Predlog zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona o žigovima (tabela usklađenosti)

1. Naziv propisa EU:

DIRECTIVE 2008/95/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 22 October 2008 to approximate the laws of the Member States relating to trade marks

Direktiva 2008/95/EZ Evropskog parlamenta i saveta od 22. oktobra 2008. godine o usklađivanju zakona država članica u oblasti žigova

OJ L 299, 18.11.2008. p. 25-33(EN) |2. „CELEX“ No. 32008L0095

| | 3. Ovlašćeni predlagač propisa – Vlada Obrađivač-Ministarstvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja 4.Datum izrade tabele: 24.01.2012. 5. Naziv (važećeg, nacrta, predloga) propisa čije odredbe su predmet analize usklađenosti sa propisom EU Draft law on amending the Law on TrademarksPredlog zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakna o žigovima 6. Brojčane oznake (šifre) planiranih propisa iz baze NPI 2011-299 7. Usklađenost odredaba prpopisa sa odredbama propisa EU

a) |a1) |b) |b1) |c) |d) |e) |f) | |Odredba propisa EU (član, stav, podstav, tačka, aneks) |Sadržina odredbe |Odredbe propisa

(član, stav, tačka) |Sadržina odredbe |Usklađenost odredbe propisa sa odredbom propisa EU (potpuno usklađeno, delimično usklađeno, neusklađeno, neprenosivo) |Razlozi za delimičnu usklađenost, neusklađenost ili neprenosivost |Predviđeni datum za postizanje potpune usklađenosti |Napomena o usklađenosti propisa sa propisima EU | |Art. 1

|This Directive shall apply to every trade mark in respect of

goods or services which is the subject of registration or of an

application in a Member State for registration as an individual

trade mark, a collective mark or a guarantee or certification

mark, or which is the subject of a registration or an application

for registration in the Benelux Office for Intellectual Property or

of an international registration having effect in a Member State. |Čl. 1. st. 1.

Čl. 2. st. 1. |Ovim zakonom uređuju se način sticanja i zaštita prava na znak u prometu robe, odnosno usluga.

Žig može biti individualni, kolektivni ili žig garancije.

|Potpuno usklađeno | | | | |Art. 2

|A trade mark may consist of any signs capable of being represented

graphically, particularly words, including personal

names, designs, letters, numerals, the shape of goods or of

their packaging, provided that such signs are capable of distinguishing

the goods or services of one undertaking from those of

other undertakings. |Čl. 4. |Žigom se štiti znak koji se može grafički predstaviti I KOJI JE PODOBAN ZA RAZLIKOVANjE ROBE, ODNOSNO USLUGA U PROMETU.

Znak se može sastojati od reči, slogana, slova, brojeva, slika, crteža, rasporeda boja, trodimenzionalnih oblika, kombinacija tih znakova, kao i od muzičkih fraza prikazanih notnim pismom i sl.

|Potpuno usklađeno | | | | |Art. 3 (1) |Grounds for refusal or invalidity

1. The following shall not be registered or, if registered, shall

be liable to be declared invalid: |Čl. 5. st. 1. |Žigom se ne može zaštititi znak:

|Potpuno usklađeno | | | | |Art. 3 (1) (a) |signs which cannot constitute a trade mark |Čl. 5. st. 1. tač. 1) |1) KOJI NE ISPUNjAVA USLOV IZ ČLANA 4. OVOG ZAKONA;

|Potpuno usklađeno | | | | |Art. 3 (1) (b) |trade marks which are devoid of any distinctive character |Čl. 5. st. 1. tač. 3)

|- koji po svom ukupnom izgledu nije podoban za razlikovanje robe, odnosno usluga u prometu; |Potpuno usklađeno | | | | |Art. 3 (1) (c) |trade marks which consist exclusively of signs or indications

which may serve, in trade, to designate the kind, quality,

quantity, intended purpose, value, geographical origin, or

the time of production of the goods or of rendering of

the service, or other characteristics of the goods or services |Čl. 5. st. 1. tač. 5)

|-4) koji isključivo označava vrstu robe, odnosno usluga, njihovu namenu, vreme ili način proizvodnje, kvalitet, cenu, količinu, masu, i geografsko poreklo;


; |Potpuno usklađeno | | | | |Art. 3 (1) (d) |trade marks which consist exclusively of signs or indications

which have become customary in the current language or in

the bona fide and established practices of the trade |Čl. 5. st. 1. tač. 6) |- koji je U SVAKODNEVNOM GOVORU ILI U DOBRIM TRGOVINSKIM OBIČAJIMA POSTAO uobičajen za označavanje određene vrste robe, odnosno usluga; |Potpuno usklađeno | | | | |Art. 3 (1) (e) (i), (ii), (iii) |signs which consist exclusively of:

(i) the shape which results from the nature of the goods


(ii) the shape of goods which is necessary to obtain a

technical result;

(iii) the shape which gives substantial value to the goods |Čl. 5. st. 1. tač. 4)

|- koji isključivo predstavlja trodimenzionalni oblik određen prirodom robe ili oblik robe neophodan za dobijanje određenog tehničkog rezultata;


|trade marks which are contrary to public policy or to

accepted principles of morality |Čl. 5. st. 1. tač. 2)

|- koji je protivan javnom poretku ili prihvaćenim moralnim principima;

|Potpuno usklađeno | | | | |Art. 3 (1) (g) |trade marks which are of such a nature as to deceive the

public, for instance as to the nature, quality or geographical

origin of the goods or service |Čl. 5. st. 1. tač. 6)

|-6) 7) koji svojim izgledom ili sadržajem može da stvori zabunu u prometu i da dovede u zabludu učesnike u prometu u pogledu geografskog porekla, vrste, kvaliteta ili drugih svojstava robe, odnosno usluga;


|Potpuno usklađeno | | | | |Art. 3 (1) (h)

|trade marks which have not been authorised by the

competent authorities and are to be refused or invalidated

pursuant to Article 6 ter of the Paris Convention for the

Protection of Industrial Property, hereinafter referred to as

the ‘Paris Convention’. |Čl. 5. st. 1. tač. 14)

|- koji sadrži državni ili drugi javni grb, zastavu ili simbol, naziv ili skraćenicu naziva neke zemlje ili međunarodne organizacije, kao i njihovo podražavanje, osim po odobrenju nadležnog organa odnosne zemlje ili organizacije;

|Potpuno usklađeno | | | | |Art. 3 (2) |Any Member State may provide that a trade mark shall

not be registered or, if registered, shall be liable to be declared

invalid where and to the extent that:

| | | | | | | |Art. 3 (2) (a) |the use of that trade mark may be prohibited pursuant to

provisions of law other than trade mark law of the Member

State concerned or of the Community | | |Neprenosivo |Opciona odredba | | | |Art. 3 (2) (b) |the trade mark covers a sign of high symbolic value, in

particular a religious symbol |Čl. 5. st. 1. tač. 15)

|- koji predstavlja ili podražava nacionalni ili religijski simbol.

|Potpuno usklađeno | | | | |Art. 3 (2) (c) |the trade mark includes badges, emblems and escutcheons

other than those covered by Article 6 ter of the Paris

Convention and which are of public interest, unless the

consent of the competent authority to their registration

has been given in conformity with the legislation of the

Member State |Čl. 5. st. 1. tač. 8)

|- koji sadrži zvanične znakove ili punceve za kontrolu ili garanciju kvaliteta ili ih podražava, OSIM PO ODOBRENjU NADLEŽNOG ORGANA;

|Potpuno usklađeno | | | | |Art. 3 (3) |A trade mark shall not be refused registration or be

declared invalid in accordance with paragraph 1(b), (c) or (d)

if, before the date of application for registration and following

the use which has been made of it, it has acquired a distinctive

character. Any Member State may in addition provide that this

provision shall also apply where the distinctive character was

acquired after the date of application for registration or after the

date of registration. |Čl. 5. st. 2. |Znak iz stava 1. tač. 2), 4) i 5) 3), 5) I 6) ovog člana može se zaštititi žigom ako podnosilac prijave dokaže da je ozbiljnim korišćenjem znak postao podoban za razlikovanje u prometu robe, odnosno usluga na koje se odnosi.

|Potpuno usklađeno | | | | |Art. 3 (4) |Any Member State may provide that, by derogation from

paragraphs 1, 2 and 3, the grounds of refusal of registration or

invalidity in force in that State prior to the date of entry into

force of the provisions necessary to comply with Directive

89/104/EEC, shall apply to trade marks for which application

has been made prior to that date. | | |Neprenosivo |Opciona odredba | | | |Art. 4 (1) |Further grounds for refusal or invalidity concerning

conflicts with earlier rights

1. A trade mark shall not be registered or, if registered, shall

be liable to be declared invalid: | |Žigom se ne može zaštititi znak:

| | | | | |Art. 4 (1) (a) |if it is identical with an earlier trade mark, and the goods or

services for which the trade mark is applied for or is

registered are identical with the goods or services for

which the earlier trade mark is protected |Čl. 5. st. 1. tač. 9)

|- koji je istovetan ranije zaštićenom znaku za istu vrstu robe, odnosno usluga;

|Potpuno usklađeno | | | | |Art. 4 (1) (b) |if because of its identity with, or similarity to, the earlier

trade mark and the identity or similarity of the goods or

services covered by the trade marks, there exists a likelihood

of confusion on the part of the public; the likelihood of

confusion includes the likelihood of association with the

earlier trade mark. |Čl. 5. st. 1. tač. 10)

|- koji je istovetan ranije zaštićenom znaku drugog lica za sličnu vrstu robe, odnosno usluga, ili sličan ranije zaštićenom znaku drugog lica za istovetnu ili sličnu vrstu robe, odnosno usluga, ako postoji verovatnoća da zbog te istovetnosti, odnosno sličnosti nastane zabuna u relevantnom delu javnosti, koja obuhvata i verovatnoću dovođenja u vezu tog znaka sa ranije zaštićenim znakom; |Potpuno usklađeno | | | | |Art. 4 (2)

|‘Earlier trade marks’ within the meaning of paragraph 1

means: | | | | | | | |Art. 4 (2)(a) (i), (ii) |‘Earlier trade marks’ within the meaning of paragraph 1


(a) trade marks of the following kinds with a date of application

for registration which is earlier than the date of

application for registration of the trade mark, taking

account, where appropriate, of the priorities claimed in

respect of those trade marks;

(i) Community trade marks;

(ii) trade marks registered in the Member State or, in the

case of Belgium, Luxembourg or the Netherlands, at the

Benelux Office for Intellectual Property;

| | |Neprenosivo | | | | |Art. 4 (2) (a) (iii) |(iii) trade marks registered under international arrangements

which have effect in the Member State |Čl. 5. st. 3.

|Zaštićenim znakom iz stava 1. tač. 8), 9) i 11) 9), 10) I 12) ovog člana smatra se znak koji je zaštićen žigom za teritoriju Republike Srbije, a zaštićenim znakom iz stava 1. tač. 8) i 9) 9) I 10) ovog člana smatra se i znak koji je predmet prijave za priznanje žiga za teritoriju Republike Srbije, pod uslovom da žig po toj prijavi bude priznat.

|Potpuno usklađeno | | | | |Art. 4 (2) (b) |Community trade marks which validly claim seniority, in

accordance with Council Regulation (EC) No 40/94 (1) of

20 December 1993 on the Community trade mark, from

a trade mark referred to in (a)(ii) and (iii), even when the

latter trade mark has been surrendered or allowed to lapse | | |Neprenosivo | | | | |Art. 4 (2) (c) |applications for the trade marks referred to in points (a) and

(b), subject to their registration |Čl. 5. st. 3 |Zaštićenim znakom iz stava 1. tač. 8), 9) i 11) 9), 10) I 12) ovog člana smatra se znak koji je zaštićen žigom za teritoriju Republike Srbije, a zaštićenim znakom iz stava 1. tač. 8) i 9) 9) I 10) ovog člana smatra se i znak koji je predmet prijave za priznanje žiga za teritoriju Republike Srbije, pod uslovom da žig po toj prijavi bude priznat.

|Potpuno usklađeno | | | | |Art. 4 (2) (d) |trade marks which, on the date of application for registration

of the trade mark, or, where appropriate, of the

priority claimed in respect of the application for registration

of the trade mark, are well known in a Member State, in

the sense in which the words ‘well known’ are used in

Article 6 bis of the Paris Convention |Čl. 5. st. 1. tač. 11)

|Žigom se ne može zaštititi znak:

10) 11) koji je istovetan ili sličan, za istu ili sličnu vrstu robe, odnosno usluga znaku drugog lica koji je poznat u Republici Srbiji u smislu člana 6bis Pariske konvencije o zaštiti industrijske svojine (u daljem tekstu: opštepoznati znak);

|Potpuno usklađeno | | | | |Art. 4 (3) |A trade mark shall furthermore not be registered or, if

registered, shall be liable to be declared invalid if it is identical

with, or similar to, an earlier Community trade mark within the

meaning of paragraph 2 and is to be, or has been, registered for

goods or services which are not similar to those for which the

earlier Community trade mark is registered, where the earlier

Community trade mark has a reputation in the Community and

where the use of the later trade mark without due cause would

take unfair advantage of, or be detrimental to, the distinctive

character or the repute of the earlier Community trade mark. |Čl. 5. st.1.tač. 12) |Žigom se ne može zaštititi znak:

11) 12) koji, bez obzira na robu, odnosno usluge na koje se odnosi, predstavlja reprodukciju, imitaciju, prevod ili transliteraciju zaštićenog znaka drugog lica ili njegovog bitnog dela, koji je kod učesnika u prometu u Republici Srbiji nesumnjivo poznat kao znak visoke reputacije (u daljem tekstu: čuveni žig), ako bi se korišćenjem takvog znaka nelojalno izvlačila korist iz stečene reputacije čuvenog žiga ili bi se štetilo njegovom distinktivnom karakteru, odnosno reputaciji;

|Potpuno usklađeno | | | | |Art. 4 (4) |Any Member State may, in addition, provide that a trade

mark shall not be registered or, if registered, shall be liable to be

declared invalid where, and to the extent that: | | | | | | | |Art. 4 (4) (a) |the trade mark is identical with, or similar to, an earlier

national trade mark within the meaning of paragraph 2

and is to be, or has been, registered for goods or services

which are not similar to those for which the earlier trade

mark is registered, where the earlier trade mark has a reputation

in the Member State concerned and where the use of

the later trade mark without due cause would take unfair

advantage of, or be detrimental to, the distinctive character

or the repute of the earlier trade mark; |Čl. 5. st.1.tač. 12) |11) 12) koji, bez obzira na robu, odnosno usluge na koje se odnosi, predstavlja reprodukciju, imitaciju, prevod ili transliteraciju zaštićenog znaka drugog lica ili njegovog bitnog dela, koji je kod učesnika u prometu u Republici Srbiji nesumnjivo poznat kao znak visoke reputacije (u daljem tekstu: čuveni žig), ako bi se korišćenjem takvog znaka nelojalno izvlačila korist iz stečene reputacije čuvenog žiga ili bi se štetilo njegovom distinktivnom karakteru, odnosno reputaciji;

|Potpuno usklađeno | | |

| |Art. 4 (4) (b) |rights to a non-registered trade mark or to another sign

used in the course of trade were acquired prior to the

date of application for registration of the subsequent trade

mark, or the date of the priority claimed for the application

for registration of the subsequent trade mark, and that nonregistered

trade mark or other sign confers on its proprietor

the right to prohibit the use of a subsequent trade mark | | |Neprenosivo |Opciona odredba | | | |Art. 4 (4) (c) (i), (ii) |the use of the trade mark may be prohibited by virtue of an

earlier right other than the rights referred to in paragraph 2

and point (b) of this paragraph and in particular:

(i) a right to a name;

(ii) a right of personal portrayal;

|Čl. 5. st. 6, 7, 8 |Znak koji sadrži lik ili lično ime lica može se zaštititi samo po pristanku tog lica.

Znak koji sadrži lik ili lično ime umrlog lica može se zaštititi samo po pristanku roditelja, supružnika i dece umrlog.

Znak koji sadrži lik ili lično ime istorijske ili druge umrle znamenite ličnosti može se zaštititi uz dozvolu nadležnog organa i pristanak supružnika i srodnika do trećeg stepena srodstva.

|Potpuno usklađeno | | | | |Art. 4 (4) (c) (iii), (iv) |(iii) a copyright;

(iv) an industrial property right |Čl. 5. st. 1. tač. 13)

|Žigom se ne može zaštititi znak:

– koji svojim izgledom ili sadržajem povređuje autorska prava ili druga prava industrijske svojine; |Potpuno usklađeno | | | | |Art. 4 (4) (d) |the trade mark is identical with, or similar to, an earlier

collective trade mark conferring a right which expired

within a period of a maximum of three years preceding

application; | | |Neprenosivo |Opciona odredba | | | |Art. 4 (4) (e) |the trade mark is identical with, or similar to, an earlier

guarantee or certification mark conferring a right which

expired within a period preceding application the length

of which is fixed by the Member State | | |Neprenosivo |Opciona odredba | | | |Art. 4 (4) (f) |the trade mark is identical with, or similar to, an earlier

trade mark which was registered for identical or similar

goods or services and conferred on them a right which

has expired for failure to renew within a period of a

maximum of two years preceding application, unless the

proprietor of the earlier trade mark gave his agreement

for the registration of the later mark or did not use his

trade mark; | | |Neprenosivo |Opciona odredba | | | |Art. 4 (4) (g) |the trade mark is liable to be confused with a mark which

was in use abroad on the filing date of the application and

which is still in use there, provided that at the date of the

application the applicant was acting in bad faith | | |Neprenosivo |Opciona odredba | | | |Art. 4 (5) |The Member States may permit that in appropriate

circumstances registration need not be refused or the trade

mark need not be declared invalid where the proprietor of

the earlier trade mark or other earlier right consents to the

registration of the later trade mark |Čl. 5. st. 4.

|U slučaju iz stava 1. tač. 9) znak se može zaštititi žigom uz izričitu pismenu saglasnost nosioca ranijeg žiga.


|Potpuno usklađeno | | | | |Art. 4 (6) |Any Member State may provide that, by derogation from

paragraphs 1 to 5, the grounds for refusal of registration or

invalidity in force in that State prior to the date of the entry

into force of the provisions necessary to comply with Directive

89/104/EEC, shall apply to trade marks for which application

has been made prior to that date | | |Neprenosivo |Opciona odredba | | | |Art. 5 (1) |Rights conferred by a trade mark

1. The registered trade mark shall confer on the proprietor

exclusive rights therein. The proprietor shall be entitled to

prevent all third parties not having his consent from using in

the course of trade: |Čl. 1. i 2.

|Nosilac žiga ima isključivo pravo da znak zaštićen žigom koristi za obeležavanje robe, odnosno usluga na koje se taj znak odnosi.

Nosilac žiga ima pravo da drugim licima zabrani da neovlašćeno koriste:

|Potpuno usklađeno | | | | |Art. 5 (1) (a) |any sign which is identical with the trade mark in relation

to goods or services which are identical with those for

which the trade mark is registered |Čl. 2. tač. 1)

|1) znak koji koji je istovetan sa njegovim ranije zaštićenim znakom u odnosu na robe, odnosno usluge koje su istovetne robi, odnosno uslugama za koje je taj žig registrovan;

|Potpuno usklađeno | | | | |Art. 5 (1) (b) |any sign where, because of its identity with, or similarity to,

the trade mark and the identity or similarity of the goods or

services covered by the trade mark and the sign, there exists

a likelihood of confusion on the part of the public; the

likelihood of confusion includes the likelihood of association

between the sign and the trade mark |Čl. 2. tač. 2)

|2) znak koji je istovetan njegovom ranije zaštićenom znaku za sličnu vrstu robe, odnosno usluga ili sličan njegovom ranije zaštićenom znaku za istovetnu ili sličnu vrstu robe, odnosno usluga ako postoji verovatnoća da zbog te istovetnosti, odnosno sličnosti nastane zabuna u relevantnom delu javnosti, koja obuhvata i verovatnoću dovođenja u vezu tog znaka sa njegovim ranije zaštićenim znakom.

|Potpuno usklađeno | | | | |Art. 5 (2) |Any Member State may also provide that the proprietor

shall be entitled to prevent all third parties not having his

consent from using in the course of trade any sign which is

identical with, or similar to, the trade mark in relation to goods

or services which are not similar to those for which the trade

mark is registered, where the latter has a reputation in the

Member State and where use of that sign without due cause

takes unfair advantage of, or is detrimental to, the distinctive

character or the repute of the trade mark. |Čl. 2.


Nosilac čuvenog žiga može zabraniti drugom licu da isti ili sličan znak koristi za obeležavanje robe, odnosno usluga koje nisu slične onima za koje je žig registrovan, ako bi korišćenje takvog znaka upućivalo na povezanost te robe, odnosno usluga i nosioca zaštićenog čuvenog žiga i ako postoji verovatnoća da bi nosilac čuvenog žiga trpeo štetu takvim korišćenjem.


|Potpuno usklađeno | | | | |Art. 5 (3) (a) |The following, inter alia, may be prohibited under paragraphs

1 and 2:

(a) affixing the sign to the goods or to the packaging thereof; |Čl. 3. tač. 1)

|U smislu stava 2. ovog člana nosilac žiga ima pravo da zabrani i sledeće:

1) stavljanje zaštićenog znaka na robu, njeno pakovanje ili sredstva za obeležavanje robe (etikete, nalepnice, zatvarači za flaše i sl.);

|Potpuno usklađeno | | | | |Art. 5 (3) (b) | (b) offering the goods, or putting them on the market or

stocking them for these purposes under that sign, or

offering or supplying services thereunder;

|Čl. 3. tač. 2)

|- nuđenje robe, njeno stavljanje u promet ili njeno skladištenje u te svrhe, ili obavljanje usluga pod zaštićenim znakom;

|Potpuno usklađeno | | | | |Art. 5 (3) (c) |importing or exporting the goods under the sign |

Čl. 3. tač. 3) |- uvoz, izvoz ili tranzit UVOZ ILI IZVOZ robe pod zaštićenim znakom;

|Potpuno usklađeno | | | | |Art. 5 (3) (d) |using the sign on business papers and in advertising |Čl. 3. tač. 4) |- korišćenje zaštićenog znaka u poslovnoj dokumentaciji ili u reklami.

|Potpuno usklađeno | | | | |Art. 5 ( 4) |Where, under the law of the Member State, the use of a

sign under the conditions referred to in paragraph 1(b) or

paragraph 2 could not be prohibited before the date of entry

into force of the provisions necessary to comply with Directive

89/104/EEC in the Member State concerned, the rights

conferred by the trade mark may not be relied on to prevent

the continued use of the sign | | |Neprenosivo | | | | |Art. 5 (5) |Paragraphs 1 to 4 shall not affect provisions in any

Member State relating to the protection against the use of a

sign other than for the purposes of distinguishing goods or

services, where use of that sign without due cause takes

unfair advantage of, or is detrimental to, the distinctive

character or the repute of the trade mark. | | |Neprenosivo | | | | |Art. 6 (1) (a) |Limitation of the effects of a trade mark

1. The trade mark shall not entitle the proprietor to prohibit

a third party from using, in the course of trade:

(a) his own name or address;

|Čl. 2. tač. 1)

|Nosilac žiga ne može da zabrani drugom licu da u skladu sa dobrim poslovnim običajima koristi u privrednom prometu:

1) svoje ime ili adresu;

|Potpuno usklađeno | | | | |Art. 6 (1) (b) |indications concerning the kind, quality, quantity, intended

purpose, value, geographical origin, the time of production

of goods or of rendering of the service, or other characteristics

of goods or services |Čl. 2. tač. 2)

|- naznačenje vrste, kvaliteta, količine, namene, vrednosti, geografskog porekla, vremena proizvodnje ili drugog svojstva robe, odnosno usluga;

|Potpuno usklađeno | | | | |Art. 6 (1) (c) |the trade mark where it is necessary to indicate the intended

purpose of a product or service, in particular as accessories

or spare parts

-provided he uses them in accordance with honest practices in

industrial or commercial matters. |Čl. 2. tač. 3)

|- žigom zaštićeni znak, kad je njegovo korišćenje neophodno radi naznačenja namene robe, odnosno usluge, posebno kad je reč o rezervnim delovima ili priboru. |Potpuno usklađeno | | | | |Art. 6 (2) |The trade mark shall not entitle the proprietor to prohibit

a third party from using, in the course of trade, an earlier right

which only applies in a particular locality if that right is

recognised by the laws of the Member State in question and

within the limits of the territory in which it is recognised | | |Neprenosivo | | | | |Art. 7 (1)

|Exhaustion of the rights conferred by a trade mark

1. The trade mark shall not entitle the proprietor to prohibit

its use in relation to goods which have been put on the market

in the Community under that trade mark by the proprietor or

with his consent |Čl. 1.

|Žig ne daje pravo njegovom nosiocu da zabrani njegovo korišćenje u vezi sa robom koja je označena žigom i stavljena u promet bilo gde u svetu U REPUBLICI SRBIJI od strane nosioca žiga ili lica koje je on ovlastio.

|Neprenosivo |Izmenama Zakona o žigovima predviđa se nacionalno iscrpljenje prava, dok se Direktivom 2008/95/EC predviđa regionalno (komunitarno) iscrpljenje prava. |5 godina od datuma stupanja na snagu Sporazuma o stabilizaciji i pridruživanju

| | |Art. 7 (2) |Paragraph 1 shall not apply where there exist legitimate

reasons for the proprietor to oppose further commercialisation

of the goods, especially where the condition of the goods is

changed or impaired after they have been put on the market |Čl. 2.

|Odredba stava 1. ovog člana neće se primeniti u slučaju postojanja opravdanog razloga nosioca žiga da se suprotstavi daljem stavljanju u promet žigom označene robe, posebno ako je došlo do kvara ili druge bitne promene stanja robe posle njenog prvog stavljanja u promet.

|Potpuno usklađeno | | | | |Art. 8 (1) |Licensing

A trade mark may be licensed for some or all of the goods

or services for which it is registered and for the whole or part of

the Member State concerned. A licence may be exclusive or

non-exclusive. |Čl. 52. st. 1.

Čl. 7 |Nosilac žiga, odnosno podnosilac prijave može ugovorom o licenci ustupiti pravo korišćenja žiga, odnosno prava iz prijave, i to za sve ili samo za neke robe, odnosno usluge.


|Delimično usklađeno |U odredba člana 8 Direktive EU 2008/95 iziričito se propisuje da licenca može biti isključiva ili neisključiva. Zakon o žigovima ne sadrži navedeno preciziranje, jer je licenca (isključiva i neisključiva uređena) Zakonom o obligacionim odnosima koji se u ovom slučaju primenjuje kao opšti propis. |5 godina od datuma stupanja na snagu Sporazuma o stabilizaciji i pridruživanju

| | |Art. 8 (2) |The proprietor of a trade mark may invoke the rights

conferred by that trade mark against a licensee who contravenes

any provision in his licensing contract with regard to:

(a) its duration;

(b) the form covered by the registration in which the trade

mark may be used;

(c) the scope of the goods or services for which the licence is


(d) the territory in which the trade mark may be affixed; or

(e) the quality of the goods manufactured or of the services


|Potpuno usklađeno |

Obim prava korišćenja (dužina trajanja, teritorija) iz ugovora o licenci uređeni su čl. 686-690 Zakona o obligacionim odnosima

| | | |Art. 9 (1) |Limitation in consequence of acquiescence

1. Where, in a Member State, the proprietor of an earlier

trade mark as referred to in Article 4(2) has acquiesced, for a

period of five successive years, in the use of a later trade mark

registered in that Member State while being aware of such use,

he shall no longer be entitled on the basis of the earlier trade

mark either to apply for a declaration that the later trade mark

is invalid or to oppose the use of the later trade mark in respect

of the goods or services for which the later trade mark has been

used, unless registration of the later trade mark was applied for

in bad faith.

|Čl. 2.

|Predlog za oglašavanje ništavim žiga na osnovu člana 5. stav 1. tač. 8), 9), 10), 11) i 12) NA OSNOVU ČLANA 5. STAV 1. TAČ. 9), 10), 11), 12) I 13) ovog zakona može podneti samo nosilac ranijeg prava ili lice koje on ovlasti, osim ako je tokom pet uzastopnih godina pre podnošenja predloga znao za korišćenje kasnijeg žiga čiji je nosilac bio savestan i nije se tome protivio.

|Potpuno usklađeno | | | | |Art. 9 (2) |2. Any Member State may provide that paragraph 1 shall

apply mutatis mutandis to the proprietor of an earlier trade

mark referred to in Article 4(4)(a) or an other earlier right

referred to in Article 4(4)(b) or (c).

| | |Neprenosivo | | | | |Art. 9 (3) |3. In the cases referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2, the

proprietor of a later registered trade mark shall not be

entitled to oppose the use of the earlier right, even though

that right may no longer be invoked against the later trade

mark. | | |Neprenosivo | | | | |Art. 10 (1) |Use of trade marks

1. If, within a period of five years following the date of the

completion of the registration procedure, the proprietor has not

put the trade mark to genuine use in the Member State in

connection with the goods or services in respect of which it

is registered, or if such use has been suspended during an

uninterrupted period of five years, the trade mark shall be

subject to the sanctions provided for in this Directive, unless

there are proper reasons for non-use.

The following shall also constitute use within the meaning of

the first subparagraph:

(a) use of the trade mark in a form differing in elements which

do not alter the distinctive character of the mark in the

form in which it was registered;

(b) affixing of the trade mark to goods or to the packaging

thereof in the Member State concerned solely for export

purposes. |Čl. 1.

Čl. 64. st. 2. |Nadležni organ može, na zahtev zainteresovanog lica doneti rešenje o prestanku žiga u celini ili samo za neke robe, odnosno usluge, ako nosilac žiga ili lice koje je on ovlastio, bez opravdanog razloga nije ozbiljno koristilo na domaćem tržištu žig za obeležavanje robe, odnosno usluga na koje se taj žig odnosi, u neprekidnom vremenskom periodu od pet godina, računajući od dana registrovanja žiga, odnosno od dana kad je žig poslednji put korišćen. U postupku po zahtevu za prestanak žiga zbog nekorišćenja žiga, nosilac žiga ili lice koje je on ovlastio dužno je da dokaže da je žig koristilo.

Korišćenjem žiga, u smislu stava 1. ovog člana i člana 60. stav 3. ovog zakona smatra se i korišćenje znaka zaštićenog žigom u obliku koji se razlikuje u elementima koji ne menjaju distinktivni karakter znaka, kao i korišćenje zaštićenog znaka na robi ili pakovanju robe namenjenim isključivo izvozu.

|Potpuno usklađeno | | | | |Art. 10 (2) |Use of the trade mark with the consent of the proprietor

or by any person who has authority to use a collective mark or

a guarantee or certification mark shall be deemed to constitute

use by the proprietor |Čl. 64. st. 1.

|Nadležni organ može, na zahtev zainteresovanog lica doneti rešenje o prestanku žiga u celini ili samo za neke robe, odnosno usluge, ako nosilac žiga ili lice koje je on ovlastio, bez opravdanog razloga nije ozbiljno koristilo na domaćem tržištu žig za obeležavanje robe, odnosno usluga na koje se taj žig odnosi,

|Potpuno usklađeno |Saglasno ovoj odredbi, žig ne može prestati zbog nekorišćenja ako je žig koristilo lice koje je ovlašćeno od strane nosioca žiga. Shodno tome, upotreba žiga uz saglasnost nosioca žiga smatra se upotrebom od strane nosioca žiga. | | | |Art. 10 (3) |In relation to trade marks registered before the date of

entry into force in the Member State concerned of the

provisions necessary to comply with Directive 89/104/EEC:

(a) where a provision in force prior to that date attached

sanctions to non-use of a trade mark during an uninterrupted

period, the relevant period of five years mentioned

in the first subparagraph of paragraph 1 shall be deemed to

have begun to run at the same time as any period of nonuse

which is already running at that date;

(b) where there was no use provision in force prior to that date,

the periods of five years mentioned in the first subparagraph

of paragraph 1 shall be deemed to run from that date at the

earliest. | | |Neprenosivo | | | | |Art. 11 (1), (2) |Sanctions for non-use of a trade mark in legal or

administrative proceedings

1. A trade mark may not be declared invalid on the ground

that there is an earlier conflicting trade mark if the latter does

not fulfil the requirements of use set out in Article 10(1) and

(2), or in Article 10(3), as the case may be.

2. Any Member State may provide that registration of a trade

mark may not be refused on the ground that there is an earlier

conflicting trade mark if the latter does not fulfil the

requirements of use set out in Article 10(1) and (2) or in

Article 10(3), as the case may be. |Čl. 3.

|Žig se ne može oglasiti ništavim na osnovu člana 5. stav 1. tač. 8) i 9) NA OSNOVU ČLANA 5. STAV 1. TAČ. 9) I 10) ovog zakona ako raniji žig bez opravdanog razloga nije korišćen u Republici Srbiji za obeležavanje robe, odnosno usluga na koje se odnosi u periodu od pet godina pre podnošenja predloga za oglašavanje ništavim, izuzev ako je podnosilac prijave kasnijeg žiga bio nesavestan. U postupku po predlogu za oglašavanje žiga ništavim, nosilac ranijeg žiga ili njegov pravni sledbenik dužan je da dokaže da je žig korišćen.

|Potpuno usklađeno | | | | |Art. 11 (3) |Without prejudice to the application of Article 12, where

a counter-claim for revocation is made, any Member State may

provide that a trade mark may not be successfully invoked in

infringement proceedings if it is established as a result of a plea

that the trade mark could be revoked pursuant to Article 12(1). | | |Neprenosivo | | | | |Art. 11 (4) |If the earlier trade mark has been used in relation to part

only of the goods or services for which it is registered, it shall,

for purposes of applying paragraphs 1, 2 and 3, be deemed to

be registered in respect only of that part of the goods or

services. | | |Neprenosivo | | | | |Art. 12 (1)

|Grounds for revocation

1. A trade mark shall be liable to revocation if, within a

continuous period of five years, it has not been put to

genuine use in the Member State in connection with the

goods or services in respect of which it is registered, and

there are no proper reasons for non-use.

However, no person may claim that the proprietor’s rights in a

trade mark should be revoked where, during the interval

between expiry of the five-year period and filing of the application

for revocation, genuine use of the trade mark has been

started or resumed.

L 299/30 EN Official Journal of the European Union 8.11.2008

The commencement or resumption of use within a period of

three months preceding the filing of the application for revocation

which began at the earliest on expiry of the continuous

period of five years of non-use shall be disregarded where

preparations for the commencement or resumption occur

only after the proprietor becomes aware that the application

for revocation may be filed. |Čl. 64. st. 1.

Čl. 64. st. 6. |Nadležni organ može, na zahtev zainteresovanog lica doneti rešenje o prestanku žiga u celini ili samo za neke robe, odnosno usluge, ako nosilac žiga ili lice koje je on ovlastio, bez opravdanog razloga nije ozbiljno koristilo na domaćem tržištu žig za obeležavanje robe, odnosno usluga na koje se taj žig odnosi, u neprekidnom vremenskom periodu od pet godina, računajući od dana registrovanja žiga, odnosno od dana kad je žig poslednji put korišćen.

Neće se doneti rešenje o prestanku žiga zbog nekorišćenja ako je korišćenje žiga započelo ili je nastavljeno posle isteka neprekidnog vremenskog perioda od pet godina u kome žig nije korišćen, a pre podnošenja zahteva za prestanak žiga zbog nekorišćenja, osim ako je do započinjanja ili nastavljanja korišćenja žiga došlo pošto je nosilac prava saznao da će biti podnet zahtev za prestanak njegovog žiga i ako je korišćenje započeto ili nastavljeno u periodu od tri meseca pre podnošenja zahteva za prestanak žiga.

|Potpuno usklađeno | | | | |Art. 12(2)(a)

|Without prejudice to paragraph 1, a trade mark shall be

liable to revocation if, after the date on which it was registered:

(a) in consequence of acts or inactivity of the proprietor, it has

become the common name in the trade for a product or

service in respect of which it is registered; |Čl. 66. st. 1. tač. 1) |Nadležni organ može na zahtev zainteresovanog lica doneti rešenje o prestanku žiga, u celini ili samo za neke robe, odnosno usluge i u sledećim slučajevima:

1) ako je znak zaštićen žigom, zbog činjenja ili nečinjenja nosioca žiga ili njegovog pravnog sledbenika postao generičan naziv robe, odnosno usluge za koju je registrovan;

|Potpuno usklađeno | | | | |Art. 12(2)(b)

|in consequence of the use made of it by the proprietor of

the trade mark or with his consent in respect of the goods

or services for which it is registered, it is liable to mislead

the public, particularly as to the nature, quality or geographical

origin of those goods or services |Čl. 66. st. 1. tač. 2) |-ako znak zaštićen žigom, zbog načina na koji ga nosilac žiga ili njegov pravni sledbenik koristi, može u prometu da izazove zabunu o geografskom poreklu, vrsti, kvalitetu ili drugim svojstvima robe, odnosno usluge;

|Potpuno usklađeno | | | | |Art. 13

|Grounds for refusal or revocation or invalidity relating to

only some of the goods or services

Where grounds for refusal of registration or for revocation or

invalidity of a trade mark exist in respect of only some of the

goods or services for which that trade mark has been applied

for or registered, refusal of registration or revocation or invalidity

shall cover those goods or services only. |Čl. 1.

|Žig se može oglasiti ništavim, u celini ili samo za neke robe, odnosno usluge, ako se utvrdi da u vreme njegovog registrovanja nisu bili ispunjeni uslovi za priznanje žiga predviđeni ovim zakonom.

|Potpuno usklađeno | | | | |Art. 14 |Establishment a posteriori of invalidity or revocation of a

trade mark

Where the seniority of an earlier trade mark which has been

surrendered or allowed to lapse is claimed for a Community

trade mark, the invalidity or revocation of the earlier trade mark

may be established a posteriori. | | |Neprenosivo | | | | |Art. 15(1)

|Without prejudice to Article 4, Member States whose laws

authorise the registration of collective marks or of guarantee or

certification marks may provide that such marks shall not be

registered, or shall be revoked or declared invalid, on grounds

additional to those specified in Articles 3 and 12 where the

function of those marks so requires. |Čl. 2.

|Kolektivni žig i žig garancije mogu se oglasiti ništavim I ako se utvrdi da opšti akt o kolektivnom žigu i opšti akt o žigu garancije, odnosno njihove izmene, nisu ispunjavale, odnosno ne ispunjavaju uslove iz člana 28. stav 1. ovog zakona.

|Potpuno usklađeno | | | | |Art. 15(2) |By way of derogation from Article 3(1)(c), Member States

may provide that signs or indications which may serve, in trade,

to designate the geographical origin of the goods or services

may constitute collective, guarantee or certification marks. Such

a mark does not entitle the proprietor to prohibit a third party

from using in the course of trade such signs or indications,

provided he uses them in accordance with honest practices in

industrial or commercial matters; in particular, such a mark may

not be invoked against a third party who is entitled to use a

geographical name. |Čl. 42.

|Ako je predmet zaštite kolektivnog žiga, odnosno žiga garancije znak koji ukazuje na određeni geografski lokalitet sa koga potiče roba, odnosno usluga označena njime, korisnik kolektivnog žiga, odnosno žiga garancije ne može zabraniti drugome da taj znak koristi u skladu sa dobrim poslovnim običajima, niti može zabraniti njegovo korišćenje ovlašćenom korisniku iste ili slične registrovane oznake geografskog porekla za istu ili sličnu vrstu robe, odnosno usluga.

|Potpuno usklađeno | | | | |Art. 16 |Communication

Member States shall communicate to the Commission the text

of the main provisions of national law adopted in the field

governed by this Directive. | | |Neprenosivo | | | | |Art. 17 |Repeal

Directive 89/104/EEC, as amended by the Decision listed in

Annex I, Part A, is repealed, without prejudice to the obligations

of the Member States relating to the time limit for transposition

into national law of that Directive, set out in Annex I, Part B.

References to the repealed Directive shall be construed as

references to this Directive and shall be read in accordance

with the correlation table in Annex II. | | |Neprenosivo | | | | |Art. 18 |This Directive shall enter into force on the 20th day following

its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union. | | |Neprenosivo | | | | |Art. 19 |Addressees

This Directive is addressed to the Member States.

Done at Strasbourg, 22 October 2008.

For the European Parliament

The President


For the Council

The President

J.-P. JOUYET | | |Neprenosivo | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

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