Predlog zakona o zapošljavanju stranaca (sa tabelama)

Naziv propisa EUDirektiva Saveta 2004/81/ES od 29. aprila 2004. godine o izdavanju boravišnih dozvola rezidentima trećih zemalja koji su žrtve trgovine ljudima ili ilegalnih imigracija, koji sarađuju sa nadležniom organima.Službeni glasnik L 261 , 06/08/2004 P. 0019 – 0023Council Directive 2004/81/EC of 29 April 2004 on the residence permit issued to third-country nationals who are victims of trafficking in human beings or who have been the subject of an action to facilitate illegal immigration, who cooperate with the competent authorities Official Journal L 261 , 06/08/2004 P. 0019 – 0023 CELEX oznaka EU priopisa32004L0081 Ovlašćeni predlagač propisa Vlada Obrađivač: Ministarstvo ekonomije i regionalnog razvoja datum izrade tabele14.11.2011. godine Naziv (važećeg, nacrta, predloga) propisa čije odredbe su predmet analize usklađenosti sa propisom EU Predlog zakona o zapošljavanju stranaca Draft on Law on Employment of Foreigns Brojčane oznake (šifre) planiranih propisa iz baze NPI2009-170 Usklađenost odredaba propisa sa odredbama propisa EU a) a1) b) b1) v) g) d) đ) Odredba propisa EU (član, stav, podstav, tačka, aneks) Sadržina odredbe Odredbe propisa (član, stav, tačka) Sadržina odredbe Usklađenost odredbe propisa sa odredbom propisa EU (potpuno uslađeno, delimično usklađeno, neuslađeno, neprenosivo) Razlozi za delimičnu usklađenost, neusklađenost ili neprenosivost Predviđeni datum za postizanje potpune usklađenosti Napomena o usklađenosti propisa sa propisima EU 1. The purpose of this Directive is to define the conditions for granting residence permits of limited duration, linked to the length of the relevant national proceedings, to third-country nationals who cooperate in the fight against trafficking in human beings or against action to facilitate illegal immigration. Neusklađeno Ova mera je predmet regulisanja drugih propisa 2. For the purpose of this Directive:a)«third-country national» means any person who is not a citizen of the Union within the meaning of Article 17(1) of the Treaty; b)«action to facilitate illegal immigration» covers cases such as those referred to in Articles 1 and 2 of Directive 2002/90/EC;c)«trafficking in human beings» covers cases such as those referred to in Articles 1, 2 and 3 of Framework Decision 2002/629/JHA;d)«measure to enforce an expulsion order» means any measure taken by a Member State to enforce the decision of the competent authorities ordering the expulsion of a third-country national;e) «residence permit» means any authorisation issued by a Member State, allowing a third-country national who fulfils the conditions set by this Directive to stay legally on its territoryf)«unaccompanied minors» means third-country nationals below the age of eighteen, who arrive on the territory of the Member State unaccompanied by an adult responsible for them whether by law or custom, and for as long as they are not effectively taken into the care of such a person, or minors who are left unaccompanied after they have entered the territory of the Member State. Neusklađeno Ova mera je predmet regulisanja drugih propisa 3. Member States shall apply this Directive to the third-country nationals who are, or have been victims of offences related to the trafficking in human beings, even if they have illegally entered the territory of the Member States.Member States may apply this Directive to the third-country nationals who have been the subject of an action to facilitate illegal immigration.This Directive shall apply to the third-country nationals concerned having reached the age of majority set out by the law of the Member State concerned.By way of derogation, Member States may decide to apply this Directive to minors under the conditions laid down in their national law. Neprenosivo 4. This Directive shall not prevent Member States from adopting or maintaining more favourable provisions for the persons covered by this Directive. Neprenosivo 5. When the competent authorities of the Member States take the view that a third-country national may fall into the scope of this Directive, they shall inform the person concerned of the possibilities offered under this Directive.Member States may decide that such information may also be provided by a non-governmental organisation or an association specifically appointed by the Member State concerned. Neprenosivo 6. Member States shall ensure that the third-country nationals concerned are granted a reflection period allowing them to recover and escape the influence of the perpetrators of the offences so that they can take an informed decision as to whether to cooperate with the competent authorities.The duration and starting point of the period referred to in the first subparagraph shall be determined according to national law.During the reflection period and while awaiting the decision of the competent authorities, the third-country nationals concerned shall have access to the treatment referred to in Article 7 and it shall not be possible to enforce any expulsion order against them.The reflection period shall not create any entitlement to residence under this Directive.The Member State may at any time terminate the reflection period if the competent authorities have established that the person concerned has actively, voluntarily and on his/her own initiative renewed contact with the perpetrators of the offences referred to in Article 2(b) and (c) or for reasons relating to public policy and to the protection of national security. Neusklađeno Ova mera je predmet regulisanja drugih propisa 7. Member States shall ensure that the third-country nationals concerned who do not have sufficient resources are granted standards of living capable of ensuring their subsistence and access to emergency medical treatment. They shall attend to the special needs of the most vulnerable, including, where appropriate and if provided by national law, psychological assistance.Member States shall take due account of the safety and protection needs of the third-country nationals concerned when applying this Directive, in accordance with national law.Member States shall provide the third-country nationals concerned, where appropriate, with translation and interpreting services.Member States may provide the third-country nationals concerned with free legal aid, if established and under the conditions set by national law. Neusklađeno Ova mera je predmet regulisanja drugih propisa 8. After the expiry of the reflection period, or earlier if the competent authorities are of the view that the third-country national concerned has already fulfilled the criterion set out in subparagraph (b), Member States shall consider: a)the opportunity presented by prolonging his/her stay on its territory for the investigations or the judicial proceedings, andb)whether he/she has shown a clear intention to cooperate andc)whether he/she has severed all relations with those suspected of acts that might be included among the offences referred to in Article 2(b) and (c).For the issue of the residence permit and without prejudice to the reasons relating to public policy and to the protection of national security, the fulfilment of the conditions referred to in paragraph 1 shall be required.Without prejudice to the provisions on withdrawal referred to in Article 14, the residence permit shall be valid for at least six months. It shall be renewed if the conditions set out in paragraph 2 of this Article continue to be satisfied. Neusklađeno Ova mera je predmet regulisanja drugih propisa 9. Member States shall ensure that holders of a residence permit who do not have sufficient resources are granted at least the same treatment provided for in Article 7.Member States shall provide necessary medical or other assistance to the third-country nationals concerned, who do not have sufficient resources and have special needs, such as pregnant women, the disabled or victims of sexual violence or other forms of violence and, if Member States have recourse to the option provided for in Article 3(3), minors. Neusklađeno Ova mera je predmet regulisanja drugih propisa 10. If Member States have recourse to the option provided for in Article 3(3), the following provisions shall apply:a)Member States shall take due account of the best interests of the child when applying this Directive. They shall ensure that the procedure is appropriate to the age and maturity of the child. In particular, if they consider that it is in the best interest of the child, they may extend the reflection period.b)Member States shall ensure that minors have access to the educational system under the same conditions as nationals. Member States may stipulate that such access must be limited to the public education system.c)In the case of third-country nationals who are unaccompanied minors, Member States shall take the necessary steps to establish their identity, nationality and the fact that they are unaccompanied. They shall make every effort to locate their families as quickly as possible and take the necessary steps immediately to ensure legal representation, including representation in criminal proceedings, if necessary, in accordance with national law. Neusklađeno Ova mera je predmet regulisanja drugih propisa 11.1.1. Member States shall define the rules under which holders of the residence permit shall be authorised to have access to the labour market, to vocational training and education. Lična radna dozvola je dozvola za rad koja strancu u Republici omogućava slobodno zapošljavanje, samozapošljavanje i ostvarivanje prava po osnovu nezaposlenosti, u skladu sa zakonom.Lična radna dozvola se izdaje na zahtev stranca ako:3)pripada posebnoj kategoriji stranca.Pod posebnom kategorijom stranaca kojima se može izdati lična radna dozvola smatraju se: tražilac azila, lice kome je odobrena privremena zaštita, žrtva trgovine ljudima, i lice kome je odobrena supsidijarna zaštita, u skladu sa zakonom. Potpuno usklađeno 11.1.2. Such access shall be limited to the duration of the residence permit. 12.4. Žrtvi trgovine ljudima lična radna dozvola se izdaje za vreme trajanja dozvole boravka. Potpuno usklađeno 11.2. The conditions and the procedures for authorising access to the labour market, to vocational training and education shall be determined, under the national legislation, by the competent authorities. 8.1.33. Zapošljavanje stranca ostvaruje se pod uslovom da poseduje odobrenje za privremeni boravak ili stalno nastanjenje u skladu sa zakonom i dozvolu za rad u skladu sa ovim zakonom, ako ovim zakonom nije drugačije utvrđeno. Zahtev za izdavanje, odnosno produženje dozvole za rad, sa potrebnim dokazima, podnosi se organizaciji nadležnoj za poslove zapošljavanja prema mestu privremenog boravka ili stalnog nastanjenja stranca, odnosno prema sedištu poslodavca ili mestu gde se rad obavlja, u zavisnosti od vrste dozvole za rad. Izuzetno, zahtev za izdavanje radne dozvole za samozapošljavanje može se podneti organizaciji nadležnoj za poslove zapošljavanja preko organa nadležnog za registar privrednih subjekata istovremeno sa zahtevom za registraciju ako se oblik obavljanja delatnosti registruje u tom organu.Zahtev za produženje dozvole za rad sa potrebnim dokazima podnosi se najkasnije u roku od 15 dana pre isteka roka važenja prethodne dozvole.Obrasce zahteva za izdavanje, odnosno produženje dozvole za rad, način dokazivanja činjenica od uticaja na donošenje rešenja, bliže uređenje načina izdavanja i sadržaj dozvole za rad opštim aktom propisuje organizacija nadležna za poslove zapošljavanja. Potpuno usklađeno 12. The third-country nationals concerned shall be granted access to existing programmes or schemes, provided by the Member States or by non-governmental organisations or associations which have specific agreements with the Member States, aimed at their recovery of a normal social life, including, where appropriate, courses designed to improve their professional skills, or preparation of their assisted return to their country of origin.Member States may provide specific programmes or schemes for the third-country nationals concerned.Where a Member State decides to introduce and implement the programmes or schemes referred to in paragraph 1, it may make the issue of the residence permit or its renewal conditional upon the participation in the said programmes or schemes. Neusklađeno Ova materija je predmet regulisanja drugih propisa 13. The residence permit issued on the basis of this Directive shall not be renewed if the conditions of Article 8(2) cease to be satisfied or if a decision adopted by the competent authorities has terminated the relevant proceedings.When the residence permit issued on the basis of this Directive expires ordinary aliens’ law shall apply. Neusklađeno Ova mera je predmet regulisanja drugih propisa 14. The residence permit may be withdrawn at any time if the conditions for the issue are no longer satisfied. In particular, the residence permit may be withdrawn in the following cases:a)if the holder has actively, voluntarily and in his/her own initiative renewed contacts with those suspected of committing the offences referred to in Article 2(b) and (c); or b)if the competent authority believes that the victim’s cooperation is fraudulent or that his/her complaint is fraudulent or wrongful; orc)for reasons relating to public policy and to the protection of national security; ord)when the victim ceases to cooperate; ore)when the competent authorities decide to discontinue the proceedings. Neusklađeno Ova mera je predmet regulisanja drugih propisa 15. This Directive shall apply without prejudice to specific national rules concerning the protection of victims and witnesses. Neprenosivo 16. No later than 6 August 2008 , the Commission shall report to the European Parliament and the Council on the application of this Directive in the Member States and propose any amendments that are necessary. The Member States shall send the Commission any information relevant to the preparation of this report.After presenting the report referred to in paragraph 1, the Commission shall report to the European Parliament and the Council at least every three years on the application of this Directive in the Member States. Neprenosivo 17. The Member States shall bring into force the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Directive before 6 August 2006 . They shall immediately inform the Commission accordingly.When the Member States adopt these measures, they shall contain a reference to this Directive or shall be accompanied by such a reference on the occasion of their official publication. The methods of making such reference shall be laid down by Member States. Neprenosivo 18. This Directive shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union. Neprenosivo 19. This Directive is addressed to the Member States in accordance with the Treaty establishing the European Community. Neprenosivo

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