretariat of the Council shall make the informationreceived available to all Member States and theCommission. Neprenosivo-NP Odredba ne zahteva implementaciju 4.1. A confiscation order, together with the certificate providedfor in paragraph 2, the standard form for which is given in theAnnex, may, in the case of a confiscation order concerning anamount of money, be transmitted to the competent authority ofa Member State in which the competent authority of the issuingState has reasonable grounds to believe that the natural or legalperson against whom the confiscation order has been issued hasproperty or income. Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 4.1.1. In the case of a confiscation order concerning specific items ofproperty, the confiscation order and the certificate may be transmittedto the competent authority of a Member State in whichthe competent authority of the issuing State has reasonablegrounds to believe that property covered by the confiscationorder is located. Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 4.1.2. If there are no reasonable grounds which would allow the issuingState to determine the Member State to which the confiscationorder may be transmitted, the confiscation order may betransmitted to the competent authority of the Member Statewhere the natural or legal person against whom the confiscationorder has been issued is normally resident or has its registeredseat respectively. Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 4.2. The confiscation order or a certified copy thereof, togetherwith the certificate, shall be transmitted by the competent authorityof the issuing State directly to the authority of the executingState which is competent to execute it, by any means capable ofproducing a written record, under conditions allowing theexecuting State to establish authenticity. The original of the confiscationorder, or a certified copy thereof, and the original ofthe certificate shall be transmitted to the executing State if it sorequires. All official communications shall be made directlybetween the said competent authorities. Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 4.3. The certificate, shall be signed, and its contents certified asaccurate, by the competent authority of the issuing State. Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 4.4. If the authority competent to execute the confiscation orderis not known to the competent authority of the issuing State, thelatter shall make all necessary enquiries, including via the contactpoints of the European judicial network, in order to obtaininformation from the executing State. Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 4.5. Where the authority of the executing State which receivesa confiscation order has no jurisdiction to recognise it and takethe necessary measures for its execution, it shall, ex officio, transmitthe order to the authority competent to execute it, and shallinform the competent authority of the issuing State accordingly. Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 5.1. Subject to paragraphs 2 and 3, a confiscation order mayonly be transmitted pursuant to Article 4 to one executing Stateat any one time. Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 5.2. A confiscation order concerning specific items of propertymay be transmitted to more than one executing State at the sametime in cases where: Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 5.2.1. — the competent authority of the issuing State has reasonablegrounds to believe that different items of property coveredby the confiscation order are located in different executingStates, Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 5.2.2. — the confiscation of a specific item of property covered bythe confiscation order involves action in more than oneexecuting State,or Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 5.2.3. — the competent authority of the issuing State has reasonablegrounds to believe that a specific item of property coveredby the confiscation order is located in one of two or morespecified executing States. Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 5.3. A confiscation order concerning an amount of money maybe transmitted to more than one executing State at the same time,where the competent authority of the issuing State deems thereis a specific need to do so, for example where: Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 5.3.1. — the property concerned has not been frozen under CouncilFramework Decision 2003/577/JHA of,or Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 5.3.2. — the value of the property which may be confiscated in the issuing State and any one executing State is not likely to besufficient for the execution of the full amount covered bythe confiscation order. Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 6.1. 1. If the acts giving rise to the confiscation order constituteone or more of the following offences, as defined by the law ofthe issuing State, and are punishable in the issuing State by a custodialsentence of a maximum of at least three years, the confiscationorder shall give rise to execution without verification ofthe double criminality of the acts:— participation in a criminal organisation,— terrorism,— trafficking in human beings,— sexual exploitation of children and child pornography,— illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropicsubstances,— illicit trafficking in weapons, munitions and explosives,— corruption,— fraud, including that affecting the financial interests of theEuropean Communities within the meaning of the Conventionof 26 July 1995 on the protection of the EuropeanCommunities’ financial interests,— laundering of the proceeds of crime,— counterfeiting currency, including of the euro,— computer-related crime,— environmental crime, including illicit trafficking in endangeredanimal species and in endangered plant speciesand varieties,— facilitation of unauthorised entry and residence,— murder, grievous bodily injury,— illicit trade in human organs and tissue,— kidnapping, illegal restraint and hostage-taking,— racism and xenophobia,— organised or armed robbery,— illicit trafficking in cultural goods, including antiques andworks of art,— swindling,— racketeering and extortion,— counterfeiting and piracy of products,— forgery of administrative documents and trafficking therein,— forgery of means of payment,— illicit trafficking in hormonal substances and other growthpromoters,— illicit trafficking in nuclear or radioactive materials,— trafficking in stolen vehicles,— rape,— arson,— crimes within the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court,— unlawful seizure of aircraft/ships,— sabotage. Član 2. st. 1. i 2. Odredbe ovog zakona primenjuju se za krivična dela:1) organizovanog kriminala;1A) TEŠKO UBISTVO (ČLAN 114. TAČKA 4) I 5) KRIVIČNOG ZAKONIKA);2) otmica (član 134. Krivičnog zakonika);3) prikazivanje, pribavljanje i posedovanje pornografskog materijala i iskorišćavanje maloletnog lica za pornografiju (član 185. st. 2. i 3. Krivičnog zakonika);3A) PROTIV INTELEKTUALNE SVOJINE (ČLAN 199. STAV 3. I ČLAN 201. STAV 2. KRIVIČNOG ZAKONIKA);4) protiv imovine (član 205. ČLAN 204. STAV 4, ČLAN 205. st. 2. i 3, član 206. stav 2, član 208. stav 4, ČLAN 208A STAV 4, član 208b stav 3, član 214. st. 3. i 4. i član 217. stav 3. Krivičnog zakonika);5) protiv privrede (član 223. stav 3, član 224. stav 2, član 225. stav 3, član 226. stav 2, član 227, član 229. st. 2. i 3, član 230. stav 2, član 231. st. 2. do 4, član 234. stav 3, član 234a stav 3, čl. 236. i 237. Krivičnog zakonika);5) PROTIV PRIVREDE (ČLAN 223. STAV 3, ČLAN 224. STAV 2, ČLAN 225. STAV 3, ČLAN 226. STAV 2, ČLAN 227, ČLAN 229. ST. 2. I 3, ČLAN 230. STAV 2, ČLAN 231. ST. 2. DO 4, ČLAN 233. STAV 3, ČLAN 234. STAV 3, ČLAN 234A STAV 3, ČL. 235. DO 237. I 243. STAV 4. KRIVIČNOG ZAKONIKA);6) neovlašćena proizvodnja, držanje i stavljanje u promet opojnih droga (član 246. st. 1. do 3. Krivičnog zakonika);7) protiv javnog reda i mira (član 348. stav 3. i član 350. st. 2. i 3. Krivičnog zakonika);8) protiv službene dužnosti (član 359. stav 3, član 363. stav 3, član 364. stav 3, član 366. stav 5, član 367. st. 1. do 3. i st. 5. i 6. i član 368. st. 1. do 3. i stav 5. Krivičnog zakonika);9) protiv čovečnosti i drugih dobara zaštićenih međunarodnim pravom (član 372. stav 1, član 377, član 378. stav 3, član 379. stav 3, čl. 388. do 390. i član 393. Krivičnog zakonika).Za krivična dela iz člana 134, člana 185. st. 2. i 3, , člana 205. stav 3, člana 206. stav 2, člana 214. stav 4, člana 217. stav 3, člana 227, člana 230. stav 2, člana 231. st. 3. i 4, člana 234a stav 3, čl. 236. i 237, člana 348. stav 3, člana 350. st. 2. i 3, člana 366. stav 5, člana 367. st. 1. do 3. i st. 5. i 6, člana 368. st. 1. do 3. i stav 5, člana 372. stav 1, člana 377, člana 378. stav 3, čl. 388. do 390. i člana 393. Krivičnog zakonika odredbe ovog zakona primenjuju se ako imovinska korist pribavljena krivičnim delom, odnosno vrednost predmeta krivičnog dela prelazi iznos od milion i petsto hiljada dinara.ZA KRIVIČNA DELA IZ ČLANA 114. TAČ. 4) I 5), ČLANA 134, ČLANA 185. ST. 2. I 3, ČLANA 199. STAV 3, ČLANA 201. STAV 2, ČLANA 205. STAV 3, ČLANA 206. STAV 2, ČLANA 214. STAV 4, ČLANA 217. STAV 3, ČLANA 227, ČLANA 230. STAV 2, ČLANA 231. ST. 3. I 4, ČLANA 233. STAV 3, ČLANA 234A STAV 3, ČL. 235. DO 237, ČLANA 243. STAV 4, 348. STAV 3, ČLANA 350. ST. 2. I 3, ČLANA 366. STAV 5, ČLANA 367. ST. 1. DO 3. I ST. 5. I 6, ČLANA 368. ST. 1. DO 3. I STAV 5, ČLANA 372. STAV 1, ČLANA 377, ČLANA 378. STAV 3, ČL. 388. DO 390. I ČLANA 393. KRIVIČNOG ZAKONIKA ODREDBE OVOG ZAKONA PRIMENJUJU SE AKO IMOVINSKA KORIST PRIBAVLJENA KRIVIČNIM DELOM, ODNOSNO VREDNOST PREDMETA KRIVIČNOG DELA PRELAZI IZNOS OD MILION I PETSTO HILJADA DINARA. Potpuno usklađeno – PU 6.2. The Council may decide to add other categories of offencesto the list contained in paragraph 1 at any time, acting unanimouslyafter consultation of the European Parliament under theconditions laid down in Article 39(1) of the TEU. The Councilshall consider, in the light of the report submitted by the Commissionpursuant to Article 22, whether the list should beextended or amended. Neprenosivo-NP Odredba ne zahteva implementaciju 6.3. For offences other than those covered by paragraph 1, the executing State may make the recognition and execution of aconfiscation order subject to the condition that the acts giving rise to the confiscation order constitute an offence which permitsconfiscation under the law of the executing State, whateverits constituent elements or however it is described under the law of the issuing State. Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 7.1. The competent authorities in the executing State shall withoutfurther formality recognise a confiscation order which hasbeen transmitted in accordance with Articles 4 and 5, and shallforthwith take all the necessary measures for its execution, unlessthe competent authorities decide to invoke one of the groundsfor non-recognition or non-execution provided for in Article 8,or one of the grounds for postponement of execution providedfor in Article 10. Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 7.2. If a request for confiscation concerns a specific item ofproperty, the competent authorities of the issuing and the executingStates may, if provided for under the law of those States,agree that confiscation in the executing State may take the formof a requirement to pay a sum of money corresponding to thevalue of the property. Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 7.3. 3. If a confiscation order concerns an amount of money, thecompetent authorities of the executing State shall, if payment isnot obtained, execute the confiscation order in accordance withparagraph 1 on any item of property available for that purpose. Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 7.4. If a confiscation order concerns an amount of money, the competent authorities of the executing State shall, if necessary,convert the amount to be confiscated into the currency of theexecuting State at the rate of exchange obtaining at the time when the confiscation order was issued. Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 7.5. 5. Each Member State may state in a declaration depositedwith the General Secretariat of the Council that its competentauthorities will not recognise and execute confiscation ordersunder circumstances where confiscation of the property wasordered under the extended powers of confiscation referred to inArticle 2(d)(iv). Any such declaration may be withdrawn at anytime. Neprenosivo-NP Odredba ne zahteva implementaciju 8.1. The competent authority of the executing State may refuseto recognise and execute the confiscation order if the certificateprovided for in Article 4 is not produced, is incomplete, or manifestlydoes not correspond to the order. Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 8.2. The competent judicial authority of the executing State, asdefined in the law of that State, may also refuse to recognise andexecute the confiscation order if it is established that: Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 8.2.1. execution of the confiscation order would be contrary to theprinciple of ne bis in idem; Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 8.2.2. in one of the cases referred to in Article 6(3), the confiscationorder relates to acts which do not constitute an offencewhich permits confiscation under the law of the executingState; however, in relation to taxes, duties, customs dutiesand exchange activities, execution of a confiscation ordermay not be refused on the ground that the law of the executingState does not impose the same kind of tax or duty ordoes not contain the same types of rules concerning taxes,duties, customs duties and exchange activities as the law ofthe issuing State; Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 8.2.3. there is immunity or privilege under the law of the executingState which would prevent the execution of a domesticconfiscation order on the property concerned; Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 8.2.4. the rights of any interested party, including bona fide thirdparties, under the law of the executing State make it impossibleto execute the confiscation order, including where this is a consequence of the application of legal remedies in accordance with Article 9; Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 8.2.5. according to the certificate provided for in Article 4(2), theperson concerned did not appear personally and was notrepresented by a legal counsellor in the proceedings resultingin the confiscation order, unless the certificate states thatthe person was informed personally, or via his representativecompetent according to national law, of the proceedingsin accordance with the law of the issuing State, or thatthe person has indicated that he or she does not contest theconfiscation order; Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 8.2.6. the confiscation order is based on criminal proceedings inrespect of criminal offences which:— under the law of the executing State, are regarded as having been committed wholly or partly within its territory,or in a place equivalent to its territory,or— were committed outside the territory of the issuing State, and the law of the executing State does not permit legal proceedings to be taken in respect of suchoffences where they are committed outside that State’sterritory; Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 8.2.7. the confiscation order, in the view of that authority, was issued in circumstances where confiscation of the property was ordered under the extended powers of confiscation referred to in Article 2(d)(iv); Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 8.2.8. the execution of a confiscation order is barred by statutory time limitations in the executing State, provided that the acts fall within the jurisdiction of that State under its own criminallaw. Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 8.3. . If it appears to the competent authority of the executingState that:— the confiscation order was issued in circumstances whereconfiscation of the property was ordered under the extendedpowers of confiscation referred to in Article 2(d)(iii),and— the confiscation order falls outside the scope of the optionadopted by the executing State under Article 3(2) of FrameworkDecision 2005/212/JHA, it shall execute the confiscation order at least to the extent providedfor in similar domestic cases under national law. Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 8.4. 3. Consultation is obligatory where the decision is likelyto be based on:— paragraph 1,— paragraph 2(a), (e), (f) or (g),— paragraph 2(d) and information is not being provided underArticle 9(3),or— paragraph 3. Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 8.5. Where it is impossible to execute the confiscation order for the reason that the property to be confiscated has already beenconfiscated, has disappeared, has been destroyed, cannot be found in the location indicated in the certificate or the location of the property has not been indicated in a sufficiently precisemanner, even after consultation with the issuing State, the competentauthority of the issuing State shall be notified forthwith. Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 9.1. . Each Member State shall put in place the necessary arrangementsto ensure that any interested party, including bona fidethird parties, has legal remedies against the recognition andexecution of a confiscation order pursuant to Article 7, in orderto preserve his or her rights. The action shall be brought beforea court in the executing State in accordance with the law of thatState. The action may have suspensive effect under the law ofthe executing State. Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 9.2. The substantial reasons for issuing the confiscation ordercannot be challenged before a court in the executing State. Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 9.3. If action is brought before a court in the executing State,the competent authority of the issuing State shall be informedthereof. Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 10.1. The competent authority of the executing State may postponethe execution of a confiscation order transmitted in accordancewith Articles 4 and 5: Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 10.1.1. if, in the case of a confiscation order concerning an amountof money, it considers that there is a risk that the total valuederived from its execution may exceed the amount specifiedin the confiscation order because of simultaneous executionof the confiscation order in more than one Member State; Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 10.1.2. in the cases of legal remedies referred to in Article 9; Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 10.1.3 where the execution of the confiscation order might damagean ongoing criminal investigation or proceedings, untilsuch time as it deems reasonable; Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 10.1.4. where it is considered necessary to have the confiscationorder or parts thereof translated at the expense of the executingState, for the time necessary to obtain its translation, Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 10.1.5. where the property is already the subject of confiscation proceedingsin the executing State. Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 10.2. The competent authority of the executing State shall, forthe duration of postponement, take all the measures it wouldtake in a similar domestic case to prevent the property from nolonger being available for the purpose of execution of the confiscationorder. Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 10.3. In the case of postponement pursuant to paragraph 1(a),the competent authority of the executing State shall inform thecompetent authority of the issuing State thereof immediately byany means capable of producing a written record, and the competentauthority of the issuing State shall comply with the obligationsreferred to in Article 14(3). Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 10.4. In the cases referred to in paragraph 1(b), (c), (d) and (e), areport on the postponement, including the grounds for the postponementand, if possible, the expected duration of the postponement,shall be made forthwith by the competent authority of the executing State to the competent authority of the issuing State by any means capable of producing a written record.As soon as the ground for postponement has ceased to exist, theCompetent authority of the executing State shall forthwith take the necessary measures for the execution of the confiscationorder and inform the competent authority of the issuing Statethereof by any means capable of producing a written record. Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 11. If the competent authorities of the executing State are processing:— two or more confiscation orders concerning an amount ofmoney, which have been issued against the same natural orlegal person, and the person concerned does not have sufficientmeans in the executing State to enable all the ordersto be executed,or— two or more confiscation orders concerning the same specificitem of property,the decision on which of the confiscation orders is or are to beexecuted shall be taken by the competent authority of the executing State according to the law of the executing State, with due consideration of all the circumstances, which may include the involvement of frozen assets, the relative seriousness and the place of the offence, the dates of the respective orders and thedates of transmission of the respective orders. Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 12.1. Without prejudice to paragraph 3, the execution of the confiscationorder shall be governed by the law of the executing Stateand its authorities alone shall be competent to decide on the proceduresfor execution and to determine all the measures relating thereto. Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 12.2. In the case where the person concerned is able to furnishproof of confiscation, totally or in part, in any State, the competentauthority of the executing State shall consult the competentauthority of the issuing State by any appropriate means. Anypart of the amount, in the case of confiscation of proceeds, thatis recovered pursuant to the confiscation order in any State otherthan the executing State shall be deducted in full from theamount to be confiscated in the executing State. Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 12.3. A confiscation order issued against a legal person shall beexecuted even if the executing State does not recognise the principleof criminal liability of legal persons. Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 12.4. 4. The executing State may not impose measures as an alternativeto the confiscation order, including custodial sanctions or any other measure limiting a person’s freedom, as a result of atransmission pursuant to Articles 4 and 5, unless the issuing State has given its consent. Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 13.1. Amnesty and pardon may be granted by the issuing Stateand also by the executing State. Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 13.2. Only the issuing State may determine any application forreview of the confiscation order. Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 14.1. 1. The transmission of a confiscation order to one or moreexecuting States in accordance with Articles 4 and 5 does not restrict the right of the issuing State to execute the confiscationorder itself. Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 14.2. In the case of transmission of a confiscation order concerningan amount of money to one or more executing States, thetotal value derived from its execution may not exceed the maximumamount specified in the confiscation order. Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 14.3. The competent authority of the issuing State shall immediatelyinform the competent authority of any executing State concernedby any means capable of producing a written record: Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 14.3.1. if it considers that there is a risk that execution beyond themaximum amount may occur, for example on the basis ofinformation notified to it by an executing State pursuant toArticle 10(3). In the event of the application ofArticle 10(1)(a), the competent authority of the issuing Stateshall as soon as possible inform the competent authority ofthe executing State whether the risk referred to has ceasedto exist; Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 14.3.2. if all or a part of the confiscation order has been executedin the issuing State or in another executing State. Theamount for which the confiscation order has not yet beenexecuted shall be specified; Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 14.3.3. if, after transmission of a confiscation order in accordancewith Articles 4 and 5, an authority of the issuing Statereceives any sum of money which the person concerned haspaid voluntarily in respect of the confiscationorder. Article 12(2) shall apply. Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 15. The competent authority of the issuing State shall forthwithinform the competent authority of the executing State by any means capable of reducing a written record of any decision ormeasure as a result of which the order ceases to be enforceable or shall be withdrawn from the executing State for any other reason.The executing State shall terminate execution of the orderas soon as it is informed by the competent authority of the issuing State of that decision or measure. Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 16.1. Money which has been obtained from the execution of theconfiscation order shall be disposed of by the executing State asfollows: Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 16.1.1. if the amount obtained from the execution of the confiscationorder is below EUR 10 000, or the equivalent to thatamount, the amount shall accrue to the executing State; Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 16.1.2. in all other cases, 50 % of the amount which has beenobtained from the execution of the confiscation order shallbe transferred by the executing State to the issuing State. Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 16.2. Property other than money, which has been obtained fromthe execution of the confiscation order, shall be disposed of inone of the following ways, to be decided by the executing State: Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 16.2.1. the property may be sold. In that case, the proceeds of thesale shall be disposed of in accordance with paragraph 1; Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 16.2.2. the property may be transferred to the issuing State. If theconfiscation order covers an amount of money, the propertymay only be transferred to the issuing State when thatState has given its consent; Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 16.2.3. when it is not possible to apply (a) or (b), the property maybe disposed of in another way in accordance with the lawof the executing State. Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 16.3. Notwithstanding paragraph 2, the executing State shall notbe required to sell or return specific items covered by the confiscationorder which constitute cultural objects forming part of thenational heritage of that State. Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 16.4. Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 apply unless otherwise agreedbetween the issuing State and the executing State. Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona The competent authority of the executing State shall withoutdelay inform the competent authority of the issuing State by anymeans capable of producing a written record:(a) of the transmission of the confiscation order to the competentauthority, according to Article 4(5);(b) of any decision not to recognise the confiscation order,together with the reasons for the decision;(c) of the total or partial non-execution of the order for the reasonsreferred to in Article 11, Article 12(1) and (2) orArticle 13(1);(d) as soon as the execution of the order has been completed;(e) of the application of alternative measures, according toArticle 12(4). Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 18.1. Without prejudice to Article 9(2), where the executing Stateunder its law is responsible for injury caused to one of the interestedparties mentioned in Article 9 by the execution of a confiscationorder transmitted to it pursuant to Articles 4 and 5, the issuing State shall reimburse to the executing State any sums paidin damages by virtue of that responsibility to the said party except if, and to the extent that, the injury or any part of it is exclusivelydue to the conduct of the executing State. Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 18.2. Paragraph 1 is without prejudice to the law of the MemberStates on claims by natural or legal persons for compensation ofdamage. Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 19.1. Paragraph 1 is without prejudice to the law of the MemberStates on claims by natural or legal persons for compensation ofdamage. Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona 19.2. Any Member State may, when this Framework Decision isadopted or at a later date, state in a declaration deposited withthe General Secretariat of the Council that it will accept a translationin one or more other official languages of the Institutionsof the European Communities. Neprenosivo-NP Odredba ne zahteva implementaciju 20.1. Without prejudice to Article 16, Member States may notclaim from each other the refund of costs resulting from applicationof this Framework Decision. Neprenosivo-NP Odredba ne zahteva implementaciju 20.2. Where the executing State has had costs which it considerslarge or exceptional, it may propose to the issuing State that the costs be shared. The issuing State shall take into account any such proposal on the basis of detailed specifications given by theexecuting State. Neusklađeno-NU Nije predmet regulisanja ovog predloga zakona 21. This Framework Decision shall not affect the application of bilateralor multilateral agreements or arrangements between MemberStates in so far as such agreements or arrangements help to further simplify or facilitate the procedures for the execution ofconfiscation orders. Neprenosivo-NP Odredba ne zahteva implementaciju 22.1. Member States shall take the necessary measures to comply with this Framework Decision by 24 November 2008. Neprenosivo-NP Odredba ne zahteva implementaciju 22.2. Member States shall communicate to the General Secretariatof the Council and to the Commission the text of the provisionstransposing into their national law the obligationsresulting from this Framework Decision. On the basis of a reportestablished on the basis of this information by the Commission,the Council shall, by 24 November 2009, assess the extent to which Member States have taken the necessary measures to comply with this Framework Decision. Neprenosivo-NP Odredba ne zahteva implementaciju 22.3. The General Secretariat of the Council shall notify the MemberStates and the Commission of the declarations made pursuantto Articles 7(5) and 19(2). Neprenosivo-NP Odredba ne zahteva implementaciju 22.4. . A Member State which has experienced repeated difficultiesor lack of activity by another Member State in the mutualrecognition and execution of confiscation orders, which have not been resolved through bilateral consultations, may inform theCouncil with a view to evaluating the implementation of this Framework Decision at Member State level. Neprenosivo-NP Odredba ne zahteva implementaciju 22.5. The Member States, acting as executing States, shall informthe Council and the Commission, at the beginning of the calendar year, of the number of cases in which Article 17(b) has been applied and a summary of reasons for this.By 24 November 2013, the Commission shall establish a reporton the basis of the information received, accompanied by any initiatives it may deem appropriate. Neprenosivo-NP Odredba ne zahteva implementaciju 23. This Framework Decision shall enter into force on the day of itspublication in the Official Journal of the European Union. Neprenosivo-NP Odredba ne zahteva implementaciju

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