Predlog zakona o radnom vremenu posade vozila u drumskom prevozu i tahografima (sa tabelama usklađenosti)

1. Naziv propisa Evropske unije :

Direktiva 2006/22/EZ evropskog parlamenta i veća od 15. marta 2006. o minimalnim uslovima za sprovođenje Uredbe Veća (EEZ) br. 3820/85 i (EEZ) br. 3821/85 o socijalnom zakonodavstvu koje se odnosi na aktivnosti drumskog prevoza i stavljanju izvan snage Direktivu Veća 88/599/EEZ

Directive 2006/22/EC of the european parliament and of the council of 15 March 2006 on minimum conditions for the implementation of Council Regulations (EEC) No 3820/85 and (EEC) No 3821/85 concerning social legislation relating to road transport activities and repealing Council Directive 88/599/EEC (Amended by: 32009L0005; 32009L0004)

2. „CELEX” oznaka EU propisa




3. Organ državne uprave, odnosno drugi ovlašćeni predlagač propisa – Vlada

Obrađivač – Ministarstvo građevinarstva, saobraćaja i infrastrukture

4. Datum izrade tabele:

29.10.2015. godine

5. Naziv (nacrta, predloga) propisa čije odredbe su predmet analize usklađenosti sa propisom Evropske unije:

Predlog zakona o radnom vremenu posade vozila u drumskom prevozu i tahografima

Draft law on working time of mobile worker vehicles in road transport and tachographs

6. Brojčane oznake (šifre) planiranih propisa iz baze NPAA:


7. Usklađenost odredbi propisa sa odredbama propisa EU:








Odredba propisa EU

Sadržina odredbe

Odredbe propisa R. Srbije

Sadržina odredbe


Razlozi za delimičnu usklađenost, neusklađenost ili neprenosivost

Napomena o usklađenosti



This Directive lays down minimum conditions for the implementation of Regulations (EEC) No 3820/85 and (EEC) No 3821/85.



Objašnjenje u vezi implementacije Regulativa 3820/85 i 3821/85.


Checking systems

Member States shall organise a system of appropriate and regular checks on correct and consistent implementation, as referred to in

Article 1, both at the roadside and at premises of undertakings of all transport categories.

These checks shall cover each year a large and representative crosssection of mobile workers, drivers, undertakings and vehicles of all transport categories falling within the scope of Regulations (EEC)

No 3820/85 and (EEC) No 3821/85.

Member States shall ensure that a coherent national enforcement strategy is applied on their territory. For this purpose, Member States may designate a body for the coordination of actions taken under Articles 4 and 6, in which case the Commission and the other

Member States shall be informed thereof.



Ovim zakonom uređuju se: službene evidencije i nadzor nad sprovođenjem ovog zakona u cilju povećanja bezbednosti saobraćaja na putevima,

Poslove koordinacije nadzora obavlja Ministarstvo nadležno za poslove saobraćaja.



In so far as this is not already the case, Member States shall, not later than 1 May 2007, provide authorised inspecting officers with appropriate legal powers to enable them correctly to discharge their inspection obligations as required by this Directive.




Nadzor na putu vrše Ministarstvo nadležno za poslove saobraćaja i Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova.

Nadzor u prostorijama prevoznika vrše Ministarstvo nadležno za poslove saobraćaja i Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova.

Nadzor nad radom radionice za tahografe vrši Ministarstvo nadležno za poslove saobraćaja, a stručni nadzor nad radom radionice za tahografe vrši Agencija.



Each Member State shall organise checks in such a way that, as from 1 May 2006, 1 % of days worked by drivers of vehicles falling within the scope of Regulations (EEC) No 3820/85 and (EEC)

No 3821/85 are checked. This percentage will increase to at least 2 % from 1 January 2008 and to at least 3 % from 1 January 2010. From 1 January 2012 this minimum percentage may be increased to 4 % by the Commission, in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 12(2), provided that the statistics collected pursuant to Article 3 show that, on average, more than 90 % of all vehicles checked are equipped with a digital tachograph. In making its decision, the

Commission shall also take into account the effectiveness of existing enforcement measures, in particular the availability of digital tachograph

data at the premises of undertakings.

Not less than 15 % of the total number of the working days checked shall be checked at the roadside and not less than 30 % at the premises of undertakings. From 1 January 2008 not less than 30 % of the total number of the working days checked shall be checked at the roadside and not less than 50 % shall be checked at the premises of undertakings.



Nadzor nad radom posade vozila i prevoznika se vrši na putu i u prostorijama prevoznika i obuhvata najmanje 3% od ukupnog broja dana rada vozača na koje se ovaj zakon odnosi u prevozu putnika i tereta, od čega se najmanje 30% kontroliše na putu, a najmanje 50% u prostorijama prevoznika.

O sprovedenom nadzoru dostavlja se godišnji izveštaj Agenciji, najkasnije do 15. marta tekuće godine za prethodnu godinu, koja priprema izveštaj o sprovedenim nadzorima i dostavlja ga Ministarstvu nadležnom za poslove saobraćaja.



The information submitted to the Commission in accordance with Article 16(2) of Regulation (EEC) No 3820/85 shall include the number of drivers checked at the roadside, the number of checks at the premises of undertakings, the number of working days checked and the number and type of infringements reported, together with a record of whether passengers or goods were transported.



Obaveza EU Komisije



Member States shall ensure that statistics collected from the checks organised in accordance with Article 2(1) and (3) are broken down into the following categories:

(a) for roadside checks:

(i) type of road, namely whether it is a motorway, a national or a secondary road, and country of registration of the vehicle inspected, in order to avoid discrimination;

(ii) type of tachograph: analogue or digital;

(b) for checks at the premises:

(i) type of transport activity, namely whether the activity is international or domestic, passenger or freight, own account or for hire or reward;

(ii) size of company fleet;

(iii) type of tachograph: analogue or digital.


Izveštaj iz člana 44. sadrži podatke o broju kontrolisanih vozača na putu, broju izvršenih nadzora u prostorijama prevoznika, broju kontrolisanih radnih dana, kao i broju i vrsti otkrivenih prekršaja, razvrstano u zavisnosti od toga da li se radi o prevozu putnika ili tereta.

Podaci u izveštaju razvrstavaju se:

1) za nadzor na putu po:

(1) kategoriji puta, odnosno da li se radi o autoputu, ostalim putevima prvog reda ili putu drugog reda, lokalnim putevima i ulicama;

(2) državi u kojoj je registrovano vozilo;

(3) vrsti tahografa: analogni ili digitalni;

2) za nadzor u prostorijama prevoznika po:

(1) vrsti prevoza, odnosno da li se radi o međunarodnom ili prevozu koji se obavlja u celini na teritoriji Republike Srbije, prevozu putnika ili tereta, prevozu za sopstvene potrebe ili javnom prevozu;

(2) veličini voznog parka prevoznika;

(3) vrsti tahografa: analogni ili digitalni.



These statistics shall be submitted biennially to the Commission and shall be published in a report.

The competent authorities in the Member States shall keep a record of the data collected for the previous year.


Obaveza EU komisije


Undertakings responsible for drivers shall keep, for a period of one year, the documents, records of results and other relevant data passed to them by the enforcement authorities concerning checks carried out on them at their premises and/or on their drivers at the roadside.



Prevoznik čuva tahografske listiće i ispise po hronološkom redu i u čitljivom obliku godinu dana nakon datuma njihovog korišćenja i dužan je da, na zahtev nadležnog organa, iste pruži na uvid.

Prevoznik je dužan da čuva godinu dana zapisnike i druge relevantne podatke dobijene od nadzornih organa u vezi sa obavljenim nadzorom u prostorijama prevoznika i na putu.



Any further clarification required of the definitions of the categories mentioned under (a) and (b) shall be established by the Commission, in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 12(2).


Obaveza EU komisije


Roadside checks

Roadside checks shall be organised in various places and at any time and shall cover a sufficiently extensive part of the road network to make it difficult to avoid checkpoints.


Nadzor na putu se organizuje na različitim lokacijama i u različito vreme tako da se pokrije dovoljan procenat putne mreže kako bi se sprečilo izbegavanje nadzora.



Member States shall ensure that:

(a) sufficient provision is made for checkpoints on or nearby existing and planned roads and, if necessary, that service stations and other safe locations along motorways can function as checkpoints;

(b) checks are carried out following a random rotation system, with an appropriate geographical balance.



Nadzor na putu se organizuje na različitim lokacijama i u različito vreme tako da se pokrije dovoljan procenat putne mreže kako bi se sprečilo izbegavanje nadzora.

Nadzor nad radom posade vozila i prevoznika se vrši na putu i u prostorijama prevoznika i obuhvata najmanje 3% od ukupnog broja dana rada vozača na koje se ovaj zakon odnosi u prevozu putnika i tereta, od čega se najmanje 30% kontroliše na putu, a najmanje 50% u prostorijama prevoznika.



The points to be verified at roadside checks are set out in Part A of Annex I. Checks may focus on a specific point if the situation so requires.


Nadzor na putu može da se usmeri na pojedine tačke iz stava 2. ovog člana.



Without prejudice to Article 9(2), roadside checks shall be carried out without discrimination.

In particular, enforcement officers shall not

discriminate on any of the following grounds:

(a) country of registration of vehicle;

(b) country of residence of driver;

(c) country of establishment of undertaking;

(d) origin and destination of journey;

(e) type of tachograph: analogue or digital.


Prilikom nadzora na putu utvrđuje se:

država registracije vozila,

država prebivališta vozača,

država sedišta prevoznika,

mesto početka i kraja putovanja,

vrsta tahografa

(analogni ili digitalni).



Enforcement officers shall be provided with:

(a) a list of the principal points to be checked, as set out in Part A of Annex I;

(b) standard checking equipment, as set out in

Annex II.


Nadzorni organi se osposobljavaju i opremaju za vršenje nadzora na putu i u prostorijama prevoznika.


Lista opreme za kontrolu je data u aneksu ove Uredbe


If, in a Member State, the findings of a roadside check on the driver of a vehicle registered in another Member State afford grounds for believing that infringements have been committed which cannot be

established during the check owing to a lack of necessary data, the competent authorities of the Member States concerned shall assist each other in clarifying the situation.


Ako se prilikom nadzora na putu vozača vozila registrovanog u drugoj državi posumnja da je počinjen prekršaj koji se ne može ustanoviti tokom nadzora zbog nedostatka podataka, nadležni nadzorni organi predmetnih država se međusobno ispomažu u cilju razjašnjenja situacije.



Concerted checks

Member States shall, at least six times per year, undertake concerted roadside checks on drivers and vehicles falling within the scope of Regulations (EEC) No 3820/85 and (EEC) No 3821/85. Such checks

shall be undertaken at the same time by the enforcement authorities of two or more Member States, each operating in its own territory.



Nadzorni organi, najmanje šest puta godišnje, učestvuju u vršenju zajedničkih nadzora na putu vozača i vozila obuhvaćenih ovim zakonom. Zajednički nadzor na putu vrše istovremeno nadzorni organi dve ili više država, svaki na teritoriji svoje države.

Ako se prilikom nadzora na putu vozača vozila registrovanog u drugoj državi posumnja da je počinjen prekršaj koji se ne može ustanoviti tokom nadzora zbog nedostatka podataka, nadležni nadzorni organi predmetnih država se međusobno ispomažu u cilju razjašnjenja situacije.



Checks at the premises of undertakings

1. Checks at premises shall be planned in the light of past experience in relation to the various types of transport and undertakings. They shall also be carried out if serious infringements of Regulations (EEC) No 3820/85 or (EEC) No 3821/85 have been detected at the roadside.

2. Checks at premises shall cover the points listed in Part A and Part B of Annex I.

3. Enforcement officers shall be provided with:

(a) a list of the principal points to be checked, as set out in Parts A and B of Annex I;

(b) standard checking equipment, as set out in Annex II.

4. Enforcement officers in a Member State shall, in the course of the check take into account any information provided by the designated liaison body of another Member State, as referred to in Article 7(1), concerning the activities of the undertaking in question in that other Member State.

5. For the purposes of paragraphs 1 to 4, checks carried out at the premises of the competent authorities, on the basis of relevant documents or data handed over by undertakings at the request of the

said authorities, shall have the same status as checks carried out at the premises of undertakings.


Nadzor u prostorijama prevoznika, pored nadzora iz člana 47. stav 2. ovog zakona obuhvata i nadzor:

nedeljnih odmora i vremena upravljanja vozilom između nedeljnih odmora;

pridržavanja ograničenja vremena upravljanja vozilom tokom dve uzastopne nedelje;

radnih vremena članova posade vozila;

tahografskih listića, podataka i štampanih ispisa sa digitalnog tahografa i sa kartice vozača;

potvrda o aktivnostima vozača.

Tokom nadzora nadzorni organi mogu proveravati i zajedničku odgovornost prevoznika, pošiljaoca tereta, špedicija i ostalih učesnika u organizaciji prevoza, što obuhvata proveru da ugovori o prevozu omogućavaju poštovanje odredaba ovog zakona.

Nadzorni organi su dužni da prilikom nadzora u prostorijama prevoznika uzmu u obzir sve informacije dobijene od nadležnih organa drugih država o počinjenim prekršajima odredaba ovog zakona odnosno AETR sporazuma koji se odnose na datog prevoznika ili njegove vozače.

Nadzor koji se vrši u prostorijama nadzornih organa na osnovu traženih dokumenata, isprava ili podataka koje je prevoznik predao na zahtev nadzornog organa smatra se nadzorom u prostorijama prevoznika.



Intracommunity liaison

Member States shall designate a body which shall have the following tasks:

(a) to ensure coordination with equivalent bodies in the other Member States concerned as regards actions taken under Article 5;

(b) to forward the biennial statistical returns to the Commission under Article 16(2) of Regulation (EEC) No 3820/85;

(c) to be primarily responsible for assisting the competent authorities of other Member States pursuant to Article 4(6).

The body shall be represented on the Committee referred to in Article 12(1).


Nadzor nad sprovođenjem ovog zakona i propisa donetih na osnovu ovog zakona vrše Ministarstvo nadležno za poslove saobraćaja i Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova, svako u okviru svog delokruga.

Nadzor na putu vrše Ministarstvo nadležno za poslove saobraćaja i Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova.

Nadzor u prostorijama prevoznika vrše Ministarstvo nadležno za poslove saobraćaja i Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova.

Nadzor nad radom radionice za tahografe vrši Ministarstvo nadležno za poslove saobraćaja, a stručni nadzor nad radom radionice za thografe vrši Agencija.

Poslove koordinacije nadzora obavlja Ministarstvo nadležno za poslove saobraćaja.

Nadzor nad radom Agencije obavlja ministarstvo nadležno za poslove saobraćaja.



Member States shall notify the Commission of the designation of this body and the Commission shall advise the other Member States accordingly.


Obaveza zemalja članica EU prema EU Komisiji


The exchange of data, of experience and of intelligence between Member States shall be actively promoted, primarily but not exclusively

through the Committee referred to in Article 12(1) and any such body as the Commission may designate in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 12(2).


Ministarstvo nadležno za poslove saobraćaja razmenjuje podatke prikupljene iz nadzora s nadležnim nadzornim organima i organima nadležnim za poslove saobraćaja drugih država.



Exchange of information

1. Information made available bilaterally under Article 17(3) of Regulation (EEC) No 3820/85 or Article 19(3) of Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85 shall be exchanged between the designated bodies notified to the Commission in accordance with Article 7(2):

(a) at least once every six months after the entry into force of this Directive;

(b) upon specific request by a Member State in individual cases.

2. Member States shall seek to establish systems for the electronic exchange of information. In accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 12(2), the Commission shall define a common methodology

for effective information exchange.



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Risk rating system

1. Member States shall introduce a risk rating system for undertakings based on the relative number and severity of any infringements of Regulations (EEC) No 3820/85 or (EEC) No 3821/85 that an individual

undertaking has committed. The Commission shall support dialogue between Member States to encourage consistency between

these risk rating systems.

2. Undertakings with a high risk rating shall be checked more closely and more often. The criteria and detailed rules for implementing such a system shall be discussed in the Committee referred to in Article 12, with a view to establishing a system for the exchange of information on best practices.

3. An initial list of infringements of Regulation (EEC) No 3820/85 and (EEC) No 3821/85 is set out in Annex III. With a view to giving guidelines on the weighting of infringements of Regulations (EEC) No 3820/85 and (EEC) No 3821/85, the Commission may, as appropriate, in accordance with the procedure

referred to in Article 12(2), adapt Annex III with a view to establishing guidelines on a common range of infringements, divided into categories according to their gravity. The category for the most serious infringements should include those where failure to comply with the relevant provisions of Regulations (EEC) No 3820/85 and (EEC) No 3821/85 create a serious risk of death or serious personal injury.


Procena rizika

Ministarstvo nadležno za poslove saobraćaja uvodi kriterijume za procenu rizika za prevoznike zasnovane na broju i ozbiljnosti prekršaja ovog zakona koje počini prevoznik odnosno njegovi vozači, kao i informacijama o prekršajima dobijenim od drugih država.

Sistem za procenu rizika isključivo sadrži ime, prezime, JMBG, datum i mesto rođenja člana posade kao podatke o ličnosti.

U svrhu procene rizika koristiće se kategorizacija prekršaja po ozbiljnosti u skladu sa ovim zakonom.

Rizik prema stepenu može biti neznatan, nizak, srednji, visok i kritičan.

Nadzor je srazmeran procenjenom riziku, odnosno prevoznici koji su visokog i kritičnog stepena rizika se kontrolišu češće i detaljnije.

Kriterijume za procenu rizika, postupak sprovođenja procene rizika i učestalost vršenja inspekcijskog nadzora na osnovu procene rizika bliže uređuje Ministar




By 1 May 2009 the Commission shall submit to the European Parliament and to the Council a report analysing the penalties for serious infringements provided for in the legislation of the Member




Obaveza EU Komisije


Best practice

1. In accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 12(2), the Commission shall establish guidelines on best enforcement practice.

Those guidelines shall be published in a biennial report of the Commission.

2. Member States shall establish joint training programmes on best practice to be held at least once per year and shall facilitate exchanges, at least once per year, of staff of their respective bodies for intracommunity liaison with their counterparts in other Member States.

3. An electronic and printable form shall be drawn up by the Commission in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 12(2), to be used when a driver has been on sick leave or on annual leave, or when the driver has driven another vehicle exempted from the scope of Regulation (EEC) No 3820/85, during the period mentioned in the first indent of the first subparagraph of Article 15(7) of Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85.

4. Member States shall ensure that enforcement officers are well trained for the execution of their tasks.



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Committee procedure

1. The Commission shall be assisted by the Committee set up by Article 18(1) of Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85.

2. Where reference is made to this paragraph, Articles 5 and 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.

The period laid down in Article 5(6) of Decision 1999/468/EC shall be set at three months.

3. The Committee shall adopt its Rules of Procedure.



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Implementing measures

At the request of a Member State or on its own initiative the Commission shall, in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 12(2), adopt implementing measures in particular with one of

the following aims:

(a) to promote a common approach to the implementation of this Directive;

(b) to encourage a coherence of approach between enforcement authorities and a harmonised interpretation of Regulation (EEC) No 3820/85 between enforcement authorities;

(c) to facilitate dialogue between the transport sector and enforcement authorities.



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Negotiations with third countries

Once this Directive has entered into force, the Community shall begin negotiations with the relevant third countries with a view to the application

of rules equivalent to those laid down in this Directive. Pending the conclusion of these negotiations, Member States shall include data on checks carried out on vehicles from third countries in

their returns to the Commission as set out in Article 16(2) of Regulation (EEC) No 3820/85.



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Updating of the Annexes

Amendments to the Annexes which are necessary to adapt them to developments in best practice shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 12(2).



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1. Member States shall bring into force the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Directive by 1 April 2007. They shall forthwith communicate to the Commission the text of those provisions and a correlation table between those provisions and this Directive.

When Member States adopt these measures, they shall contain a reference to this Directive or be accompanied by such a reference on the occasion of their official publication. The methods of making such reference shall be laid down by Member States.

2. Member States shall communicate to the Commission the text of the main provisions of national law which they adopt in the field governed by this Directive.



Obaveza EU Komisije



1. Directive 88/599/EEC is hereby repealed.

2. References made to the repealed Directive shall be construed as being made to this Directive.



Ukidanje Direktive 88/599/EEZ


Entry into force

This Directive shall enter into force on the 20th day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.



Primenljivo samo za zemlje članice EU



This Directive is addressed to the Member States.



Primenljivo samo za zemlje članice EU





The following points shall, in general, be covered by roadside checks:

(1) daily and weekly driving times, breaks and daily and weekly rest periods;

also the preceding days’ record sheets which have to be carried on board the

vehicle in accordance with Article 15(7) of Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85

and/or the data stored for the same period on the driver card and/or in the

memory of the recording equipment in accordance with Annex ΙΙ to this

Directive and/or on printouts;

(2) for the period referred to in Article 15(7) of Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85,

any cases where the vehicle’s authorised speed is exceeded, to be defined as being any periods of more than one minute during which the vehicle’s speed

exceeds 90 km/h for category N3 vehicles or 105 km/h for category M3 vehicles (categories N3 and M3 being defined in Annex II, Part A to Council Directive 70/156/EEC of 6 February 1970 on the approximation

of the laws of the Member States relating to the type-approval of motor vehicles and their trailers (1);

(3) where appropriate, momentary speeds attained by the vehicle as recorded by the recording equipment in no more than the previous 24 hours’ use of the vehicle;

(4) the correct functioning of the recording equipment (determination of possible misuse of the equipment and/or the driver card and/or record sheets) or, where appropriate, presence of the documents referred to in Article 14(5) of Regulation (EEC) No 3820/85;

(5) where appropriate, and with due regard to safety considerations, a verification of the recording equipment installed in vehicles in order to detect the installation and/or the use of any device, or devices, intended to destroy, suppress, manipulate or alter any data, or which is intended to interfere with any part of the electronic data exchange between the

component parts of recording equipment, or which inhibits or alters the data in such ways prior to encryption.


Nadzor na putu obuhvata najmanje:

dnevno i nedeljno vreme upravljanja vozilom, pauze, dnevno i nedeljno vreme odmora, evidencije koje koji se moraju nalaziti u vozilu, odnosno tahografske listiće, podatke na kartici vozača u memoriji tahografa, odnosno na štampanim ispisima;

sva prekoračenja brzine vozila evidentirana tahografom, tokom kojih brzina vozila prelazi 90 km/h za vozila vrste N3 ili 100 km/h za vozila vrste M3;

ako je moguće, trenutne brzine vozila koje evidentira tahograf tokom najviše 24 prethodna časa korišćenja vozila;

ispravnost tahografa odnosno postojanje uređaja ili naprave za manipulaciju sa tahografom, tahografskim listićem, ispisom ili karticom vozača koje mogu da dovedu do falsifikovanja, brisanja ili uništavanja memorisanih ili evidentiranih podataka, odnosno do ometanja razmene podataka između sastavnih delova tahografa ili njihove izmene.

Nadzor na putu može da se usmeri na pojedine tačke iz stava 2. ovog člana.






The following points shall be checked at the premises of undertakings, in addition to those set out in Part A:

(1) weekly rest periods and driving times between these rest periods;

(2) observance of the two-weekly limitation of driving times;

(3) record sheets, vehicle unit and driver card data and printouts.

Member States may, if appropriate, check on the joint liability of other instigators or accessories in the transport chain, such as shippers, freight forwarders or

contractors, if an infringement is detected, including verification that contracts for the provision of transport permit compliance with Regulations (EEC) No 3820/85 and (EEC) No 3821/85.


Nadzor u prostorijama prevoznika, pored nadzora iz člana 47. stav 2. ovog zakona obuhvata i nadzor:

nedeljnih odmora i vremena upravljanja vozilom između nedeljnih odmora;

pridržavanja ograničenja vremena upravljanja vozilom tokom dve uzastopne nedelje;

radnih vremena članova posade vozila;

tahografskih listića, podataka i štampanih ispisa sa digitalnog tahografa i sa kartice vozača;

potvrda o aktivnostima vozača.

Tokom nadzora nadzorni organi mogu proveravati i zajedničku odgovornost prevoznika, pošiljaoca tereta, špedicija i ostalih učesnika u organizaciji prevoza, što obuhvata proveru da ugovori o prevozu omogućavaju poštovanje odredaba ovog zakona.



Standard equipment to be available to enforcement units

Member States shall ensure that the following standard equipment is available to enforcement units carrying out the duties set out in Annex I:

(1) equipment capable of downloading data from the vehicle unit and driver card of the digital tachograph, reading data, and analysing data and/or transmitting

findings to a central database for analysis;

(2) equipment to check the tachograph sheets;

(3) specific analysis equipment, with appropriate software, to verify and confirm the digital signature attached to data, as well as specific analysis software to provide a detailed speed profile of vehicles prior to the inspection of their recording equipment.


Nadzorni organi se osposobljavaju i opremaju za vršenje nadzora na putu i u prostorijama prevoznika. Oprema za nadzor obuhvata uređaje za:

preuzimanje podataka sa digitalnog tahografa i kartice vozača, učitavanje, analizu odnosno prenos podataka u centralnu bazu podataka radi analize;

proveru tahografskih listića;

analizu sa programskom podrškom za proveru i potvrdu digitalnog potpisa elektronskih podataka, kao i analizu detaljnog profila brzine vozila.




In accordance with Article 9(3), the following table contains guidelines on a common range of infringements against Regulation (EC) No 561/2006 and Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85, divided into categories according to their gravity.

1. Groups of infringements against Regulation (EC) No 561/2006

2. Groups of infringements against Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85

54. – 67.


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