Predlog zakona o privrednim društvima (sa tabelama usklađenosti sa direktivama)

Tabela usklađenosti Predloga zakona o privrednim društvima sa

II direktivom 77/91/EEZ i njenim dopunama 92/101/EEZ, 2006/68/EZ

Naziv propisa EU Druga direktiva 77/91/EEZ Saveta od 13. decembra 1976. godine, o usaglašavanju zaštitnih mera koje države-članice traže od preduzeća u smislu drugog stava člana 58 Ugovora, a u cilju zaštite interesa, kako akcionara, tako i trećih lica, u pogledu osnivanja akcionarskog društva i očuvanja i izmene njegovog kapitala (Službeni list L 026, 30.01.1977),Direktiva 92/101/EEZ Saveta od 23.novembra 1992. godine koja menja i dopunjuje Direktiva 77/91/EEZ o osnivanju akcionarskih društva i održavanju i promeni njihovog kapitala (Službeni list L 347, 28.11.1992),Direktiva 2006/68/EZ Evropskog Parlamenta i Saveta od 6. septembra 2006. godine kojom se menja i dopunjuje Direktiva Saveta 77/91/EEZ u pogledu osnivanja otvorenih akcionarskih društava i održavanju i promene njihovog kapitala (Službeni list L 264, 25.09.2006,Second Council Directive 77/91/EEC of 13 December 1976 on coordination of safeguards which, for the protection of the interests of members and others, are required by Member States of companies within the meaning of the second paragraph of Article 58 of the Treaty, in respect of the formation of public limited liability companies and the maintenance and alteration of their capital, with a view to making such safeguards equivalent (OJ L 026, 30.01.1977)Council Directive 92/101/EEC of 23 November 1992 amending Directive 77/91/EEC on the formation of public limited- liability companies and the maintenance and alteration of their capital (OJ L 347, 28.11.1992)Directive 2006/68/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 September 2006 amending Council Directive 77/91/EEC as regards the formation of public limited liability companies and the maintenance and alteration of their capital (OJ L 264, 25.09.2006) „CELEX” oznaka EU propisa 31977L0091,31992L0101,32006L0068 Predlagač propisa- Vlada Oobrađivač: Ministarstvo ekonomije i regionalnog razvoja 4. datum izrade tabele25.11.2010 Naziv propisa čije odredbe su predmet analize usklađenosti sa propisom EU Predlog zakona o privrednim društvima (Proposal Law on companies) Brojčane oznake (šifre) planiranih propisa iz baze NPI-a2004-1-3610 7. Usklađenost odredaba propisa sa odredbama propisa EU a) a1) b) b1) v) g) d) đ) Odredba propisa EU (član, stav, podstav, tačka, aneks) Sadržina odredbe Odredbe propisa (član, stav, tačka) Sadržina odredbe Usklađenost odredbe propisa sa odredbom propisa EU (potpuno usklađeno, delimično usklađeno, neusklađeno, neprenosivo) Razlozi za delimičnu usklađenost, neusklađenost ili neprenosivost Predviđeni datum za postizanje potpune usklađenosti Napomena o usklađenosti propisa sa propisima EU 1.1 the public company limited by shares, 1 Društva na koja se odnosi: akcionarska društva i doo Potpuno usklađeno 1.2 Investicione kompanije, zadruge Delimično usklađeno Regulisano drugim zakonima 2.1.a The statutes or the instrument of incorporation of the company shallalways give at least the following information: the type and name of the company; 247.1.1 Elementi osnivačkog akta:oblik i naziv Potpuno usklađeno Sadržaj statuta je regulisan članom 247. a sadržaj osnivačkog akta je regulisan članom 266. 2.1.b the objects of the company 247.1.2 -ciljevi, delatnost Potpuno usklađeno 2.1.c when the company has no authorized capital, the amount of thesubscribed capital 247.1.3 upisani kapital Potpuno usklađeno 2.1.d the rules governing thenumber of and the procedure for appointing members of the bodiesresponsible for .. 247.1.8 pravila za imenovanje organa uprave, nadzor Potpuno usklađeno 2.1.e the duration of the company, except where this is indefinite. 247,1.9 -vreme osnivanja Potpuno usklađeno 3.1.a The following information at least must appear in either the statutes orthe instrument of incorporation:- the registered office 247.1.1. Elementi osnivačkog akta ili statuta:sedište Potpuno usklađeno 3.1.b the nominal value of the shares subscribed and, at least once a year,the number thereof 247.1.3 nominalna vrednost upisanih akcija Potpuno usklađeno 3.1.c the number of shares subscribed without stating the nominal value,where such shares may be issued under national law 247.1.3 broj akcija bez nominalne vrednosti Potpuno usklađeno 3.1.d the special conditions if any limiting the transfer of shares 247.1.6 uslovi koji ograničavaju prenos Potpuno usklađeno 3.1.e where there are several classes of shares, the information under (b),(c) and (d) for each class and the rights attaching to the shares of… 247.1.5 vrste akcija koje postoje i podaci o njihovom broju Potpuno usklađeno 3.1.f whether the shares are registered or bearer, where national lawprovides for both types, and any provisions relating to theconversion of such shares unless the … gde postoje akcije na donosioca, uslovi konverzije akcija Neprenosivo Ne postoje akcije na donosioca 3.1.g the amount of the subscribed capital paid up at the time thecompany is incorporated or is authorized to commence business; 247.1.3 – iznos upisanog i uplaćenog kapitala Potpuno usklađeno 3.1.h the nominal value of the shares or, where there is not nominalvalue, the number of shares issued for a consideration other thanin cash 247.1.3 nominalna vrednost akcija ili broj akcija za nenovčano ulaganje Potpuno usklađeno 3.1.i the identity of the natural or legal persons or companies or firms bywhom or in whose name the statutes or the instrument of incorporation 247.1.9266.1.1 – identitet osnivača Potpuno usklađeno 3.1.j the total amount, or at least an estimate, of all the costs payable bythe company 268 iznos troškova osnivanja Potpuno usklađeno 3.1.k any special advantage granted, at the time the company is formed or…. 268.3 posebne privilegije Potpuno usklađeno 4.1. Responsibility for liabilities odgovornost za obaveze društva pre dobijanja dozvola Neusklađen Nije regulisana odgovornost za obaveze društva pre sticanja svojstva pravog lica 4.2 Paragraph 1 shall not apply to liabilities under contracts concludedby the company obaveze društva po ugovoru Delimično usklađeno Društvo koje je registrovano ima svojstvo pravnog lica i snosi odgovornost za obaveze, a odgovornost pre registracije kada nema svojstvo pravnog lica nije regulisana za društvo, već postoji odgovornost osnivača… 5.1. require a company to beformed by more than one member 245.1 – kada se broj osnivača smanji na jednog… Potpuno usklađeno A.D. i D.O.O. mogu biti jednočalna. 5.2 to give the company sufficienttime to regularize its position 245.1 ostavljanje vremena za pristupanje još nekog člana Potpuno usklađeno Kao prethodno 5.3 Where such a winding up order is made the company shall enterinto liquidation 245.1 likvidacija kao posledica Potpuno usklađeno Kao prethodno 6.1.1 minimum capital shall be subscribed the amount of whichshall be not less than 25 000 246. Minimalan kapital,25.000 eura Potpuno usklađeno 6.1.2 The equivalent in national currency 246 Protivvrednost u domaćoj valuti Potpuno usklađeno 6.2. amend its legislation to comply with paragraph 1 within 12 months 247.2 Usklađivanje valute ako je ispod iznosa od 22.500 eura, 18 meseci Potpuno usklađeno 6.3 Every five years the Council, acting on a proposal from theCommission, shall examine Svakih 5 godina Komisija usaglašava iznos Neprenosivo 7. The subscribed capital may be formed only of assets capable ofeconomic assessment. 45.2 Ulozi ne mogu biti u radu i uslugama Potpuno usklađeno 8.1. Shares may not be issued at a price lower than their nominalvalue 261.5 Akcije ne mogu da se izdaju po nižoj ceni od nominalne Potpuno usklađeno 8.2 Member States may allow those who undertake to placeshares in the exercise of their profession to pay less than the total … 261.7 Mogući izuzeci… Potpuno usklađeno 9.1. Shares issued for a consideration must be paid up at the time thecompany is incorporated or is authorized to commence business at notless than 25 % of their nominal value or, in the absence of a nominal… 267.2 Obaveza uplate 25% nominalne vrednosti upisanih akcija, prilikom osnivanja Potpuno usklađeno 9.2. where shares are issued for a consideration other than incash the consideration must be transferred in fullwithin five years of that time. 46.2.2 U roku od 5 godina akcije koje su upisane za nenovčane uloge moraju biti oslobođene, tj. ulozi uneti Potpuno usklađeno 10.1. A report on any consideration other than in cash shall be drawn upbefore the company is incorporated or is authorized to commencebusiness, by one or more independent experts appointed or approved.. 51.1 Obaveza sačinjavanja izveštaja o proceni nenovčanog uloga od strane ovlašćenih procenjivača Potpuno usklađeno 10.2 The experts’ report shall contain at least a description of each ofthe assets comprising the consideration as well as of the methods ofvaluation Sadržina izveštaja o proceni, opis uloga, primenjene metode procene Potpuno usklađeno 10.3 The experts report shall be published in accordancewith Article 3 of Directive 68/151/EEC. 51.4 Obaveza objavljivanja izveštaja Potpuno usklađeno 10.4.a Member States may decide not to apply this Article where 90 % ofthe nominal value, or where there is no nominal value, of theaccountable par… 50.1.1 Izuzetak od obaveze sačinjavanja procene, pod uslovom:-osnivači su izostavili izveštaj o proceni Potpuno usklađeno 10.4.b such agreement has been published as provided for in paragraph 3 58.2 objavljeno je Delimičmo usklađeno Biće regulisano Zakonom o registraciji 10.4.c the companies furnishing such consideration have reserves whichmay not be distributed under the law or the statutes and which areat least equal to the nominal value .. društva koja daju uloge imaju rezerve, 10.4.d the companies furnishing such consideration guarantee, up to anamount equal to that indicated in paragraph (c), the debts of therecipient … društva koja daju uloge su garanti plaćanja za dugove društva primaoca.. 10.4.e the guarantee referred to in (d) has been published as provided forin paragraph 3 garancije su objavljene 10.4.f the companies furnishing such consideration shall place a sum equalto that indicated in (c) into a reserve which may not be distributeduntil three years … društva koja obazbeđuju uloge plasiraju rezerve…. 10.5.1 Member States may decide not to apply this Article to theformation of a new company by way of merger or division where anindependent expert’s report on the draft terms of .. Izuzetak u primeni u slučaju statusnih promena gde su procene izvršene od strane ovlašćenih eksperata Potpuno usklađeno Kod statusnih promena se sačinjava izveštaj revizora 10.5.2 Where Member States decide to apply this Article in the cases referredto in the first subparagraph, they … Mogu se primeniti prethodni članovi, ukoliko su izvrštaji o proceni izvršeni od strane istih eksperata 10a.1.1. Member States may decide not to apply Article 10(1), (2) and (3)where, upon a decision of the administrative or management body, transferable securities… 57 Procena hartija od vrednosti na tržištu po ponderisnaoj ceni.. Potpuno usklađeno Odredba je iz Direktive 2006/68/EZ 10a.1.2. For the purposes of the aforementioned revaluation, Article 10(1), (2)and (3) shall apply. 54. Procena zbog izmenjenih okolnosti Potpuno usklađeno 10a.2.1a Member States may decide not to apply Article 10(1), (2) and (3)where, upon a decision of the administrative or management body where the followingconditions are fulfilled:(a) the fair value is determined for a date not more than six months… 57 Isključivanje procene kada se unosi kao ulog imovina koja je već bila predmet procene šest meseci pre unosa Potpuno usklađeno 10a.2.1b the valuation has been performed in accordance with generallyaccepted valuation standards – procena je izvršena po prihvaćenim standardima Potpuno usklađeno 10a.2.2 In the case of new qualifying circumstances that would significantlychange the fair value of the asset at the effective date of its contribution,a revaluation shall be carried out on the initiative and under the responsibility… 54. U slučaju novih izmenjenih okolnosti vrši se ponovna procena… Potpuno usklađeno 10a.2.3 …one or more shareholders holdingan aggregate percentage of at least 5 % of the company’s subscribedcapital on the day the decision on the increase in the … 55.2 Akcionari sa 5% akcija mogu da traže nezavisnu procenu, ukoliko su nastupile izmenjene okolnosti, a organi uprave nisu izvršili novu procenu iz prethodnog stava Potpuno usklađeno 10a.3. Member States may decide not to apply Article 10(1), (2) and (3)where, upon a decision of the administrative or management body, where assets whose fair value is derived by individual asset fromthe statutory accounts .. 56. Izuzetak, kad se unosi imovina koja je upisana u godišnjim finansijskim izveštajima.. Potpuno usklađeno 10b.1.1a Where consideration other than in cash as referred to inArticle 10a occurs without an expert’s report, a declaration containing the following shall bepublished: a description of the consideration other than in cash at issue 58.1.1. Hartije od vrednosti kao ulog, bez nezavisne procene, objavljuje se obaveštenje koje sadrži:-opis nenovčanog uloga Potpuno usklađeno 10b.1.1b its value, the source of this valuation and, where appropriate, themethod of valuation; 58.1.2 metode procene Potpuno usklađeno 10b.1.1c a statement whether the value arrived at corresponds at least to thenumber, to the nominal value or, where there is no nominal value 58.1.3 – izjava da utvrđena vrednost odgovara broju akcija Potpuno usklađeno 10b.1.1d a statement that no new qualifying circumstances with regard to the… 58.1.4 izjava da nisu nastupile promenjene okolnosti Potpuno usklađeno 10b.1.2 That publication shall be effected in the manner laid down by the lawsof each Member State in accordance with Article 3 ofDirective 68/151/EEC 58.2 Registarcija povećanja i procene Potpuno usklađeno 10b.2 Where consideration other than in cash is proposed to be madewithout an expert’s report an announcement containing the date …. 58.2 Objava povećanja kapitala i izjave da nisu nastupile promenjene okolnosti Potpuno usklađeno 10b.3. Each Member State shall provide for adequate safeguards ensuringcompliance with the procedure set out in Article 10a 55.2 Mehanizmi zaštite u slučaju kad se unose nenovčani ulozi bez nezavisne procene Potpuno usklađeno 11.1.1 before the expiry of a time limit laid down by national law of atleast two years from the time the company is incorporated or is…. 269 Ugovori sa akcionarima nakon registracije, i odobravanje od strane skupštine nabavke koja je izvršena Potpuno usklađeno 11.1.2 Member States may also require these provisions to be applied when theassets belong to a shareholder or to any other person. 269 Odredba se može odnositi na situaciju kada sredstva pripadaju akcionaru Potpuno usklađeno 11.2. Paragraph 1 shall not apply to acquisitions effected in the normalcourse of the company’s business, to acquisitions effected… 269.4.1 Ne primenjuje se na nabavke u redovnom poslovanju Potpuno usklađeno 12. Subject to the provisions relating to the reduction of subscribed capital,the shareholders may not be released from the obligation to… 46.3 Obaveza unosa upisanog uloga, Potpuno usklađeno 13. Pending coordination of national laws at a subsequent date… Potpuno usklađeno Odredba objašnjava 14. Articles 2 to 13 shall not prejudice the provisions of Member States oncompetence and procedure relating to the modification of the statutes… Potpuno usklađeno Odredba objašnjava 15.1a. Except for cases of reductions of subscribed capital, no distributionto shareholders may be made when on the closing dateof the last financial year the…. 271. Ograničenje raspodele ako su neto sredstva manja od upisanog kapitala uvećanog za rezerve Potpuno usklađeno 15.1b Where the uncalled part of the subscribed capital is notincluded in the assets shown in the balance sheet… Ako rezerve nisu prikazane, kapital se umanjuje za taj iznos Potpuno usklađeno 15.1c. The amount of a distribution to shareholders may not exceedthe amount of the profits at the end of the last financial year…. 276 Ograničenje plaćanja na iznos profita, umanjenog za gubitke Potpuno usklađeno 15.1d The expression ‘distribution’ used in subparagraphs (a) and(c) includes in particular the payment of dividends and ofinterest relating to shares 272 Raspodele su dividende i kamate Potpuno usklađeno 15.2a. When the laws of a Member State allow the payment of interimdividends, the following conditions at least shall apply… 274. Privremene dividende-međudividenda Potpuno usklađeno 15.2b. the amount to be distributed may not exceed the total profits madesince the end of the last financial year for which the annualaccounts have been drawn up, plus any profits brought …. 275 Privremene dividende-međudividenda Potpuno usklađeno 15.3. Paragraphs 1 and 2 shall not affect the provisions of the MemberStates as regards increases in subscribed capital by capitalization ofreserves 305 Povećanje kapitala za rezerve je moguće Potpuno usklađeno Povećanje kapitala iz rezervi nije ograničeno članom 15.2.Direktive 15.4.1 The laws of a Member State may provide for derogations fromparagraph 1 (a) in the case of investment companies with fixed capital. Odstupanja kod investicionih kompanija Potpuno usklađeno Regulisano je drugim posebni zakonima koji regulišu investicione kompanije The expression ‘investment company with fixed capital’, means only thosecompanies:— the exclusive object of which is … Odstupanja kod investicionih kompanija Potpuno usklađeno which offer their own shares for subscription by the public Odstupanja kod investicionih kompanija Potpuno usklađeno 15.4.3a In so far as the laws of Member States make use of this option theyshall:(a) require such companies to … Odstupanja kod investicionih kompanija Potpuno usklađeno 15.4.3b not permit any such company whose net assets fall below theamount specified in paragraph 1 (a) to make a distribution to shareholderswhen on the closing date of the last financial year the… Odstupanja kod investicionih kompanija Potpuno usklađeno 15.4.3c require any such company which makes a distribution when its netassets fall below the amount specified .. Odstupanja kod investicionih kompanija Potpuno usklađeno 16. Any distribution made contrary to Article 15 must be returned by shareholderswho have received it if the company … 276.4 Vraćanje neregularnih isplata Potpuno usklađeno 17.1. In the case of a serious loss of the subscribed capital, a generalmeeting of shareholders must be called … 315 Skupština zbog gubitaka Potpuno usklađeno 17.2. The amount of a loss deemed to be serious within the meaning ofparagraph 1 may not be set by the laws of Member States at a figure… 315 Gubitak više od 50% kapitala Potpuno usklađeno 18.1. The shares of a company may not be subscribed for by thecompany itself 282.1 Zabrana upisa sopstvenih akcija društva Potpuno usklađeno 18.2. If the shares of a company have been subscribed for by a personacting in his own name, but on behalf of the company… 282.3. Treće lice upisuje akcija za društvo, ali će se smatrati da ih je upisao za svoj račun Potpuno usklađeno 18.3.1. incases of an increase in subscribed capital, the members of the administrativeor management body shall be liable to pay … 282.4. Odgovornost članova uprave za upis sopstvenog kapitala protivno ovom članu Potpuno usklađeno 18.3.2. the laws of a Member State may provide that any such personmay be released from his obligation if he proves that no fault is attributableto him personally 282.6 Oslobađanje odgovornosti ako dokaže da nije izvršen prekršaj Potpuno usklađeno 19.1.a Member States maypermit a company to acquire its own shares under following conditions : authorisation shall be given by the general meeting,which shalldetermine the terms and conditions of such acquisitions… 283.2.1 Dozvola sticanja sopstvenih akcija uz uslov:odluku donosi skupština,.. broj akcija, period, cena.. Potpuno usklađeno Odredba je iz direktive 2006/68/EZ 19.1.b the acquisitions, including shares previously acquired by thecompany and held by it, and shares acquired by a person actingin his own name … 283.2.2 sticanje sopstvenih akcija ne sme da utiče na neto imovine.. Potpuno usklađeno 19.1.c only fully paid-up shares may be included in the transaction 283.2.3 samo u celosti plaćene akcije mogu biti predmet sticanja Potpuno usklađeno 19.1.2i Member States may subject acquisitions within the meaning of the first subparagraph to any of the following conditions : that the nominal value… 283.2.4 Mogući su i sledeći uslovi:-ograničenje iznosa sopstvenih akcija, 10% upisanog kapitala Potpuno usklađeno 19.1.2ii the maximum number of sharesto be acquired, the duration of the period for which the power is… 283.3.1 broj sosptvenih akcija koji može da se kupi da bude utvrđen u osnivačkom Potpuno usklađeno 19.1.2iii that the company complies with appropriate reporting and notificationrequirements 283.5 izveštavanje i obaveštavanje Potpuno usklađeno 19.1.2iv that certain companies, as determined by Member States, may berequired to cancel the acquired shares provided that an amountequal to the nominal value of the shares cancelled .. 283 može se zahtevati poništenje sopstvenih akcija, a iznos se uključuje u rezerve Potpuno usklađeno 19.1.v that the acquisition shall not prejudice the satisfaction of creditors’claims 283 kupovina ne sme da utiče na izmirivanje obaveza prema poveriocima Potpuno usklađeno 19.2 The laws of a Member State may provide for derogations from thefirst sentence of .. 283.4.1 Odstupanja: moguće je izvršiti sticanje sopstvenih akcija i bez odobrenja skupštine, ako je neophodno radi otklanjanja štete po društvo Potpuno usklađeno 19.3 shares acquired by either the company itself or bya person acting in his own name but on the company’s behalf, fordistribution to that company’s employees … 283.4.2 bez odluke skupštine, prilikom raspodele sopstvenih akcija zaposlenima.Akcije se dele u roku od 12 meseci Potpuno usklađeno 20.1a Member States may decide not to apply Article 19 to: shares acquired in carrying out a decision .. 285 Izuzeci od primene člana 19. o sticanju sopstvenih akcija na:akcije stečene u izvršenju odluke o smanjenju kapitala Potpuno usklađeno 20.1b shares acquired as a result of a universal transfer of assets 285 akcije stečene kao rezultat univerzalnog prenosa Potpuno usklađeno 20.1c fully paid-up shares acquired free of charge or by banks and otherfinancial institutions as purchasing commission; 285 u potpunosti plaćene akcije stečane od banaka Potpuno usklađeno 20.1d shares acquired by virtue of a legal obligation or resulting from acourt ruling for the protection of minority shareholders 285.5 akcije stečene iz sudskih odluka u cilju zaštite manjinskih akcionara Potpuno usklađeno 20.1e shares acquired from a shareholder in the event of failure to paythem up 285.2 akcije stečne od akcinara gde nisu plaćene naknade za njihovo sticanje Potpuno usklađeno 20.1f shares acquired in order to indemnify minority shareholders in associatedcompanies 285.1 akcije od manjinskih vlasnika u zavisnim društvima Potpuno usklađeno 20.1g fully paid-up shares acquired under a sale enforced by a court order… 285.2 plaćene akcije stečene sudskom odlukom od akcinara Potpuno usklađeno 20.1h fully paid-up shares issued by an investment company with fixedcapital, as defined in the second subparagraph of Article 15 (4), and.. potpuno plaćene akcije stečene od investicione kompanije Potpuno usklađeno 20.2 Shares acquired in the cases listed in paragraph 1 (b) to (g) abovemust, however, be disposed of within not more than three .. 288.4 Akcije iz navedenog člana moraju biti prodate u roku od 3 godine, ako prelaze 10% upisanog kapitala Potpuno usklađeno 20.3 If the shares are not disposed of within the period laid down inparagraph 2, they must be cancelled 288.1 Ako se akcije ne prodaju moraju se poništiti-smanjenje kapitala Potpuno usklađeno 21. Shares acquired in contravention of Articles 19 and 20 shall be disposedof within one year of their acquisition. 288.1 Akcije stečene suprotno članu 19. i 20. poništavaju se u roku od 1 godine Potpuno usklađeno 22.1a Where the laws of a Member State permit a company to acquireits own shares they shall make the holding of these shares.. 287.1 Sopstvene akcije ne daju pravo glasa Potpuno usklađeno 22.1b if the shares are included among the assets shown in the balance… 290 iskazivanje u bilansima stanja Potpuno usklađeno 22.2a Where the laws of a Member State permit a company to acquireits own shares, they shall require the annual report to … 290 U godišnjim izveštajima se prikazuje razlog sticanja Potpuno usklađeno 22.2b the number and nominal value or, in the absence of a nominalvalue, the accountable par of .. 290 broj i nominalnu vrednost Potpuno usklađeno 22.2c in the case of acquisition or disposal for a value, the considerationfor the shares 290 vrednost nakande za stečene akcije Potpuno usklađeno 22.2d he number and nominal value or, in the absence of a nominalvalue, the accountable par of all the shares … 290 broj i nominalna vrednost i njihov odnos prema upisanom kapitalu Potpuno usklađeno 23.1.1 Where Member States permit a company to, either directlyor indirectly, advance funds or make loans or provide security… 280 Davanje kredita za otkup akcija društva od strane trećih lica, pod uslovima: Potpuno usklađeno Odredba je iz direktive 2006/68/EZ 23.1.2 The transactions shall take place under the responsibility of the administrativeor management body at fair market .. -organi upravljanja su odgovorni za pravične tržišne uslove, kamate, avanse, kreditnu sposobnost trećih lica.. Potpuno usklađeno Odredba upućuje na shodnu primenu člana 154 23.1.3 The administrative ormanagement body shall present a written report to the generalmeeting… -prethodno odobrenje skupštine akcionara; pisani izveštaj akcionara, razlozi za davanje kredita; izveštaj se objavljuje Potpuno usklađeno Odredba upućuje na shodnu primenu člana 154 23.1.4 The aggregate financial assistance granted to third parties shall at no… odobrena sredstva ne smeju da smanje neto imovinu Potpuno usklađeno Odredba upućuje na shodnu primenu člana 154 23.1.5 Where a third party by means of financial assistance from a companyacquires that company’s own shares … u bilans stanja se unosi rezerva koja nije slobodna za raspodelu u iznosu odobrenih finansijskih sredstava;pravična cena za kupovinu akcija od strane trećih lica Potpuno usklađeno Odredba upućuje na shodnu primenu člana 154 23.2 Paragraph 1 shall not apply to transactions concluded by banksand other financial institutions in the … Stav 1 se ne odnosi na transakcije zaključene od strane banaka Potpuno usklađeno Odredba upućuje na shodnu primenu člana 154 23.3 Paragraph 1 shall not apply to transactions effected with a view toacquisition of shares as described in Article 20 (1) (h) Stav 1 se ne odnosi na transakcije zaključene u poslovanju investicionih kompanija Potpuno usklađeno Odredba upućuje na shodnu primenu člana 154 23a In cases where individual members of the administrative or managementbody of the company being party to a transaction referred to in Article 23(1), … 280 Kada akcije društva uz uzimanje kredita stiču članovi uprave društva ili matična kompanija potrebno je predvideti zaštitne mehanizme za zaštitu interesa društva Potpuno usklađeno Odredba je iz direktive 2006/68/EZOdredba upućuje na shodnu primenu člana 154 24.1 The acceptance of the company’s own shares as security, shall be treated as an acquisition for the purposesof Articles 19, 20 (1), 22 and 23 292 Sticanje vlastitih akcija kao zaloga, smatra se sticanjem sopstvenih akcija Potpuno usklađeno 24.2 The Member States may decide not to apply paragraph 1 to transactionsconcluded by banks and other financial … Može da se ne primeni prethodni stav u transakcijama sa bankama … Potpuno usklađeno 24a.1a The subscription, acquisition or holding of shares in a publiclimited-liability company by another company within themeaning of Article … 284 Upis akcija od strane društva u kome ad ima većinsko pravo glasa smatra se sticanjem od strane samog ad Potpuno usklađeno Odredba je iz direktive 77/91/EEZ 24a.1b subparagraph (a) shall also apply where the other company isgoverned by the law of a third country .. odnosi se i na društva iz treće zemlje Potpuno usklađeno 24a.2 where the public limited-liability company holds amajority of the voting rights indirectly or can exercise a dominantinfluence indirectly, Member States need not apply paragraph .. Mogući su izuzeci, ako se suspenduje pravo glasa ad na skupštini Potpuno usklađeno 24a.3a.1 In the absence of coordination of national legislation on groups ofcompanies, Member States may… Odrediti šta znači dominantan uticaj :-ako ima pravo da smeni organe uprave Potpuno usklađeno 24a.3a.2 is a shareholder or member of the other company and has solecontrol of a majority of the voting rights of its shareholders.. ako kontroliše većinu glasova u skupštini na osnovu sporazuma Potpuno usklađeno 24a.3b define the cases in which a public limited-liability company shall beregarded as indirectly holding .. Potpuno usklađeno 24a.3c specify the circumstances in which a public limited-liabilitycompany shall be regarded as holding voting rights.. Potpuno usklađeno 24a.4a Member States need not apply paragraph 1 where thesubscription, acquisition or holding is effected on behalf of… Izuzeci Potpuno usklađeno 24a.4b Member States need not apply paragraph 1 where thesubscription, acquisition or holding is effected by the other.. Izuzeci Potpuno usklađeno 24a.5.1 Member States need not apply paragraph 1 where shares in apublic limited-liability company held by another company wereacquired before the relationship between the two companies .. Izuzeci Potpuno usklađeno 24a.5.2 the voting rights attached to those shares shall be suspendedand the shares shall be taken into account when it is .. Suspenzija glasova iz akcija Potpuno usklađeno 24a.6a Member States need not apply Article 20 (2) or (3) or Article 21where shares in a public limited-liability company are acquired byanother company on .. Ne primenjuje se član 20 i 21 kada postoji suspenzija glasova sadržanih u akcijama Potpuno usklađeno 24a.6b the members of the administrative or the management organ of thepublic limited-liability company to be obliged to buy .. obaveza članova uprave da otkupe akcije od drugog preduzeća Potpuno usklađeno 25.1 Any increase in capital must be decided upon by the generalmeeting 294 Povećanje kapitala –odluka skupštine Potpuno usklađeno 25.2 the decision of which must be published in accordancewith the rules referred to in paragraph 1, may authorize an increase inthe subscribed capital up to a maximum … 298.2 Povećanje upisanog kapitala predviđeno osnivačkim aktom, 5 godina Potpuno usklađeno 25.3 Where there are several classes of shares, the decision by thegeneral meeting, shall be subject to a separate vote at least for each class .. 296 Glasanje na skupštini u okviru svake klase akcija Potpuno usklađeno 25.4 This Article shall apply to the issue of all securities which areconvertible into shares or which carry the right to subscribe for shares,but not to the conversion of such … Na sve hartije od vrednosti se primenjuje koje su konvertibilne u akcije Potpuno usklađeno 26 Shares issued for a consideration, in the course of an increase insubscribed capital, must be paid up to at least 25 % of … 298.1 Akcije prilikom povećanja moraju barem 25% biti plaćene Potpuno usklađeno 27.1 Where shares are issued for a consideration other than in cash inthe course of an increase in the subscribed capital … 298.3 Unos nenovčanpog uloga u roku od 5 godina od upisa odluke o povećanju Potpuno usklađeno 27.2 The consideration referred to in paragraph 1 shall be the subject ofa report drawn up before the increase in capital .. Potpuno usklađeno Odredba upućuje na procenu nenovčanog uloga 27.3. Member States shallapply the first subparagraph only where an independent expert’s reporton the draft terms of merger or division is drawn up Mogući su izuzeci od procene u slučaju povećanja u statusnim promenama Potpuno usklađeno 27.4 Member States may decide not to apply paragraph 2 if all theshares issued in the course of an increase in subscribed capital are 55 Mogući su izuzeci od procene u slučaju povećanja kada se svi akcionari saglase da procena nenovačnog uloga nije potrebna Potpuno usklađeno 28. Where an increase in capital is not fully subscribed, the capital will beincreased by the amount of the subscriptions … Potpuno usklađeno 29.1 Whenever the capital is increased by consideration in cash, theshares must be offered on a pre-emptive basis to .. 278 Pravo preče kupovineakcionarima Potpuno usklađeno 29.2a The laws of a Member State:(a) need not apply paragraph 1 above to shares which carry a limitedright to participate … Potpuno usklađeno 29.2b may permit, where the subscribed capital of a company havingseveral classes of shares carrying … Potpuno usklađeno 29.3 Any offer of subscription on a pre-emptive basis and the periodwithin which this right must be exercised shall be published in thenational gazette … 278.5 Svaka ponuda za upis po osnovu prava preče kupovine se objavljuje Potpuno usklađeno 29.4 The right of pre-emption may not be restricted or withdrawn bythe statutes or instrument of incorporation… 279.1 Pravo preče kupovine ne može da se ograniči ili isključi statutom, ali može odlukom skupštine Potpuno usklađeno 29.5 The laws of a Member State may provide that the statutes, theinstrument of incorporation or the general meeting, … Potpuno usklađeno 29.6 Paragraphs 1 to 5 shall apply to the issue of all securities whichare convertible into .. Odnosi se na sve hartije od vrednosti Potpuno usklađeno 29.7 The right of pre-emption is not excluded for the purposes ofparagraphs 4 and 5 where, in accordance with the … Potpuno usklađeno 30.1 Any reduction in the subscribed capital, except under a court order,must be subject at least to a decision .. 314.3 Smanjenje kapitalaodlukom skupštine koja se objavljuje Potpuno usklađeno 30.2 The notice convening the meeting must specify at least the purpose of… 314.5 Poziv za skupštinu mora da sadrži svrhu smanjenja Potpuno usklađeno 31. Where there are several classes of shares, the decision by the generalmeeting concerning… 314.1 Odluka o smanjenju u okviru svake klase akcija Potpuno usklađeno 32.1.1 In the event of a reduction in the subscribed capital, at least thecreditors whose claims antedate the publication of the … 314.6 Smanjenje kapitala, obezbeđenje poverilaca,Obezbeđenje poverilaca čija su potraživanja starija od dana objave odluke Potpuno usklađeno 32.1.2 MemberStates shall ensure that the creditors are authorised to apply to theappropriate administrative or .. 319.3 Zaštita poverilaca u sudskom sporu Potpuno usklađeno 32.2 The laws of the Member States shall also stipulate at least that thereduction shall be void or that no payment may be .. 319.3 Smanjenje se obustavlja dok poverioci ne dobiju izmirenje na sudu Potpuno usklađeno 32.3 This Article shall apply where the reduction in the subscribedcapital is brought about by the total or partial … Primenjuje se i kad dolazi do smanjenja upisanog kapitala Potpuno usklađeno 33.1 Member States need not apply Article 32 to a reduction in thesubscribed capital whose purpose is to offset losses incurred or toinclude sums of money in a reserve provided that… 321.2.1 Ne mora da se primeni član 32. o zaštiti poverilaca do smanjenja dolazi radi poravnanja gubitaka Potpuno usklađeno 33.2 In the cases referred to in paragraph 1 the laws of the MemberStates must at least provide for the measures necessary to ensure that…. 321.5 Iznosi ne smeju da se koriste za plaćanje akcionarima Potpuno usklađeno 34. The subscribed capital may not be reduced to an amount less than theminimum capital laid down in accordance with Article 6 325 Istovrmeno smanjenje i povećanje kapitala Potpuno usklađeno 35.1a Where the laws of a Member State authorize total or partial redemptionof the subscribed capital without reduction of the latter, they shall atleast require that the … Slučajevi otkupa upisnog nesmanjenog kapitala , odluka skupštine Potpuno usklađeno 35.1b only sums which are available for distribution within the meaningof Article 15 (1) may be used for redemption purposes -samo sume koje su na raspolaganju mogu da se koriste za otkup Potpuno usklađeno 35.1c shareholders whose shares are redeemed shall retain their rights inthe company, with the exception of their rights to the repayment .. akcionari zadržavaju svoja prava… Potpuno usklađeno 36.1a Where the laws of a Member State may allow companies toreduce their subscribed capital by compulsory withdrawal of s.. 317.1 Povlačenje i poništaj akcija uz poštovanje uslova:-mora da bude predviđeno osnivačkim aktom ili statutom Potpuno usklađeno 36.1b where the compulsory withdrawal is merely authorized by thestatutes or instrument of incorporation, it shall be decided uponby the general meeting … 317.2 o njemu odlučuje skupština Potpuno usklađeno 36.1c the company body deciding on the compulsory withdrawal shall fixthe terms and manner thereof, where they have not already beenfixed by …. 317.3 odrediće se uslovi način povlačenja Potpuno usklađeno 36.1d Article 32 shall apply except in the case of fully paid-up shareswhich are made available to the company free of charge or arewithdrawn .. 316,2 poštovanje odredbi o davanju obezbeđenja poveriocima Potpuno usklađeno 36.1e the decision on compulsory withdrawal shall be published in themanner laid down by the laws of each .. 314.3 odluka o povlačenju se objavljuje Potpuno usklađeno 36.2 Articles 30 (1), 31, 33 and 40 shall not apply to the cases to whichparagraph 1 refers Potpuno usklađeno Odredba upućuje 37.1 In the case of a reduction in the subscribed capital by the withdrawalof shares acquired by .. 314.1 Smanjenje kapitala povlačenjem sopstevnih akcija;Uvek odlučivanje na skupštini Potpuno usklađeno 37.2 Article 32 shall apply unless the shares are fully paid up and areacquired free of charge or using sums …. 316.1 Obezbeđenje poverilaca se poštuje Potpuno usklađeno 37.3 Articles 31, 33 and 40 shall not apply to the cases to whichparagraph 1 refers Potpuno usklađeno Odredba upućuje 38. In the cases covered by Articles 35, 36 (1) (b) and 37 (1), when thereare several classes of shares, the decision by the general meetingconcerning redemption of the subscribed capital or its reduction … 314.1 Odluka se donosi u okviru svake klase akcija Potpuno usklađeno 39.1a Where the laws of a Member State authorize companies to issueredeemable shares, they shall require that … 313 Izdavanje akcija za otkup:-otkup mora da bude odobren statutom Potpuno usklađeno 39.1b the shares must be fully paid up Potpuno usklađeno 39.1c the terms and the manner of redemption must be laid down in thecompany’s statutes or instrument of incorporation Potpuno usklađeno 39.1d redemption can be only effected by using sums available for distributionin accordance with Article 15 (1) or the proceeds … Potpuno usklađeno 39.1e an amount equal to the nominal value or, in the absence thereof, tothe accountable par of all the redeemed shares must be included in areserve Potpuno usklađeno 39.1f subparagraph (e) shall not apply to redemption using the proceedsof a new issue made with a view to effecting such redemption… Potpuno usklađeno 39.1g where provision is made for the payment of a premium to shareholdersin consequence of a redemption, the premium may be paidonly from sums available for distribution in …. Potpuno usklađeno 39.1h ….notification of redemption shall be published in the manner laiddown by the laws of each Member State in accordance withArticle 3 of Directive 68/151/EEC Potpuno usklađeno 40.1 The laws of the Member States shall provide that the decisions…. 358 Odluke vezane za hartije od vrednosti iz člana 29 se donose sa 2/3 glasova Potpuno usklađeno 40.2 The laws of the Member States may, however, lay down that asimple majority … 358 Može da se predvidi i prosta većina Potpuno usklađeno 41.1 Member States may derogate from Article 9(1), the first sentenceof point (a) of Article… Izuzeci u cilju podsticanja zaposlenih da učestvuju u kapitalu kompanije Potpuno usklađeno 41.2 Member States may decide not to apply Article 19 (1) (a), firstsentence, and Articles 30, 31, 36, 37, 38 and 39 to companies incorporatedunder a special law … Potpuno usklađeno 42. For the purposes of the implementation of this Directive, the laws of the…. 318 Jednak tretman svih akcionara koji se nalaze u istim situacijama Potpuno usklađeno 43.1 Member States shall bring into force the laws, regulations andadministrative … Završne odredbe Neprenosivo 43.2.1 Member States may decide not to apply Article 3 (g), (i), (j) and(k) to companies already in existence at the date of entry into force ….. Završne odredbe Neprenosivo 43.2.2 They may provide that the other provisions of this Directive shall notapply to such companies until 18 months after that date… Završne odredbe Neprenosivo 43.2.3 However, this time limit may be three years in the case of … Završne odredbe Neprenosivo 43.3 Member States shall ensure that they communicate to theCommission the text … Završne odredbe Neprenosivo 44. This Directive is addressed… Završne odredbe Neprenosivo


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