Predlog zakona o potvrđivanju Ugovora o donaciji (Olakšice za infrastrukturne projekte za lokalni okvir) IPA 2008 multi-korisničkog programa između Evropske investicione banke i Republike Srbije i Grada Beograda




Član 1.

Potvrđuje se Ugovor o donaciji (Olakšice za infrastrukturne projekte za lokalni okvir) u okviru IPA 2008 multi-korisničkog programa između Evropske investicione banke i Republike Srbije i Grada Beograda, zaključen 3. marta 2010. godine u Beogradu.

Član 2.

Tekst Ugovora o donaciji (Olakšice za infrastrukturne projekte za lokalni okvir) u okviru IPA 2008 multi-korisničkog programa između Evropske investicione banke i Republike Srbije i Grada Beograda, u originalu na engleskom jeziku i u prevodu na srpski jezik glasi:










Belgrade, 3 March 2010

European Investment Bank with its Head office at 98,100 Blvd Konrad Adenauer L-2950 Luxembourg, L-2950 Luxembourg, represented by Dario Scannapieco, its Vice President (hereinafter referred to as the “EIB“),

of the first part,

Republic of Serbia, represented by the Minister of Finance, Diana Dragutinovic on behalf of the Government as representative of the Republic of Serbia

of the second part,


City of Belgrade having its seat at 2, Dragoslava Jovanovica 11000 Belgrade, Republic of Serbia, represented by Dragan Djilas, the Mayor,

of the third part,

and jointly referred to as the “Parties“,

have agreed as follows:

Article 1 – Purpose

1(1) The purpose of this Agreement is to set up the terms and conditions for a grant by EIB on behalf of the European Union (hereinafter referred to as the “Grant”) made available through the Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA) budget and other sources in order to support financially and technically the development of municipal infrastructure projects in the environment, transport, energy and social sectors in Serbia as described in Annex I (hereinafter referred to as the “Project”).

1(2) The Republic of Serbia (the “Beneficiary”) accepts the Grant and undertakes to make it available to the City of Belgrade (hereinafter referred as the “Final Beneficiary”) for financing its respective portion of the Project (the “Project Segment”) in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement.

1(3) The total investment cost of the Project Segment eligible for financing by the European Union is estimated at EUR 30.000.000 (thirty million euros) as set out in Annex II.

1(4) It is to be understood that references herein to Articles, Recitals, Schedules and Annexes are references respectively to articles of, and recitals, schedules and annexes to this Agreement.

Article 2 – Implementation Period of this Agreement

2(1) The implementation period of this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Implementation Period”) will begin on the day following that on which the last of the Parties signs.

2(2) The Implementation Period of this Agreement is up to 70(seventy) months.

2(3) The execution of the Project Segment shall not go beyond 31 December 2015.

Article 3 – Amount of the Grant

3(1) Provided that EIB receives from the European Union funds pursuant to the Contribution Agreement signed in Brussels on 28 November 2009 and in Luxembourg on 30 November 2009 between EIB and the European Commission on behalf of the European Union (hereinafter referred to as the “Commission”) (hereinafter referred to as the “Contribution Agreement”), EIB undertakes to provide the Grant to the Beneficiary equivalent to EUR 6.000.000 (six million euros) net of the management fee and the costs of auditing agreed by EIB and the Commission pursuant the Contribution Agreement and the Beneficiary undertakes to provide the same amount to the Final Beneficiary.

3(2) EIB undertakes to finance a maximum of 20% (twenty per cent) of the estimated total cost of the Project Segment specified in Article 1(3).

3(3) The final amount of the Grant will be established as follows:

(a) the Grant amount may not exceed the maximum amount established by Article 3(1) even if the overall actual expenditure exceeds the estimated total cost of the Project Segment as specified in Article 1(3); and

(b) if the eligible costs as defined in Article 8 at the completion of the Project Segment are less than the estimated total cost of the Project Segment as specified in Article 1(3), the Grant may be pro-rated to the actual investment incurred;

3(4) According to the Contribution Agreement interest accrued on the sums available for grant and undisbursed in EIB accounts, shall supplement the grant provided pursuant the Contribution Agreement.

Article 4 – Use of the Grant

The Beneficiary and the Final Beneficiary shall use the Grant solely for the purpose of financing the Project Segment. For the avoidance of doubt the Grant shall not be used for financing of taxes, duties and charges arising out of, or in connection with, the implementation of the Project Segment.

Article 5 – Payment arrangements

5(1) The Grant shall be transferred to the Beneficiary’s bank account at the National Bank of Serbia, that will be notified to the EIB on or before the date falling 15 (fifteen) business days before the schedule payment date under Article 5(3)(a). The payments shall be made in Euro.

5(2) Payments of the Grant are conditional upon the fulfilment of the conditions established under this Article 5(2).

(a) The fist payment is conditional upon:

receipt by EIB, in the form and substance satisfactory to it, of evidence that this Grant Agreement has been ratified by the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia;

receipt by EIB on or before the date falling 15 (fifteen) business days before the schedule payment date under Article 5(3)(a) of the corresponding payment to be made by the European Union to EIB pursuant to the Contribution Agreement; and

receipt and approval by the EIB of the Inception Report in accordance with Article 5(3)(a).

(b) The second and subsequent payments are conditional upon:

receipt of a payment request by EIB from the Beneficiary on or before the date falling 15 (fifteen) business days before the schedule payment date specified in such payment request accompanied by evidence of the authority of the person or persons authorised to sign it on behalf of the Beneficiary and the specimen signature of such person or persons;

receipt by EIB on or before the date falling 15 (fifteen) business days before the schedule payment date specified in the payment request of the corresponding payment to be made by the European Union to EIB pursuant to the Contribution Agreement;

receipt on or before the date falling 60 (sixty) business days before the schedule payment date specified in the payment request of a Progress Report submitted by the Final Beneficiary and approval of such Progress Report by the EIB;

receipt by EIB of documents, submitted by the Beneficiary, evidencing, in a manner satisfactory to EIB, that the Beneficiary has made available to the Final Beneficiary 100% (one hundred per cent) of the amounts of all previous payments;

receipt of documents, submitted by the Final Beneficiary, evidencing, in a manner satisfactory to EIB, that the Final Beneficiary has incurred eligible costs according to Article 8 related to the Project Segment in an amount at least equal to the aggregate of (i) 70% (seventy per cent) of the amount of the immediately preceding payment and (ii) 100% (one hundred per cent) of the amounts of all previous payments, if any).

(c) All payments (including the first and the second) are conditional upon confirmation that no event or circumstance which constitutes or would, with the passage of time or giving of notice under this Agreement, constitute an event of termination under Article 15, has occurred and is continuing unremedied or unwaived.

For the purpose of this Agreement “business days” means a day (other than a Saturday or Sunday) on which the EIB and the commercial banks are open for general business in Luxembourg.

5(3) Payments of the Grant will be made as follows:

(a) Subject to the fulfilment of the conditions specified in Article 5(2) (a), EIB shall transfer to the account specified in Article 5(1) a first payment of EUR 3.000.000 (three million euros) within 15 (fifteen) days of the approval by EIB of the Inception Report as defined in Article 9(1). If the approval of the Inception Report submitted by the Final Beneficiary only covers part of the Project Segment, this first payment will be reduced pro-rata and EIB will transfer the amount corresponding to that part of the Project Segment. The remaining part of this first payment will be disbursed upon approval of additional Inception Reports covering the part of the Project Segment not previously covered.

(b) Subject to the fulfilment of the conditions specified in Article 5(2) (b) and (c) additional payments will be made by EIB within 15 (fifteen) days of the date of the payment request. Each additional payment, except the last payment, will cover 90% (ninety per cent) of the grant co-financing disbursement forecast for the following 12 (twelve) month period from the date of the payment request as updated in the more recent Progress Report as defined in Article 9(1) approved by EIB.

5(4) Without prejudice to its right to terminate this Agreement pursuant to Article 16, EIB may suspend or cancel a payment where the Beneficiary or the Final Beneficiary fails to perform any of its material obligations under this Agreement or the Finance Contract signed on June 17, 2003 (hereinafter referred to as “Finance Contract”) and such failure shall have continued for a period of 15 (fifteen) days after written notice thereof shall have been given to the Beneficiary or the Final Beneficiary by EIB.

5(5) Any report (Inception Report, annual Progress Report, annual financial report, annual audit report, final report), accompanied by a payment request conforming to the model attached as Annex III, will be presented by EIB to the Commission for prior approval. If within 60 (sixty) days from the receipt of the relevant report by EIB, the EIB has not reacted such report shall be considered as approved. EIB shall not approve reports that have not been approved by the Commission.

5(6) The Beneficiary and the Final Beneficiary shall provide EIB with any additional information regarding the report as EIB, at its own discretion, may request. In this case the deadline for approving the report shall be suspended pending the receipt of the requested information.

5(7) Reports shall be presented in accordance with Article 9, Annex IV and Annex V.

5(8) Approval of a report does not imply recognition of the regularity, authenticity, completeness and correctness of the declarations and information contained therein.

Article 6 – The Beneficiary and the Final Beneficiary Undertakings and Warrants

6(1) The Beneficiary and the Final Beneficiary undertake in respect of the Project Segment to take appropriate measures to prevent irregularities, fraud, corruption or any other illegal activity in the implementation of the Project Segment. All suspected and actual cases of irregularity, fraud and corruption related to this Agreement must be reported to EIB without delay.

6(2) The Beneficiary and the Final Beneficiary warrant and undertake that it has not committed, and no person to its present knowledge has committed, any of the following acts and that it will not commit, and no person, with its consent or prior knowledge, will commit any such act, that is to say:

the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of any improper advantage to influence the action of an person holding a public office or function or a director or employee of a public authority or public enterprise or a director or official of a public international organisation in connection with any procurement process or in the execution of any contract in connection with the Project Segment; or

any act which improperly influences or aims improperly to influence the procurement process or the implementation of the Project Segment to the detriment of the Beneficiary, including collusion between tenderers.

The Beneficiary and the Final Beneficiary undertake to inform EIB if it should become aware of any fact or information suggestive of the commission of any such act.

6(3) The Beneficiary and the Final Beneficiary undertakes to institute, maintain and comply with internal procedures and controls in compliance with applicable national laws and best practices, for the purpose of ensuring that no transaction is entered with, or for the benefit of, any of the individuals or institutions named on updated lists of sanctioned persons promulgated by the United Nations Security Council or its committees pursuant to Security Council Resolutions 1267 (1999), 1373 (2001) ( and/or by the Council of the EU pursuant to its Common Positions 2001/931/CSFP and 2002/402/CSFP and their related or successor resolutions and/or implementing acts in connection with financing of terrorism matters. 

6(4) The Beneficiary and the Final Beneficiary undertake (i) to retain, in a single location, for inspection during 6 (six) years from the conclusion of each contract financed by means of the Grant, the full terms of the contract itself, as well as all material documents pertaining to the procurement process and to the execution of the contract and (ii) to procure that EIB may inspect the contractual documents that the contractor is obliged to retain under its supply or work contract. 

6(5) The Beneficiary and the Final Beneficiary undertake:

(a) to take such action as EIB shall reasonably request to investigate and/or terminate any alleged or suspected act of the nature described in Article 6(2);

(b) to inform EIB of the measures taken to seek damages from the persons responsible for any loss resulting from any such act; and

(c) to facilitate any investigation that EIB may make concerning any such act.

The Beneficiary shall bear all expenses incurred by EIB in connection with this Article 6.05.

Article 7 – Procurement of goods, works and services

7(1) The procurement of any goods, works or services and the award of grants by the Final Beneficiary in the context of the Project shall be carried out by open international tender or other acceptable procurement procedure complying, to EIB satisfaction, with EIB policy as described in its Guide to Procurement in force at the date of this Agreement.

7(2) If the Project is to be partially sub-contracted, EIB shall decide with the Final Beneficiary which activities shall be contracted to other entities and which ones shall be implemented directly, provided that, having due regard to cost and duration, sub-contracting would not lead to increased costs over direct implementation. The Final beneficiary shall present to EIB the contracting arrangements as soon as they are available. It shall also undertake to inform EIB, with as much prior notice as possible, of changes in these arrangements.

7(3) The Final Beneficiary shall conduct procurement procedures in line with local law and EIB’s Guide to Procurement and adopt reasonable measures to ensure that potential candidates or tenderers shall be excluded from the participation in a procurement or award procedure financed by the Grant, if:

– they are bankrupt or being wound up, are having their affairs administered by the courts, have entered into an arrangement with creditors, have suspended business activities, are the subject of proceedings concerning those matters, or are in any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure provided for in national legislation or regulations;

– they have been convicted of an offence concerning their professional conduct by a judgment which has the force of res judicata;

– they have been the subject of a judgment which has the force of res judicata for fraud, corruption, involvement in a criminal organization or any other illegal activity;

– they are guilty of misrepresentation in supplying the information required as a condition of participation in the procedure or fail to supply this information;

– are subject to a conflict of interest.

7(4) In the event of failure to comply with the above provisions the relevant costs shall not be eligible for funding under this Agreement.

Article 8 – Eligible costs

8(1) To be considered as eligible costs under this Agreement, costs must:

be necessary for carrying out the Project Segment, be provided for specifically in this Agreement and comply with the principles of sound financial management, in particular value for money and cost-effectiveness;

have actually been incurred from the date of signature of this Agreement and during the Implementation Period, whatever the time of actual disbursement by EIB;

– be recorded in the accounts of the Final Beneficiary, be identifiable, backed by originals of supporting evidence (as the case may be in electronic form), and verifiable pursuant to the provisions of Article 10.

8(2) The following costs shall not be considered eligible:

– debts and provisions for possible future losses or debts;

– interest owed by the Beneficiary or the Final Beneficiary to any third party;

– items already financed from other sources;

– purchases of land or buildings;

– currency exchange losses;

– taxes, duties and charges charged to the City of Belgrade.

Article 9 – Reporting

9(1) The Final Beneficiary shall provide EIB with information on the financing, execution and operation of the Project Segment. To that end, the Final Beneficiary shall produce an inception report (hereinafter referred to as the “Inception Report”) presenting a detailed Project Segment specifications as specified in Annex V, within 3 (three) months after signature of this Agreement.

The Final Beneficiary shall produce annual progress reports (hereinafter referred to as the “Progress Reports”) and financial reports on the use of the funds received.

The Final Beneficiary shall produce a final report (hereinafter referred to as the “Final Report”) and send it to EIB within 3 (three) months of the end of the Implementation Period at the latest.

The Final Beneficiary may provide additional Progress Report updated at the time of a payment request.

9(2) EIB may request additional information at any time. Such information shall be supplied on the date agreed by EIB and the Final Beneficiary.

9(3) The Inception Report shall consist of a narrative and financial description of the initial status of the Project Segment, as specified in Annex IV. Progress and final reports shall consist of a narrative part and a financial part as specified in Annex V. Reporting, narrative as well as financial, shall cover the whole of the Project Segment. The Inception Report shall be produced in support of the first payment request. Narrative and financial reports shall be produced in support of payment requests. Payment will be made in accordance with the grant disbursement estimates presented in Annex I, regularly updated in the Progress Reports.

9(4) The Final Beneficiary will report to EIB on 3 (three) main indicators of achievement:

Measurable outcomes of improved infrastructure management and regulation;

Quantitative impact of the Project Segment on the existing status of infrastructure;

Qualitative impact of the Project Segment.

These 3 (three) types of indicators will be included in the Progress Reports and Final report prepared by the Final Beneficiary. The indicators of achievement will be monitored by EIB. Insufficient achievement may trigger corrective measures to be agreed by the Parties with respect to the design and implementation of the Project Segment.

9(5) The Beneficiary and the Final Beneficiary shall inform EIB without delay of any circumstances likely to hamper or delay implementation of the Project Segment. The Final Beneficiary will keep EIB informed, on a regular basis, and at least semi annually, of the progress on the implementation of the Project Segment.

9(6) In addition to the above mentioned reports, the Beneficiary and the Final Beneficiary shall share with EIB, progress and situation reports, publications, press releases and updates, relevant to this Agreement, when available.

Article 10 – Visits

10(1) The Beneficiary and the Final Beneficiary shall allow persons designated by EIB, as well as persons designated by other European Union institutions (including the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF)) when so required by the relevant mandatory provisions of European Union law, to visit the sites, installations and works comprising the Project Segment and to conduct such checks as they may wish, and shall provide them, or ensure that they are provided, with all necessary assistance for this purpose.

10(2) The Beneficiary and the Final Beneficiary acknowledge that EIB may be obliged to divulge such information relating to the Beneficiary and the Project Segment to any competent European Union institution or body in accordance with the relevant mandatory provisions of European Union law.

Article 11 – Repayment of the Grant

11(1) Where the Project Segment is suspended, not carried out at all, or not carried out properly and without prejudice to its right to terminate this Agreement pursuant to Article 16, EIB may demand repayment of the total amount of the Grant or reduce the Grant pro-rata to the actual implementation of the Project Segment.

11(2) If the Project Segment is not completed within the Implementation Period, the funds that remain unexpended will be reimbursed to EIB.

11(3) In case of misallocation of funds in one or multiple activities of the Project Segment, EIB will be entitled to recover from the Beneficiary the proportion of Grant on the value of the funds wrongly paid or incorrectly used. In this case the Beneficiary will be entitled to recover from the Final Beneficiary the same amount. For the avoidance of doubt, the recovery of such funds by the Beneficiary from the Final Beneficiary will not affect the obligation of the Beneficiary to repay the funds to EIB.

12(1) The Parties undertake to take all necessary precautions to avoid conflict of interests and shall inform the other Parties without delay of any situation constituting or likely to lead to any such conflict.

12(2) There is a conflict of interest where the impartial and objective exercise of the functions of any person under this Agreement is compromised for reasons involving family, emotional life, political or national affinity, economic interest or any other shared interest with another party.

Article 13 – Visibility and Transparency

The Beneficiary and the Final Beneficiary shall incorporate in all their promotional material related to the activities falling within the scope of the Project Segment a reference to the fact that they are supported by EIB and the Commission, and if appropriate, EIB’s logo and European logo (twelve yellow stars on a blue background).

Article 14 – Suspension of this Agreement

14(1) EIB may suspend all or part of this Agreement if circumstances (mainly force majeure) make it too difficult or dangerous to continue. It shall inform the Beneficiary without delay. Any suspension shall continue until EIB ends the suspension or decides to terminate the Agreement. If this Agreement is not terminated, EIB shall endeavour to minimise the duration of the suspension and may resume implementation of the Project Segment once the conditions allow, and shall inform the Beneficiary accordingly.

14(2) The Implementation Period is automatically extended by an amount of time equivalent to the duration of the suspension. This is without prejudice to any amendments to this Agreement which may be necessary to adapt the Project Segment to the new implementing conditions.

14(3) No indemnity will be payable upon suspension or termination by EIB pursuant this Article.

Article 15 – Force majeure

Force majeure shall mean any unforeseeable exceptional situation or event beyond the Parties’ control which prevents either of them from fulfilling any of their obligations under this Agreement, was not attributable to error or negligence on their part (or of their partners, contractors, agents or employees), and could not have been avoided by the exercise of due diligence. Defects in equipment or material or delays in making them available, labour disputes, strikes or financial problems cannot be invoked as force majeure by the defaulting party. Neither of the Parties shall be held liable for breach of its obligations under this Agreement if it is prevented from fulfilling them by force majeure. Without prejudice to Article 14 (1) above, the Party invoking force majeure shall notify the other without delay, stating the nature, likely duration and foreseeable effect, and take any measure to minimise possible damage.

Article 16 – Termination of this Agreement

16(1) This Agreement shall be automatically terminated if it has not be ratified by the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia within 12 (twelve) months from the date of its signature.

16(2) If, at any time, any Party believes that the purposes of this Agreement can no longer be effectively or appropriately carried out, it shall consult the other Parties. Failing agreement on a solution, any Party may terminate this Agreement by serving 2 (two) months’ written notice. In this event, the Beneficiary shall be entitled to payment of the Grant by the EIB and the Final Beneficiary by the Beneficiary only for the part of the Project Segment carried out.

16(3) Without prejudice to the rights and obligations set forth elsewhere in this Agreement, any Party may terminate this Agreement if one Party fails to perform any of its material obligations under the terms of this Agreement, including their annexes and such failure to perform shall have continued for a period of 30 (thirty) days after written notice thereof shall have been given to the non-performing party by the notifying party.

16(4) The Beneficiary shall repay all or part of the Grant forthwith within 15 (fifteen) days or any other date agreed by the Parties upon written demand being made by EIB in accordance with the following provisions.

16(5) EIB may terminate this Agreement on 30 (thirty) days prior written notice and may request full or partial repayment of the Grant to the Beneficiary where:

the Beneficiary or the Final Beneficiary has not informed EIB of any situation giving rise to conflict of interest with negative implications for the Project Segment and their expected results;

the Beneficiary has transferred or assigned this Agreement or payments attached to it to a third party in any manner whatsoever without prior written consent of EIB;

if any information or document given to EIB by or on behalf of the Beneficiary or the Final Beneficiary or any representation or statement made or deemed to be made by the Beneficiary or by the Final Beneficiary in this Agreement or in connection with the negotiation of this Agreement is or proves to have been incorrect or misleading in any material respect;

the Beneficiary or the Final Beneficiary provides reports that do not reflect the reality in order to obtain the Grant provided for in this Agreement;

the Beneficiary or the Final Beneficiary commits deliberate financial irregularities;

the Beneficiary or the Final Beneficiary undergoes legal, financial, technical or organisational change that is liable to affect this Agreement substantially;

the Beneficiary or the Final Beneficiary defaults in the performance of any obligation in respect of any loan or financial instrument granted by EIB or to EIB or the European Union;

if the Beneficiary fails to comply with any obligation under this Agreement;

if the Grant is not disbursed to the Final Beneficiary within 2 (two) months from the date of the first payment made by EIB to the Beneficiary under this Agreement; and

in the event no submission of the Inception Report to EIB would have occurred within 6 (six) months from the signature of this Grant Agreement by the Parties.

16(6) If the Beneficiary fails to repay by the due date, the sum due shall bear interest at the rate applied by the European Central Bank to its principal refinancing operations, as published in the C series of the Official Journal of the European Union on the first day of the month in which payment was due, increased by three and a half percentage points. The interest shall be payable for the period elapsing from the day following expiry of the time limit for payment up to the day of payment. Any partial payment shall first cover the interest.

16(7) Bank charges incurred by the repayment of amounts due to EIB shall be borne entirely by the Beneficiary.

16(8) Unless this Agreement is earlier terminated, the payment obligations of EIB hereunder shall cease at the “end date”, which shall occur 18 (eighteen) months after the end of the Implementation Period. EIB shall notify the Beneficiary of any postponement of the end date. EIB shall postpone the end date, so as to be able to fulfill its payment obligations, in all cases where the Beneficiary has filed the payment request in accordance with this Agreement or, in case of dispute, until completion of the dispute settlement procedure provided for in Article 18.

17(1) Any modification of this Agreement including the Annexes thereto, shall be duly signed by all Parties.

17(2) A request for an amendment shall be submitted to the other Parties 4 (four) months before the amendment is intended to enter into force, unless there are special circumstances duly substantiated by the party requesting the amendment and accepted by the other parties. A request to extend the implementation period of this Agreement must be duly justified and submitted no later than 7 (seven) months before the end of it.

Article 18 – Settlement of Disputes and Jurisdiction

18(1) Any dispute between the Parties as to the interpretation, application, or performance of this Agreement, including its existence, validity or termination, not settled amicably shall be submitted to the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice of the European Communities.

18(2) General principles of law common to the Member States, as interpreted by the Court of Justice of the European Communities, apply to this Agreement.

Article 19 – Communications

19(1) Notices and other communications given under this Agreement addressed to any Party to this Contract shall be made to the address or facsimile number as set out below, or to such other address or facsimile number as a party previously notifies to the others in writing:

For EIB European Investment Bank Attention: Ops A – MA3Ms Annabelle ASSEMAT98-100 boulevard Konrad AdenauerL-2950 LuxembourgFacsimile no.: + 352 4379 67487 For the BeneficiaryFor the Final Beneficiary Ministry of Finance of the Republic of SerbiaAttention: Mrs Diana DragutinovicMinister of FinanceKnez Milosa 20, 11000 BelgradeRepublic of SerbiaFacsimile no: +381113618961City of BelgradeCity of Belgrade AdministrationInvestment AgencyAttention: Ms. Masa CeranicAssistant Director6, Trg Nikole Pasica11000, BelgradeFacsimile: +381 11 3237157

19(2) Any notice or other communication given under this Agreement must be in writing.

Notices and other communications for which fixed periods are laid down in this Agreement or which themselves fix periods binding on the addressee may be made by hand delivery, registered letter or facsimile. The date of delivery, registration or, as the case may be, the stated date of receipt of transmission shall be conclusive for the determination of a period.

Other notices and communications may be made by hand delivery, registered letter or facsimile or, to the extent agreed by the parties by written agreement, by email or other electronic communication.

Without affecting the validity of any notice delivered by facsimile according to the paragraphs above, a copy of each notice delivered by facsimile shall also be sent by letter to the relevant party on the next following business day at the latest.

Notices issued by the Beneficiary or the Final Beneficiary pursuant to any provision of this Agreement shall, where required by EIB, be delivered to EIB together with satisfactory evidence of the authority of the person or persons authorised to sign such notice on behalf of the Beneficiary or the Final Beneficiary.

Article 20 – Entry into force

This Agreement shall enter into force following its ratification by the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia.

This Agreement is temporarily applicable from the date of its signature, until it has been ratified by the National Assembly of the Republic Serbia.

Article 21 – Annexes

The following documents are annexed to this Agreement and form an integral part of it:

Annex I: Project specifications

Annex II: Budget for the Project Segment

Annex III: Standard request for payment

Annex IV: Template for Annual Progress Reports and Final Report

Annex V: Template for Inception Report

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in 4 (four) originals in the English language 2 (two) for EIB, 1 (one) for the Republic of Serbia and 1 (one) for the City of Belgrade and have caused representatives of each Party to initial each page of this Agreement on their behalf 

At Belgrade, this 3 March 2010

Signed for and on behalf ofEUROPEAN INVESTMENT BANKDario ScannapiecoVice President Signed for and on behalf ofREPUBLIC OF SERBIA Diana Dragutinovic Minister of Finance Signed for and on behalf ofCITY OF BELGRADEDragan DjilasMayor

Project specifications


This Agreement concerns a European Union Contribution in the form of a grant from the Municipal Window of the Infrastructure Project Facility in support of an infrastructure project in the environment and transport sectors co-financed by an EIB loan (hereinafter referred to as the “Loan”).

Serbia- Belgrade Urban Renewal:Reconstruction of the urban transport system, urban roads and tramway of the city of Belgrade.

The Grant will be used only for the part of the Project covered by the decision of the Steering Committee of the Western Balkans Investment Framework (Project Segment). The accurate description of the Project Segment will be provided in the Inception Report according to Article 9 of this Agreement.

The Beneficiary is the Republic of Serbia, and the Final Beneficiary is Belgrade City. EIB will agree with the Beneficiary and with the Final beneficiary the detailed timing and allocation of the Grant to implement the investments, in line with this Agreement. EIB shall disburse the Grant to the Beneficiary, which will convey the funds to the Final beneficiary. The disbursement amounts mentioned in this Annex are indicative forecasts.

EIB shall disburse to the Beneficiary Grant and Loan upon advancement of the Project Segment until 90% (ninety per cent) of the Grant is used for this Project Segment. EIB will disburse the remaining balance of 10% (ten per cent) of Grant upon completion of the Project Segment.

The expected impacts of the Project Segment consist of:

(a) Improved physical infrastructure management in the urban road transport system. In addition, during refinement of the schemes at implementation stage, specific attention will be paid to promoting additional energy or transport-related efficiency measures in order to generate additional improvements to the financial performance of the department or utilities operating the infrastructures.

(b) Quantitative impact: extent of progress in construction in relation to Project Segment beginning stage and to planned Project Segment advancement.

(c) Qualitative impact of the Project Segment: The transport Project Segment objective aims at reconstructing major arteries of the street network to reduce traffic congestion, road accidents, and improve the mobility of the urban population of Belgrade.

Financing plan and use of European Union resources:

MW-TRA-SER-EIB-03 (Belgrade transport-Serbia)       Financing plan: EUR million         Total The Grant (MAXIMUM AMOUNT) 6.0 EIB Loan         90.0 Final Beneficiary own funds and other funds       117.7 Total         213.7

The Grant will be used exclusively for the Project Segment covering the selected road reconstruction components. The Grant will partially cover the funding gap for the Project Segment considered.

Indicative Schedule for Project Segment implementation:

MW-TRA-SER-EIB-03 (Belgrade transport)           Indicative forecasts (EUR million) up to 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total Total investment 79.3 57.3 67.1 10.0   213.7 Of which: investment for the specific Project Segment (road transport) 12.0 12.0 6.0 0.0 The Grant (EUR million) (MAXIMUM AMOUNT) 0.0 0.0 5.4 0.6 0.0 0 6.0 Grant to investment ratio           20% Annex II

Budget for the Project Segment


Grant disbursement schedule:

2010 2011 2012 Total MW-TRA-SER-03: 5 400 000  600 000 6 000 000 Serbia: Reconstruction of the urban transport system (road) of the city of Belgrade (MAXIMUM AMOUNT)

Serbia – Belgrade Urban Renewal – Grant


Please proceed with the following payment, to be used for the financing of <sub-project>:

Grant Name: Belgrade Urban Renewal – Grant Signature Date: Agreement FI number (if relevant): EUR amount requested Proposed disbursement date: EUR Amount

Reserved for the EIB EUR Total Grant Amount: 6.000.000 Paid to date: Balance for payment: Current payment: Balance after payment:

Beneficiary’s account to be credited:

Acc. N(: …………………………………………………….

(please, provide IBAN format)

BIC Code N°……………………………………………………………………….

Bank name and address: ………………………………………………………

Please transmit information relevant to:

Beneficiary’s authorised name(s) and signature(s):

Annex IV

Until the termination of the Project Segment, the Final Beneficiary shall be responsible for providing Progress Reports and a final report in accordance with Article 9 of this Grant Agreement.

1. Progress Report

Annual and additional Progress Reports will include three parts.

A – Narrative Part

Overview of the activity over the past reporting period and main facts (summary table of activity, evolution of the Project Segment context)

With respect to the Project Segment:

Financial matters relating to the Project Segment : total investment cost disbursed for the reporting period and on a cumulative basis, use of European Community Resources as a share of the total investment costs;

Speed and problems of implementation of Project Segment, including identifying any commitment or disbursement backlogs and its motivations;

Information on measures taken to identify the European Union as the source of co-financing.

Impact Indicators:

(i) Improved physical infrastructure management in the urban road transport system. In addition, during refinement of the schemes at implementation stage, specific attention will be paid to promoting additional transport-related efficiency measures.

(ii) Quantitative impact: extent of progress in construction in relation to Project beginning stage and to planned Project Segment advancement.

(iii) Qualitative impact of the Project Segment: The Project Segment aims at reconstructing major arteries of the street network to reduce traffic congestion, road accidents, and improve the mobility of the urban population of Belgrade.

(2) With respect to the Project Segment, the following data shall be collected in an Excel spreadsheet:

Type of costs supported by the total Project Segment investment;

Type of costs supported by the EU investment support;

Final Beneficiary of the Investment;

Measurable outcomes of improved infrastructure management;

Quantitative impact: extent of progress in construction in relation to Project Segment beginning and to planned Project Segment advancement;

Qualitative impact of the Project Segment through indicators of the type of Project Segment done;

Number of inhabitants directly and indirectly concerned.

B – Financial Part including monitoring activities

The results of monitoring activities concerning the disbursement of the Project Segment investment support. In case of important problems detected in the course of monitoring, the Beneficiary or the Final Beneficiary will inform EIB. The Final Beneficiary will provide financial data as follows:

Summary statement for the sub-account held for EIB proceeds for the reporting period showing movements on the account sorted by category of income/expenditure for the Project Segment;

the same data on a cumulated basis over the lifetime of the Project Segment investments;

The narrative part of the Progress Reports may be sent to the Western Balkans Investment Framework Steering Committee.

In addition to information outlined above for the Progress Reports covering the full Implementation Period, the final report shall include information as follows:

Full summary of the Project Segment’s income and expenditure and payments received.

The format for Annual and additional Progress Report will follow the format given in Annex V (Inception Report), as amended from time to time in agreement between the Final Beneficiary and EIB.

Accordingly the format for Final Report shall be agreed between the Final Beneficiary and EIB at least 6 (six) months before the end of the Project Segment implementation.

Prior to the first Grant disbursement, the Final Beneficiary shall be responsible for providing an Inception Report. Annual progress will be measured on the basis of the information provided in the Inception Report. The Inception report will include the following information:

A – Narrative Part

Overview of the activity to be carried out during the duration of the Project and main facts

with respect to the main Project Segment components:

Financial matters relating to the Project Segment: total investment cost for the Project Segment duration, use of European Union Resources as a share of the total investment costs;

Operational matters relating to status of physical infrastructure covered by the Project Segment and its implementation, including type and extent of works and services; technical assistance envisaged during the Project Segment duration, for instance to support the Project Implementation Unit;

Status of the department/utilities in charge of Project Segment implementation and operation, and status of physical infrastructure management;

Efficiency-related measures aimed at improving the financial performance of the utilities;

Number of inhabitants directly and indirectly concerned;

Status of the Project-related living standards and environmental conditions;

Measures envisaged to ensure Project Segment visibility, and to identify the European Union as one source of co-financing during Project Segment implementation.

The narrative part of the Progress Reports may be sent to the Steering Committee of the Western Balkans Investment Framework.

B – Environmental Part

Investment Project Title: Code: Country: Sector:

The Commission Decision from 19 December 2008 adopting a Multi-beneficiary Programme for Support to Cooperation with the International Financing Institutions – IFIs under the IPA Transition Assistance and Institution Building Component for 2008 states in point 4.3 that:

“All investments shall be carried out in compliance with the relevant EU environmental legislation.

As a consequence, since projects IPF TA and IPF MW correspond to actions which fall within the scope of the EIA Directive an environmental impact assessment shall be made for each action equivalent to that provided for the EIA Directive.

Since the IPF – MW and the IPF TA projects are likely to affect sites of nature conservation importance, an appropriate nature conservation assessment shall be made for each project, equivalent to that provided for in Art.6 of the Habitats Directive.”

This check list in the context of the Project Segment is filled by the Final Beneficiary.

The check list concerns projects from all sectors submitted to the IPF MW.

Question Answer Have the environmental authorities likely to be concerned by the Project Segment been consulted by reason of their specific responsibilities? If yes, please list them. Has development consent already been given to this Project? If yes, on which date? By whom? If no, by which date is the final decision expected? Is the Project Segment a class of development covered by:Annex I of the Directive Annex II of the DirectiveNeither of the two Annexes When covered by Annex I – Was an EIA carried out? If yes was a non-technical summary produced in addition to all other necessary information required? If yes, has it included the needed information Did consultations take place with the competent environmental authorities (e.g nature protection etc) and the public concerned? Is there information on these consultations (who was consulted, for how long etc)? What were the results of the consultations with the environmental authorities and the public concerned? In what way these were taken into account in the final decision? Where any trans-boundary consultations conducted with those states eventually affected by the Project Segment, demonstrating that the procedure of art. 7 of the EIA Directive had been applied? Is there evidence that the decision to grant or refuse development consent has been available to the public by the competent authority? When covered by Annex II of the Directive, has an Environmental Impact Assessment been carried out for this Project Segment? If not was there a screening on the basis of the criteria of Annex III of the EIA Directive? If an EIA was carried out what were the results (see above for Annex I)? Is the Project Segment likely to have significant negative effects on sites included or intended to be included in sites of nature conservation importance? Such as: (a) Sites identified by the competent national authorities as sites to be proposed for the Nature 2000 network as laid down in the Birds Directive (79/409/EEC) and Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) (b) Sites listed in the latest inventory of Important Bird Areas (IBA 2000)for potential candidate countries or (if available) equivalent more detailed scientific inventories endorsed by national authorities, (c ) Wetlands of international importance designated under the Ramsar Convention or qualifying for such protection; (d) Areas to which the Bern convention on conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (Art. 4) applies, in particular sites meeting the criteria of the Emerald network (e) Areas protected under national nature conservation legislation If the answer for any of the points (a) – (e) above is YES, provide a summary of the conclusions of the appropriate assessment carried out „according to Article 6 (3) of the Directive 92/43/EEC which needs to be carried out in such cases. In case, compensation measures were deemed necessary „According to Article 6(4)“ provide a copy of the form „information on projects likely to have significant negative effect on sites of „nature conservation importance “ as notified to the Commission (DG Environment) under Directive 92/43/EEC If the answer for any of the points (a) – (e) above is NO, have you received a completed declaration filled in by the relevant authorities?

Answers provided by:


C – Financial summary, Table and Charts as needed

In order to provide the above mentioned information, the Final Beneficiary shall use the format proposed below. This template may be adapted in agreement between the Final Beneficiary and EIB.

Logos Name of Project Segment Inception/ Progress ReportContract: EIB No EU grant No date dd/mm/20yy

Project Segment Title: Belgrade Urban Renewal – Road component (Investment cost EUR 30 million)

Loan Number: EIB No

EU grant Number:


Borrower: [ ] , represented by , Minister of

Designated person responsible:


Tel: +



Date of report: Date, 20xx

Reporting period: Date to Date

Submitted to: Ms Annabelle Assemat

European Investment Bank

Table of contents

Contact person in Belgrade City:


Name, signature

Table of contents

Pg. 1. Project Segment synopsis 2. Summary of Project progress since the start 3. Summary of activities planned for the implementation period 4. Project Segment progress in reporting period 4.1. Introduction 4.2. A brief update on the technical description, explaining the reasons for significant changes vs. initial scope 4.3. Update on the date of completion of each of the main Project Segment’s components, explaining reasons for any possible delay 4.4. Update on the cost of the Project Segment, explaining reasons for any possible cost increases vs. initial budgeted cost, and financing sources envisaged 4.5. A description of any major issue with impact on the environment 4.6. Update on procurement procedures 4.7. Update on the Project Segment demand or usage and comments 4.8. Any significant issue that has occurred and any significant risk that may affect the Project Segment operation 4.9. Any legal action concerning the Project Segment that may be ongoing 4.10. Performance indicators for Road Component Project 5. Summary of invoices paid per source of funds (loan, grant, other, total) 6. Visibility measures on EU grant Chart 1 Project Segment Preparation and Implementation Status (updated as of date) Chart 2 Project Segment Implementation Programme (updated as of date): Chart 3 Project Segment Budget and financing plan by contract Investment costs per year (planned, implemented) Chart 4 Implementation by contract Chart 5 Measurable outcomes Chart 6 to Chart 12 Payment justifications per contract and per tranche of loan and grant disbursements (EIB standard templates) List of Annexes Glossary of Acronyms

List of Annexes

Please attach the basic documents as references in their original format in electronic form.

(example for a road project)

Annex 01 Update to the Feasibility Study and Environmental Impact Assessment:status of physical infrastructure,population concerned (present, planned) Annex 02 Procurement Plan Works and supplies, technical assistance services Annex 03 Invitation/Notice, ToR and Instruction to tenderers for Consultancy Services Annex 04 Contract Award Decision for Consultancy Services with supporting evaluation documents Annex 05 Invitation/Notices and Pre-qualification Documents for Tender (pre-qualification) of the restricted international procedure for design and construction of the roads Annex 06 Earlier reports (summary) (English summary) Annex 07 Other

Glossary of Acronyms: (example)

EIB European Investment Bank Ministry of PIU Project Implementation Unit ToR Terms of References EIA Environmental Impact Assessment VAT Value added Tax

Templates of charts Chart 2: Project Implementation Programme (updated as of Date 20XX) Chart 3: Project Budget and financing plan by contract (updated as of Date 20XX) Chart 4: Implementation by contract Contracts (amounts in EUR 1000) Za Korisnika Ministarstvo finansija Republike SrbijeN/R: gospođa Diana Dragutinovićministar finansijaKneza Miloša 20, 11000 BeogradRepublika SrbijaFaks broj: +381113618961

Za Krajnjeg korisnika Grad Beograd

Gradska uprava

Agencija za investicije

N/R: gospođa Maša Ćeranić, pomoćnik


Trg Nikole Pašića 6, 11000 Beograd,

Republika Srbija

Faks broj: +381113237157

19(2) Svako obaveštenje ili drugo saopštenje koje se daje prema ovom Ugovoru mora da bude u pismenom obliku.

Obaveštenja i druga saopštenja za koja su u ovom Ugovoru određeni rokovi ili koja sama utvrđuju rokove obavezujuće za primaoca mogu da se dostave lično, preporučenom poštom ili faksom. Datum dostavljanja, zavođenja ili, zavisno od slučaja, navedeni datum prijema prenosa podataka je konačan za utvrđivanje roka.

Druga obaveštenja i saopštenja mogu da se dostave lično, preporučenom poštom ili faksom ili, ukoliko se o tome Strane dogovore pismenim sporazumom, elektronskom poštom ili drugim načinom elektronske komunikacije.

Bez uticaja na punovažnost bilo kog obaveštenja koje se dostavi faksom prema gornjim stavovima, odgovarajućoj ugovornoj strani se najkasnije sledećeg radnog dana putem pisma šalje i primerak svakog obaveštenja dostavljenog faksom.

Obaveštenja koja su izdali Korisnik ili Krajnji korisnik shodno bilo kojoj odredbi ovog ugovora dostavljaju se EIB, kada EIB to zahteva, zajedno sa zadovoljavajućim dokazima o ovlašćenju jednog ili više lica ovlašćenih da potpišu takvo obaveštenje u ime Korisnika ili Krajnjeg korisnika.

Član 20. – Stupanje na snagu

Ovaj ugovor stupa na snagu nakon potvrđivanja od strane Narodne skupštine Republike Srbije.

Ovaj ugovor se privremeno primenjuje od dana potpisivanja do potvrđivanja od strane Narodne skupštine Republike Srbije.

Član 21. – Aneksi

Ovom ugovoru se prilažu sledeći dokumenti kao aneksi i čine njegov sastavni deo:

Aneks I: Specifikacije projekta

Aneks II: Budžet za Projektni segment

Aneks III: Standardni zahtev za isplatu

Aneks IV: Obrazac za godišnje izveštaje o realizaciji i konačni izveštaj

Aneks V: Obrazac za uvodni izveštaj

POTVRĐUJUĆI NAPRED IZNETO, ugovorne strane su se postarale da se ovaj Ugovor potpiše u 4 (četiri) originalna primerka na engleskom jeziku, i to 2 (dva) za EIB i 1 (jedan) za Republiku Srbiju i 1 (jedan) za Grad Beograd, i svaka od njih se postarala da njihovi predstavnici parafiraju svaku stranu ovog Ugovora u njihovo ime 

U (, dana ( 20( godine

Potpisao za i u imeEVROPSKE INVESTICIONE BANKE_______________________Dario ScannapiecopotpredsednikPotpisao za i u imeGRADA BEOGRADA_________________________Dragan Đilasgradonačelnik Potpisao za i u imeREPUBLIKE SRBIJE________________________Diana Dragutinovićministar finansija

Specifikacije Projekta

1. Uvodne napomene

Ovaj ugovor se odnosi na Doprinos Evropske unije u obliku Donacije (bespovratne pomoći) iz komponente Olakšice za infrastrukturne projekte za lokalni okvir u sektorima zaštite životne sredine i saobraćaja koji se ko-finansiraju iz kredita EIB (u daljem tekstu: “Zajam”).

Srbija – Obnova grada Beograda: Rekonstrukcija gradskog sistema saobraćaja, gradskih puteva i tramvajskih puteva u gradu Beogradu.

Ova donacija će se koristiti isključivo za deo Projekta na koji se odnosi odluka Upravnog odbora Investicionog okvira za Zapadni Balkan (Projektni segment). Precizan opis Projektnog segmenta biće predstavljen u Uvodnom izveštaju u skladu sa članom 9. ovog ugovora.

Korisnik je Republika Srbija, a Krajnji korisnik Grad Beograd. EIB će sa Korisnikom i Krajnjim korisnikom postići dogovor oko detaljnog vremenskog plana i rasporeda Donacije za realizaciju investicija, u skladu sa ovim ugovorom. EIB će izvršiti isplatu Donacije Korisniku, koji će sredstva preneti Krajnjem korisniku. Isplata iznosa koji se pominju u ovom Aneksu je orijentaciono predviđena

EIB će isplatiti iznos Donacije i Zajma Korisniku u skladu sa napretkom Projektnog segmenta, dok se 90% (devedeset procenata) Donacije ne iskoristi za Projektni segment. EIB će izvršiti isplatu preostalog dela od 10% Donacije nakon okončanja realizacije Projektnog segmenta.

Očekivani učinci ovog Projektnog segmenta su sledeći:

(a) Unapređenje upravljanja fizičkom infrastrukturom u gradskom sistemu drumskog saobraćaja. Sem toga, tokom preciziranja planova u fazi realizacije, posebna pažnja će se obratiti na promovisanje dodatnih mera saobraćajne ili energetske efikasnosti kako bi se ostvarilo dodatno poboljšanje finansijskih učinaka u odeljenjima ili javnim/komunalnim preduzećima koji operativno upravljaju infrastrukturom.

(b) Kvantitativni učinak: stepen napretka u izgradnji u odnosu na početnu fazu Projektnog segmenta i u odnosu na planirano napredovanje Projektnog segmenta.

(v) Kvalitativan učinak Projektnog segmenta: Cilj saobraćajnog Projektnog segmenta je rekonstrukcija glavnih arterija mreže puteva radi smanjenja zagušenja saobraćaja, saobraćajnih nesreća, i unapređenje mobilnosti gradskog stanovništva Beograda.

Finansijski plan i korišćenje resursa Evropske Unije:

MW-TRA-SER-EIB-03 (Beogradski saobraćaj – Srbija)       Finansijski plan: milion Evra         Ukupno Donacija (MAKSIMALNI IZNOS) 6.0 EIB Zajam         90.0 Sredstva Krajnjeg korisnika i ostala sredstva       117.7 Ukupno         213.7

Donacija će se koristiti isključivo za Projektni segment koji se odnosi na izabrane komponente rekonstrukcije puteva. Donacija će delimično pokrivati i nedostajuća sredstva Projektnog segmenta koji se razmatra.

Orijentacioni plan realizacije Projektnog segmenta:

MW-TRA-SER- EIB -03 (Beogradski saobraćaj)           Orijentaciona predviđanja (milion Evra) do 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Ukupno Ukupna investicija 79.3 57.3 67.1 10.0   213.7 Od toga: investicije za konkretan Projektni segment (drumski saobraćaj) 12.0 12.0 6.0 0.0 Donacija (miliona Evra) (MAKSIMALNI IZNOS) 0.0 0.0 5.4 0.6 0.0 0 6.0 Koeficijent donacija/investicija           20% Aneks II

Budžet Projektnog segmenta


Raspored isplate Donacije:

2010 2011 2012 Ukupno 5 400 000  600 000 6 000 000 MW-TRA-SER-03:

Srbija – Obnova grada Beograda -Donacija


Molim vas da pristupite sledećoj isplati, koja će se koristiti za finansiranje;:

Naziv Donacije: Obnova grada Beograda- Donacija Datum potpisivanja: FI broj Ugovora (ako je potrebno): Zahtevani iznos u EUR Predloženi datum isplate: EUR Iznos

Rezervisano za EIB EUR Ukupan iznos Donacije: 6.000.000 Isplaćeno do sada: Ostalo za isplatu: Trenutna isplata: Ostalo nakon isplate:

Račun Korisnika za odobrenje:

Račun br.: …………………………………………………….

(potrebno koristiti IBAN format)

BIC kod br.……………………………………………………………………….

Naziv i adresa Banke: ………………………………………………………

Molim vas prosledite informacije:

Ime i potpis ovlašćenog lica Korisnika):

Aneks IV

Do okončanja realizacije ovog Projektnog segmenta, Krajnji korisnik će biti obavezan da dostavlja izveštaje o realizaciji i konačni izveštaj, u skladu sa članom 9 ovog Ugovora o donaciji.

1. Izveštaj o realizaciji

Godišnji i dodatni izveštaji o realizaciji sastojaće se iz tri dela.

A – Opisni deo

Pregled aktivnosti tokom prethodnog perioda izveštavanja i glavne činjenice (sumarna tabela aktivnosti, razvoj stvari u kontekstu ovog Projektnog segmenta)

U pogledu Projektnog segmenta:

a) Finansijska pitanja koja se tiču Projektnog segmenta: ukupna isplaćena suma za investiciju za period izveštavanja i kumulativno, korišćenje resursa Evropske zajednice kao udeo u ukupnim investicionim troškovima;

b) Brzina i poteškoće u realizaciji Projektnog segmenta, uključujući navođenje zastoja u obavezi ili isplati sredstava i razlozi za takvo stanje;

v) Informacije o merama koje se preduzimaju da se Evropska unija identifikuje kao izvor ko-finansiranja.

g) Pokazatelji učinka:

(i) Unapređeno upravljanje fizičkom infrastrukturom u sistemu gradskog drumskog saobraćaja. Sem toga, tokom preciziranja planova u fazi realizacije, posebna pažnja će se obratiti na promovisanje dodatnih mera saobraćajne ili energetske efikasnosti.

(ii) Kvantitativni učinak: stepen napretka u izgradnji u odnosu na početnu fazu Projektnog segmenta i u odnosu na planirano napredovanje Projektnog segmenta.

(iii) Kvalitativan učinak Projektnog segmenta: Cilj saobraćajnog Projektnog segmenta je rekonstrukcija glavnih arterija mreže puteva radi smanjenja zagušenja saobraćaja, saobraćajnih nesreća, i unapređenje mobilnosti gradskog stanovništva Beograda.

(2) U pogledu Projektnog segmenta, u „Excel“ tabelarnom formatu će se prikupljati sledeći podaci:

Vrsta troškova koji se podržavaju iz ukupne investicije Projektnog segmenta;

(b) Vrsta troškova koji se podržavaju iz sredstava investicione podrške EU;

(c) Krajnji korisnik investicije;

(d) Merljivi ishodi unapređenog upravljanja infrastrukturom;

(e) Kvantitativni učinak: stepen napretka u izgradnji u odnosu na početnu fazu Projektnog segmenta i u odnosu na planirano napredovanje Projektnog segmenta;

(f) Kvalitativni učinak Projektnog segmenta iskazan indikatorima o vrsti realizovanog Projektnog segmenta;

(g) Broj stanovnika na koje se učinak odnosi, posredno i neposredno.

B – Finansijski deo izveštaja uključujući aktivnosti nadzora

Rezultati aktivnosti nadzora koji se odnosi na isplatu investicione podrške Projektnog segmenta. U slučaju da se tokom nadzora utvrdi postojanje značajnih problema, Korisnik ili Krajnji korisnik će o tome obavestiti EIB. Krajnji korisnik će obezbediti finansijske podatke kako sledi:

Sumarno stanje pod-računa koji se vodi za sredstva EIB za period izveštavanja, koje prikazuje promene na računu sortirane po kategorijama prihoda/troškova za Projektni segment;

(b) Isti podaci kumulativno prikazani za ceo period trajanja investicije Projektni segment;

Opisni deo izveštaja o realizaciji može se dostavljati Upravnom odboru Investicionog okvira za Zapadni Balkan (WBIF).

Osim informacija koje su napred navedene u tekstu za izveštaje o realizaciji a koje se odnose na celokupan period realizacije, konačni izveštaj će sadržati i sledeće informacije:

– Kompletan prikaz prihoda i troškova i primljenih uplata Projektnog segmenta.

Format godišnjih i dodatnih izveštaja o realizaciji slediće format priložen u Aneksu V (Početni izveštaj), a koji podleže promenama o kojima Krajnji korisnik i EIB postignu uzajamni dogovor.

U skladu s tim, i format konačnog izveštaja će biti predmet dogovora koji će se postići između Krajnjeg korisnika i EIB najmanje 6 meseci pre okončanja realizacije Projektnog segmenta.

Pre prve isplate sredstava Donacije, Krajnji korisnik je obavezan da dostavi Početni izveštaj. Godišnji napredak u realizaciji će se meriti na osnovu informacija koje se dostave u Početnom izveštaju. Početni izveštaj treba da sadrži sledeće informacije:

A – Opisni deo

Pregled aktivnosti koje će se realizovati tokom trajanja Projekta i osnovne činjenice

Po glavnim komponentama Projektnog segmenta:

Finansijska pitanja vezana za Projektni segment: ukupni investicioni troškovi za čitav period realizacije Projektnog segmenta, korišćenje resursa Evropske zajednice kao udeo u ukupnim investicionim troškovima;

(b) Operativna pitanja koja se odnose na status fizičke infrastrukture koja je obuhvaćena Projektnim segmentom i njena realizacija, uključujući vrste i obim radova i usluga; tehnička pomoć predviđena tokom perioda realizacije Projektnog segmenta, na primer podrška Jedinici za realizaciju Projekta;

(c) Status odeljenja / komunalnih preduzeća zaduženih za realizaciju i operativni rad Projektnog segmenta, i stanje u upravljanju fizičkom infrastrukturom;

(d) Mere efikasnosti čiji je cilj unapređenje finansijskog učinka komunalnih preduzeća;

(e) Broj stanovnika na koje se Projektni segment odnosi direktno ili indirektno;

(f) Status životnog standarda i zaštite životne sredine koji su u vezi sa Projektom;

(g) Mere predviđene da se postigne vidljivost Projektnog segmenta, i da se Evropska unija identifikuje kao izvor ko-finansiranja tokom perioda realizacije Projektnog segmenta.

Opisni deo izveštaja o realizaciji može se dostavljati Upravnom odboru Investicionog okvira za Zapadni Balkan (WBIF).

B – Deo koji se odnosi na životnu sredinu

Naziv investicionog projekta: Šifra: Zemlja: Sektor:

Odluka Evropske komisije od 19. decembra 2008. godine, kojom je usvojen Višekorisnički program za podršku saradnji sa međunarodnim finansijskim institucijama u okviru IPA predpristupne pomoći i Komponente za izgradnju kapaciteta za 2008. godinu, u tačci 4.3. navodi sledeće:

Sve investicije će se realizovati u skladu sa svim relevantnim zakonodavstvom EU u pogledu zaštite životne sredine.

Usled toga, obzirom da projekti IPF TA i IPF MW korespondiraju sa aktivnostima koje potpadaju pod delokrug Direktive o proceni uticaja na životnu sredinu neophodno je da se izradi procena uticaja na životnu sredinu za svaku aktivnost koja će biti ekvivalentna procenama koje se rade po Direktivi o proceni uticaja na životnu sredinu.

Obzirom da će projekti IPF – MW i IPF TA verovatno imati uticaj na lokacije koje su značajne u pogledu zaštite prirode, procena će se raditi za svaki projekat, i biće ekvivalentna procenama koje se propisuju Članom 6 Direktive o staništima.”

Ček-listu u pogledu Projektnog segmenta popunjava Krajnji korisnik.

Ček-lista se odnosi na projekte iz svih sektora koji se podnose IPF MW.

Pitanje Odgovor Da li su organi nadležni za zaštitu životne sredine za koje je verovatno da će biti zainteresovani za Projektni segment konsultovani po osnovu njihovih konkretnih nadležnosti? Ukoliko jesu, dati spisak u kome se navode takvi organi. Da li je za ovaj projekat već izdata dozvola za izgradnju? Ukoliko jeste, kog datuma? Od strane kog organa? Ukoliko nije, do kog datuma se očekuje izdavanje konačne odluke? Da li je ovaj Projektni segment iz kategorije izgradnje na koju se odnosi:Aneks I Direktive Aneks II DirektiveNi jedan od gornja dva aneksa Za slučaj da se primenjuje Aneks I – Da li je izrađena procena uticaja na životnu sredinu? Ukoliko jeste, da li je uz sve ostale tražene informacije podnet i opšti (ne-tehnički) rezime? Ukoliko jeste, da li je on sadržao sve potrebne informacije Da li su obavljene konsultacije sa svim organima nadležnim za zaštitu životne sredine (npr. za zaštitu prirode, itd.) i sa zainteresovanom javnošću? Da li postoje informacije o sprovedenim konsultacijama (sa kim su konsultacije obavljene, koliko dugo su trajale, itd.)? Kakvi su bili rezultati obavljenih konsultacija sa nadležnim organima za zaštitu životne sredine i sa zainteresovanom javnošću? Na koji način su sprovedene konsultacije uzete u obzir kod donošenja konačne odluke? Da li su obavljene bilo kakve prekogranične konsultacije sa onim državama koje bi eventualno mogle da budu pod uticajem Projektni segment, čime se pokazuje da je primenjen Član 7 Direktive o proceni uticaja na životnu sredinu? Da li postoje dokazi da je nadležni organ dao na uvid javnosti odluka o davanju ili odbijanju dozvole za izgradnju? Kada se primenjuje Aneks II Direktive, da li je izrađena Procena uticaja na životnu sredinu za ovaj Projektni segment? Ukoliko nije, da li je urađen skrining na osnovu kriterijuma iz Aneksa III Direktive o proceni uticaj na životnu sredinu? Ukoliko je rađena procena uticaja na životnu sredinu, kakvi su bili njeni rezultati (videti raniji tekst za Aneks I)? Da li je verovatno da će Projektni segment imati značajne negativne uticaje na lokacije koje su uključene ili postoji namera da budu uključene u lokacije od značaja za zaštitu prirode? Na primer: (a) Lokacije koje su od strane nadležnih nacionalnih organa identifikovane kao lokacije koje će biti preporučene za mrežu Natura 2000 kako je navedeno u Direktivi o pticama (79/409/EEC) i Direktivi o staništima (92/43/EEC) (b) Lokacije uključene u najnoviji popis Važnih oblasti za ptice (IBA 2000) za zemlje potencijalne kandidate (ukoliko postoji) ili u druge ekvivalentne naučne popise koje vode nacionalni organi, (v) Močvaree od međunarodnog značaja koje su identifikovane po osnovu Konvencije Ramsar ili koje su kvalifikovane za takav režim zaštite; (g) Oblasti na kojima se primenjuje Konvencija iz Berna o očuvanju divljih vrsta i prirodnih staništa (Član 4), posebno lokacije koje zadovoljavaju kriterijume za mrežu Emerald (d) Oblasti koje su pod režimom zaštite po osnovu nacionalnog zakonodavstva o zaštiti prirode Ukoliko je odgovor na bilo koje od pitanja iz tačaka (a) – (d) iz gornjeg teksta potvrdan, treba priložiti rezime zaključaka dotičnih procena koje se sprovedene „u skladu sa Članom 6 (3) Direktive 92/43/EEC koja se obavezno sprovodi u takvim slučajevima. U slučaju da je zaključeno da su potrebne mere naknade „u skladu sa Članom 6(4)“ dostaviti kopiju obrasca „informacije o projektima za koje postoji verovatnoća da će imati značajne negativne uticaje na lokacije „od značaja za očuvanje prirode“ kako je informisana Komisija (Generalni direktorat za životnu sredinu) po Direktivi 92/43/EEC Ukoliko je odgovor na bilo koje od pitanja iz tačaka (a) – (d) iz gornjeg teksta odričan, da li ste dobili popunjenu deklaraciju od strane nadležnog organa?

Lice koje je popunilo odgovore:


C. Rezime finansijskih podataka, tabele i dijagrami po potrebi

Da bi se dostavile gore pomenute informacije, Krajnji Korisnik će koristiti format predložen u daljem tekstu. Ovaj predloženi format može da se prilagođava uz uzajamnu saglasnost Krajnjeg korisnika i EIB.

Logo Naziv Projektnog segmenta Početni izveštaj / Izveštaj o realizacijiUgovor: EIB broj Broj Donacije EU datum dd/mm/20gg

Naziv Projektnog segmenta: Obnova grada Beograda – komponenta puteva (investicioni troškovi EVRA 30 miliona)

Broj kredita: EIB broj

Broj donacije EU:


Zajmoprimac: , koga predstavlja , Ministar za

Imenovano odgovorno lice:


Tal: +



Datum izveštaja: datum, 20xx

Period izveštavanja: od datuma do datuma

Izveštaj se dostavlja na: gđa Annabelle Assemat

Evropska investiciona banka


Kontakt osoba ispred Grada Beograda:


Ime, potpis


str. 1. Sinopsis (kratak pregled) Projektnog segmenta 2. Rezime ostvarenog napretka od vremena započinjanja Projekta 3. Rezime aktivnosti koje su planirane za period realizacije 4. Ostvaren napredak u projektnom segmentu tokom perioda izveštavanja 4.1. Uvod 4.2. Kratak ažuriran tehnički opis, uz navođenje razloga za značajne promene do kojih je došlo u odnosu na početni obim aktivnosti 4.3. Ažurirani datumi završetka radova za svaku od glavnih komponenti u okviru Projektnog segmenta, uz navođenje obrazloženja za svako moguće odlaganje 4.4. Ažurirani troškovi Projektnog segmenta, uz navođenje razloga za svako moguće povećanje troškova u odnosu na troškove iz inicijalnog budžeta, i predviđeni izvori finansiranja 4.5. Opis svih bitnih pitanja koja imaju uticaj na životnu sredinu 4.6. Ažurirani prikaz procedura nabavke 4.7. Ažurirani prikaz potreba i korišćenja za svaki Projektni segment, uz komentare 4.8. Bilo koje značajno pitanje koje se pojavilo i bilo koji značajan rizik koji bi mogao da ima uticaj na operativni rad Projektnog segmenta 4.9. Bilo koja zakonska radnja koja je u toku a koja se odnosi na Projektni segment 4.10. Indikatori učinka za putnu komponentu Projekta 5. Rezime isplaćenih faktura po izvoru sredstava (zajam, donacija, ostalo, ukupno) 6. Mere vidljivosti da se radi o donaciji EU Tabelarni prikaz 1 Status priprema i realizacije Projektnog segmenta (ažurirano sa datumom podnošenja) Tabelarni prikaz 2 Program implementacije Projektnog segmenta (ažurirano sa datumom podnošenja): Tabelarni prikaz 3 Budžet i finansijski plan Projektnog segmenta po ugovorima Investicioni troškovi po godinama (planirani, realizovano) Tabelarni prikaz 4 Realizacija po ugovorima Tabelarni prikaz 5 Merljivi ishodi Tabelarni prikaz 6 to Tabelarni prikaz 12 Obrazloženje plaćanja po ugovorima i po tranšama zajma i isplatama donacije (standardni format EIB) Spisak aneksa Rečnik skraćenica / akronima

Spisak aneksa

Priložiti osnovni dokument kao prilog u originalnom formatu u elektronskoj formi.

(primer projekta puteva)

Aneks 01 Ažurirana Studija izvodljivosti i Procene uticaja na životnu sredinu:Status fizičke infrastrukture,Broj stanovnika na koje projekat utiče (sadašnji, planiran) Aneks 02 Plan nabavki Radovi i isporuka robe, usluge tehničke pomoći Aneks 03 Poziv/oglas za nabavku, Projektni zadatak (ToR) i instrukcije ponuđačima za konsultantske usluge Aneks 04 Odluka o sklapanju ugovora za konsultantske usluge uz dokumentaciju o proceni ponuda Aneks 05 Poziv/oglas i pred-kvalifikaciona dokumenta za učešće u nabavci (pred-kvalifikacija) za ograničeni postupak nabavke za projektovanje i izgradnju puteva Aneks 06 Raniji izveštaji (rezime) (rezime na engleskom jeziku) Aneks 07 Ostalo

Rečnik akronima: (primer)

EIB Evropska investiciona banka Ministarstvo JRP Jedinica za realizaciju Projekta PZ Projektni zadatak PUŽS Procena uticaja na životnu sredinu PDV Porez na dodatu vrednost

Predloženi format tabelarnih prikaza Tabelarni prikaz 2: Program realizacije Projekta (ažurirano dana, datum 20XX) Tabelarni prikaz 3: Budžet i finansijski plan Projekta po ugovorima (ažurirano dana, datum 20XX) Tabelarni prikaz 4: Realizacija po ugovorima Ugovori (iznosi u EVRA 1000) Ishod 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Merljivi ishodi unapređene infrastrukture:               Broj vozila na dan                                               Ostalo (konkretizovati)               Kvantitativni ishod:               Dužina rehabilitacije puta (km)               Ostalo (konkretizovati)               Kvalitativni ishod:                               Ostalo (konkretizovati)               Stanovništvo koje oseća posledice:               Broj stanovnika koji oseća posledice                              

Član 3.

Ovaj zakon stupa na snagu osmog dana od dana objavljivanja u „Službenom glasniku Republike Srbije – Međunarodni ugovori”.

O B R A Z L O Ž E Nj E


Ustavni osnov za donošenje ovog zakona sadržan je u odredbi člana 99. stav 1. tačka 4. Ustava Republike Srbije, kojom je propisano da Narodna skupština potvrđuje međunarodne ugovore kad je zakonom predviđena obaveza njihovog potvrđivanja.


Razlozi za donošenje Zakona o potvrđivanju Ugovora o donaciji (Olakšice za infrastrukturne projekte za lokalni okvir) u okviru IPA 2008 multi-korisničkog programa između Evropske investicione banke i Republike Srbije i grada Beograda, koji je potpisan 3. marta 2010. godine u Beogradu, sadržani su u odredbama Zakonu o zaključivanju i izvršavanju međunarodnih ugovora („Službeni list SFRJ“, br. 55/78 i 47/89-odluka USJ).

Evropska investiciona banka (u daljem tekstu: Banka) je osnovana članom 266. Ugovora o osnivanju Evropske ekonomske zajednice, zaključenog u Rimu 25. marta 1957. godine, i preimenovanog u Ugovor o osnivanju Evropske zajednice, nakon zaključivanja Ugovora o osnivanju Evropske unije, u Mastrihtu 7. februara 1992. godine (u daljem tekstu: Ugovor iz Rima).

Ugovorom iz Rima, u članu 267. utvrđeno je da je delatnost Banke usmerena na postizanje uravnoteženog i skladnog razvoja zajedničkog tržišta u interesu Evropske zajednice, davanjem zajmova i garancija na neprofitnoj osnovi, a iz sopstvenih sredstava i sredstava koja se pribavljaju na tržištu kapitala, odnosno finansiranjem investicionih programa uz učešće strukturnih fondova i drugih finansijskih instrumenata Evropske zajednice.

U skladu sa napred pomenutom delatnošću Banke zaključen je Finansijski ugovor između Srbije i Crne Gore i Evropske investicione banke (Projekat obnove grada Beograda), potpisan 17. juna 2003 godine (u daljem tekstu: Finansijski ugovor), i ratifikovan od strane skupštine Srbije i Crne Gore donošenjem Zakona o ratifikaciji Finansijskog ugovora između Srbije i Crne Gore i Evropske investicione banke (Projekat obnove grada Beograda) („Službeni list SCG”, broj 5/04).

Finansijskim ugovorom predviđeno je da Evropska investiciona banka (u daljem tekstu: Banka) odobrava kredit u iznosu od 90 miliona evra državnoj zajednici Srbiji i Crnoj Gori, a radi sprovođenja programa rekostrukcije tramvajskih šina i mreže glavnih saobraćajnih arterija od strane grada Beograda kao korisnika sredstava kredita.

Aneksom 2 Finansijskog ugovora izmenjen je član 1.02 B Finansijskog ugovora, i određen je 31. avgust 2012. godine kao poslednji datum za podnošenje zahteva za isplatu tranše.

Projektom obnove grada Beograda (u daljem tekstu: Projekat) je predviđena integrisana rekonstrukcija tramvajskih šina i glavnih gradskih saobraćajnica, uvođenje i modernizacija daljinskog sistema upravljanja saobraćajem i obnova tramvajskih vozila.

Zaključno sa februarom mesecom 2010. godine iskorišćeno je 70.276.711 evra sredstava kredita odobrenog od strane Banke.

Ugovorom o pomoći između Evropske komisije i Evropske investicione banke zaključenim 28. novembra 2009. godine, predviđeno je da se u okviru Investicionog okvira za zapadni Balkan i Lokalnog okvira za olakšice za infrastrukturne projekte, odobri donacija iz sredstava Pred-pristupne pomoći (u daljem tekstu: IPA) za 2008. godinu, u iznosu od 6 miliona evra, za sprovođenje određenog dela Projekta.

Sredstva donacije u iznosu od 6 miliona evra staviće se na raspolaganje Republici Srbiji kao korisniku sredstva i gradu Beogradu kao krajnjem korisniku na osnovu ugovora o donaciji, radi obezbeđivanja dodatnog izvora sredstava za finansiranje završetka Projekta.

Ugovor o donaciji (Olakšice za infrastrukturne projekte za lokalni okvir) iz sredstava IPA za 2008. godinu između Evropske investicione banke, Republike Srbije i Grada Beograda, zaključen je 3. marta 2010. godine (u daljem tekstu: Ugovor o donaciji).

Ugovorom o donaciji predviđeno je da Banka stavi na raspolaganje Republici Srbiji sredstva u iznosu od 6 miliona evra, koja će Republika Srbija (u daljem tekstu: Korisnik) dalje staviti na raspolaganje gradu Beogradu (u daljem tekstu: Krajnji korisnik) za sprovođenje dela Projekta, čija je vrednost procenjena na 30 miliona evra i koji se finansira i sprovodi iz sredstava kredita na osnovu Finansijskog ugovora.

Ugovorom o donaciji predviđeno je da se sredstva donacije moraju iskoristiti do kraja 2015. godine, odnosno da se do 31. decembra 2015. godine mora sprovesti implementacija određenog dela Projekta koji će se finansirati iz donacije.

Ugovorom o donaciji predviđeno je da se u Uvodnom izveštaju koji će pripremiti i dostaviti Krajnji korisnik detaljno odrediti deo Projekta, odnosno sabraćajnice čija će se rekonstrukcija finansirati iz sredstava donacije.

Sredstva donacije stavljaju se na raspolaganje Korisniku pod sledećim uslovima:

iznos donacije do 6 miliona evra;

isplata donacije uslovljena je isplatom Banci određenog iznosa od strane Evropske komisije;

uslov za isplatu sredstava donacije je stupanje na snagu Ugovora o donaciji i odobravanje Uvodnog izveštaja od strane Banke i Evropske komisije;

sredstvima donacije finansira se deo Projekta ukupne vrednosti do 30 miliona evra;

prva isplata sredstava donacije vrši se u iznosu od 3 miliona evra;

uslov za prvu isplatu je dostavljanje dokaza da je Ugovor o donaciji potvrđen od strane Narodne skupštine Republike Srbije, odobravanje Uvodnog izveštaja od strane Banke i Evropske komisije i doznačavanje Banci predviđenog iznosa donacije od strane Evropske komisije;

Banka će Korisniku isplaćivati sredstva na odgovarajući račun Korisnika koji će biti otvoren Narodne banke Srbije, a Korisnik je obavezan da tako dobijena sredstva stavi na raspolaganje Krajnjem korisniku radi sprovođenja dela Projekta;

troškovi koji su podobni za finansiranje obuhvataju i troškove koji nastanu u toku sprovođenja dela Projekta, u periodu od zaključivanja Ugovora o donaciji do njegovog stupanja na snagu, odnosno troškovi koji nastanu u periodu implementacije Ugovora o donaciji;

period implementacije počinje da teče od dana zaključivanja Ugovora o donaciji i okončava se 31. decembra 2015. godine;

članom 16. uređena je obaveza vraćanja primljene donacije i određene su okolnosti usled čijeg nastupanja Banka stiče pravo da zahteva povraćaj donacije, kao i pravo Korisnika da u navedenom slučaju zahteva regres isplaćenih sredstava od Krajnjeg korisnika;

članom 20. predviđena je privremena primena Ugovora o donaciji do dana njegovog stupanja na snagu nakon potvrđivanja od strane Narodne skupštine Republike Srbije, sa ciljem da se omogući izvođenje radove u periodu od zaključivanja Ugovora o donaciji do njegovog stupanja na snagu, odnosno da se izvedeni radovi u tom periodu mogu finansirati iz sredstava donacije.


Odredbom člana 1. Zakona predviđa se potvrđivanje Ugovora o donaciji (Olakšice za infrastrukturne projekte za lokalni okvir) u okviru IPA 2008 multi-korisničkog programa između Evropske investicione banke i Republike Srbije i grada Beograda, koji je potpisan 3. marta 2010. godine u Beogradu, u originalu na engleskom jeziku.

Odredba člana 2. Zakona sadrži tekst Ugovora o donaciji (Olakšice za infrastrukturne projekte za lokalni okvir) u okviru IPA 2008 multi-korisničkog programa između Evropske investicione banke i Republike Srbije i grada Beograda, u originalu na engleskom jeziku i prevodu na srpski jezik.

Odredbom člana 3. Zakona uređuje se stupanje na snagu ovog zakona, i to tako da zakon stupa osmog dana od dana objavljivanja u „Službenom glasniku Republike Srbije”.


Za sprovođenje ovog zakona nije potrebno obezbeđivati sredstva u budžetu Republike Srbije.


Razlozi za donošenje ovog zakona po hitnom postupku, saglasno članu 164. Poslovnika Narodne skupštine Republike Srbije, proizlaze iz činjenice da je povlačenje sredstava po Ugovoru o donaciji i realizacija Projektnog segmenta, uslovljena stupanjem na snagu zakona o potvrđivanju Ugovora o donaciji.

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