Predlog zakona o putevima

1. Naziv propisa Evropske unije : Directive 2004/54/EC of the Europan Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on minimum safety requirements for tunnels in the Trans-European Road Network Direktiva 2004/54/EZ Evropskog parlamenta i Saveta od 29.aprila 2004. godine o minimalnim bezbednosnim zahtevima za tunele u okviru Trans-evropske putne mreže 2. „CELEX” oznaka propisa Evropske unije 32004L0054 32009R0596 3. Ovlašćeni predlagač propisa – Vlada Obrađivač – Ministarstvo građevinarstva, saobraćaja i infrastrukture 4. Datum izrade tabele: 1. mart 2018. godine 5. Naziv propisa čije odredbe su predmet analize usklađenosti sa propisom Evropske unije:1. Predlog zakona o putevima Draft Law on roads2. Pravilnik o osnovnim uslovima koje tunel na javnom putu mora da ispunjava sa gledišta bezbednosti saobraćaja i podobnosti puta za odvijanje saobraćaja (,,Službeni glasnik RS”, broj 121/12) Rulebook on the basic conditions for traffic safety and road aptitude for traffic which a tunnel on a public road must fulfill (Official Gazette of RS, No. 121/12) 6. Brojčane oznake (šifre) planiranih propisa iz baze NPAA: 2017-550 7. Usklađenost odredbi propisa sa odredbama propisa Evropske unije:

a) |a1) |b) |b1) |v) |g) |d) | |Odredba propisa Evropske unije |Sadržina odredbe |Odredbe propisa Republike Srbije |Sadržina odredbe |Usklađenost |Razlozi za delimičnu usklađenost, neusklađenost ili neprenosivost |Napomena o usklađenosti | |1. |Subject matter and scope1. This Directive aims at ensuring a minimum level of safety for road users in tunnels in the trans-European road network by the prevention of critical events that may endanger human life, the environment andtunnel installations, as well as by the provision of protection in case of accidents.

2. It shall apply to all tunnels in the trans-European road network with lengths of over 500 metres, whether they are in operation, under construction or at the design stage. |01.

96.1-2 |Bezbednosni zahtevi za tunele na javnom putu, čija dužina prelazi 500 metara su tehnički i eksploatacioni uslovi koje tunel mora da ispunjava radi bezbednog odvijanja saobraćaja.

Bezbednosni zahtevi primenjuju se na projektovanje, izgradnju, održavanje, upotrebu tunela na putevima i na stručne službe i radnike u tunelu u cilju zaštite ljudskih života, životne sredine i tunela kao objekta. |PU |Uvodne i osnovne

odredbe Direktive. | | |2.1.1. |DefinitionsFor the purposes of this Directive, the following definitions shall apply:1. ‘trans-European road network’ means the road network identified inSection 2 of Annex I to Decision No 1692/96/EC and illustrated by maps and/or described in Annex II to that Decision; | | |NU |Potpuno usaglašavanje propisa sa Direktivom je predviđeno izmenama i dopunama Zakona o putevima i usvajanjem pripadajućih podzakonskih akata. | | |2.1.2. |2. ‘emergency services’ means all local services, whether public or private or part of the tunnel staff, which intervene in the event of an accident, including police services, fire brigades and rescue teams; |02.

2.1.6) |hitne službe su sve lokalne službe, bilo da su javne, privatne ili deo zaposlenih u tunelu, koje intervenišu u slučaju opasnosti u tunelu, a naročito policija, vatrogasna služba i ekipe za spasavanje; |PU | | | |

2.1.3. |3. ‘tunnel length’ means the length of the longest

traffic lane, measured on the fully enclosed part

of the tunnel. |02.

2.1.5) |dužina tunela je dužina najduže saobraćajne trake izmerene na potpuno zatvorenom delu tunela; |PU | | | |3. |Safety measures1. Member States shall ensure that tunnels in their territory falling within the scope of this Directive meet the minimum safety requirements laid down in Annex I.2. Where certain structural requirements laid down in Annex I can only be satisfied through technical solutions which either cannot be achieved or can be achieved only at disproportionate cost, the administrative authority as referred to in Article 4 may accept the implementation of risk reduction measures as an alternative to application of thoserequirements, provided that the alternative measures will result in equivalent or improved protection. The efficiency of these measures shall be demonstrated through a risk analysis in conformity with theprovisions of Article 13. Member States shall inform the Commission of the risk-reduction measures accepted as an alternative and provide justification therefor. This paragraph shall not apply to tunnels at the design stage as referred to in Article 9.3. Member States may specify stricter requirements, provided that they do not contravene the requirements of this Directive. |01.

96.1-4 |Bezbednosni zahtevi za tunele na javnom putu, čija dužina prelazi 500 metara, su tehnički i eksploatacioni uslovi koje tunel mora da ispunjava radi bezbednog odvijanja saobraćaja.

Bezbednosni zahtevi primenjuju se na projektovanje, izgradnju, održavanje, upotrebu tunela na putevima i na stručne službe i radnike u tunelu u cilju zaštite ljudskih života, životne sredine i tunela kao objekta.

Ministarstvo je organ nadležan za ispunjavanje bezbednosnih zahteva za tunele u vezi sa odredbama ovog zakona.

Ministarstvo propisuje minimalne bezbednosne zahteve koje moraju da ispunjavaju tuneli iz stava 1. ovog člana.

|DU |Potpuno usaglašavanje propisa sa Direktivom je predviđeno izmenama i dopunama Zakona o putevima i usvajanjem pripadajućih podzakonskih akata. | | |4. |Administrative authority1. Member States shall designate (an) administrative authority(ies),hereinafter referred to as ‘the administrative authority’, which shall have responsibility for ensuring that all aspects of the safety of a tunnel areassured and which shall take the necessary steps to ensure compliance with this Directive.2. The administrative authority may be set up at national, regional or local level.3. Each tunnel in the trans-European road network located on the territory of a single Member State shall fall under the responsibility of a single administrative authority. For each tunnel located on the territory of two Member States, each Member State shall designate an administrative authority or, alternatively, the two Member States shall designate a joint administrative authority. If there are two differentadministrative authorities, the decisions of either taken in the exercise of its respective competencies and responsibilities with regard to tunnel safety shall be adopted with the prior agreement of the other authority.4. The administrative authority shall commission tunnels in accordance with the procedure laid down in Annex II.5. Without prejudice to further arrangements on this subject at national level, the administrative authority shall have power to suspend or restrict the operation of a tunnel if safety requirements are not met. It shall specify the conditions under which normal traffic maybe resumed.6. The administrative authority shall ensure that the following tasks are performed:(a) testing and inspecting tunnels on a regular basis and drawing up safety requirements pertaining thereto;(b) putting in place organisational and operational schemes (including emergency response plans) for the training and equipping of emergency services;(c) defining the procedure for immediate closure of a tunnel in an emergency;(d) implementing the necessary risk-reduction measures.7. Where bodies designated as administrative authorities existed prior to the designation referred to in this Article, those administrative authorities may continue their previous activities provided that they comply with this Directive. |01.

1.96.3-4 |Ministarstvo je organ nadležan za ispunjavanje bezbednosnih zahteva za tunele u vezi sa odredbama ovog zakona.

Ministarstvo propisuje minimalne bezbednosne zahteve koje moraju da ispunjavaju tuneli iz stava 1. ovog člana. |DU |Potpuno usaglašavanje propisa sa Direktivom je predviđeno izmenama i dopunama Zakona o putevima i usvajanjem pripadajućih podzakonskih akata. | | |5. |Tunnel manager1. For each tunnel located on the territory of one Member State, whether it is in the design, construction or operating stage, the administrative authority shall identify as Tunnel Manager the public or private body responsible for the management of the tunnel at the stage in question. The administrative authority itself may perform this function.2. For each tunnel located on the territory of two Member States, the two administrative authorities or the joint administrative authority shall recognise only one body in charge of the operation of the tunnel.3. Any significant incident or accident occurring in a tunnel shall be the subject of an incident report prepared by the Tunnel Manager.

This report shall be forwarded to the Safety Officer referred to in Article 6, to the administrative authority and to the emergency services within a maximum period of one month.4. Where an investigation report is drawn up analysing the circumstances of the incident or accident referred to in paragraph 3 or theconclusions that can be drawn from it, the Tunnel Manager shall forward this report to the Safety Officer, the administrative authorityand the emergency services no later than one month after he/she receives it himself/herself. |01.


|Upravnik tunela dužan je da obezbedi izradu nezavisnih projekata mapiranja rizika, kojom se utvrđuju svi faktori koji utiču na bezbednost saobraćaja u tunelu, a naročito karakteristike saobraćajnog toka i prognozirani dnevni broj teretnih vozila.

Projekat iz stava 1. ovog člana dostavlja se Ministarstvu, odnosno organu autonomne pokrajine nadležnom za poslove saobraćaja, odnosno organu jedinice lokalne samouprave nadležnom za poslove saobraćaja.

Ministarstvo propisuje način upravljanja tunelom.

Upravnik tunela dužan je da o saobraćajnoj nezgodi u tunelu, odnosno oštećenju tunela koje utiče na bezbedno odvijanje saobraćaja, izradi izveštaj bez odlaganja, a najkasnije 30 dana od dana kada se saobraćajna nezgoda dogodila, odnosno kada je nastalo oštećenje tunela. Prilog izveštaja čini dokumentacija o izvršenom uviđaju.

Izveštaj iz stava 1. ovog člana dostavlja se Ministarstvu, odnosno organu autonomne pokrajine nadležnom za poslove saobraćaja, odnosno organu jedinice lokalne samouprave nadležnom za poslove saobraćaja, kao i subjektima sistema zaštite i spasavanja, u smislu zakona kojim se uređuju vanredne situacije. |DU |Potpuno usaglašavanje propisa sa Direktivom je predviđeno izmenama i dopunama Zakona o putevima i usvajanjem pripadajućih podzakonskih akata. | | |6. |Safety Officer1. For each tunnel, the Tunnel Manager shall, with the prior approval of the administrative authority, nominate one Safety Officer who shall coordinate all preventive and safeguards measures to ensure the safety of users and operational staff. The Safety Officer may be a member of the tunnel staff or the emergency services, shall be independent in allroad tunnel safety issues and shall not be under instructions from an employer in respect of those issues. A Safety Officer may perform his/her tasks and functions at several tunnels in a region.2. The Safety Officer shall perform the following tasks/functions:(a) ensure coordination with emergency services and take part in the preparation of operational schemes;(b) take part in the planning, implementation and evaluation of emergency operations;(c) take part in the definition of safety schemes and the specification of the structure, equipment and operation in respect of both new tunnels and modifications to existing tunnels;(d) verify that operational staff and emergency services are trained, and he/she shall take part in the organisation of exercises held at regular intervals;(e) give advice on the commissioning of the structure, equipment and operation of tunnels;(f) verify that the tunnel structure and equipment are maintained and repaired;(g) take part in the evaluation of any significant incident or accident as referred to in

Article 5(3) and (4). |01.101 |Upravnik tunela dužan je da imenuje savetnika za bezbednost u tunelima na javnom putu kojim upravlja.

Savetnik iz stava 1. ovog člana je nezavistan pri donošenju svih odluka po pitanju bezbednosti u tunelu.

Savetnik za bezbednost u tunelu dužan je da:

usklađuje delovanje sa subjektima sistema zaštite i spasavanja, u smislu zakona kojim se uređuju vanredne situacije;

učestvuje u pripremi planova i programa razvoja sistema zaštite i spasavanja, u smislu zakona kojim se uređuju vanredne situacije;

učestvuje u definisanju bezbednosnih zahteva prilikom projektovanja, izgradnje, rekonstrukcije i održavanja tunela;

učestvuje u sistemu zaštite i spasavanja, u smislu zakona kojim se uređuju vanredne situacije uzimajući u obzir bezbednosne zahteve u tunelu.

|DU |Potpuno usaglašavanje propisa sa Direktivom je predviđeno izmenama i dopunama Zakona o putevima i usvajanjem pripadajućih podzakonskih akata. | | |7. |Inspection entityMember States shall ensure that inspections, evaluations and tests are carried out by inspection entities. The administrative authority mayperform this function. Any entity performing the inspections, evaluations and tests must have a high level of competence and high quality procedures and must be functionally independent from theTunnel Manager. |01.


103. |Nadzor nad sprovođenjem ovog zakona, podzakonskih akata donetih na osnovu ovog zakona vrši Ministarstvo.

Inspekcijski nadzor vrši Ministarstvo preko republičkog inspektora za državne puteve.

Republički inspektor za državne puteve ne može da izrađuje ili učestvuje u izradi tehničke dokumentacije i tehničkoj kontroli, tehničke dokumentacije za objekte, koji su predmet inspekcijskog nadzora, niti da vrši stručni nadzor nad izvođenjem radova na objektima koji su predmet inspekcijskog nadzora. |PU | | | |8. |Notification of the administrative authorityThe Member States shall notify the Commission of the name and address of the administrative authority by 1 May 2006. In the event of a change in this information they shall notify the Commission thereofwithin three months. | | |NP |Obaveze država članica prema Evropskoj komisiji | | |9. |Tunnels whose design has not yet been approved1. Any tunnel whose design has not been approved by the responsible authority by 1 May 2006 shall be subject to the requirements of this Directive.2. The tunnel shall be commissioned in accordance with the procedure laid down in Annex II. | | |NU |Potpuno usaglašavanje propisa sa Direktivom je predviđeno izmenama i dopunama Zakona o putevima i usvajanjem pripadajućih podzakonskih akata. | | |10. |Tunnels whose design has been approved but which are not yet open1. In the case of tunnels whose design has been approved but whichhave not been opened to public traffic by 1 May 2006, the administrative authority shall assess their compliance with the requirements of this Directive, with specific reference to the safety documentationprovided for in Annex II.2. Where the administrative authority finds that a tunnel does not comply with the provisions of this Directive, it shall notify the Tunnel Manager that appropriate measures must be taken to increasesafety and shall inform the Safety Officer.3. The tunnel shall then be commissioned in accordance with the procedure laid down in Annex II. |01.

121.2. |Upravnik tunela iz člana 98. ovog zakona, za tunele koji su izgrađeni ili čija je izgradnja započela do dana stupanja na snagu ovog zakona, dužan je da u roku od dve godine od dana stupanja na snagu ovog zakona obezbedi pregled tunela i donese plan sa rokom usklađivanja tunela sa propisom iz člana 96 stav 4. ovog zakona.

|DU |Potpuno usaglašavanje propisa sa Direktivom je predviđeno izmenama i dopunama Zakona o putevima i usvajanjem pripadajućih podzakonskih akata. | | |11. |Tunnels already in operation1. In the case of tunnels which are already open to public traffic by 30 April 2006, the administrative authority shall have until 30 October 2006 to assess their compliance with the requirements of this Directive, with specific reference to the safety documentation provided for in Annex II and on the basis of an inspection.2. The Tunnel Manager shall, if necessary, propose to the administrative authority a plan for adapting the tunnel to the provisions of this Directive and the remedial measures he intends to put in place.3. The administrative authority shall give its approval to the remedial measures or ask for them to be modified.4. Thereafter, if the remedial measures include any substantial modification in the construction or operation, then once these measures have been taken, the procedure laid down in Annex II shall be implemented.5. Member States shall by 30 April 2007 submit a report to the Commission on how they plan to meet the requirements of this Directive, on planned measures, and, where appropriate, on the consequences of opening or closing the main access roads to the tunnels. In order to minimise disturbances to traffic at European level, the Commission may comment on the timetable of the work intended toensure that tunnels comply with the requirements of this Directive.6. The refurbishment of tunnels shall be carried out according to a schedule and shall be finished by 30 April 2014.7. Where the total tube length of existing tunnels divided by the total length of the part of the trans-European road network located on their territory exceeds the European average, Members States may extend the period stipulated in paragraph 6 by five years. |1.121.2. |Upravnik tunela iz člana 98. ovog zakona, za tunele koji su izgrađeni ili čija je izgradnja započela do dana stupanja na snagu ovog zakona, dužan je da u roku od dve godine od dana stupanja na snagu ovog zakona obezbedi pregled tunela i donese plan sa rokom usklađivanja tunela sa propisom iz člana 96 stav 4. ovog zakona.

|DU |Potpuno usaglašavanje propisa sa Direktivom je predviđeno izmenama i dopunama Zakona o putevima i usvajanjem pripadajućih podzakonskih akata. | | |12. |Periodic inspections1. The administrative authority shall verify that regular inspections are carried out by the inspection entity to ensure that all tunnels falling within the scope of this Directive comply with its provisions.2. The period between two consecutive inspections of any given tunnel shall not exceed six years.3. Where, on the basis of the report of the inspection entity, the administrative authority finds that a tunnel does not comply with the provisions of this Directive, it shall notify the Tunnel Manager and the Safety Officer that measures to increase tunnel safety must be adopted. The administrative authority shall define the conditions for continuing to operate the tunnel or for re-opening the tunnel which will apply until theremedial measures and any further relevant restrictions or conditions are implemented.4. If the remedial measures include any substantial modification in the tunnel’s construction or operation, then once these measures have been taken, the tunnel shall be made the subject of a new authorisationto operate in accordance with the procedure laid down in Annex II. |01.

102.1-2 |

Nadzor nad sprovođenjem ovog zakona, podzakonskih akata donetih na osnovu ovog zakona vrši Ministarstvo.

Inspekcijski nadzor vrši Ministarstvo preko republičkog inspektora za državne puteve.

|DU |Potpuno usaglašavanje propisa sa Direktivom je predviđeno izmenama i dopunama Zakona o putevima i usvajanjem pripadajućih podzakonskih akata. | | |13. |Risk analysis1. Risk analyses, where necessary, shall be carried out by a body which is functionally independent from the Tunnel Manager. The content and the results of the risk analysis shall be included in the safety documentation submitted to the administrative authority. A risk analysis is an analysis of risks for a given tunnel, taking into account all design factors and traffic conditions that affect safety, notably trafficcharacteristics and type, tunnel length and tunnel geometry, as well as the forecast number of heavy goods vehicles per day.2. Member States shall ensure that, at national level, a detailed and well-defined methodology, corresponding to the best available practices,is used and shall inform the Commission of the methodology applied; the Commission shall make this information available in electronic form to other Member States.3. By 30 April 2009 the Commission shall publish a report on the practice followed in the Member States. Where necessary, it shall make recommendations for the adoption of a common harmonised risk analysis methodology in accordance with the regulatory procedure referred to in Article 17(2). | | |NU |Potpuno usaglašavanje propisa sa Direktivom je predviđeno izmenama i dopunama Zakona o putevima i usvajanjem pripadajućih podzakonskih akata. | | |14. |Derogation for innovative techniques1. In order to allow the installation and use of innovative safety equipment or the use of innovative safety procedures which provide an equivalent or higher level of protection than current technologies,as prescribed in this Directive, the administrative authority may grant a derogation from the requirements of the Directive on the basis of a dulydocumented request from the Tunnel Manager.2. If the administrative authority intends to grant such a derogation, the Member State shall first submit a derogation application to the Commission containing the initial request and the opinion of the inspection entity.3. The Commission shall notify the application to the Member States within one month of receipt.4. If, within a period of three months, neither the Commission nor a Member State formulates objections, the derogation shall be treated asgranted and the Commission shall inform all Member States accordingly.5. If objections are expressed, the Commission shall make a proposal in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 17(2). Where the decision is negative, the administrative authority shall not grant the derogation.6. After an examination in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 17(2), a decision to grant a derogation may allow this derogation to be applied to other tunnels.7. Whenever justified by the derogation requests submitted to it, the Commission shall publish a report on the practice followed in the Member States and, if necessary, make proposals for amendment ofthis Directive. | | |NP |Opcione obligacije i

obaveze Evropske komisije | | |15. |Reporting1. Every two years, Member States shall compile reports on fires in tunnels and on accidents which clearly affect the safety of road users intunnels, and on the frequency and causes of such incidents, and shall evaluate them and provide information on the actual role and effectiveness of safety facilities and measures. These reports shall be transmitted to the Commission by the Member States before the end of September of the year following the reporting period. The Commission shall make the reports available to all Member States.2. Member States shall make a plan which includes a timetable for the gradual application of the provisions of this Directive to tunnels already in operation as described in Article 11 and notify it by 30 October 2006 to the Commission. Thereafter, Member States shall inform the Commission every two years of the state of implementation of the plan and of any changes made to it, until the end of the periodreferred to in Article 11(6) and (7). | | |NU |Potpuno usaglašavanje propisa sa Direktivom je predviđeno izmenama i dopunama Zakona o putevima i usvajanjem pripadajućih podzakonskih akata. | | |16. |Adaptation to technical progressThe Commission shall adapt to technical progress the Annexes to this Directive. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatoryprocedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 17(3). | | |NP |Odredba propisuje obavezu Evropske komisije. | | |17. |Committee procedure1. The Commission shall be assisted by a committee.2. Where reference is made to this paragraph, Articles 5 and 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.The period laid down in Article 5(6) of Decision 1999/468/EC shall be set at three months.3. Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof. | | |NP |Odredba propisuje obavezu Evropske komisije. | | |18. |Transposition1. Member States shall bring into force the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Directive by 30 April 2006. They shall immediately forward to the Commissionthe text of those provisions, together with a table correlating those provisions with this Directive.2. The provisions adopted by the Member States shall contain a reference to this Directive or be accompanied by such a reference on the occasion of their official publication. Member States shall determine how such reference is to be made. | | |NP |Obaveza država članica prema Evropskoj komisiji. | | |19. |Entry into forceThis Directive shall enter into force on the date of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union. | | |NP |Prelazne i završne odredbe | | |20. |This Directive is addressed to the Member States. | | |NP |Prelazne i završne odredbe | | |A I

1.1.1 |Safety measures as referred to in Article 3

1. Basis for deciding on safety measures

1.1. Safety parameters

1.1.1. Safety measures to be implemented in a tunnel shall be based on a systematic consideration of all aspects of the system composed of the infrastructure, operation, users and vehicles. |02.

4.1.1 | Mere bezbednosti su:

1) infrastrukturne mere

2) mere koje se odnose na korišćenje tunela. |PU | | | |a.I

1.1.2 |1.1.2. The following parameters shall be taken into account:— tunnel length,— number of tubes,— number of lanes,— cross-sectional geometry,— vertical and horizontal alignment,— type of construction,— uni-directional or bi-directional traffic,— traffic volume per tube (including its time

distribution),— risk of congestion (daily or seasonal),— access time for the emergency services,— presence and percentage of heavy goods vehicles,— presence, percentage and type of dangerous

goods traffic,— characteristics of the access roads,— lane width,— speed considerations,— geographical and meteorological environment. |


4.1.2 | Mere bezbednosti zasnovane su na sledećim osnovnim parametrima:

1) dužina tunela (dužina najduže saobraćajne trake izmerene na potpuno zatvorenom delu tunela);

2) broj tunelskih cevi;

3) broj saobraćajnih traka;

4) geometrija poprečnog preseka;

5) saobraćajna signalizacija i oprema;

6) vrsta konstrukcije;

7) jednosmerni ili dvosmerni saobraćaj;

8) saobraćajno opterećenje po tunelskoj cevi (uključujući i vremensku raspodelu);

9) rizik od zagušenja saobraćaja (dnevni ili sezonski);

10) vreme odziva hitnih službi;

11) procenat teških teretnih vozila u ukupnom saobraćaju u tunelu (izražen u procentima);

12) procentualno učešće vozila koja prevoze opasan teret i vrsta opasnog tereta;

13) građevinske i saobraćajne karakteristike pristupnih puteva;

14) širina saobraćajne trake;

15) brzina kretanja vozila;

16) geografsko okruženje i meteorološki uslovi. |PU | | | |a.I

1.1.3 |1.1.3. Where a tunnel has a special characteristic as regards the aforementioned parameters, a risk analysis shall be carried out in accordance with Article 13 to establish whether additional safety measures and/or supplementary equipment is necessary to ensure a high level of tunnel safety. This risk analysis shall take into consideration possible accidents, which clearly affect the safety of road users in tunnels and which might occur during the operating stage and the nature and magnitude of their possible consequences. |2.5.1-3

| Analizom rizika procenjuju se kritična stanja koja mogu da se jave prilikom projektovanja novog, odnosno rekonstrukcije postojećeg tunela u slučaju kada bilo koji element tunela odstupa od vrednosti parametara utvrđenih ovim pravilnikom.

Analizom rizika određuju se dodatne mere bezbednosti koje se preduzimaju radi povećanja bezbednosti, odnosno smanjenja rizika u datom tunelu (smanjenje evakuacionog puta, smanjenje udaljenosti poprečnih puteva za hitne službe, povećanje otpornosti na požar građevinskih konstrukcija i opreme, pozicioniranje vatrogasne službe s definisanjem specijalne opreme, dodatna saobraćajna signalizacija, integralno upravljanje bezbedonosnim sistemima u nezgodama i sl.).

Analiza rizika je deo dokumentacije u postupcima za dobijanje građevinske i upotrebne dozvole za tunel. |PU | | | |a.I


|1.2. Minimum requirements1.2.1. The safety measures required by the following paragraphs shall be implemented at a minimum in order to ensure a minimum level of safety in allthe tunnels covered by the Directive. Limited derogations from these requirements may be allowed provided that the following procedure iscompleted successfully.Member States or the administrative authority shall send to the Commission information on the following:— the limited derogation(s) envisaged,— the imperative reasons underlying the limited derogation envisaged,— the alternative risk-reduction measures which are to be used or reinforced in order to ensure at least an equivalent level of safety, including proof therefor in the form of an analysis of relevant risks.The Commission shall transmit any request for a limited derogation to the Member States as soon as possible, and in any case within one month of receipt.If, within a period of three months after receipt of the request by the Commission, neither the Commission nor a Member State formulates objections, the limited derogation shall be deemed granted and theCommission shall inform all Member States accordingly. If objections are expressed, the Commission shall make a proposal in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 17(2). Where the decision is negative, the limited derogation shall not be allowed. | | |NU |Potpuno usaglašavanje propisa sa Direktivom je predviđeno izmenama i dopunama Zakona o putevima i usvajanjem pripadajućih podzakonskih akata. | | |a.I


|1.2.2. In order to provide a unified interface in all tunnels to which this Directive applies, no derogation from the requirements of the following paragraphs shall be allowed regarding the design of thesafety facilities at the disposal of the tunnel users (emergency stations, signs, lay-bys, emergency exits, radio re-broadcasting when required). | | |NU |Potpuno usaglašavanje propisa sa Direktivom je predviđeno izmenama i dopunama Zakona o putevima i usvajanjem pripadajućih podzakonskih akata. | | |a.I


|1.3. Traffic volume1.3.1. Where ‘traffic volume’ is mentioned in this Annex, it refers to the annual average daily traffic through a tunnel per lane. For the purpose of determining the traffic volume, each motor vehicle shall be counted as one unit. |02.

2.1.4) |saobraćajno opterećenje je prosečan godišnji dnevni saobraćaj (PGDS) kroz tunel po saobraćajnoj traci na dan, računajući svako motorno vozilo kao jednu jedinicu; |PU | | | |a.I


|1.3.2. Where the number of heavy goods vehicles over 3,5 tonnes exceeds 15 % of the annual average daily traffic, or seasonal daily traffic significantly exceeds the annual average daily traffic, the additional risk will be assessed and taken into account by increasing the traffic volume of the tunnel for the application of the following paragraphs. |02.7. |U slučaju da broj teretnih vozila, čija ukupna masa prelazi 3,5 tone, prelazi 15% prosečnog godišnjeg dnevnog saobraćaja ili kada prosečan sezonski dnevni saobraćaj prelazi prosečni godišnji dnevni saobraćaj za više od 50% sprovodi se analiza rizika u skladu sa članom 5. ovog pravilnika. |PU | | | |a.I


|2. Infrastructure measures2.1. Number of tubes and lanes2.1.1. The main criteria for deciding whether to build a single or a twin-tube tunnel shall be projected traffic volume and safety, taking into account aspects such as the percentage of heavy goods vehicles, gradient andlength.2.1.2. In any case, where, for tunnels at the design stage, a 15-year forecast shows that the traffic volume will exceed 10 000 vehicles per day per lane, a twin-tube tunnel with unidirectional traffic shall be in place at the time when this value will be exceeded.2.1.3. With the exception of the emergency lane, the same number of lanes shall be maintained inside and outside the tunnel. Any change in the number of lanes shall occur at a sufficient distance in front of the tunnel portal; this distance shall be at least the distance covered in 10 seconds by a vehicle travelling at the speed limit. When geographic circumstances prevent this, additional and/or reinforced measures shall be taken to enhance safety. |02.8. |Infrastrukturne mere

Za tunele, kod kojih će očekivano saobraćajno opterećenje biti veće od 10.000 vozila po saobraćajnoj traci na dan u periodu od 15 godina, planira se izgradnja dve tunelske cevi s jednosmernim saobraćajem.

Broj saobraćajnih traka, osim zaustavne trake, mora u tunelu i van tunela biti isti.

Izmena broja traka vrši se na udaljenosti od portala tunela, koja mora biti najmanje jednaka rastojanju koje vozilo koje se kreće najvećom dozvoljenom brzinom pređe za 10 sekundi.

U slučaju da geografski uslovi ne omogućavaju izmenu broja traka u skladu sa stavom 3. ovog člana, preduzimaju se dodatne i/ili pojačane mere radi povećanja bezbednosti saobraćaja.

Ulazni prostor tunela oblikuje se na način da onemogući nalet vozila na portal tunela.

Širina saobraćajnih traka u tunelu mora biti ista kao i širina saobraćajnih traka na delu puta ispred i iza tunela. |PU | |Dodati su strožiji uslovi koji se odnose oblik ulaza u tunel i na širinu saobraćajnih traka | |a.I

2.2. |2.2. Tunnel geometry2.2.1. Special consideration shall be given to safety when designing the crosssectional geometry and the horizontal and vertical alignment of a tunneland its access roads, as these parameters have a significant influence on the probability and severity of accidents.2.2.2. Longitudinal gradients above 5 % shall not be permitted in new tunnels, unless no other solution is geographically possible.2.2.3. In tunnels with gradients higher than 3 %, additional and/or reinforced measures shall be taken to enhance safety on the basis of a risk analysis.

U novim tunelima nije dozvoljen uzdužni nagib veći od 5%, osim ako zbog geografskih uslova nije moguće drugo rešenje.

U tunelima s uzdužnim nagibom većim od 3%, na osnovu analize rizika preduzimaju se dodatne i/ili pojačane mere da bi se povećala bezbednost saobraćaja.

Ako je širina trake za spora vozila manja od 3,5 m, a dozvoljen je saobraćaj teškim teretnim vozilima, na osnovu analize rizika preduzimaju se dodatne i/ili pojačane mere.

|PU | | | |a.I

2.3.1-2. |2.3. Escape routes and emergency exits2.3.1. In new tunnels without an emergency lane, emergency walkways, elevated or not, shall be provided for use by tunnel users in the eventof a breakdown or an accident. This provision does not apply if the construction characteristics of the tunnel do not allow it or allow it only at disproportional cost and the tunnel is unidirectional and is equipped with a permanent surveillance and lane closure system.2.3.2. In existing tunnels where there is neither an emergency lane nor an emergency walkway, additional and/or reinforced measures shall betaken to ensure safety. |02.

U novim tunelima koji nemaju zaustavnu traku, obezbeđuju se staze za slučajeve opasnosti koje se koriste u slučaju kvara ili nezgode.

Odredba stava 1. ovog člana ne primenjuje se ako konstruktivne karakteristike tunela to ne dopuštaju, ili ako dopuštaju samo uz nesrazmerne troškove, a tunel je namenjen odvijanju jednosmernog saobraćaja i opremljen sistemom stalnog video nadzora i sistemom za zatvaranje traka.

U postojećim tunelima koji nemaju zaustavnu traku i staze za slučajeve opasnosti, na osnovu analize rizika, preduzimaju se dodatne i/ili pojačane mere radi povećanja bezbednosti saobraćaja. |PU | | | |a.I

2.3.3-6 |2.3.3. Emergency exits allow tunnel users to leave the tunnel without their vehicles and reach a safe place in the event of an accident or a fire and also provide access on foot to the tunnel for emergency services.Examples of such emergency exits are:— direct exits from the tunnel to the outside,— cross-connections between tunnel tubes,— exits to an emergency gallery,— shelters with an escape route separate from the tunnel tube.2.3.4. Shelters without an exit leading to escape routes to the open shall not be built.2.3.5. Emergency exits shall be provided if an analysis of relevant risks, including how far and how quickly smoke travels under local conditions, shows that the ventilation and other safety provisions are insufficient to ensure the safety of road users.2.3.6. In any event, in new tunnels, emergency exits shall be provided where the traffic volume is higher than 2 000 vehicles per lane. |02.

10.4-6. | Izlazima za slučaj opasnosti smatraju se izlazi koji korisnicima moraju omogućiti napuštanje tunela bez vozila i odlazak na sigurno mesto u slučaju požara ili nezgode, kao i pristup tunelu pešice za hitne službe, a naročito:

1) direktni izlazi iz tunela u spoljašnji prostor;

2) poprečni prolazi između tunelskih cevi;

3) izlazi na galeriju za slučaj opasnosti;

4) poprečni izlazi u servisnu cev;

5) skloništa s izlaznim putem na bezbedan prostor koji je odvojen od tunelske cevi.

Izlazi za slučaj opasnosti izvode se i ako analiza rizika, uključujući i parametar o razdaljini i brzini širenja dima u tunelu, pokazuje da ventilacija i druge sigurnosne mere nisu dovoljna garancija za bezbednost korisnika tunela.

U novim tunelima izvode se izlazi za slučaj opasnosti, ako je saobraćajno opterećenje veće od 2.000 vozila po saobraćajnoj traci na dan. |PU | | | |a.I


|2.3.7. In existing tunnels longer than 1 000 metres, with a traffic volume higher than 2 000 vehicles per lane, the feasibility and effectiveness of theimplementation of new emergency exits shall be evaluated.2.3.8. Where emergency exits are provided, the distance between two emergency exits shall not exceed 500 metres.2.3.9. Appropriate means, such as doors, shall be used to prevent smoke and heat from reaching the escape routes behind the emergency exit, so that the tunnel users can safely reach the outside and the emergency services can have access to the tunnel. |02.

10.7-10. | U postojećim tunelima čija je dužina veća od 1.000 m, a saobraćajno opterećenje veće od 2.000 vozila po saobraćajnoj traci na dan, analizom rizika ocenjuju se izvodljivost i efekti izgradnje novih izlaza u slučaju opasnosti.

Udaljenost između dva izlaza za slučaj opasnosti ne može biti veća od 500 m.

Radi sprečavanja prodora dima i toplote u evakuacione puteve iza izlaza u slučaju opasnosti, koriste se građevinske konstrukcije otporne na požar, uključujući i vrata otporna na požar, iste otpornosti na požar kao i konstrukcija tunela.

Skloništa se grade s izlazima za evakuaciju prema otvorenom prostoru. |PU | | | |a.I

2.4 |2.4. Access for emergency services

2.4.1. In twin-tube tunnels where the tubes are at the same level or nearly, cross-connections suitable for the use of emergency services shall be provided at least every 1 500 metres.2.4.2. Wherever geographically possible, crossing of the central reserve (median strip) shall be made possible outside each portal of a twin- ormulti-tube tunnel. This measure will allow emergency services to gain immediate access to either tube. |02.


| U tunelu s dve tunelske cevi ili sa servisnom tunelskom cevi, izvode se poprečne veze pogodne za prolazak vozila hitnih službi i evakuaciju korisnika tunela, na razmacima ne većim od 1.500 m koje se zatvaraju građevinskim konstrukcijama, uključujući i vrata otporna na požar, iste otpornosti na požar kao i konstrukcija tunela.

Uvek kada je to geografski moguće, izvan tunela sa dve ili više tunelskih cevi omogućuje se prolaz kroz razdelnu ogradu (razdelni pojas) da bi se službama za hitne intervencije obezbedio prilaz svakoj tunelskoj cevi. |PU | | | |a.I

2.5 |2.5. Lay-bys

2.5.1. For new bi-directional tunnels longer than 1 500 metres where traffic volume is higher than 2 000 vehicles per lane, lay-bys shall be provided at distances which do not exceed 1 000 metres, if emergency lanes are not provided.

2.5.2. In existing bi-directional tunnels longer than 1 500 m with a traffic volume higher than 2 000 vehicles per lane but no emergency lane, the feasibility and effectiveness of the implementation of lay-bys shall be evaluated.

2.5.3. If the construction characteristics of the tunnel do not allow it or allow it only at disproportionate cost, lay-bys do not have to be provided if thetotal tunnel width which is accessible to vehicles, excluding elevated parts and normal traffic lanes, is at least equal to the width of one normal traffic lane.

2.5.4. Lay-bys shall include an emergency station. |02.

U novom tunelu sa dvosmernim tokom saobraćaja dužine veće od 1.500 m i saobraćajnog opterećenja većeg od 2.000 vozila po saobraćajnoj traci na dan, izvode se zaustavne površine na međusobnoj udaljenosti od najviše 1.000 m u slučaju kada ne postoji zaustavna traka.

U postojećem tunelu sa dvosmernim tokom saobraćaja dužine veće od 1.500 m i saobraćajnog opterećenja većeg od 2.000 vozila po saobraćajnoj traci na dan, u kojima nema zaustavnih traka, mora se oceniti izvodljivost i efikasnost primene zaustavnih površina.

Zaustavne površine se ne izvode ako su ispunjeni sledeći uslovi:

1) kada konstruktivne karakteristike tunela ne dozvoljavaju, ili dozvoljavaju uz nesrazmerne troškove;

2) ako je ukupna širina dela tunela u koji vozila imaju pristup, ne računajući uzdignute delove i normalne saobraćajne trake, jednaka najmanje širini jedne normalne saobraćajne trake.

Na početku zaustavne površine, u smeru vožnje, izvode se stanice za slučaj opasnosti. |PU | | | |a.I

2.6 |2.6. Drainage

2.6.1. Where the transport of dangerous goods is permitted, the drainage of flammable and toxic liquids shall be provided for through well-designedslot gutters or other measures within the tunnel cross sections. Additionally, the drainage system shall be designed and maintained to prevent fire and flammable and toxic liquids from spreading insidetubes and between tubes.2.6.2. If in existing tunnels that requirement cannot be met or can be met only at disproportionate cost, this shall be taken into consideration when deciding whether to allow the transport of dangerous goods on the basis of an analysis of relevant risks. |02.

U slučaju da je u tunelu dozvoljen transport opasnog tereta, sistem odvođenja tečnosti sa kolovoza mora da obezbedi odvođenje zapaljivih i otrovnih tečnosti sa kolovoza i da onemogući širenje požara, otrovnih i drugih gasova i dima kroz odvodne cevi unutar tunelske cevi i između dve tunelske cevi. Razlivene zapaljive i otrovne tečnosti sakupljaju se u posebno izgrađenim separatorima, gde se odvajaju od ostalih voda.

Ako se u postojećim tunelima ne mogu sprovesti mere iz stava 1. ovoga člana, analizom rizika će se proceniti da li je transport opasnog tereta u tim tunelima dozvoljen. |PU | | | |a.I

2.7 |2.7. Fire resistance of structuresThe main structure of all tunnels where a local collapse of the structure could have catastrophic consequences, e.g. immersed tunnels or tunnelswhich can cause the collapse of important neighbouring structures, shall ensure a sufficient level of fire resistance. |02.

Konstrukcija tunela (obloga) mora da ima otpornost na požar u skladu sa propisima kojima se uređuje zaštita od požara. |PU | | | |a.I

2.8 |2.8. Lighting2.8.1. Normal lighting shall be provided so as to ensure appropriate visibility day and night for drivers in the entrance zone as well as in the interior ofthe tunnel.2.8.2. Safety lighting shall be provided to allow a minimum visibility for tunnel users to evacuate the tunnel in their vehicles in the event of a breakdownof the power supply.2.8.3. Evacuation lighting, such as evacuation marker lights, at a height of no more than 1,5 metres, shall be provided to guide tunnel users to evacuate the tunnel on foot, in the event of emergency. |02.

Rasveta se izvodi na način da omogući odgovarajuću vidljivost danju i noću u ulazno/izlaznim zonama tunela, kao i u njihovoj unutrašnjosti.

U slučaju kvara napajanja električnom energijom, izvodi se sigurnosna rasveta, kojom se omogućava minimalna vidljivost korisnicima dok ulaze, odnosno napuštaju tunel u vozilima.

Rasveta za evakuaciju lica iz tunela postavlja se na visini od najviše 1,5 m tako da obezbeđuje dovoljnu vidljivost. | | | | |a.I

2.9 |2.9. Ventilation2.9.1. The design, construction and operation of the ventilation system shall take into account:— the control of pollutants emitted by road vehicles, under normal and peak traffic flow,— the control of pollutants emitted by road vehicles where traffic is stopped due to an incident or an accident,— the control of heat and smoke in the event of a fire.2.9.2. A mechanical ventilation system shall be installed in all tunnels longer than 1 000 metres with a traffic volume higher than 2 000 vehicles per lane.2.9.3. In tunnels with bi-directional and/or congested unidirectional traffic, longitudinal ventilation shall be allowed only if a risk analysis according to Article 13 shows it is acceptable and/or specific measuresare taken, such as appropriate traffic management, shorter emergency exit distances, smoke exhausts at intervals.2.9.4. Transverse or semi-transverse ventilation systems shall be used in tunnels where a mechanical ventilation system is necessary and longitudinalventilation is not allowed under point 2.9.3. These systems must be capable of evacuating smoke in the event of a fire.2.9.5. For tunnels with bi-directional traffic, with a traffic volume higher than 2 000 vehicles per lane, longer than 3 000 metres and with a controlcentre and transverse and/or semi-transverse ventilation, the following minimum measures shall be taken as regards ventilation:— air and smoke extraction dampers shall be installed which can be operated separately or in groups,— the longitudinal air velocity shall be monitored constantly and the steering process of the ventilation system (dampers, fans, etc.) adjusted accordingly. |02.

Mehanički sistem ventilacije postavlja se u tunelu dužem od 1.000 m sa saobraćajnim opterećenjem većim od 2.000 vozila po saobraćajnoj traci na dan.

U tunelu s dvosmernim i/ili zagušenim jednosmernim saobraćajem dozvoljena je uzdužna ventilacija samo ako analiza rizika pokaže da je ona prihvatljiva i/ili ako su preduzete posebne mere, kao što je odgovarajuće upravljanje saobraćajem, kraći razmaci između izlaza za slučaj opasnosti, odvod dima u pojedinim deonicama tunela i dr.

Poprečni ili polupoprečni sistem ventilacije koji odvodi dim u slučaju požara, koristi se u tunelu u kojem je potreban mehanički sistem ventilacije, uz uslov da je analizom rizika iz stava 2. ovog člana dokazana neprihvatljivost uzdužne ventilacije.

Za tunel duži od 3.000 m, s dvosmernim saobraćajem i saobraćajnim opterećenjem većim od 2.000 vozila po saobraćajnoj traci na dan, koji ima kontrolni centar i poprečnu i/ili polupoprečnu ventilaciju, u pogledu ventilacije preduzimaju se sledeće mere:

1) postavljaju se žaluzine za odvod vazduha i dima iz tunela koje se mogu automatski aktivirati pojedinačno ili grupno;

2) stalno se prati uzdužna brzina vazduha i, u skladu s njom, podešava se ventilacioni sistem (odvodne žaluzine, ventilatori i sl.). |PU | | | |a.I.

2.10.1 |2.10. Emergency stations2.10.1. Emergency stations are intended to provide various items of safety equipment, in particular emergency telephones and extinguishers, butare not intended to protect road users from the effects of fire. |02.

Ako je stanica za slučaj opasnosti odvojena vratima od tunela, na uočljivom mestu stanice za slučaj opasnosti postavlja se tabla s natpisom na više jezika, a naročito na srpskom, engleskom, nemačkom i francuskom, koja upozorava korisnike da prostor ne obezbeđuje zaštitu od požara, i koji glasi: „OVO PODRUČJE NE PRUŽA ZAŠTITU OD POŽARA Sledite saobraćajne znakove za izlaz u slučaju opasnosti“. |PU | | | |a.I.

2.10.2 |2.10.2. Emergency stations can consist of a box on the sidewall or preferably a recess in the sidewall. They shall be equipped with at least an emergencytelephone and two fire extinguishers. |02.

17.2 |Stanice za slučaj opasnosti sadrže najmanje jedan telefon za slučaj opasnosti i dva protiv-požarna aparata. |PU | | | |a.I.

2.10.3 |2.10.3. Emergency stations shall be provided near the portals and inside at intervals which for new tunnels shall not exceed 150 metres and which in existing tunnels shall not exceed 250 metres. |02.

17.1 |Stanice za slučaj opasnosti izvode se kao kutije ili udubljenja u bočnom zidu, a smeštaju se blizu portala tunela sa spoljašnje strane i unutar tunela, na međusobnoj udaljenosti koja kod novih tunela ne može biti veća od 150 m, a u postojećim tunelima ne veća od 250 m. |PU | | | |a.I

2.11 |2.11. Water supplyA water supply shall be provided for all tunnels. Hydrants shall be provided near the portals and inside at intervals which shall not exceed 250 metres. If a water supply is not available, it is mandatoryto verify that sufficient water is provided otherwise. |02.

Svi tuneli moraju da budu snabdeveni dovoljnom količinom vode putem hidranta ili na drugi odgovarajući način.

Hidranti se postavljaju blizu ulaza u tunel i unutar tunela, na međusobnoj udaljenosti najviše do 250 metara. |PU | | | |a.I

2.12 |2.12. Road signsSpecific signs shall be used for all safety facilities provided for tunnel users. Signs and panels for use in tunnels are given in Annex III. |2.31-32

|Stanica za slučaj opasnosti označava se znakom obaveštenja kojim se ističe oprema iz člana17. stav 2. ovog pravilnika koja je dostupna korisnicima puta.Izgled znakova iz stava 1. ovog člana dat je u Prilogu 2. – Saobraćajni znakovi kojima seističe oprema za stanice za slučaj opasnosti, koji je odštampan uz ovaj pravilnik i čininjegov sastavni deo.

Izgled znakova za označavanje zaustavnih površina dat je u Prilogu 3. – Saobraćajni znakovi za označavanje zaustavnih površina, koji je odštampan uz ovaj pravilnik i čini njegov sastavni deo. |DU |Potpuno usaglašavanje propisa sa Direktivom je predviđeno izmenama i dopunama Zakona o putevima i usvajanjem pripadajućih podzakonskih akata. | | |a.I

2.13 |2.13. Control centre2.13.1. A control centre shall be provided for all tunnels longer than 3 000 metres with a traffic volume higher than 2 000 vehicles per lane.2.13.2. Surveillance of several tunnels may be centralised at a single control centre. |02.

U tunelu dužine veće od 3.000 m sa saobraćajnim opterećenjem većim od 2.000 vozila po saobraćajnoj traci na dan obezbeđuje se kontrolni centar.

Jedan kontrolni centar može da obavlja nadzor nad više tunela. |PU | | | |a.I

2.14 |2.14. Monitoring systems2.14.1. Video monitoring systems and a system able to automatically detect traffic incidents (such as stopping vehicles) and/or fires shall be installed in all tunnels with a control centre.2.14.2. Automatic fire-detection systems shall be installed in all tunnels which do not have a control centre where the operation of mechanical ventilation for smoke control is different from the automatic operation of ventilation for the control of pollutants. |02.


U tunelu koji ima kontrolni centar, postavljaju se video sistemi za praćenje i sistemi za automatsko otkrivanje saobraćajnih nezgoda.

U tunelu koji nema kontrolni centar, a kod kojeg je rad mehaničke ventilacije za kontrolu dima različit od automatskog rada ventilacije za kontrolu zagađivača, postavljaju se automatski sistemi za otkrivanje požara. |DU |Potpuno usaglašavanje propisa sa Direktivom je predviđeno izmenama i dopunama Zakona o putevima i usvajanjem pripadajućih podzakonskih akata. | | |a.I

2.15 |2.15. Tunnel-closing equipment

2.15.1. In all tunnels longer than 1 000 metres, traffic signals shall be installed before the entrances so that the tunnel can be closed in case of an emergency. Additional means, such as variable message signs andbarriers, can be provided to ensure that instructions are obeyed.

2.15.2. Inside all tunnels longer than 3 000 metres, with a control centre and a traffic volume higher than 2 000 vehicles per lane, equipment to stop vehicles in the event of an emergency is recommended at intervals not exceeding 1 000 metres. This equipment shall consist of traffic signals and possibly additional means, such as loudspeakers, variable messagesigns and barriers. |02.


Ispred ulaza u tunel dužine veće od 1.000 m postavlja se uređaj za davanje svetlosnih saobraćajnih znakova (semafor) tako da se tunel može zatvoriti u slučaju opasnosti.

Ispred ulaza u tunel može se postaviti i dodatna oprema za zatvaranje tunela, kao što su saobraćajni znakovi sa izmenljivim sadržajem poruka i branici.

Tunel duži od 3.000 m koji ima kontrolni centar i saobraćajno opterećenje veće od 2.000 vozila po saobraćajnoj traci na dan, mora da ima opremu za zaustavljanje vozila u slučaju opasnosti na razmacima ne većim od 1.000 m.

Opremu za zaustavljanje vozila u slučaju opasnosti čine uređaji za davanje svetlosnih saobraćajnih znakova i dodatna sredstva kao što su zvučnici, znakovi sa izmenljivim sadržajem poruka i branici. |PU | | | |a.I

2.16 |2.16. Communication systems

2.16.1. Radio re-broadcasting equipment for emergency service use shall be installed in all tunnels longer than 1 000 metres with a traffic volumehigher than 2 000 vehicles per lane.2.16.2. Where there is a control centre, it must be possible to interrupt radio rebroadcasting of channels intended for tunnel users, if available, in orderto give emergency messages.2.16.3. Shelters and other facilities where evacuating tunnel users must wait before they can reach the outside shall be equipped with loudspeakersfor the provision of information to users. |02.


U tunelu dužine veće od 1.000 m i saobraćajnim opterećenjem većim od 2.000 vozila po saobraćajnoj traci na dan, ugrađuje se oprema za dvosmernu radio-komunikaciju koju koriste službe za hitne intervencije.

U tunelu koji ima kontrolni centar mora da postoji mogućnost prekida radio emitovanja kanala namenjenih korisnicima tunela, radi saopštavanja hitnih obaveštenja.

Evakuacioni putevi i ostala mesta u tunelu na kojima korisnici tunela čekaju evakuaciju na otvoren prostor, opremaju se zvučnicima radi davanja informacija. |PU | | | |a.I

2.17 |2.17. Power supply and electrical circuits

2.17.1. All tunnels shall have an emergency power supply capable of ensuring the operation of safety equipment indispensable for evacuation until allusers have evacuated the tunnel.

2.17.2. Electrical, measurement and control circuits shall be designed in such a way that a local failure, such as one due to a fire, does not affectunimpaired circuits. |02.

Instalacije za napajanje tunela električnom energijom iz elektrodistributivne mreže moraju da budu izgrađene na takav način da u slučaju opasnosti omoguće rad bezbedonosne opreme tunela potrebne za uspešnu evakuaciju i zatvaranje tunela.

Električna, merna, regulaciona i kontrolna kola projektuju se tako da kvar na električnoj mreži i kvar zbog požara ne utiču na neoštećena električna kola. |PU | | | |a.I

2.18 |2.18. Fire resistance of equipment

The level of fire resistance of all tunnel equipment shall take into account the technological possibilities and aim at maintaining the necessary safety functions in the event of a fire. |02.

Nivo otpornosti celokupne tunelske opreme na požar mora da bude u skladu sa otpornošću građevinske konstrukcije tunela na požar, uzimajući u obzir tehnološke mogućnosti, a u cilju uspostavljanja potrebnih bezbednosnih funkcija u slučaju požara. |PU | | | |a.I

2.19 |2.19. Table displaying informative summary of minimum requirementsThe table set out hereafter gives a summary of the minimum requirements laid down in the previous paragraphs. The minimum requirements are those set out in the operative text of this Annex. |02.

4.4. |Infrastrukturne mere iz stava 1. ovog člana date su u Prilogu 1. – Infrastrukturne mere koje se odnose na tunele, koji je odštampan uz ovaj pravilnik i čini njegov sastavni deo. |PU | | | |a.I

3.1 |3. Measures concerning operations3.1. Operating meansTunnel operation shall be organised and dispose of such means as will ensure the continuity and safety of the traffic through the tunnel. The personnel involved in the operation as well as the emergency servicesshall receive appropriate initial and continuing training. |02.

Korišćenje tunela se organizuje na način koji obezbeđuje neprekidno i bezbedno odvijanje saobraćaja kroz tunel. Lica koja rade u tunelu, uključujući i pripadnike hitnih službi, stalno se osposobljavaju za obavljanje svojih poslova. |PU | | | |a.I

3.2 |3.2. Emergency planningEmergency response plans shall be available for all tunnels. In tunnels starting and finishing in different Member States, a single bi-national emergency response plan shall involve the two countries. |02.

25.3. |Plan hitnih intervencija izrađuje se za sve tunele. U tunelu koji počinje ili se završava izvan teritorije Republike Srbije, izrađuje se jedan plan hitnih intervencija za obe države. |PU | | | |a.I

3.3 |3.3. Works in tunnelsComplete or partial closure of lanes due to construction or maintenance works planned in advance shall always begin outside the tunnel. Variable message signs, traffic signals and mechanical barriers may be used for this purpose. |02.

25.4. |Potpuno ili delimično zatvaranje saobraćajnih traka zbog planiranih građevinskih radova ili radova na redovnom održavanju uvek počinje izvan tunela, pri čemu se koristi saobraćajna signalizacija i oprema u skladu sa propisom kojim se uređuje saobraćajna signalizacija. |PU | | | |a.I

3.4 |3.4. Management of accidents and incidentsIn the event of a serious accident or incident, all appropriate tunnel tubes shall be closed immediately to traffic.This shall be done by simultaneous activation not only of the abovementioned equipment before the portals, but also of variable message signs, traffic signals and mechanical barriers inside the tunnel, if available, so that all the traffic can be stopped as soon as possibleoutside and inside the tunnel. Tunnels of less than 1000 metres may be closed by other means.

Traffic shall be managed in such a way thatunaffected vehicles can quickly leave the tunnel. |02.

25.5-6 |U slučaju opasnosti u tunelu sve tunelske cevi se odmah zatvaraju za saobraćaj.

Zatvaranje iz stava 4. ovog člana je potrebno izvršiti aktiviranjem opreme ispred portala tunela, kao i znakova sa izmenljivim sadržajem poruka, uređaja za davanje svetlosnih saobraćajnih znakova i branika u tunelu, tako da se saobraćaj u tunelu i izvan njega što brže zaustavi.

|PU | | | |a.I

3.4 |The access time for emergency services in the event of an incident in a tunnel shall be as short as possible and shall be measured during periodic exercises. In addition, it may be measured during incidents. In major bidirectional tunnels with high traffic volumes, a risk analysis in accordance with Article 13 shall establish whether emergency services shall be stationed at the two extremities of the tunnel. |02.

25.2. |Vreme pristupa hitnih službi u slučaju opasnosti u tunelu mora biti što kraće i mora biti mereno za vreme periodičnih vežbi i konkretnih opasnosti. Za dvosmerne tunele sa velikim saobraćajnim opterećenjem, analizom rizika se utvrđuje da li će hitne službe biti smeštene u blizini tunela ili na oba kraja tunela. |PU | | | |a.I

3.5 |3.5. Activity of the control centre

For all tunnels requiring a control centre, including those starting and finishing in different Member States, a single control centre shall havefull control at any given time. | | |NU |Potpuno usaglašavanje propisa sa Direktivom je predviđeno izmenama i dopunama Zakona o putevima i usvajanjem pripadajućih podzakonskih akata. | | |a.I

3.6 |3.6. Tunnel closureIn the event of tunnel closure (long or short-term), users shall be informed of the best alternative itineraries, by means of easily accessibleinformation systems. Such alternative itineraries shall form part of systematic contingency plans. They should aim to maintain traffic flow as much as possible and minimise secondary safety effects on the surrounding areas.Member States should make all reasonable efforts to avoid a situation in which a tunnel located on the territory of two Member States can not be used due to the consequences of bad weather conditions. |02.

26. |U slučaju zatvaranja tunela korisnici tunela moraju da budu obavešteni, putem dostupnih sredstava za obaveštavanje o optimalnim alternativnim pravcima.

Alternativni pravci su deo plana hitnih intervencija u slučaju zatvaranja tunela. |DU |Potpuno usaglašavanje propisa sa Direktivom je predviđeno izmenama i dopunama Zakona o putevima i usvajanjem pripadajućih podzakonskih akata. | | |a.I

3.7 |3.7. Transport of dangerous goodsThe following measures shall be applied concerning access to tunnels for vehicles transporting dangerous goods, as defined in the relevant European legislation regarding the transport of dangerous goods by road:— perform a risk analysis in accordance with Article 13 before the regulations and requirements regarding the transportation of dangerous goods through a tunnel are defined or modified,— place appropriate signs to enforce the regulation before the last possible exit before the tunnel and at tunnel entrances, as well as in advance so as to allow drivers to choose alternative routes,

Pri transportu opasnog tereta kroz tunel primenjuju se propisi kojima se uređuje transport opasnog tereta i preduzimaju se sledeće mere:

1) izrada analize rizika pre definisanja uslova i načina transporta opasnih tereta kroz tunele;

2) postavljanje odgovarajućih saobraćajnih znakova na ulazima u tunel, odnosno pre tunela na dovoljnoj udaljenosti, kako bi se vozačima omogućio izbor alternativnih pravaca;

3) utvrđivanje posebnih operativnih mera čija je svrha smanjenje rizika prilikom transporta opasnog tereta u tunelu. |PU | | | |a.I


|3.8. Overtaking in tunnelsA risk analysis shall be carried out in order to decide whether heavy goods vehicles should be allowed to overtake in tunnels with more than one lane in each direction. | | |NU |Potpuno usaglašavanje propisa sa Direktivom je predviđeno izmenama i dopunama Zakona o putevima i usvajanjem pripadajućih podzakonskih akata. | | |a.I

3.9.1-2 |3.9. Distances between vehicles and speed

The appropriate speed of vehicles and the safe distance between them are especially important in tunnels and shall be given close attention. Thisshall include advising tunnel users of appropriate speeds and distances. Enforcement measures shall be initiated as appropriate.

Road users driving passenger cars should under normal conditions maintain a minimum distance from the vehicle in front of them equivalent to the distance travelled by a vehicle in two seconds. For heavy goods vehicles this distance should be doubled. | | |NU |Potpuno usaglašavanje propisa sa Direktivom je predviđeno izmenama i dopunama Zakona o putevima i usvajanjem pripadajućih podzakonskih akata. | | |a.I


|When traffic stops in a tunnel, road users should maintain a minimum distance of five metres from the vehicle in front, except if this is not possible due to an emergency stop. |

U slučaju zaustavljanja saobraćaja u tunelu, bezbedno rastojanje između vozila je najmanje 5 m, osim ako to nije moguće zbog hitnog zaustavljanja. |PU | | | |a.I.4 |4. Information campaignsInformation campaigns regarding safety in tunnels shall be regularly organised and implemented in conjunction with interested parties on the basis of the harmonised work of international organisations.

These information campaigns shall cover the correct behaviour of road users when approaching and driving through tunnels, especially in connection with vehicle breakdown, congestion, accidents and fires.Information on the safety equipment available and proper road user behaviour in tunnels shall be provided in convenient places for tunnel users


|Approval of the design, safety documentation,

commissioning of a tunnel, modifications and periodic exercises

1. Approval of the design

1.1. The provisions of this Directive shall be applied from the preliminary design stage onward.

1.2. Before any construction work begins, the Tunnel Manager shall compile the safety documentation described under points 2.2 and 2.3 for a tunnel at the design stage and shall consult the Safety Officer. The Tunnel Manager shall submit the safety documentation to the Administrative Authority and attach the opinion of the Safety Officer, and/or of the

Inspection Entity when available.


|2. Safety documentation

2.1. The Tunnel Manager shall compile safety documentation for each tunnel and keep it

permanently up-to-date. He shall provide a copy of the safety documentation to the Safety Officer.

2.2. The safety documentation shall describe the preventive and safeguard measures needed to

ensure the safety of users, taking into account people with reduced mobility and disabled people, the nature of the route, the configuration of the structure, its surroundings, the nature of the traffic and the scope for action by the emergency services defined in Article 2 of the Directive.

2.3. In particular, the safety documentation for a tunnel at the design stage shall include:

– a description of the planned structure and access to it, together with the plans necessary for understanding its design and anticipated operating arrangements,

– a traffic forecast study specifying and justifying the conditions expected for the transport of dangerous goods, together with the risk analysis requested by point 3.7 of Annex I,

– a specific hazard investigation describing possible accidents which clearly affect safety of road users in tunnels which might occur during the operating stage and the nature and magnitude of their possible consequences; this investigation must specify and substantiate measures for reducing the likelihood of accidents and their consequences,


|2.4. The safety documentation for a tunnel which is at the commissioning stage shall includein addtion to the documentation required at the design stage:

– a description of the organisation, human and material resources and instructions specified

by the Tunnel Manager to ensure operation and maintenance of the tunnel,

– an emergency response plan drawn up jointly with the emergency services which also takes into account people with reduced mobility and disabled people,

– a description of the system of permanent feedback of experience through which significant incidents and accidents can be recorded and analysed.

2.5. The safety documentation for a tunnel which is in operation shall include in addtion to the

documentation required at the commissioning stage:

– a report and analysis on significant incidents and accidents, which have taken place since the entry into force of this Directive,

|3. Commissioning

3.1. The initial opening of a tunnel to public traffic shall be subject to authorisation by the Administrative Authority (commissioning) in accordance with the following procedure.

3.2. This procedure also applies to the opening of a tunnel to public traffic after any major change in construction or operation or any substantial modification work on the tunnel which might significantly alter any of the constituent components of the safety documentation.

3.3. The Tunnel Manager shall transmit the safety documentation mentioned in point 2.4 to the Safety Officer, who shall give his opinion on the opening of the tunnel to public traffic.

3.4. The Tunnel Manager shall forward this safety documentation to the Administrative Authority, and shall attach the opinion of the Safety Officer. The Administrative Authority shall decide whether or not to authorise the opening of the tunnel to public traffic, or whether to do so with restrictive conditions, and shall notify this to the Tunnel Manager.

4.1. For any substantial modification in the structure, equipment or operation, which might

significantly alter any of the constituent components of the safety documentation, the Tunnel Manager shall ask for a new authorisation of operation following the procedure described under point 3).

4.2. The Tunnel Manager shall inform the Safety Officer of any other change in construction

and operation. Furthermore, prior to any modification work on the tunnel, the Tunnel Manager shall provide the Safety Officer with documentation detailing the proposals.

4.3. The Safety Officer shall examine the consequences of the modification and in any event

The Tunnel Manager and the emergency services shall, in cooperation with the Safety Officer, organise joint periodic exercises for tunnel staff and the emergency services.


– should be as realistic as possible and should correspond to the defined incident scenarios,

– should yield clear evaluation results,

– should prevent any damage to the tunnel,

– may also, in part, be conducted as table top or computer simulation exercises for complementary results.

(a) Full scale exercises under conditions that are as realistic as possible shall be conducted in each tunnel at least every four years. Tunnel closure will only be

required if acceptable arrangements can be made for diverting traffic. Partial and/or simulation exercises shall be conducted every year in between. In areas where several tunnels are located in close proximity to each other, a full scale exercise must be conducted in at least one of those tunnels.

Saobraćajna signalizacija i oprema za tunel, kao i način postavljanja mora da bude u skladu sa propisom kojim se uređuje saobraćajna signalizacija.

Svi saobraćajni znakovi i oprema koji kao izvor napajanja koriste električnu energiju, moraju da budu spojeni na rezervni izvor napajanja (UPS). |PU | |Republika Srbija je ratifikovala Konvenciju o saobraćajnoj signalizaciji.

Takođe Pravilnikom o saobraćajnoj signalizaciji su propisani određeni znakovi i grafičkim simbolom | |a.III.

1.1 |1.1. Road signs shall be used to designate the following safety facilities in tunnels:— lay-bys,— emergency exits: the same sign shall be used for all kinds of emergency exits,— escape routes: the two nearest emergency exits shall be signed on the sidewalls at distances of no more than 25 metres, at a height of 1,0 to 1,5 metres above escape route level, with an indication of thedistances to the exits,— emergency stations: signs to indicate the presence of emergency phones and fire extinguishers. |02.

29.3. | Saobraćajnim znakovima u tunelu označavaju se:

1) zaustavne površine;

2) izlazi za slučaj opasnosti (koristi se isti znak za sve vrste izlaza u slučaju opasnosti);

3) staze za slučaj opasnosti;

4) stanice za slučaj opasnosti (koriste se znakovi kojima se označava postojanje telefona za slučaj opasnosti i vatrogasnih aparata). |PU | | | |a.III.

1.1 |— escape routes: the two nearest emergency exits shall be signed on the sidewalls at distances of no more than 25 metres, at a height of 1,0 to 1,5 metres above escape route level, with an indication of thedistances to the exits, |02.

33.2. |Saobraćajni znakovi koji označavaju udaljenost izlaza u slučaju opasnosti (III-86) i (III-86.1) postavljaju se na bočnim zidovima tunela na rastojanju do 25 m i visini od 1 do 1,5 m iznad nivoa trase puta za izlaz u slučaju opasnosti, a označavaju smer u kome se nalazi izlaz za slučaj opasnosti i udaljenost do njega. |PU | | | |a.III.

1.2-3 |1.2. Radio:In tunnels where users can receive information via their radio, appropriate signs placed before the entrance shall inform users on how to receive this information.1.3. Signs and markings shall be designed and positioned so that they are clearly visible. |02.

29.4. |Na ulazu u tunel u kojem korisnici primaju obaveštenja putem radio prijemnika postavljaju se saobraćajni znakovi koji govore o odgovarajućem načinu primanja obaveštenja. |PU | | | |a.III

2.1 |2. Description of signs and panelsMember States shall use appropriate signs, if necessary, in the advance warning area of the tunnel, inside the tunnel and after the end of thetunnel. When designing the signs for a tunnel, local traffic and construction conditions as well as other local conditions shall be considered. Signs according to the Vienna Convention on Road Signs and Signals shall be used, except in Member States which do not apply the Vienna Convention.2.1. Tunnel signThe following sign shall be put at each entrance of the tunnel: Sign E11A for Road Tunnels of the Vienna Convention;The length shall be included either in the lower part of the panel or on a additional panel H2.For tunnels over 3 000 metres, the remaining length of the tunnel shall be indicated every 1 000 m.The name of the tunnel may also be indicated. |



|Na svakom ulazu u tunel postavlja se saobraćajni znak koji označava naziv i dužinu tunela.

U tunelu dužine veće od 3.000 m, preostala dužina tunela označava se na svakih 1.000 m. |PU | | | |a.III

2.2 |2.2. Horizontal signingHorizontal delineation should be used at the roadside edge.In the case of bi-directional tunnels, clearly visible means should be used along the median line (single or twin) separating the two directions. |02.

U tunelu sa dvosmernim saobraćajem, vidljivost središnje linije koja razdvaja saobraćajne trake mora da bude pojačana tehničkim sredstvima za poboljšanje vidljivosti (markeri, prizme i sl.). |PU | | | |a.III

2.3 |2.3. Signs and panels for signing of facilities

Emergency stations

Emergency stations shall bear informative signs, which shall be F signs according to the

Vienna Convention and indicate the equipment available to road users, such as:

Emergency telephone

Extinguisher |02.

Stanica za slučaj opasnosti označava se znakom obaveštenja kojim se ističe oprema iz člana 17. stav 2. ovog pravilnika koja je dostupna korisnicima puta.

Izgled znakova iz stava 1. ovog člana dat je u Prilogu 2. – Saobraćajni znakovi kojima se ističe oprema za stanice za slučaj opasnosti, koji je odštampan uz ovaj pravilnik i čini njegov sastavni deo. |PU | | | |a.III

2.3 |In emergency stations which are separated from the tunnel by a door, a clearly legible text, written in appropriate languages, shall indicate that the emergency station does not ensure protection in case of fire.

An example is given below:

‘THIS AREA DOES NOT PROVIDE PROTECTION FROM FIRE Follow signs to emergency exits’ |02.

2.3 |Lay-bys

The signs to indicate lay-bys should be E signs according to the Vienna Convention.

Telephones and fire extinguishers shall be indicated by an additional panel or incorporated in the sign itself. |02.

Izgled znakova za označavanje zaustavnih površina dat je u Prilogu 3. – Saobraćajni znakovi za označavanje zaustavnih površina, koji je odštampan uz ovaj pravilnik i čini njegov sastavni deo. |PU | | | |a.III.2.3 |Emergency exits

The signs to indicate „Emergency exits“ should be G signs according to the Vienna Convention.

Examples are shown below:

It is also necessary to sign the two nearest exits on the sidewalls.

Examples are shown below. |02.

Saobraćajni znakovi koji označavaju izlaz u slučaju opasnosti (III-85) i (III-85.1) izvode se sa sopstvenim izvorom svetlosti, a postavljaju se na bočne zidove neposredno kod vrata izlaza za slučaj opasnosti i to najmanje 2 m iznad visine pešačkog hodnika.

Saobraćajni znakovi koji označavaju udaljenost izlaza u slučaju opasnosti (III-86) i (III-86.1) postavljaju se na bočnim zidovima tunela na rastojanju do 25 m i visini od 1 do 1,5 m iznad nivoa trase puta za izlaz u slučaju opasnosti, a označavaju smer u kome se nalazi izlaz za slučaj opasnosti i udaljenost do njega. |PU | | | |a.III.2.3 |

Lane signals

These signs can be circular or rectangular

Variable message signing

Any variable message signs shall have clear indications to inform tunnel users of congestion,

breakdown, accident, fire or any other hazards. |02.

Semafori za regulisanje kretanja vozila po saobraćajnim trakama postavljaju se iznad osa voznih traka na ulazu u tunel.

Znakovi sa izmenljivom sadržinom poruka moraju imati jasna značenja kojima se korisnici tunela obaveštavaju o zagušenju saobraćaja, kvaru, nezgodi, požaru ili drugoj opasnosti. |PU | | | |