Tabela usklađenosti Predloga zakona o privrednim društvima sa direktivom 2007/36/EZ
Naziv propisa EU Direktiva 2007/36/EZ Evropskog parlamenta i Saveta od 11. jula 2007. godine o uživanju određenih prava akcionara u društvima koja se kotiraju na berzi (Službeni list L 184 od 14.07.2007) Directive 2007/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 July 2007 on the exercise of certain rights of shareholders in listed companies (OJ L 184, 14.07.2007) „CELEX” oznaka EU propisa 32007L0036 Predlagač propisa: Vlada Obrađivač: Ministarstvo ekonomije i regionalnog razvoja 4. datum izrade tabele25.11.2010 Naziv propisa čije odredbe su predmet analize usklađenosti sa propisom EU Predlog zakona o privrednim društvima (Proposal Law on companies) Brojčane oznake (šifre) planiranih propisa iz baze NPI-a 2004-1-3610 7. Usklađenost odredaba propisa sa odredbama propisa EU a) a1) b) b1) v) g) d) đ) Odredba propisa EU (član, stav, podstav, tačka, aneks) Sadržina odredbe Odredbe propisa (član, stav, tačka) Sadržina odredbe Usklađenost odredbe propisa sa odredbom propisa EU (potpuno usklađeno, delimično usklađeno, neusklađeno, neprenosivo) Razlozi za delimičnu usklađenost, neusklađenost ili neprenosivost Predviđeni datum za postizanje potpune usklađenosti Napomena o usklađenosti propisa sa propisima EU 1.1 Subject-matter and scope Neprenosivo Odredba objašnjava predmet regulacije 1.2 Neprenosivo Odredba objašnjava pojmove 1.3a Neprenosivo Odredba objašnjava moguće izuzetke 1.3b Neprenosivo Odredba objašnjava moguće izuzetke 1.3c Neprenosivo Odredba objašnjava moguće izuzetke 2.1a Definition ofregulated market Berzansko tržište Neprenosivo Nije predmet ovog zakona 2.1b Definition of shareholder 250.1 Akcionar Potpuno usklađeno Odredba objašnjava pojam akcionara 2.1c Definition of proxy 354.1 Punomoćnik Potpuno usklađeno 3 Further national measures Neprenosivo Odredba objašnjava moguće alternative 4 Equal treatment of shareholders 328.1 Svi akcionari čine skupštinu Potpuno usklađeno 5.1.1 convocation of the general meeting not later than on the 21st day before the day of the meeting 365.2 Poziv za redovnu sednicu skupštine u roku od 30 dana Potpuno usklađeno 5.1.2 convocation of the general meeting not later than on the 14th day before the day of the meeting 373 Poziv za vanrednu sednicu skupštine u roku od 30 dana Potpuno usklađeno 5.1.3 at least 10 days elapse between the final convocation and the date of the general meeting. 352.2 Poziv za ponovljenu sednicu skupštine u roku od 10 dana Potpuno usklađeno 5.2.1 effective dissemination of information to the public 335.4.2 Objavljivanje poziva u dnevnim novinama Potpuno usklađeno 5.2.1 effective dissemination of information to the public 335.5 Elektronsko objavljivanje na internet strani društva, Registra privrednih subjekata i Centralnog registra Potpuno usklađeno 5.2.2 send the convocation to each of its registered shareholders 335.3 Slanje poziva akcionarima Potpuno usklađeno 5.2.3 not charge any specific cost for issuing the convocation in the prescribed manner 335.7 Društvo snosi troškove Potpuno usklađeno 5.3.1a the convocation contains when and where the general meeting is to take place 335.1.2 Poziv sadrži vreme i mesto održavanja skupštine Potpuno usklađeno 5.3.1b.i rights available to shareholders under Article 6 335.1.6 Poziv sadrži prava akcionara Potpuno usklađeno 5.3.1b.ii the procedure for voting by proxy 335.2.2 Obaveštenje o glasanju preko punomoćnika Potpuno usklađeno 5.3.1b.iii where applicable, the procedures for casting votes by correspondence or by electronic means 335.2.3 Glasanje elektronskim putem Potpuno usklađeno 5.3.1c record date as defined in Article 7(2) and explain that only those who are shareholders on that date shall have the right to participate and vote in the general meeting 335.1.7 Obaveštenje o danu akcionara Potpuno usklađeno 5.3.1d indicate where and how the full, unabridged text of the documents they can provide 335.1.4 Pribavljanje predloga odluka Potpuno usklađeno 5.3.1e indicate the address of the Internet site on which the information referred to in paragraph 4 will be made available 335.2.1 Predlozi odluka dostupni na internet strani Potpuno usklađeno 5.4.1a Member States shall ensure that, for a continuous period beginning not later than on the 21 day before the day of the general meeting and including the day of the meeting, the company shall make available to its shareholders on its Internet site at least the following information:(a) the convocation referred to in paragraph 1 335.5 Obaveštavanje akcionara na internet strani društva Potpuno usklađeno 5.4.1b the total number of shares and voting rights at the date of the convocation 335.11 Ukupan broj akcija i prava glasa Potpuno usklađeno 5.4.1c the documents to be submitted to the general meeting; 335.9 Materijali za sednicu Potpuno usklađeno 5.4.1d a draft resolution 335.9 Predlozi odluka Potpuno usklađeno 5.4.1e where applicable, the forms to be used to vote by proxy 335.2.3 Formulari za glasanje preko punomoćnika Potpuno usklađeno 5.4.2 company shall indicate on its Internet site how the forms can be obtained on paper. 335.8 Dostavljanje formulara u papirnoj formi Potpuno usklađeno 5.4.3 the convocation of the general meeting is issued later than on the 21st day before the meeting, the period specified in this paragraph shall be shortened accordingly. 335.5 Objava traje do dana održavanja skupštine Potpuno usklađeno 6.1a shareholders, acting individually or collectively:(a) have the right to put items on the agenda of the general meeting, 337.1 Stavljanje predloga tačaka dnevnog reda Potpuno usklađeno 6.1b have the right to table draft resolutions for items included or to be included on the agenda of a general meeting 337.1 Stavljanje predloga odluka Potpuno usklađeno 6.1.2 Member States may provide that the right referred to in point (a) may be exercised only in relation to the annual general meeting 337.2 Potpuno usklađeno 6.1.3 Member States may provide that those rights shall be exercised in writing (submitted by postal services or electronic means) 337.2 Pisani predlozi novih tačaka dnevnog reda Potpuno usklađeno 6.2 minimum stake shall not exceed 5 % of the share capital 337.1 Minimum od 5% akcija sa pravom glasa za predlog novih tačaka dnevnog reda Potpuno usklađeno 6.3 Each Member State shall set a single deadline, with reference to a specified number of days prior to the general meeting or the convocation 337.2 Predlozi se dostavljaju najkasnije 20 dana za redovnu i 10 dana za vanrednu skupštinu Potpuno usklađeno 6.4 shall ensure that, where the exercise of the right referred to in paragraph 1, point (a) entails a modification of the agenda for the general meeting already communicated to shareholders, the company shall make available a revised agenda in the same manner as the previous agenda in advance of the applicable record date as defined in Article 7(2) 337.4 Dostavljanje novog dnevnog reda Potpuno usklađeno 7.1a not subject to any requirement that his shares be deposited with, or transferred to, or registered in the name of, another natural or legal person before the general meeting; Deponovanje akcija pre skupštine, kao uslov za učešće na skupštini Potpuno usklađno Uslov za učešće na skupštini u vidu deponovanja akcija nije propisan 7.1b the rights of a shareholder to sell or otherwise transfer his shares during the period between the record date, as defined in paragraph 2, and the general meeting to which it applies are not subject to any restriction to which they are not subject at other times. 331.4 Slobodan prenos akcija do dana održavanja skupštine Potpuno usklađeno Nije propisano ograničenje za prenos akcija 7.2.1 Member States shall provide that the rights of a shareholder to participate in a general meeting and to vote in respect of his shares shall be determined with respect to the shares held by that shareholder on a specified date prior to the general meeting (the record date). 331.1 Dan akcionara Potpuno usklađeno 7.2.2 Member States need not apply the first subparagraph to companies that are able to identify the names and addresses of their shareholders from a current register of shareholders on the day of the general meeting. 331.2 Jedinstvena evidencija akcionara iz Centralnog registra Delimično usklađeno 7.3 Each Member State shall ensure that a single record date applies to all companies 331.1 Dan akcionara Potpuno usklađeno 7.4 Proof of qualification as a shareholder may be made subject only to such requirements as are necessary to ensure the identification of shareholders and only to the extent that they are proportionate to achieving that objective. 350.2 Identifikacija akcionara Potpuno usaklađeno 8.1a Member States shall permit companies to offer to their shareholders any form of participation in the general meeting by electronic means, notably any or all of the following forms of participation:(a) real-time transmission of the general meeting; 350.1.1 Elektronski prenos generalne skupštine Potpuno usklađeno 8.1b real-time two-way communication enabling shareholders to address the general meeting from a remote location; 350.1.2 Dvosmerna komunikacija Potpuno usklađeno 8.1c a mechanism for casting votes, whether before or during the general meeting, without the need to appoint a proxy holder who is physically present at the meeting 350.1.3 Mehanizam za glasanje elektronskim putem Potpuno usklađeno 8.2 The use of electronic means for the purpose of enabling shareholders to participate in the general meeting may be made subject only to such requirements and constraints as are necessary to ensure the identification of shareholders 350.2 Ograničenja samo radi identifikacije akcionara i bezbednosti elektronske komunikacije Potpuno usklađeno 9.1 Every shareholder shall have the right to ask questions related to items on the agenda of the general meeting. The company shall answer the questions put to it by shareholders 351.1 Pitanja akcionara i odgovor društva Potpuno usklađeno 9.2.1 The right to ask questions and the obligation to answer are subject to the measures which Member States may take, or allow companies to take, to ensure the identification of shareholders, the good order of general meetings and their preparation and the protection of confidentiality and business interests of companies 351.5 Odgovor društva Potpuno usklađeno 9.2.2 Member States may provide that an answer shall be deemed to be given if the relevant information is available on the company’s Internet site in a question and answer format. 351.4.3 Odgovor na internet strani društva Potpuno usklađeno 10.1.1 Every shareholder shall have the right to appoint any other natural or legal person as a proxy holder to attend and vote at a general meeting in his name 353.1 Imenovanje punomoćnika za glasanje Potpuno usklađeno 10.1.2 Apart from the requirement that the proxy holder possess legal capacity… 353.3 Društvo ne može da stavi ograničenja punomoćniku Potpuno usklađeno 10.2.1 Member States may limit the appointment of a proxy holder to a single meeting, or to such meetings as may be held during a specified period 353.19 Punomoćje za sve sednice ili do isteka određenog perioda Potpuno usklađeno 10.2.2 Without prejudice to Article 13(5), Member States may limit the number of persons whom a shareholder may appoint as proxy holders in relation to any one general meeting 353.5 Potpuno usklađeno 10.3.1a Member States shall not restrict or allow companies to restrict the exercise of shareholder rights through proxy holders for any purpose other than to address potential conflicts of interest between the proxy holder and the shareholder, in whose interest the proxy holder is bound to act, and in doing so Member States shall not impose any requirements other than the following:(a) Member States may prescribe that the proxy holder disclose certain specified facts which may be relevant for the shareholders in assessing any risk that the proxy holder might pursue any interest other than the interest of the shareholder; 353.18 Objavljivanje činjenica Potpuno usklađeno 10.3.1b Member States may restrict or exclude the exercise of shareholder rights through proxy holders without specific voting instructions for each resolution in respect of which the proxy holder is to vote on behalf of the shareholder; Neusklađeno Odredba je data kao mogućnost 10.3.1c Member States may restrict or exclude the transfer of the proxy to another person, but this shall not prevent a proxy holder who is a legal person from exercising the powers conferred upon it through any member of its administrative or management body or any of its employees. Neusklađeno Odredba je data kao mogućnost 10.3.2i A conflict of interest within the meaning of this paragraph may in particular arise where the proxy holder:(i) is a controlling shareholder of the company, or is another entity controlled by such shareholder; 354.3.1 Kontrolni akcionar Potpuno usklađeno 10.3.2ii is a member of the administrative, management or supervisory body of the company, or of a controlling shareholder or controlled entity referred to in point (i); 354.3.2 Član upravnog odbora Potpuno usklađeno 10.3.2iii is an employee or an auditor of the company, or of a controlling shareholder or controlled entity referred to in (i); 354.3.3 Zaposleni u društvu ili revizor Potpuno usklađeno 10.3.2iv has a family relationship with a natural person referred to in points (i) to (iii). 354.3.4 Povezano lice Potpuno usklađeno 10.4.1 The proxy holder shall cast votes in accordance with the instructions issued by the appointing shareholder. 353.16 Instrukcije za glasanje Potpuno usklađeno 10.4.2 Member States may require proxy holders to keep a record of the voting instructions for a defined minimum period and to confirm on request that the voting instructions have been carried out 353.16 Instrukcije za glasanje Potpuno usklađeno 10.5 A person acting as a proxy holder may hold a proxy from more than one shareholder without limitation as to the number of shareholders so represented. Where a proxy holder holds proxies from several shareholders, the applicable law shall enable him to cast votes for a certain shareholder differently from votes cast for another shareholder. 355 Punomoćje za više akcionara Potpuno usklađeno 11.1 Member States shall permit shareholders to appoint a proxy holder by electronic means. Moreover, Member States shall permit companies to accept the notification of the appointment by electronic means, and shall ensure that every company offers to its shareholders at least one effective method of notification by electronic means. 353.8 Punomoćje dato elektronskim putem Potpuno usklađeno 11.2 Member States shall ensure that proxy holders may be appointed, and that such appointment be notified to the company, only in writing. 353.12 Pisano punomoćje se dostavlja društvu Potpuno usklađeno 11.3 The provisions of this Article shall apply mutatis mutandis for the revocation of the appointment of a proxy holder. 358 Opoziv punomoćnika Potpuno usklađeno 12 Member States shall permit companies to offer their shareholders the possibility to vote by correspondence in advance of the general meeting. Glasanje pisanim putem Neusklađeno 13.1 Removal of certain impediments to the effective exercise of voting rightsThis Article applies where a natural or legal person who is recognised as a shareholder by the applicable law acts in the course of a business on behalf of another natural or legal person (the client). Neprenosivo Odredba objašnjava 13.2 Where the applicable law imposes disclosure requirements as a prerequisite for the exercise of voting rights by a shareholder referred to in paragraph 1, such requirements shall not go beyond a list disclosing to the company the identity of each client and the number of shares voted on his behalf. Neusklađeno 13.3 Where the applicable law imposes formal requirements on the authorisation of a shareholder referred to in paragraph 1 to exercise voting rights, or on voting instructions, such formal requirements shall not go beyond what is necessary to ensure the identification of the client, or the possibility of verifying the content of voting instructions, respectively, and is proportionate to achieving those objectives. Neusklađeno 13.4 A shareholder referred to in paragraph 1 shall be permitted to cast votes attaching to some of the shares differently from votes attaching to the other shares 355 Potpuno usklađeno 13.5 Where the applicable law limits the number of persons whom a shareholder may appoint as proxy … Neusklađeno Zakonom nije ograničen broj punomoćnika 14.1.1 The company shall establish for each resolution at least the number of shares for which votes have been validly cast, the proportion of the share capital represented by those votes, the total number of votes validly cast as well as the number of votes cast in favour of and against each resolution and, where applicable, the number of abstentions 365.1 Rezultati glasanja Potpuno usklađeno 14.1.2 However, Member States may provide or allow companies to provide that if no shareholder requests a full account of the voting, it shall be sufficient to establish the voting results only to the extent needed to ensure that the required majority is reached for each resolution. 365.2 Samo konstatovanje većine Potpuno usklađeno 14.2 Within a period of time to be determined by the applicable law, which shall not exceed 15 days after the general meeting, the company shall publish on its Internet site the voting results established in accordance with paragraph 1. 365.3 Objaljivanje na internet strani rezultata glasanja u roku od 15 dana Potpuno usklađeno 14.3 This Article is without prejudice to any legal rules that Member States have adopted or may adopt concerning the formalities required in order for a resolution to become valid or the possibility of a subsequent legal challenge to the voting result. Neusklađeno Odredba objašnjava 15.1 Transposition Neprenosivo Završne odredbe 15.2 Notwithstanding the first paragraph, Member States which on 1 July 2006 had in force national measures restricting or prohibiting the appointment of a proxy holder …. Neprenosivo Usaglašavanje 15.3 Member States shall forthwith communicate the number of days specified under Articles 6(3) and 7(3), and any subsequent changes thereof, to the Commission, which shall publish this information in the Official Journal of the European Union. Neprenosivo 16 Entry into force Neprenosivo Stupanje na snagu 17 Addressees Neprenosivo