1. Naziv propisa Evropske unije :
Council Directive 92/6/EEC of 10 February 1992 on the installation and use of speed limitation devices for certain categories of motor vehicles in the Community and Directive 2002/85/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 November 2002 amending Council Directive 92/6/EEC on the installation and use of speed limitation devices for certain categories of motor vehicles in the Community.
Direktiva Saveta 92/6/EEZ od 10. februara 1992. o ugradnji i korišćenju uređaja za ograničavanje brzine u posebnim kategorijama motornih vozila u okviru Zajednice i Direktiva 2002/85/EZ Evropskog Parlamenta i Saveta od 5. novembra 2002. koja dopunjuje Direktivu Saveta od 10. februara 1992. o ugradnji i korišćenju uređaja za ograničavanje brzine u posebnim kategorijama motornih vozila u okviru Zajednice.
2. „CELEX” oznaka EU propisa:
3. Organ državne uprave, odnosno drugi ovlašćeni predlagač propisa – Vlada
Obrađivač – Ministarstvo građevinarstva, saobraćaja i infrastrukture
4. Datum izrade tabele:
29.10.2015. godine
5. Naziv (nacrta, predloga) propisa čije odredbe su predmet analize usklađenosti sa propisom Evropske unije:
01. Predlog zakona o radnom vremenu posade vozila u drumskom prevozu i tahografima
Draft law on working time of mobile worker vehicles in road transport and tachographs
02. Pravilnik o podeli motornih i priključnih vozila i tehničkim uslovima za vozila u saobraćaju na putevima („Službeni
glasnik RS” br. 40/12, 102/12, 19/13, 41/13 i 102/14)
Rulebook on motor vehicles and trailers and technical conditions for road traffic vehicles (Official Gazette of RS, No. 40/12, 102/12, 19/13,
41/13, 102/14)
6. Brojčane oznake (šifre) planiranih propisa iz baze NPAA:
7. Usklađenost odredbi propisa sa odredbama propisa EU:
Odredba propisa EU
Sadržina odredbe
Odredbe propisa R. Srbije
Sadržina odredbe
Razlozi za delimičnu usklađenost, neusklađenost ili neprenosivost
Napomena o usklađenosti
For the purposes of this Directive, ‘motor vehicle’ means any power driven vehicle falling within category M2, M3, N2 or N3, intended for use on the road and having at least four wheels and a maximum design speed exceeding 25 km/h. Categories M2, M3, N2 and N3 shall be understood to be those defined in Annex II to Directive 70/156/EEC (1).
Vrsta M2 – laki autobus jeste vozilo vrste M sa više od devet sedišta uključujući i sedište za vozača čija najveća dozvoljena masa ne prelazi 5 t i koja mogu imati mesta za stajanje.
Vrsta M3 – teški autobus jeste vozilo vrste M sa više od devet sedišta uključujući i sedište za vozača čija najveća dozvoljena masa prelazi 5 t i koja mogu imati mesta za stajanje.
Vrsta N2 – srednje teretno vozilo, jeste vozilo vrste N koje ima najveću dozvoljenu masu koja prelazi 3,5 t, ali koja ne prelazi 12 t.
Vrsta N3 – teško teretno vozilo, jeste vozilo vrste N koje ima najveću dozvoljenu masu koja prelazi 12 t.
Member States shall take the necessary measures to ensure that motor vehicles of categories M2 and M3 referred to in Article 1 may be used on the road only if equipped with a speed limitation device set in such
a way that their speed cannot exceed 100 kilometres per hour. Category M3 vehicles registered before 1 January 2005 with a maximum mass exceeding 10 tonnes may continue to be equipped with devices on which the maximum speed is set at 100 kilometres per hour.
Na vozilima vrste M2, M3 i N2 čija najveća dozvoljena masa ne prelazi 7,5 t graničnik brzine mora biti ugrađen na način da se ova vozila ne mogu kretati brzinom većom od 100 km/h.
1. Member States shall take the necessary measures to ensure that motor vehicles of categories N2 and N3 may be used on the road only if equipped with a speed limitation device set in such a way that their speed cannot exceed 90 kilometres per hour.
2. Member States shall be authorised to require that the speed limitation device in vehicles registered in their territory and used exclusively for the transport of dangerous goods is set in such a way that those vehicles cannot exceed a maximum speed of less than 90 kilometres per hour.
Na vozilima vrste N2 čija najveća dozvoljena masa prelazi 7,5 t, N3 i vozilima namenjenim za prevoz opasnog tereta graničnik brzine mora biti ugrađen na način da se ova vozila ne mogu kretati brzinom većom od 90 km/h.
Graničnik brzine ne moraju da imaju vozila čija je najveća konstruktivna brzina
niža od zakonom propisane za tu vrstu vozila, vozila službi za spasavanje i delovanje u vanrednim situacijama, vozila javnih komunalnih
Bliži propis o uslovima koje moraju da ispunjavaju vozila u saobraćaju na putu u pogledu ugradnje i upotrebe graničnika brzine donosi Ministar.
Trenutno je delimično usklađeno jer se odredba nalazi u navedenom pravilniku. Donošenjem novog podzakonskog akta biće potpuno usaglašeno
For motor vehicles of category M3 having a maximum mass of more than 10 tonnes and motor vehicles of category N3, Articles 2 and 3 shall be applied:
(a) to vehicles registered as from 1 January 1994, from 1 January 1994;
(b) to vehicles registered between 1 January 1988 and 1 January 1994:
(i) from 1 January 1995, in the case of vehicles used for both national and international transport;
(ii) from 1 January 1996, in the case of vehicles used exclusively for national transport.
graničnik brzine – za vozila vrste M2 i M3 (autobusima) prvi put registrovana u Republici Srbiji nakon 1. jula 2011. godine;
graničnik brzine – na teretnim vozilima vrste N2 i N3, koja su prvi put registrovana u Republici Srbiji nakon 1. jula 2011. godine;
Vozila iz člana 19. stav 1. ovog zakona, koja se prvi put registruju u Republici Srbiji posle 1. jula 2011. godine, moraju da imaju ugrađen graničnik brzine.
Vozila u koja mora biti ugrađen graničnik brzine, kada učestvuju u saobraćaju na putu, a koja su prvi put registrovana u Republici Srbiji pre 1. jula 2011. godine, moraju da se prilagode uslovima iz člana 19. ovog zakona počev od dana pristupanja Republike Srbije Evropskoj uniji.
Bliži propis o uslovima koje moraju da ispunjavaju vozila u saobraćaju na putu u pogledu ugradnje i upotrebe graničnika brzine donosi Ministar.
Trenutno je delimično usklađeno, jer se odredba nalazi u navedenom pravilniku. Predlog zakona je članom 70. predvideo obavezu za data vozila, dok je članom 19. predviđeno donošenje novog podzakonskog akta kojim bi se potpuno usakladila data odredba.
For motor vehicles of category M2, vehicles of category M3 having a maximum mass of more than 5 tonnes but not exceeding 10 tonnes and vehicles of category N2, Articles 2 and 3 shall apply at the latest:
(a) to vehicles registered as from 1 January 2005;
(b) to vehicles complying with the limit values set out in Directive 88/77/EEC (1) registered between 1 October 2001 and 1 January 2005:
(i) from 1 January 2006 in the case of vehicles used for both national and international transport operations;
(ii) from 1 January 2007 in the case of vehicles used solely for national transport operations.
Datumski neprenosivo
For a period of no more than three years from 1 January 2005, any Member State may exempt from the provisions of Articles 2 and 3 category M2 vehicles and category N2 vehicles with a maximum
mass of more than 3,5 tonnes but not exceeding 7,5 tonnes, registered in the national register and not travelling on the territory of another Member State.
Datumski neprenosivo
The speed limitation devices referred to in Articles 2 and 3 must satisfy the technical requirements laid down in the Annex to Directive 92/24/EEC (2).
Graničnik brzine koji se naknadno ugrađuje, odnosno koji je ugrađen u vozilo mora biti u skladu sa jednoobraznim tehničkim uslovima propisanim UNECE pravilnikom broj 89.
However, all vehicles covered by this Directive and
registered before 1 January 2005 may continue to be equipped with speed limitation devices which satisfy the technical requirements laid down by the competent national authorities.
Datumski neprenosivo
Speed limitation devices shall be installed by workshops or bodies approved by the Member States.
Radionica za tahografe koja obavlja pregled tahografa istovremeno vrši i posao kontrole graničnika brzine.
Radionica za tahografe obavlja posao naknadne ugradnje graničnika brzine.
The requirements of Articles 2 and 3 do not apply to motor vehicles used by armed forces, civil defence, fire and other emergency services and forces responsible for maintaining public order.
The same shall apply for motor vehicles which:
— by their construction, cannot drive faster than the limits provided for in Articles 2 and 3,
— are used for scientific tests on roads,
— are used only for public services in urban areas.
Graničnik brzine ne moraju da imaju vozila čija je najveća konstruktivna brzina
niža od zakonom propisane za tu vrstu vozila, vozila službi za spasavanje i delovanje u vanrednim situacijama, vozila javnih komunalnih službi, vozila javnog
gradskog prevoza, vozila policije i vojna vozila.
As part of the road safety action programme for the period 2002 to 2010, the Commission shall assess the road safety and road traffic implications of adjusting the speed limitation devices used by category
M2 vehicles and by category N2 vehicles with a maximum mass of 7,5 tonnes or less to the speeds laid down by this Directive.
If necessary, the Commission shall submit appropriate proposals.
Obaveza EU Komisije
1. Member States shall bring into force the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Directive before 1 October 1993. They shall immediately inform the Commission
thereof. When these provisions are adopted by Member States, they shall contain a reference to this Directive or shall be accompanied by such reference at the time of their official publication. The procedure for making such reference shall be adopted by Member States.
2. Member States shall communicate to the Commission the text of
the provisions of national law which they adopt in the field covered by
this Directive.
Obaveza EU Komisije
This Directive is addressed to the Member States.
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