1. Naziv propisa EU
COUNCIL DECISION 2007/845/JHA of 6 December 2007 concerning cooperation between Asset Recovery Offices of the Member States in the field of tracing and identification of proceeds from, or other property related to, crime
Odluka saveta 2007/845/JNA o saradnji između organa za oduzimanje i upravljanje imovinom proistekle iz krivičnog dela država članica na polju praćenja i pronalaženja imovine proistekle iz krivičnog dela
|2. „CELEX” oznaka EU propisa | | 32007D0845 3. Ovlašćeni predlagač propisa: Vlada Obrađivač: Ministarstvo pravde i državne uprave Ministry of Justice and Public Administration 4. datum izrade tabele 21.02.2013. 5. Naziv (važećeg, nacrta, predloga) propisa čije odredbe su predmet analize usklađenosti sa propisom EUPredlog zakona o oduzimanju imovine poristekle iz krivičnog delaDraft Law on Confiscation of the Proceeds from Crime 6. Brojčane oznake (šifre) planiranih propisa iz baze NPI 7. Usklađenost odredaba propisa sa odredbama propisa EU a) a1) b) b1) v) g) d) đ) Odredba propisa EU (član, stav, podstav, tačka, aneks) Sadržina odredbe Odredbe propisa(član, stav, tačka) Sadržina odredbe Usklađenost odredbe propisa sa odredbom propisa EU (potpuno usklađeno, delimično usklađeno, neusklađeno, neprenosivo) Razlozi za delimičnu usklađenost, neusklađenost ili neprenosivost Predviđeni datum za postizanje potpune usklađenosti Napomena o usklađenosti propisa sa propisima EU 1.1. Each Member State shall set up or designate a nationalAsset Recovery Office, for the purposes of the facilitation of thetracing and identification of proceeds of crime and other crimerelated property which may become the object of a freezing,seizure or confiscation order made by a competent judicialauthority in the course of criminal or, as far as possibleunder the national law of the Member State concerned, civilproceedings. Čl. 8. i 9. Član 8. Direkcija za upravljanje oduzetom imovinom (u daljem tekstu: Direkcija) je organ u sastavu Ministarstva pravde i državne uprave, koji obavlja poslove predivđene ovim zakonom. Poslove iz svoje nadležnosti Direkcija vrši po službenoj dužnosti ili po odluci javnog tužioca ili suda. Državni i drugi organi, organizacije i javne službe dužni su da bez odlaganja postupe po zahtevu Direkcije.Član 9. Direkcija: 1) upravlja privremeno i trajno oduzetom imovinom proisteklom iz krivičnog dela, imovinom privremeno oduzetom po naredbi javnog tužioca (član 22.) predmetima krivičnog dela (član 87. Krivičnog zakonika), imovinskom koristi pribavljenom krivičnim delom (čl. 91. i 92. Krivičnog zakonika), imovinom datom na ime jemstva u krivičnom postupku i predmetima privremeno oduzetom u krivičnom postupku; 2) vrši procenu vrednosti oduzete imovine proistekle iz krivičnog dela; 3) skladišti, čuva i prodaje privremeno oduzetu imovinu proisteklu iz krivičnog dela i upravlja tako dobijenim sredstvima u skladu sa zakonom; 4) vodi evidencije o imovini kojom upravlja i o sudskim postupcima u kojima je odlučivano o oduzimanju imovine proistekle iz krivičnog dela; 5) učestvuje u pružanju međunarodne pravne pomoći; 6) učestvuje u obuci državnih službenika u vezi sa oduzimanjem imovine proistekle iz krivičnog dela; 7) obavlja druge poslove u skladu sa zakonom. Poslove iz stava 1. ovog člana Direkcija obavlja i u vezi sa imovinskom koristi proisteklom iz privrednog prestupa odnosno prekršaja, u skladu sa zakonom. Potupno usklađen Čl. 8. i 9. Predloga zakona o oduzimanju imovine proistekle iz krivičnog dela potpuno su usklađeni sa ovim članom tj. konstituisan je organ za upravljanje oduzetom imovinom i utvrđena njegova nadležnost 1.2.. Without prejudice to paragraph 1, a Member State may, inconformity with its national law, set up or designate two AssetRecovery Offices. Where a Member State has more than twoauthorities charged with the facilitation of the tracing and identificationof proceeds of crime, it shall nominate a maximum oftwo of its Asset Recovery Offices as contact point(s). neusklađeno Nije predmet regulisanja ovog propisa 1.3. Member States shall indicate the authorities which are thenational Asset Recovery Offices within the meaning of thisArticle. They shall notify this information and any subsequentchanges to the General Secretariat of the Council in writing.This notification shall not preclude other authorities whichare charged with the facilitation of the tracing and identificationof proceeds of crime from exchanging information underArticles 3 and 4 with an Asset Recovery Office of anotherMember State. neprenosivo Nije predmet regulisanja ovog propisa 2.1. Member States shall ensure that their Asset RecoveryOffices cooperate with each other for the purposes set out inArticle 1(1), by exchanging information and best practices, bothupon request and spontaneously. Član 9. stav 1. tačka 5) Član 9.Direkcija: 5) učestvuje u pružanju međunarodne pravne pomoći; Potupno usklađeno Član 9. stav 1. tačka 5) ovog Predloga zakona potpuno je usklađen sa ovom odredbom 2.2. Member States shall ensure that this cooperation is nothampered by the status of the Asset Recovery Offices undernational law, regardless of whether they form part of an administrative,law enforcement or a judicial authority neusklađeno Nije predmet regulisanja ovog Predloga zakona 3.1. An Asset Recovery Office of a Member State or otherauthorities in a Member State charged with the facilitation ofthe tracing and identification of proceeds of crime may make arequest to an Asset Recovery Office of another Member Statefor information for the purposes set out in Article 1(1). To thatend it shall rely on Framework Decision 2006/960/JHA and onthe rules adopted in implementation thereof. neusklađeno Nije predmet regulisanja ovog Predloga zakona. 3.2. . When filling out the form provided for under FrameworkDecision 2006/960/JHA, the requesting Asset Recovery Officeshall specify the object of and the reasons for the request andthe nature of the proceedings. It shall also provide details onproperty targeted or sought (bank accounts, real estate, cars,yachts and other high value items) and/or the natural or legalpersons presumed to be involved (e.g. names, addresses, datesand places of birth, date of registration, shareholders, headquarters).Such details shall be as precise as possible neusklađeno Nije predmet regulisanja ovog Predloga zakona. 4.1. Asset Recovery Offices or other authorities charged withthe facilitation of the tracing and identification of proceeds ofcrime may, within the limits of the applicable national law andwithout a request to that effect, exchange information whichthey consider necessary for the execution of the tasks of anotherAsset Recovery Office in pursuance of purpose set out in Article1(1). neusklađeno Nije predmet regulisanja ovog Predloga zakona. 4.2. Article 3 shall apply to the exchange of information underthis Article mutatis mutandis. neusklađeno Nije predmet regulisanja ovog Predloga zakona. 5.1. Each Member State shall ensure that the established ruleson data protection are applied also within the procedure onexchange of information provided for by this Decision. neusklađeno Nije predmet regulisanja ovog Predloga zakona. 5.2. The use of information which has been exchanged directlyor bilaterally under this Decision shall be subject to the nationaldata protection provisions of the receiving Member State, wherethe information shall be subject to the same data protectionrules as if they had been gathered in the receiving MemberState. The personal data processed in the context of the applicationof this Decision shall be protected in accordance with theCouncil of Europe Convention of 28 January 1981 for theProtection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processingof Personal Data, and, for those Member States which haveratified it, the Additional Protocol of 8 November 2001 tothat Convention, regarding Supervisory Authorities and TransborderData Flows. The principles of Recommendation NoR(87) 15 of the Council of Europe Regulating the Use ofPersonal Data in the Police Sector should also be taken intoaccount when law enforcement authorities handle personal dataobtained under this Decision. neusklađeno Nije predmet regulisanja ovog Predloga zakona. 6.1. Member States shall ensure that the Asset Recovery Offices shallexchange best practices concerning ways to improve the effectivenessof Member States’ efforts in tracing and identifyingproceeds from, and other property related to, crime whichmay become the object of a freezing, seizure or confiscationorder by a competent judicial authority. neusklađeno Nije predmet regulisanja ovog Predloga zakona. 7.1. This Decision shall be without prejudice to the obligationsresulting from European Union instruments on mutual legalassistance or on mutual recognition of decisions regardingcriminal matters, from bilateral or multilateral agreements orarrangements between the Member States and third countrieson mutual legal assistance and from Decision 2000/642/JHAand Framework Decision 2006/960/JHA. neprenosivo Odredba ne zahteva implementaciju 8.1. The Member States shall ensure that they are able tocooperate fully in accordance with the provisions of thisDecision by 18 December 2008. By the same date MemberStates shall transmit to the General Secretariat of the Counciland to the Commission the text of any provisions of theirnational law enabling them to comply with the obligationsimposed on them under this Decision. neprenosivo Odredba ne zahteva implementaciju 8.2. . So long as the Member States have not yet implementedFramework Decision 2006/960/JHA, references to thatFramework Decision in this Decision shall be understood asreferences to the applicable instruments on police cooperationbetween the Member States. neprenosivo Odredba ne zahteva implementaciju 8.3. By 18 December 2010 the Council shall assess MemberStates’ compliance with this Decision on the basis of a reportmade by the Commission. neprenosivo Odredba ne zahteva implementaciju 9.1. This Decision shall take effect on the date of its publication inthe Official Journal of the European Union neprenosivo Odredba ne zahteva implementaciju