Član 1.
Potvrđuje se Memorandum o razumevanju o institucionalnom okviru Inicijative za prevenciju i spremnost u slučaju katastrofa za region Jugoistočne Evrope (2013), potpisan u Sarajevu, Bosna i Hercegovina, dana 28. novembra 2013. godine, u originalu na engleskom jeziku.
Član 2.
Tekst Memoranduma o razumevanju o institucionalnom okviru Inicijative za prevenciju i spremnost u slučaju katastrofa za region Jugoistočne Evrope (2013) u originalu na engleskom jeziku i u prevodu na srpski jezik glasi:
The Councils of Ministers of the Republic of Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the Governments of the Republic of Bulgaria, the Republic of Croatia, the Republic of Macedonia, the Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, the Republic of Serbia, the Republic of Slovenia and the Republic of Turkey, hereinafter referred to as the Parties of the Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Initiative for South Eastern Europe (hereinafter “the DPPI SEE Parties”),
Recognising the need to further enhance regional cooperation and regional consultation in the field of disaster management (capacity building, methods and practices) as essential;
Reaffirming their commitments expressed in the Memorandum of Understanding on the Institutional Framework of the Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Initiative signed by the Governments of the Republic of Albania, the Republic of Bulgaria, the Republic of Croatia, the Republic of Macedonia, the Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, Romania and the Republic of Slovenia in Zagreb on 24 September 2007 and by the Governments of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Turkey in Sofia on 8th April 2008 and by the Republic of Serbia in Sarajevo on 7 April 2009, and which shall cease to be in force on 1st January 2014;
Acknowledging the successful cooperation among the Parties of the Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Initiative for South Eastern Europe as a regionally owned institutional framework for South Eastern Europe with an aim to improve and strengthen abilities and capacities to prevent and prepare for natural and man-made disasters;
Have agreed as follows:
I. DPPI SEE Goals and Objectives
Article 1
The principal objectives of the Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Initiative for South Eastern Europe are to contribute to the institutional capacity-building of disaster management organisations to enhance disaster prevention and preparedness in the countries of South Eastern Europe (hereinafter “the SEE”) region by:
Serving as a regional network and facilitator in disaster preparedness and prevention of natural and man-made disasters in the SEE region;
Enhance cooperation among the DPPI SEE Parties in view of EU enlargement and the process of Euro-Atlantic integration;
Supporting countries in the SEE region in their efforts to further develop disaster preparedness and prevention through common approach and cooperation with all relevant international organisations and bodies, especially the EU Civil Protection Mechanism;
Strengthening and enhancing bilateral and multilateral cooperation, facilitating exchange of information in the field of disaster preparedness and prevention at all levels among competent national disaster management authorities and other relevant institutions in the SEE region, in accordance with the national regulations regarding the exchange of information;
Identifying and sharing lessons learned and best practices.
II. DPPI SEE Governance and Coordination Structure
Article 2
DPPI SEE Regional Meeting
The DPPI SEE Regional Meeting is a governing and decision-making forum/body, composed of Heads of the disaster management authorities of the DPPI SEE Parties supported by other relevant authorities/ministries responsible for disaster preparedness, prevention and management issues.
The DPPI SEE Regional Meeting provides a policy framework for the DPPI SEE and serves as a platform for internal consultations and recommendations to be forwarded to the appropriate national authorities to facilitate the decision-making process within the national governments.
It fosters networking and cooperation with international partners and actors, exchange of information, experiences, lessons learned and best practices in the field of disaster preparedness, prevention and response and resolves issues of common interest.
The DPPI SEE Regional Meeting shall be attended by the DPPI SEE Parties. Upon invitation, DPPI SEE Advisory Board members and DPPI SEE Partners may also participate in the DPPI SEE Regional Meeting.
The Chairmanship of the DPPI SEE Regional Meeting shall rotate on an annual basis between the DPPI SEE Parties in alphabetical order.
The DPPI SEE Regional Meeting decides by consensus on the following:
amendments to the Memorandum of Understanding;
the seat and the composition of the DPPI SEE Secretariat;
any request pursuant to Article 13 of this Memorandum of Understanding;
adoption of Rules of Procedure and Financial Management Rules;
adoption of Annual Work Plan and Budget;
endorsement of Report on the implementation of the Annual Work Plan and Annual Financial Report;
projects that are funded from the DPPI SEE Budget.
The DPPI SEE Regional Meeting meets twice per year. Extraordinary sessions may be scheduled at the initiative of the DPPI SEE Chair-in-Office and with the consensus of all DPPI SEE Parties.
The DPPI SEE Regional Meeting shall adopt Rules of Procedures and any other internal regulations governing the work of the DPPI SEE bodies and structures including the DPPI SEE Secretariat.
Article 3
DPPI SEE Advisory Board (DPPI SEE AB)
The DPPI SEE Advisory Board is composed of experts with functional expertise, representing international partners of the DPPI SEE and invited by the DPPI SEE Chair-in-Office. The DPPI SEE Advisory Board advises on proposed and planned projects and activities, and contributes to sustained policy relevance.
There are no formal voting rights; decisions are to be reached by consensus.
Article 4
DPPI SEE Working Groups (DPPI SEE WG)
The DPPI SEE Regional Meeting may establish DPPI SEE WGs as technical bodies to develop and support specific DPPI SEE projects. DPPI SEE WGs shall be chaired on an informal basis by a country in the SEE region with the participation of national and international experts. DPPI SEE WGs report to the DPPI SEE Regional Meeting and are supported by the DPPI SEE Secretariat.
Article 5
The TRIO Mechanism
The Trio Mechanism (hereinafter “the Trio”) is comprised of the present DPPI SEE Chair-in-Office and representatives of the previous and incoming DPPI SEE Chair-in-Office.
The role of the Trio shall be to ensure the strategic coordination and planning of the DPPI SEE activities.
The Trio meetings shall take place twice a year back to back with Regional Meetings. The present DPPI SEE Chair-in-Office shall in coordination with other two members of the Trio, establish date, place and agenda for the meeting.
Article 6
DPPI SEE Partners and/or Donors
Interested countries and international organisations/institutions may become DPPI SEE Partners and/or Donors and participate in DPPI SEE activities by notifying the DPPI SEE Chair-in-Office or Head of the DPPI SEE Secretariat or by announcing such interest at the DPPI SEE Regional Meeting.
Participation shall be at the DPPI SEE Partner’s own cost and with its own financial and human resources.
The DPPI SEE Secretariat
Article 7
The Seat
The seat of the DPPI SEE Secretariat is in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina (hereinafter: “the Host Country”). The DPPI SEE Secretariat shall have legal capacity as necessary for carrying out its functions.
The Host Country shall provide the facilities and office operating costs for the DPPI SEE Secretariat unless agreed otherwise. The legal capacity, privileges and immunities of the DPPI SEE Secretariat shall be defined in the Host Country Agreement to be concluded between the Host Country and the DPPI SEE Parties.
The Seat of the DPPI SEE Secretariat may be changed by the consensual decision of the DPPI SEE Regional Meeting.
Article 8
Structure and Functions
The administrative/supportive structure for the DPPI SEE and DPPI SEE CiO is the DPPI SEE Secretariat.
The DPPI SEE Secretariat consists of the Head of the DPPI SEE Secretariat and the Administrative/Finance Assistant. The mandate of the DPPI SEE Secretariat staff shall be three years with a possibility of extension for one additional year.
Article 9
The DPPI SEE Secretariat works under the guidance of the DPPI SEE Chair-in-Office and reports to the DPPI SEE Regional Meeting on its activities and expenditures. Additional reporting (narrative and financial) may be required by the DPPI SEE Chair-in-Office.
Any reporting shall be provided in accordance with the Rules of Procedure and Financial Management Rules.
Article 10
The DPPI SEE Budget is composed of annual contributions by DPPI SEE Parties.
The DPPI SEE Secretariat prepares, on the basis of the DPPI SEE Annual Work Plan, the Budget to be presented for approval to the DPPI SEE Regional Meeting during its autumn session. The DPPI SEE Secretariat also prepares additional work plans and budgets for projects, which may be implemented with the assistance of DPPI SEE Partners.
DPPI SEE Partners that are contributing to the DPPI SEE projects budget may request specific audit reports.
Article 11
The DPPI SEE activities shall be financed from the DPPI SEE Budget and may be additionally financed by the DPPI SEE Parties/Partners/Donors.
The DPPI SEE Parties agree to make reasonable efforts to provide the human, technical and financial resources needed for the sustainable functioning of the DPPI SEE and the DPPI SEE Secretariat.
Each DPPI SEE Party’s annual financial contribution to the DPPI SEE shall be at least €25,000.00 and shall be transferred before the end of April of each year.
Delay in payment of the annual contribution by a DPPI SEE Party shall immediately result in the suspension of the right to take decisions and having the costs of participation in any DPPI SEE activity covered from the DPPI SEE Budget until such time as the payment is made.
DPPI SEE Parties participating in any given project also agree to provide matching contributions to financial support provided by DPPI SEE Partners, subject to mutual agreement, for the development and implementation of projects.
The financial management of the Budget and reporting shall be in accordance with the Financial Management Rules adopted by the DPPI SEE Regional Meeting.”
Article 12
This Memorandum of Understanding may be amended in writing by consent of the DPPI SEE Parties pursuant to Article 2, paragraph 6 (a). The amendments shall enter into force in accordance with Article 14 of this Memorandum of Understanding.
Article 13
The DPPI SEE Regional meeting shall decide by consensus on the request of any party to accede to this Memorandum of Understanding and become the DPPI SEE Party.
Article 14
Entering into Force
This Memorandum of Understanding shall enter into force the first day of the month following the month of the receipt of the sixth notification of the DPPI SEE Parties, by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina regarding the completion of their internal requirements for its entry into force.
For any DPPI SEE Party which after the deposit of the sixth notification pursuant to paragraph 1 of this Article notifies the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina about the completion of its internal procedures for entry into force of this Memorandum of Understanding, it shall enter in force on the date of its notification to the Depositary.
After the signing, the original of this Memorandum of Understanding shall be deposited with the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina that shall serve as the Depositary. The Depositary shall provide the DPPI SEE Parties to the Memorandum of Understanding and the Secretariat with duly certified copies thereof.
This Memorandum of Understanding shall apply provisionally as of the date of its signing unless a DPPI SEE Party declares at the moment of signing of the Memorandum of Understanding that its internal legal requirements do not permit such provisional application. For any such DPPI SEE Party the Memorandum of Understanding shall enter into force on the date of its notification to the Depositary.
Article 15
This Memorandum of Understanding shall remain in force for undefined period, unless agreed otherwise among the DPPI SEE Parties.
Any DPPI SEE Party may denounce this Memorandum of Understanding with written notification to the DPPI SEE Chair-in-Office. The denunciation shall take effect three (3) months after the date of receipt of the notification.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned being duly authorised by their respective Governments have signed this Memorandum of Understanding.
Done at ________________, on this _______________, in one original in English.
For the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Albania For the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria For the Government of the Republic of Croatia For the Government of the Republic of Macedonia For the Government of Montenegro For the Government of the Republic of Serbia For the Government of the Republic of Slovenia For the Government of the Republic of Turkey
Saveti ministara Republike Albanije i Bosne i Hercegovine, i Vlade Republike Bugarske, Republike Hrvatske, Republike Makedonije, Republike Moldavije, Crne Gore, Rumunije, Republike Srbije, Republike Slovenije i Republike Turske, u daljem tekstu: Strane Inicijative za prevenciju i spremnost u slučaju katastrofa za region jugoistočne Evrope („Strane DPPI SEE”),
Prepoznajući potrebu za daljim jačanjem regionalne saradnje i regionalnog dogovora u oblasti upravljanja u slučaju katastrofa (izgradnja kapaciteta, metoda i praksi) kao suštinsku;
Ponovo potvrđujući svoja opredeljenja izražena u Memorandumu o razumevanju o institucionalnom okviru Inicijative za prevenciju i spremnost u slučaju katastrofa koji su potpisale Vlade Republike Albanije, Republike Bugarske, Republike Hrvatske, Republike Makedonije, Republike Moldavije, Crne Gore, Rumunije i Republike Slovenije u Zagrebu, 24. septembra 2007. godine, i Vlade Bosne i Hercegovine i Republike Turske u Sofiji, 8. aprila 2008. godine kao i Republika Srbija u Sarajevu, 7. aprila 2009. godine, koji prestaje da važi 1. januara 2014. godine;
Priznajući uspešnu saradnju između Strana Inicijative za prevenciju i spremnost u slučaju katastrofa za region jugoistočne Evrope kao institucionalni okvir u regionalnom vlasništvu jugoistočne Evrope sa ciljem unapređenja i jačanja mogućnosti i kapaciteta za prevenciju i spremnost u slučaju prirodnih i ljudskim faktorom izazvanih katastrofa;
Sporazumele su se kako sledi:
I. Opšti i posebni ciljevi DPPI SEE
Član 1.
Glavni ciljevi Inicijative za prevenciju i spremnost u slučaju katastrofa za region jugoistočne Evrope su da doprinese izgradnji institucionalnih kapaciteta organizacija za upravljanje u katastrofama kako bi se poboljšala prevencija i spremnost u slučaju katastrofa u zemljama regiona Jugoistočne Evrope (u daljem tekstu JIE) i to na sledeće načine:
kao regionalna mreža i konsultant u prevenciji i spremnosti na prirodne i ljudskim faktorom izazvane katastrofe u regionu JIE;
unapređujući saradnju između Strana DPPI SEE u svetlu proširenja EU i procesa evro-atlantskih integracija;
podržavajući zemlje u regionu JIE u njihovim nastojanjima da dalje razvijaju prevenciju i spremnost u slučaju katastrofa kroz zajednički pristup i saradnju sa svim relevantnim međunarodnim organizacijama i telima, a naročito Mehanizmom EU za civilnu zaštitu;
jačajući i unapređujući bilateralnu i multilateralnu saradnju, omogućavajući lakšu razmenu informacija u oblasti prevencije i spremnosti u slučaju katastrofa na svim nivoima između nacionalnih organa nadležnih za upravljanje u slučaju katastrofa i drugih relevantnih institucija u regionu JIE, u skladu sa nacionalnim propisima o razmeni informacija;
prepoznajući i razmenjujući stečena znanja i najbolje prakse.
II. Upravljačka i koordinaciona struktura DPPI SEE
Član 2.
Regionalni sastanak DPPI SEE
Regionalni sastanak DPPI SEE je upravljački forum/telo koje donosi odluke a čine ga rukovodioci organa Strana DPPI SEE nadležnih za upravljanje u slučaju katastrofa kojima podršku pružaju drugi relevantni organi/ministarstva nadležna za spremnost, prevenciju i upravljanje u slučaju katastrofa.
Regionalni sastanak DPPI SEE pruža okvir za politiku DPPI SEE i služi kao platforma za interne konsultacije i preporuke koje se prosleđuju odgovarajućim nacionalnim organima kako bi se olakšao proces donošenja odluka u okviru nacionalnih vlada.
Regionalni sastanak DPPI SEE neguje povezivanje i saradnju sa međunarodnim partnerima i akterima, razmenu informacija, iskustava, stečenih znanja i najboljih praksi u domenu prevencije, spremnosti i reagovanja u slučaju katastrofa i rešava pitanja od zajedničkog interesa.
Regionalnom sastanku DPPI SEE prisustvuju Strane DPPI SEE. Ukoliko su pozvani, na Regionalnim sastancima DPPI SEE mogu učestvovati i članovi Savetodavnog odbora DPPI SEE i Partneri DPPI SEE.
Predsedavanje Regionalnim sastankom DPPI SEE se menja svake godine između Strana DPPI SEE po abecednom redu.
Regionalni sastanak DPPI SEE donosi odluke konsenzusom o sledećim pitanjima:
izmene i dopune Memoranduma o razumevanju;
sedište i sastav Sekretarijata DPPI SEE;
zahtevi u skladu sa članom 13. ovog memoranduma o razumevanju;
usvajanje Pravilnika o radu i Pravilnika o upravljanju finansijama;
usvajanje godišnjeg plana rada i budžeta;
đ) odobravanje Izveštaja o sprovođenju godišnjeg plana rada i godišnjeg finansijskog izveštaja;
projekti koji se finansiraju iz budžeta DPPI SEE.
Regionalni sastanak DPPI SEE sastaje se dva puta godišnje. Vanredne sednice mogu biti zakazane na inicijativu predsedavajućeg DPPI SEE i uz konsenzus svih Strana DPPI SEE.
Regionalni sastanak DPPI SEE usvaja Pravilnik o radu i druge interne propise koji regulišu rad organa i struktura DPPI SEE uključujući Sekretarijat DPPI SEE.
Član 3.
Savetodavni odbor DPPI SEE (SO DPPI SEE)
Savetodavni odbor DPPI SEE čine eksperti sa znanjem u struci koji predstavljaju međunarodne partnere DPPI SEE, a koje poziva predsedavajući DPPI SEE. Savetodavno telo DPPI SEE daje savete o predloženim i planiranim projektima i aktivnostima i doprinosi kontinuitetu relevantnih politika.
Ne postoji formalno pravo glasa; odluke se donose konsenzusom.
Član 4.
Radne grupe DPPI SEE (RG DPPI SEE)
Regionalni sastanak DPPI SEE može da osnuje Radne grupe DPPI SEE kao tehnička tela koja sastavljaju konkretne projekte DPPI SEE i pružaju im podršku. Radnim grupama DPPI SEE predsedava zemlja regiona JIE na neformalnoj osnovi uz učešće nacionalnih i međunarodnih stručnjaka. Radne grupe DPPI SEE podnose izveštaje Regionalnom sastanku DPPI SEE, a podršku im pruža Sekretarijat DPPI.
Član 5.
Mehanizam TROJKE
Mehanizam Trojke (u daljem tekstu: Trojka) čine aktuelni predsedavajući DPPI SEE i predstavnici prethodnog i sledećeg predsedavanja DPPI SEE.
Uloga Trojke je da obezbedi stratešku koordinaciju i planiranje aktivnosti DPPI SEE.
Sastanci Trojke se održavaju dva puta godišnje u nastavku regionalnih sastanaka. Aktuelni predsedavajući DPPI SEE, u koordinaciji sa druge dve članice Trojke, određuje datum, mesto i dnevni red sastanka.
Član 6.
Partneri, odnosno donatori DPPI SEE
Zainteresovane države i međunarodne organizacije/institucije mogu da postanu partneri, odnosno donatori DPPI SEE i da učestvuju u aktivnostima DPPI SEE tako što će obavestiti predsedavajućeg DPPI SEE ili šefa Sekretarijata DPPI SEE ili tako što će izraziti zainteresovanost na Regionalnom sastanku DPPI SEE.
Troškove učešća snosi sâm partner DPPI SEE koristeći sopstvene finansijske i ljudske resurse.
Sekretarijat DPPI SEE
Član 7.
Sedište Sekretarijata DPPI SEE je u Sarajevu, u Bosni i Hercegovini (u daljem tekstu: zemlja domaćin). Sekretarijat DPPI SEE ima pravnu sposobnost neophodnu za obavljanje svojih funkcija.
Zemlja domaćin obezbeđuje prostor i snosi operativne troškove Sekretarijata DPPI SEE, osim ako se drugačije ne dogovori. Pravna sposobnost, privilegije i imuniteti Sekretarijata DPPI SEE definisaće se Sporazumom o zemlji domaćinu koji će zaključiti zemlja domaćin i Strane DPPI SEE.
Sedište Sekretarijata DPPI SEE može se promeniti na osnovu odluke Regionalnog sastanka DPPI SEE donete konsenzusom.
Član 8.
Struktura i funkcije
Administrativna struktura/struktura za pružanje podrške radu DPPI SEE i predsedavajućem DPPI SEE je Sekretarijat DPPI SEE.
Sekretarijat DPPI SEE čine šef Sekretarijata DPPI SEE i pomoćnik za administrativno-finansijske poslove. Mandat osoblja Sekretarijata DPPI SEE je tri godine uz mogućnost produženja mandata za još godinu dana.
Član 9.
Sekretarijat DPPI SEE radi prema smernicama predsedavajućeg DPPI SEE i podnosi izveštaj Regionalnom sastanku DPPI SEE o svojim aktivnostima i rashodima. Predsedavajući DPPI SEE može zatražiti i dodatne izveštaje (opisne i finansijske).
Izveštaji se sastavljaju u skladu sa Pravilnikom o radu i Pravilnikom o upravljanju finansijama.
Član 10.
Budžet DPPI SEE se sastoji od godišnjih kontribucija Strana DPPI SEE.
Na osnovu godišnjeg plana rada DPPI SEE, Sekretarijat DPPI SEE sastavlja budžet koji se podnosi na odobrenje Regionalnom sastanku DPPI SEE tokom njegovog jesenjeg zasedanja. Sekretarijat DPPI SEE takođe sastavlja dodatne planove rada i budžete za projekte, što se može realizovati uz pomoć partnerâ DPPI SEE.
Partneri DPPI SEE koji doprinose budžetu za projekte DPPI SEE mogu tražiti posebne revizorske izveštaje.
Član 11.
Aktivnosti DPPI SEE se finansiraju iz budžeta DPPI SEE a mogu ih dodatno finansirati strane/partneri/donatori DPPI SEE.
Strane DPPI SEE su saglasne da će uložiti razumne napore da obezbede kadrovska, tehnička i finansijska sredstva potrebna za održivo funkcionisanje DPPI SEE i Sekretarijata DPPI SEE.
Godišnja finansijska kontribucija za DPPI SEE svake Strane DPPI SEE iznosi najmanje 25.000,00 evra, a uplaćuje se do kraja meseca aprila svake godine.
Docnja Strane DPPI SEE u plaćanju godišnje kontribucije odmah dovodi do privremene obustave prava donošenja odluka i pokrivanja troškova učešća u bilo kojoj aktivnosti DPPI SEE iz budžeta DPPI SEE dok se ne izvrši uplata.
Strane DPPI SEE koje učestvuju u bilo kom projektu takođe su saglasne da će obezbediti kontribucije koje odgovaraju finansijskoj podršci koju obezbeđuju partneri DPPI SEE, na osnovu međusobnog dogovora, za izradu i sprovođenje projekata.
Finansijsko upravljanje budžetom i izveštavanje vrše se u skladu sa Pravilnikom o upravljanju finansijama koje je usvojio Regionalni sastanak DPPI SEE.
Član 12.
Izmene i dopune
Ovaj memorandum o razumevanju može se menjati i dopunjavati pisanim putem uz saglasnost Strana DPPI SEE, u skladu sa članom 2, stav 6 (a). Izmene i dopune stupaju na snagu u skladu sa članom 14. ovog memoranduma o razumevanju.
Član 13.
Regionalni sastanak DPPI SEE konsenzusom odlučuje o zahtevu neke strane da pristupi ovom memorandumu o razumevanju i postane Strana DPPI SEE.
Član 14.
Stupanje na snagu
Ovaj memorandum o razumevanju stupa na snagu prvog dana meseca koji sledi nakon meseca u kojem Ministarstvo spoljnih poslova Bosne i Hercegovine primi šesto obaveštenje Strana DPPI SEE o ispunjenju svojih internih preduslova neophodnih za njegovo stupanje na snagu.
Za bilo koju Stranu DPPI SEE koja nakon deponovanja šestog obaveštenja u skladu sa stavom 1. ovog člana obavesti Ministarstvo spoljnih poslova Bosne i Hercegovine o ispunjenju svojih internih procedura neophodnih za stupanje na snagu ovog memoranduma o razumevanju, isti stupa na snagu na dan obaveštavanja depozitara.
Nakon potpisivanja, originalni primerak ovog memoranduma o razumevanju deponuje se pri Savetu ministara Bosne i Hercegovine koje će postupati kao depozitar. Depozitar će Stranama DPPI SEE potpisnicama Memoranduma o razumevanju i Sekretarijatu dostaviti propisno overene kopije Memoranduma.
Ovaj memorandum o razumevanju se primenjuje okvirno od datuma potpisivanja, osim ako neka Strana DPPI SEE izjavi prilikom potpisivanja Memoranduma o razumevanju da njeni interni zakonski preduslovi ne dozvoljavaju takvu okvirnu primenu. Za tu Stranu DPPI SEE Memorandum o razumevanju stupa na snagu na dan obaveštavanja depozitara.
Član 15.
Ovaj memorandum o razumevanju ostaje na snazi neodređeno vreme, osim ako se Strane DPPI SEE drugačije ne dogovore.
Bilo koja Strana DPPI SEE može otkazati ovaj memorandum o razumevanju slanjem pisanog obaveštenja predsedavajućem DPPI SEE. Otkaz stupa na snagu tri (3) meseca od datuma prijema obaveštenja.
U POTVRDU TOGA dole potpisani, propisno ovlašćeni od strane svojih Vlada, potpisali su ovaj memorandum o razumevanju.
Sačinjeno u Sarajevu, dana 28. novembra 2013. godine, u jednom originalu na engleskom jeziku.
Član 3.
Ovaj zakon stupa na snagu osmog dana od dana objavljivanja u „Službenom glasniku Republike Srbije – Međunarodni ugovori”.
I. Ustavni osnov za donošenje Zakona
Ustavni osnov za donošenje Zakona o potvrđivanju Memoranduma o razumevanju o institucionalnom okviru Inicijative za prevenciju i spremnost u slučaju katastrofa za region Jugoistočne Evrope (2013) sadržan je u članu 99. stav 1. tačka 4. Ustava Republike Srbije, prema kojoj je u nadležnosti Narodne skupštine da potvrđuje međunarodne ugovore kada je zakonom predviđena obaveza njihovog potvrđivanja.
II. Razlozi za potvrđivanje Memoranduma
Memorandum o razumevanju o institucionalnom okviru Inicijative za prevenciju i spremnost u slučaju katastrofa za region Jugoistočne Evrope (2013) – DPPI SEE potpisan je u Sarajevu, Bosna i Hercegovina, 28. novembra 2013. godine. Potpisan je na osnovu Zaključka Vlade Republike Srbije 05 Broj: 018-8387/2013, od 8. oktobra 2013. godine, kojim je utvrđena Osnova za zaključivanje i usvojen tekst Memoranduma; Odluke Odbora Narodne skupštine za odbranu i unutrašnje poslove 05 Broj 217-3819/13 donetoj na sednici održanoj 18. oktobra 2013. godine, da da saglasnost Vladi da ovlasti delegaciju Republike Srbije da prihvati da se Memorandum o razumevanju o institucionalnom okviru Inicijative za prevenciju i spremnost u slučaju katastrofa za region Jugoistočne Evrope privremeno primenjuje do njegovog stupanja na snagu; i Zaključka Vlade Republike Srbije 05 Broj: 018-9820/2013, od 18. novembra 2013. godine kojim je ovlašćen Đorđe Babić, zamenik načelnika Sektora za vanredne situacije, Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije da Memorandum potpiše.
Zaključivanje Memoranduma o razumevanju o institucionalnom okviru Inicijative za prevenciju i spremnost u slučaju katastrofa za region Jugoistočne Evrope (2013) – DPPI SEE bilo je nužno za nastavak rada Inicijative, s obzirom da je njenom prethodnom osnivačkom aktu, Memoradnumu istog naziva, zaključenom u Zagrebu, 24. septembra 2007. godine, ističe važnost 2014. godine. Memorandum o razumevanju (2013) je rezultat usaglašavanja stavova jedanaest država Strana DPPI SEE po pitanjima koja uređuju njeno funkcionisanje, a sve sa ciljem očuvanja Inicijative koja je prepoznata kao jedini regionalni subjekat koji se isključivo bavi zaštitom od katastrofa i koji okuplja zemlje Jugoistočne Evrope.
Potvrđivanjem Memoranduma omogućuje se njegovo stupanje na snagu, kako je predviđeno članom 14. stav 1. Memoranduma.
III. Ocena potrebnih finansijskih sredstava za sprovođenje zakona
Za sprovođenje ovog memoranduma, u skladu sa Nacrtom, članom 11, stav 3. potrebna su sredstva u godišnjem iznosu od 25.000. €. Napominjemo da Republika Srbija uplaćuje godišnji finansijski doprinos za DPPI SEE u istom iznosu od 2009. godine u skladu sa zaključkom Vlade 05 Broj: 018-193/2009, od 2. aprila 2009. godine, do kraja meseca aprila svake godine. I za 2013. godinu, u skladu sa Memorandumom o razumevanju koji je na snazi do kraja ove godine, ovaj iznos obezbeđen je Zakonom o budžetu Republike Srbije za 2013. godinu („Službeni glasnik RS”, broj 114/12 i 59/2013), na razdelu 15 Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova. Sredstva za članarinu za naredne godine biće obezbeđena u okviru limita Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova utvrđenih Fiskalnom strategijom.
The Councils of Ministers of the Republic of Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the Governments of the Republic of Bulgaria, the Republic of Croatia, the Republic of Macedonia, the Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, the Republic of Serbia, the Republic of Slovenia and the Republic of Turkey, hereinafter referred to as the Parties of the Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Initiative for South Eastern Europe (hereinafter “the DPPI SEE Parties”),
Recognising the need to further enhance regional cooperation and regional consultation in the field of disaster management (capacity building, methods and practices) as essential;
Reaffirming their commitments expressed in the Memorandum of Understanding on the Institutional Framework of the Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Initiative signed by the Governments of the Republic of Albania, the Republic of Bulgaria, the Republic of Croatia, the Republic of Macedonia, the Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, Romania and the Republic of Slovenia in Zagreb on 24 September 2007 and by the Governments of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Turkey in Sofia on 8th April 2008 and by the Republic of Serbia in Sarajevo on 7 April 2009, and which shall cease to be in force on 1st January 2014;
Acknowledging the successful cooperation among the Parties of the Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Initiative for South Eastern Europe as a regionally owned institutional framework for South Eastern Europe with an aim to improve and strengthen abilities and capacities to prevent and prepare for natural and man-made disasters;
Have agreed as follows:
I. DPPI SEE Goals and Objectives
Article 1
The principal objectives of the Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Initiative for South Eastern Europe are to contribute to the institutional capacity-building of disaster management organisations to enhance disaster prevention and preparedness in the countries of South Eastern Europe (hereinafter “the SEE”) region by:
Serving as a regional network and facilitator in disaster preparedness and prevention of natural and man-made disasters in the SEE region;
Enhance cooperation among the DPPI SEE Parties in view of EU enlargement and the process of Euro-Atlantic integration;
Supporting countries in the SEE region in their efforts to further develop disaster preparedness and prevention through common approach and cooperation with all relevant international organisations and bodies, especially the EU Civil Protection Mechanism;
Strengthening and enhancing bilateral and multilateral cooperation, facilitating exchange of information in the field of disaster preparedness and prevention at all levels among competent national disaster management authorities and other relevant institutions in the SEE region, in accordance with the national regulations regarding the exchange of information;
Identifying and sharing lessons learned and best practices.
II. DPPI SEE Governance and Coordination Structure
Article 2
DPPI SEE Regional Meeting
The DPPI SEE Regional Meeting is a governing and decision-making forum/body, composed of Heads of the disaster management authorities of the DPPI SEE Parties supported by other relevant authorities/ministries responsible for disaster preparedness, prevention and management issues.
The DPPI SEE Regional Meeting provides a policy framework for the DPPI SEE and serves as a platform for internal consultations and recommendations to be forwarded to the appropriate national authorities to facilitate the decision-making process within the national governments.
It fosters networking and cooperation with international partners and actors, exchange of information, experiences, lessons learned and best practices in the field of disaster preparedness, prevention and response and resolves issues of common interest.
The DPPI SEE Regional Meeting shall be attended by the DPPI SEE Parties. Upon invitation, DPPI SEE Advisory Board members and DPPI SEE Partners may also participate in the DPPI SEE Regional Meeting.
The Chairmanship of the DPPI SEE Regional Meeting shall rotate on an annual basis between the DPPI SEE Parties in alphabetical order.
The DPPI SEE Regional Meeting decides by consensus on the following:
amendments to the Memorandum of Understanding;
the seat and the composition of the DPPI SEE Secretariat;
any request pursuant to Article 13 of this Memorandum of Understanding;
adoption of Rules of Procedure and Financial Management Rules;
adoption of Annual Work Plan and Budget;
endorsement of Report on the implementation of the Annual Work Plan and Annual Financial Report;
projects that are funded from the DPPI SEE Budget.
The DPPI SEE Regional Meeting meets twice per year. Extraordinary sessions may be scheduled at the initiative of the DPPI SEE Chair-in-Office and with the consensus of all DPPI SEE Parties.
The DPPI SEE Regional Meeting shall adopt Rules of Procedures and any other internal regulations governing the work of the DPPI SEE bodies and structures including the DPPI SEE Secretariat.
Article 3
DPPI SEE Advisory Board (DPPI SEE AB)
The DPPI SEE Advisory Board is composed of experts with functional expertise, representing international partners of the DPPI SEE and invited by the DPPI SEE Chair-in-Office. The DPPI SEE Advisory Board advises on proposed and planned projects and activities, and contributes to sustained policy relevance.
There are no formal voting rights; decisions are to be reached by consensus.
Article 4
DPPI SEE Working Groups (DPPI SEE WG)
The DPPI SEE Regional Meeting may establish DPPI SEE WGs as technical bodies to develop and support specific DPPI SEE projects. DPPI SEE WGs shall be chaired on an informal basis by a country in the SEE region with the participation of national and international experts. DPPI SEE WGs report to the DPPI SEE Regional Meeting and are supported by the DPPI SEE Secretariat.
Article 5
The TRIO Mechanism
The Trio Mechanism (hereinafter “the Trio”) is comprised of the present DPPI SEE Chair-in-Office and representatives of the previous and incoming DPPI SEE Chair-in-Office.
The role of the Trio shall be to ensure the strategic coordination and planning of the DPPI SEE activities.
The Trio meetings shall take place twice a year back to back with Regional Meetings. The present DPPI SEE Chair-in-Office shall in coordination with other two members of the Trio, establish date, place and agenda for the meeting.
Article 6
DPPI SEE Partners and/or Donors
Interested countries and international organisations/institutions may become DPPI SEE Partners and/or Donors and participate in DPPI SEE activities by notifying the DPPI SEE Chair-in-Office or Head of the DPPI SEE Secretariat or by announcing such interest at the DPPI SEE Regional Meeting.
Participation shall be at the DPPI SEE Partner’s own cost and with its own financial and human resources.
The DPPI SEE Secretariat
Article 7
The Seat
The seat of the DPPI SEE Secretariat is in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina (hereinafter: “the Host Country”). The DPPI SEE Secretariat shall have legal capacity as necessary for carrying out its functions.
The Host Country shall provide the facilities and office operating costs for the DPPI SEE Secretariat unless agreed otherwise. The legal capacity, privileges and immunities of the DPPI SEE Secretariat shall be defined in the Host Country Agreement to be concluded between the Host Country and the DPPI SEE Parties.
The Seat of the DPPI SEE Secretariat may be changed by the consensual decision of the DPPI SEE Regional Meeting.
Article 8
Structure and Functions
The administrative/supportive structure for the DPPI SEE and DPPI SEE CiO is the DPPI SEE Secretariat.
The DPPI SEE Secretariat consists of the Head of the DPPI SEE Secretariat and the Administrative/Finance Assistant. The mandate of the DPPI SEE Secretariat staff shall be three years with a possibility of extension for one additional year.
Article 9
The DPPI SEE Secretariat works under the guidance of the DPPI SEE Chair-in-Office and reports to the DPPI SEE Regional Meeting on its activities and expenditures. Additional reporting (narrative and financial) may be required by the DPPI SEE Chair-in-Office.
Any reporting shall be provided in accordance with the Rules of Procedure and Financial Management Rules.
Article 10
The DPPI SEE Budget is composed of annual contributions by DPPI SEE Parties.
The DPPI SEE Secretariat prepares, on the basis of the DPPI SEE Annual Work Plan, the Budget to be presented for approval to the DPPI SEE Regional Meeting during its autumn session. The DPPI SEE Secretariat also prepares additional work plans and budgets for projects, which may be implemented with the assistance of DPPI SEE Partners.
DPPI SEE Partners that are contributing to the DPPI SEE projects budget may request specific audit reports.
Article 11
The DPPI SEE activities shall be financed from the DPPI SEE Budget and may be additionally financed by the DPPI SEE Parties/Partners/Donors.
The DPPI SEE Parties agree to make reasonable efforts to provide the human, technical and financial resources needed for the sustainable functioning of the DPPI SEE and the DPPI SEE Secretariat.
Each DPPI SEE Party’s annual financial contribution to the DPPI SEE shall be at least €25,000.00 and shall be transferred before the end of April of each year.
Delay in payment of the annual contribution by a DPPI SEE Party shall immediately result in the suspension of the right to take decisions and having the costs of participation in any DPPI SEE activity covered from the DPPI SEE Budget until such time as the payment is made.
DPPI SEE Parties participating in any given project also agree to provide matching contributions to financial support provided by DPPI SEE Partners, subject to mutual agreement, for the development and implementation of projects.
The financial management of the Budget and reporting shall be in accordance with the Financial Management Rules adopted by the DPPI SEE Regional Meeting.”
Article 12
This Memorandum of Understanding may be amended in writing by consent of the DPPI SEE Parties pursuant to Article 2, paragraph 6 (a). The amendments shall enter into force in accordance with Article 14 of this Memorandum of Understanding.
Article 13
The DPPI SEE Regional meeting shall decide by consensus on the request of any party to accede to this Memorandum of Understanding and become the DPPI SEE Party.
Article 14
Entering into Force
This Memorandum of Understanding shall enter into force the first day of the month following the month of the receipt of the sixth notification of the DPPI SEE Parties, by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina regarding the completion of their internal requirements for its entry into force.
For any DPPI SEE Party which after the deposit of the sixth notification pursuant to paragraph 1 of this Article notifies the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina about the completion of its internal procedures for entry into force of this Memorandum of Understanding, it shall enter in force on the date of its notification to the Depositary.
After the signing, the original of this Memorandum of Understanding shall be deposited with the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina that shall serve as the Depositary. The Depositary shall provide the DPPI SEE Parties to the Memorandum of Understanding and the Secretariat with duly certified copies thereof.
This Memorandum of Understanding shall apply provisionally as of the date of its signing unless a DPPI SEE Party declares at the moment of signing of the Memorandum of Understanding that its internal legal requirements do not permit such provisional application. For any such DPPI SEE Party the Memorandum of Understanding shall enter into force on the date of its notification to the Depositary.
Article 15
This Memorandum of Understanding shall remain in force for undefined period, unless agreed otherwise among the DPPI SEE Parties.
Any DPPI SEE Party may denounce this Memorandum of Understanding with written notification to the DPPI SEE Chair-in-Office. The denunciation shall take effect three (3) months after the date of receipt of the notification.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned being duly authorised by their respective Governments have signed this Memorandum of Understanding.
Done at ________________, on this _______________, in one original in English.
For the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Albania For the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria For the Government of the Republic of Croatia For the Government of the Republic of Macedonia For the Government of Montenegro For the Government of the Republic of Serbia For the Government of the Republic of Slovenia For the Government of the Republic of Turkey