1. Naziv propisa EU |2. „CELEX” oznaka EU propisa | | Direktiva 2006/116/EC Evropskog parlamenta i Saveta od 12 decembra 2006 godine o trajanju zaštite autorskog i srodnih prava (kodifikovana verzija). SluĹľbeni list 372Directive 2006/116/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2006 on the term of protection of copyright and certain related rights (codified version).(OJ L 372)      32006L0116 3. Ovlašćeni predlagaÄŤ propisa – Vlada 4. datum izrade tabele ObraÄ‘ivaÄŤ- Ministarstvo prosvete i nauke i Zavod za intelektualnu svojinu 05.04.2011. godine. 5. Naziv (vaĹľećeg, nacrta, predloga) propisa ÄŤije odredbe su predmet analize usklaÄ‘enosti sa propisom EU 6. BrojÄŤane oznake (šifre) planiranih propisa iz baze NPI Predlog zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona o autorskom i srodnim pravimaDraft law on amending the Law on Copyright and Related Rights       7. UsklaÄ‘enost odredaba propisa sa odredbama propisa EU a) a1) b) b1) v) g) d) Ä‘) Odredba propisa EU (ÄŤlan, stav, podstav, taÄŤka, aneks) SadrĹľina odredbe Odredbe propisa(ÄŤlan, stav, taÄŤka) SadrĹľina odredbe UsklaÄ‘enost odredbe propisa sa odredbom propisa EU (potpuno usklaÄ‘eno, delimiÄŤno usklaÄ‘eno, neusklaÄ‘eno, neprenosivo) Razlozi za delimiÄŤnu usklaÄ‘enost, neusklaÄ‘enost ili neprenosivost PredviÄ‘eni datum za postizanje potpune usklaÄ‘enosti Napomena o usklaÄ‘enosti propisa sa propisima EU
1. 1. |The rights of an author of a literary or artistic work within the meaning of Article 2 of the Berne Convention shall run for the life of the author and for 70 years after his death, irrespective of the date when the work is lawfully made available to the public. |102 .1. |Imovinska prava autora traju za života autora i 70 godina posle njegove smrti. | |      |      |      | |1. 2. | In the case of a work of joint authorship, the term referred to in paragraph 1 shall be calculated from the death of the last surviving author. |103. 1. |Imovinska prava koautora prestaju po isteku 70 godina od smrti koautora koji je poslednji umro. | |      |      |      | |1.3. |In the case of anonymous or pseudonymous works, the term of protection shall run for 70 years after the work is lawfully made available to the public. However, when the pseudonym adopted by the author leaves no doubt as to his identity, or if the author discloses his identity during the period referred to in the first sentence, the term of protection applicable shall be that laid down in paragraph 1. |103. 2. |Imovinska prava na delu čiji se autor ne zna (anonimno delo ili delo pod pseudonimom) prestaju po isteku 70 godina od dana objavljivanja dela. Ako autor otkrije svoj identitet pre navedenog roka, imovinsko pravo traje kao da je identitet autora poznat od dana objavljivanja dela. | |      |      |      | |1.4. | Where a Member State provides for particular provisions on copyright in respect of collective works or for a legal person to be designated as the rightholder, the term of protection shall be calculated according to the provisions of paragraph 3, except if the natural persons who have created the work are identified as such in the versions of the work which are made available to the public. This paragraph is without prejudice to the rights of identified authors whose identifiable contributions are included in such works, to which contributions paragraph 1 or 2 shall apply. |103.3. |Autorsko pravo na kolektivnim delima traje 70 godina od dana zakonitog objavljivanja dela. | |      |      |      | |1. 5. |Where a work is published in volumes, parts, instalments, issues or episodes and the term of protection runs from the time when the work was lawfully made available to the public, the term of protection shall run for each such item separately. |104.1. | Ako se početak roka trajanja autorskog prava računa od objavljivanja dela, a delo je objavljivano u nastavcima, za svaki nastavak teče zaseban rok zaštite. | |      |      |      | |1. 6. |In the case of works for which the term of protection is not calculated from the death of the author or authors and which have not been lawfully made available to the public within 70 years from their creation, the protection shall terminate. |105.1. |Za dela za koja se rok zaštite ne računa od smrti autora ili koautora, a koja nisu zakonito objavljena tokom 70 godina od njihovog nastanka, zaštita prestaje istekom tog roka. | |      |      |      | | 2.1. |Cinematographic or audiovisual works
1. The principal director of a cinematographic or audiovisual work shall be considered as its author or one of its authors. Member States shall be free to designate other co-authors. |11.1. |Koautorima filmskog dela se smatraju pisac scenarija, režiser i glavni snimatelj. | |      |      |      | |2. 2. |The term of protection of cinematographic or audiovisual works shall expire 70 years after the death of the last of the following persons to survive, whether or not these persons are designated as co-authors: the principal director, the author of the screenplay, the author of the dialogue and the composer of music specifically created for use in the cinematographic or audiovisual work. |104. 2. |Za filmsko delo rok trajanja autorskog prava ističe 70 godina od smrti režisera, scenariste, autora dijaloga ili kompozitora muzike posebno komponovane za film, zavisno od toga ko od njih poslednji umre. | |      |      |      | |3. 1. |Duration of related rights
1. The rights of performers shall expire 50 years after the date of the performance. However, if a fixation of the performance is lawfully published or lawfully communicated to the public within this period, the rights shall expire 50 years from the date of the first such publication or the first such communication to the public, whichever is the earlier. |147. 1. |Imovinska prava interpretatora traju 50 godina od dana nastanka interpretacije. Ako je interpretacija snimljena i zakonito izdata ili objavljena tokom tog roka, pravo traje 50 godina od dana prvog izdavanja ili objavljivanja, zavisno od toga koji je datum raniji. Moralna prava interpretatora traju i po prestanku trajanja njegovih imovinskih prava. | |      |      |      | |3. 2. |2. The rights of producers of phonograms shall expire 50 years after the fixation is made. However, if the phonogram has been lawfully published within this period, the said rights shall expire 50 years from the date of the first lawful publication. If no lawful publication has taken place within the period mentioned in the first sentence, and if the phonogram has been lawfully communicated to the public within this period, the said rights shall expire 50 years from the date of the first lawful communication to the public. |147.2. |Pravo proizvoÄ‘aÄŤa fonograma, odnosno proizvoÄ‘aÄŤa videograma traje 50 godina od dana nastanka fonograma, odnosno videograma. Ako je fonogram, odnosno videogram zakonito izdat ili objavljen tokom tog roka, pravo prestaje 50 godina od dana tog izdavanja ili objavljivanja, zavisno od toga koji datum je raniji. | |      |      |      | |3.2.2. |However, this paragraph shall not have the effect of protecting anew the rights of producers of phonograms where, through the expiry of the term of protection granted them pursuant to Article 3(2) of Directive 93/98/EEC in its version before amendment by Directive 2001/29/EEC, they were no longer protected on 22 December 2002. |218.2. | Ovaj zakon se primenjuje na fonograme proizvoÄ‘aÄŤa fonograma i na njima snimljene interpretacije ako od beleĹľenja odnosno od prvog izdanja ili objavljivanja nije proteklo pedeset godina, raÄŤunajući od poÄŤetka kalendarske godine u kojoj je stupio na snagu ovaj zakon. | |      |      |      | |3.3. |The rights of producers of the first fixation of a film shall expire 50 years after the fixation is made. However, if the film is lawfully published or lawfully communicated to the public during this period, the rights shall expire 50 years from the date of the first such publication or the first such communication to the public, whichever is the earlier. The term „film“ shall designate a cinematographic or audiovisual work or moving images, whether or not accompanied by sound. |147.2. |Pravo proizvoÄ‘aÄŤa fonograma, odnosno proizvoÄ‘aÄŤa videograma traje 50 godina od dana nastanka fonograma, odnosno videograma. Ako je fonogram, odnosno videogram zakonito izdat ili objavljen tokom tog roka, pravo prestaje 50 godina od dana tog izdavanja ili objavljivanja, zavisno od toga koji datum je raniji. | |      |      |      | |3.4. |4. The rights of broadcasting organisations shall expire 50 years after the first transmission of a broadcast, whether this broadcast is transmitted by wire or over the air, including by cable or satellite. | 147. 3. |Pravo proizvoÄ‘aÄŤa emisije traje 50 godina od dana prvog emitovanja zaštićene emisije. | |      |      |      | |4. |Protection of previously unpublished works
Any person who, after the expiry of copyright protection, for the first time lawfully publishes or lawfully communicates to the public a previously unpublished work, shall benefit from a protection equivalent to the economic rights of the author. The term of protection of such rights shall be 25 years from the time when the work was first lawfully published or lawfully communicated to the public. |141. i 147.6. | 147.6.Pravo prvog izdavača slobodnog dela traje 25 godina od dana prvog izdavanja ili prvog saopštavanja javnosti na drugi način.
141. Lice koje, po isteku imovinskih prava autora, prvi put zakonito izda ili na drugi način saopšti javnosti delo koje pre toga nije bilo izdato, ima imovinska prava koja odgovaraju imovinskim pravima autora. | |      |      |      | |5. |Critical and scientific publications
Member States may protect critical and scientific publications of works which have come into the public domain. The maximum term of protection of such rights shall be 30 years from the time when the publication was first lawfully published. |      |      | |Ova odredba ne uspostavlja obavezu u vezi uskađivanja jer ostavlja samo mogućnost koju domaći zakonodavac nije iskoristio. |      |      | |6. |Protection of photographs
Photographs which are original in the sense that they are the author’s own intellectual creation shall be protected in accordance with Article 1. No other criteria shall be applied to determine their eligibility for protection. Member States may provide for the protection of other photographs. |2.1. | Autorsko delo je originalna duhovna tvorevina autora, izraĹľena u odreÄ‘enoj formi, bez obzira na njegovu umetniÄŤku, nauÄŤnu ili drugu vrednost, njegovu namenu, veliÄŤinu, sadrĹľinu i naÄŤin ispoljavanja, kao i dopuštenost javnog saopštavanja njegove sadrĹľine.
| |Ovo je generalana odredba tj. definicija autorskog dela pod kojom definicijom spada i fotografija koja je primera radi i navedena u čl.2.2.9. Zakona. |      |     
| |7.1. |Protection vis-Ă -vis third countries
Where the country of origin of a work, within the meaning of the Berne Convention, is a third country, and the author of the work is not a Community national, the term of protection granted by the Member States shall expire on the date of expiry of the protection granted in the country of origin of the work, but may not exceed the term laid down in Article 1. |218.3. |Za strane autore i nosioce srodnih prava koji uživaju zaštitu na osnovu ovog zakona važe rokovi trajanja tih prava iz ovog zakona s tim da ističu najkasnije na dan kada ističe zaštita u državi čiji su oni državljani ili u kojoj imaju svoje sedište, i ne mogu biti duži od rokova propisanih ovim zakonom. | |      |      |      | |7.2. |The terms of protection laid down in Article 3 shall also apply in the case of rightholders who are not Community nationals, provided Member States grant them protection. However, without prejudice to the international obligations of the Member States, the term of protection granted by Member States shall expire no later than the date of expiry of the protection granted in the country of which the rightholder is a national and may not exceed the term laid down in Article 3. |218.3. |Za strane autore i nosioce srodnih prava koji uživaju zaštitu na osnovu ovog zakona važe rokovi trajanja tih prava iz ovog zakona s tim da ističu najkasnije na dan kada ističe zaštita u državi čiji su oni državljani ili u kojoj imaju svoje sedište, i ne mogu biti duži od rokova propisanih ovim zakonom. | |      |      |      | |7.3. |Member States which, on 29 October 1993, in particular pursuant to their international obligations, granted a longer term of protection than that which would result from the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 may maintain this protection until the conclusion of international agreements on the term of protection of copyright or related rights. |      |      | |Ova odredba ne uspostavlja obavezu u vezi uskađivanja jer nam je rok trajanja oduvek bio i jeste usklađen da odredbama ove Direktive. |      |      | |8. |Calculation of terms
The terms laid down in this Directive shall be calculated from the first day of January of the year following the event which gives rise to them. |106.
147.8. |Rokovi za potrebe utvrđivanja datuma prestanka imovinskih prava autora računaju se od 1. januara godine koja neposredno sledi za godinom u kojoj se desio događaj koji je relevantan za početak roka. Rokovi za potrebe utvrđivanja datuma prestanka imovinskih prava nosilaca srodnih prava računaju se od 1. januara godine koja neposredno sledi za godinom u kojoj se desio događaj koji je relevantan za početak roka. | |      |      |
| |9. |Moral rights
This Directive shall be without prejudice to the provisions of the Member States regulating moral rights. |      |      | |Ova odredba je ocenjena kao neprenosiva jer moralna prava nisu predmet uređivanja ove Direktive već je ovom odredbom samo naglašeno da odredbe Direktive ne utiču na odredbe o trajanju moralnih prava. |      |      | |10.1. |Application in time
1. Where a term of protection which is longer than the corresponding term provided for by this Directive was already running in a Member State on 1 July 1995, this Directive shall not have the effect of shortening that term of protection in that Member State. |      |      | |Ova odredba je neprenosiva s obzirom da su rokovi trajanja prava u domaćem zakonu u skladu sa ovom Direktivom. |      |      | |10.2. |The terms of protection provided for in this Directive shall apply to all works and subject matter which were protected in at least one Member State on the date referred to in paragraph 1, pursuant to national provisions on copyright or related rights, or which meet the criteria for protection under [Council Directive 92/100/EEC of 19 November 1992 on rental right and lending right and on certain rights related to copyright in the field of intellectual property. |      |      | |Ova odredba je neprenosiva, niti je moguće preneti s obzirom da Srbija nije članica Evropske unije a članom 218. je propisano da se zaštita priznaje za sva dela za koja do dana stupanja na snagu zakona nije istekao rok zaštite. |      |      | |10.3. |This Directive shall be without prejudice to any acts of exploitation performed before the date referred to in paragraph 1. Member States shall adopt the necessary provisions to protect in particular acquired rights of third parties. |      |      | |Ova odredba je neprenosiva
|      |      | |10.4. |Member States need not apply the provisions of Article 2(1) to cinematographic or audiovisual works created before 1 July 1994. |      |      | |Ova odredba je neprenosiva iz napred navedenog razloga. |      |      | |11.1. |Notification and communication
1. Member States shall immediately notify the Commission of any governmental plan to grant new related rights, including the basic reasons for their introduction and the term of protection envisaged. |      |      | |Ovo su odredbe o obavezi izveštavanja, stoga su neprenosive. |      |      | |11.2. |Member States shall communicate to the Commission the texts of the provisions of internal law which they adopt in the field governed by this Directive. |      |      | |Ovo su odredbe o obavezi izveštavanja, stoga su neprenosive. |      |      | |12.1. |Repeal Directive 93/98/EEC is hereby repealed, without prejudice to the obligations of the Member States relating to the time-limits for transposition into national law, as set out in Part B of Annex I, of the Directives, and their application. |      |      | |Odredba je neprenosiva tiče se stavljanja van snage direktive 93/98/EEZ. |      |      | |12.2. |References made to the repealed Directive shall be construed as being made to this Directive and should be read in accordance with the correlation table in Annex II. |      |      | |Odredba je neprenosiva. Tiče se stavljanja van snage Direktive 93/98/EEZ. |      |      | |13. |Entry into force
This Directive shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union. |      |      | |Odredbe i stupanju na snagu Direktive su neprenosive u domaći propis. |      |      | |14. |Addressees
This Directive is addressed to the Member States.
Done at Strasbourg, the 12 December 2006.
For the European Parliament |      |      | |      |      |      | |