1. Naziv propisa Evropske unije : Directive 2008/96/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 on road infrastructure safety management Direktiva 2008/96/EZ Evropskog parlamenta i Saveta od 19. novembra 2008. o upravljanju bezbednošću putne infrastrukture 2. „CELEX” oznaka propisa Evropske unije 32008L0096 3. Ovlašćeni predlagač propisa – Vlada Obrađivač – Ministarstvo građevinarstva, saobraćaja i infrastrukture 4. Datum izrade tabele: 1. mart 2018. godine 5. Naziv propisa čije odredbe su predmet analize usklađenosti sa propisom Evropske unije: 1. Predlog zakona o putevima Draft Law on roads 2. Pravilnik o načinu regulaisanja saobraćaja na putevima u zoni radova (,,Službeni glasnik RS”, broj 134/14) Rulebook on regulation traffic on roads in the work zone (Official gazette RS no. 134/14) 3. Pravilnik o saobraćajnoj signalizaciji (,,Službeni glasnik RS”, broj 85/17) Rulebook on traffic signage (Official gazette RS no. 85/17) 6. Brojčane oznake (šifre) planiranih propisa iz baze NPAA: 2017-550 7. Usklađenost odredbi propisa sa odredbama propisa Evropske unije:
a) a1) b) b1) v) g) d) 1.2 This Directive shall apply to roads which are part of the trans-European road network, whether they are at the design stage, under construction or in operation. NP Odnosi se na države članice Evropske unije koje pripadaju Trans-evropskim mrežama 1.3-1.4 Member States may also apply the provisions of this Directive, as a set of good practices, to national road transport infrastructure, not included in the trans-European road network, that was constructed using Community funding in whole or in part.This Directive shall not apply to road tunnels covered by Directive 2004/54/EC. NP Primena Direktive u duhu dobre prakse. 2.1 DefinitionsFor the purposes of this Directive, the following definitions shall apply:‘trans-European road network’ means the road network identified in Section 2 of Annex I to Decision No 1692/96/EC; NP Odnosi se na države članice Evropske unije koje pripadaju Trans-evropskim mrežama 3.2 The road safety impact assessment shall be carried out at the initial planning stage before the infrastructure project is approved. In that connection, Member States shall endeavor to meet the criteria set out in Annex I. 01.88.7 Bliži propis o načinu sprovođenja Procene i sadržaju izveštaja Procene donosi Ministarstvo. DU Odredba će se uskladiti podzakonskim aktom Planirano je da odredba bude sadržana u podzakonskom aktu 3.3 The road safety impact assessment shall indicate the road safety considerations which contribute to the choice of the proposed solution. It shall further provide all relevant information necessary for a cost-benefit analysis of the different options assessed. 01.88.7 Bliži propis o načinu sprovođenja Procene i sadržaju izveštaja Procene donosi Ministarstvo. DU Odredba će se uskladiti podzakonskim aktom Planirano je da odredba bude sadržana u podzakonskom aktu 4.1 Road safety audits for infrastructure projectsMember States shall ensure that road safety audits are carried out for all infrastructure projects. 01.89.1 Upravljač državnog puta mora da obezbedi reviziju projekata državnog puta I reda sa aspekta bezbednosnih karakteristika puta (u daljem tekstu: Revizija) za sve projekte izgradnje novog puta i za projekte rekonstrukcije postojećeg puta, u svim fazama projektovanja, neposredno pre puštanja puta u eksploataciju i najkasnije 6 meseci nakon puštanja puta u eksploataciju. PU Samo državni putevi I reda su predviđeni da budu deo tranevropske mreže (veza sa članom 1.2. Direktive) 4.2 When carrying out road safety audits the Member States shall endeavour to meet the criteria set out in Annex II.Member States shall ensure that an auditor is appointed to carry out an audit of the design characteristics of an infrastructure project.The auditor shall be appointed in accordance with theprovisions of Article 9(4) and shall have the necessary competence and training provided for in Article 9. Where audits are undertaken by teams, at least one member of the team shall hold a certificate of competence as referred to in Article 9(3). 01.89.1092.1-2. Bliži propis o načinu sprovođenja Revizije i Provere i sadržaju izveštaja Revizije i Provere donosi Ministarstvo.Procenu sprovodi stručni tim koji je nezavisan od upravljača javnog puta i čiji je najmanje jedan član licencirani revizor.Reviziju sprovodi stručni tim koji je nezavisan od upravljača javnog puta i kojim rukovodi licencirani revizor. DU Odredba će se uskladiti podzakonskim aktom Planirano je da deo odredbe bude sadržana u podzakonskom aktu 4.3 Road safety audits shall form an integral part of the design process of the infrastructure project at the stage of draft design, detailed design, pre-opening and early operation. 01.89.1 Upravljač državnog puta mora da obezbedi reviziju projekata državnog puta I reda sa aspekta bezbednosnih karakteristika puta (u daljem tekstu: Revizija) za sve projekte izgradnje novog puta i za projekte rekonstrukcije postojećeg puta, u svim fazama projektovanja, neposredno pre puštanja puta u eksploataciju i najkasnije 6 meseci nakon puštanja puta u eksploataciju. PU 4.4 Member States shall ensure that the auditor sets out safety critical design elements in an audit report for each stage of the infrastructure project. Where unsafe features are identified in the course of the audit but the design is not rectified before the end of the appropriate stage as referred to in Annex II, the reasons shall be stated by the competent entity in an Annex to that report. 01.89.389.7 O izvršenoj Reviziji iz stava 1. ovog člana sačinjava se izveštaj. U slučaju nemogućnosti postupanja po preporukama iz izveštaja iz stava 3. i stava 5. ovog člana, Upravljač javnog puta je dužan da u roku od 30 dana od dobijanja izveštaja obrazloži eventualno nepostupanje organu nadležnom za poslove saobraćaja. PU 4.5 Member States shall ensure that the report referred to in paragraph 4 shall result in relevant recommendations from a safety point of view. 01.89.4 Upravljač javnog puta postupa po prihvaćenim preporukama iz izveštaja iz stava 3. ovog člana najkasnije pre početka naredne faze projektovanja. PU 5.1 Safety ranking and management of the road network in operation1. Member States shall ensure that the ranking of highaccident concentration sections and the network safety ranking are carried out on the basis of reviews, at least every three years, of the operation of the road network. In that connection, Member States shall endeavour to meet the criteria set out in Annex III. 01.90.1-2 Upravljač državnog puta dužan je da najmanje jednom u periodu od tri godine obezbedi projekte mapiranja rizika za utvrđivanje deonica najvećeg rizika (u daljem tekstu: Mapiranje rizika) odnosno projekte identifikacije i rangiranja opasnih mesta (crne tačke).Upravljač opštinskih puteva i ulica dužan je da najmanje jednom u periodu od pet godina obezbedi projekte Mapiranja rizika, odnosno projekte identifikacije i rangiranja opasnih mesta (crne tačke) na putevima kojima upravljaju. PU Samo državni putevi I reda su predviđeni da budu deo tranevropske mreže, a ne opštinski putevi (veza sa članom 1.2. Direktive). 5.2 2. Member States shall ensure that road sections showing higher priority according to the results of the ranking of high accident concentration sections and from network safety ranking are evaluated by expert teams by means of site visits guided by the elements referred to in point 3 of Annex III. At least one member of the expert team shall meet the requirements set out in Article 9(4)(a). 01.90.3 Za najrizičnija opasna mesta i deonice upravljač javnog puta iz st. 1 i 2. ovog člana dužan je da detaljno sagleda probleme bezbednosti saobraćaja i preduzme mere za otklanjanje rizika. PU 5.3 3. Member States shall ensure that remedial treatment is targeted at the road sections referred to in paragraph 2. Priority shall be given to those measures referred to in point 3(e) of Annex III paying attention to those presenting the highest benefit-cost ratio. 01.90.4 Bliži propis o načinu utvrđivanja deonica najvećeg rizika i identifikacije i rangiranja opasnih mesta (crnih tačaka) donosi Ministarstvo. NU Odredba će se uskladiti podzakonskim aktom Planirano je da odredba bude sadržana u podzakonskom aktu 5.4 4. Member States shall ensure that appropriate signs are in place to warn road users of road infrastructure segments that are undergoing repairs and which may thus jeopardise the safety of road users. These signs shall also include signs which are visible during both day and night time and set up at a safe distance and shall comply with the provisions of the Vienna Convention on Road Signs and Signals of 1968. 02.303.4.2-3 Saobraćajna signalizacija u zoni radova se postavlja u skladu sa važećim propisima o saobraćajnoj signalizaciji.Tehničko regulisanje saobraćaja u zoni radova se vrši prema utvrđenom režimu saobraćaja, definisanim saobraćajnim projektom, odobrenim od strane organa nadležnog za poslove saobraćaja.Tehničke karakteristike saobraćajne signalizacije izvode se u skladu sa važećim srpskim standardima.Ako za saobraćajnu signalizaciju ne postoji odgovarajući srpski standard, primeniće se odgovarajući evropski standard. PU Republika Srbija je ratifikovala Konvenciju o saobraćajnoj signalizaciji 5.5 5. Member States shall ensure that road users are informed of the existence of a high accident concentration section by appropriate measures. If a Member State decides to use signposting, this shall comply with the provisions of the Vienna Convention on Road Signs and Signals of 1968. NU Ova odredba trenutno još nije propisana u domaćem zakonodavstvu i traži se rešenje za njeno usklađivanje 6.1 Safety inspections1. Member States shall ensure that safety inspections are undertaken in respect of the roads in operation in order to identify the road safety related features and prevent accidents. 01.89.2 Upravljač javnog puta mora da obezbedi proveru bezbednosti saobraćaja na putu (u daljem tekstu: Provera), i to:periodične Provere državnih puteva I reda najmanje jednom u periodu od pet godina;ciljane Provere za deonica javnih puteva najvećeg rizika, prema mapi rizika puteva i ulica. PU 6.2 2. Safety inspections shall comprise periodic inspections of the road network and surveys on the possible impact of roadworks on the safety of the traffic flow. Upravljač javnog puta mora da obezbedi proveru bezbednosti saobraćaja na putu (u daljem tekstu: Provera), i to periodične Provere državnih puteva I reda najmanje jednom u periodu od pet godina; PU 6.3 3. Member States shall ensure that periodic inspections are undertaken by the competent entity. Such inspections shall be sufficiently frequent to safeguard adequate safety levels for the road infrastructure in question. Upravljač javnog puta mora da obezbedi proveru bezbednosti saobraćaja na putu (u daljem tekstu: Provera), i to periodične Provere državnih puteva I reda najmanje jednom u periodu od pet godina;O Proveri iz stava 2. ovog člana sačinjava se izveštaj.Upravljač javnog puta mora pokrenuti proceduru za otklanjanje nedostataka po prihvaćenim preporukama iz izveštaja iz stava 5. ovog člana u roku od 90 dana od dana dobijanja izveštaja. PU 6.4 4. Without prejudice to the guidelines adopted pursuant to Article 8, Member States shall adopt guidelines on temporary safety measures applying to roadworks. They shall also implement an appropriate inspection scheme to ensure that those guidelines are properly applied. 01.89.1088.7 Bliži propis o načinu sprovođenja Revizije i Provere i sadržaju izveštaja Revizije i Provere donosi Ministarstvo.Bliži propis o načinu sprovođenja Procene i sadržaju izveštaja Procene donosi Ministarstvo. NU Odredba će se uskladiti podzakonskim aktom Planirano je da odredba bude sadržana u podzakonskom aktu 7.1 Data management1. Member States shall ensure that for each fatal accident occurring on a road referred to in Article 1(2) an accident report is drawn up by the competent entity. Member States shall endeavour to include in that report each of the elements listed in Annex IV. 01.91.1-2 U slučaju saobraćajne nezgode sa najmanje jednim poginulim licem, ministarstvo nadležno za unutrašnje poslove dostavlja izveštaj o saobraćajnoj nezgodi nadležnom upravljaču javnog puta, u roku od 60 dana od dana nastanka saobraćajne nezgode.U slučaju nastanka saobraćajne nezgode iz stava 1. ovog člana, upravljač javnog puta dužan je da obezbedi nezavisnu ocenu doprinosa javnog puta nastanku, odnosno posledicama saobraćajne nezgode, (u daljem tekstu: Nezavisna ocena) u roku od 30 dana od dana prijema izveštaja o saobraćajnoj nezgodi iz stava 1. ovog člana. PU 7.2 2. Member States shall calculate the average social cost of a fatal accident and the average social cost of a severe accident occurring in its territory. Member States may choose to further differentiate the cost rates, which shall be updated at least every five years. NU Ova odredba trenutno još nije propisana u domaćem zakonodavstvu i traži se rešenje za njeno usklađivanje 8.1 Adoption and communication of guidelines1. Member States shall ensure that guidelines, if they do not already exist, are adopted by 19 December 2011, in order to support the competent entities in the application of this Directive. NU Odredba će se uskladiti podzakonskim aktom Planirano je da odredba bude sadržana u podzakonskom aktu 8.2 2. Member States shall communicate these guidelines to the Commission within three months of their adoption or amendment. NP Odredba proceduralnog karaktera. 8.3 3. The Commission shall make them available on a public website. NP Obaveza Evropske komisije 9.1 Appointment and training of auditors1. Member States shall ensure that, if they do not already exist, training curricula for road safety auditors are adopted by 19 December 2011. NP Prelazne odredbe 9.2 2. Member States shall ensure that where road safety auditors carry out functions under this Directive, they undergo an initial training resulting in the award of a certificate of competence, and take part in periodic further training courses. 01.94.3 Licenca iz stava 1. ovog člana obnavlja se revizoru, odnosno proveravaču ako je:pohađao program stručnog usavršavanja;položio ispit provere znanja. PU 9.3 3. Member States shall ensure that road safety auditors hold a certificate of competence. Certificates awarded before the entry into force of this Directive shall be recognised. 01.94.1-2 Licencu za revizora, odnosno proveravača izdaje, obnavlja i oduzima Agencija. Licenca isključivo sadrži ime i prezime, datum i mesto rođenja, prebivalište, fotografiju lica i potpis, kao podatke o ličnosti.Licenca iz stava 1. ovog člana ima rok važenja pet godina od dana izdavanja odnosno obnavljanja. PU 9.4(a) Member States shall ensure that auditors are appointed in compliance with the following requirements:they have relevant experience or training in road design, road safety engineering and accident analysis; 01.93. Revizor i proveravač mora da ispunjava sledeće uslove:da ima završene najmanje studije drugog stepena (master akademske studije) saobraćajne struke – usmerenja drumski saobraćaj, odnosno najmanje završene studije drugog stepena (master akademske studije) građevinske struke – usmerenja putevi i železnice;da ima najmanje pet godina radnog iskustva u oblasti bezbednosti drumskog saobraćaja, odnosno projektovanja puteva; da nije pravnosnažno osuđivano za krivična dela koja ga čine nedostojnim za obavljanje poslova revizora i proveravača, a naročito: teška dela protiv bezbednosti javnog saobraćaja na putevima, prevare u osiguranju, iz grupa protiv života i tela, protiv polne slobode, protiv privrede, iz grupe protiv zdravlja ljudi a u vezi sa opojnim drogama, protivpravnog saobraćaja, protiv državnih organa i protiv službene dužnosti, u poslednjih 5 godina, kao i da se protiv njega ne vodi istraga za ova krivična dela, odnosno da nije podignuta optužnica za ova krivična dela;da ima potvrdu o uspešno završenom programu stručnog osposobljavanja za polaganje stručnog ispita za revizora, odnosno proveravača;da ima položen stručni ispit za revizora, odnosno proveravača. PU 11.1 Continuous improvement of safety management practices1. The Commission shall facilitate and structure the exchange of knowledge and best practices between Member States, making use of the experience gained in existing relevant international forums, with a view to achieving continuous improvement of safety management practices concerning road infrastructures in the European Union. NP Obaveza Evropske komisije 11.2 2. The Commission shall be assisted by the Committee referred to in Article 13. In so far as the adoption of specific measures is required, such measures shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 13(3). NP Obaveza Evropske komisije 11.3 3. Where appropriate, relevant non-governmental organisations, active in the field of safety and management of road infrastructures, may be consulted on matters related to technical safety aspects. NP Obaveza Evropske komisije 12. Adaptation to technical progressThe Annexes to this Directive shall be adapted to take account of technical progress in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 13(3). NP Tehničko prilagođavanje Aneksa Direktive 13. Committee procedure1. The Commission shall be assisted by a Committee.2. Where reference is made to this paragraph, Articles 5 and 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof. The period laid down in Article 5(6) of Decision 1999/468/EC shall be set at three months.3. Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof. NP Obaveza Evropske komisije 14. Transposition1. Member States shall bring into force the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Directive by 19 December 2010. They shall forthwith communicate to the Commission the text of those provisions.2. Member States shall communicate to the Commission the text of the main provisions of national law which they adopt in the field covered by this Directive. NP Prelazne i završne odredbe, transpozicija za zemlje članice Evropske unije 15. Entry into forceThis Directive shall enter into force on the 20th day following the day of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union. NP Prelazne i završne odredbe, stupanje na snagu 16. AddresseesThis Directive is addressed to the Member States. NP Završne odredbe ANNEXI ROAD SAFETY IMPACT ASSESSMENT FOR INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS1. Elements of a road safety impact assessment:(a) problem definition;(b) current situation and ‘do nothing’ scenario;(c) road safety objectives;(d) analysis of impacts on road safety of the proposed alternatives;(e) comparison of the alternatives, including cost-benefit analysis;(f) presentation of the range of possible solutions.2. Elements to be taken into account:(a) fatalities and accidents, reduction targets against ‘do nothing’ scenario;(b) route choice and traffic patterns;(c) possible effects on the existing networks (e.g. exits, intersections, level crossings);(d) road users, including vulnerable users (e.g. pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists);(e) traffic (e.g. traffic volume, traffic categorisation by type);(f) seasonal and climatic conditions;(g) presence of a sufficient number of safe parking areas;(h) seismic activity. 01.88.7 Bliži propis o načinu sprovođenja Procene i sadržaju izveštaja Procene donosi Ministarstvo. DU Odredba će se uskladiti podzakonskim aktom Planirano je da odredba bude sadržana u podzakonskom aktu ANNEXII ROAD SAFETY AUDITS FOR INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS1. Criteria at the draft design stage:(a) geographical location (e.g. exposure to landslides, flooding, avalanches), seasonal and climatic conditions andseismic activity;(b) types of and distance between junctions;(c) number and type of lanes;(d) kinds of traffic admissible to the new road;(e) functionality of the road in the network;(f) meteorological conditions;(g) driving speeds;(h) cross-sections (e.g. width of carriageway, cycle tracks, foot paths);(i) horizontal and vertical alignments;(j) visibility;(k) junctions layout;(l) public transport and infrastructures;(m) road/rail level crossings.2. Criteria for the detailed design stage:(a) layout;(b) coherent road signs and markings;(c) lighting of lit roads and intersections;(d) roadside equipment;(e) roadside environment including vegetation;(f) fixed obstacles at the roadside;(g) provision of safe parking areas;(h) vulnerable road users (e.g. pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists);(i) user-friendly adaptation of road restraint systems (central reservations and crash barriers to prevent hazards tovulnerable users).3. Criteria for the pre-opening stage:(a) safety of road users and visibility under different conditions such as darkness and under normal weatherconditions;(b) readability of road signs and markings;(c) condition of pavements.4. Criteria for early operation: assessment of road safety in the light of actual behaviour of users.Audits at any stage may involve the need to reconsider criteria from previous stages. 01.89.10 Bliži propis o načinu sprovođenja Revizije i Provere i sadržaju izveštaja Revizije i Provere donosi Ministarstvo. DU Odredba će se uskladiti podzakonskim aktom Planirano je da odredba bude sadržana u podzakonskom aktu ANNEXIII RANKING OF HIGH ACCIDENT CONCENTRATION SECTIONS AND NETWORK SAFETY RANKING1. Identification of road sections with a high accident concentrationThe identification of road sections with a high accident concentration takes into account at least the number of fatal accidents that have occurred in previous years per unit of road length in relation to the volume of traffic and, in case of intersections, the number of such accidents per location of intersections.2. Identification of sections for analysis in network safety rankingThe identification of sections for analysis in network safety ranking takes into account their potential savings in accident costs. Road sections shall be classified into categories. For each category of roads, road sections shall be analysed and ranked according to safety-related factors, such as accidents concentration, traffic volume and traffic typology.For each road category, network safety ranking shall result in a priority list of road sections where an improvement of the infrastructure is expected to be highly effective.3. Elements of evaluation for expert teams’ site visits:(a) a description of the road section;(b) a reference to possible previous reports on the same road section;(c) the analysis of possible accident reports;(d) the number of accidents, of fatalities and of severely injured persons in the three previous years;(e) a set of potential remedial measures for realisation within different timescales considering for example:— removing or protecting fixed roadside obstacles,— reducing speed limits and intensifying local speed enforcement,— improving visibility under different weather and light conditions,— improving safety condition of roadside equipment such as road restraint systems,— improving coherence, visibility, readability and position of road markings (incl. application of rumble strips), signs and signals,— protecting against rocks falling, landslips and avalanches,— improving grip/roughness of pavements,— redesigning road restraint systems,— providing and improving median protection,— changing the overtaking layout,— improving junctions, including road/rail level crossings,— changing the alignment,— changing width of road, adding hard shoulders,— installing traffic management and control systems,— reducing potential conflict with vulnerable road users,— upgrading the road to current design standards,— restoring or replacing pavements,— using intelligent road signs,— improving intelligent transport systems and telematics services for interoperability, emergency and signage purposes. 01.90.4 Bliži propis o načinu utvrđivanja deonica najvećeg rizika i identifikacije i rangiranja opasnih mesta (crnih tačaka) donosi Ministarstvo. DU Odredba će se uskladiti podzakonskim aktom Planirano je da odredba bude sadržana u podzakonskom aktu ANNEXIV ACCIDENT INFORMATION CONTAINED IN ACCIDENT REPORTSAccident reports include the following elements:1. precise as possible location of the accident;2. pictures and/or diagrams of the accident site;3. date and hour of accident;4. information on the road such as area type, road type, junction type incl. signalling, number of lanes, markings, road surface, lighting and weather conditions, speed limit, roadside obstacles;5. accident severity, including number of fatalities and injured persons, if possible according to common criteria to be defined in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 13(3);6. characteristics of the persons involved such as age, sex, nationality, alcohol level, use of safety equipment or not;7. data on the vehicles involved (type, age, country, safety equipment if any, date of last periodical technical check according to applicable legislation);8. accident data such as accident type, collision type, vehicle and driver manoeuvre;9. whenever possible, information on the time elapsed between the time of the accident and the recording of the accident, or the arrival of the emergency services. 01.91.5-6 Ministarstvo uz saglasnost ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova propisuje sadržinu izveštaja o saobraćajnim nezgodama.Ministarstvo bliže propisuje sadržinu i način sprovođenja Nezavisne ocene. DU Odredba će se uskladiti podzakonskim aktom Planirano je da odredba bude sadržana u podzakonskom aktu