Predlog zakona o radnom vremenu posade vozila u drumskom prevozu i tahografima (sa tabelama usklađenosti)

1. Naziv propisa Evropske unije :

Uredba (EZ) broj 561/2006 evropskog parlamenta i saveta od 15. marta 2006. o usklađivanju određenih propisa socijalnog zakonodavstva koji se odnose na drumski transport, kojom se menjaju i dopunjavaju Uredbe Saveta (EEZ) broj 3821/85 i (EZ) broj

2135/98 i na osnovu koje prestaje da važi Uredba Saveta (EEZ) broj 3820/85

Regulation (EC) no 561/2006 of the european parliament and of the council of 15 march 2006 on the harmonisation of certain social legislation relating to road transport and amending council regulations (EEC) no 3821/85 and (EC) no 2135/98 and repealing council regulation (EEC) no 3820/85

2. „CELEX” oznaka EU propisa:




3. Organ državne uprave, odnosno drugi ovlašćeni predlagač propisa – Vlada

Obrađivač – Ministarstvo građevinarstva, saobraćaja i infrastrukture

4. Datum izrade tabele:

29.10.2015. godine

5. Naziv (nacrta, predloga) propisa čije odredbe su predmet analize usklađenosti sa propisom Evropske unije:

01. Predlog zakona o radnom vremenu posade vozila u drumskom prevozu i tahografima

Draft law on working time of mobile worker vehicles in road transport and tachographs

02. Zakon o bezbednosti saobraćaja na putevima (Sl. glasnik RS br. 41/09, 53/10, 101/11, 32/13-US, 55/14)

Law on Road Traffic Safety (The Official Gazette of RS, No. 41/09, 53/10, 101/11, 32/13, 55/14)

03. Zakon o prevozu u drumskom saobraćaju (Sl. glasnik RS br. 46/95 , 66/01 , 61/05 , 91/05 , 62/06 , 31/11)

Law on Road Transport (The Official Gazette of RS, No. 46/95 , 66/01 , 61/05 , 91/05 , 62/06 , 31/11)

04. Zakon o međunarodnom prevozu u drumskom saobraćaju (Sl. list SRJ br. 60/98 , 5/99 – ispravka, 44/99 , 74/99 , 4/00 – ispravka, Sl. glasnik

RS br. 101/05 – dr. zakon, 101/05 – dr. zakon, 18/10 )

Law on International Road Transport (The Official Gazette of SRJ, No. 60/98 , 5/99 , 44/99 , 74/99 , 4/00 , Official Gazette of RS no. 101/05 , 18/10 )

05. Pravilnik o načinu korišćenja tahografa (Službeni Glasnik RS, broj 43/11)

Rulebook on the use of tachographs (The Official Gazette of RS, No. 43/11)

6. Brojčane oznake (šifre) planiranih propisa iz baze NPAA:


7. Usklađenost odredbi propisa sa odredbama propisa EU:








Odredba propisa EU

Sadržina odredbe

Odredbe propisa R. Srbije

Sadržina odredbe


Razlozi za delimičnu usklađenost, neusklađenost ili neprenosivost

Napomena o usklađenosti


This Regulation lays down rules on driving times, breaks and rest periods for drivers engaged in the carriage of goods and passengers by road in order to harmonise the conditions of competition between modes of inland transport, especially with regard to the road sector, and to improve working conditions and road safety. This Regulation also aims to promote improved monitoring and enforcement practices by Member States and improved working practices in the road transport industry.


Ovim zakonom uređuju se: radno vreme, pauze i odmori posade vozila u drumskom prevozu; vreme upravljanja vozilom, u cilju povećanja bezbednosti saobraćaja na putevima



This Regulation shall apply to the carriage by road:

(a) of goods where the maximum permissible mass of the vehicle, including any trailer, or semi-trailer, exceeds 3,5 tonnes, or

(b) of passengers by vehicles which are constructed or

permanently adapted for carrying more than nine

persons including the driver, and are intended for that



Ovaj zakon se primenjuje na posadu vozila koja obavlja drumski prevoz:

tereta, kada je najveća dozvoljena masa

vozila veća od 3,5 t i

putnika, vozilima koja su svojom

konstrukcijom i opremom prilagođena za

prevoz više od devet lica, uključujući vozača.



This Regulation shall apply, irrespective of the country of registration of the vehicle, to carriage by road undertaken:

(a) exclusively within the Community; or

(b) between the Community, Switzerland and the countries party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area.


Obaveza za zemlje članice EU


The AETR shall apply, instead of this Regulation, to international road transport operations undertaken in part outside the areas mentioned in paragraph 2, to:

(a) vehicles registered in the Community or in countries which are contracting parties to the AETR, for the whole journey;

(b) vehicles registered in a third country which is not a contracting party to the AETR, only for the part of the journey on the territory of the Community or of countries which are contracting parties to the AETR.

The provisions of the AETR should be aligned with those of this Regulation, so that the main provisions in this Regulation apply, through the AETR, to such vehicles for any part of the journey made within the Community.


Pri obavljanju međunarodnog prevoza primenjuju se odredbe potvrđenog Evropskog sporazuma o radu posade na vozilima koja obavljaju međunarodne drumske prevoze (AETR) (u daljem tekstu: AETR sporazum), odredbe ovog zakona i podzakonskih akata donetih na osnovu ovog zakona.



This Regulation shall not apply to carriage by road by:


Izuzetno od stava 1. ovog člana, odredbe ovog zakona se ne primenjuju na posadu vozila koja obavlja drumski prevoz:



vehicles used for the carriage of passengers on regular services where the route covered by the service in question does not exceed 50 kilometres;


Izuzetno od stava 1. ovog člana, odredbe ovog zakona se ne primenjuju na posadu vozila koja obavlja međunarodni prevoz vozilima u javnom linijskom prevozu putnika na linijama dužine do 50 km.



vehicles or combinations of vehicles with a maximum permissible mass not exceeding 7,5 tonnes used for carrying materials, equipment or machinery for the driver’s use in the course of his work, and which are used only within a 100 km radius from the base of the undertaking and on the condition that driving the vehicle does not constitute the driver’s main activity;

vozilima čija najveća dozvoljena masa ne prelazi 7,5 t, koja se koriste za prevoz materijala, opreme ili mehanizacije koju vozač koristi u toku svog rada i koja se koriste najdalje do 100 km od sedišta odnosno ogranka prevoznika, ukoliko upravljanje vozilom nije osnovno zanimanje vozača.



vehicles with a maximum authorised speed not exceeding 40 kilometres per hour;

vozilima čija najveća konstruktivna brzina ne prelazi 40 km/h;



vehicles owned or hired without a driver by the armed services, civil defence services, fire services, and forces responsible for maintaining public order when the carriage is undertaken as a consequence of the tasks assigned to these services and is under their control;

vozilima čiji je vlasnik odnosno korisnik vojska, policija, služba civilne zaštite i vatrogasna služba, kada se prevoz obavlja u svrhu izvršavanja zadataka ovih službi i pod njihovim nadzorom;



vehicles, including vehicles used in the non-commercial transport of humanitarian aid, used in emergencies or rescue operations;

vozilima koja se koriste u vanrednim situacijama ili akcijama spašavanja, uključujući i vozila koja se koriste za prevoz humanitarne pomoći, kada se za ovakav prevoz ne ostvaruje profit;



specialised vehicles used for medical purposes;

specijalnim vozilima koja se koriste u medicinske svrhe;



specialised breakdown vehicles operating within a

100 km radius of their base;

specijalnim vozilima za prevoz oštećenih i neispravnih vozila, a koja se koriste do 100 km od sedišta, odnosno ogranka prevoznika;



vehicles undergoing road tests for technical development, repair or maintenance purposes, and new or rebuilt vehicles which have not yet been put into service;

vozilima koja se testiraju na putu u svrhu tehničkog razvoja ili održavanja i novim ili remontovanim vozilima koja nisu registrovana za kretanje u saobraćaju;



vehicles or combinations of vehicles with a maximum permissible mass not exceeding 7,5 tonnes used for the non-commercial carriage of goods;

vozilima čija najveća dozvoljena masa ne prelazi 7,5 t, koja se koriste za prevoz tereta za sopstvene potrebe;



commercial vehicles, which have a historic status according to the legislation of the Member State in

which they are being driven and which are used for the non-commercial carriage of passengers or goods.

vozilima od istorijskog značaja (oldtajmer), po propisima države u kojoj su registrovana, a koja se koriste za nekomercijalni prevoz putnika ili tereta;



For the purposes of this Regulation the following definitions shall apply:


Izrazi korišćeni u ovom zakonu imaju sledeće




(a) ‘carriage by road’ means any journey made entirely or in part on roads open to the public by a vehicle, whether laden or not, used for the carriage of passengers or goods;

„javni prevoz“ jeste prevoz koji je pod jednakim uslovima dostupan svim korisnicima prevoznih usluga i obavlja se na osnovu ugovora o prevozu.



(b) ‘vehicle’ means a motor vehicle, tractor, trailer or semitrailer or a combination of these vehicles, defined as follows:

— ‘motor vehicle’: any self-propelled vehicle travelling on the road, other than a vehicle permanently running on rails, and normally used for carrying passengers or goods,

— ‘tractor’: any self-propelled vehicle travelling on the road, other than a vehicle permanently running on

rails, and specially designed to pull, push or move trailers, semi-trailers, implements or machines,

— ‘trailer’: any vehicle designed to be coupled to a

motor vehicle or tractor,

— ‘semi-trailer’: a trailer without a front axle coupled

in such a way that a substantial part of its weight and of the weight of its load is borne by the tractor or motor vehicle;

Vozilo je svako motorno vozilo, vučno vozilo, prikolica ili poluprikolica uključujući i skup vozila, i to:

motorno vozilo je svako vozilo sa sopstvenim pogonom namenjeno i osposobljeno za kretanje po putu, osim šinskih vozila, koje se u normalnim okolnostima koristi za prevoz putnika i tereta,

vučno vozilo je svako vozilo sa sopstvenim pogonom, osim šinskih vozila, koje je po konstrukciji namenjeno i osposobljeno da vuče, gura ili na bilo koji drugi način pokreće prikolice, poluprikolice, priključke za izvođenje radova ili mehanizaciju,

prikolica je svako priključno vozilo konstruisano za spajanje sa motornim ili vučnim vozilom,

poluprikolica je priključno vozilo bez prednje osovine, koja se sa motornim ili vučnim vozilom spaja na takav način da se značajan deo njene i težine tereta prenosi na vučno ili motorno vozilo.



(c) ‘driver’ means any person who drives the vehicle even for a short period, or who is carried in a vehicle as part of his duties to be available for driving if necessary;

vozač, odnosno lice koje makar i na kratko upravlja vozilom ili koje se nalazi u vozilu u okviru svojih poslova, kako bi po potrebi upravljalo vozilom,



(d) ‘break’ means any period during which a driver may not carry out any driving or any other work and which is used exclusively for recuperation;

Pauza je prekid upravljanja vozilom tokom kojeg vozač ne sme da upravlja vozilom, niti obavlja ostale poslove i koje se isključivo koristi za odmor i oporavak.



(e) ‘other work’ means all activities which are defined as working time in Article 3(a) of Directive 2002/15/EC except ‘driving’, including any work for the same or another employer, within or outside of the transport sector;

Ostali poslovi su sve radne aktivnosti člana posade vozila u okviru drumskog prevoza ili izvan njega osim upravljanja vozilom, uključujući i svaki rad za prevoznika ili drugog poslodavca.



(f) ‘rest’ means any uninterrupted period during which a driver may freely dispose of his time;

Odmor je neprekidni vremenski period tokom koga član posade može slobodno da raspolaže svojim vremenom.



(g) ‘daily rest period’ means the daily period during which a driver may freely dispose of his time and covers a ‘regular daily rest period’ and a ‘reduced daily rest period’:

— ‘regular daily rest period’ means any period of rest of at least 11 hours. Alternatively, this regular daily rest period may be taken in two periods, the first of which must be an uninterrupted period of at least 3 hours and the second an uninterrupted period of at least nine hours,

— ‘reduced daily rest period’ means any period of rest of at least nine hours but less than 11 hours;

Dnevni odmor je odmor koji može da bude:

puni dnevni odmor koji neprekidno traje najmanje 11 časova ili se može podeliti na dva dela i to tako da prvi deo odmora traje neprekidno najmanje tri časa, a drugi neprekidno ne manje od devet časova;

skraćeni dnevni odmor koji neprekidno traje manje od 11 časova, ali ne manje od 9 časova.



(h) ‘weekly rest period’ means the weekly period during which a driver may freely dispose of his time and covers a ‘regular weekly rest period’ and a ‘reduced weekly rest period’:

— ‘regular weekly rest period’ means any period of rest of at least 45 hours,

— ‘reduced weekly rest period’ means any period of

rest of less than 45 hours, which may, subject to the

conditions laid down in Article 8(6), be shortened

to a minimum of 24 consecutive hours;

Nedeljni odmor je odmor koji može da bude:

puni nedeljni odmor koji neprekidno traje najmanje 45 časova,

skraćeni nedeljni odmor koji neprekidno traje manje od 45 časova, ali ne manje od 24 časa.



(i) ‘a week’ means the period of time between 00.00 on Monday and 24.00 on Sunday;

Nedelja je vremenski period koji započinje u ponedeljak u 00:00 a završava se u nedelju u 24:00.



(j) ‘driving time’ means the duration of driving activity recorded:

— automatically or semi-automatically by the recording equipment as defined in Annex I and Annex IB of Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85, or

— manually as required by Article 16(2) of Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85;

Vreme upravljanja vozilom je vremenski period tokom koga vozač upravlja vozilom, a koje se evidentira automatski, poluautomatski ili ručno pod uslovima predviđenim u ovom zakonu.



(k) ‘daily driving time’ means the total accumulated driving time between the end of one daily rest period and the beginning of the following daily rest period or between a daily rest period and a weekly rest period;

Dnevno vreme upravljanja vozilom je ukupno vreme upravljanja vozilom od završetka poslednjeg odmora, odnosno između dva uzastopna odmora.



(l) ‘weekly driving time’ means the total accumulated

driving time during a week;

Nedeljno vreme upravljanja vozilom je ukupno vreme upravljanja vozilom tokom nedelje.



(m) ‘maximum permissible mass’ means the maximum authorised operating mass of a vehicle when fully laden;

najveća dozvoljena ukupna masa vozila, odnosno skupa vozila je najveća masa opterećenog vozila, odnosno skupa vozila, koji je nadležni državni

organ propisao kao najveću dozvoljenu,



(n) ‘regular passenger services’ means national and international services as defined in Article 2 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 684/92 of 16 March 1992 on common rules for the international carriage of passengers by coach and bus (1);

međunarodni javni prevoz putnika, odnosno stvari je međunarodni prevoz koji je, pod jednakim uslovima, dostupan svim korisnicima prevoznih usluga;



(o) ‘multi-manning’ means the situation where, during each period of driving between any two consecutive daily rest periods, or between a daily rest period and a weekly rest period, there are at least two drivers in the vehicle to do the driving. For the first hour of multi-manning the presence of another driver or drivers is optional but for the remainder of the period it is compulsory;

Višečlana posada predstavlja najmanje dva vozača koja mogu da upravljaju vozilom, tokom svakog perioda upravljanja vozilom, između dva uzastopna dnevna odmora ili između dnevnog i nedeljnog odmora. Prisustvo drugog, odnosno drugih vozača nije obavezno jedino tokom prvog časa upravljanja vozilom.



(p) ‘transport undertaking’ means any natural person, any legal person, any association or group of persons without legal personality, whether profit-making or not, or any official body, whether having its own legal personality or being dependent upon an authority having such a personality, which engages in carriage by road, whether for hire or reward or for own account;

Prevoznik je pravno lice ili preduzetnik, udruženje ili grupa lica koje nema status pravnog lica, bilo profitno ili neprofitno, ili državni organ, organ teritorijalne autonomije i organ lokalne samouprave, koje obavlja drumski prevoz, bilo javni ili za sopstvene potrebe.



(q) ‘driving period’ means the accumulated driving time from when a driver commences driving following a rest period or a break until he takes a rest period or a break.

The driving period may be continuous or broken.

Period upravljanja vozilom je ukupno vreme upravljanja vozilom od početka upravljanja, od završetka odmora ili pauze pa sve do narednog odmora ili pauze, a može biti neprekidan ili podeljen.



1. The minimum age for conductors shall be 18 years.

2. The minimum age for drivers’ mates shall be 18 years.

However, Member States may reduce the minimum age for drivers’ mates to 16 years, provided that:

(a) the carriage by road is carried out within one Member State within a 50 kilometre radius of the place where the vehicle is based, including local administrative areas the centre of which is situated within that radius;

(b) the reduction is for the purposes of vocational training; and

(c) there is compliance with the limits imposed by the Member State’s national rules on employment matters.


Vozačku dozvolu može dobiti lice koje je navršilo:

1) 15 godina za kategoriju M,

2) 16 godina za kategoriju F,

3) 16 godina za kategorije AM i A1,

4) 18 godina za kategoriju A2,

5) 18 godina za kategorije B, B1 i BE,

6) 18 godina za kategorije C1 i C1E,

7) 21 godinu za kategorije C, CE, D1, D1E,

8) 24 godine za kategorije D i DE,

9) 24 godine za kategoriju A, osim za lica koja vozačku dozvolu za kategoriju A2 poseduju najmanje dve godine.



1. The daily driving time shall not exceed nine hours. However, the daily driving time may be extended to at most 10 hours not more than twice during the week.


Dnevno vreme upravljanja vozilom ne sme da bude duže od 9 časova. Izuzetno, dnevno vreme upravljanja vozilom može da se produži na 10 časova najviše dva puta nedeljno.



The weekly driving time shall not exceed 56 hours and shall not result in the maximum weekly working time laid down in Directive 2002/15/EC being exceeded.



Nedeljno vreme upravljanja vozilom ne sme da bude duže od 56 časova.

Prosečno nedeljno radno vreme člana posade vozila u periodu od bilo koja četiri uzastopna kalendarska meseca ne sme da bude duže od 48 časova, uključujući i prekovremeni rad.



The total accumulated driving time during any two consecutive weeks shall not exceed 90 hours.


Ukupno vreme upravljanja vozilom u toku bilo koje dve uzastopne nedelje ne sme da bude duže od 90 časova.



Daily and weekly driving times shall include all driving time on the territory of the Community or of a third country.


Vremena upravljanja vozilom obuhvataju sva vremena upravljanja vozilom na teritoriji strana ugovornica AETR sporazuma i država koje nisu strane ugovornice AETR sporazuma.



A driver shall record as other work any time spent as described in Article 4(e) as well as any time spent driving a vehicle used for commercial operations not falling within the scope of this Regulation, and shall record any periods of availability, as defined in Article 15(3)(c) of Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85, since his last daily or weekly rest period. This

record shall be entered either manually on a record sheet, a printout or by use of manual input facilities on recording equipment.


Vozač mora tačno i adekvatno da evidentira vreme upravljanja vozilom koje ne spada u oblast primene ovog zakona, ostale poslove definisane pod ostalim radnim vremenom, vremena raspoloživosti, odmore i pauze. Ovi podaci se unose ručno na poleđinu tahografskih listića ili termalnog papira za ispis, odnosno preko tastera za ručni unos digitalnog tahografa.



After a driving period of four and a half hours a driver shall take an uninterrupted break of not less than 45 minutes, unless he takes a rest period.


Najkasnije nakon perioda upravljanja vozilom od četiri i po časa, vozač mora da koristi neprekidnu pauzu od najmanje 45 minuta, osim ako ne započinje sa korišćenjem dnevnih ili nedeljnih odmora.



This break may be replaced by a break of at least 15 minutes followed by a break of at least 30 minutes each distributed over the period in such a way as to comply with the provisions of the first paragraph.


Pauza iz stava 1. ovog člana može da se zameni prvom pauzom od najmanje 15 minuta i drugom od najmanje 30 minuta, raspoređenim tokom pomenutog perioda upravljanja vozilom ili neposredno nakon njega tako da budu u skladu sa odredbama stava 1. ovog člana.



A driver shall take daily and weekly rest periods.


Član posade vozila mora da koristi dnevne i nedeljne odmore.



Within each period of 24 hours after the end of the previous daily rest period or weekly rest period a driver shall have taken a new daily rest period.


Član posade vozila mora da iskoristi novi dnevni odmor u roku od 24 časa nakon završetka prethodnog dnevnog ili nedeljnog odmora.



If the portion of the daily rest period which falls within that 24 hour period is at least nine hours but less than 11 hours, then the daily rest period in question shall be regarded as a reduced daily rest period.



Dnevni odmor je odmor koji može da bude

skraćeni dnevni odmor koji neprekidno traje manje od 11 časova, ali ne manje od 9 časova.



A daily rest period may be extended to make a regular weekly rest period or a reduced weekly rest period.


Dnevni odmor može da se produži tako da postane pun nedeljni odmor ili skraćeni nedeljni odmor.



A driver may have at most three reduced daily rest periods between any two weekly rest periods.


Član posade vozila može imati najviše tri skraćena dnevna odmora između svaka dva nedeljna odmora.



By way of derogation from paragraph 2, within 30 hours of the end of a daily or weekly rest period, a driver engaged in multi-manning must have taken a new daily rest period of at least nine hours.


Izuzetno od stava 2. ovog člana vozač koji je član višečlane posade mora da iskoristi novi dnevni odmor u trajanju od najmanje devet časova u roku od 30 časova od završetka dnevnog ili nedeljnog odmora.



In any two consecutive weeks a driver shall take at least:

— two regular weekly rest periods, or

— one regular weekly rest period and one reduced weekly rest period of at least 24 hours.


U toku bilo koje dve uzastopne nedelje, član posade vozila mora da koristi najmanje dva puna nedeljna odmora ili jedan puni nedeljni odmor i jedan skraćeni nedeljni odmor.



However, the reduction shall be compensated by an equivalent period of rest taken en bloc before the end of the third week following the week in question.


U slučaju korišćenja skraćenog nedeljnog odmora, član posade je dužan da nadoknadi vremensku razliku do punog nedeljnog odmora najkasnije do kraja treće nedelje računajući od nedelje u kojoj je korišćen skraćeni nedeljni odmor.



A weekly rest period shall start no later than at the end of six 24-hour periods from the end of the previous weekly rest period.


Nedeljni odmor mora da započne najkasnije po završetku šestog 24-časovnog perioda od završetka prethodnog nedeljnog odmora.



By way of derogation from paragraph 6, a driver engaged in a single occasional service of international carriage of passengers, as defined in Regulation (EC) No 1073/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 October 2009 on common rules for access to the international market for coach and bus services (1), may postpone the weekly rest period for up to 12 consecutive 24-hour periods following a previous regular weekly rest period, provided that:

(a) the service lasts at least 24 consecutive hours in a Member State or a third country to which this Regulation applies other than the one in which the service started;

(b) the driver takes after the use of the derogation:

(i) either two regular weekly rest periods; or

(ii) one regular weekly rest period and one reduced weekly rest period of at least 24 hours. However, the reduction shall be compensated by an equivalent period of rest taken en bloc before the end of the third week following the end of the derogation period;

(c) after 1 January 2014, the vehicle is equipped with recording equipment in accordance with the requirements of Annex IB to Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85; and

(d) after 1 January 2014, if driving during the period from 22,00 to 06,00, the vehicle is multi-manned or the driving period referred to in Article 7 is reduced to three hours.


Izuzetno od stava 7. ovog člana, član posade vozila koji obavlja međunarodni vanlinijski prevoz putnika, može da odloži korišćenje nedeljnog odmora najkasnije do završetka 12 uzastopnih 24-časovnih perioda od završetka prethodnog punog nedeljnog odmora, uz istovremeno ispunjenje sledećih uslova:

međunarodni prevoz traje najmanje 24 uzastopna časa van države u kojoj je prevoz započet;

nakon odlaganja nedeljnog odmora član posade koristi dva puna nedeljna odmora ili jedan pun nedeljni odmor i jedan skraćeni nedeljni odmor;

prevoz se obavlja vozilom u koje je ugrađen digitalni tahograf;

tokom vremenskog perioda između 22:00 i 6:00 časova, vozilom upravlja višečlana posada ili period upravljanja bez pauze iz člana 6. ovog zakona ne traje duže od tri časa.


Članom 8. stav 9. je propisano da u slučaju korišćenja skraćenog nedeljnog odmora, član posade je dužan da nadoknadi vremensku razliku do punog nedeljnog odmora najkasnije do kraja treće nedelje računajući od nedelje u kojoj je korišćen skraćeni nedeljni odmor.


The Commission shall monitor closely the use made of this derogation in order to ensure the preservation of road safety under very strict conditions, in particular by checking that the total accumulated driving time during the period covered by the derogation is not excessive. By 4 December 2012, the Commission shall draw up a report assessing the consequences of the derogation in respect of road safety as well as social aspects. If it deems it appropriate, the Commission shall propose amendments to this Regulation in this respect.


Obaveza EU Komisije


Any rest taken as compensation for a reduced weekly rest period shall be attached to another rest period of at least nine hours.


Svaki odmor koji se koristi za nadoknađivanje skraćenog nedeljnog odmora mora da se iskoristi u celini tako da se nadoveže na drugi odmor u trajanju od najmanje devet časova.



Where a driver chooses to do this, daily rest periods and reduced weekly rest periods away from base may be taken in a vehicle, as long as it has suitable sleeping facilities for each driver and the vehicle is stationary.


Član posade vozila može da koristi dnevni odmor i skraćeni nedeljni odmor u vozilu, ukoliko u njemu postoji ležaj za spavanje svakog člana posade vozila i ako je vozilo u stanju mirovanja.



A weekly rest period that falls in two weeks may be counted in either week, but not in both.


Nedeljni odmor koji se proteže u dve nedelje može da se računa u bilo kojoj, ali isključivo u jednoj od te dve nedelje.



By way of derogation from Article 8, where a driver accompanies a vehicle which is transported by ferry or train, and takes a regular daily rest period, that period may be interrupted not more than twice by other activities not exceeding one hour in total. During that regular daily rest period the driver shall have access to a bunk or couchette.


Pun dnevni odmor koji koristi vozač vozila koje se prevozi trajektom ili vozom, može se prekinuti, ne više od dva puta, ostalim aktivnostima koje ukupno ne traju duže od jednog časa. Tokom ovako korišćenog punog dnevnog odmora vozač mora imati pristup ležaju u kabini trajekta ili kušet kolima.



Any time spent travelling to a location to take charge of a vehicle falling within the scope of this Regulation, or to return from that location, when the vehicle is neither at the driver’s home nor at the employer’s operational centre where the driver is normally based, shall not be counted as a rest or break unless the driver is on a ferry or train and has access to a bunk or couchette.


Vreme putovanja člana posade vozila do mesta preuzimanja vozila na koje se ovaj zakon odnosi, ili u povratku sa tog mesta, pri čemu se vozilo o kome je reč ne nalazi u mestu boravka člana posade vozila, niti u uobičajenom mestu rada člana posade vozila računa se i evidentira kao vreme raspoloživosti.

Vreme iz stava 14. ovog člana, odnosno vreme kada član posade prati vozilo koje se prevozi trajektom ili vozom se ne sme računati i evidentirati kao odmor ili pauza, osim kada član posade ima pristup ležaju u kabini trajekta ili kušet kolima.



Any time spent by a driver driving a vehicle which falls outside the scope of this Regulation to or from a vehicle which falls within the scope of this Regulation, which is not at the driver’s home or at the employer’s operational centre where the driver is normally based, shall count as other work.


Vreme upravljanja vozilom koje ne spada u oblast primene ovog zakona do mesta preuzimanja vozila na koje se ovaj zakon odnosi, pri čemu se drugo pomenuto vozilo ne nalazi u mestu boravka vozača, niti u uobičajenom mestu rada vozača, računa se kao ostalo radno vreme.



A transport undertaking shall not give drivers it employs or who are put at its disposal any payment, even in the form of a bonus or wage supplement, related to distances travelled and/or the amount of goods carried if that payment is of such a kind as to endanger road safety and/or encourages infringement of this Regulation.


Prevoznik ne sme isplaćivati nagrade ili dodatke na zaradu vozačima koje angažuje na osnovu pređenog puta, odnosno količine prevezenog tereta, ukoliko se time ugrožava bezbednost saobraćaja na putevima, odnosno podstiče kršenje ovog zakona.



A transport undertaking shall organise the work of drivers referred to in paragraph 1 in such a way that the drivers are able to comply with Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85 and Chapter II of this Regulation. The transport undertaking shall properly instruct the driver and shall make regular checks to ensure that Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85 and Chapter II of this Regulation are complied with.



Prevoznik je dužan da organizuje rad vozača tako da se vozači pridržavaju odredaba ovog zakona.

Prevoznik je dužan da da odgovarajuća uputstva vozaču i da vrši njihovu redovnu kontrolu kako bi se obezbedilo poštovanje odredaba ovog zakona.



A transport undertaking shall be liable for infringements committed by drivers of the undertaking, even if the infringement was committed on the territory of another Member State or a third country. Without prejudice to the right of Member States to hold transport undertakings fully liable, Member States may make this liability conditional on the undertaking’s infringement of paragraphs 1 and 2. Member States may consider any evidence that the transport undertaking cannot reasonably be held responsible for the infringement committed.


Prevoznik je odgovoran za svaki prekršaj koji počini posada vozila, izuzev u slučajevima na koje nije mogao uticati.



Undertakings, consignors, freight forwarders, tour operators, principal contractors, subcontractors and driver employment agencies shall ensure that contractually agreed transport time schedules respect this Regulation.


Prevoznici, pošiljaoci tereta, špedicije, agencije i ostali učesnici u organizaciji prevoza su odgovorni da se prevoz organizuje, odnosno obavi u skladu sa odredbama ovog zakona.



(a) A transport undertaking which uses vehicles that are fitted with recording equipment complying with Annex IB of Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85 and that fall within the scope of this Regulation, shall:



Prevoznici i vozači vozila u koje je ugrađen digitalni tahograf su odgovorni za ispravnost tahografa i dužni su da obezbede propisno korišćenje digitalnog tahografa i kartica vozača.

Prevoznici i vozači vozila u koje je ugrađen analogni tahograf su odgovorni za ispravnost tahografa i dužni su da obezbede propisno korišćenje tahografskih listića.



(i) ensure that all data are downloaded from the vehicle unit and driver card as regularly as is stipulated by the Member State and that relevant data are downloaded more frequently so as to ensure that all data concerning activities undertaken by or for that undertaking are downloaded;


Prevoznik čija su vozila opremljena digitalnim tahografom dužan je da obezbedi da se svi podaci sa digitalnog tahografa i kartice vozača preuzimaju na računar ili na drugo samostalno sredstvo za čuvanje podataka u propisanim rokovima, koji mu moraju biti pristupačni.



(ii) ensure that all data downloaded from both the vehicle unit and driver card are kept for at least 12 months following recording and, should an inspecting officer request it, such data are accessible, either directly or remotely, from the premises of the undertaking;


Prevoznik čuva tahografske listiće i ispise po hronološkom redu i u čitljivom obliku godinu dana nakon datuma njihovog korišćenja i dužan je da, na zahtev nadležnog organa, iste pruži na uvid.



(b) for the purposes of this paragraph ‘downloaded’ shall be interpreted in accordance with the definition laid down in Annex IB, Chapter I, point (s) of Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85;

Preuzimanje podataka sa digitalnog tahografa je postupak kopiranja, sa digitalnim potpisom, dela ili svih podataka evidentiranih u memoriji jedinice u vozilu ili u memoriji tahografske kartice, pod uslovom da se ovim procesom ne menjaju niti brišu sačuvani podaci.



(c) the maximum period within which the relevant data shall be downloaded under (a)(i) shall be decided by the Commission in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 24(2).


Pod redovnim preuzimanjem podataka sa digitalnog tahografa smatra se preuzimanje podataka najmanje jednom u 60 dana, a sa kartica vozača najmanje jednom tokom 21 dana u kojima je vozač upravljao vozilom.



A Member State may provide for longer minimum breaks and rest periods or shorter maximum driving times than those laid down in Articles 6 to 9 in the case of carriage by road undertaken wholly within its territory. In so doing, Member States shall take account of relevant collective or other agreements between the social partners. Nevertheless, this Regulation shall remain applicable to drivers engaged in international transport operations.



Opcione obligacije (may)


Provided that road safety is not there by jeopardised and to enable the vehicle to reach a suitable stopping place, the driver may depart from Articles 6 to 9 to the extent necessary to ensure the safety of persons, of the vehicle or its load. The driver shall indicate the reason for such departure manually on the record sheet of the recording equipment or on a printout from the recording equipment or in the duty roster, at the latest on arrival at the suitable stopping place.


Vozač može da odstupi od odredaba čl. 5. – 8. ovog zakona, odnosno čl. 6. – 8. AETR sporazuma, u meri u kojoj je to potrebno da bi se osigurala bezbednost putnika, vozila ili tereta, ukoliko se time ne ugrožava bezbednost saobraćaja, a kako bi se omogućilo vozilu da stigne do prvog pogodnog prostora za parkiranje vozila. Vozač mora da naznači razlog za ovakvo odstupanje ručno na poleđini tahografskih listića ili termalnog papira za ispis ili na drugom validnom dokumentu, najkasnije po dolasku na pogodni prostor za parkiranje vozila.



Provided the objectives set out in Article 1 are not prejudiced, each Member State may grant exceptions from Articles 5 to 9 and make such exceptions subject to individual conditions on its own territory or, with the agreement of the States concerned, on the territory of another Member State, applicable to carriage by the following:



Opcione obligacije (may)


(a) vehicles owned or hired, without a driver, by public authorities to undertake carriage by road which do not compete with private transport undertakings;



Opcione obligacije (may)


(b) vehicles used or hired, without a driver, by agricultural, horticultural, forestry, farming or fishery undertakings for carrying goods as part of their own entrepreneurial activity within a radius of up to 100 km from the base of the undertaking;



Opcione obligacije (may)


(c) agricultural tractors and forestry tractors used for agricultural or forestry activities, within a radius of up to 100 km from the base of the undertaking which owns, hires or leases the vehicle;




(d) vehicles or combinations of vehicles with a maximum permissible mass not exceeding 7,5 tonnes used by universal service providers as defined in Article 2(13) of Directive 97/67/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 December 1997 on common rules for the development of the internal market of Community postal services and the improvement of quality of service ( 1 ) to deliver items as part of the universal service.

These vehicles shall be used only within a 100 kilometre radius from the base of the undertaking, and on condition that driving the vehicles does not constitute the driver’s main activity;

vozilima čija najveća dozvoljena masa ne prelazi 7,5 t, koja se koriste za prevoz materijala, opreme ili mehanizacije koju vozač koristi u toku svog rada i koja se koriste najdalje do 100 km od sedišta odnosno ogranka prevoznika, ukoliko upravljanje vozilom nije osnovno zanimanje vozača.

vozilima čija najveća dozvoljena masa ne prelazi 7,5 t, koja se koriste kod pružalaca univerzalnih usluga, u skladu sa propisima iz oblasti poštanskih usluga, za isporuku pošiljaka kao univerzalne usluge koja se koriste najdalje do 100 km od sedišta, odnosno ogranka prevoznika, pod uslovom da upravljanje vozilom ne predstavlja osnovno zanimanje vozača.



(e) vehicles operating exclusively on islands not exceeding 2 300 square kilometres in area which are not linked to the rest of the national territory by a bridge, ford or tunnel open for use by motor vehicles;



Opcione obligacije (may)


(f) vehicles used for the carriage of goods within a 100 km radius from the base of the undertaking and propelled by means of natural or liquefied gas or electricity, the maximum permissible mass of which, including the mass of a trailer or semi-trailer, does not exceed 7,5 tonnes;



Opcione obligacije (may)


(g) vehicles used for driving instruction and examination with a view to obtaining a driving licence or a certificate of professional competence, provided that they are not being used for the commercial carriage of goods or passengers;



Opcione obligacije (may)


(h) vehicles used in connection with sewerage, flood protection, water, gas and electricity maintenance services, road maintenance and control, door-to-door household refuse collection and disposal, telegraph and telephone services, radio and television broadcasting, and the detection of radio or television transmitters or receivers;

specijalnim vozilima za održavanje kanalizacionih sistema, za zaštitu od poplava, za održavanje vodovodnih, gasovodnih i elektrodistributivnih instalacija, za sakupljanje i odlaganje smeća;

specijalnim vozilima za održavanje telefonsko-telegrafske mreže, za radio-televizijsku difuziju, i službe za otkrivanje radio ili televizijskih predajnika i/ili prijemnika;



(i) vehicles with between 10 and 17 seats used exclusively for the non-commercial carriage of passengers;



Opcione obligacije (may)


(j) specialised vehicles transporting circus and funfair equipment;

specijalnim vozilima za prevoz opreme cirkusa i zabavnih parkova;



(k) specially fitted mobile project vehicles, the primary purpose of which is use as an educational facility when stationary;



Opcione obligacije (may)


(l) vehicles used for milk collection from farms and the return to farms of milk containers or milk products intended for animal feed;

vozilima koja se koriste za prikupljanje mleka sa stočnih gazdinstava i za dopremanje posuda za mleko ili mlečnih proizvoda namenjenih za životinjsku ishranu;



(m) specialised vehicles transporting money and/or valuables;

specijalnim vozilima za prevoz novca i/ili dragocenosti;



(n) vehicles used for carrying animal waste or carcasses which are not intended for human consumption;



Opcione obligacije (may)


(o) vehicles used exclusively on roads inside hub facilities such as ports, interports and railway terminals;



Opcione obligacije (may)


(p) vehicles used for the carriage of live animals from farms to local markets and vice versa or from markets to local slaughterhouses within a radius of up to 100 km.



Opcione obligacije (may)


Member States shall inform the Commission of the exceptions granted under paragraph 1 and the Commission shall inform the other Member States thereof.



Obaveza za zemlje članice


3. Provided that the objectives set out in Article 1 are not prejudiced and adequate protection for drivers is provided, a Member State may, after approval by the Commission, grant on its own territory minor exemptions from this Regulation for vehicles used in predefined areas with a population density of less than five persons per square kilometre, in the following cases:

— regular domestic passenger services, where their schedule is confirmed by the authorities (in which case only exemptions relating to breaks may be permitted), and

— domestic road haulage operations for own account or for hire or reward, which have no impact on the single market and are needed to maintain certain sectors of industry in the territory concerned and where the exempting provisions of this Regulation impose a limiting radius of up to 100 km.

Carriage by road under this exemption may include a journey to an area with a population density of five persons or more per square kilometre only in order to end or start the journey. Any such measures shall be proportionate in nature and scope.



Opcione obligacije (may)


1. Provided that the objectives set out in Article 1 are not prejudiced, Member States may, after authorisation by the Commission, grant exceptions from the application of Articles 6 to 9 to transport operations carried out in exceptional circumstances.

2. In urgent cases Member States may grant a temporary exception for a period not exceeding 30 days, which shall be notified immediately to the Commission.

3. The Commission shall inform the other Member States of any exception granted pursuant to this Article.



Opcione obligacije (may)


Member States shall ensure that drivers of vehicles referred to in Article 3(a) are governed by national rules which provide adequate protection in terms of permitted driving times and mandatory breaks and rest periods.


Izuzetno od stava 1. ovog člana, odredbe ovog zakona se ne primenjuju na posadu vozila koja obavlja međunarodni prevoz vozilima u javnom linijskom prevozu putnika na linijama dužine do 50 km.



Where no recording equipment has been fitted to the vehicle in accordance with Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85, paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Article shall

apply to:

(a) regular national passenger services, and

(b) regular international passenger services whose route terminals are located within a distance of 50 km as the crow flies from a border between two Member States and whose route length does not exceed 100 km.



Nacionalnim zakonodavstvom koji reguliše prevoz putnika, prevoz putnika se obavlja autobusima (vozila preko 9 sedišta) u koja mora biti ugrađen tahograf (Predlog zakona o radnom vremenu posade vozila i tahografima).


A service timetable and a duty roster shall be drawn up by the transport undertaking and shall show, in respect of each driver, the name, place where he is based and the schedule laid down in advance for various periods of driving, other work, breaks and availability.

Each driver assigned to a service referred to in paragraph 1 shall carry an extract from the duty roster and a copy of the service timetable.



Nacionalnim zakonodavstvom koji reguliše prevoz putnika, prevoz putnika se obavlja autobusima (vozila preko 9 sedišta) u koja mora biti ugrađen tahograf (Predlog zakona o radnom vremenu posade vozila i tahografima).


The duty roster shall:

(a) include all the particulars specified in paragraph 2 for a minimum period covering the previous 28 days; these particulars must be updated on regular intervals, the duration of which may not exceed one month;

(b) be signed by the head of the transport undertaking or by a person authorised to represent him;

(c) be kept by the transport undertaking for one year after expiry of the period covered by it. The transport undertaking shall give an extract from the roster to the drivers concerned upon request; and

(d) be produced and handed over at the request of an authorised inspecting officer.



Nacionalnim zakonodavstvom koji reguliše prevoz putnika, prevoz putnika se obavlja autobusima (vozila preko 9 sedišta) u koja mora biti ugrađen tahograf (Predlog zakona o radnom vremenu posade vozila i tahografima).


1. Member States, using the standard form set out in Decision 93/173/EEC (1), shall communicate the necessary information to the Commission to enable it to draw up every two years a report on the application of this Regulation and Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85 and developments in the fields in question.

2. This information shall be communicated to the Commission not later than 30 September of the year following the end of the two-year period concerned.

3. The report shall state what use has been made of the exceptions provided for in Article 13.

4. The Commission shall forward the report to the European Parliament and to the Council within 13 months of the end of the two-year period concerned.



Obaveza EU komisije


Member States shall adopt such measures as may be necessary for the implementation of this Regulation.



Ovaj Zakon sprovodi mere za implemantaciju ove Uredbe


1. Member States shall lay down rules on penalties applicable to infringements of this Regulation and Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85 and shall take all measures necessary to ensure that they are implemented. Those penalties shall be effective, proportionate, dissuasive and non-discriminatory. No infringement of this Regulation and Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85 shall be subjected to more than one penalty or procedure. The Member States shall notify the Commission of these measures and the rules on penalties by the date specified in the second subparagraph of Article 29. The Commission shall inform Member States accordingly.

2. A Member State shall enable the competent authorities to impose a penalty on an undertaking and/or a driver for an infringement of this Regulation detected on its territory and for which a penalty has not already been imposed, even where that infringement has been committed on the territory of another Member State or of a third country.

By way of exception, where an infringement is detected:

— which was not committed on the territory of the Member State concerned, and

— which has been committed by an undertaking which is established in, or a driver whose place of employment is, in another Member State or a third country, a Member State may, until 1 January 2009, instead of imposing a penalty, notify the facts of the infringement to the competent authority in the Member State or the third country where the undertaking is established or where the driver has his place of employment.

3. Whenever a Member State initiates proceedings or imposes a penalty for a particular infringement, it shall provide the driver with due evidence of this in writing.

4. Member States shall ensure that a system of proportionate penalties, which may include financial penalties, is in force for infringements of this Regulation or Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85 on the part of undertakings, or associated consignors, freight forwarders, tour operators, principal contractors, subcontractors and driver employment agencies.



Ovaj Zakon sprovodi mere za implemantaciju ove Uredbe



The driver shall keep any evidence provided by a Member State concerning penalties imposed or the initiation of proceedings until such time as the same infringement of this Regulation can no longer lead to a second proceeding or penalty pursuant to this Regulation.

The driver shall produce the evidence referred to in paragraph 1 upon request.

Ako upravlja vozilom u koje je ugrađen analogni tahograf, na zahtev nadzornog organa, vozač je dužan da nosi sa sobom i pruži na uvid: dokaz o izrečenoj sankciji za konstatovane povrede AETR sporazuma, odnosno ovog zakona za tekući dan i prethodnih 28 dana.

Ako upravlja vozilom u koje je ugrađen digitalni tahograf, na zahtev nadzornog organa, vozač je dužan da nosi sa sobom i pruži na uvid: dokaz o izrečenoj sankciji za konstatovane povrede AETR sporazuma, odnosno ovog zakona za tekući dan i prethodnih 28 dana.



A driver who is employed or at the disposal of more than one transport undertaking shall provide sufficient information to each undertaking to enable it to comply with Chapter II.


Prevoznik, odnosno poslodavac koji je angažovao člana posade vozila iz stava 6. ovog člana, nalaže članu posade vozila u pisanom ili elektronskom obliku da mu dostavi podatke o radnom vremenu kod drugog ili drugih prevoznika, odnosno poslodavaca.



To address cases where a Member State considers that there has been an infringement of this Regulation which is of a kind that is clearly liable to endanger road safety, it shall empower the relevant competent authority to proceed with immobilisation of the vehicle concerned until such time as the cause of the infringement has been rectified. Member States may compel the driver to take a daily rest period. Member States shall, where appropriate also withdraw, suspend or restrict an undertaking’s licence, if the undertaking is established in that Member State, or withdraw, suspend or restrict a driver’s driving licence. The Commission, acting in accordance with the procedure in Article 24(2) shall develop guidelines with a view to promoting a harmonised application of this Article.


Nadzorni organi su ovlašćeni da sankcionišu vozača za prekršaj odredaba ovog zakona, odnosno AETR sporazuma, koji je uočen na teritoriji Republike Srbije, bez obzira na državu u kojoj je prekršaj načinjen, ukoliko je za taj prekršaj vozač, odnosno prevozniknije prethodno sankcionisan.



1. Member States shall assist each other in applying this Regulation and in checking compliance herewith.

2. The competent authorities of the Member States shall regularly exchange all available information concerning:

(a) infringements of the rules set out in Chapter II committed by non- residents and any penalties imposed for such infringements;

(b) penalties imposed by a Member State on its residents for such infringements committed in other Member States.

3. The Member States shall regularly send relevant information concerning the national interpretation and application of this Regulation to the Commission, which will make this information available in electronic form to other Member States.

4. The Commission shall support dialogue between Member States concerning national interpretation and application of this Regulation through the Committee referred to in Article 24(1).


Ministarstvo nadležno za poslove saobraćaja razmenjuje podatke prikupljene iz nadzora s nadležnim nadzornim organima i organima nadležnim za poslove saobraćaja drugih država.



The Community shall enter into any negotiations with third countries which may prove necessary for the purpose of implementing this Regulation.


Obaveza EU Komisije


1. The Commission shall be assisted by the Committee set up under Article 18(1) of Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85.

2. Where reference is made to this paragraph, Articles 3 and 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.

3. The Committee shall adopt its rules of procedure.


Obaveza EU Komisije


1. At the request of a Member State, or on its own initiative, the Commission shall:

(a) examine cases where differences in the application and enforcement of any of the provisions of this Regulation arise and particularly concerning driving times, breaks and rest periods;

(b) clarify the provisions of this Regulation, with a view to promoting a common approach.

2. In the cases referred to in paragraph 1 the Commission shall take a decision on a recommended approach in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 24(2). The Commission shall communicate its decision to the European Parliament, the Council and to the Member States.


Obaveza EU Komisije


Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85 is hereby amended as follows:

1. Article 2 shall be replaced by the following:

‘Article 2

For the purpose of this Regulation the definitions set out in Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 561/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 March 2006 on the harmonisation of certain social legislation relating to road transport and amending Council Regulations (EEC) No 3821/85 and (EC) No 2135/98 (*) shall apply.

2. Article 3(1), (2) and (3) shall be replaced as follows:

‘1. Recording equipment shall be installed and used in vehicles registered in a Member State which are used for the carriage of passengers or goods by road, except the vehicles referred to in Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 561/2006. Vehicles referred to in Article 16(1) of Regulation (EC) No 561/2006 and vehicles, which were exempt from the scope of application of Regulation (EEC) No 3820/85, but which are no longer exempt under Regulation (EC) No 561/2006 shall have until 31 December 2007 to comply with this requirement.

2. Member States may exempt vehicles mentioned in Articles 13(1) and (3) of Regulation (EC) No 561/2006 from application of this Regulation.

3. Member States may, after authorisation by the Commission, exempt from application of this Regulation vehicles used for the transport operations referred to in Article 14 of Regulation (EC) No 561/2006.’;

3. Article 14(2) shall be replaced as follows:

‘2. The undertaking shall keep record sheets and printouts, whenever printouts have been made to comply with Article 15(1), in chronological order and in a legible form for at least a year after their use and shall give copies to the drivers concerned who request them. The undertaking shall also give copies of downloaded data from the driver cards to the drivers concerned who request them and the printed papers of these copies. The record sheets, printouts and downloaded data shall be produced or handed over at the request of any authorised inspecting officer.’;

4. Article 15 shall be amended as follows:

— in paragraph 1, the following subparagraph shall be added:

‘Where a driver card is damaged, malfunctions, or is not in the possession of the driver, the driver shall:

(a) at the start of his journey, print out the details of the vehicle the driver is driving, and shall enter onto that printout:

(i) details that enable the driver to be identified (name, driver card or driver’s licence number), including his signature;

(ii) the periods referred to in paragraph 3, second indent (b), (c) and (d);

(b) at the end of his journey, print out the information relating to periods of time recorded by the recording equipment, record any periods of other work, availability and rest undertaken since the printout that was made at the start of the journey, where not recorded by the tachograph, and mark on that document details that enable the driver to be identified (name, driver card or driver’s licence number), including the driver’s signature.’,

— paragraph 2, second subparagraph shall be replaced by the following:

‘When as a result of being away from the vehicle, a driver is unable to use the equipment fitted to the vehicle, the periods of time referred to in paragraph 3, second indent (b), (c) and (d) shall:

(a) if the vehicle is fitted with recording equipment in conformity with Annex I, be entered on the record sheet, either manually, by automatic recording or other means, legibly and without dirtying the sheet; or

(b) if the vehicle is fitted with recording equipment in conformity with Annex IB, be entered onto the driver card using the manual entry facility provided in the recording equipment.

Where there is more than one driver on board the vehicle fitted with recording equipment in conformity with Annex IB, each driver shall ensure that his driver card is inserted into the correct slot in the tachograph.’,

— paragraph 3(b) and (c) shall be replaced by the following:

‘(b) “other work” means any activity other than driving, as defined in Article 3(a) of Directive 2002/15/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2002 on the organisation of the working time of persons performing mobile road transport activities (*), and also any work for the same or another employer within or outside of the transport sector, and must be recorded under this sign ;

(c) “availability” defined in Article 3(b) of Directive 2002/15/EC must be recorded under this sign .

— paragraph 4 shall be deleted,

— paragraph 7 shall be replaced by the following:

‘7. (a) Where the driver drives a vehicle fitted with recording equipment in conformity with Annex I, the driver must be able to produce, whenever an inspecting officer so requests:

(i) the record sheets for the current week and those used by the driver in the previous 15 days;

(ii) the driver card if he holds one, and

(iii) any manual record and printout made during the current week and the previous 15 days as required under this Regulation and Regulation (EC) No 561/2006.

However, after 1 January 2008, the time periods referred to under (i) and (iii) shall cover the current day and the previous 28 days.

(b) Where the driver drives a vehicle fitted with recording equipment in conformity with Annex IB, the driver must be able to produce, whenever an inspecting officer so requests:

(i) the driver card of which he is holder;

(ii) any manual record and printout made during the current week and the previous 15 days as required under this Regulation and Regulation (EC) No 561/2006, and

(iii) the record sheets corresponding to the same period as the one referred to in the previous subparagraph during which he drove a vehicle fitted with recording equipment in conformity with Annex I.

However, after 1 January 2008, the time periods referred to under (ii) shall cover the current day and the previous 28 days.

(c) An authorised inspecting officer may check compliance with Regulation (EC) No 561/2006 by analysis of the record sheets, of the displayed or printed data which have been recorded by the recording equipment or by the driver card or, failing this, by analysis of any other supporting document that justifies non-compliance with a provision, such as those laid down in Article 16(2) and (3).’


Radi se o izmenama i dopunama Uredbe 3821/85


Regulation (EC) No 2135/98 is hereby amended as follows:

1. Article 2(1)(a) shall be replaced by the following:

‘1. (a) From the 20th day following the day of publication of Regulation (EC) No 561/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 March 2006 on the harmonisation of certain social legislation relating to road transport and amending Council Regulations (EEC) No 3821/85 and (EC) No 2135/98 (*) vehicles put into service for the first time shall be fitted with recording equipment in accordance with the requirements of Annex IB to Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85.

2. Article 2(2) shall be replaced by the following:

‘2. Member States shall take the necessary measures to ensure that they are able to issue driver cards at the latest on the 20th day following the day of publication of Regulation (EC) No 561/2006.’


Radi se o izmenama i dopunama Uredbe 2135/98


Regulation (EEC) No 3820/85 is hereby repealed and replaced by this Regulation.

Notwithstanding, paragraphs 1, 2 and 4 of Article 5 of Regulation (EEC) No 3820/85 shall continue to apply until the dates set out in Article 15(1) of Directive 2003/59/EC.


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This Regulation shall enter into force on 11 April 2007, with the exception of Articles 10(5), 26(3) and (4) and 27, which shall enter into force on 1 May 2006.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.


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