Dana 7. juna 2017. godine, shodno rezolucijama 1267 (1999), 1989 (2011) i 2253 (2015), Komitet Saveta bezbednosti UN usvojio je izmene, koje su označene kao podvučene i precrtane, u dolenavedenom unosu u Listi sankcija protiv pojedinaca i entiteta povezanih sa ISIL-om (Daeš) i Al Kaidom, koji podležu zamrzavanju imovine, zabrani putovanja i embargu na oružje, u skladu sa članom 2 rezolucije SB UN 2253 (2015), usvojene pod Glavom VII Povelje UN:
B. Entiteti povezani sa ISIL (Daeš) i Al Kaidom
Ime (u originalnom pismu): جبهة النصرة لأهل الشام
Alijas: a) جبهة النصرة (Front pobede; Jabhat al-Nusrah; Jabhet al-Nusra; Al-Nusrah Front; Al-Nusra Front) b) جبهة فتح الشام (Jabhat Fath al Sham; Jabhat Fath al-Sham; Jabhat Fatah al-Sham; Jabhat Fateh Al-Sham; Fatah al-Sham Front; Fateh al-Sham Front) v) Osvajanje levantskog fronta g) Front za oslobađanje al Sham d) Front za osvajanje Sirije/Levanta đ) Front za oslobođenje Levanta e) Front za osvajanje Sirije ž) شبكة أنصار المجاهدين (naziv podjedinice: Ansar al-Mujahideen mreža – naziv podjedinice) zb) مجاهدو الشام في ساحات الجهاد (naziv podjedinice: Levantski mujahedini na ratištima Džihada – naziv podjedinice) Ranije poznata kao: neprimenjivo Adresa: a) Sirijska Arapska Republika (deluje u Siriji) b) Irak (mreža podrške u) Na listi od: 14. maja 2014. (lista izmenjena 7. juna 2017) Druge informacije: Povezana sa Al-Kaidom (QDe. 004) i Ibrahim Avvad Ibrahim Ali al-Badri al-Samaraijem (QDi. 299), vođa Al-Kaide u Iraku (QDe. 115), od januara 2012. Dovodio je Dovodi sirijske i strane borce Al-Kaide u Iraku (QDe. 115) i Asbata al-Ansar (QDe. 007), zajedno sa drugim stranim operativcima Al-Kaide, kako bi se pridružili lokalnim elementima u Sirijskoj Arapskoj Republici i tamo sprovodili terorističke i gerilske operacije. Prethodno povezan sa Islamskom državom u Iraku i Levantu (ISIL), navedene u listi kao Al-Kaida u Iraku (QDe. 115), i njenim liderom Ibrahim Avvad Ibrahim Ali Al-Badri Al-Samarrai (QDi. 299), ali odvojenim od grupe u 2013. U julu 2016. Abu Mohammed Al-Javlani (QDi. 317), lider Al-Nusrah fronta za narod Levanta, objavio je da je grupa promenila ime u Jabhat Fath al-Sham i da više nije povezana ni sa jednim od spoljnih entiteta. Uprkos objavi i pokušajima da se odvoje od Al-Nusra fronta za narod Levanta, grupa ostaje povezana sa Al Kaidom i nastavlja da sprovodi terorističke akte pod ovim novim imenom. Prethodno na listi u periodu između 30. maja 2013. i 13. maja 2014. kao ogranak Al-Kaide u Iraku (QDe. 115).
On 7 June 2017, the Security Council Committee pursuant to resolutions 1267 (1999), 1989 (2011) and 2253 (2015) enacted the amendments specified with underline and strikethrough in the entry below on its ISIL (Da’esh) and Al-Qaida Sanctions List of individuals and entities subject to the assets freeze, travel ban and arms embargo set out in paragraph 2 of Security Council resolution 2253(2015) adopted under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations.
B. Entity associated with ISIL (Da’esh) and Al-Qaida
Name (original script): جبهة النصرة لأهل الشام
A.k.a.: a) جبهة النصرة (the Victory Front; Jabhat al-Nusrah; Jabhet al-Nusra; Al-Nusrah Front; Al-Nusra Front) b) جبهة فتح الشام (Jabhat Fath al Sham; Jabhat Fath al-Sham; Jabhat Fatah al-Sham; Jabhat Fateh Al-Sham; Fatah al-Sham Front; Fateh al-Sham Front) c) Conquest of the Levant Front d) The Front for the Liberation of al Sham e) Front for the Conquest of Syria/the Levant f) Front for the Liberation of the Levant g) Front for the Conquest of Syria h) شبكة أنصار المجاهدين (sub-unit name: Ansar al-Mujahideen Network – sub-unit name) ic) مجاهدو الشام في ساحات الجهاد (sub-unit name: Levantine Mujahideen on the Battlefields of Jihad – sub-unit name) F.k.a.: na Address: a) Syrian Arab Republic (Operates in Syria) b) Iraq (Support network in) Listed on: 14 May 2014, (amended on 7 June 2017) Other information: Associated with Al-Qaida (QDe.004) and Ibrahim Awwad Ibrahim Ali al-Badri al-Samarrai (QDi.299), the leader of Al-Qaida in Iraq (QDe.115), since at least Jan. 2012. BroughtBrings Syrian and foreign Al-Qaida in Iraq (QDe.115) and Asbat al-Ansar (QDe.007) fighters, along with other foreign Al-Qaida operatives, to join local elements in the Syrian Arab Republic to carry out terrorist and guerrilla operations there. Previously associated with the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), listed as Al-Qaida in Iraq (QDe.115), and its leader Ibrahim Awwad Ibrahim Ali al-Badri al-Samarrai (QDi.299) but separated from that group in 2013. In Jul. 2016, Abu Mohammed Al-Jawlani (QDi.317), the leader of Al-Nusrah Front for the People of the Levant, announced the group had changed its name to Jabhat Fath al-Sham and was no longer affiliated with any external entity. Despite the announcement and attempts to distinguish itself from Al-Nusrah Front for the People of the Levant, the group remains aligned with Al-Qaida and continues to carry out terrorist operations under this new name. Previously listed between 30 May 2013 and 13 May 2014 as an aka of Al-Qaida in Iraq (QDe.115).