Predlog zakona o istraživanju nesreća u vazdušnom, železničkom i vodnom saobraćaju

1. Naziv propisa Evropske unije : Direktiva Saveta 2004/49/EZ od 29. aprila 2004. o bezbednosti na železnicama Zajednice, kojom se menjaju i dopunjavaju Direktiva Saveta 95/18/EZ o izdavanju licenci preduzećima za železnički saobraćaj i Direktiva 2001/14/EZ o dodeli kapaciteta železničke infrastrukture i naplati naknada za korišćenje železničke infrastrukture i bezbednosnoj sertifikaciji(Direktiva o bezbednosti),OJ L 164,30.4.2004.,p.44-113 (sa poslednjom izmenom Direktiva Komisije 2014/88/EU,OJ L 201,10.07.2014.,p.9-17.)Council Directive 2004/49/EC of 29 April 2004 on safety on the Community’s railways and amending Council Directive 95/18/EC on the licensing of railway undertakings and Directive 2001/14/EC on the allocation of railway infrastructure capacity and the levying of charges for the use of railway infrastructure and safety certification (Railway Safety Directive), OJ L 164, 30.4.2004, p. 44–113( last amended by Commission Directive 2014/88/EU, OJ L 201, 10.07.2014, p. 9–17.) 2. „CELEX” oznaka EU propisa32004L0049R(01)32004L0049R(02)32008L005732008L011032009L014932014L0088 3. Organ državne uprave, odnosno drugi ovlašćeni predlagač propisa: 4. Datum izrade tabele: Ovlašćeni predlagač propisa – Vlada Obrađivač – Ministarstvo građevinarstva,saobraćaja i infrastrukture 10.07.2015. 5. Naziv (nacrta, predloga) propisa čije odredbe su predmet analize usklađenosti sa propisom Evropske unije: 6. Brojčane oznake (šifre) planiranih propisa iz baze NPAA: 0.1. Predlog zakona o istraživanju nesreća u vazdušnom, železničkom i vodnom saobraćaju Draft Law on investigation of accidents in air, railway, maritime and inland waterways transport0.2. Zakon o bezbednosti i interoperabilnosti železnice Railway safety and interoperability law 2014-502008-541 7. Usklađenost odredbi propisa sa odredbama propisa EU:

a) |a1) |b) |b1) |v) |g) |d) | |Odredba propisa EU |Sadržina odredbe |Odredbe propisa R. Srbije |Sadržina odredbe |Usklađenost |Razlozi za delimičnu usklađenost, neusklađenost ili neprenosivost |Napomena o usklađenosti | |19.1. |Member States shall ensure that an investigation is carried out by the investigating body referred to in Article 21 after serious accidents on the railway system, the objective of which is possible improvement of railway safety and the prevention of accidents. |0.1.

30.1. |

Centar sprovodi istragu posle ozbiljnih nesreća na železničkom sistemu sa ciljem mogućeg unapređivanja bezbednosti na železnici i prevencije nesreća. |PU | | | |19.2.1. |In addition to serious accidents, the investigating body referred to in Article 21 may investigate those accidents and incidents which under slightly different conditions might have led to serious accidents, including technical failures of the structural subsystems or of interoperability constituents of the trans-European high-speed or conventional rail systems. |0.1.

30.2. |

Osim ozbiljnih nesreća, Centar može da istražuje i ostale nesreće i nezgode, koje bi mogleda dovedu do ozbiljnih nesreća, uključujući u to tehnički otkaz strukturnih podsistema ili činilaca interoperabilnosti. |PU | | | |19.2.2. |The investigating body shall, at its discretion, decide whether or not an investigation of such an accident or incident shall be undertaken. In its decision it shall take into account:

(a) the seriousness of the accident or incident;

(b) whether it forms part of a series of accidents or incidents relevant to the system as a whole;

(c) its impact on railway safety on a Community level, and

(d) requests from infrastructure managers, railway undertakings, the safety authority or the Member States. |0.1.

30.3. |

Centar ima diskreciono pravo da odlučuje da li će otvoriti istragu ostalih nesreća i nezgoda. U svojoj odluci, ona uzima u obzir:

1) ozbiljnost nesreća i nezgoda;

2) da li su ostale nesreće i nezgode deo niza nesreća, odnosno nezgoda od značaja za sistem u celini;

3) uticaj na bezbednost na železničkoj mreži Republike Srbije, kao i železničkoj mreži Evropske Unije;

4) zahteve upravljača infrastrukture (u daljem tekstu: upravljač), železničkog prevoznika, Direkcije za železnice (u daljem tekstu: Direkcija) ili nadležnih organa drugih država. |PU | | | |19.3. |The extent of investigations and the procedure to be followed in carrying out such investigations shall be determined by the investigating body, taking into account the principles and the objectives of Articles 20 and 22 and depending on the lessons it expects to draw from the accident or incident for the improvement of safety. |0.1.

30.4. |

Obim istraga i postupak u sprovođenju tih istraga utvrđuje Centar. |PU | | | |19.4. |The investigation shall in no case be concerned with apportioning blame or liability. |0.1.

5.2. |

Stručni poslovi koji se odnose na istraživanja nesreća su nezavisni od krivičnih istraga ili drugih paralelnih istraga kojima se utvrđuje odgovornost ili određuje stepen krivice.

|PU | | | |20.1. |Member States shall define, in the framework of their respective legal system, the legal status of the investigation that will enable the investigators-in-charge to carry out their task in the most efficient way and within the shortest time. |0.1.


30.2 |

Nadležni organi, železnički prevoznici, upravljač i druga uključena lica, moraju omogućiti Centru da efikasno i nezavisno obavi svoje zadatke.

Centar ima pravo na: |PU | | | | |In accordance with the legislation in force in the Member States and, where appropriate, in cooperation with the authorities responsible for the judicial inquiry, the investigators shall, as soon as possible, be given:

(a) access to the site of the accident or incident as well as to the rolling stock involved, the related infrastructure and traffic control and signalling installations; |0.1. 31.1.1 |

1) slobodan pristup mestu nesreće ili nezgode, do umešanih vozila, infrastrukturnih objekata, kao i do objekata i uređaja za upravljanje saobraćajem i signalizacijom;

|PU | | | | |the right to an immediate listing of evidence and controlled removal of wreckage, infrastructure installations or components for examination or analysis purposes; |0.1. 31.1.2. |

2) popis dokaza do kojih je moguće doći u trenutku sprovođenja istrage na mestu nesreće ili nezgode i nadzor nad uklanjanjem olupina, infrastrukturnih objekata i postrojenja ili njihovih sastavnih delova radi pregleda i analize; |PU | | | | |access to and use of the contents of on-board recorders and equipment for recording of verbal messages and registration of the operation of the signaling and traffic control system; |0.1. 31.1.3. |

3) pristup i upotrebu snimaka uređaja za snimanje verbalnih izveštaja na vozu i evidentiranje rada sistema signalizacije i kontrole saobraćaja; |PU | | | | |access to the results of examination of the bodies of victims; |0.1. 31.1.4. |

4) pristup rezultatima obdukcije tela žrtava i informacijama o zdravstvenom stanju povređenih; |PU | | | | |access to the results of examinations of the train staff and other railway staff involved in the accident or incident; |0.1. 31.1.5. |

5) pristup rezultatima istrage voznog osoblja i drugih lica umešanih u nesreću ili nezgodu; |PU | | | | |the opportunity to question the railway staff involved and other witnesses; |0.1. 31.1.6. |

6) saslušavanje umešanih železničkih radnika i drugih svedoka; |PU | | | | |access to any relevant information or records held by the infrastructure manager, the railway undertakings involved and the safety authority. |0.1. 31.1.7. |

7) pristup svim relevantnim dokumentima i podacima koje poseduju upravljač, umešani železnički prevoznici i Direkcija.

|PU | | | |20.3. |The investigation shall be accomplished independently of any judicial inquiry. |0.1.

5.2. |

Stručni poslovi koji se odnose na istraživanja nesreća su nezavisni od krivičnih istraga ili drugih paralelnih istraga kojima se utvrđuje odgovornost ili određuje stepen krivice.

|PU | | | |21.1. |Each Member State shall ensure that investigations of accidents and incidents referred to in Article 19 are conducted by a permanent body , which shall comprise at least one investigator able to perform the function of investigator-in-charge in the event of an accident or incident.

This body shall be independent in its organisation, legal structure and decision-making from any infrastructure manager, railway undertaking, charging body, allocation body and notified body, and from any party whose interests could conflict with the tasks entrusted to the investigating body. It shall furthermore be functionally independent from the safety authority and from any regulator of railways. |0.1.




5.1. |

Glavni istražitelj ima po jednog pomoćnika – glavnog istražitelja u vazdušnom, glavnog istražitelja u železničkom i glavnog istražitelja u vodnom saobraćaju (u daljem tekstu: pomoćnici glavnog istražitelja).

Pomoćnici glavnog istražitelja moraju da pored uslova koji su propisani zakonom kojim se uređuje rad na položaju državnih službenika da imaju i najmanje devet godina radnog iskustva u vazdušnom ili železničkom ili vodnom saobraćaju, od kojih najmanje tri godine radnog iskustva na poslovima u vezi sa bezbednošću u vazdušnom,  železničkom ili vodnom saobraćaju i istraživanju nesreća.

Centar je samostalan u radu i funkcionalno i organizaciono nezavisan od svih organa i organizacija nadležnih za vazdušni, železnički i vodni saobraćaj, kao i svih pravnih i fizičkih lica čiji interesi mogu biti suprotni zadacima i ovlašćenjima Centra. |PU | | | |21.2. |The investigating body shall perform its tasks independently of the organisations referred to in paragraph 1 and shall be able to obtain sufficient resources to do so. Its investigators shall be afforded status giving them the necessary guarantees of independence. |0.1.

5.1. |Centar je samostalan u radu i funkcionalno i organizaciono nezavisan od svih organa i organizacija nadležnih za vazdušni, železnički i vodni saobraćaj, kao i svih pravnih i fizičkih lica čiji interesi mogu biti suprotni zadacima i ovlašćenjima Centra.

|PU | | | |21.3. |Member States shall make provision that railway undertakings, infrastructure managers and, where appropriate, the safety authority, are obliged immediately to report accidents and incidents referred to in Article 19 to the investigating body.

The investigating body shall be able to respond to such reports and make the necessary arrangements to start the investigation no later than one week after receipt of the report concerning the accident or incident. |0.1.



125.5. |Železnički prevoznici, upravljač i druga uključena lica, moraju bez odlaganja da obaveste Centar o nesreći ili nezgodi u železničkom saobraćaju..

Telo za istrage mora biti u stanju da odgovori na te prijave i da obezbedi potrebna praktična rešenja kako bi počelo istragu najkasnije u roku od nedelju dana od prijema obaveštenja o nesreći ili incidentu. |PU | | | |21.4. |The investigating body may combine its tasks under this Directive with the work of investigating occurrences other than railway accidents and incidents as long as such investigations do not endanger its independence. | |

|NP |

Diskreciono pravo | | |21.5. |If necessary the investigating body may request the assistance of investigating bodies from other Member States or from the Agency to supply expertise or to carry out technical inspections, analyses or evaluations. | | |NP |Diskreciono pravo. | | |21.6. |Member States may entrust the investigating body with the task of carrying out investigations of railway accidents and incidents other than those referred to in Article 19. | | |NP |Diskreciono pravo. | | |21.7.1. |The investigating bodies shall conduct an active exchange of views and experience for the purpose of developing common investigation methods, drawing up common principles for follow-up of safety recommendations and adaptation to the development of technical and scientific progress. | | |NU |Ova odredba se odnosi na proceduru saradnje između država članica EU. | | |21.7.2. |The Agency shall support the investigating bodies in this task. | | |NP |Ova odredba odnosi se na Centar. | | |22.1.1. |An accident or incident referred to in Article 19 shall be investigated by the investigation body of the Member State in which it occurred. If it is not possible to establish in which Member State it occurred or if it occurred on or close to a border installation between two Member States the relevant bodies shall agree which one of them will carry out the investigation or shall agree to carry it out in cooperation. The other body shall in the first case be allowed to participate in the investigation and fully share its results. |0.1.

32.1. |

Ako se nesreća ili nezgoda dogodi na graničnim objektima između Republike Srbije i druge države, ili u njihovoj blizini, nadležni organi za istraživanje nesreća ili nezgoda tih država mogu se dogovoriti da istragu izvrši jedan od njih, ili da istragu izvrše zajedno. U slučaju dogovora da istragu vrši nadležni organ za istraživanje nesreće ili nezgode jedne države, nadležnom organu za istraživanje nesreća ili nezgode druge države se omogućava učešće u istrazi i neometana zajednička upotreba rezultata. |PU | | | |22.1.2. |Investigation bodies from another Member State shall be invited to participate in an investigation whenever a railway undertaking established and licensed in that Member State is involved in the accident or incident. |0.1.

32.2. |

Nadležni organ za istraživanje nesreće ili nezgode druge države se poziva da učestvuje u istrazi, ako je u događaju učestvovao železnički prevoznik sa sedištem u toj državi i koje je dobilo licencu u toj državi. |PU | | | |22.1.3. |This paragraph shall not preclude Member States from agreeing that the relevant bodies should carry out investigations in cooperation in other circumstances. | | |NU |Ova odredba se odnosi na proceduru saradnje između država članica EU. | | |22.2. |For each accident or incident the body responsible for the investigation shall arrange for the appropriate means, comprising the necessary operational and technical expertise to carry out the investigation. The expertise may be obtained from inside or outside the body, depending on the -character of the accident or incident to be investigated. |0.1.

32.3. |

Centar obezbeđuje sva sredstva potrebna za obavljanje istrage. S obzirom na prirodu nesreće ili nezgode, Centar može obezbediti i stručna lica, koji imaju operativno i stručno znanje i iskustvo za pomoć pri istrazi.

|PU | | | |22.3. |The investigation shall be carried out with as much openness as possible, so that all parties can be heard and can share the results. The relevant infrastructure manager and railway undertakings, the safety authority, victims and their relatives, owners of damaged property, manufacturers, the emergency services involved and representatives of staff and users shall be regularly informed of the investigation and its progress and, as far as practicable, shall be given an opportunity to submit their opinions and views to the investigation and be allowed to comment on the information in draft reports. |0.1.




32.6. |Istraga se sprovodi na način

koji obezbeđuje da svi učesnici u nesreći ili nezgodi, imaju mogućnost saslušanja, odnosno davanja izjava o događaju..

Upravljači, železnički prevoznici, Direkcija, nastradala lica i njihova porodica, vlasnici oštećene imovine, proizvođači, nadležni organi za istraživanje nesreće ili nezgode, predstavnici osoblja i korisnika moraju biti redovno obaveštavani o istrazi i njenom toku.

Lica iz stava 5. ovog člana mogu da daju svoje mišljenje i stavove o istrazi, kao i primedbe na nacrt izveštaja Centra |PU | | | |22.4. |The investigating body shall conclude its examinations at the accident site in the shortest possible time in order to enable the infrastructure manager to restore the infrastructure and open it to rail transport services as soon as possible. |0.1.

32.6. |

Centar i drugi nadležni organi moraju okončati uviđaj na mestu nesreće ili nezgode u najkraćem mogućem roku, tako da upravljač može što pre popraviti oštećenu infrastrukturu i uspostaviti železnički saobraćaj. |PU | | | |23.1. |An investigation of an accident or incident referred to in Article 19 shall be the subject of reports in a form appropriate to the type and seriousness of the accident or incident and the relevance of the investigation findings. The reports shall state the objectives of the investigations as referred to in Article 19(1) and contain, where appropriate, safety recommendations. |0.1.



33.2 |

O istrazi nesreće ili nezgode, Centar sačinjava konačan izveštaj u obliku i strukturi prema vrsti i ozbiljnosti nesreće ili nezgode, kao i značaju utvrđenom u istrazi. U izveštaju navodi ciljeve istrage i po potrebi bezbednosne preporuke.

Izveštaj iz stava 1. ovog člana naročito sadrži neposredne činjenice o događaju, zapisnik o istrazi, analizu i zaključke, preduzete mere i preporuke. Izveštaj ne sadrži podatke o ličnosti.

|PU | | | |23.2. |The investigating body shall make public the final report in the shortest possible time and normally not later than 12 months after the date of the occurrence. The report shall, as close as possible, follow the reporting structure laid down in Annex V. The report, including the safety recommendations, shall be communicated to the relevant parties referred to in Article 22(3) and to bodies and parties concerned in other Member States. |0.1.





33.4. |Centar objavljuje konačan izveštaj u najkraćem mogućem roku, ali ne dužem od 12 meseci

od nesreće ili nezgode.

Ministar propisuje sadržinu izveštaja o istragama nesreća i nezgoda u železničkom saobraćaju.

Centar dostavlja izveštaj zajedno sa bezbednosnim preporukama upravljaču infrastrukture, železničkom prevozniku, Direkciji Ministarstvu, kao i drugim zainteresovanim stranama. |PU | | | |23.3. |Each year the investigating body shall publish by 30 September at the latest an annual report accounting for the investigations carried out in the preceding year, the safety recommendations that were issued and actions taken in accordance with recommendations issued previously. |0.1.

33.5 |

Centar svake godine, najkasnije do 30. septembra, objavljuje godišnji izveštaj za proteklu godinu o istragama obavljenim u protekloj godini, o datim bezbednosnim preporukama i merama koje su bile preduzete u skladu sa ranije datim preporukama. |PU | | | |24.1. |Information to be sent to the Agency

Within one week after the decision to open an investigation the investigating body shall inform the Agency thereof. The information shall indicate the date, time and place of the occurrence, as well as its type and its consequences as regards fatalities, injuries and material damage. |0.1.

34.1 |

Centar mora u roku od nedelju dana od dana donošenja odluke o početku istrage obavestiti Ministarstvo i Evropsku železničku agenciju o početku istrage. U obaveštenju se navodi datum, vreme, mesto i vrsta ozbiljne nesreće i njene posledice u pogledu smrtnih ishoda, povreda i materijalne štete. |PU | | | |24.2. |The investigating body shall send the Agency a copy of the final report referred to in Article 23(2) and of the annual report referred to in Article 23(3). |0.1.



34.3 |

Centar dostavlja Ministarstvu izvod konačnog izveštaja o istragama nesreća ili nezgoda u železničkom saobraćaju iz člana 33. stav 1. ovog zakona i godišnji izveštaj iz člana 33. stav 4. ovog zakona.

Centar dostavlja izveštaje iz stava 2. ovog člana i Evropskoj železničkoj agenciji. |PU | | | |25.1. |A safety recommendation issued by an investigating body shall in no case create a presumption of blame or liability for an accident or

incident. |0.1.

35.2. |

Bezbednosna preporuka koju izda Centar ne može biti osnov za utvrđivanje krivice ili odgovornosti za nesreću ili nezgodu. |PU | | | |25.2. |Recommendations shall be addressed to the safety authority and, where needed by reason of the character of the recommendation, to other bodies or authorities in the Member State or to other Member States. Member States and their safety authorities shall take the necessary measures to ensure that the safety recommendations issued by the investigating bodies are duly taken into consideration, and, where appropriate, acted upon. |0.1.



35.4. |

Preporuke se upućuju Direkciji, a u slučaju kada je to potrebno i drugim organima i organizacijama u Republici Srbiji, kao i zainteresovanim organima i organizacijama drugih država i međunarodnim organizacijama.

Organi i organizacije iz stava 3. ovog člana, osim organa i organizacija drugih država i međunarodnih organizacija, dužni su da preduzmu potrebne mere u cilju da se bezbednosne preporuke Centra uzimaju u obzir i, u zavisnosti od slučaja, postupaju po njima. |DU |

Deo odredbe koji se odnosi na države članice je po svojoj prirodi takav da je mogućnost njene primene i transpozicije isključivo vezana za status subjekta obaveze, odnosno za članstvo u EU.

| | |25.3. |The safety authority and other authorities or bodies or, when appropriate, other Member States to which recommendations have been addressed, shall report back at least annually to the investigating body on measures that are taken or planned as a consequence of the recommendation. |0.1.

35.5. |

Organi i organizacijeiz stava 3. ovog člana kojima su upućene bezbednosne preporuke, osim organa i organizacija drugih država i međunarodnih organizacija, dužni su da podnesu najmanje jednom godišnje izveštaj Centru o merama koje su preduzete ili planirane da se preduzmu na osnovu preporuka. |PU | | | |aV.1. |The summary shall contain a short description of the occurrence, when and where it took place and its consequences. It

shall state the direct causes as well as contributing factors and underlying causes established by the investigation. The

main recommendations shall be quoted and information shall be given on the addressees. | | |NU |Aneks će u potpunosti biti transponovan u podzakonski akt.

| | |aV.2.1. |1. The occurrence:

— date, exact time and location of the occurrence,

— description of the events and the accident site including the efforts of the rescue and emergency services,

— the decision to establish an investigation, the composition of the team of investigators and the conduct of the

investigation. | | |NU |Aneks će u potpunosti biti transponovan donošenjem podzakonskog akta iz člana 33 stav 7 ovog Zakona koji će biti donet do kraja 2015. godine

| | |aV.2.2. |2. The background to the occurrence:

— staff and contractors involved and other parties and witnesses,

— the trains and their composition including the registration numbers of the items of rolling stock involved,

— the description of the infrastructure and signalling system – track types, switches, interlocking, signals, train


— means of communication,

— works carried out at or in the vicinity of the site,

— trigger of the railway emergency plan and its chain of events,

— trigger of the emergency plan of the public rescue services, the police and the medical services and its chain of

events. | | |NU |Aneks će u potpunosti biti transponovan donošenjem podzakonskog akta iz člana 33 stav 7 ovog Zakona koji će biti donet do kraja 2015. godine

| | |aV.2.3. |3. Fatalities, injuries and material damage:

— passengers and third parties, staff, including contractors,

— cargo, luggage and other property,

— rolling stock, infrastructure and the environment. | | |NU |Aneks će u potpunosti biti transponovan donošenjem podzakonskog akta iz člana 33 stav 7 ovog Zakona koji će biti donet do kraja 2015. godine

| | |aV.2.4. |4. External circumstances:

— weather conditions and geographical references. | | |NU |Aneks će u potpunosti biti transponovan donošenjem podzakonskog akta iz člana 33 stav 7 ovog Zakona koji će biti donet do kraja 2015. godine

| | |aV.3.1. |1. Summary of testimonies (subject to the protection of identity of the persons):

— railway staff, including contractors,

— other witnesses. | | |NU |Aneks će u potpunosti biti transponovan donošenjem podzakonskog akta iz člana 33 stav 7 ovog Zakona koji će biti donet do kraja 2015. godine

| | |aV.3.2. |2. The safety management system:

— the framework organisation and how orders are given and carried out,

— requirements on staff and how they are enforced,

— routines for internal checks and audits and their results,

— interface between different actors involved with the infrastructure. | | |NU |Aneks će u potpunosti biti transponovan donošenjem podzakonskog akta iz člana 33 stav 7 ovog Zakona koji će biti donet do kraja 2015. godine

| | |aV.3.3. |3. Rules and regulations:

— relevant Community and national rules and regulations,

— other rules such as operating rules, local instructions, staff requirements, maintenance prescriptions and applicable

standards. | | |NU |Aneks će u potpunosti biti transponovan donošenjem podzakonskog akta iz člana 33 stav 7 ovog Zakona koji će biti donet do kraja 2015. godine

| | |aV.3.4. |4. Functioning of rolling stock and technical installations:

— signalling and control command system, including registration from automatic data recorders,

— infrastructure,

— communications equipment,

— rolling stock, including registration from automatic data recorders. | | |NU |Aneks će u potpunosti biti transponovan donošenjem podzakonskog akta iz člana 33 stav 7 ovog Zakona koji će biti donet do kraja 2015. godine

| | |aV.3.5. |5. Documentation on the operating system:

— measures taken by staff for traffic control and signalling,

— exchange of verbal messages in connection with the occurrence, including documentation from recordings,

— measures taken to protect and safeguard the site of the occurrence. | | |NU |Aneks će u potpunosti biti transponovan donošenjem podzakonskog akta iz člana 33 stav 7 ovog Zakona koji će biti donet do kraja 2015. godine

| | |aV.3.6. |6. Man-machine-organisation interface:

— working time applied to the staff involved,

— medical and personal circumstances with influence on the occurrence, including existence of physical or psychological


— design of equipment with impact on man-machine interface. | | |NU |Aneks će u potpunosti biti transponovan donošenjem podzakonskog akta iz člana 33 stav 7 ovog Zakona koji će biti donet do kraja 2015. godine

| | |aV.3.7. |7. Previous occurrences of a similar character. | | |NU |Aneks će u potpunosti biti transponovan donošenjem podzakonskog akta iz člana 33 stav 7 ovog Zakona koji će biti donet do kraja 2015. godine

| | |aV.4.1. |1. Final account of the event chain:

— establishing the conclusions on the occurrence, based on the facts established in heading 3. | | |NU |Aneks će u potpunosti biti transponovan donošenjem podzakonskog akta iz člana 33 stav 7 ovog Zakona koji će biti donet do kraja 2015. godine

| | |aV.4.2. |2. Discussion:

— analysis of the facts established in heading 3 with the aim of drawing conclusions as to the causes of the occurrence

and the performance of the rescue services. | | |NU |Aneks će u potpunosti biti transponovan donošenjem podzakonskog akta iz člana 33 stav 7 ovog Zakona koji će biti donet do kraja 2015. godine

| | |aV.4.3. |3. Conclusions:

— direct and immediate causes of the occurrence including contributory factors relating to actions taken by persons

involved or the condition of rolling stock or technical installations,

— underlying causes relating to skills, procedures and maintenance,

— root causes relating to the regulatory framework conditions and application of the safety management system. | | |NU |Aneks će u potpunosti biti transponovan donošenjem podzakonskog akta iz člana 33 stav 7 ovog Zakona koji će biti donet do kraja 2015. godine

| | |aV.4.4. |4. Additional observations:

— deficiencies and shortcomings established during the investigation, but without relevance to the conclusions

on causes. | | |NU |Aneks će u potpunosti biti transponovan donošenjem podzakonskog akta iz člana 33 stav 7 ovog Zakona koji će biti donet do kraja 2015. godine

| | |aV.5. |Measures that have been taken

— Record of measures already taken or adopted as a consequence of the occurrence. | | |NU |Aneks će u potpunosti biti transponovan donošenjem podzakonskog akta iz člana 33 stav 7 ovog Zakona koji će biti donet do kraja 2015. godine

| | |aV.6. |Recommendations | | |NU |Aneks će u potpunosti biti transponovan donošenjem podzakonskog akta iz člana 33 stav 7 ovog Zakona koji će biti donet do kraja 2015. godine

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