Predlog zakona o predmetima opšte upotrebe

Naziv propisa Evropske unije : Regulation (EC) No 1935/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 October 2004 on materials and articles intended to come into contact with food (Official Journal of the European Union, L 338, 13/11/2004 (4-17), as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 596/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 June 2009 adapting a number of instruments subject to the procedure referred to in Article 251 of the Treaty to Council Decision 1999/468/EC with regard to the regulatory procedure with scrutiny — Adaptation to the regulatory procedure with scrutiny — Part Four OJ L 188, 18.7.2009, p. 14–92 CELEX code of EU legislation 32004R1935 „CELEX” oznaka EU propisa32004R1935 3. Organ državne uprave, odnosno drugi ovlašćeni predlagač propisa: 4. Datum izrade tabele: 07.09.2018. Ministarstvo zdravlja 5. Naziv (nacrta, predloga) propisa čije odredbe su predmet analize usklađenosti sa propisom Evropske unije:01.Zakon o predmetima opšte upotrebe02.Pravilnik o materijalima i predmetima koji dolaze u kontakt sa hranom 6. Brojčane oznake (šifre) planiranih propisa iz baze NPAA:01. 2017-60302. 2017-693 7. Usklađenost odredbi propisa sa odredbama propisa EU:

a) |a1) |b) |b1) |v) |g) |d) | |Odredba propisa EU |Sadržina odredbe |Odredbe propisa R. Srbije |Sadržina odredbe |Usklađenost |Razlozi za delimičnu usklađenost, neusklađenost ili neprenosivost |Napomena o usklađenosti | |1.1

|Purpose and subject matter

The purpose of this Regulation is to ensure the effective functioning of the internal market in relation to the placing on the market in the Community of materials and articles intended to come into contact directly or indirectly with food, whilst providing the basis for securing a high level of protection of human health and the interests of consumers. |01



1. |Ovim zakonom uređuje se pojam predmeta opšte upotrebe, uslovi zdravstvene ispravnosti i/ili bezbednosti, koje moraju da ispunjavaju predmeti opšte upotrebe koji se isporučuju na tržište, a u svrhu obezbeđenja visokog nivoa zaštite života i zdravlja ljudi i životne sredine, zaštite interesa potrošača i obezbeđenja slobodnog kretanja robe.

Ovim pravilnikom, propisuju se uslovi koje moraju da ispune materijali i predmeti namenjeni da dođu u direktan ili indirektan kontakt sa hranom, u cilju efikasnog funkcionisanja tržišta, obezbeđenja visokog nivoa zaštite života i zdravlja ljudi i zaštite interesa potrošača. |PU | | | |1.2 |This Regulation shall apply to materials and articles, including active and intelligent food contact materials and articles, (hereinafter referred to as materials and articles) which in their finished state:

(a) are intended to be brought into contact with food; or

(b) are already in contact with food and were intended for that purpose; or

(c) can reasonably be expected to be brought into contact with food or to transfer their constituents to food under normal or foreseeable conditions of use. |01



2.1 |Ovaj pravilnik se odnosi na sve materijale i predmete namenjene da dođu u kontakt sa hranom (u daljem tekstu: materijali i predmeti), uključujući aktivne i inteligentne materijale i predmete u kontaktu sa hranom koji su u svom gotovom stanju:

namenjeni da dođu u kontakt sa hranom;


su već u kontaktu sa hranom i namenjeni su za tu svrhu;


za koje se može razumno očekivati da dođu u kontakt sa hranom ili prenesu svoje sastojke na hranu u uobičajenim ili predvidljivim uslovima upotrebe. |PU | | | |1.3 |This Regulation shall not apply to:

(a) materials and articles which are supplied as antiques;

(b) covering or coating materials, such as the materials covering cheese rinds, prepared meat products or fruits, which form part of the food and may be consumed together with this food;

(c) fixed public or private water supply equipment. |01.



2.2 |Ovaj pravilnik se ne primenjuje na:

materijale i predmete koji se isporučuju kao antikviteti;

materijale za pokrivanje ili premazivanje, kao što su materijali koji pokrivaju koru sira, pripremljene mesne proizvode ili voće, koji čine sastavni deo hrane i mogu da se konzumiraju zajedno s tom hranom; |DU |tačka (c) „fiksna oprema za javni ili privatni vodovod“ nije preneta – to je u delu Pravilnika gde su nacionalne odredbe. | | |2. |Definitions

1. For the purposes of this Regulation, the relevant definitions laid down in Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 shall apply, with the exception of the definitions of ‘traceability’ and ‘placing on the market’, which shall have the following meanings:

(a) ‘traceability’: the ability to trace and follow a material or article through all stages of manufacture, processing and distribution;

(b) ‘placing on the market’: the holding of materials and articles for the purpose of sale, including offering for sale or any other form of

transfer, whether free of charge or not, and the sale, distribution and other forms of transfer themselves.

2. The following definitions shall also apply:

(a) ‘active food contact materials and articles’ (hereinafter referred to as active materials and articles) means materials and articles that are intended to extend the shelf-life or to maintain or improve the condition of packaged food. They are designed to deliberately incorporate components that would release or absorb substances into or from the packaged food or the environment surrounding the food;

(b) ‘intelligent food contact materials and articles’ (hereinafter referred to as intelligent materials and articles) means materials and articles which monitor the condition of packaged food or the environment

surrounding the food;

(c) ‘business’ means any undertaking, whether for profit or not and whether public or private, carrying out any of the activities related to any stage of manufacture, processing and distribution of materials and articles;

(d) ‘business operator’ means the natural or legal persons responsible for ensuring that the requirements of this Regulation are met within the business under their control. |01.




|U smislu ovog pravilnika primenjuju se relevantne definicije utvrđene u Zakonu o bezbednosti hrane, osim definicija „sledljivosti“ i „stavljanja u promet“ koje imaju sledeća značenja:

sledljivost je sposobnost sleđenja i praćenja materijala ili predmeta kroz sve faze proizvodnje, prerade i distribucije;

stavljanje na tržište je čuvanje materijala i predmeta u svrhu prodaje, uključujući ponudu za prodaju ili svaki drugi oblik prenosa, bilo da je besplatan ili ne, i prodaju, distribuciju i druge oblike prenosa kao takve.

U smislu ovog pravilnika primenjuju se i sledeće definicije:

aktivni materijali i predmeti u kontaktu sa hranom (u daljem tekstu: aktivni materijali i predmeti) su materijali i predmeti koji su namenjeni produženju roka trajanja, održavanju ili poboljšanju stanja zapakovane hrane. Aktivni materijali i predmeti osmišljeni su tako da namerno uključuju komponente koje, po potrebi, ispuštaju u upakovanu hranu ili okolinu koja okružuje hranu u tom pakovanju, ili apsorbuju sastojke iz upakovane hrane ili okoline;

inteligentni materijali i predmeti u kontaktu sa hranom (u daljem tekstu: inteligentni materijali i predmeti) su materijali i predmeti koji prate stanje zapakovane hrane ili okoline u kojoj se hrana nalazi;

preduzeće je bilo koje preduzeće, profitno ili neprofitno, javno ili privatno, koje obavlja bilo koju od aktivnosti iz bilo koje faze proizvodnje, prerade i distribucije materijala i predmeta;

subjekat u poslovanju su fizička ili pravna lica koja su odgovorna za ispunjavanje zahteva ovog propisa u oblasti poslovanja pod njihovom nadzorom; |PU | | | |3.1 |General requirements

1. Materials and articles, including active and intelligent materials and articles, shall be manufactured in compliance with good manufacturing practice so that, under normal or foreseeable conditions of use, they do not transfer their constituents to food in quantities which could:

(a) endanger human health; or

(b) bring about an unacceptable change in the composition of the food; or

(c) bring about a deterioration in the organoleptic characteristics thereof.




/ |Materijali i predmeti, uključujući i aktivne i inteligentne materijale i predmete koji dolaze u kontakt sa hranom, proizvode se u skladu sa dobrom proizvođačkom praksom tako da, u uobičajenim ili očekivanim uslovima upotrebe, ne prenose svoje sastojke u hranu u količinama koje bi mogle da:

ugroze zdravlje ljudi;

prouzrokuju neprihvatljivu promenu u sastavu hrane;

prouzrokuju pogoršanje senzornih svojstava hrane.

Obeležavanje, oglašavanje i prezentacija materijala ili predmeta koji dolaze u kontak sa hranom ne sme da dovodi potrošača u zabludu.

|PU | | | |3.2 |2. The labelling, advertising and presentation of a material or article shall not mislead the consumers. |01


02 |Ne dovodeći u pitanje odredbe propisa koji uređuju oblast oglašavanja, zabranjeno je:

pripisivanje lekovitog svojstva predmetu opšte upotrebe;

neistinito deklarisanje i/ili oglašavanje predmeta opšte upotrebe na način kojim se potrošači dovode u zabludu u pogledu stvarnog sastava, svojstva ili namene tih proizvoda;

|PU | | | |4. |Special requirements for active and intelligent materials and articles

1. In the application of Article 3(1)(b) and 3(1)(c), active materials and articles may bring about changes in the composition or organoleptic characteristics of food on condition that the changes comply with the Community provisions applicable to food, such as the provisions of Directive 89/107/EEC on food additives and related implementing measures, or, if no Community provisions exist, with the national provisions applicable to food.

2. Pending the adoption of additional rules in a specific measure on active and intelligent materials and articles, substances deliberately

incorporated into active materials and articles to be released into the food or the environment surrounding the food shall be authorised and used in accordance with the relevant Community provisions applicable to food, and shall comply with the provisions of this Regulation and its implementing measures.

These substances shall be considered as ingredients within the meaning of Article 6(4)(a) of Directive 2000/13/EC (1).

3. Active materials and articles shall not bring about changes in the composition or organoleptic characteristics of food, for instance by masking the spoilage of food, which could mislead consumers.

4. Intelligent materials and articles shall not give information about the condition of the food which could mislead consumers.

5. Active and intelligent materials and articles already brought into contact with food shall be adequately labelled to allow identification by the consumer of non-edible parts.

6. Active and intelligent materials and articles shall be adequately labelled to indicate that the materials or articles are active and/or intelligent. |01



4 |Posebni zahtevi za aktivne i inteligentne materijale i predmete

Prilikom primene opštih zahteva za materijale i redmete koji dolaze u kontakt sa hranom, propisanih zakonom koji uređuje oblast predmeta opšte upotrebe, aktivni materijali i predmeti smeju da prouzrokuju promene u sastavu ili organoleptičkim svojstvima hrane, pod uslovom da su te promene u skladu odredbama propisa koji bliže uređuje oblast prehrambenih aditiva u hrani.

Supstance namerno ugrađene u aktivne materijale i predmete, koje se otpuštaju u hranu ili okolinu koja okružuje hranu, odobravaju se i koriste u skladu s odgovarajućim odredbama propisa koji uređuje oblast bezbednosti hrane, oblast predmeta opšte upotrebe i ovog propisa.

Ove supstance se smatraju sastojcima hrane u smislu propisa koji uređuje oblast deklarisanja, označavanja i reklamiranja hrane.

Aktivni materijali i predmeti ne smeju da menjaju sastav ili organoleptička svojstva hrane, na primer tako što prikrivaju kvarenje hrane, što bi potrošače moglo da dovede u zabludu.

Inteligentni materijali i predmeti ne smeju da pružaju informacije o stanju hrane koje bi potrošače mogle da dovedu u zabludu.

Aktivni i inteligentni materijali i predmeti koji su već došli u kontakt sa hranom moraju da budu odgovarajuće obeleženi na način koji potrošaču omogućava da prepozna nejestive delove.

Aktivni i inteligentni materijali i predmeti moraju da budu propisano obeleženi tako da ukazuju na to da se radi o materijalima ili predmetima koji su aktivni i/ili inteligentni.

|PU | | | |5.1.a)-l) |Specific measures for groups of materials and articles

1. For the groups of materials and articles listed in Annex I and, where appropriate, combinations of those materials and articles or recycled materials and articles used in the manufacture of those materials and articles, specific measures may be adopted or amended by the Commission.

Those specific measures may include:

(a) a list of substances authorised for use in the manufacturing of materials and articles;

(b) list(s) of authorised substances incorporated in active or intelligent food contact materials and articles, or list(s) of active or intelligent materials and articles and, when necessary, special conditions of use for these substances and/or the materials and articles in which they are incorporated;

(c) purity standards for substances referred to in (a);

(d) special conditions of use for substances referred to in (a) and/or the materials and articles in which they are used;

(e) specific limits on the migration of certain constituents or groups of constituents into or on to food, taking due account of other possible sources of exposure to those constituents;

(f) an overall limit on the migration of constituents into or on to food;

(g) provisions aimed at protecting human health against hazards arising from oral contact with materials and articles;

(h) other rules to ensure compliance with Articles 3 and 4;

(i) basic rules for checking compliance with points (a) to (h);

(j) rules concerning the collection of samples and the methods of analysis to check compliance with points (a) to (h);

(k) specific provisions for ensuring the traceability of materials and articles including provisions regarding the duration for retention of records or provisions to allow, if necessary, for derogations from the requirements of Article 17;

(l) additional provisions of labelling for active and intelligent materials and articles; |01



5 |Posebne mere za grupe materijala i predmeta

U skladu sa novim naučpnim saznanjima i izmenama evropskih propisa u skladu sa istim, za grupe materijala i predmeta navedene u Prilogu I (Prilog I je odštampan uz pravilnik i čini njegov sastavni deo)i, prema potrebi, kombinacije tih materijala i predmeta ili reciklirane materijale i predmete koji se koriste u proizvodnji tih materijala i predmeta, primenjivaće se nove ili izmenjene posebne mere.

Te posebne mere mogu da obuhvataju:

listu supstanci odobrenih za upotrebu u proizvodnji materijala i predmeta;

listu/liste odobrenih supstanci ugrađenih u aktivne ili inteligentne materijale i predmete u dodiru s hranom, ili listu/liste aktivnih ili inteligentnih materijala i predmeta i, prema potrebi, posebne uslove upotrebe tih supstanci i/ili materijala i predmeta u koje su ugrađeni;

standarde čistoće za supstance iz tačke 1);

posebne uslove upotrebe za susptance iz tačke 1) i/ili materijale i predmete u kojima se koriste;

posebna ograničenja migracije određenih sastojaka ili grupa sastojaka u ili na hranu uzimajući u obzir druge moguće izvore izlaganja tim sastojcima;

ukupno ograničenje migracije sastojaka u ili na hranu;

odredbe čiji je cilj zaštita zdravlja ljudi od opasnosti koje proizlaze iz oralnog kontakta s materijalima i predmetima;

ostala pravila za obezbeđivanje usklađenosti sa članovima opštim zahtevima za sve materijale i predmete u kontaktu sa hranom i posebnim zahtevima za aktivne i inteligentne materijale u kontaktu sa hranom;

osnovna pravila o proveri usklađenosti sa tačkama (a) do (ž);

pravila o prikupljanju uzoraka i metodama analize za proveru usklađenosti sa tačkama 1) do 8);

posebne odredbe za obezbeđivanje sledljivosti materijala i predmeta, uključujući i odredbe koje se odnose na period čuvanja evidencije ili odredbe kojima bi se, prema potrebi, omogućila odstupanja od zahteva za sledljivost materijala i predmeta u kontaktu sa hranom propisanih zakonom koji uređuje oblast predmeta opšte upotrebe;

dodatne odredbe o obeležavanju za aktivne i inteligentne materijale i predmete. |PU | | | |5.1.m)-n) |(m) provisions requiring the Commission to establish and maintain a publicly available Community Register (Register) of authorised

substances, processes, or materials or articles;

(n) specific procedural rules adapting, as necessary, the procedure referred to in Articles 8 to 12, or making it appropriate for the authorisation of certain types of materials and articles and/or processes used in their manufacture, including, where necessary,

a procedure for an individual authorisation of a substance, process, or material or article through a decision addressed to an

applicant. |01




| |NP | | | |5.1.1-5.2 |The specific measures referred to in point (m) shall be adopted by the Commission in accordance with the regulatory procedure referred to in Article 23(2).

The specific measures referred to in points (f), (g), (h), (i), (j), (k), (l) and (n), designed to amend non-essential elements of this Regulation, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with

scrutiny referred to in Article 23(3).

The specific measures referred to in points (a) to (e), designed to amend non-essential elements of this Regulation, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 23(4).

2. The Commission may amend the existing specific directives on materials and articles. Those measures, designed to amend the nonessential elements of this Regulation by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 23(4). |01




| |NP | | | |6 |National specific measures |01



/ | |NP | | | |7 |Role of the European Food Safety Authority |01



/ | |NP | | | |8 |General requirements for the authorisation of substances |01



/ | |NP | | | |9 |Application for authorisation of a new substance |01



/ | |NP | | | |10 |Opinion of the Authority |01



/ | |NP | | | |11 |Community authorisation |01



/ | |NP | | | |12 |Modification, suspension and revocation of authorisation |01



/ | |NP | | | |13 |Competent authorities of Member States |01



/ | |NP | | | |14 |Administrative review |01



/ | |NP | | | |15 |Labelling

1. Without prejudice to the specific measures referred to in Article 5, materials and articles, which are not yet in contact with food when

placed on the market, shall be accompanied by:

(a) the words ‘for food contact’, or a specific indication as to their use, such as coffee machine, wine bottle, soup spoon, or the symbol reproduced in Annex II; and

(b) if necessary, special instructions to be observed for safe and appropriate use; and

(c) the name or trade name and, in either case, the address or registered office of the manufacturer, processor, or seller responsible for placing on the market established within the Community; and

(d) adequate labelling or identification to ensure traceability of the material or article, as described in Article 17; and

(e) in the case of active materials and articles, information on the permitted use or uses and other relevant information such as the name and quantity of the substances released by the active component so as to enable food business operators who use these materials and articles to comply with any other relevant Community provisions or, in their absence, national provisions applicable to food, including the provisions on food labelling.

2. The information referred to in paragraph 1(a) shall not, however, be obligatory for any articles which, because of their characteristics, are clearly intended to come into contact with food.

3. The information required by paragraph 1 shall be conspicuous, clearly legible and indelible.

4. Retail trade in materials and articles shall be prohibited if the information required under paragraph (1)(a), (b) and (e) is not given

in a language easily understood by purchasers.

5. Within its own territory, the Member State in which the material or article is marketed may, in accordance with the rules of the Treaty, stipulate that those labelling particulars shall be given in one or more languages which it shall determine from among the official languages of the Community.

6. Paragraphs 4 and 5 shall not preclude the labelling particulars from being indicated in several languages.

7. At the retail stage, the information required under paragraph 1 shall be displayed on:

(a) the materials and articles or on their packaging; or

(b) labels affixed to the materials and articles or to their packaging; or

(c) a notice in the immediate vicinity of the materials and articles and clearly visible to purchasers; for the information referred to in

paragraph 1(c), however, this option shall be open only if, for technical reasons, that information or a label bearing it cannot be

affixed to the materials and articles at either the manufacturing or the marketing stage.

8. At the marketing stages other than the retail stage, the information required by paragraph 1 shall be displayed on:

(a) the accompanying documents; or

(b) the labels or packaging; or

(c) the materials and articles themselves.

9. The information provided for in paragraph 1(a), (b) and (e) shall be confined to materials and articles which comply with:

(a) the criteria laid down in Article 3 and, where they apply, Article 4; and

(b) the specific measures referred to in Article 5 or, in their absence, with any national provisions applicable to these materials and

articles. |01



6 |Materijali i predmeti namenjeni da dođu u kontakt sa hranom moraju biti deklarisani u skladu sa ovim zakonom i podzakonskim aktom koji uređuje oblast materijala i predmeta u kontaktu sa hranom.

Označavanje mora biti vidno, jasno čitljivo, neizbrisivo i napisano na srpskom jeziku.

Prilikom maloprodaje materijala i predmeta namenjenih da dođu u kontakt sa hranom, deklaracija mora da sadrži sledeće informacije:

reči „za kontakt sa hranom”, ili oznake specifičnim za njihovu upotrebu (kao što je: aparat za kafu, vinska boca, supena kašika), ili simbol propisan u podzakonskom aktu koji uređuje oblast materijala i predmeta u kontaktu sa hranom;

posebna uputstva kojih se treba pridržavati radi bezbedne i pravilne upotrebe;

u slučaju aktivnih materijala i predmeta, informacije o njihovoj dozvoljenoj upotrebi, kao i druge relevantne informacije kao što su naziv i količina supstanci koje otpušta aktivna komponenta. Pomenute informacije omogućuavaju da se subjekti u poslovanju hranom koji koriste ove materijale i predmete, usaglase sa zakonskim propisima kojima se uređuje oblast bezbednosti hrane i njenog obeležavanja.

Dobrovoljno samooznačavanje recikliranog sadržaja u materijalima i predmetima od reciklirane plastike mora slediti pravila propisana u standardu SRPS ISO 14021:2017 Oznake i deklaracije o zaštiti životne sredine – Samodeklarišuće tvrdnje o zaštiti životne sredine (označavanje koje se odnosi na zaštitu životne sredine tipa II).

Deklaracija podrazumeva: sve pisane oznake, naziv marke, zaštitni znak, naziv i adresu proizvođača, naziv i adresu pravnog ili fizičkog lica koje stavlja proizvod na tržište, naziv i adresu uvoznika, zemlju porekla (ako se proizvod uvozi), propisane toksikološke i ekološke oznake, uputstvo za upotrebu (kada je to potrebno radi pravilnog i bezbednog korišćenja) i eventualno druge neophodne oznake.

Ovakvo obeležavanje i identifikacija osigurava sledljivost predmeta i materijala u kontaktu sa hranom.

Deklaracija se stavlja na ambalažu u obliku nalepnice ili priveska, ili na sam predmet.

Uzevši u obzir posebne mere za grupe predmeta i materijala navedenih u Prilogu I, predmeti i materijali koji još nisu u kontaktu sa hranom, kada se stavljaju u promet se obeležavaju sa:

Rečima “za kontakt sa hranom“, ili sa oznakama specifičnim za njihovu upotrebu (kao što je: aparat za kafu, vinska boca, supena kašika), ili oznaka prikazana u Prilogu II (Prilog II je odštampan uz pravilnik i čini njegov sastavni deo). Ovo obeležavanje nije obavezno za predmete i materijale, čije karakteristike jasno ukazuju da su namenjene za kontakt sa hranom;

Posebnim uputstvima za pravilnu i bezbednu upotrebu, ukoliko je to neophodno;

Informacijama o dozvoljenoj upotrebi aktivnih predmeta i materijala (ukoliko ih sadrže), kao i sa drugim relevantnim informacijama (kao što su naziv i količina supstanci koje otpušta aktivna komponenta). Pomenute informacije omogućuavaju da se subjekti koji posluju sa hranom i koriste ove predmete i materijale, usaglase zakonskim propisima kojima se uređuje oblast bezbednosti hrane i njenog obeležavanja;

U fazi maloprodaje, deklaracija se nalazi na:

Predmetim i materijalima, ili na njihovoj ambalaži;

Etiketama zalepljenim na predmete i materijale, ili na njihovoj ambalaži;

Obaveštenju u neposrednoj blizini predmeta i materijala, koje je jasno vidljivo kupcima. Informacije o nazivu i adresi proizvođača, nazivu i adresi pravnog ili fizičkog lica koje stavlja proizvod na tržište, nazivu i adresi uvoznika, zemlji porekla (ako se proizvod uvozi), moguće je da se nalaze u neposrednoj blizini predmeta i materijala koji dolaze u kontakt sa hranom, samo ukoliko (iz tehničkih razloga), te informacije nije bilo moguće pričvrstiti na iste, u fazi proizvodnje ili stavljanja u promet.

U fazama stavljanja u promet, (osim u maloprodaji), deklaracija se nalazi:

U pratećim dokumentima;

Na etiketama ili ambalaži;

Na samim predmetima i materijalima. |PU | | | |16 |Declaration of compliance

The specific measures referred to in Article 5 shall require that materials and articles covered by those measures be accompanied by a written declaration stating that they comply with the rules applicable to them.

Appropriate documentation shall be available to demonstrate such compliance. That documentation shall be made available to the

competent authorities on demand.

2. In the absence of specific measures, this Regulation shall not prevent Member States from retaining or adopting national provisions

for declarations of compliance for materials and articles. |01


02 |Posebne mere, propisane podzakonskim aktom koji uređuje oblast materijala i predmeta u kontaktu sa hranom, zahtevaju da predmeti i materijali, obuhvaćeni tim merama, budu propraćeni pisanom izjavom u kojoj se navodi da su isti u skladu sa pravilima koja se na njih primenjuju.

Pisanu izjavu (u daljem tekstu: deklaracija o usaglašenosti) iz stava 1. ovog člana izdaje subjekat u poslovanju i ona sadrži informacije propisane podzakonskim aktom koji uređuje oblast materijala i predmeta u kontaktu sa hranom.

Odgovarajuća dokumentacija mora biti dostupna za dokazivanje takve usklađenosti.

Na zahtev sanitarnog inspektora, pomenuta dokumentacija mora biti data na uvid |PU | | | |17 |Traceability

1. The traceability of materials and articles shall be ensured at all stages in order to facilitate control, the recall of defective products, consumer information and the attribution of responsibility.

2. With due regard to technological feasibility, business operators shall have in place systems and procedures to allow identification of

the businesses from which and to which materials or articles and, where

appropriate, substances or products covered by this Regulation and its implementing measures used in their manufacture are supplied. That information shall be made available to the competent authorities on


3. The materials and articles which are placed on the market in the Community shall be identifiable by an appropriate system which allows their traceability by means of labelling or relevant documentation or information. |01


02 |Sledljivost materijala i predmeta mora biti obezbeđena u svim fazama u svrhu: lakše kontrole, opoziva neispravnih proizvoda, informisanja potrošača i utvrđivanja odgovornosti.

Vodeći računa o tehnološkim mogućnostima, subjekti u poslovanju moraju raspolagati sistemima i postupcima koji omogućavaju identifikaciju subjekta u poslovanju od kojih i kojima se isporučuju materijali ili predmeti i, po potrebi, supstance ili proizvodi obuhvaćeni ovim propisom i njegovim merama za sprovođenje koje se upotrebljavaju u njihovoj proizvodnji. Na zahtev Ministarstva takve informacije mu se moraju staviti na raspolaganje.

Materijali i predmeti koji se stavljaju u promet identifikuju se odgovarajućim sistemom koji omogućava njihovu sledljivost uz pomoć označavanja ili odgovarajuće dokumentacije ili informacija.

Subjekat u poslovanju mora imati odgovarajuću dokumentaciju kojom dokazuje da su materijali i predmeti, proizvodi iz međufaza njihove proizvodnje i supstance predviđene za proizvodnju tih materijala i predmeta u skladu sa zahtevma ovog zakona i podzakonskog akata koji uređuju ovu oblast.

Dokumentacija iz stava 4. ovog člana sadrži uslove i rezultate testiranja, proračune, uključujući i modeliranje, druge analize i dokaze o zdravstvenoj ispravnosti i/ili bezbednosti ili obrazloženje kojim se dokazuje usklađenost.

Subjekat u poslovanju koji koristi recikliranu plastiku u proizvodnji materijala i predmeta u kontaktu sa hranom, mora imati i odgovarajuću deklaraciju o usaglašenosti koja pored ostalog, sadrži i dodatnu informaciju da je u proizvodnji korišćena isključivo reciklirana plastika dobijena odobrenim postupkom recikliranja navodeći pri tom broj odobrenja kao i druge podatke o usklađenosti materijala sa ovim zakonom i podzakonskim akatom koji uređuju ovu oblast. |PU | | | |18 |Safeguard measures

1. When a Member State, as a result of new information or a reassessment of existing information has detailed grounds for concluding that the use of a material or article endangers human health, although it

complies with the relevant specific measures, it may temporarily suspend or restrict application of the provisions in question within its territory.

It shall immediately inform the other Member States and the Commission and give reasons for the suspension or restriction.

2. The Commission shall examine as soon as possible, where appropriate after obtaining an opinion from the Authority, within the

Committee referred to in Article 23(1) the grounds adduced by the Member State referred to in paragraph 1 and shall deliver its opinion without delay and take appropriate measures.

3. If the Commission considers that amendments to the relevant specific measures are necessary in order to remedy the difficulties referred to in paragraph 1 and to ensure the protection of human health, those amendments shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 23(2).

4. The Member State referred to in paragraph 1 may retain the suspension or restriction until the amendments referred to in

paragraph 3 have been adopted or the Commission has declined to adopt such amendments. |01



/ | |NP | | | |19 |Public access |01



/ | |NP | | | |20 |Confidentiality |01



/ | |NP | | | |21 |Sharing of existing data |01



/ | |NP | | | |22 |Amendments to Annexes I and II shall be adopted by the Commission. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Regulation, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 23(3) |01



/ | |NP | | | |23 |Committee procedure |01



/ | |NP | | | |24 |Inspection and control measures |01



/ | |NP | | | |25 |Sanctions |01



/ | |NP | | | |26 |Repeals |01



/ | |NP | | | |27 |Transitional arrangements |01



/ | |NP | | | |28 |Entry into force |01



/ | |NP | | | |ANNEX I |List of groups of materials and articles which may be covered by specific measures |01



Annex 1. |Prilog 1 |PU | | | |ANNEX II |Symbol |01



Annex 2. |Prilog 2 |PU | | | |