1. Naziv propisa Evropske unije :
DIREKTIVA (EU) br. 2012/34 EVROPSKOG PARLAMENTA I SAVETA od 21. novembra 2012. godine kojom se uspostavlja jedinstveno evropsko železničko područje (prerađen tekst), Službeni list broj L 315, 14.12.2012.
DIRECTIVE (EC) No 2012/34 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 21 November 2012 establishing a single European railway area (recast), OJ L 343/32, 14.12.2012.
3. Organ državne uprave, odnosno drugi ovlašćeni predlagač propisa:
4. Datum izrade tabele:
Ovlašćeni predlagač: Vlada
Obrađivač: Ministarstvo građevinarstva, saobraćaja i infrastrukture
5. Naziv (nacrta, predloga) propisa čije odredbe su predmet analize usklađenosti sa propisom Evropske unije:
Predlog zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona o železnici (konsolidovana verzija)
Draft Law Amending Law on Railway (consolidated versions)
6. Brojčane oznake (šifre) planiranih propisa iz baze NPAA: 2014-97
7. Usklađenost odredbi propisa sa odredbama propisa EU:
Odredba propisa EU
Sadržina odredbe
Odredbe propisa R. Srbije
Sadržina odredbe
Razlozi za delimičnu usklađenost, neusklađenost ili neprenosivost
Napomena o usklađenosti
1. 1.
This Directive lays down:
(a) the rules applicable to the management of railway infrastructure and to rail transport activities of the railway undertakings established or to be established in a Member State as set out in Chapter II;
(b) the criteria applicable to the issuing, renewal or amendment of licences by a Member State intended for railway undertakings which are or will be established in the Union as set out in Chapter III;
(c) the principles and procedures applicable to the setting and collecting of railway infrastructure charges and the allocation of railway infrastructure capacity as set out in Chapter IV.
Zakon ne sadrži posebnu odredbu odgovarajuće sadržine, međutim iz teksta zakona se vidi da je predmet regulisanja materija koja je predmet ove direktive.
Zakon o železnci („Službeni glasnik RS”, broj 45/13) delimično je harmonizovan sa Direktivama 2001/14/EZ, 95/18/EZ i 91/440/EEZ, sa njihovim poslednjim izmenama, a ove direktive su objedinjene i prerađene Direktivom 2012/34/EU, koja predviđa značajne novine, sa kojima tek predstoji usklađivanje nacionalnog zakonodavstva. Harmonizacija sa ovom direktivom planirana je za IV kvartal 2017. godine (NPAA).
This Directive applies to the use of railway infrastructure for domestic and international rail services.
Zakon reguliše uspostavljanje nacionalnog tržišta i korišćenje infrastrukture sa tog aspekta, a materija koja se odnosi na otvaranje tržišta železničkih usluga sa međunarodnog aspekta će biti regulisana u daljem procesu harmonizacije.
Usklađenost sa delom odredbe kojim se uspostavlja nacionalno tržište i korišćenje infrastrukture sa tog aspekta, je prožeto kroz duh zakona.
1. Chapter II shall not apply to railway undertakings which only operate urban, suburban or regional services on local and regional stand-alone networks for transport services on railway infrastructure or on networks intended only for the operation of urban or suburban rail services.
Notwithstanding the first subparagraph, when such a railway undertaking is under the direct or indirect control of an undertaking or another entity performing or integrating rail transport services other than urban, suburban or regional services, Articles 4 and 5 shall apply. Article 6 shall also apply to such a railway undertaking with regard to the relationship between the railway undertaking and the undertaking or entity which controls it directly or indirectly.
2. Member States may exclude the following from the application of Chapter III:
(a) undertakings which only operate rail passenger services on local and regional stand-alone railway infrastructure;
(b) undertakings which only operate urban or suburban rail passenger services;
(c) undertakings which only operate regional rail freight services;
(d) undertakings which only operate freight services on privately owned railway infrastructure that exists solely for use by the infrastructure owner for its own freight operations.
3. Member States may exclude the following from the application of Articles 7, 8 and 13 and Chapter IV:
(a) local and regional stand-alone networks for passenger services on railway infrastructure;
(b) networks intended only for the operation of urban or suburban rail passenger services;
(c) regional networks which are used for regional freight services solely by a railway undertaking that is not covered under paragraph 1 until capacity on that network is requested by another applicant;
(d) privately owned railway infrastructure that exists solely for use by the infrastructure owner for its own freight operations.
4. Without prejudice to paragraph 3, Member States may exclude local and regional railway infrastructures which do not have any strategic importance for the functioning of the rail market from the application of Article 8(3) and local railway infrastructures which do not have any strategic importance for the functioning of the rail market from the application of Chapter IV. Member States shall notify the Commission of their intention to exclude such railway infrastructures. In accordance with the advisory procedure referred to in Article 62(2), the Commission shall decide whether such railway infrastructure may be considered to be without any strategic importance taking into account the length of railway lines concerned, their level of use and the traffic volume potentially impacted.
5. Member States may exclude from the application of Article 31(5) vehicles operated or intended to be operated from and to third countries, running on a network whose track gauge is different from the main rail network within the Union.
6. Member States may decide time periods and deadlines for the schedule for capacity allocation which are different from those referred to in Article 43(2), point 2(b) of Annex VI and points 3, 4 and 5 of Annex VII if the establishment of international train paths in cooperation with infrastructure managers of third countries on a network whose track gauge is different from the main rail network within the Union has a significant impact on the schedule for capacity allocation in general.
7. Member States may decide to publish the charging framework and charging rules applicable specifically to international freight services from and to third countries operated on a network whose track gauge is different from the main rail network within the Union with different instruments and deadlines than those provided under Article 29(1) where this is required to ensure fair competition.
8. Member States may exclude from the application of Chapter IV railway infrastructure, whose track gauge is different from the main rail network within the Union, and which connects cross-border stations of a Member State to the territory of a third country.
9. This Directive shall not apply to undertakings the business of which is limited to providing solely shuttle services for road vehicles through undersea tunnels or to transport operations in the form of shuttle services for road vehicles through such tunnels except Article 6(1) and (4) and Articles 10, 11, 12 and 28.
10. Member States may exclude from the application of Chapter II, with the exception of Article 14, and Chapter IV, any railway service carried out in transit through the Union.
11. Member States may exclude from the application of Article 32(4) trains not equipped with the European Train Control System (ETCS) and used for regional passenger services which have been placed into service for the first time before 1985.
Zakonom nisu predviđena izuzeća, imajući u vidu stanje tržišta železničkih usluga u Srbiji.
3. 1.1.
‘railway undertaking’means any public or private undertaking licensed according to this Directive, the principal business of which is to provide services for the transport of goods and/or passengers by rail with a requirement that the undertaking ensure traction; this also includes undertakings which provide traction only;
železnički prevoznik je privredno društvo, drugo pravno lice ili preduzetnik koji je registrovan za obavljanje delatnosti javnog prevoza u železničkom saobraćaju i kome je izdata licenca za prevoz, uz obavezu da obezbedi vuču vozova ili pruža samo uslugu vuče vozova;
‘infrastructure manager’ means any body or firm responsible in particular for establishing, managing and maintaining railway infrastructure, including traffic management and control-command and signalling; the functions of the infrastructure manager on a network or part of a network may be allocated to different bodies or firms;
Upravljanje javnom železničkom infrastrukturom, u smislu ovog zakona je: održavanje javne železničke infrastrukture; organizovanje i regulisanje železničkog saobraćaja; obezbeđenje pristupa i korišćenja javne železničke infrastrukture svim zainteresovanim železničkim prevoznicima, kao i pravnim i fizičkim licima koja obavljaju prevoz za sopstvene potrebe; zaštita javne železničke infrastrukture i vršenje investitorske funkcije na izgradnji i rekonstrukciji javne železničke infrastrukture.
upravljač infrastrukture je društvo kapitala ili preduzetnik koji je ovlašćen za upravljanje javnom železničkom infrastrukturom.
railway infrastructure’ means the items listed in Annex I;
javna železnička infrastruktura je pruga sa svim pripadajućim objektima, postrojenjima, uređajima i slično u funkciji železničkog saobraćaja, kao dobro u opštoj upotrebi u svojini Republike Srbije, koju mogu koristiti svi železnički prevoznici i železnički prevoznici za sopstvene potrebe pod jednakim uslovima;
Železnička infrastruktura obuhvata donji i gornji stroj pruge, tunele, mostove i ostale objekte na pruzi, stanične koloseke, telekomunikaciona, signalno-sigurnosna, elektrovučna, elektroenergetska i ostala postrojenja i uređaje na pruzi, opremu pruge, zgrade železničkih službenih mesta i ostale objekte u pružnom pojasu koji su u funkciji regulisanja železničkog saobraćaja i održavanja železničke infrastrukture, terminale, pružni pojas i vazdušni prostor iznad pruge u visini od 12 m, odnosno 14 m kod dalekovoda napona preko 220 kV, računajući iznad gornje ivice šine.
Železnička infrastruktura obuhvata i izgrađeni putni prelaz kod ukrštanja železničke infrastrukture i puta izveden u istom nivou sa obe strane koloseka u širini od tri metra računajući od ose koloseka, uključujući i prostor između koloseka kada se na putnom prelazu nalazi više koloseka.
Železnička infrastruktura ne obuhvata objekte za održavanje voznih sredstava sa pripadajućim kolosecima i železničke depoe.
Ministar nadležan za poslove saobraćaja (u daljem tekstu: Ministar) bliže propisuje elemente železničke infrastrukture iz stava 1. ovog člana.
‘international freight service’ means a transport service where the train crosses at least one border of a Member State; the train may be joined and/or split and the different sections may have different origins and destinations, provided that all wagons cross at least one border;
Zakon ne reguliše materiju otvaranja tržišta železničkih usluga sa međunarodnog aspekta. Planirano je da ova odredba bude transponovana do kraja 2017. godine
‘international passenger service’ means a passenger service where the train crosses at least one border of a Member State and where the principal purpose of the service is to carry passengers between stations located in different Member States; the train may be joined and/or split, and the different sections may have different origins and destinations, provided that all carriages cross at least one border;
Zakon ne reguliše materiju otvaranja tržišta železničkih usluga sa međunarodnog aspekta. Planirano je da ova odredba bude transponovana do kraja 2017. godine
‘urban and suburban services’ means transport services whose principal purpose is to meet the transport needs of an urban centre or conurbation, including a cross- border conurbation, together with transport needs between such a centre or conurbation and surrounding areas;
Zakon ne sadrži ovu definiciju. Član 63.2. propisuje da Ministar uređuje gradsku želenicu. Ova odredba biće usklađena donošenjem podzakonskog akta iz člana 63.2. što je planirano nakon usvajanja Zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona o železnici
‘regional services’ means transport services whose principal purpose is to meet the transport needs of a region, including a cross-border region;
Zakon ne reguliše materiju otvaranja tržišta železničkih usluga sa međunarodnog aspekta.
Harmonizacija sa Direktivom 2012/34/EU planirana je za IV kvartal 2017. godine (NPAA).
‘transit’ means crossing territory of the Union without loading or unloading goods, and/or without picking up passengers or setting them down in territory of the Union;
Zakon ne reguliše materiju otvaranja tržišta železničkih usluga sa međunarodnog aspekta. Planirano je da ova odredba bude transponovana do kraja 2017. godine
alternative route’ means another route between the same origin and destination where there is substitutability between the two routes for the operation of the freight or passenger service concerned by the railway undertaking;
Pojam nije definisan, ali je članom 24.2. Zakona predviđena mogućnost upravljača infrastrukture (u daljem tekstu:UI) da, kada se pojavi situacija koja zahteva koordinaciju, ima pravo da predloži kapacitet infrastrukture koji se razlikuje od onog koji se traži u zahtevu za dodelu trase voza.
‘viable alternative’ means access to another service facility which is economically acceptable to the railway undertaking, and allows it to operate the freight or passenger service concerned;
Zakon ne uređuje ovu materiju. Pristup servisnim postrojenjima je jedna od novina iz Direktive 2012/34/EU, sa kojima tek predstoji usklađivanje. .Planirano je da ova odredba bude transponovana do kraja 2017. godine
‘service facility’ means the installation, including ground area, building and equipment, which has been specially arranged, as a whole or in part, to allow the supply of one or more services referred to in points 2 to 4 of Annex II;
Zakon ne uređuje ovu materiju. Pristup servisnim postrojenjima je jedna od novina iz Direktive 2012/34/EU, sa kojima tek predstoji usklađivanje. Planirano je da ova odredba bude transponovana do kraja 2017. godine
‘operator of service facility’ means any public or private entity responsible for managing one or more service facilities or supplying one or more services to railway undertakings referred to in points 2 to 4 of Annex II;
Zakon ne uređuje ovu materiju. Pristup servisnim postrojenjima je jedna od novina iz Direktive 2012/34/EU, sa kojima tek predstoji usklađivanje. Planirano je da ova odredba bude transponovana do kraja 2017. godine
‘cross-border agreement’ means any agreement between two or more Member States or between Member States and third countries intended to facilitate the provision of cross-border rail services;
Zakon ne reguliše materiju otvaranja tržišta železničkih usluga sa međunarodnog aspekta.
‘licence’ means an authorisation issued by a licensing authority to an undertaking, by which its capacity to provide rail transport services as a railway undertaking is recognised; that capacity may be limited to the provision of specific types of services;
licenca za prevoz je isprava koju nadležni organ izdaje železničkom prevozniku i železničkom prevozniku za sopstvene potrebe o sticanju prava za obavljanje svih ili posebnih vrsta prevoza u železničkom saobraćaju;
Definicija u Zakonu obuhvata i železničkog prevoznika za sopstvene potrebe.
‘licensing authority’ means the body responsible for granting licences within a Member State;
Licencu za prevoz izdaje Direkcija za železnice, u formi rešenja.
Direkcija je nadležna da izda, suspenduje i oduzme licencu za upravljanje železničkom infrastrukturom i licencu za prevoz.
Iako Zakon ne sadrži ovu uopštenu definiciju, čl. 66.7. i 92.2. Zakona konkretno je određena Direkcija za železnice kao nadležno telo.
‘contractual agreement’ means an agreement or, mutatis mutandis, an arrangement within the framework of administrative measures;
Zakon ne sadrži ovu definiciju. Odredba će biti transponovana u daljem postupku harmonizacije sa Direktivom 2012/34/EU.
‘reasonable profit’ means a rate of return on own capital that takes account of the risk, including that to revenue, or the absence of such risk, incurred by the operator of the service facility and is in line with the average rate for the sector concerned in recent years;
Zakon ne sadrži ovu definiciju. Odredba će biti transponovana u daljem postupku harmonizacije sa Direktivom 2012/34/EU.
‘allocation’ means the allocation of railway infrastructure capacity by an infrastructure manager;
dodela trase voza je raspodela kapaciteta javne železničke infrastrukture koju vrši upravljač infrastrukture;
‘applicant’ means a railway undertaking or an international grouping of railway undertakings or other persons or legal entities, such as competent authorities under Regulation (EC) No 1370/2007 and shippers, freight forwarders and combined transport operators, with a public-service or commercial interest in procuring infrastructure capacity;
podnosilac zahteva je železnički prevoznik, železnički prevoznik za sopstvene potrebe, pošiljalac robe ili špediter;
Definicija je prilagođena okolnostima u železničkom sektoru, odnosno stepenu ekonomskog razvoja i stepenom liberalizacije železničkog tržišta. Puna usklađenost je planirana za IV kvartal 2017. Godinu (NPAA).
‘congested infrastructure’ means an element of infrastructure for which demand for infrastructure capacity cannot be fully satisfied during certain periods even after coordination of the different requests for capacity;
zagušena infrastruktura je deo železničke infrastrukture za koji se potražnja za kapacitetom infrastrukture ne može u potpunosti zadovoljiti tokom određenih perioda vremena, pa čak i nakon usklađivanja različitih zahteva za kapacitetima infrastrukture;
‘capacity-enhancement plan’ means a measure or series of measures with a calendar for their implementation which aim to alleviate the capacity constraints which led to the declaration of an element of infrastructure as ‘congested infrastructure’;
plan poboljšanja kapaciteta infrastrukture obuhvata meru ili niz mera sa rokovima za njihovo sprovođenje koji se predlažu za ublažavanje ograničenja kapaciteta infrastrukture koja dovode to toga da se jedan deo infrastrukture proglasi zagušenom infrastrukturom;
‘coordination’ means the process through which the infrastructure manager and applicants will attempt to resolve situations in which there are conflicting applications for infrastructure capacity;
koordinacija je proces tokom kojeg upravljač infrastrukture i podnosioci zahteva vrše usklađivanje pojedinačnih zahteva radi dodeljivanja trasa voza;
‘framework agreement’ means a legally binding general agreement under public or private law, setting out the rights and obligations of an applicant and the infrastructure manager in relation to the infrastructure capacity to be allocated and the charges to be levied over a period longer than one working timetable period;
okvirni sporazum je ugovor kojim se uređuju prava i obaveze podnosilaca zahteva i upravljača infrastrukture u vezi sa kapacitetom infrastrukture koji će se dodeljivati i naknadama koje će se naplaćivati u periodu dužem od perioda važenja jednog reda vožnje;
‘infrastructure capacity’ means the potential to schedule train paths requested for an element of infrastructure for a certain period;
kapacitet infrastrukture je ukupan broj trasa vozova koji se planira sa postojećim stanjem tehničke pouzdanosti i tehnološke raspoloživosti elemenata infrastrukture na određenoj pruzi u određenom periodu vremena;
‘network’ means the entire railway infrastructure managed by an infrastructure manager;
mreža je celokupna javna železnička infrastruktura kojom upravlja upravljač infrastrukture;
‘network statement’ means the statement which sets out in detail the general rules, deadlines, procedures and criteria for charging and capacity-allocation schemes, including such other information as is required to enable applications for infrastructure capacity;
Izjava o mreži je dokument kojim se utvrđuju kriterijumi i postupak za dodelu kapaciteta infrastrukture, naplata naknada i cena usluga, kao i druge informacije koje su potrebne da bi se mogao podneti zahtev za dodelu trase voza;
‘train path’ means the infrastructure capacity needed to run a train between two places over a given period;
trasa voza je kapacitet infrastrukture neophodan za saobraćaj voza između dva službena mesta, u predviđenom vremenu i pod tačno utvrđenim tehničko-tehnološkim uslovima na javnoj železničkoj infrastrukturi;
‘working timetable’ means the data defining all planned train and rolling-stock movements which will take place on the relevant infrastructure during the period for which it is in force;
red vožnje je akt upravljača javne železničke infrastrukture kojim se utvrđuje plan saobraćaja vozova za prevoz putnika i robe, kao i za sopstvene potrebe na javnoj železničkoj infrastrukturi;
‘storage siding’ means sidings specifically dedicated to temporary parking of railway vehicles between two assignments;
Zakon ne sadrži ovu definiciju. Odredba će biti transponovana u daljem postupku harmonizacije sa Direktivom 2012/34/EU.
‘heavy maintenance’ means work that is not carried out routinely as part of day-to-day operations and requires the vehicle to be removed from service
Zakon ne sadrži ovu definiciju. Odredba će biti transponovana u daljem postupku harmonizacije sa Direktivom 2012/34/EU.
Member States shall ensure that, as regards management, administration and internal control over administrative, economic and accounting matters, railway undertakings directly or indirectly owned or controlled by Member States have independent status in accordance with which they will hold, in particular, assets, budgets and accounts which are separate from those of the State.
While respecting the charging and allocation framework and the specific rules established by the Member States, the infrastructure manager shall be responsible for its own management, administration and internal control.
Ova materija nije regulisana. Odredba će biti transponovana u daljem postupku harmonizacije sa Direktivom 2012/34/EU.
Member States shall enable railway undertakings to adjust their activities to the market and to manage those activities under the responsibility of their management bodies, in the interests of providing efficient and appropriate services at the lowest possible cost for the quality of service required.
Railway undertakings shall be managed according to the principles which apply to commercial companies, irrespective of their ownership. This shall also apply to the public service obligations imposed on them by Member States and to public service contracts which they conclude with the competent authorities of the State.
Railway undertakings shall determine their business plans, including their investment and financing programmes. Such plans shall be designed to achieve the undertakings’ financial equilibrium and other technical, commercial and financial management objectives; they shall also indicate the means of attaining those objectives.
With reference to the general policy guidelines issued by each Member State and taking into account national plans and contracts (which may be multiannual) including investment and financing plans, railway undertakings shall, in particular, be free to:
(a) establish their internal organisation, without prejudice to the provisions of Articles 7, 29 and 39;
(b) control the supply and marketing of services and fix the pricing thereof;
(c) take decisions on staff, assets and own procurement;
(d) expand their market share, develop new technologies and new services and adopt any innovative management techniques;
(e) establish new activities in fields associated with the railway business.
This paragraph is without prejudice to Regulation (EC) No 1370/2007
Notwithstanding paragraph 3, shareholders of publicly owned or controlled railway undertakings shall be able to require their own prior approval for major business management decisions in the same way as shareholders of private joint-stock companies under the rules of the company law of Member States. The provisions of this Article shall be without prejudice to the powers of supervisory bodies under the company law of Member States relating to the appointment of board members
Ova materija nije regulisana. Odredba će biti transponovana u daljem postupku harmonizacije sa Direktivom 2012/34/EU.
1. Member States shall ensure that separate profit and loss accounts and balance sheets are kept and published, on the one hand, for business relating to the provision of transport services by railway undertakings and, on the other, for business relating to the management of railway infrastructure. Public funds paid to one of these two areas of activity shall not be transferred to the other.
2. Member States may also provide that this separation shall require the organisation of distinct divisions within a single undertaking or that the infrastructure and transport services shall be managed by separate entities.
3. Member States shall ensure that separate profit and loss accounts and balance sheets are kept and published, on the one hand, for business relating to the provision of rail freight transport services and, on the other, for activities relating to the provision of passenger transport services. Public funds paid for activities relating to the provision of transport services as public-service remits shall be shown separately in accordance with Article 7 of Regulation (EC) No 1370/2007 in the relevant accounts and shall not be transferred to activities relating to the provision of other transport services or any other business.
4. The accounts for the different areas of activity referred to in paragraphs 1 and 3 shall be kept in a way that allows for monitoring of the prohibition on transferring public funds paid to one area of activity to another and the monitoring of the use of income from infrastructure charges and surpluses from other commercial activities.
Upravljač infrastrukture mora biti računovodstveno razdvojen od privrednih subjekata koji obavljaju delatnost prevoza putnika i robe.
Sredstva za nadoknadu obaveze javnog prevoza iz člana 85. ovog zakona prevoznicima obezbeđuju se u budzetu Republike Srbije, u budzetu autonomne pokrajine odnosno u budzetu jedinice lokalne samouprave.
Za sredstva iz stava 1. ovog člana železnički prevoznik dužan je da vodi posebnu računovodstvenu evidenciju u skladu sa propisom iz člana 86. stav 4. ovog zakona.
Ova odredba Direktive se delimično preuzima Zakonom, a delimično aktima Vlade.
U toku je proces restrukturiranja Železnica Srbije AD.
Member States shall ensure that the essential functions determining equitable and non-discriminatory access to infrastructure, are entrusted to bodies or firms that do not themselves provide any rail transport services. Regardless of organisational structures, this objective shall be shown to have been achieved.
The essential functions shall be:
(a) decision-making on train path allocation, including both the definition and the assessment of availability and the allocation of individual train paths; andEN 14.12.2012 Official Journal of the European Union L 343/41
(b) decision-making on infrastructure charging, including determination and collection of the charges, without prejudice to Article 29(1).
Member States may, however, assign to railway undertakings or any other body the responsibility for contributing to the development of the railway infrastructure, for example through investment, maintenance and funding.
Where the infrastructure manager, in its legal form, organisation or decision-making functions, is not independent of any railway undertaking, the functions referred to in Sections 2 and 3 of Chapter IV shall be performed respectively by a charging body and by an allocation body that are independent in their legal form, organisation and decision-making from any railway undertaking.
3. When the provisions of Sections 2 and 3 of Chapter IV refer to the essential functions of an infrastructure manager, they shall be understood as applying to the charging body or the allocation body for their respective powers.
Upravljač infrastrukture mora biti nezavisan u procesu odlučivanja od svih ostalih subjekata na tržištu železničkih usluga, uključujući i druga privredna društva koja s upravljačem infrastrukture čine povezana društva u smislu zakona kojim se uređuju privredna društva.
Član organa upravljanja subjekta na tržištu železničkih usluga, odnosno član organa upravljanja njegovog kontrolnog društva, ako se radi o povezanim društvima u smislu zakona kojim se uređuju privredna društva, ne može istovremeno biti član organa upravljanja upravljača infrastrukture.
Ukoliko su upravljač infrastrukture i subjekt na tržištu železničkih usluga povezana društva, član organa upravljanja upravljača infrastrukture i član organa upravljanja subjekta na tržištu železničkih usluga ne mogu istovremeno biti i članovi organa upravljanja njihovog kontrolnog privrednog društva.
Članovi organa upravljanja upravljača infrastrukture, kao i viši rukovodeći kadar na poslovima dodele kapaciteta infrastrukture, utvrđivanja naknada za korišćenje kapaciteta infrastrukture, izrade i objavljivanja reda vožnje i izrade Izjave o mreži, nakon prestanka obavljanja tih poslova, a koje su obavljali najmanje dve godine, ne mogu biti imenovani za članove organa upravljanja privrednih društava koja s upravljačem infrastrukture čine povezana društva, u periodu od najmanje dve godine.
Definicija je prilagođena okolnostima u železničkom sektoru, odnosno stepenu ekonomskog razvoja i stepenu liberalizacije železničkog tržišta.
Financing of the infrastructure manager
1. Member States shall develop their national railway infrastructure by taking into account, where necessary, the general needs of the Union, including the need to cooperate with neighbouring third countries. For that purpose, they shall publish by 16 December 2014, after consultation with the interested parties, an indicative rail infrastructure development strategy with a view to meeting future mobility needs in terms of maintenance, renewal and development of the infrastructure based on sustainable financing of the railway system. That strategy shall cover a period of at least five years and be renewable.
2. Having due regard to Articles 93, 107 and 108 TFEU, Member States may also provide the infrastructure manager with financing consistent with its functions as referred to in point (2) of Article 3, the size of the infrastructure and financial requirements, in particular in order to cover new investments. Member States may decide to finance those investments through means other than direct State funding. In any case, Member States shall comply with the requirements referred to in paragraph 4 of this Article.
3. Within the framework of general policy determined by the Member State concerned and taking into account the strategy referred to in paragraph 1 and the financing provided by the Member States referred to in paragraph 2, the infrastructure manager shall adopt a business plan including investment and financial programmes. The plan shall be designed to ensure optimal and efficient use, provision and development of the infrastructure while ensuring financial balance and providing manager shall ensure that known applicants and, upon their request, potential applicants have access to the relevant information and are given the opportunity to express their views on the content of the business plan regarding the conditions for access and use and the nature, provision and development of the infrastructure before its approval by the infrastructure manager.
4. Member States shall ensure that, under normal business conditions and over a reasonable period which shall not exceed a period of five years, the profit and loss account of an infrastructure manager shall at least balance income from infrastructure charges, surpluses from other commercial activities, non-refundable incomes from private sources and State funding, on the one hand, including advance payments from the State, where appropriate, and infrastructure expenditure, on the other hand.
Without prejudice to the possible long-term aim of user cover of infrastructure costs for all modes of transport on the basis of fair, non-discriminatory competition between the various modes, where rail transport is able to compete with other modes of transport, within the charging framework of Articles 31 and 32, a Member State may require the infrastructure manager to balance his accounts without State funding.
Narodna skupština, na predlog Vlade, donosi Nacionalni program železničke infrastrukture (u daljem tekstu: Nacionalni program), koji obuhvata:
1) postojeće karakteristike i stanje železničke infrastrukture Republike Srbije;
2) strategiju izgradnje, rekonstrukcije i održavanja železničke infrastrukture;
3) razvojne komponente u izgradnji novih kapaciteta infrastrukture od posebnog značaja za Republiku Srbiju;
4) definisanje strukture, dinamike realizacije i prioriteta, visine i izvora finansijskih sredstava potrebnih za izvršenje aktivnosti iz Nacionalnog programa.
Nacionalni program donosi se za period od pet godina.
Vlada podnosi Narodnoj skupštini jedanput godišnje izveštaj o realizaciji Nacionalnog programa.
Na osnovu Nacionalnog programa upravljač infrastrukture izrađuje godišnji program izgradnje, rekonstrukcije i održavanja železničke infrastrukture, organizovanja i regulisanja železničkog saobraćaja.
Upravljač infrastrukture dva puta godišnje podnosi Vladi izveštaj o realizaciji godišnjeg programa izgradnje, rekonstrukcije i održavanja železničke infrastrukture, organizovanja i regulisanja železničkog saobraćaja.
Ova odredba Direktive je u jednom delu neprenosiva, s obzirom na to da se odnosi samo na države članice.
Transparent debt relief
1. Without prejudice to Union rules on State aid and in accordance with Articles 93, 107 and 108 TFEU, Member States shall set up appropriate mechanisms to help reduce the indebtedness of publicly owned or controlled railway undertakings to a level which does not impede sound financial management and which improves their financial situation.
2. For the purposes referred to in paragraph 1, Member States may require a separate debt amortisation unit to be set up within the accounting departments of such railway undertakings.
The balance sheet of the unit may be charged with all the loans raised by the railway undertaking, both to finance investment and to cover excess operating expenditure resulting from the business of rail transport or from railway infrastructure management, until such time as these loans are extinguished. Debts arising from subsidiaries’ operations shall not be taken into account.
3. Paragraphs 1 and 2 shall apply only to debts or interest due on such debts incurred by publicly owned or controlled railway undertakings by the date of market opening for all or part of rail transport services in the Member State concerned and in any case by 15 March 2001 or the date of accession to the Union for the Member States which joined the Union after that date.
Ova meterija nije regulisana. Tokom procesa restrukturiranja železnica, biće stvoreni uslovi za potpunu usklađenost sa ovom odredbom Direktive.
Conditions of access to railway infrastructure
1. Railway undertakings shall be granted, under equitable, non-discriminatory and transparent conditions, the right to access to the railway infrastructure in all Member States for the purpose of operating all types of rail freight services. That right shall include access to infrastructure connecting maritime and inland ports and other service facilities referred to in point 2 of Annex II, and to infrastructure serving or potentially serving more than one final customer.
2. Railway undertakings shall be granted the right of access to railway infrastructure in all Member States for the purpose of operating an international passenger service. Railway undertakings shall, in the course of an international passenger service, have the right to pick up passengers at any station located along the international route and set them down at another, including stations located in the same Member State. That right shall include access to infrastructure connecting service facilities referred to in point 2 of Annex II.
3. Following the request from the relevant competent authorities or interested railway undertakings, the relevant regulatory body or bodies referred to in Article 55 shall determine whether the principal purpose of the service is to carry passengers between stations located in different Member States.
4. Based on the experience of regulatory bodies, competent authorities and railway undertakings and based on the activities of the network referred to in Article 57(1), the Commission shall adopt by 16 December 2016 measures setting out the details of the procedure and criteria to be followed for the application of paragraph 3 of this Article. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 62(3).
Zakon ne reguliše materiju otvaranja tržišta železničkih usluga sa međunarodnog aspekta. Ova odredba Direktive se odnosi na otvaranje železničkog tržišta država članica za prevoz robe i međunarodni prevoz putnika, a u nacionalno zakonodavstvo će biti transponovana fazno, u skladu sa stepenom ekonomskog razvoja i stepenom liberalizacije železničkog tržišta, na osnovu zaključenih međunarodnih ugovora.
Limitation of the right of access and of the right to pick up and set down passengers
1. Member States may limit the right of access provided for in Article 10 on services between a place of departure and a destination which are covered by one or more public service contracts which are in accordance with Union law. Such limitation shall not have the effect of restricting the right to pick up passengers at any station located along the route of an international service and to set them down at another, including stations located in the same Member State, except where the exercise of that right would compromise the economic equilibrium of a public service contract.
2. Whether the economic equilibrium of a public service contract would be compromised shall be determined by the relevant regulatory body or bodies referred to in Article 55 on the basis of an objective economic analysis and based on pre-determined criteria, after a request from any of the following:
(a) the competent authority or competent authorities that awarded the public service contract;
(b) any other interested competent authority with the right to limit access under this Article;
(c) the infrastructure manager;
(d) the railway undertaking performing the public service contract.
The competent authorities and the railway undertakings providing the public services shall provide the relevant regulatory body or bodies with the information reasonably required to reach a decision. The regulatory body shall consider the information provided by these parties, and, as appropriate, shall ask for relevant information from, and initiate consultation with, all relevant parties, within one month of receipt of the request. The regulatory body shall consult all the relevant parties as appropriate, and shall inform the relevant parties of its reasoned decision within a pre-determined, reasonable time, and, in any case, within six weeks of receipt of all relevant information.
3. The regulatory body shall give the grounds for its decision and specify the time period within which, and the conditions under which, any of the following may request a reconsideration of the decision:
(a) the relevant competent authority or competent authorities;
(b) the infrastructure manager;
(c) the railway undertaking performing the public service contract;
(d) the railway undertaking seeking access.
4. Based on the experience of regulatory bodies, competent authorities and railway undertakings and based on the activities of the network referred to in Article 57(1), the Commission shall adopt by 16 December 2016 measures setting out the details of the procedure and criteria to be followed for the application of paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of this Article. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 62(3).
5. Member States may also limit the right to pick up and set down passengers at stations within the same Member State along the route of an international passenger service where an exclusive right to convey passengers between those stations has been granted under a concession contract awarded before 4 December 2007 on the basis of a fair competitive tendering procedure and in accordance with the relevant principles of Union law. Such a limitation may continue for the original duration of the contract, or 15 years, whichever is shorter.
Member States shall ensure that the decisions referred to in paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 5 are subject to judicial review.
Zakon ne reguliše materiju otvaranja tržišta železničkih usluga sa međunarodnog aspekta.
Planirano je da ova odredba bude transponovana do kraja 2017. godine
Zakon o železnci („Službeni glasnik RS”, broj 45/13) delimično je harmonizovan sa Direktivama 2001/14/EZ, 95/18/EZ i 91/440/EEZ, sa njihovim poslednjim izmenama, a ove direktive su objedinjene i prerađene Direktivom 2012/34/EU, koja predviđa značajne novine, sa kojima tek predstoji usklađivanje nacionalnog zakonodavstva. Harmonizacija sa ovom direktivom planirana je za IV kvartal 2017. godine (NPAA).
1. Without prejudice to Article 11(2), Member States may, under the conditions laid down in this Article, authorise the authority responsible for rail passenger transport to impose a levy on railway undertakings providing passenger services for the operation of routes which fall within the jurisdiction of that authority and which are operated between two stations in that Member State.
In that case, railway undertakings providing domestic or international rail passenger transport services shall be subject to the same levy on the operation of routes which fall within the jurisdiction of that authority.
2. The levy is intended to compensate the authority for public service obligations laid down in public service contracts awarded in accordance with Union law. The revenue raised from such a levy and paid as compensation shall not exceed what is necessary to cover all or part of the cost incurred in the relevant public service obligations taking into account the relevant receipts and a reasonable profit for discharging those obligations.
3. The levy shall be imposed in accordance with Union law, and shall respect in particular the principles of fairness, transparency, non-discrimination and proportionality, in particular between the average price of the service to the passenger and the level of the levy. The total levies imposed pursuant to this paragraph shall not endanger the economic viability of the rail passenger transport service on which they are imposed.
4. The relevant authorities shall keep the information necessary to ensure that the origin of the levies and their use can be traced. Member States shall provide the Commission with this information.
5. Based on the experience of regulatory bodies, competent authorities and railway undertakings and based on the activities of the network referred to in Article 57(1), the Commission shall adopt measures setting out the details of the procedure and criteria to be followed for the application of this Article. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 62(3).
Ova odredba Direktive je u jednom delu diskreciona, a u drugom se odnosi isključivo na države članice i aktivnosti EK.
Conditions of access to services
1. Infrastructure managers shall supply to all railway undertakings, in a non-discriminatory manner, the minimum access package laid down in point 1 of Annex II.
2. Operators of service facilities shall supply in a non- discriminatory manner to all railway undertakings access, including track access, to the facilities referred to in point 2 of Annex II, and to the services supplied in these facilities.
3. To guarantee full transparency and non-discrimination of access to the service facilities referred to in points 2(a), (b), (c), (d), (g) and (i) of Annex II, and the supply of services in these facilities where the operator of such a service facility is under direct or indirect control of a body or firm which is also active and holds a dominant position in national railway transport services markets for which the facility is used, the operators of these service facilities shall be organised in such a way that they are independent of this body or firm in organisational and decision-making terms. Such independence shall not imply the requirement of the establishment of a separate legal entity for service facilities and may be fulfilled with the organisation of distinct divisions within a single legal entity.
For all service facilities referred to in point 2 of Annex II, the operator and the body or firm shall have separate accounts, including separate balance sheets and profit and loss accounts.
Where operation of the service facility is ensured by an infrastructure manager or the operator of the service facility is under the direct or indirect control of an infrastructure manager compliance with the requirements set out in this paragraph shall be deemed to be demonstrated by the fulfilment of the requirements set out in Article 7.
4. Requests by railway undertakings for access to, and supply of services in the service facility referred to in point 2 of Annex II shall be answered within a reasonable time limit set by the regulatory body referred to in Article 55. Such requests may only be refused if there are viable alternatives allowing them to operate the freight or passenger service concerned on the same or alternative routes under economically acceptable conditions. This shall not oblige the operator of the service facility to make investments in resources or facilities in order to accommodate all requests by railway undertakings.
Where requests by railway undertakings concern access to, and supply of services in a service facility managed by an operator of the service facility referred to in paragraph 3, the operator of the service facility shall justify in writing any decision of refusal and indicate viable alternatives in other facilities.
5. Where an operator of the service facility referred to in point 2 of Annex II encounters conflicts between different requests, it shall attempt to meet all requests in so far as possible. If no viable alternative is available, and it is not possible to accommodate all requests for capacity for the relevant facility on the basis of demonstrated needs, the applicant may complain to the regulatory body referred to in Article 55 which shall examine the case and take action, where appropriate, to ensure that an appropriate part of the capacity is granted to that applicant.
6. Where a service facility referred to in point 2 of Annex II has not been in use for at least two consecutive years and interest by railway undertakings for access to this facility has been expressed to the operator of that service facility on the basis of demonstrated needs, its owner shall publicise the operation of the facility as being for lease or rent as a rail service facility, as a whole or in part, unless the operator of that service facility demonstrates that an ongoing process of reconversion prevents its use by any railway undertaking.
7. Where the operator of the service facility provides any of the services referred to in point 3 of Annex II as additional services, it shall supply them upon request to railway undertakings in a non-discriminatory manner.
8. Railway undertakings may request, as ancillary services, further services referred to in point 4 of Annex II from the infrastructure manager or from other operators of the service facility. The operator of the service facility is not obliged to supply these services. Where the operator of the service facility decides to offer to others any of these services, it shall supply them upon request to railway undertakings in a non- discriminatory manner.
9. Based on the experience of regulatory bodies and operators of service facilities and based on the activities of the network referred to in Article 57(1), the Commission may adopt measures setting out the details of the procedure and criteria to be followed for access to the services to be supplied in the service facilities referred to in points 2 to 4 of Annex II. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 62(3).
Korisnik trase voza na osnovu prava nediskriminacije ima pravo na minimalni paket usluga i pristup prugom do službenih objekata, odnosno servisnih postrojenja iz člana 29. ovog zakona.
Ova odredba Direktive detaljnije reguliše pristup servisnim postrojenjima, i biće transponovana u daljem postupku harmonizacije sa Direktivom 2012/34/EU.
General principles for cross-border agreements
1. Member States shall ensure that the provisions contained in cross-border agreements do not discriminate between railway undertakings, or restrict the freedom of railway undertakings to operate cross-border services.
2. Member States shall notify the Commission of any cross- border agreement by 16 June 2013, for the agreements concluded before that date, and before their conclusion for new or revised agreements between Member States. The Commission shall decide whether such agreements are in compliance with Union law within nine months of notification for agreements concluded before 15 December 2012 and within four months of notification for new or revised agreements between Member States. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the advisory procedure referred to in Article 62(2).
3. Without prejudice to the division of competence between the Union and the Member States, in accordance with Union law, Member States shall notify the Commission of their intention to enter into negotiations on, and to conclude, new or revised cross-border agreements between Member States and third countries.
4. If, within two months of the receipt of the notification of a Member State’s intention to enter into the negotiations referred to in paragraph 2, the Commission concludes that the negotiations are likely to undermine the objectives of Union negotiations underway with the third countries concerned and/or to lead to an agreement which is incompatible with Union law, it shall inform the Member State accordingly.
Member States shall keep the Commission regularly informed of any such negotiations and, where appropriate, invite the Commission to participate as an observer.
5. Member States shall be authorised to provisionally apply and/or to conclude new or revised cross-border agreements with third countries, provided that they are compatible with Union law and do not harm the object and purpose of the transport policy of the Union. The Commission shall adopt such authorisation decisions. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the advisory procedure referred to in Article 62(2).
Zakon ne reguliše materiju otvaranja tržišta železničkih usluga sa međunarodnog aspekta.
Planirano je da ova odredba bude transponovana do kraja 2017. godine
Zakon o železnci („Službeni glasnik RS”, broj 45/13) delimično je harmonizovan sa Direktivama 2001/14/EZ, 95/18/EZ i 91/440/EEZ, sa njihovim poslednjim izmenama, a ove direktive su objedinjene i prerađene Direktivom 2012/34/EU, koja predviđa značajne novine, sa kojima tek predstoji usklađivanje nacionalnog zakonodavstva. Harmonizacija sa ovom direktivom planirana je za IV kvartal 2017. godine (NPAA).
Scope of market monitoring
1.The Commission shall make the necessary arrangements to monitor technical and economic conditions and market developments in Union rail transport.
2. In this context, the Commission shall closely involve representatives of the Member States, including representatives of the regulatory bodies referred to in Article 55, and representatives of the sectors concerned in its work, including, where appropriate, the railway sector’s social partners, users and representatives of local and regional authorities, so that they are better able to monitor the development of the railway sector and the evolution of the market, to assess the effect of the measures adopted and to analyse the impact of the measures planned by the Commission. Where appropriate, the Commission shall also involve the European Railway Agency, in accordance with its functions as provided for in Regulation (EC) No 881/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 establishing a European Railway Agency (Agency Regulation) ( 1 ).
3. The Commission shall monitor the use of the networks and the evolution of framework conditions in the rail sector, in particular infrastructure charging, capacity allocation, investments made in railway infrastructure, developments as regards prices and the quality of rail transport services, rail transport services covered by public service contracts, licensing and the degree of market opening and harmonisation between Member States, development of employment and the related social conditions in the rail sector. These monitoring activities are without prejudice to similar activities in Member States and to the role of social partners.
4. The Commission shall report every two years to the European Parliament and the Council on:
(a) the evolution of the internal market in rail services and services to be supplied to railway undertakings, as referred to in Annex II;
(b) the framework conditions referred to in paragraph 3, including for public passenger transport services by rail;
(c) the state of the Union railway network;
(d) the utilisation of access rights;
(e) barriers to more effective rail services;
(f) infrastructure limitations;
(g) the need for legislation.
5. For the purposes of market monitoring by the Commission, Member States shall, while respecting the role of the social partners, supply to the Commission on an annual basis the necessary information on the use of the networks and the evolution of framework conditions in the rail sector.
6. The Commission may adopt measures to ensure consistency in the reporting obligations of Member States. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 62(3).
Odnosi se na nadležnost EK
Licensing authority
Each Member State shall designate a licensing authority that shall be responsible for issuing licences and for carrying out the obligations imposed by this Chapter.
The licensing authority shall not provide rail transport services itself and shall be independent of firms or entities that do so.
Direkcija za železnice (u daljem tekstu: Direkcija), kao posebna organizacija, obavlja poslove državne uprave u oblasti železnice utvrđene ovim zakonom, kao i zakonom kojim se uređuje bezbednost i interoperabilnost u železničkom saobraćaju.
Direkcija je nadležna da izda, suspenduje i oduzme licencu za upravljanje železničkom infrastrukturom i licencu za prevoz.
General requirements
1. An undertaking shall be entitled to apply for a licence in the Member State in which it is established.
2. Member States shall not issue licences or extend their validity where the requirements of this Chapter are not complied with.
3. An undertaking which fulfils the requirements set out in this Chapter shall be authorised to receive a licence.
4. No undertaking shall be permitted to provide the rail transport services covered by this Chapter unless it has been granted the appropriate licence for the services to be provided.
However, such a licence shall not, in itself, entitle the holder to access the railway infrastructure.
Javni prevoz putnika i robe u železničkom saobraćaju na železničkoj infrastrukturi obavlja železnički prevoznik koji ima licencu za prevoz i sertifikat o bezbednosti za prevoz, izdate od Direkcije za železnice, odnosno nadležnog organa druge države na osnovu reciprociteta i ugovor o korišćenju železničke infrastrukture.
Licenca za prevoz izdaje se železničkom prevozniku, odnosno železničkom prevozniku za sopstvene potrebe, osnovanom u Republici Srbiji koji pruži dokaze o ispunjavanju uslova koji se odnose na dobar ugled, finansijsku sposobnost, stručnost i pokriće za građansku odgovornost, u skladu sa ovim zakonom.
5. The Commission shall adopt measures setting out the details for the use of a common template for the licence and, if needed to ensure fair and efficient competition in rail transport markets, details on the procedure to be followed for the application of this Article. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 62(3).
Odnosi se na nadležnost EK.
Conditions for obtaining a licence
An undertaking applying for a licence shall be required to be able to demonstrate to the licensing authorities of the Member State concerned before the start of its activities that it will at any time be able to meet the requirements relating to good repute, financial fitness, professional competence and cover for its civil liability as listed in Articles 19 to 22.
For those purposes, each undertaking applying for a licence shall provide all relevant information.
Licenca za prevoz izdaje se železničkom prevozniku, odnosno železničkom prevozniku za sopstvene potrebe, osnovanom u Republici Srbiji koji pruži dokaze o ispunjavanju uslova koji se odnose na dobar ugled, finansijsku sposobnost, stručnost i pokriće za građansku odgovornost, u skladu sa ovim zakonom.
Requirements relating to good repute
Member States shall define the conditions under which the requirement of good repute is met to ensure that an undertaking applying for a licence or the persons in charge of its management:
(a) have not been convicted of serious criminal offences, including offences of a commercial nature;
(b) have not been declared bankrupt;
(c) have not been convicted of serious offences set out in specific legislation applicable to transport;
(d) have not been convicted of serious or repeated failure to fulfil social or labour law obligations, including obligations under occupational safety and health legislation, and customs law obligations in the case of a company seeking to operate cross-border freight transport subject to customs procedures.
Uslov koji se odnosi na dobar ugled ispunjen je ako:
1) podnosilac zahteva za izdavanje licence za prevoz ili lica ovlašćena za upravljanje nisu bili pravosnažno osuđeni za teška krivična dela, krivična dela protiv privrede i privredne prestupe;
2) podnosilac zahteva za izdavanje licence za prevoz ili lica ovlašćena za upravljanje nisu bili osuđeni za kažnjiva dela utvrđena propisima u oblasti železničkog transporta, radnih odnosa, bezbednosti i zdravlja na radu, kao i carinskim propisima, ukoliko podnosilac zahteva traži da obavlja prekogranični prevoz robe, koji podleže carinskim procedurama;
3) nad podnosiocem zahteva za izdavanje licence za prevoz nije pokrenut postupak stečaja ili likvidacije.
Requirements relating to financial fitness
1. The requirements relating to financial fitness shall be met when an undertaking applying for a licence can demonstrate that it will be able to meet its actual and potential obligations, established under realistic assumptions, for a period of 12 months.
2. The licensing authority shall verify financial fitness especially by means of a railway undertaking’s annual accounts or, in the case of undertakings applying for a licence which are unable to present annual accounts, a balance sheet. Each undertaking applying for a licence shall provide at least the information listed in Annex III.
3. The licensing authority shall not consider an undertaking applying for a licence to be financially fit if considerable or recurrent arrears of taxes or social security are owed as a result of that undertaking’s activity.
4. The licensing authority may require the submission of an audit report and suitable documents from a bank, public savings bank, accountant or auditor. Those documents shall include the information listed in Annex III.
5. The Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 60 concerning certain amendments to Annex III. Thus, Annex III may be amended to specify the information to be provided by undertakings applying for a licence or supplemented in the light of the experience gained by licensing authorities or the evolution of the rail transport market.
Uslov koji se odnosi na finansijsku sposobnost ispunjen je ako je podnosilac zahteva finansijski sposoban da ispunjava svoje postojeće i potencijalne obaveze, koje su realno procenjene, za period od 12 meseci.
Potpuna usklađenost je postignuta donošenjem Pravilnika o licencama za prevoz u železničkom saobraćaju („Službeni glasnik RS”, broj 9/14)
Requirements relating to professional competence
The requirements relating to professional competence shall be met when an undertaking applying for a licence can demonstrate that it has or will have a management organisation which possesses the knowledge or experience necessary to exercise safe and reliable operational control and supervision of the type of operations specified in the licence.
Uslov koji se odnosi na stručnost ispunjen je ako podnosilac zahteva ima upravu koja poseduje znanje ili iskustvo neophodno da na bezbedan i pouzdan način obavlja operativnu kontrolu i nadzor nad obavljanjem delatnosti koje su navedene u licenci.
Requirements relating to cover for civil liability
Without prejudice to Union rules on State aid and in accordance with Articles 93, 107 and 108 TFEU, a railway undertaking shall be adequately insured or have adequate guarantees under market conditions for cover, in accordance with national and international law, of its liabilities in the event of accidents, in particular in respect of passengers, luggage, freight, mail and third parties. Notwithstanding this obligation, the specificities and the risk-profile of different types of services, in particular of railway operations for cultural or heritage purposes, may be taken into account.
Uslov koji se odnosi na pokriće za građansku odgovornost ispunjen je ako je podnosilac zahteva adekvatno osiguran ili je na drugi način, u skladu sa važećim zakonskim propisima i potvrđenim međunarodnim ugovorima, obezbedio pokriće svojih obaveza u slučaju udesa, posebno kada se radi o putnicima, prtljagu, robi, poštanskim pošiljkama ili trećim licima.
Ovom odredbom Direktive je dopunjena ranija formulacija iz Direktiva 95/18/EZ, i biće transponovana u daljem postupku harmonizacije sa Direktivom 2012/34/EU.
Spatial and temporal validity
1. A licence shall be valid throughout the territory of the Union.
Odnosi se na važenje licence na teritoriji EU.
2. A licence shall be valid as long as the railway undertaking fulfils the obligations laid down in this Chapter. A licensing authority may, however, make provision for a regular review. If so, the review shall be carried out at least every five years.
3. Specific provisions governing the suspension or revocation of a licence may be incorporated in the licence itself.
Licenca za prevoz se izdaje na neodređeno vreme, dok železnički prevoznik, odnosno prevoznik za sopstvene potrebe, ispunjava uslove utvrđene ovim zakonom i neprenosiva je.
Direkcija za železnice proverava svakih 12 meseci da li železnički prevoznik, odnosno železnički prevoznik za sopstvene potrebe, ispunjava uslove iz člana 66. stav 1. ovog zakona.
Temporary licence, approval, suspension and revocation
1. If there is serious doubt that a railway undertaking which it has licensed complies with the requirements of this Chapter, and in particular those of Article 18, the licensing authority may, at any time, check whether that railway undertaking does in fact comply with those requirements.
Where a licensing authority is satisfied that a railway undertaking can no longer meet the requirements, it shall suspend or revoke the licence.
2. Where the licensing authority of a Member State is satisfied that there is serious doubt regarding compliance with the requirements laid down in this Chapter on the part of a railway undertaking to which a licence has been issued by the licensing authority of another Member State, it shall inform the latter authority without delay.
3. Notwithstanding paragraph 1, where a licence is suspended or revoked on grounds of non-compliance with the requirement for financial fitness, the licensing authority may grant a temporary licence pending the reorganisation of the railway undertaking, provided that safety is not jeopardised. A temporary licence shall not, however, be valid for more than six months after its date of issue.
4. Where a railway undertaking has ceased operations for six months or has not started operations within six months of the grant of a licence, the licensing authority may decide that the licence shall be required to be resubmitted for approval or be suspended.
As regards the start of activities, the railway undertaking may ask for a longer period to be fixed, taking account of the specific nature of the services to be provided.
5. In the event of a change affecting the legal situation of an undertaking and, in particular, in the event of a merger or takeover, the licensing authority may decide that the licence shall be resubmitted for approval. The railway undertaking in question may continue operations, unless the licensing authority decides that safety is jeopardised. In that event, the grounds for such a decision shall be given.
6. Where a railway undertaking intends to significantly change or extend its activities, its licence shall be resubmitted to the licensing authority for review.
7. A licensing authority shall not permit a railway undertaking against which bankruptcy or similar proceedings have commenced to retain its licence if that authority is convinced that there is no realistic prospect of satisfactory financial restructuring within a reasonable period of time.
8. Where a licensing authority issues, suspends, revokes or amends a licence, it shall immediately inform the European Railway Agency accordingly. The European Railway Agency shall inform the licensing authorities of other Member States forthwith.
Ukoliko postoji ozbiljna sumnja da železnički prevoznik, odnosno železnički prevoznik za sopstvene potrebe, ispunjava uslove iz člana 66. stav 1. ovog zakona, Direkcija za železnice može u svako doba da proveri da li železnički prevoznik, odnosno železnički prevoznik za sopstvene potrebe i dalje ispunjava uslove za izdavanje licence.
Ako se prilikom provere iz st. 1. i 2. ovog člana utvrdi da neki od uslova iz člana 66. stav 1. ovog zakona nije ispunjen, Direkcija za železnice će rešenjem suspendovati ili oduzeti licencu za prevoz.
U slučaju kada je licenca za prevoz suspendovana ili oduzeta zbog neispunjavanja uslova koji se odnosi na finansijsku sposobnost iz člana 66. stav 3. ovog zakona, Direkcija za železnice može izdati privremenu licencu za prevoz, do reorganizacije železničkog preduzeća, odnosno prevoznika za sopstvene potrebe, pod uslovom da bezbednost nije ugrožena. Privremena licenca za prevoz se izdaje na period koji ne može biti duži od šest meseci od dana izdavanja.
Ukoliko železnički prevoznik, odnosno železnički prevoznik za sopstvene potrebe, ne obavlja prevoz u periodu od šest meseci neprekidno ili kada ne otpočne sa obavljanjem prevoza u periodu od šest meseci od dana izdavanja licence za prevoz, Direkcija za železnice može rešenjem oduzeti licencu za prevoz ili je suspendovati dok se ne steknu uslovi da se nastavi obavljanje prevoza za koji je izdata licenca.
Podnosilac zahteva za izdavanje licence može tražiti da se odredi duži rok za otpočinjanje obavljanja prevoza, uzimajući u obzir posebnu prirodu usluga koje će pružati.
U slučaju statusnih promena, promene pravne forme ili reorganizacije železničkog prevoznika, odnosno železničkog prevoznika za sopstvene potrebe, kome je izdata licenca za prevoz, Direkcija za železnice, može rešenjem odlučiti da je to lice dužno da ponovo podnese zahtev za dobijanje licence.
Lice iz stava 7. ovog člana može nastaviti sa obavljanjem prevoza, osim ukoliko Direkcija za železnice ne oceni da je bezbednost železničkog saobraćaja ugrožena, u kom slučaju mu Direkcija za železnice rešenjem oduzima licencu.
U slučaju kada imalac licence za prevoz namerava da značajno izmeni ili proširi delatnost, on je dužan da podnese Direkciji za železnice zahtev radi preispitivanja postojanja zakonskih uslova za izdavanje izmenjene licence za prevoz. Posle preispitivanja Direkcija za železnice može odlučiti da rešenjem izmeni izdatu licencu ili da odbije zahtev.
Rešenje Direkcije za železnice iz st. 3, 5, 7, 8. i 9. ovog člana je konačno u upravnom postupku i protiv njega se može pokrenuti spor pred Upravnim sudom.
Imalac licence za prevoz dužan je da Direkciji za železnice, na njen zahtev, dostavi podatke o ispunjenosti uslova za izdavanje licence za prevoz, kao i da bez odlaganja obavesti Direkciju za železnice o svim promenama koje nastanu u vezi sa tim uslovima.
Procedure for granting licences
1. The procedures for granting licences shall be made public by the Member State concerned, which shall inform the Commission thereof.
2. The licensing authority shall take a decision on an application as soon as possible, but not more than three months after all relevant information, notably the particulars referred to in Annex III, has been submitted. The licensing authority shall take into account all the available information. The decision shall be communicated to the undertaking applying for a licence without delay. A refusal shall state the grounds on which it is based.
3. Member States shall ensure that the licensing authority’s decisions are subject to judicial review.
Licencu za prevoz Direkcija za železnice dužna je da izda, ako su ispunjeni uslovi iz člana 66. stav 1. ovog zakona, u roku od 30 dana od dana podnošenja zahteva.
Rešenje o odbijanju izdavanja licence za prevoz konačno je u upravnom postupku i protiv njega se može pokrenuti spor pred Upravnim sudom.
Postupak za izdavanje, suspenziju, izmenu ili oduzimanje licence za prevoz, sadržina licence za prevoz i način provere ispunjenosti propisanih uslova, bliže uređuje Direkcija za železnice.
Pravilnikom o licencama za prevoz u železničkom saobraćaju („Službeni glasnik RS”, broj 9/14) su transponovane odredbe Aneksa III.
Effective use of infrastructure capacity
Member States shall ensure that charging and capacity-allocation schemes for railway infrastructure follow the principles set down in this Directive and thus allow the infrastructure manager to market and make optimum effective use of the available infrastructure capacity.
Ova materija nije regulisana. Odredba će biti transponovana u daljem postupku harmonizacije sa Direktivom 2012/34/EU.
Network statement
1. The infrastructure manager shall, after consultation with the interested parties, develop and publish a network statement which shall be obtainable against payment of a fee which shall not exceed the cost of publication of that statement. The network statement shall be published in at least two official languages of the Union. The content of the network statement shall be made available free of charge in electronic format on the web portal of the infrastructure manager and accessible through a common web portal. That web portal shall be set up by the infrastructure managers in the framework of their cooperation in accordance with Articles 37 and 40.
2. The network statement shall set out the nature of the infrastructure which is available to railway undertakings, and contain information setting out the conditions for access to the relevant railway infrastructure. The network statement shall also contain information setting out the conditions for access to service facilities connected to the network of the infrastructure manager and for supply of services in these facilities or indicate a website where such information is made available free of charge in electronic format. The content of the network statement is laid down in Annex IV.
3. The network statement shall be kept up to date and amended as necessary.
4. The network statement shall be published no less than four months in advance of the deadline for requests for infrastructure capacity.
Izjava o mreži naročito sadrži: opšte odredbe; uslove za pristup i korišćenje železničke infrastrukture; pregled saobraćajno-tehničkih osobina železničke infrastrukture koja je na raspolaganju i ograničenja u upotrebi; principe, prioritete i kriterijume za dodelu kapaciteta infrastrukture; vrste usluga; principe naplate naknada i cena usluga, kao i visine naknada sa načinom njihovog proračuna.
Ministar bliže propisuje sadržinu i formu Izjave o mreži.
Izjava o mreži objavljuje se, radi informisanja, na internet stranici upravljača infrastrukture i može se preuzeti od upravljača infrastrukture u štampanoj i elektronskoj formi, posle uplate iznosa koji ne može premašiti troškove njenog objavljivanja.
Upravljač infrastrukture je dužan da vrši izmene i dopune Izjave o mreži ukoliko dođe do bilo koje promene podataka koje ona sadrži.
Izjava o mreži se objavljuje u roku koji ne može biti kraći od četiri meseca pre krajnjeg datuma za podnošenje zahteva za dodelu trase voza.
Pravilnikom o sadržini i formi izjave o mreži („Službeni glasnik RS”, broj 97/13) su transponovane odredbe Aneksa IV.
Agreements between railway undertakings and infrastructure managers
Any railway undertaking engaged in rail transport services shall conclude the necessary agreements under public or private law with the infrastructure managers of the railway infrastructure used. The conditions governing such agreements shall be non- discriminatory and transparent, in accordance with this Directive.
Ugovorom o korišćenju železničke infrastrukture bliže se uređuju međusobna prava i obaveze između upravljača infrastrukture i lica iz stava 1. ovog člana, a koja se odnose na garantovanje tehničkih i drugih uslova za bezbedno odvijanje železničkog saobraćaja, kao i na plaćanje naknada za korišćenje železničke infrastrukture i cena usluga.
Establishing, determining and collecting charges
1. Member States shall establish a charging framework while respecting the management independence laid down in Article 4.
Subject to that condition, Member States shall also establish specific charging rules or delegate such powers to the infrastructure manager.
Member States shall ensure that the network statement contains the charging framework and charging rules or indicates a website where the charging framework and charging rules are published.
The infrastructure manager shall determine and collect the charge for the use of infrastructure in accordance with the established charging framework and charging rules.
Without prejudice to the management independence laid down in Article 4 and provided that the right has been directly conferred by constitutional law before 15 December 2010, the national parliament may have the right to scrutinise and, where appropriate, review the level of charges determined by the infrastructure manager. Any such review shall ensure that charges comply with this Directive, the established charging framework and charging rules.
2. Except where specific arrangements are made under Article 32(3), infrastructure managers shall ensure that the charging scheme in use is based on the same principles over the whole of their network.
3. Infrastructure managers shall ensure that the application of the charging scheme results in equivalent and non-discriminatory charges for different railway undertakings that perform services of an equivalent nature in a similar part of the market and that the charges actually applied comply with the rules laid down in the network statement.
4. An infrastructure manager shall respect the commercial confidentiality of information provided to it by applicants.
Za korišćenje železničke infrastrukture korisnik trase voza plaća naknade u skladu sa zakonom kojim se uređuju naknade za korišćenje javnih dobara.
Upravljač infrastrukture utvrđuje visinu naknada za korišćenje železničke infrastrukture i vrši njihovu naplatu.
Vlada daje saglasnost na visinu naknada za korišćenje železničke infrastrukture.
Visinu naknada iz stava 1. ovog člana upravljač infrastrukture utvrđuje transparentno i na načelu nediskriminacije i zasniva se na modelu alokacije troškova u koji su uključeni model mreže i model saobraćaja.
Vlada utvrđuje metodologiju vrednovanja elemenata za određivanje naknada za korišćenje železničke infrastrukture (u daljem tekstu: Metodologija), na predlog Ministra.
Metodologija se objavljuje u „Službenom glasniku Republike Srbije”.
Sredstva od naplate naknada iz stava 1. ovog člana su prihod upravljača infrastrukture.
Formulacija ove odredbe Zakona je prilagođena okolnostima u železničkom sektoru, odnosno stepenu ekonomskog razvoja i stepenu liberalizacije železničkog tržišta.
Uredbom Vlade je utvrđena Metodologija vrednovanja elemenata za određivanje naknada za korišćenje železničke infrastrukture („Službenom glasniku RS”, broj 122/14)
Infrastructure cost and accounts
1. Infrastructure managers shall, with due regard to safety and to maintaining and improving the quality of the infrastructure service, be given incentives to reduce the costs of providing infrastructure and the level of access charges.
2. Without prejudice to their competence regarding railway infrastructure planning and financing, and to the budgetary principle of annuality, where applicable, Member States shall ensure that a contractual agreement, fulfilling the basic principles and parameters set out in Annex V, is concluded between the competent authority and the infrastructure manager covering a period of not less than five years.
Member States shall ensure that contractual agreements in force on 15 December 2012 are modified, if necessary, to align them with this Directive upon their renewal, or at the latest by 16 June 2015.
3. Member States shall implement the incentives referred to in paragraph 1 through the contractual agreement referred to in paragraph 2 or through regulatory measures or through a combination of incentives to reduce costs in the contractual agreement and the level of charges through regulatory measures.
4. If a Member State decides to implement the incentives referred to in paragraph 1 through regulatory measures, this shall be based on an analysis of the achievable cost reductions. This shall be without prejudice to the powers of the regulatory body to review the charges referred to in Article 56.
5. The terms of the contractual agreement referred to in paragraph 2 and the structure of the payments agreed to provide funding to the infrastructure manager shall be agreed in advance to cover the whole of the contractual period.
6. Member States shall ensure that applicants and, upon their request, potential applicants are informed by the competent authority and the infrastructure manager and are given the opportunity to express their views on the content of the contractual agreement before it is signed. The contractual agreement shall be published within one month of concluding it.
The infrastructure manager shall ensure consistency between the provisions of the contractual agreement and the business plan.
7. Infrastructure managers shall develop and maintain a register of their assets and the assets they are responsible for managing which would be used to assess the financing needed to repair or replace them. This shall be accompanied by details of expenditure on renewal and upgrading of the infrastructure.
8. Infrastructure managers shall establish a method for apportioning costs to the different categories of services offered to railway undertakings. Member States may require prior approval. That method shall be updated from time to time on the basis of the best international practice.
Upravljač infrastrukture dobija podsticaje za smanjenje troškova korišćenja infrastrukture i visine naknada za korišćenje infrastrukture i cena usluga u skladu sa članom 34. ovog zakona.
Upravljač infrastrukture i Vlada, odnosno autonomna pokrajina ili jedinica lokalne samouprave zaključuju ugovor kojim se uređuju međusobna prava i obaveze u pogledu finansiranja troškova upravljanja železničkom infrastrukturom u delu koji čini razliku između stvarnih troškova upravljanja železničkom infrastrukturom i ostvarenih prihoda od naknada za korišćenje infrastrukture i cena usluga.
Za poslove u vezi sa staranjem o bezbednosti železničkog saobraćaja, održavanja i poboljšanja kvaliteta usluga upravljača infrastrukture, ugovorom iz stava 1. ovog člana posebno će se predvideti podsticaji za smanjenje troškova upravljanja železničkom infrastrukturom, visine naknada za korišćenje te infrastrukture i cena usluga.
Ugovor iz stava 1. ovog člana zaključuje se na period koji nije kraći od tri godine.
Ovom odredbom Direktive je dopunjena formulacija iz ranije važeće direktive, tako da će poptuna usaglašenost biti postignuta u daljem postupku harmonizacije sa Direktivom 2012/34/EU.
Principles of charging
1. Charges for the use of railway infrastructure and of service facilities shall be paid to the infrastructure manager and to the operator of service facility respectively and used to fund their business.
2. Member States shall require the infrastructure manager and the operator of service facility to provide the regulatory body with all necessary information on the charges imposed in order to allow the regulatory body to perform its functions as referred to in Article 56. The infrastructure manager and the operator of service facility shall, in this regard, be able to demonstrate to railway undertakings that infrastructure and service charges actually invoiced to the railway undertaking pursuant to Articles 30 to 37 comply with the methodology, rules and, where applicable, scales laid down in the network statement.
3. Without prejudice to paragraph 4 or 5 of this Article or to Article 32, the charges for the minimum access package and for access to infrastructure connecting service facilities shall be set at the cost that is directly incurred as a result of operating the train service.
Before 16 June 2015, the Commission shall adopt measures setting out the modalities for the calculation of the cost that is directly incurred as a result of operating the train. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 62(3).
The infrastructure manager may decide to gradually adapt to those modalities during a period of no more than four years after the entry into force of those implementing acts.
4. The infrastructure charges referred to in paragraph 3 may include a charge which reflects the scarcity of capacity of the identifiable section of the infrastructure during periods of congestion.
5. The infrastructure charges referred to in paragraph 3 may be modified to take account of the cost of environmental effects caused by the operation of the train. Any such modification shall be differentiated according to the magnitude of the effect caused.
Based on the experience gained by infrastructure managers, railway undertakings, regulatory bodies and competent authorities, and recognising existing schemes on noise differentiation, the Commission shall adopt implementing measures setting out the modalities to be followed for the application of the charging for the cost of noise effects including its duration of application and enabling the differentiation of infrastructure charges to take into account, where appropriate, the sensitivity of the area affected, in particular in terms of the size of population affected and the train composition with an impact on the level of noise emissions. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 62(3). They shall not result in the undue distortion of competition between railway undertakings or affect the overall competitiveness of the rail sector.
Any such modification of infrastructure charges to take account of the cost of noise effects shall support the retrofitting of wagons with the most economically viable low-noise braking technology available.
Charging of environmental costs which results in an increase in the overall revenue accruing to the infrastructure manager shall however be allowed only if such charging is applied to road freight transport in accordance with Union law.
If charging for environmental costs generates additional revenue, it shall be for Member States to decide how the revenue is to be used.
Member States shall ensure that the necessary information is kept and that the origin of the charging of environmental costs and its application can be traced. Member States shall provide the Commission with this information upon request.
6. To avoid undesirable disproportionate fluctuations, the charges referred to in paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 may be averaged over a reasonable spread of train services and times. Nevertheless, the relative magnitude of the infrastructure charge shall be related to the costs attributable to the services.
7. The charge imposed for track access within service facilities referred to in point 2 of Annex II, and the supply of services in such facilities, shall not exceed the cost of providing it, plus a reasonable profit.
8. Where services listed in points 3 and 4 of Annex II, as additional and ancillary services are offered by only one supplier, the charge imposed for such a service shall not exceed the cost of providing it, plus a reasonable profit.
9. Charges may be levied for capacity used for the purpose of infrastructure maintenance. Such charges shall not exceed the net revenue loss to the infrastructure manager caused by the maintenance.
10. The operator of the facility for supply of the services referred to in points 2, 3 and 4 of Annex II shall provide the infrastructure manager with the information on charges to be included in the network statement or shall indicate a website where such information is made available free of charge in electronic format in accordance with Article 27.
Naknade za minimalni paket usluga i pristup prugom službenim objektima, odnosno servisnim postrojenjima zasnovane su na troškovima koji direktno nastaju kao rezultat odvijanja železničkog saobraćaja.
Cene usluga iz stava 2. ovog člana, visina naknada iz stava 5. ovog člana, kao i cene usluga iz člana 35. ovog zakona, mogu se izmeniti u zavisnosti od uslova na tržištu železničkih usluga, uzimajući u obzir ukupne troškove kao gornju granicu na kojoj naknade i cene usluga mogu biti zasnovane, u kom slučaju to mora biti objavljeno najmanje tri meseca unapred.
Cene usluga iz stava 2. ovog člana i člana 35. ovog zakona utvrđuju se u skladu sa Metodologijom.
Ovom odredbom Direktive je izmenjena i dopunjena ranija formulacija iz Direktive 2001/14/EZ. Biće transponovana u daljem postupku harmonizacije sa Direktivom 2012/34/EU.
Exceptions to charging principles
1. In order to obtain full recovery of the costs incurred by the infrastructure manager a Member State may, if the market can bear this, levy mark-ups on the basis of efficient, transparent and non-discriminatory principles, while guaranteeing optimal competitiveness of rail market segments. The charging system shall respect the productivity increases achieved by railway undertakings.
The level of charges shall not, however, exclude the use of infrastructure by market segments which can pay at least the cost that is directly incurred as a result of operating the railway service, plus a rate of return which the market can bear.
Before approving the levy of such mark-ups, Member States shall ensure that the infrastructure managers evaluate their relevance for specific market segments, considering at least the pairs listed in point 1 of Annex VI and retaining the relevant ones. The list of market segments defined by infrastructure managers shall contain at least the three following segments: freight services, passenger services within the framework of a public service contract and other passenger services.
Infrastructure managers may further distinguish market segments according to commodity or passengers transported.
Market segments in which railway undertakings are not currently operating but may provide services during the period of validity of the charging system shall also be defined. The infrastructure manager shall not include a mark-up in the charging system for those market segments.
The list of market segments shall be published in the network statement and shall be reviewed at least every five years. The regulatory body referred to in Article 55 shall control that list in accordance with Article 56.
2. For the carriage of goods from and to third countries operated on a network whose track gauge is different from the main rail network within the Union, infrastructure managers may set higher charges in order to obtain full costs recovery of the costs incurred.
3. For specific future investment projects, or specific investment projects that have been completed after 1988, the infrastructure manager may set or continue to set higher charges on the basis of the long-term costs of such projects if they increase efficiency or cost-effectiveness or both and could not otherwise be or have been undertaken. Such a charging arrangement may also incorporate agreements on the sharing of the risk associated with new investments.
4. The infrastructure charges for the use of railway corridors which are specified in Commission Decision 2009/561/EC ( 1 ) shall be differentiated to give incentives to equip trains with the ETCS compliant with the version adopted by the Commission Decision 2008/386/EC ( 2 ) and successive versions. Such differentiation shall not result in any overall change in revenue for the infrastructure manager.
Notwithstanding this obligation, Member States may decide that this differentiation of infrastructure charges does not apply to railway lines specified in Decision 2009/561/EC on which only ETCS equipped trains may run.
Member States may decide to extend this differentiation to railway lines not specified in Decision 2009/561/EC.
Before 16 June 2015 and following an impact assessment, the Commission shall adopt measures setting out modalities to be followed in applying the differentiation of the infrastructure charge according to a time-frame consistent with the ERTMS European Deployment Plan established under Decision 2009/561/EC and ensuring that it does not result in any overall change in revenue for the infrastructure manager. Those implementing measures shall adapt the modalities of the differentiation applicable to trains operating local and regional services using a limited section of the railway corridors specified in Decision 2009/561/EC. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 62(3). They shall not result in the undue distortion of competition between railway undertakings or affect the overall competitiveness of the rail sector.
5. To prevent discrimination, Member States shall ensure that any given infrastructure manager’s average and marginal charges for equivalent use of its infrastructure are comparable and that comparable services in the same market segment are subject to the same charges. The infrastructure manager shall show in the network statement that the charging system meets these requirements in so far as this can be done without disclosing confidential business information.
6. If an infrastructure manager intends to modify the essential elements of the charging system referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, it shall make them public at least three months in advance of the deadline for the publication of the network statement according to Article 27(4).
Nije regulisano Zakonom, radi se o jednoj od novina Direktive 2012/34/EU, koja će biti transponovana u daljem postupku harmonizacije sa ovom direktivom.
1. Without prejudice to Articles 101, 102, 106 and 107 TFEU and notwithstanding the direct cost principle laid down in Article 31(3) of this Directive, any discount on the charges levied on a railway undertaking by the infrastructure manager, for any service, shall comply with the criteria set out in this Article.
2. With the exception of paragraph 3, discounts shall be limited to the actual saving of the administrative cost to the infrastructure manager. In determining the level of discount, no account may be taken of cost savings already internalised in the charge levied.
3. Infrastructure managers may introduce schemes available to all users of the infrastructure, for specified traffic flows, granting time-limited discounts to encourage the development of new rail services, or discounts encouraging the use of considerably underutilised lines.
4. Discounts may relate only to charges levied for a specified infrastructure section.
5. Similar discount schemes shall apply for similar services. Discount schemes shall be applied in a non-discriminatory manner to any railway undertaking.
Upravljač infrastrukture može da uvede popuste dostupne svim korisnicima železničke infrastrukture, u sledećim slučajevima:
1) za tačno navedene određene saobraćajne tokove, za delove mreže, za trase vozova;
2) radi podsticanja razvoja novih železničkih usluga za ograničeni vremenski period;
3) da se podstakne razvoj novih železničkih usluga ili radi podsticanja korišćenja znatno neiskorišćene železničke infrastrukture.
Popusti koje odobrava upravljač infrastrukture objavljuju se u Izjavi o mreži.
Direktivom 2012/34/EU popusti su detaljnije regulisani, u odnosu na Direktivu 2001/14/EZ. Ova odredba će biti transponovana u daljem postupku harmonizacije sa Direktivom 2012/34/EU.
Compensation schemes for unpaid environmental, accident and infrastructure costs
1. Member States may put in place a time-limited compensation scheme for the use of railway infrastructure for the demonstrably unpaid environmental, accident and infrastructure costs of competing transport modes in so far as these costs exceed the equivalent costs of rail.
2. Where a railway undertaking receiving compensation enjoys an exclusive right, the compensation shall be accompanied by comparable benefits to users.
3. The methodology used and calculations performed shall be publicly available. It shall in particular be possible to demonstrate the specific uncharged costs of the competing transport infrastructure that are avoided and to ensure that the scheme is granted on non-discriminatory terms to undertakings.
4. Member States shall ensure that the scheme is compatible with Articles 93, 107 and 108 TFEU.
Ova odredba će biti transponovana u daljem postupku harmonizacije sa Direktivom 2012/34/EU.
Performance scheme
1. Infrastructure charging schemes shall encourage railway undertakings and the infrastructure manager to minimise disruption and improve the performance of the railway network through a performance scheme. This scheme may include penalties for actions which disrupt the operation of the network, compensation for undertakings which suffer from disruption and bonuses that reward better-than-planned performance.
Upravljač infrastrukture donosi Sistem pokazatelja za poboljšanje kvaliteta prevoza preko koga se stimulišu korisnici trasa vozova da smanje poremećaje i poboljšaju efikasnost železničke mreže.
Sistem iz stava 1. ovog člana sadrži mere u vezi postupaka kojima se remeti rad mreže, nadoknadu korisnicima trasa vozova koji trpe štetu i bonuse kao nagradu za efikasnost veću od planirane.
2. The basic principles of the performance scheme as listed in point 2 of Annex VI shall apply throughout the network.
Ova odredba će biti transponovana u daljem postupku harmonizacije sa Direktivom 2012/34/EU.
3. The Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 60 concerning amendments to point 2(c) of Annex VI. Thus point 2(c) of Annex VI, may be amended in the light of the evolution of the rail market and experience gained by regulatory bodies referred to in Article 55, infrastructure managers and railway undertakings. Such amendments shall adapt the classes of delay to the best practices developed by industry.
Odnosi se na ovlašćenja EK.
Reservation charges
Infrastructure managers may levy an appropriate charge for capacity that is allocated but not used. That non-usage charge shall provide incentives for efficient use of capacity. The levy of such a charge on applicants that were allocated a train path shall be mandatory in the event of their regular failure to use allocated paths or part of them. For the imposition of this charge, the infrastructure managers shall publish in their network statement the criteria to determine such failure to use. The regulatory body referred to in Article 55 shall control such criteria in accordance with Article 56. Payments for this charge shall be made by either the applicant or the railway undertaking appointed in accordance with Article 41(1). The infrastructure manager shall always be able to inform any interested party of the infrastructure capacity which has already been allocated to user railway undertakings.
Pored naknada i usluga iz člana 29. ovog zakona upravljač infrastrukture može da naplati i sledeće usluge:
1) korišćenje zagušene železničke infrastrukture, koja se naplaćuje u slučaju kada je na određenom segmentu infrastrukture utvrđen nedostatak kapaciteta infrastrukture, tokom perioda zagušenja;
2) rezervaciju trasa vozova koje se ne koriste;
3) dodatno održavanje železničke infrastrukture u skladu sa zahtevima korisnika trase voza.
Direktiva detaljnije reguliše naknadu po ovom osnovu, tako da će potpuna usklađenost biti postignuta u daljem postupku harmonizacije sa Direktivom 2012/34/EU.
Cooperation in relation to charging systems on more than one network
1. Member States shall ensure that infrastructure managers cooperate to enable the application of efficient charging schemes, and associate to coordinate the charging or to charge for the operation of train services which cross more than one infrastructure network of the rail system within the Union. Infrastructure managers shall, in particular, aim to guarantee the optimal competitiveness of international rail services and ensure the efficient use of the railway networks. To this end they shall establish appropriate procedures, subject to the rules set out in this Directive.
2. For the purpose of paragraph 1 of this Article, Member States shall ensure that infrastructure managers cooperate to enable mark-ups, as referred to in Article 32, and performance schemes, as referred to in Article 35, to be efficiently applied, for traffic crossing more than one network of the rail system within the Union.
Upravljači infrastrukture međusobno sarađuju u cilju omogućavanja železničkim prevoznicima efikasnog obavljanja prevoza kada se prevoz obavlja na više železničkih infrastruktura.
Radi se o novinama koje unosi Direktiva 2012/34/EU, tako da će ova odredba biti transponovana u daljem postupku harmonizacije sa Direktivom 2012/34/EU.
Capacity rights
1. Infrastructure capacity shall be allocated by an infrastructure manager. Once allocated to an applicant, it shall not be transferred by the recipient to another undertaking or service. Any trading in infrastructure capacity shall be prohibited and shall lead to exclusion from the further allocation of capacity.
The use of capacity by a railway undertaking when carrying out the business of an applicant which is not a railway undertaking shall not be considered as a transfer.
Dodeljenu trasu voza korisnik trase voza ne može prenositi drugom železničkom prevozniku, odnosno železničkom prevozniku za sopstvene potrebe.
Zabranjena je trgovina trasama voza.
Korišćenje kapaciteta infrastrukture od strane železničkog prevoznika ili železničkog prevoznika za sopstvene potrebe, kada obavlja poslove podnosioca zahteva koji nije železnički prevoznik, ne smatra se prenošenjem u smislu ovog zakona.
2. The right to use specific infrastructure capacity in the form of a train path may be granted to applicants for a maximum duration of one working timetable period.
An infrastructure manager and an applicant may enter into a framework agreement as laid down in Article 42 for the use of capacity on the relevant railway infrastructure for a longer term than one working timetable period.
3. The respective rights and obligations of infrastructure managers and applicants in respect of any allocation of capacity shall be laid down in contracts or in Member States’ legislation.
4. Where an applicant intends to request infrastructure capacity with a view to operating an international passenger service, it shall inform the infrastructure managers and the regulatory bodies concerned. In order to enable them to assess whether the purpose of the international service is to carry passengers on a route between stations located in different Member States, and what the potential economic impact on existing public service contracts is, regulatory bodies shall ensure that any competent authority that has awarded a rail passenger service on that route defined in a public service contract, any other interested competent authority with a right to limit access under Article 11 and any railway undertaking performing the public service contract on the route of that international passenger service is informed.
Ova odredba će biti transponovana u daljem postupku harmonizacije sa Direktivom 2012/34/EU.
Capacity allocation
1. Member States may lay down a framework for the allocation of infrastructure capacity subject to the condition of management independence laid down in Article 4. Specific capacity-allocation rules shall be laid down. The infrastructure manager shall perform the capacity-allocation processes. In particular, the infrastructure manager shall ensure that infrastructure capacity is allocated in a fair and non-discriminatory manner and in accordance with Union law.
2. Infrastructure managers shall respect the commercial confidentiality of information provided to them.
Diskreciona odredba.
Cooperation in the allocation of infrastructure capacity on more than one network
1. Member States shall ensure that infrastructure managers cooperate to enable the efficient creation and allocation of infrastructure capacity which crosses more than one network of the rail system within the Union, including under framework agreements referred to in Article 42. Infrastructure managers shall establish appropriate procedures, subject to the rules set out in this Directive, and organise train paths crossing more than one network accordingly.
Member States shall ensure that representatives of infrastructure managers whose allocation decisions have an impact on other infrastructure managers associate in order to coordinate the allocation of or to allocate all relevant infrastructure capacity at an international level, without prejudice to the specific rules contained in Union law on rail freight oriented networks. The principles and criteria for capacity allocation established under this cooperation shall be published by infrastructure managers in their network statement in accordance with paragraph 3 of Annex IV. Appropriate representatives of infrastructure managers from third countries may be associated with these procedures.
2. The Commission shall be informed of and invited to attend as an observer at the main meetings at which common principles and practices for the allocation of infrastructure are developed. Regulatory bodies shall receive sufficient information about the development of common principles and practices for the allocation of infrastructure and from IT-based allocation systems, to allow them to perform their regulatory supervision in accordance with Article 56.
3. At any meeting or other activity undertaken to permit the allocation of infrastructure capacity for trans-network train services, decisions shall only be taken by representatives of infrastructure managers.
4. The participants in the cooperation referred to paragraph 1 shall ensure that its membership, methods of operation and all relevant criteria which are used for assessing and allocating infrastructure capacity be made publicly available.
5. Working in cooperation, as referred to in paragraph 1, infrastructure managers shall assess the need for, and may where necessary propose and organise international train paths to facilitate the operation of freight trains which are subject to an ad hoc request as referred to in Article 48.
Such prearranged international train paths shall be made available to applicants through any of the participating infrastructure managers.
Upravljači infrastrukture međusobno sarađuju u cilju omogućavanja železničkim prevoznicima efikasnog obavljanja prevoza kada se prevoz obavlja na više železničkih infrastruktura.
Upravljač infrastrukture garantuje optimalnu konkurentnost međunarodnog železničkog transporta putnika i robe. Svaka saradnja ili zajednička organizacija reguliše se u skladu sa odredbama ovog zakona.
Upravljač infrastrukture primenjuje Metodologiju na način koji obezbeđuje jednake i nediskriminatorske naknade za različite korisnike trase vozova koji obavljaju usluge sličnog karaktera na delu trase voza na kome upravljač infrastrukture obezbeđuje iste vrste usluga.
Direktivom je ova materija detaljnije uređena u odnosu na ranije važeću direktivu, tako da će ova odredba biti transponovana u daljem postupku harmonizacije sa Direktivom 2012/34/EU.
1. Requests for infrastructure capacity may be made by applicants. In order to use such infrastructure capacity, applicants shall appoint a railway undertaking to conclude an agreement with the infrastructure manager in accordance with Article 28. This is without prejudice to the right of applicants to conclude agreements with infrastructure managers under Article 44(1).
2. The infrastructure manager may set requirements with regard to applicants to ensure that its legitimate expectations about future revenues and utilisation of the infrastructure are safeguarded. Such requirements shall be appropriate, transparent and non-discriminatory. They shall be specified in the network statement as referred to in point 3(b) of Annex IV. They may only include the provision of a financial guarantee that shall not exceed an appropriate level which shall be proportional to the contemplated level of activity of the applicant, and assurance of the capability to prepare compliant bids for infrastructure capacity.
Ova odredba će biti transponovana u daljem postupku harmonizacije sa Direktivom 2012/34/EU.
3. Before 16 June 2015, the Commission shall adopt implementing measures setting out the details of the criteria to be followed for the application of paragraph 2. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 62(3).
Odnosi se na nadležnost EK.
Framework agreements
1. Without prejudice to Articles 101, 102 and 106 TFEU, a framework agreement may be concluded between an infrastructure manager and an applicant. Such a framework agreement shall specify the characteristics of the infrastructure capacity required by and offered to the applicant over a period of time exceeding one working timetable period.
The framework agreement shall not specify a train path in detail, but shall be such as to meet the legitimate commercial needs of the applicant. A Member State may require prior approval of such a framework agreement by the regulatory body referred to in Article 55 of this Directive.
2. Framework agreements shall not be such as to preclude the use of the relevant infrastructure by other applicants or services.
3. Framework agreements shall allow for the amendment or limitation of its terms to enable better use to be made of the railway infrastructure.
4. Framework agreements may contain penalties should it be necessary to modify or terminate the agreement.
5. Framework agreements shall, in principle, cover a period of five years, renewable for periods equal to their original duration. The infrastructure manager may agree to a shorter or longer period in specific cases. Any period longer than five years shall be justified by the existence of commercial contracts, specialised investments or risks.
6. For services using specialised infrastructure referred to in Article 49 which requires substantial and long-term investment, duly justified by the applicant, framework agreements may be for a period of 15 years. Any period longer than 15 years shall be permissible only in exceptional cases, in particular where there is large-scale, long-term investment, and particularly where such investment is covered by contractual commitments including a multiannual amortisation plan.
Upravljač infrastrukture i podnosilac zahteva, izuzetno, mogu da sačine i okvirni sporazum, za korišćenje kapaciteta na odgovarajućoj železničkoj infrastrukturi na rok duži nego što je to jedan period važenja reda vožnje.
Okvirni sporazum između upravljača infrastrukture i podnosioca zahteva sadrži karakteristike kapaciteta infrastrukture koje je podnosilac zahteva tražio i koje su mu ponuđene tokom vremenskog perioda koji prelazi jedan period važenja reda vožnje.
Okvirni sporazum ne sadrži detaljno trasu voza, već zadovoljava legitimne komercijalne potrebe podnosioca zahteva i zaključuje se po pravilu na pet godina.
U posebnim slučajevima upravljač infrastrukture može pristati na kraći ili duži period. Svaki period duži od pet godina pravda se postojanjem komercijalnih ugovora, namenskih investicija ili rizika.
Period duži od 10 godina moguć je samo u izuzetnim slučajevima, posebno kada je reč o dugoročnim investicijama velikog obima i kada je takvo investiranje obuhvaćeno ugovornim obavezama.
Okvirni sporazumi ne isključuju mogućnost da odgovarajuću infrastrukturu koriste i drugi podnosioci zahteva.
Okvirni sporazum može da se izmeni, dopuni ili ograniči u cilju bolje upotrebe železničke infrastrukture.
Poštujući poslovnu tajnu, opšte odredbe svakog okvirnog sporazuma dostupne su svakoj zainteresovanoj strani.
Direktivom je ova materija detaljnije uređena u odnosu na ranije važeću direktivu. Ova odredba će biti transponovana u daljem postupku harmonizacije sa Direktivom 2012/34/EU.
Schedule for the allocation process
1. The infrastructure manager shall adhere to the schedule for capacity allocation set out in Annex VII.
Upravljač infrastrukture se pridržava vremenskog plana dodele kapaciteta infrastrukture koji donosi Ministar posebnim aktom. Vremenski plan dodele kapaciteta infrastrukture predstavlja dinamiku u procesu dodele tih kapaciteta, koji je povezan sa dinamikom podnošenja zahteva tokom postupka izrade reda vožnje (što, između ostalog, uključuje rokove za podnošenje zahteva, planiranje procesa koordinacije, dodelu trase, zaključivanje ugovora i dr.) i dinamikom podnošenja zahteva za dodelu trase voza van postupka izrade reda vožnje.
2. The Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 60 concerning certain amendments to Annex VII. Thus, after consultation of all infrastructure managers, Annex VII may be amended to take into account operational considerations of the allocation process. Those amendments shall be based on what is necessary in the light of experience in order to ensure an efficient allocation process and to reflect the operational concerns of the infrastructure managers.
3. Infrastructure managers shall agree with the other relevant infrastructure managers concerned which international train paths are to be included in the working timetable, before commencing consultation on the draft working timetable. Adjustments shall only be made if absolutely necessary.
Nadležnost EK.
1. Applicants may apply under public or private law to the infrastructure manager to request an agreement granting rights to use railway infrastructure against a charge as provided for in Section 2 of Chapter IV.
2. Requests relating to the regular working timetable shall comply with the deadlines set out in Annex VII.
3. An applicant who is a party to a framework agreement shall apply in accordance with that agreement.
4. For train paths crossing more than one network, infrastructure managers shall ensure that applicants may apply to a one-stop shop that is either a joint body established by the infrastructure managers or one single infrastructure manager involved in the train path. That infrastructure manager shall be permitted to act on behalf of the applicant to seek capacity with other relevant infrastructure managers. This requirement is without prejudice to Regulation (EU) No 913/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 September 2010 concerning a European rail network for competitive freight ( 1 ).
Radi se o novinama koje unosi Direktiva, tako da će ova odredba biti transponovana u daljem postupku harmonizacije sa Direktivom 2012/34/EU.
1. The infrastructure manager shall, as far as possible, meet all requests for infrastructure capacity including requests for train paths crossing more than one network, and shall, as far as possible, take account of all constraints on applicants, including the economic effect on their business.
2. The infrastructure manager may give priority to specific services within the scheduling and coordination process but only as set out in Articles 47 and 49.
3. The infrastructure manager shall consult interested parties about the draft working timetable and allow them at least one month to present their views. Interested parties shall include all those who have requested infrastructure capacity and other parties who wish to have the opportunity to comment on how the working timetable may affect their ability to procure rail services during the working timetable period.
4. The infrastructure manager shall take appropriate measures to deal with any concerns that are expressed.
Upravljač infrastrukture, dodeljuje trase voza jedanput godišnje po usklađivanju zahteva za dodelu trasa voza u postupku izrade reda vožnje, najduže za period važenja reda vožnje.
Upravljač infrastrukture konsultuje zainteresovane strane u vezi sa nacrtom reda vožnje i omogućava im rok od najmanje mesec dana za dostavu svojih predloga.
Zainteresovane strane uključuju sve one koji su podneli zahtev za dodelu trasa voza, kao i ostale strane koje žele da im se omogući da daju svoj komentar o tome kako red vožnje može uticati na njihovu sposobnost da pružaju železničke usluge tokom tog perioda važenja reda vožnje.
Za vanredne zahteve za dodelu trase voza ili zahteve kojima se menja podneti zahtev za dodelu trase voza, upravljač infrastrukture će preduzeti odgovarajuće mere u cilju realizacije tih zahteva.
Upravljač infrastrukture dužan je da preduzima odgovarajuće mere za rešavanje svih izloženih problema.
Upravljač infrastrukture se pridržava vremenskog plana dodele kapaciteta infrastrukture koji donosi Ministar posebnim aktom. Vremenski plan dodele kapaciteta infrastrukture predstavlja dinamiku u procesu dodele tih kapaciteta, koji je povezan sa dinamikom podnošenja zahteva tokom postupka izrade reda vožnje (što, između ostalog, uključuje rokove za podnošenje zahteva, planiranje procesa koordinacije, dodelu trase, zaključivanje ugovora i dr.) i dinamikom podnošenja zahteva za dodelu trase voza van postupka izrade reda vožnje.
Coordination process
1. During the scheduling process referred to in Article 45, where the infrastructure manager encounters conflicts between different requests, it shall attempt, through coordination of the requests, to ensure the best possible matching of all requirements.
2. Where a situation requiring coordination arises, the infrastructure manager shall have the right, within reasonable limits, to propose infrastructure capacity that differs from that which was requested.
3. The infrastructure manager shall attempt, through consultation with the appropriate applicants, to resolve any conflicts. Such consultation shall be based on the disclosure of the following information within a reasonable time, free of charge and in written or electronic form:
(a) train paths requested by all other applicants on the same routes;
(b) train paths allocated on a preliminary basis to all other applicants on the same routes;
(c) alternative train paths proposed on the relevant routes in accordance with paragraph 2;
(d) full details of the criteria being used in the capacity-allocation process.
In accordance with Article 39(2), that information shall be provided without disclosing the identity of other applicants, unless applicants concerned have agreed to such disclosure.
4. The principles governing the coordination process shall be set out in the network statement. These shall, in particular, reflect the difficulty of arranging international train paths and the effect that modification may have on other infrastructure managers.
5. Where requests for infrastructure capacity cannot be satisfied without coordination, the infrastructure manager shall attempt to accommodate all requests through coordination.
6. Without prejudice to the current appeal procedures and to Article 56, in the event of disputes relating to the allocation of infrastructure capacity, a dispute resolution system shall be made available in order to resolve such disputes promptly. This system shall be set out in the network statement. If this system is applied, a decision shall be reached within a time limit of 10 working days.
Tokom procesa planiranja reda vožnje iz člana 23. ovog zakona, kada naiđe na sukobljavanje različitih zahteva, upravljač infrastrukture nastoji da, putem koordinacije zahteva, obezbedi najbolju moguću usklađenost svih zahteva.
Kada se pojavi situacija koja zahteva koordinaciju, upravljač infrastrukture ima pravo da predloži kapacitet infrastrukture koji se razlikuje od onog koji se traži u zahtevu za dodelu trase voza.
Upravljač infrastrukture nastoji da, kroz koordinaciju sa podnosiocima zahteva, postigne rešenje svih sporova.
Principi kojim se rukovode u procesu koordinacije definišu se u Izjavi o mreži.
U slučaju sporova koji se odnose na dodelu kapaciteta infrastrukture obezbeđuje se sistem rešavanja sporova kako bi se takvi sporovi rešili blagovremeno. Ako se ovaj sistem primeni, odluka se mora doneti u roku od 10 radnih dana, bez obzira na postupke po prigovorima.
Direktiva detaljnije reguliše proces koordinacije u odnosu na ranije važeću direktivu, tako da će ova odredba biti transponovana u daljem postupku harmonizacije sa Direktivom 2012/34/EU
Congested infrastructure
1. Where, after coordination of the requested train paths and consultation with applicants, it is not possible to satisfy requests for infrastructure capacity adequately, the infrastructure manager shall immediately declare that section of infrastructure on which this has occurred to be congested. This shall also be done for infrastructure which can be expected to suffer from insufficient capacity in the near future.
2. Where infrastructure has been declared to be congested, the infrastructure manager shall carry out a capacity analysis as provided for in Article 50, unless a capacity-enhancement plan, as provided for in Article 51, is already being implemented.
3. Where charges in accordance with Article 31(4) have not been levied or have not achieved a satisfactory result and the infrastructure has been declared to be congested, the infrastructure manager may, in addition, employ priority criteria to allocate infrastructure capacity.
4. The priority criteria shall take account of the importance of a service to society relative to any other service which will consequently be excluded.
In order to guarantee the development of adequate transport services within this framework, in particular to comply with public-service requirements or to promote the development of national and international rail freight, Member States may take any measures necessary, under non-discriminatory conditions, to ensure that such services are given priority when infrastructure capacity is allocated.
Member States may, where appropriate, grant the infrastructure manager compensation corresponding to any loss of revenue related to the need to allocate a given capacity to certain services pursuant to the second subparagraph.
Those measures and that compensation shall include taking account of the effect of this exclusion in other Member States.
5. The importance of freight services, and in particular international freight services, shall be given adequate consideration in determining priority criteria.
6. The procedures to be followed and the criteria to be used where infrastructure is congested shall be set out in the network statement.
Ako posle koordinacije nije moguće postići rešenje spora, u smislu člana 24. ovog zakona, upravljač infrastrukture dužan je, bez odlaganja, da proglasi zagušenim kapacitet infrastrukture koji je predmet koordinacije.
Zagušenim kapacitetom infrastrukture iz stava 1. ovog člana smatra se i kapacitet infrastrukture za koju se očekivano može predvideti da će u bliskoj budućnosti biti zagušen.
U slučaju proglašenja kapaciteta infrastrukture zagušenim, upravljač infrastrukture sprovodi analizu kapaciteta u skladu sa članom 42. ovog zakona, osim ako nije započeta realizacija plana poboljšanja kapaciteta infrastrukture iz člana 43. ovog zakona.
Ako cene usluge iz člana 35. tačka 1) ovog zakona nije naplaćena ili nije postigla zadovoljavajući rezultat, a infrastruktura je proglašena zagušenom, upravljač infrastrukture može dodatno upotrebiti prioritetne kriterijume za dodelu kapaciteta infrastrukture.
Primenom prioritetnih kriterijuma utvrđuje se značaj određene usluge za društvo, u odnosu na bilo koju drugu uslugu koja se usled toga isključuje.
U slučaju iz stava 5. ovog člana Vlada može odobriti upravljaču infrastrukture nadoknadu koja odgovara gubitku prihoda usled potrebe da se određeni kapacitet infrastrukture dodeli za obavljanje određenih usluga.
Pri određivanju kriterijuma po kojima se daju prioriteti, upravljač infrastrukture će uzeti u obzir i odgovarajući značaj važnosti usluga u transportu robe i naročito međunarodnom transportu robe.
Postupci i kriterijumi kojima će se odrediti prioriteti u slučaju zagušenja kapaciteta infrastrukture utvrđuju se u Izjavi o mreži.
U slučaju zagušene infrastrukture, upravljač infrastrukture ima pravo da zahteva od korisnika trase voza vraćanje dodeljene trase voza, koju je taj korisnik trase voza u periodu od najmanje mesec dana koristio manje nego što je dozvoljeno graničnom kvotom predviđenom u Izjavi o mreži, izuzev ako korisnik trase voza istu nije koristio iz neekonomskih razloga koji su izvan njegove kontrole.
Ad hoc requests
1. The infrastructure manager shall respond to ad hoc requests for individual train paths as quickly as possible, and in any event within five working days. Information supplied on available spare capacity shall be made available to all applicants who may wish to use this capacity.
2. Infrastructure managers shall, where necessary, undertake an evaluation of the need for reserve capacity to be kept available within the final scheduled working timetable to enable them to respond rapidly to foreseeable ad hoc requests for capacity. This shall also apply in cases of congested infrastructure.
Upravljač infrastrukture procenjuje potrebu za kapacitetom infrastrukture koji treba da je dostupan u toku važenja reda vožnje, u cilju pravovremenog rešavanja vanrednih zahteva za dodelom trasa voza.
Odredba stava 1. ovog člana primenjuje se i u slučajevima zagušene infrastrukture.
Upravljač infrastrukture rešava po vanrednim zahtevima u roku od pet radnih dana od dana prijema zahteva.
Direktiva detaljnije reguliše vanredne (ad hoc) zahteve, tako da će ova odredba biti transponovana u daljem postupku harmonizacije sa Direktivom 2012/34/EU.
Specialised infrastructure
1. Without prejudice to paragraph 2, infrastructure capacity shall be considered to be available for the use of all types of service which conform to the characteristics necessary for operation on the train path. 2. Where there are suitable alternative routes, the infrastructure manager may, after consultation with interested parties, designate particular infrastructure for use by specified types of traffic. Without prejudice to Articles 101, 102 and 106 TFEU, where such designation has occurred, the infrastructure manager may give priority to this type of traffic when allocating infrastructure capacity.
Such designation shall not prevent the use of such infrastructure by other types of traffic when capacity is available.
3. Where infrastructure has been designated pursuant to paragraph 2, this shall be described in the network statement.
Nije regulisano Zakonom. Ova odredba će biti transponovana u daljem postupku harmonizacije sa Direktivom 2012/34/EU.
Capacity analysis
1. The objective of capacity analysis is to determine the constraints on infrastructure capacity which prevent requests for capacity from being adequately met, and to propose methods of enabling additional requests to be satisfied. The capacity analysis shall identify the reasons for the congestion and what measures might be taken in the short and medium term to ease the congestion.
2. The capacity analysis shall consider the infrastructure, the operating procedures, the nature of the different services operating and the effect of all these factors on infrastructure capacity. Measures to be considered shall include in particular rerouting services, retiming services, speed alterations and infrastructure improvements.
3. A capacity analysis shall be completed within six months of the identification of infrastructure as congested.
Analiza kapaciteta je postupak kojim se utvrđuju razlozi zagušenja kapaciteta infrastrukture i mere koje se mogu kratkoročno i dugoročno preduzeti da bi se smanjilo zagušenje kapaciteta infrastrukture.
Analiza kapaciteta obuhvata analizu infrastrukture, postupaka rada, karaktera različitih usluga koje se realizuju, mera za preusmeravanje usluga, menjanja vremenskih termina usluga, promena brzina i poboljšanja železničke infrastrukture.
Upravljač infrastrukture je dužan da izvrši analizu kapaciteta u roku od šest meseci od kada je utvrđeno da je železnička infrastruktura zagušena.
Capacity-enhancement plan
1. Within six months of the completion of a capacity analysis, the infrastructure manager shall produce a capacity- enhancement plan.
2. A capacity-enhancement plan shall be developed after consultation with users of the relevant congested infrastructure.
It shall identify:
(a) the reasons for the congestion;
(b) the likely future development of traffic;
(c) the constraints on infrastructure development;
(d) the options and costs for capacity enhancement, including likely changes to access charges.
Plan poboljšanja kapaciteta infrastrukture izrađuje se nakon konsultacija sa korisnicima zagušene infrastrukture, koji sadrži:
1) razloge zagušenja;
2) mogućnosti za poboljšanje nivoa organizovanja i regulisanja železničkog saobraćaja;
3) mogućnosti za razvoj železničke infrastrukture;
4) troškove poboljšanja kapaciteta infrastrukture.
Plan poboljšanja kapaciteta infrastrukture donosi se po prethodno pribavljenoj saglasnosti Direkcije za železnice.
U slučaju zagušenja infrastrukture upravljač infrastrukture nema pravo da naplati naknade i usluge iz člana 29. ovog zakona, ako:
1) ne donese plan poboljšanja kapaciteta infrastrukture ili
2) ne realizuje plan poboljšanja kapaciteta infrastrukture.
Izuzetno od stava 3. ovog člana, Direkcija za železnice može da odobri upravljaču infrastrukture da naplati naknade i usluge iz člana 29. ovog zakona, ako:
1) postoje osnovani razlozi koji onemogućavaju realizaciju plana poboljšanja kapaciteta infrastrukture;
2) finansijske mogućnosti onemogućavaju realizaciju plana poboljšanja kapaciteta infrastrukture.
Upravljač infrastrukture izrađuje plan poboljšanja kapaciteta infrastrukture u roku od šest meseci od završetka analize kapaciteta.
Use of train paths
1. In the network statement, the infrastructure manager shall specify conditions whereby it will take account of previous levels of utilisation of train paths in determining priorities for the allocation process.
Ova odredba će biti transponovana u daljem postupku harmonizacije sa Direktivom 2012/34/EU.
2. For congested infrastructure in particular, the infrastructure manager shall require the surrender of a train path which, over a period of at least one month, has been used less than a threshold quota to be laid down in the network statement, unless this was due to non-economic reasons beyond the applicant’s control.
U slučaju zagušene infrastrukture, upravljač infrastrukture ima pravo da zahteva od korisnika trase voza vraćanje dodeljene trase voza, koju je taj korisnik trase voza u periodu od najmanje mesec dana koristio manje nego što je dozvoljeno graničnom kvotom predviđenom u Izjavi o mreži, izuzev ako korisnik trase voza istu nije koristio iz neekonomskih razloga koji su izvan njegove kontrole.
Infrastructure capacity for maintenance work
1. Requests for infrastructure capacity to enable maintenance work to be performed shall be submitted during the scheduling process.
2. Adequate account shall be taken by the infrastructure manager of the effect of infrastructure capacity reserved for scheduled track maintenance work on applicants.
3. The infrastructure manager shall inform, as soon as possible, interested parties about the unavailability of infrastructure capacity due to unscheduled maintenance work.
Dodela kapaciteta infrastrukture radi obavljanja poslova održavanja te infrastrukture predviđa se u toku procesa planiranja kapaciteta infrastrukture.
Direktivom su zahtevi za kapacitetom infrastrukture u svrhu radova na održavanju detaljnije regulisani u odnosu na ranije važeću direktivu. Ova odredba će biti transponovana u daljem postupku harmonizacije sa Direktivom 2012/34/EU.
Special measures to be taken in the event of disturbance
1. In the event of disturbance to train movements caused by technical failure or accident the infrastructure manager shall take all necessary steps to restore the situation to normal. To that end, it shall draw up a contingency plan listing the various bodies to be informed in the event of serious incidents or serious disturbance to train movements.
2. In an emergency and, where absolutely necessary, on account of a breakdown making the infrastructure temporarily unusable, the train paths allocated may be withdrawn without warning for as long as is necessary to repair the system.
The infrastructure manager may, if it deems this necessary, require railway undertakings to make available to it the resources which it feels are the most appropriate to restore the situation to normal as soon as possible.
3. Member States may require railway undertakings to be involved in assuring the enforcement and monitoring of their own compliance with the safety standards and rules.
U slučajevima nemogućnosti odvijanja železničkog saobraćaja koja je prouzrokovana tehničkim kvarovima, nesrećama i delovanjem više sile, upravljač infrastrukture preduzima sve neophodne mere da se uspostavi redovno odvijanje saobraćaja. U tom cilju, on sastavlja mogući plan za nepredviđene situacije, s listom institucija koje treba obavestiti u slučaju ozbiljnih incidenata ili ozbiljnih poremećaja u železničkom saobraćaju.
O nemogućnosti odvijanja saobraćaja i merama koje se preduzimaju, upravljač infrastrukture dužan je da obavesti železničkog prevoznika, železničkog prevoznika za sopstvene potrebe, Ministarstvo i sve druge nadležne institucije.
U hitnim slučajevima i slučajevima kada železnička infrastruktura postane privremeno neupotrebljiva, dodeljene trase vozova mogu se privremeno povući bez najave i to onoliko vremena koliko je potrebno za dovođenje železničke infrastrukture u upotrebljivo stanje.
Upravljač infrastrukture angažuje sredstva korisnika trase voza koja smatra najpodesnijim za uspostavljanje normalne situacije.
Regulatory body
1. Each Member State shall establish a single national regulatory body for the railway sector. Without prejudice to paragraph 2, this body shall be a stand-alone authority which is, in organisational, functional, hierarchical and decision- making terms, legally distinct and independent from any other public or private entity. It shall also be independent in its organisation, funding decisions, legal structure and decision- making from any infrastructure manager, charging body, allocation body or applicant. It shall furthermore be functionally independent from any competent authority involved in the award of a public service contract.
2. Member States may set up regulatory bodies which are competent for several regulated sectors, if these integrated regulatory authorities fulfil the independence requirements set out in paragraph 1 of this Article. The regulatory body for the rail sector may also be joined in organisational term with the national competition authority referred to in Article 11 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1/2003 of 16 December 2002 on the implementation of the rules on competition laid down in Articles 101 and 102 of the Treaty ( 1 ), the safety authority established under Directive 2004/49/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on safety on the Community’s railways ( 1 ) or the licensing authority referred to in Chapter III of this Directive, if the joint body fulfils the independence requirements set out in paragraph 1 of this Article.
Direkcija za železnice (u daljem tekstu: Direkcija), kao posebna organizacija, obavlja poslove državne uprave u oblasti železnice utvrđene ovim zakonom, kao i zakonom kojim se uređuje bezbednost i interoperabilnost u železničkom saobraćaju.
Direkcija obavlja poslove u oblasti regulisanja tržišta železničkih usluga, poslove u oblasti regulisanja bezbednosti i interoperabilnosti železničkog saobraćaja.
3. Member States shall ensure that the regulatory body is staffed and managed in a way that guarantees its independence. They shall, in particular, ensure that the persons in charge of decisions to be taken by the regulatory body in accordance with Article 56, such as members of its executive board, where relevant, be appointed under clear and transparent rules which guarantee their independence by the national cabinet or council of ministers or by any other public authority which does not directly exert ownership rights over regulated undertakings.
Member States shall decide whether these persons are appointed for a fixed and renewable term, or on a permanent basis which only allows dismissal for disciplinary reasons not related to their decision-making. They shall be selected in a transparent procedure on the basis of their merit, including appropriate competence and relevant experience, preferably in the field of railways or other network industries.
Member States shall ensure that these persons act independently from any market interest related to the railway sector, and shall therefore not have any interest or business relationship with any of the regulated undertakings or entities. To this effect, these persons shall make annually a declaration of commitment and a declaration of interests, indicating any direct or indirect interests that may be considered prejudicial to their independence and which might influence their performance of any function. These persons shall withdraw from decision-making in cases which concern an undertaking with which they had a direct or indirect connection during the year before the launch of a procedure.
They shall not seek or take instructions from any government or other public or private entity when carrying out the functions of the regulatory body, and have full authority over the recruitment and management of the staff of the regulatory body.
After their term in the regulatory body, they shall have no professional position or responsibility with any of the regulated undertakings or entities for a period of not less than one year.
Nije regulisano Zakonom. Radi se o novinama koje unosi ova direktiva. Odredba će biti transponovana u daljem postupku harmonizacije sa Direktivom 2012/34/EU
After their term in the regulatory body, they shall have no professional position or responsibility with any of the regulated undertakings or entities for a period of not less than one year.
Direktor Direkcije najmanje godinu dana po razrešenju sa dužnosti ne sme biti angažovan po bilo kom osnovu na stručnim ili upravljačkim poslovima u preduzećima ili telima koja su predmet regulisanja tržišta železničkih usluga
Functions of the regulatory body
1. Without prejudice to Article 46(6), an applicant shall have the right to appeal to the regulatory body if it believes that it has been unfairly treated, discriminated against or is in any other way aggrieved, and in particular against decisions adopted by the infrastructure manager or where appropriate the railway undertaking or the operator of a service facility concerning:
(a) the network statement in its provisional and final versions;
(b) the criteria set out in it;
(c) the allocation process and its result;
(d) the charging scheme;
(e) the level or structure of infrastructure charges which it is, or may be, required to pay;
(f) arrangements for access in accordance with Articles 10 to 13;
(g) access to and charging for services in accordance with Article 13.
2. Without prejudice to the powers of the national competition authorities for securing competition in the rail services markets, the regulatory body shall have the power to monitor the competitive situation in the rail services markets and shall, in particular, control points (a) to (g) of paragraph 1 on its own initiative and with a view to preventing discrimination against applicants. It shall, in particular, check whether the network statement contains discriminatory clauses or creates discretionary powers for the infrastructure manager that may be used to discriminate against applicants.
3. The regulatory body shall also cooperate closely with the national safety authority within the meaning of Directive 2008/57/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 June 2008 on the interoperability of the rail system within the Community ( 2 ), and the licensing authority within the meaning of this Directive.
Member States shall ensure that these authorities jointly develop a framework for information-sharing and cooperation aimed at preventing adverse effects on competition or safety in the railway market. This framework shall include a mechanism for the regulatory body to provide the national safety and licensing authorities with recommendations on issues that may affect competition in the railway market and for the national safety authority to provide the regulatory body and licensing authority with recommendations on issues that may affect safety. Without prejudice to the independence of each authority within the field of their respective competences, the relevant authority shall examine any such recommendation before adopting its decisions. If the relevant authority decides to deviate from these recommendations, it shall give reasons in its decisions.
4 Member States may decide that the regulatory body is given the task to adopt non-binding opinions on the provisional versions of the business plan referred to in Article 8(3), the contractual agreement and the capacity- enhancement plan to indicate in particular whether these instruments are consistent with the competitive situation in the rail services markets.
5. The regulatory body shall have the necessary organisational capacity in terms of human and material resources, which shall be proportionate to the importance of the rail sector in the Member State.
6. The regulatory body shall ensure that charges set by the infrastructure manager comply with Section 2 of Chapter IV and are non-discriminatory. Negotiations between applicants and an infrastructure manager concerning the level of infrastructure charges shall only be permitted if these are carried out under the supervision of the regulatory body. The regulatory body shall intervene if negotiations are likely to contravene the requirements of this Chapter.
7. The regulatory body shall, regularly and, in any case, at least every two years, consult representatives of users of the rail freight and passenger transport services, to take into account their views on the rail market.
8. The regulatory body shall have the power to request relevant information from the infrastructure manager, applicants and any third party involved within the Member State concerned.
Information requested shall be supplied within a reasonable period set by the regulatory body that shall not exceed one month, unless, in exceptional circumstances, the regulatory body agrees to, and authorises, a time-limited extension, which shall not exceed two additional weeks. The regulatory body shall be able to enforce such requests with appropriate penalties, including fines. Information to be supplied to the regulatory body includes all data which the regulatory body requires in the framework of its appeal function and in its function of monitoring the competition in the rail services markets in accordance with paragraph 2. This includes data which are necessary for statistical and market observation purposes.
9. The regulatory body shall consider any complaints and, as appropriate, shall ask for relevant information and initiate consultations with all relevant parties, within one month from the receipt of the complaint. It shall decide on any complaints, take action to remedy the situation and inform the relevant parties of its reasoned decision within a pre-determined, reasonable time, and, in any case, within six weeks from receipt of all relevant information. Without prejudice to the powers of the national competition authorities for securing competition in the rail service markets, the regulatory body shall, where appropriate, decide on its own initiative on appropriate measures to correct discrimination against applicants, market distortion and any other undesirable developments in these markets, in particular with reference to points (a) to (g) of paragraph 1.
A decision of the regulatory body shall be binding on all parties covered by that decision, and shall not be subject to the control of another administrative instance. The regulatory body shall be able to enforce its decisions with the appropriate penalties, including fines.
In the event of an appeal against a refusal to grant infrastructure capacity, or against the terms of an offer of capacity, the regulatory body shall either confirm that no modification of the infrastructure manager’s decision is required, or it shall require modification of that decision in accordance with directions specified by the regulatory body.
10. Member States shall ensure that decisions taken by the regulatory body are subject to judicial review. The appeal may have suspensive effect on the decision of the regulatory body only when the immediate effect of the regulatory body’s decision may cause irretrievable or manifestly excessive damages for the appellant. This provision is without prejudice to the powers of the court hearing the appeal as conferred by constitutional law, where applicable.
11. Member States shall ensure that decisions taken by the regulatory body are published.
12. The regulatory body shall have the power to carry out audits or initiate external audits with infrastructure managers, operators of service facilities and, where relevant, railway undertakings, to verify compliance with accounting separation provisions laid down in Article 6. In this respect, the regulatory body shall be entitled to request any relevant information. In particular the regulatory body shall have the power to request infrastructure manager, operators of service facilities and all undertakings or other entities performing or integrating different types of rail transport or infrastructure management as referred to in Article 6(1) and (2) and Article 13 to provide all or part of the accounting information listed in Annex VIII with a sufficient level of detail as deemed necessary and proportionate.
Without prejudice to the powers of the national authorities responsible for State aid issues, the regulatory body may also draw conclusions from the accounts concerning State aid issues which it shall report to those authorities.
13. The Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 60 concerning certain amendments to Annex VIII. Thus, Annex VIII may be amended to adapt it to the evolution of accounting and control practices and/or to supplement it with additional elements necessary to verify separation of accounts.
Direkcija u oblasti regulisanja tržišta železničkih usluga:
1) odlučuje po prigovorima podnosilaca zahteva za dodelu trase voza, naročito imajući u vidu eventualno nepravedno postupanje ili diskriminaciju od strane upravljača infrastrukture ili železničkih prevoznika, a u vezi sa:
(1) Izjavom o mreži,
(2) kriterijumima utvrđenim u Izjavi o mreži,
(3) postupkom dodele trasa voza i njegovim ishodom,
(4) načinom utvrđivanja naknada za korišćenje trase voza,
(5) nivoom ili strukturom naknada za korišćenje trase voza;
2) prati i analizira uslove konkurencije na tržištu železničkih transportnih usluga i na sopstvenu inicijativu preispituje postupke i dokumente iz tačke 1) ovog člana, a u cilju sprečavanja diskriminacije među podnosiocima zahteva za dodelu trase voza. Direkcija posebno proverava da li Izjava o mreži sadrži klauzule ili predviđa diskreciona ovlašćenja upravljača infrastrukture koja bi mogla biti korišćena za diskriminaciju podnosilaca zahteva za dodelu trase voza;
3) kontroliše nezavisnost upravljača infrastrukture u odnosu na druge subjekte na tržištu železničkih usluga;
4) obezbeđuje da naknade koje je utvrdio upravljač infrastrukture budu nediskriminatorske i u skladu sa ovim zakonom;
5) obezbeđuje da upravljač infrastrukture utvrđuje pristup i korišćenje železničke infrastrukture na nediskriminatorskoj osnovi u skladu sa ovim zakonom;
6) obezbeđuje kontrolu pristupa i korišćenja objekata i stabilnih postrojenja kojima ne upravlja upravljač infrastrukture i koje je regulisano ugovorom potpisanim između lica koje obezbeđuje uslugu i železničkog prevoznika;
7) prati železničko tržište, kako bi se analizirala konkurencija između različitih vidova saobraćaja;
8) kontroliše kvalitet železničkih usluga uključujući pristupačnost za osobe sa invaliditetom koje obezbeđuju železnički prevoznici i upravljači infrastrukture;
9) sarađuje sa telom nadležnim za zaštitu konkurencije, daje stručna mišljenja i analize, pruža tehničku pomoć u vezi sa pitanjima koja nisu uređena ovim zakonom, a odnose se na ograničavanje, sprečavanje ili narušavanje konkurencije na tržištu;
10) obavlja i druge poslove utvrđene ovim zakonom.
Direkcija priprema godišnji izveštaj o regulisanju tržišta železničkih usluga u prethodnoj godini i dostavlja ga Vladi najkasnije do kraja juna tekuće godine. Izveštaj se objavljuje na internet stranici Direkcije.
Direkcija, po službenoj dužnosti, pokreće postupak za utvrđivanje činjenica i primenu mera ukoliko utvrdi mogućnost postojanja povrede konkurencije na tržištu prevoza u železničkom saobraćaju.
Direkcija može zahtevati podatke od upravljača infrastrukture, podnosioca zahteva za dodelu trase voza, kao i drugih lica, neophodne za postupak iz stava 1. ovog člana.
Zahtev za davanje podataka naročito sadrži: predmet zahteva; rok za postupanje po zahtevu; upozorenje na posledice uskraćivanja davanja podataka, odnosno davanje neistinitih podataka.
Lica iz stava 2. ovog člana dužna su da postupe po zahtevu.
Ukoliko Direkcija utvrdi povredu konkurencije na železničkom transportnom tržištu u postupku po prigovoru podnosioca zahteva za dodelu trase voza ili u postupku pokrenutom po službenoj dužnosti, rešenjem će utvrditi meru za otklanjanje utvrđene povrede u skladu sa ovim zakonom.
U postupku po prigovoru podnosioca zahteva za dodelu trase voza na odluku upravljača infrastrukture kojom se odbija njegov zahtev za dodelu trase ili protiv utvrđenih uslova ponude kapaciteta infrastrukture, Direkcija može rešenjem utvrditi da nema osnova za izmenu odluke upravljača infrastrukture ili naložiti upravljaču infrastrukture da izmeni svoju odluku u skladu sa uputstvima Direkcije.
Administrativno izvršenje rešenja iz st. 5. i 6. ovog člana sprovodi Direkcija u skladu sa zakonom kojim se uređuje opšti upravni postupak.
Direkcija je ovlašćena da podnese zahtev za pokretanje prekršajnog postupka zbog nepostupanja po zahtevu Direkcije iz stava 2. ovog člana i zbog nepostupanja u skladu sa rešenjima Direkcije iz st. 5. i 6. ovog člana.
Rešenje Direkcije je konačno, a protiv njega se može podneti tužba Upravnom sudu u roku od 30 dana od dana dostavljanja rešenja.
Podnošenje tužbe ne odlaže izvršenje rešenja.
Po zahtevu tužioca, Upravni sud može odložiti izvršenje konačnog rešenja Direkcije do donošenja sudske odluke, ako bi izvršenje tog rešenja nanelo tužiocu štetu koja bi se teško mogla nadoknaditi, u skladu sa zakonom kojim se uređuju upravni sporovi.
Rešenja Direkcije objavljuju se na internet stranici Direkcije.
Ovom direktivom je značajno proširena nadležnost regulatornog tela i ojačana njegova pozicija, u odnosu na ranije važeće direktive. Predlogom zakona je predložena dopuna član 95. radi preciziranja ovlašćenja Direkcije za železnice u smislu Direktive 2012/34/EU, i u skladu sa zapažanjima EK u Izveštaju o napretku za 2014. godinu, u delu koji se odnosi na železničko regulatorno telo. Ova odredba će u potpunosti biti transponovana u daljem postupku harmonizacije sa Direktivom 2012/34/EU.
Cooperation between regulatory bodies
1. The regulatory bodies shall exchange information about their work and decision-making principles and practice and, in particular, exchange information on the main issues of their procedures and on the problems of interpreting transposed Union railway law. They shall otherwise cooperate for the purpose of coordinating their decision-making across the Union. For this purpose, they shall participate and work together in a network that convenes at regular intervals. The Commission shall be a member, coordinate and support the work of the network and make recommendations to the network, as appropriate. It shall ensure active cooperation of the appropriate regulatory bodies.
Subject to the rules on data protection provided for in Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data ( 1 ) and Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2000 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions and bodies and on the free movement of such data ( 2 ), the Commission shall support the exchange of the information referred above among the members of the network, possibly through electronic tools, respecting the confidentiality of business secrets supplied by the relevant undertakings.
2. The regulatory bodies shall cooperate closely, including through working arrangements, for the purposes of mutual assistance in their market monitoring tasks and handling complaints or investigations.
3. In the case of a complaint or an own-initiative investigation on issues of access or charging relating to an international train path, as well as in the framework of monitoring competition on the market related to international rail transport services, the regulatory body concerned shall consult the regulatory bodies of all other Member States through which the international train path concerned runs and, where appropriate, the Commission, and shall request all necessary information from them before taking its decision.
4. The regulatory bodies consulted in accordance with paragraph 3 shall provide all the information that they themselves have the right to request under their national law. This information may only be used for the purpose of handling the complaint or investigation referred to in paragraph 3.
5. The regulatory body receiving the complaint or conducting an investigation on its own initiative shall transfer relevant information to the regulatory body responsible in order for that body to take measures regarding the parties concerned.
6. Member States shall ensure that any associated representatives of infrastructure managers as referred to in Article 40(1) provide, without delay, all the information necessary for the purpose of handling the complaint or investigation referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article and requested by the regulatory body of the Member State in which the associated representative is located. That regulatory body shall be entitled to transfer such information regarding the international train path concerned to the regulatory bodies referred to in paragraph 3.
7. At the request of a regulatory body, the Commission may participate in the activities listed under paragraphs 2 to 6 for the purpose of facilitating the cooperation of regulatory bodies as outlined in those paragraphs.
8. Regulatory bodies shall develop common principles and practices for making the decisions for which they are empowered under this Directive. Based on the experience of regulatory bodies and on the activities of the network referred to in paragraph 1, and, if needed, to ensure efficient cooperation of regulatory bodies, the Commission may adopt measures setting out such common principles and practices. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 62(3).
9. Regulatory bodies shall review decisions and practices of associations of infrastructure managers as referred to in Article 37 and Article 40(1) that implement provisions of this Directive or otherwise facilitate international rail transport.
Kako Republika Srbije nije članica EU ona u ovom trenutku nema obavezu niti mogućnosti da obezbedi saradnju između regulatornih tela na način kako to predviđa ova odredba. Datumom stupanja u članstvo će to biti moguće.
Public procurement rules
The provisions of this Directive shall be without prejudice to Directive 2004/17/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004 coordinating the procurement procedures of entities operating in the water, energy, transport and postal services sectors
( 3 ).
Zakon ne reguliše materiju procedure nabavke kod subjekata koji posluju u oblastima vodoprivrede, energetike, saobraćaja i poštanskih usluga.
1. Until 15 March 2013, Ireland, as a Member State located on an island, with a rail link to only one other Member State, and the United Kingdom, in respect of Northern Ireland, on the same basis:
(a) do not need to entrust to an independent body the functions determining equitable and non-discriminatory access to infrastructure, as provided for in the first subparagraph of Article 7(1) in so far as that Article obliges Member States to establish independent bodies performing the tasks referred to in Article 7(2); (b) do not need to apply the requirements set out in Article 27, Article 29(2), Articles 38, 39 and 42, Article 46(4) and (6), Article 47, Article 49(3), and Articles 50 to 53, 55 and 56 on condition that decisions on the allocation of infrastructure capacity or the charging of fees are open to appeal, if so requested in writing by a railway undertaking, before an independent body which shall take its decision within two months of the submission of all relevant information and whose decision shall be subject to judicial review. 2. Where more than one railway undertaking licensed in accordance with Article 17, or, in the case of Ireland and Northern Ireland, a railway company so licensed elsewhere, submits an official application to operate competing railway services in, to or from Ireland or Northern Ireland, the continued applicability of this derogation shall be decided upon in accordance with the advisory procedure referred to in Article 62(2).
The derogations referred to in paragraph 1 shall not apply where a railway undertaking operating railway services in Ireland or Northern Ireland submits an official application to operate railway services on, to or from the territory of another Member State, with the exceptions of Ireland for railway undertakings operating in Northern Ireland and the United Kingdom for railway undertakings operating in Ireland.
Within one year from the receipt of either the decision referred to in the first subparagraph of this paragraph or notification of the official application referred to in the second subparagraph of this paragraph, the Member State or States concerned (Ireland or the United Kingdom with respect to Northern Ireland) shall put in place legislation to implement the Articles referred to in paragraph 1. 3. A derogation referred to in paragraph 1 may be renewed for periods not longer than five years. Not later than 12 months before the expiry date of the derogation a Member State availing itself of that derogation may address a request to the Commission for a renewed derogation. Any such request shall be justified. The Commission shall examine such a request and adopt a decision in accordance with the advisory procedure referred to in Article 62(2). That procedure shall apply to any decision related to the request.
When adopting its decision, the Commission shall take into account any development in the geopolitical situation and the development of the rail market in, from and to the Member State that requested the renewed derogation.
Odredba je po pravnoj prirodi takva da je može implementirati samo država članica na koju se odnosi.
Exercise of the delegation
1. The power to adopt delegated acts is conferred on the Commission subject to the conditions laid down in this Article.
2. The power to adopt delegated acts referred to in Article 20(5), Article 35(3), Article 43(2) and Article 56(13) shall be conferred on the Commission for a period of five years from 15 December 2012. The Commission shall draw up a report in respect of the delegation of power not later than nine months before the end of the five-year period. The delegation of power shall be tacitly extended for periods of an identical duration, unless the European Parliament or the Council opposes such extension not later than three months before the end of each period.
3. The delegation of powers referred to in Article 20(5), Article 35(3), Article 43(2) and Article 56(13) may be revoked at any time by the European Parliament or by the Council. A decision to revoke shall put an end to the delegation of the power specified in that decision. It shall take effect the day following the publication of the decision in the Official Journal of the European Union or at a later date specified therein. It shall not affect the validity of any delegated acts already in force.
4. As soon as it adopts a delegated act, the Commission shall notify it simultaneously to the European Parliament and to the Council. 5. A delegated act adopted pursuant to Article 20(5), Article 35(3), Article 43(2) and Article 56(13) shall enter into force only if no objection has been expressed either by the European Parliament or by the Council within a period of two months of notification of that act to the European Parliament and the Council or if, before the expiry of that period, the European Parliament and the Council have both informed the Commission that they will not object. That period shall be extended by two months at the initiative of the European Parliament or of the Council.
Odredba se odnosi na EU institucije
Measures of application
At the request of a Member State, of a regulatory body or on its own initiative, the Commission shall examine specific measures adopted by national authorities in relation to the application of this Directive, concerning the conditions of access to railway infrastructure and services, the licensing of railway undertakings, infrastructure charging and capacity allocation within 12 months after adoption of those measures. The Commission shall decide in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 62(2) whether the related measure may continue to be applied within four months of receipt of such a request.
Prava i obaveze Evropske komisije
Committee procedure
1. The Commission shall be assisted by a committee. That committee shall be a committee within the meaning of Regulation (EU) No 182/2011.
2. Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 4 of Regulation (EU) No 182/2011 shall apply. 3. Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5 of Regulation (EU) No 182/2011 shall apply. When the committee delivers no opinion on a draft implementing act to be adopted pursuant to Article 10(4), Article 11(4), Article 12(5), Article 13(9) and Article 17(5), Article 31(3) and (5), Article 32(4) and Article 57(8), the Commission shall not adopt the draft implementing act and the third subparagraph of Article 5(4) of Regulation (EU) No 182/2011 shall apply.
Odredba se odnosi na EU institucije
1. By 31 December 2012 at the latest, the Commission shall submit to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions a report on the implementation of Chapter II. This report shall also assess the development of the market, including the state of preparation of a further opening-up of the rail market. In its report the Commission shall also analyse the different models for organising this market and the impact of this Directive on public service contracts and their financing. In so doing, the Commission shall take into account the implementation of Regulation (EC) No 1370/2007 and the intrinsic differences between Member States (density of networks, number of passengers, average travel distance). The Commission shall, if appropriate, propose legislative measures in relation to the opening of the domestic rail passenger market and to develop appropriate conditions to ensure non-discriminatory access to the infrastructure, building on the existing separation requirements between infrastructure management and transport operations, and shall assess the impact of any such measures.
2. In light of the experience acquired through the network of regulatory bodies, the Commission shall, by 16 December 2014, submit to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of Regions a report on cooperation between regulatory bodies. The Commission shall, if appropriate, propose complementary measures to ensure a more integrated regulatory oversight of the European rail market, in particular for international services. To that end, legislative measures shall also be considered, if appropriate.
Prava i obaveze Evropske komisije
1. Member States shall bring into force the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Directive including as regards compliance by undertakings, operators, applicants, authorities and other entities concerned by 16 June 2015. They shall forthwith communicate to the Commission the text of those provisions. When Member States adopt those provisions, they shall contain a reference to this Directive or be accompanied by such a reference on the occasion of their official publication. They shall also include a statement that references in existing laws, regulations and administrative provisions to the Directives repealed by this Directive shall be construed as references to this Directive. Member States shall determine how such reference is to be made and how that statement is to be formulated.
2. Member States shall communicate to the Commission the text of the main provisions of national law which they adopt in the field covered by this Directive.
The obligations for transposition and implementation of Chapters II and IV of this Directive shall not apply to Cyprus and Malta for as long as no railway system is established within their territory.
Odredba je po pravnoj prirodi takva da je mogu implementirati samo države članice
Directives 91/440/EEC, 95/18/EC and 2001/14/EC, as amended by the Directives listed in Annex IX, Part A, are repealed with effect from 15 December 2012, without prejudice to the obligations of the Member States relating to the time limits for transposition into national law of the Directives set out in Part B of Annex IX.
References to the repealed Directives shall be construed as references to this Directive and shall be read in accordance with the correlation table in Annex X.
Prelazne i završne odredbe
Entry into force
This Directive shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.
Prelazne i završne odredbe
This Directive is addressed to the Member States.
Prelazne i završne odredbe
a 1.
Ministar nadležan za poslove saobraćaja bliže propisuje elemente železničke infrastrukture iz stava 1. ovog člana.
Transponovano donošenjem Pravilnika o elementima železničke infrastrukture
( „Službeni glasnik RS”, broj 10/14)
a 2.
(referred to in Article 13)
1. The minimum access package shall comprise:
(a) handling of requests for railway infrastructure capacity;
(b) the right to utilise capacity which is granted;
(c) use of the railway infrastructure, including track points and junctions;
(d) train control including signalling, regulation, dispatching and the communication and provision of information on train movement;
(e) use of electrical supply equipment for traction current, where available;
(f) all other information required to implement or operate the service for which capacity has been granted.
2. Access, including track access, shall be given to the following services facilities, when they exist, and to the services supplied in these facilities:
(a) passenger stations, their buildings and other facilities, including travel information display and suitable location for ticketing services;
(b) freight terminals;
(c) marshalling yards and train formation facilities, including shunting facilities;
(d) storage sidings;
(e) maintenance facilities, with the exception of heavy maintenance facilities dedicated to high-speed trains or to other types of rolling stock requiring specific facilities;
(f) other technical facilities, including cleaning and washing facilities;
(g) maritime and inland port facilities which are linked to rail activities;
(h) relief facilities;
(i) refuelling facilities and supply of fuel in these facilities, charges for which shall be shown on the invoices separately.
3. Additional services may comprise:
(a) traction current, charges for which shall be shown on the invoices separately from charges for using the electrical supply equipment, without prejudice to the application of Directive 2009/72/EC;
(b) pre-heating of passenger trains;
(c) tailor-made contracts for:
— control of transport of dangerous goods,
— assistance in running abnormal trains.
4. Ancillary services may comprise:
(a) access to telecommunication networks;
(b) provision of supplementary information;
(c) technical inspection of rolling stock;
(d) ticketing services in passenger stations;
(e) heavy maintenance services supplied in maintenance facilities dedicated to high-speed trains or to other types of rolling stock requiring specific facilities.
Korisnik trase voza plaća upravljaču infrastrukture:
1) naknadu za Minimalni paket usluga, koje obuhvataju:
(1) upravljanje zahtevima za kapacitetom infrastrukture,
(2) pravo da se koristi dodeljeni kapacitet infrastrukture,
(3) korišćenje pruga, skretnica i čvorova,
(4) upravljanje kretanjem vozova, uključujući signalizaciju, propise, sistem za operativno praćenje i komunikaciju i pružanje informacija o kretanju voza,
(5) obezbeđivanje svih drugih informacija neophodnih za upravljanje saobraćajem za koji je kapacitet infrastrukture dodeljen;
2) naknadu za pristup prugom do službenih objekata, odnosno servisnih postrojenja, a što obuhvata pristup:
(1) objektima za snabdevanje gorivom,
(2) putničkim stanicama, staničnim zgradama i drugim objektima,
(3) teretnim terminalima,
(4) ranžirnim stanicama,
(5) objektima za formiranje vozova,
(6) kolosecima za gariranje,
(7) ostalim tehničkim objektima za održavanje;
3) naknadu za korišćenje službenih objekata, odnosno servisnih postrojenja, a što obuhvata:
(1) korišćenje opreme za snabdevanje električnom energijom za vuču,
(2) korišćenje postrojenja za snabdevanje gorivom,
(3) korišćenje putničkih stanica, staničnih zgrada i drugih objekata,
(4) korišćenje teretnih terminala,
(5) korišćenje ranžirnih stanica,
(6) korišćenje postrojenja za formiranje vozova,
(7) korišćenje kolosečnih grupa za gariranje,
(8) održavanje i drugih tehničkih postrojenja.
Pored naknada iz stava 1. ovog člana upravljač infrastrukture i korisnik trase voza mogu posebno ugovoriti pružanje i cene dodatnih i pratećih usluga, i to:
1) dodatne usluge:
(1) snabdevanje strujom za vuču,
(2) predgrevanje putničkih vozova,
(3) snabdevanje gorivom, manevrisanje i sve druge usluge koje se pružaju u gore pomenutim objektima i postrojenjima,
(4) prilagođene usluge za:
– kontrolu transporta opasnih tereta,
– pomoć u saobraćanju vozova sa naročitim pošiljkama;
2) prateće usluge:
(1) pristup telekomunikacionoj mreži,
(2) pružanje dodatnih informacija,
(3) tehnički pregled voznih sredstava.
Korisnik trase voza na osnovu prava nediskriminacije ima pravo na minimalni paket usluga i pristup prugom do službenih objekata, odnosno servisnih postrojenja iz člana 29. ovog zakona.
U slučajevima kada nudi neku od dodatnih i pratećih usluga iz člana 29. stav 2. ovog zakona upravljač infrastrukture ih pruža na zahtev korisnika trase voza. Za dodatne i prateće usluge korisnik trase voza plaća cene usluga u skladu sa aktom upravljača infrastrukture.
Ako korisnik trase voza svojim aktivnostima i železničkim voznim sredstvima ograniči ili ugrozi kapacitet železničke infrastrukture, dužan je da postupi po zahtevu upravljača infrastrukture i u razumno kratkom roku otkloni smetnju izazvanu železničkim vozilima koja ograničavaju ili ugrožavaju kapacitet infrastrukture, a u suprotnom upravljač infrastrukture će, o trošku korisnika trase voza preduzeti potrebne radnje.
Ova odredba će u potpunosti biti transponovana u daljem postupku harmonizacije sa a Direktivom 2012/34/EU.
a 3.
Način dokazivanja ispunjenosti uslova za izdavanje licence za prevoz bliže uređuje Direkcija za železnice.
Transponovano donošenjem Pravilnika o licencama za prevoz u železničkom saobraćaju („Službeni glasnik RS”, broj 9/14)
a 4.
Ministar bliže propisuje sadržinu i formu Izjave o mreži.
Transponovano donošenjem Pravilnika o sadržini i formi izjave o mreži
(„Službeni glasnik RS”, broj 97/13) .
a 5.
Jedna od novina ove direktive, u odnosu na ranije važeće direktive. Ova odredba će u potpunosti biti transponovana u daljem postupku harmonizacije sa Direktivom 2012/34/EU.
a 6.
Ova odredba će u potpunosti biti transponovana u daljem postupku harmonizacije sa Direktivom 2012/34/EU.
a 7.
Upravljač infrastrukture se pridržava vremenskog plana dodele kapaciteta infrastrukture koji donosi Ministar posebnim aktom.
Transponovano donošenjem Pravilnika o vremenskom planu dodele kapaciteta železničke infrastrukture („Službeni glasnik RS”, broj 140/14)
a 8.
Ova odredba će u potpunosti biti transponovana u daljem postupku harmonizacije sa Direktivom 2012/34/EU.
a 9.
Prelazne i završne odredbe
a 10.
Prelazne i završne odredbe